Gonzaga University Career & Professional Development Updated Aug 26, 2022
Leers of recommendaon, also known as reference leers, are oen used to support one’s candidacy for
graduate school. Below are some consideraons when requesng leers.
Follow the specic requirements for each graduate program. In some instances, you may be asked to secure
mulple leers of recommendaon.
Ask individuals who have supervised or evaluated you in an academic or professional seng. In addion to
professors, this may include a work supervisor, advisor, or volunteer coordinator. Avoid personal references
(family, friends) unless the applicaon specically indicates that is acceptable.
Choose a recommender who knows you well and can write a strong leer over someone you perceive as
being in some posion of status or importance but does not know you as well.
If you are requesng mulple leers, think about the dierent voices of support and how, as a group, they
discuss important aspects of your professional and academic life.
Approach your evaluators early and ask if they feel comfortable wring a strong and supporve leer of
recommendaon for you.
A minimum of 1 month is opmal, but give as much advance noce as possible. You are more likely to receive
a “yes” to your request and an increased chance of a quality, personalized leer.
When requesng leers from faculty, keep in mind that toward the end of the semester they may be
burdened with grading nals as well as wring leers of recommendaon for other students.
It may be acceptable to ask within a shorter meframe if you know the person has already wrien a leer they
can easily modify for you to use with a new applicaon to a dierent school.
If possible, try to arrange a face-to-face meeng. Ask if the faculty member is comfortable endorsing you as a
candidate for the opportunity to which you are applying, and follow up with an email. If a face-to-face meeng
is not possible, a phone call or well wrien email is appropriate.
Make sure you state precisely what you are requesng: a general leer of recommendaon that can apply to
mulple opportunies or a leer of recommendaon for 1 specic graduate program.
Explain why you are asking this individual to write you a leer, and if there is anything in parcular you hope
they cover in the leer. This can help the evaluator focus their comments on what is most relevant for this
Share a brief descripon of the program to which you are applying. A recommender can write a beer leer
if they can speak specically to the relaonship between your skills and experiences and the opportunity you
Send your resume or curriculum vita (CV), which helps provide details about your background.
Again, be sure to menon the reasons why you have asked the individual to write a leer for you and any
addional guidance on what you hope they will discuss.
Include a rm deadline and instrucons about how the individual should submit the leer. Typically these
leers are condenal and therefore the evaluator submits the leer directly to the applicaon portal.
Career & Professional Development • careers@gonzaga.edu • 509-313-4234 • careers@gonzaga.edu
Send a gentle reminder about your request as you approach the deadline.
Express your gratude. Wring a quality leer of recommendaon takes me and eort, so be sure to thank
those who are willing to help you reach your goal.
Remember to update your recommender on the eventual result of your applicaon. In the excitement of
acceptance it’s easy to forget to do this, but it is deeply rewarding for those who have supported you.
The email below serves as only a suggested format or framework for requesng a leer of recommendaon. Be
sure to include the appropriate details and informaon for your situaon.
Dear Dr. Bulldog,
Thank you for agreeing to write a leer of recommendaon to support my applicaon to graduate school. To
recap our earlier conversaon held during your oce hours, I am planning to apply to Biochemistry PhD programs
at ABC University, X State University, and the University of Z with the goal of enrolling in the fall of 2023.
I believe you are a great person to speak to my preparedness for graduate school because you have served
as my academic advisor for the past four years and also as the primary invesgator for my most signicant
undergraduate research experience. Specically, I am hoping you can address:
The increasing trend in my overall GPA due to seeking help and developing beer study strategies
My collaborave spirit in the classroom and in the lab
Research skills, such as my suggesons as how to beer categorize the data samples we collected from the
eld in order to more eciently process results
I have aached a copy of my current CV, which will hopefully provide you with a comprehensive view of my key
accomplishments and experiences.
The applicaon deadlines are approaching later this month, and I would be grateful if you can submit your leer
of recommendaon no later than November 15. Over the next couple of days, you should receive an email from
each of the 3 schools with direcons as to how to submit the leer directly through their applicaon portal.
Please let me know if you feel comfortable wring a leer of recommendaon to support my candidacy for
graduate school. I am happy to answer any quesons or provide addional informaon that can help you in
wring this leer.
Thank you for all you have done for me and for taking the me to consider this request.
Spike Zag
Career & Professional Development • careers@gonzaga.edu • 509-313-4234 • careers@gonzaga.edu