Lori Soard
(c) 2014,
LoveToKnow grants permission for churches, schools and clubs to use this play for free.
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SANTA CLAUS ................................................................................the jolly man himself
EARL THE ELF ................................................................................mischievous elf
ELF # 2 ..............................................................................................conspires with Earl
ELF # 3 ..............................................................................................conspires with Earl
MRS. CLAUS ....................................................................................wife to Santa Claus
(c) 2014
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NARRATOR: Not seen, so can just wear all black (black shoes, too)
SANTA CLAUS: Wearing long johns with a long white beard; Santa should have a suit
he is trying to fit into, but he never actually wears it until the very last scene
EARL THE ELF: Red pants and coat with a black belt; red, pointy hat; Earl should also
wear elf ears
ELF # 2/ELF # 3: Green pants and coat with a black belt; green, pointy hat; elf ears
MRS. CLAUS: Red velvet dress with an apron, white wig
The setting takes place in the North Pole, at Santa Claus's home.
SCENE 1: Outside the Claus's home at the North Pole with faux snow, cardboard or faux
SCENE 2: Santa's bedroom with wardrobe, bed, and so on
SCENE 3: Kitchen; has table filled with candies, cookies, treats, etc.
SCENE 4: Back in the bedroom
Bucket with glitter
Medium-sized Santa suit
Plate of brightly decorated Christmas cookies
Sweets and goodies
Veggie tray
Small-sized Santa suit
Doll-sized Santa suit
Second bucket with glitter
Regular-sized Santa suit
25-35 minutes
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Scene 1
(Lights come up on a snowy setting. Can place bits of white around or hang snowflakes. The
focus is going to be on Santa and his elves, so just give it the feel of the North Pole.)
Narrator: During the long summer months, Santa and his elves often grow bored. They love to
pull pranks on one another to pass the time.
(Santa and elves run around the stage, chasing each other. Santa dumps a bucket of glitter on one
of the elves. One of the elves ties Santa’s shoelaces together and Santa trips, and so on; should
all be harmless, in good fun, pranks on one another. They are having fun and playing.)
Narrator: One elf takes his prank a little too far…
Scene 2
(Lights come up on Santa’s bedroom. A wardrobe is set up STAGE LEFT and a four-poster bed
Narrator: The day is December 1st. Santa has pulled his suit out of storage to get it cleaned and
ready for Christmas Eve. There’s just one problem. (In a stage whisper) Santa has a cookie
problem. The problem is that he loves cookies and now he doesn’t fit in his suit. Or perhaps it is
the suit that doesn’t fit him?
(Earl the Elf enters STAGE LEFT carrying a Santa suit. Goes to the wardrobe and pulls out one
suit. He holds the two side by side. The suit the elf was carrying should be about half the size of
the suit hanging in wardrobe. Elf replaces the bigger suit with the smaller one. Puts hand over
mouth, giggles, and exits STAGE RIGHT with larger suit).
(Santa and his other two elves enter STAGE LEFT and walk to center FORESTAGE. Santa is in
long johns. The bedroom should be decked out in Christmas décor.)
Earl the Elf: (Re-enters from STAGE RIGHT and goes to wardrobe to pull out the suit. He
holds it up to Santa). Santa, I don’t think this suit will fit.
Santa: (Holds Santa suit up so audience can see how small it is compared to his jolly girth) I
think it will still fit.
Elf # 2: Put your right leg in first.
(Santa attempts to put his leg in the Santa suit but instead just spins in a circle and stomps foot on
Elf # 3: Maybe if you try your left leg first!
(Santa attempts to put his left leg in the Santa suit, but stumbles and falls.)
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Earl the Elf: I know! I know! You should jump into the suit. (Demonstrates how to jump up and
(Elves hold the suit while Santa tries to jump into it. It doesn’t go well.)
Elf # 2: Maybe if you get a running start, Santa. Here, I’ll go over here and hold the suit and you
run and jump into it. (Elf goes to STAGE RIGHT)
Santa: It’s worth a try.
(Santa backs all the way up to STAGE LEFT. With exaggerated movements, Santa runs and tries
to jump into the suit, falls into the wardrobe, grabs his head and lands on the floor.)
Mrs. Claus: (Enters UP LEFT carrying a plate of brightly decorated cookies) What on earth is
going on in here?
Elf # 3: Santa can’t fit in his suit.
Mrs. Claus: What? Nicholas, I warned you about eating all those cookies. If you can’t fit in your
suit, then there is no magic. Without magic, you’ll never get all those toys delivered. The
children will be so disappointed.
Santa: (Reaches for plate of cookies, but Mrs. Claus keeps them just out of reach) One little
cookie never hurt anyone.
Earl the Elf: Maybe you could have a carrot instead. Rudolph loves carrots.
Santa: Do I look like a reindeer to you?
Earl the Elf: (Tilts his head far to the right and looks at Santa. Then, tilts his head far to the left
and looks at Santa.) You are kind of round like a reindeer’s body.
Mrs. Claus: (laughs) Santa, I hate to do this to you, but we’re going to have to put you on a low
carb diet. At least until Christmas.
Elf # 2: Does that mean no more cookies for Santa?
Mrs. Claus: No cookies. We have to get him in that suit.
Elf # 3: What about cake? Can Santa have cake?
Mrs. Claus: No cake. No cookies.
Earl the Elf: What about candy canes? Can Santa have candy?
Mrs. Claus: No candy.
Elf # 2: The travesty!
(All exit stage left as the lights dim, chatting about what Santa can have to eat, such as carrots
and celery and chicken and pumpkin.)
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Scene 3
(Lights come up on the Claus’ kitchen. CENTER FORESTAGE there is a long table filled with
every type of goody you can imagine. Right in the center is a veggie tray. Santa and Mrs. Claus
are seated at the table when the lights go up.)
(Santa reaches for a cookie.)
Mrs. Claus: (Smacks his hand) No.
Santa: Just one cookie. I love cookies. (Santa reaches again for the cookies.)
Mrs. Claus: (Pulls the tray away) No. Have a radish.
Earl the Elf: (Enters STAGE LEFT just as Santa tosses the radish. It hits Earl the Elf in the
head.) Ouch! (Sits at table with Santa and Mrs. Claus and eats cookies.) These are so good!
These are the best cookies anyone ever baked. I love these cookies. These cookies are better than
snow on Christmas Eve. They are better than Christmas in July. They are better than--
Santa: (Interrupts Earl the Elf) I’ve been on this no cookie, no cake, no candy diet for two
weeks. Surely my suit fits and I can have cookies again?
Mrs. Claus: We could try your suit again, I suppose, and see if it fits.
Earl the Elf: (Jumps to feet) I’ll go get it for you, Santa! (Exits STAGE LEFT)
(After a second Earl the Elf appears far STAGE LEFT and motions to the audience to get their
Narrator: What is that elf up to now? Poor Santa. He has no idea his suit has been switched.
Earl the Elf: (In a loud stage whisper) Psst! Hey! (Once the elf has the audience’s attention, he
shows them two Santa suits. The one that is half the size of the first and a new one that is even
smaller. He puts his hand on his stomach and pantomimes laughing. He throws the larger one
over his shoulder and walks STAGE CENTER with the smaller one.) Here you go, Santa.
Santa: (Stands) I am sure this suit will fit. I have missed out on Mrs. Claus’s chocolate chip
cookies, her gingerbread cookies, and her sugar cookies.
(Santa tries to put an arm in the suit, but it is obviously way too small. Santa should spend
several minutes trying to force the suit on when it obviously will not fit. The more physical he
can make the attempt the better. He should fall over a chair, do a somersault, etc.)
Mrs. Claus: Oh dear. Santa, I don’t think it is going to fit. (Mrs. Claus holds the suit out in front
of her and stares at it for a minute.) There is something strange about this suit.
(Lights fade and the three exit STAGE RIGHT.)
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Scene 4
(Lights come up back in the Claus’ bedroom.)
(Earl the Elf tiptoes out from STAGE RIGHT and looks at audience. Places his finger to his lips
and shushes audience. He swaps out the Santa suit for a tiny one big enough only for a doll.
Cackles and runs off stage in either direction.)
Santa: (Enters from STAGE LEFT. Picks up Santa suit. Scratches his head). Mrs. Claus! Mrs.
Claus! Come quickly.
Mrs. Claus: (Rushes in from STAGE LEFT). What is it, Nicholas?
Santa: I think I’ve discovered why my diet isn’t working. (Holds up tiny suit.)
Mrs. Claus: That is most definitely not your Santa suit. (She pulls an unclothed Santa doll from
behind her back.) I was wondering where my mantle doll’s clothes went.
Santa: All those cookies I gave up and it was a prank?
(The elves come running in from STAGE RIGHT and dump a bucket of glitter over Santa’s
head. They have the real suit, which Santa steps into easily.)
Earl the Elf: Ha ha. That was a good one, Santa, you have to admit.
Santa: It was a good prank. Just wait until summer, though. I’m going to get even.
(They all laugh over the joke and head off stage.)
Narrator: Now that Santa has his suit back, Christmas delivery can go on as planned. Merry
Christmas to all!
(c) 2014
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