Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law
May 29th, 9:00 AM
Computer Forensics for Accountants Computer Forensics for Accountants
Grover S. Kearns
College of Business, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
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ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
Grover S. Kearns, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CITP
College of Business
University of South Florida St. Petersburg
140 7th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone: 727-873-4085
Cell: 727-688-8733
Digital attacks on organizations are becoming more common and more sophisticated. Firms are
interested in providing data security and having an effective means to respond to attacks. Accountants
possess important investigative and analytical skills that serve to uncover fraud in forensic
investigations. Some accounting students take courses in forensic accounting but few colleges offer a
course in computer forensics for accountants. Educators wishing to develop such a course may find
developing the curriculum daunting. A major element of such a course is the use of forensic software.
This paper argues the importance of computer forensics to accounting students and offers a set of
exercises to provide an introduction to obtaining and analyzing data with forensics software that are
available free online. In most cases, figures of important steps are provided. Educators will benefit
when developing the course learning goals and curriculum.
Keywords: Computer forensics; forensic accounting; accounting education
Increased reliance on both technological and accounting skills has been recognized in research
(Albrecht and Sack, 2000; Tan et al., 2004). The increase of digital fraud has led many accountants to
acquire advance information technology (IT) skills and certifications in order to qualify as IT auditors
and forensic accountants (Davis et al., 2007). As routine accounting tasks are becoming highly
automated an accountant’s value is more likely to be determined by higher order skills such as those
needed in forensic analysis (Hunton, 2002).
A data breach can result in extensive losses in both profits and reputation. The Target data breach that
affected as many as 110 million customers received substantial adverse publicity and the total dollar
loss is expected to be high (LA Times).
Companies may be legally obligated to provide confidentiality. Failure to protect personally
identifiable information (PPI) may subject the organization to fines and other penalties. The Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act and Health Insurance Portability Act stipulate that financial and health organizations
are accountable for the safe guarding of PPI (Pearson, 2008) and firms that operate abroad may be
subject to the European Union Data Protection Directive which places stringent rules on the protection
of private information.
Professional and regulatory bodies recognize the value of IT to accountants. The American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants recognizes the importance of technology to the organization and to
accountants. In its 2013 List of Top 10 Technology Initiatives the AICPA listed “Securing the IT
Environment”, “Ensuring Privacy” and “Preventing and Responding to Computer Fraud” as top
priorities (AICPA, 2013). The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has
recommended that auditors receive IT training (O ’Donnell and Moore, 2005). An analysis of 595 job
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
listings for IT auditors found that a large percentage specifically mentioned technical skills/abilities
including networking, security, database, experience with IT controls, and computer-assisted audit
tools and techniques (Merhout and Buchman, 2007). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and SAS No.
99 (SAS 99), “Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit,” extended expectations for
auditors stating that,
“Electronic evidence often requires extraction of the desired data by an auditor with
IT knowledge and skills or the use of an IT specialist it may be necessary for the
auditor to employ computer-assisted audit techniques … to identify the journal
entries and other adjustments to be tested.”
The increased sophistication and complexities of information systems have created vulnerabilities that
can be exploited to damage organizations by compromising confidential personal information,
allowing unauthorized access to sensitive projects and intellectual property, and by concealing
financial statement frauds and misappropriation of assets. In order to assess the nature and extent of
these threats, to acquire and analyze evidence and to maintain a proper chain of custody, forensic
accountants must possess a basic understanding of computer forensic techniques. This paper presents a
set of exercises and projects that will be useful to educators creating an introductory course in
computer forensics for accountants. This provides and important element in curriculum development
and allows students to learn these skills in a hands-on environment. The exercises and projects use
widely recognized software that is freely available.
Nelson et al. (2010) define computer forensics as “The process of applying scientific methods to
collect and analyze data and information that can be used as evidence.” Thus, computer forensics
addresses the methods and procedures necessary to investigate possible criminal and non-criminal
conduct involving digital data. From an organizational perspective, investigations should initially
proceed with the assumption that the case may be of a criminal nature so that all steps meet the
statutory rules for admission of evidence. An understanding of computer forensics allows the
accountant to make knowledgeable decisions regarding what steps to take and how to proceed during
an investigation and not taint the evidence.
Computer forensics is considered by some to be dominated by IT and law-enforcement. Although both
play important roles, there are reasons that forensic analysis requires the attention of accountants.
Accountants, in particularly auditors, are highly familiar with corporate information systems (IS),
policies and internal controls, and possess advanced analytical skills. Neither IT nor law-enforcement
have a broad understanding of the overall systems and databases, access rights, organizational roles
and responsibilities which are critical to an effective forensic investigation. Furthermore, they may
have priorities that may not parallel and could even conflict with organizational needs. For these
reasons, the combination of accounting and computer forensics provides an unmatched capability to
investigate, analyze and report on suspicious patterns and anomalies and to follow the trail of
unauthorized activities (Kearns, 2010).
Most firms have one or more internal auditors with forensic skills who are responsible for fraud
detection and investigation (Pearson et al., 2008). Evidence in most organizational fraud cases is in
digital form. With the need for increased vigilance it is imperative that these professionals be able to
obtain, manage, and analyze digital forensic data in an effective manner. These accountants need, at
minimum, training in the basics of computer forensics.
IT is now considered a basic skill for accountants (Hurt, 2007) and most undergraduate accounting
students acquire an intermediate level IT competency. AACSB accredited schools usually include
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
three courses in computer related knowledge and skills. First is an introductory computer class that
covers productivity software including word processing, spreadsheets, database, email and slide
presentation software. Second is a management information systems (MIS) class that covers the
foundations of information resources, system management and security techniques, database concepts
and IS management principles. Third is a course in accounting information systems (AIS) that focuses
on internal controls for IS, transaction systems, systems design and documentation, system security,
computer fraud, and IT governance. The AIS class may also cover advanced spreadsheet and database
knowledge and generalized audit software such as Audit Control Language (Coglitore and Matson,
Some accounting programs now offer courses in forensic accounting and a few colleges have full
programs in forensic accounting. Graduate programs may offer an emphasis or track in forensic
accounting in the MBA or Masters of Accountancy programs. The composition of the courses varies
depending upon the number of courses offered. Schools that offer a full program or major will have a
broader offering than those that only offer an emphasis or track in forensic accounting. Acquiring
these skills can increase market appeal particularly for accounting students who wish to work as
internal auditors or as IT or fraud auditors or as agents for the IRS or FBI. As a result of the increasing
need for digital security and the importance of uncovering corporate fraud many universities are also
creating courses in computer forensics (Busing et al., 2006).
Forensic accounting represents an integration of accounting, auditing and investigative skills that
support the acquisition, maintenance, and analysis of relevant information in a manner that would be
acceptable for judicial review and meet the requirements of professional oversight. It also extends to
the formulation and presentation of findings in formal reports and court testimony as an expert
witness. Forensic accountants command a set of skills that transcends the traditional expectations of
accountants. These skills are acquired and enhanced through audit experience and increased
investigative training. This allows the forensic accountant to analyze and interpret more complex
business and non-business issues in a manner that meets the highest requirements of reliability and
integrity. As such, forensic accountants may be employed in a public or private capacity and play
important roles in internal auditing departments of banks and insurance companies, governmental and
law enforcement agencies, and as self-employed contractors for individuals and attorneys. Thus, the
market for forensic accountants and the required skill sets are very well defined.
Forensic accountants are often deficient in the understanding of computer forensics for several
reasons. Many schools do not offer such a course because they lack qualified instructors. Also, the
topics are not covered on the CPA exam and a large percentage of accounting students plan to acquire
a CPA or similar certification such as CMA or CIA, none of which require the technical skills of
computer forensics. Finally, accounting students who plan to take the CPA exam may have to meet the
150 hour rule adopted by many states and may see forensic skills as ones they can acquire in the future
(Seda et al., 2008).
This deficiency, however, directly impacts the ability and effectiveness of the forensic accountant and
makes him or her more reliant upon IT for all steps requiring computer forensic analysis. Also,
students may recognize that the computer forensic skills are special and may lead to careers in forensic
accounting and IT auditing. Educators who recognize the importance of computer forensic skills will
be interested in exercises and projects that provide the accounting student with basic computer
forensic techniques. The exercises and projects that follow introduce several widely recognized
software products that are important to forensic analysis. Among other things, these projects illustrate
how fraudsters can hide important information in files, how to inspect files for hidden data, how to
acquire images from a suspect drive, how to recover deleted files and how to calculate hash values to
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
insure the integrity of files. A set of student files for the exercises and projects are available upon
request from the author.
4.1 Exercise and Project Requirements
The projects use several applications available in demo versions.
1. WinHex Hexadecimal Editor:
2. AccessData FTK Analyzer:
3. HashCalc:
4. Eraser:
The following files are used in the exercises and projects and can be downloaded in zipped format.
They should be placed in a work-folder named Projects.
4.2 Computer Forensic Exercises
These exercises are intended to introduce the accounting student to knowledge and skills basic to
computer forensics. All of the exercises are short and can be performed in-class or as take-home
Exercise 1: Numbering Systems
Tantamount to the use of forensic software is the knowledge of the binary and hexadecimal numbering
systems. All modern numbering systems have two things in common: (1) digits, and (2) placeholders.
Each placeholder represents the base raised to a higher power. In the following tables, the second row
is the placeholder and the third row is the power to which each value is raised. In the first
Placeholder and Power
(Note that the power is always one less than the placeholder.)
DECIMAL (Base 10 - Ten digits 0-9)
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Placeholder and Power
Thus, in base 10, the value 8,673 equals:
8 x 10
+ 6 x 10
+ 7 x 10
+ 3 x 10
= 8,000 + 600 + 70 + 3
BINARY (Base 2 Two digits 0 and 1)
Placeholder and Power
Thus, in base 2, the value 1100 1100 equals:
1 x 2
+ 1 x 2
+ 1 x 2
+ 1 x 2
= 128 + 64 + 8 + 4 = 204
HEXADECIMAL (Base 16 - Sixteen digits 0-F where A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15)
Placeholder and Power
Thus, in base 16, the value 1A5F equals:
1 x 16
+ 10 x 16
+ 5x 16
+ 15 x 16
= 4096 + 2560 + 80 + 15 = 6,751
Student Exercises:
Answers (in decimal values)
Convert each of the following to decimal values.
1. Binary: 1111
2. Binary: 1111 1111
3. Binary: 1 0000 0000
4. Binary: 1010 1010
5. Hex: 123
6. Hex: ABC
7. Hex: FF
8. Hex: 100
1. 15
2. 255
3. 256
4. 170
5. 368
6. 2748
7. 255
8. 256
Exercise 2: Creating Hash Values (Checksums)
A hash, also known as a checksum, is a value that has no real meaning. Hashes are often used as
control values such as the sum of employee id numbers for payroll applications. In accounting and
forensics, hash values are created by computer algorithms that create a unique key string for any size
of file. In most of our projects we would hash the file before and after testing to insure that the file
itself has not been modified in any way.
The file size has no impact on the string length which is determined by the algorithm. In forensics the
algorithms, MD5 and SHA1 have been popular. Calculators are readily available. We use HashCalc.
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
1. Open HashCalc© and note the number of hash types. Open the MS Word file ID Theft.
2. Select the MD5, SHA1 and Tiger hash algorithms. Click Enter.
3. Take a screenshot of the results and add to your Results file and save to your Project_Work
folder. See Figure 1.
4. Close the ID Theft file.
5. Open the ID Theft file and again select the MD5, SHA1 and Tiger hash algorithms. Click
6. Compare the results to those from your previous screenshot. They should be the same.
7. At the bottom of the file type OK. Save the file.
8. Open the ID Theft file and again select the MD5, SHA1 and Tiger hash algorithms. Click
9. Compare the results to those from your previous screenshot. They should be the different.
Figure 1 Original Hash Values for ID_Theft.doc
Exercise 3: Using Command Prompt
IP and MAC Addresses for Windows OS
IP (Internet protocol) addresses are not unique to computers. They identify the node. If you switch
computers the IP address remains with the node. However, each computer has a unique identifying
number called the MAC (media access control) address. In this exercise you will use the Command
Prompt to find your IP and MAC addresses.
On your home computer, go to Accessories / Command Prompt
If the cursor is not on the C: directory, enter the following…
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Then enter …
Ipconfig /all
Find the physical address (MAC address) and the IPv4 address and write them down.
Command Prompt and DOS Commands
At the command prompt attempt the following commands. [ ] is for annotation only.
This assumes the file is on your C: drive. If not, then insert the full path to the file.
Enter the following commands
C: [this will take you to the c: drive]
TYPE C:\ Shakespeare.txt [this will type out the contents of the file]
RENAME C:\ Shakespeare.txt WilliamShakespeare.txt [renames the file]
MD Projects [creates a new folder name Projects]
RD Projects [removes folder named Projects]
DIR *.* [lists all files in the current folder]
DIR C:\Projects\ *.doc [lists all .doc files in the Projects folder]
PrintScreen the CommandPrompt window.
Enter the following command to clear the screen: CLS
Access and Print System Information
Click Start \ Run and type msconfig
In the System Configuration table select Startup and examine what programs are opened when you
start your computer. Do you want all of these to open? If not, then deselect the box for unwanted
In the System Configuration table select Tools\Security Center and click Launch. Click Internet
Options and explore the trusted certifications.
PrintScreen the System Information for your computer.
Exercise 4: File Signatures
Opening files in either NotePad or a hexadecimal (hex) editor provides initial information for
examination of files. The investigator can also determine if the file type is correct. For each file, you
will open it in both NotePad and WinHex. In WinHex you will note the first eight bytes in positions 0-
7. Each byte will be two characters ranging from 00-FF. These eight bytes often are the signature for
the filetype. However, for MS Windows, the signature is the same for Word, Excel and PowerPoint
but different for Access. To determine the filetype you must do a find (Ctrl+F) and search for Word,
Excel or PowerPoint. Figure 2 shows the first eight bytes for a Word file and the result of a Find
Step 1: Create a work-folder on your personal computer c: drive named Projects.
Step 2: Download and extract the from the instructor’s web site.
Step 3: Open the following files in both Notepad and WinHex. Determine the file type for each and
indicate how you could identify the file type in Notepad and the hex editor. Simply copy the
identifying information into the table. If it does not appear to be identifiable then type NI.
The hex signatures have been completed in the table below.
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
Hex Editor
25 50 44 46 2d 31 2e 34
89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
Sound Enhancer
47 49 46 38 39 61 90 01
Social Engineering
DO CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
Pen Mike
FF D8 FF E1 2F FE 45 78
54 68 65 20 62 61 6E 6B
Bruce Springsteen
49 44 33 03 00 00 00 03
B7 D8 00 20 37 49 DA 11
Step 4: Open the Social Engineering file in WinHex and change the first eight bytes to resemble a .jpg
file. Save the file and then try to open it. What happens? Open it again in WinHex and change the first
eight bytes back to their correct values. Save and re-open. It is now back to its original state. This
process allows fraudsters to conceal files in plain sight.
The following signature is the same for MS Windows Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
The following shows the result of a Find operation for Word in the file. Use the ASCII table to show how
Microsoft Word is represented in hex.
Figure 2 File Signature for MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Exercise 5: ASCII Codes
ASCII code is used for storage of all text values in personal computers. In ASCII each letter, digit and
special character is represented in eight bits or one byte. From the table in Figure 3, verify that you
understand the ASCII code by determining the code for each item in the table below. Leave a space
between each byte. Note in the first example, the space requires a code.
MI 5
4D 49 20 35
Microsoft Word
123 Oak Ave.
(555) 123-1234
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
Figure 3 ASCII Code (Source:
4.3 Computer Forensic Projects
Forensic Project 1: Working with Image Files
A basic tenant of forensic investigations is never work on the original file. First create a mirror image
(bit-by-bit copy) and work on the copy. In this exercise the student will image the contents of a USB
drive (the suspect drive) and perform a search on the image file.
Learning Goal(s): Wiping Disks, Creating a USB Image File; Searching an Image File
Software: Eraser, ProDiscover Basic
Files: Shakespeare, james message, ID Theft, quote1, quote2, AccountNo1, AccountNo2,
COSO_COBIT, Social Engineering, Sound Enhancer, Pen Mike, Spy Camera Finder, Consent to
Record Form
First, you will delete the files on your USB drive and then add the files you wish to have in your image
file. Be sure that you have saved your USB files to another drive.
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
1. Start Eraser and be sure that the correct drive is selected. In settings, choose those for
Pseudorandom 1 Pass (see Figure 4). Run Eraser.
2. Copy the above files to your USB drive.
3. Start ProDiscover Basic and click Run Administrator. In the Launch Dialog box, click the
New Project tab and enter the project number Proj01, and project name Proj01.
4. Click Action and click Capture Image. For Source Drive, select your USB drive. For
Destination also select your USB drive. Name the destination file ForensicProject. Use your
initials for Technician Name and 01 for image number. Click OK. This may take several
minutes. An image file (ForensicProject.eve) will be created which will be a bit-by-bit copy
of your USB.
5. Start ProDiscover Basic and click Run Administrator. In the Launch Dialog box, click the
New Project tab and enter the project number: Proj01, and project name:
6. Click Action from the menu, point to Add and click Image File.
7. In your work folder, click the file ForensicProject.eve and then click Open. If the Auto Image
Checksum message box opens, click No (we will not calculate a checksum on this project).
8. In the tree view, click to expand Content View, click to expand Images, and then click the
pathname containing your image file. (Files are listed in the work area. See Figure 5).
9. Right-click any file and click View this will start the associated program such as MS Word
or Excel. View the file and then exit the program. Try this with several types of files.
10. To search for the keyword “bank” click the Search toolbar button (the binoculars icon) to open
the Search dialog box.
11. Click the Content Search tab. If necessary, click the ASCII button and the Search for the
Pattern(s) option button. Type bank in the list box for search keywords. Under Select the
Disk/Image(s) click the drive that you are searching and then click OK.
12. In the tree view, click to expand Search Results and then click Content Search results to
specify the search type and note the search results in Figure 6.
13. To search all clusters, click the Cluster Search tab and search for bank. This will take more
time because all clusters are being searched. Note the results.
14. Save the project. Click File, Save Project from the menu.
Figure 4 Eraser Settings
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
Figure 5 Expanded Path in Content View
Figure 6 Search for the Term “Bank”
Forensic Project 2
Learning Goals: Search a Unix .dd image file for hidden account numbers
Software: ProDiscover Basic
Files: RawFormat.dd
1. Start ProDiscover Basic and click Run Administrator. In the Launch Dialog box, click the
New Project tab and enter the project number Proj02, and project name Proj02. Click File,
Save Project.
2. Click Action from the menu, point to Add and click Image File.
3. In your work folder, click the file RawFormat.dd and then click Open. If the Auto Image
Checksum message box opens, click No (we will not calculate a checksum on this project).
Note that this is a Unix .dd image file.
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
4. In the tree view, click to expand Content View, click to expand Images, and then click the
pathname containing your image file. (Files are listed in the work area.)
5. Click View, Gallery View. Scroll through the graphics files on the drive image. To discover
the account numbers you will have to inspect each of these files. In the Add Comment dialog
box enter a brief comment and click OK. This will add your case notes to the ProDiscover
6. For each file of interest, open the file click the Search toolbar button (the binoculars icon) to
open the Search dialog box.
7. Click the Content Search tab. If necessary, click the ASCII button and the Search for the
Pattern(s) option button. Type the account number 0102030405 in the list box for search
keywords. Under Select the Disk/Image(s) click the drive that you are searching (see Figure7)
and then click OK.
8. In the tree view, click to expand Search Results and then click Content Search results to
specify the search type and note the search results.
9. To search all clusters, click the Cluster Search tab and repeat the search using the account
number 0102030405 as the search keyword. Enter notes in the Add Comment dialog box
when your search is successful.
10. Click Report in the tree view and review the report to insure it is complete. A complete and
concise report is critical to the forensic investigation.
11. Click the Export toolbar button. In the dialog box click the RTF Format button (for rich
text) and type Bank Account Report in the File Name text box, and then click OK. You have
now saved the project report.
Figure 7 Image File Displayed in Work Area
Forensic Project 3
Learning Goals: Extract allocated files and unallocated files separately
Software: ProDiscover Basic
Files: ForensicProject.eve
1. Start ProDiscover Basic and click Run Administrator. In the Launch Dialog box, click the
New Project tab and enter the project number Proj03 and project name Proj03. Then click
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
2. In the tree view, click to expand Add, click Image File. In your work folder, click the
ForensicProject.eve file and then click Open and click No in the Auto Image Checksum
message box. Save the project to your folder.
3. In the tree view, click to expand Content View, click to expand Images, and then click the
pathname containing the image file. Examine the files displayed in the work area. Under the
column heading Deleted note that the files are either YES (indicating deleted or unallocated
files) or NO (indicating active or allocated files).
4. Sort on the Deleted column by clicking the Deleted header.
5. To extract the allocated files, right-click each of the files designated as NO in the Deleted
Column and click Copy File. In ProDiscover Basic this must be performed for each separate
6. To extract the unallocated files, right-click each of the files designated as YES in the Deleted
Column and click Copy File. As you click a check-box, the Add Comment dialog box
appears. Note the filename and type that has been deleted. (In practice, you would first
examine each of these files and add a meaningful comment.)
Forensic Project 4
This project creates two desk-top icons that enable or disable writing to USB devices. Students are
advised to create a system restore point before attempting this project.
Learning Goals: Modify the MS Windows Registry; Create a USB Write-Blocker
1. Software: MS Windows Regedit
1. In the MS Windows Start Search text box, type regedit and press Enter. This opens the
Registry Editor from which you can access system folders and files.
2. In the editor, browse to and click to expand the
3. Right-click the Control subkey, click New.
4. The Registry Editor prompts the user for a key name. Enter USBDevicePolicy and press
Enter. This creates a descendant key.
5. Right-click the USBDevicePolicy key, point to New, and click DWORD Value. If you have
an option for 32-bit or 64-bit, click 32-bit.
6. In the prompt, type WriteProtect and press Enter.
7. In the key data area, right-click WriteProtect DWORD (or just WriteProtect) and click
8. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, change the Value Data setting from 0 to 1, and then
click OK to activate write-blocking to USB devices.
9. Right-click the USBDevicePolicy descendant key and click Export.
10. In the Export Registry File dialog box, click Desktop in the Save in list box. In the filename
text box, type Write Protect USB ON, and click Save.
11. In the registry editor, click USBDevicePolicy. In the key data area, right-click WriteProtect
DWORD and click Modify.
12. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, change the Value Data setting from 1 to 0 and click
OK to deactivate write-blocking to USB devices.
13. Right-click USBDevicePolicy descendant key again and click Export.
14. In the Export Registry File dialog box, click Desktop in the Save in list box. In the File name
text box, type Write Protect USB OFF, and click Save. Close the registry editor.
Forensic Project 5
Learning Goals: Restore an image file to a drive using the UNIX dd format for raw acquisition.
Software: ProDiscover Basic
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Files: ForensicProject.eve
1. Transfer the data from the ForensicProject.eve file to the target drive (USB drive). Connect a
USB drive to the workstation. Smaller USB drives work best as this exercise writes to the
entire drive. I suggest 100-500 MB if available.
2. Start ProDiscover Basic and click Tools, Copy Disk.
3. In the dialog box click the Image to Disk tab.
4. From the work folder, click the ForensicProject.eve file and then click Open.
5. In the Copy source disk dialog box click in the area below Disk Name.
6. Click the Disk Name list arrow and then click the target drive, then click OK.
7. In the dialog box that opens click Write all 0’s and then click OK. This begins the data
loading and fills the remainder of the drive with 0’s.
8. In the completion dialog box click OK to terminate loading.
1. Now you will use the raw acquisition format for creating an image file.
9. On your workstation click the Write Protect USB ON icon that you created earlier. This will
protect the acquisition drive. Click Yes and then OK in the confirmation dialog boxes.
10. In ProDiscover Basic click Action, Capture Image from the menu.
11. In the dialog box, click the Source Drive list arrow and then click PhysicalDrive1.
12. Next to the Destination text box, click the >> button and in the Save As dialog box navigate to
the work folder and click Save.
13. In the Capture Image dialog box click the Image Format list arrow and click UNIX style dd
format (for a raw acquisition). Click OK to start the acquisition and then click Proceed in the
warning box. When the acquisition is complete click OK in the message box. The raw format
creates the acquired file (.dd), a log file (.pds) and a hash file (.md5).
14. Click the Write Protect USB OFF button on the workstation desktop and remove the USB.
Exit ProDiscover Basic. The suspect files are now imaged on the workstation in UNIX dd
Forensic Project 6
Learning Goals: How to locate time and date information from metadata; How to identify file
fragments found in the MFT records which could be found in unallocated disk space or the
Software: ProDiscover Basic
1. Open Notepad and create a text file with the message: Not even computers will replace
committees because committees buy computers. Save the file in the work folder as
ForensicProj06A.txt. Exit Notepad.
2. Start ProDiscover Basic and begin a new project ForProj01A. Click Action and then Add.
3. In the Add Disk to Project dialog box click PhysicalDrive0. Type c-drive in the text box and
click Add. If there is a warning message, click OK.
4. In the tree view, click to expand Content View, Disks, and PhysicalDrive0. Then click the C
5. If necessary scroll down in the work area and right-click $MFT and click Copy File. In the
Save As dialog box, save the file to the work folder. Exit ProDiscover Basic.
6. Start the WinHex hex editor by clicking Start, All Programs, WinHex. If there is a warning
message box, click OK.
7. On the toolbar click Open and navigate to the workfolder. Click the $MFT file and then
8. On the menu, click Search, Find Text.
9. In the text box for specifying a search string type ForensicProj06A.txt. Click the Format
Code arrow, click Unicode and then click OK.
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
10. Right-click the Data Interpreter window and click Options. In the dialog box, click the
Win32 FILETIME (64 bit) check box and then click OK.
11. Scroll up so that the MFT record label FILE for ForensicProj06A.txt is the first line at the
top of the hexadecimal and text displays.
12. Click at the beginning of the record, on the letter F in FILE, and then drag down and to the
right while you watch the hex counter in the lower-right corner. When the counter reaches 50
release the mouse button.
13. Move the cursor to the next byte (one position to the left) and record the date and time of the
Data Interpreter’s FILETIME values.
14. Exit WinHex.
Forensic Project 7
Learning Goals: Conducting a keyword search
Software: AccessData FTK
1. Start AccessData FTK. Create a new case called ForProj08 for the case name and number.
Click Next until the Add Evidence and Case dialog box appear.
2. Click Add Evidence, click Local Drive and then click Continue.
3. Insure that your USB drive (or local disk drive) and Logical Analysis are selected and then
click OK.
4. In the Evidence Information dialog box click to select your time zone and then click OK.
Click Next and then click Finish. FTK will process the files and then indicate the evidence
5. Click Search, Tools, Analysis Tools from the menu, click to select the Full Text Indexing
check box and then click OK.
6. In the search term text box type Diamond and then click Add. Click the View Cumulative
Results button and then click OK in the Filter Search Hits dialog box. Repeat the search for
the terms Gold, and Silver. The number of hits or occurrences of the search terms will appear
under Search Items. (This will not include the items in the file slack space.)
7. Click Overview, Documents and then click. Scroll the upper-right pane until you see the
word ‘Diamond’. Note the logical sector position at the bottom of the upper-right pane.
8. Click the Search tab and then click Live Search. In the text box, type Diamond and make
sure that ASCII and UNICODE are selected. Click Add and then the Search button, select
All Files option and then click OK. When the search is complete click View Results to see
the information displayed at the upper-right.
9. Click the expand (+) buttons to find the search results. Scroll in the middle pane until you find
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for ‘Gold.’
11. The bottom pane displays details about the data FTK found including each occurrence of the
word. Close FTK.
Forensic Project 8
One way of hiding information is to place the information in a file using a hex editor and corrupt the
file so that it cannot be opened or, when opened, presents garbled data. This can be performed by
simply rotating the bits in the file. To repair the file, simply rotate the bits back to their previous
Learning Goals: Bit shifting and rotation.
Software: AccessData FTK
Files: AccountNo2.txt
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
1. Start WinHex and open the file codes.txt.
2. Move the cursor over the toolbar buttons for Shift Left, Shift Right and note that Rotate Left,
Rotate Right, Block Shift Left and Block Shift Right are also available. Click Rotate Right
and create a screen print of the results for later comparison. Assume that the data is ordered in
little endian. Then click OK.
3. Click Rotate Left. In the Rotate Left Operation dialog box insure that the settings are the
same as in the Treat Data As for Rotate Right. Otherwise, the bits will not be shifted
equally. Save the file but do not close.
4. Click Shift Right and click OK twice and note what is happening with the data.
5. Click Block Shift Left. Attempt to reverse the procedure by clicking Block Shift Right, click
Shift Left twice and click OK as needed.
6. Note that the data is garbled and the procedure has not been reversed. A shift (nonrotated)
operation simply drops the bits as they are moved to the right or left and they cannot be
recovered. Close the file but do not save. See Figures 8 and 9.
Figure 8 File Before Bit Shifting
Figure 9 File After Bit Shifting
ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2014
This paper addresses the need for computer forensics education for accounting students. While the
forensic accounting profession continues to grow, most accounting students do not have exposure to a
class in computer forensics. To be effective, it is essential that forensic accountants be knowledgeable
of and able to apply basic computer forensic skills. The purpose of this paper is to present the educator
with a number of exercises and projects that provide the accounting student with skills important to
careers as forensic accountants and IT auditors. While students may not emerge from this course as
experts in computer forensics they would develop and important competence that would benefit the
organization. These skills could be extended in a variety of ways through pursuing advanced education
in college courses, workshops and self-study tutorials.
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