January 12, 2015
Dear Hayes,
Cottage Park Yacht Club is honored to be selected once again by US Sailing in coordination with
Mass Bay Sailing Association to host the 2015 USA Junior Olympic Sailing Festival- Mass Bay.
US Sailing’s Junior Olympic Program is a nationwide series of regattas for youth ages 8 to 18 to
promote junior sailing nationally as well as provide an Olympic path-way for talented young
sailors. C.P.Y.C is a family oriented yacht club located in Winthrop, MA just 4.5 miles from
downtown Boston. All races will be held in outer Boston and Winthrop Harbors with the City of
Boston skyline framing the backdrop. Our experienced Committee and small army of
volunteers are already working hard planning the event. We are asking for your support as a
More than 250 sailors ages 8 to 18 representing over 40 sailing organizations and yacht clubs
will soon descend upon our Club and the Boston area to compete, socialize, and explore the
region; bringing with them and entourage family, friends, coaches, instructors, and supporters.
The demographics affirm that most sailing families have a household income of above $100,000,
own 2+ cars and are above average buyers of luxury goods. Our Junior Olympic sponsors and
supporters gain access to this tight-knit community of consumers.
By supporting the USA Junior Olympics Festival Harken will benefit from numerous publicity
and marketing opportunities associated with this exciting, beautiful, and "Green" event. We
focus on creating tangible sponsorship results from a variety of mediums including public media
and print advertising, email and web promotion, direct mail, and on-site promotion. We strive to
provide a premium level of contact to a very desirable demographic. To that end, your
sponsorship will be both broad and targeted to provide excellent brand awareness and the highest
exposure for your selling needs.
As a Sponsor of the USA Junior Olympics Festival-Mass Bay Harken will be affiliated with one
of the most prestigious youth sailing events in the country and one of the most widely attended
sailing events in New England attracting a remarkable mixture of affluent and impressionable
consumers. We have a variety of sponsorship marketing opportunities. Please take a moment
and review the attached proposal. We would love to have Harken involved as a partner in this
Rick Clancy CPYC JO Regatta Sponsorship Coordinator
AUGUST 9th-12th
Hosted by
One Baker Square 76 Orlando Ave
Thanks to the J.O. Naonal Sponsors!
What is the Junior Olympic Program
US Sailing’s Junior Olympic Program is a naonwide series of youth regaas
to promote the enjoyment of sailing and development of skills to young sail-
ors as well as provide an Olympic pathway for talented junior sailors.
Events mix Olympic-style compeon with elements of learning and fun for
all levels–from beginning racers to those with Olympic aspiraons. For jun-
ior sailors with world-class ambions, JO events provide an opportunity to
compete in large, regional eets with Olympic-style racing. Sailors who excel
at JO events typically progress to the naonal arena.
In 2015, 30 events are planned in the connental United States and Hawaii
and over 4000 sailors expected to parcipate. Junior Olympic Sailing is coor-
dinated by US Sailing and sponsored naonally by West Marine, Gill and
Sperry Top-Sider.
US Sailing’s Junior Olympic Program
Junior Olympic Program Goals
The Junior Olympic Movement
Sailing is only one of the many sports that oer Junior Olympic programs.
Junior Olympic compeon is coordinated by the Naonal Governing Bodies
(NGB) of each sport and by the Amateur Athlec Union (AAU). The rst
JO programs date back to the late 1970s and some 40 NGBs in the United
States run JO programs or events today. Junior Olympics come under the
umbrella of the Olympic movement, for each NGB is a member of the
United States Olympic Commiee (USOC).
Engage young people in the excitement of sailing
Encourage young sailors to enjoy racing
Increase participation locally, regionally and nationally through
USA Junior Olympic Festivals
Improve skills of young sailors through training
Coage Park Yacht Club
Hosng the 2015 USA Junior Olympic Fesval-Mass Bay
About The Coage Park Yacht Club
The Coage Park Yacht Club was founded in 1902 and is a center of yachng in Boston Harbor. It is an organizaon that encourages family parcipaon, compeve sailing,
and oers numerous other acvies such as Bowling Leagues, Social Funcons, Youth Sailing Programs, and much more.
Please visit us at www.cpyc.org
Experienced Regaa Management
Over the years, C.P.Y.C has hosted many championship
yacht racing regaas
In 2014 we hosted
20th Annual Regaa to Benet Make-A-Wish
2014 Snipe North American Championship
2014 Snipe Women’s Naonal Championship
2014 Star Class First District Championship
C.P.Y.C. Regaa Commiee is organized &
experienced in maximizing sponsor visibility
Established and eecve media contacts within
the Greater Boston area for all types of media
outlets – TV, Newspaper, Electronic
Drawing upon our depth of experience, we will
work in tandem with your markeng team to
determine what level of sponsorship meets
your specic needs and ensure the appropriate
level markeng awareness for your investment.
Boston, MA
World Class Venue World Class Audience
C.P.Y.C is located in Winthrop, MA just 4.5 miles by car
from Historic downtown Boston,. All races will be held
in outer Boston and Winthrop Harbors with the City of
Boston skyline framing the backdrop. We expect this
seng to draw 250 sailors bringing with them an entou-
rage of family, friends, and supporters from all over New
England and beyond.
Above average consumers of Luxury goods
5 million residents in the Greater Boston Area
An esmated 35.3 percent of Greater Boston house-
holds had 2012 income of $100,000 or more.
$418,300 is the 2104 Median Home Value in Bos-
ton, By comparison, the median US home price
weighs in at $188,900 for 2014. (Boston Globe 3/2/14)
There are approximately 137,668 boats registered
in Massachuses.
Opportunity for exposure within Greater Boston,
New England, and Naonally.
Sunset - CPYC Head Pier
CPYC Youth Sailing—Beginners
Coage Park Yacht Club
Sunday August 9, 2015
4:00 pm—7:00 pm
Boat Arrival and Check-In
Monday August 10, 2015
8:00 am Connental Breakfast and
10:30 am Skippers meeng
11:30 am Collect Lunches
12:30pm Racing Begins
5:00 pm Racing ends for the day
6:00 pm Dinner/Opening Ceremonies
Tuesday August 11, 2015
8:00 am Connental Breakfast
9:00 am Clinic On Land
11:30 am Collect Lunches
12:00 pm Racing Begins
6:00 pm Dinner w/ DJ Entertainment
Wednesday August 12, 2015
9:00 am Connental Breakfast
11:00 am Racing Begins
2:00 pm Last Start Racing
2:30 pm BBQ Lunch
3:30pm Awards/Closing Ceremony
(subject to change)
The prize giving ceremony at the end of each JO event is
similar to that at the Olympic Games, and class winners step
up to the podium to collect Gold, Silver, and Bronze Junior
Olympic medals. Events celebrate not only winners, but all
those who parcipate and competors who exhibit the vir-
tues of sportsmanship. Special fun prizes and sportsmanship
awards are presented at many JO events.
Events mix Olympic-style compeon with elements of learning and fun for all levels
from beginning racers to those with Olympic aspiraons.
Unique Event Sponsorship Opportunies
Include A Variety Of Outdoor/Crossover Acvies
Sponsoring a skill building clinic allows sailors to draw
on the knowledge of experienced coaches and athletes.
Contests, Games, Dinners...Event sponsorships
combine educaonal and social opportunies
providing fun for families and children of all ages!
Join Our Current Sponsors Today
We have rewarding Sponsorship levels encompassing a broad array of markeng eorts. We look forward to
hearing from you about other opportunies you believe would benet your organizaon and working together
to ensure you receive the level of markeng awareness required for your investment.
As a Sponsor of USA Junior Olympics, you will be carefully integrated and aliated with one of the most
presgious youth sailing events in the country, and one of the most widely aended annual youth sailing
events in New England aracng a remarkable mixture of auent & impressionable consumers.
Sponsoring the USA Junior Olympics may be more aracve and cost-eecve than you might realize. The
2015 USA Junior Olympic Fesval-Mass Bay is being hosted by the Coage Park Yacht Club in coordinaon with
US Sailing a 501(c)(3) nonprot organizaon. But your sponsorship presence connues beyond our Boston
shores, including online and media visibility to thousands of loyal sailing fans.
US Sailing is a 501 (c)3 organizaon. All nancial contribuons are tax deducble
Grand Sponsor
(One Sponsorship Available, 1
come basis)
Financial Contribution $7,500
Grand Sponsor Benefits & Recognition
Logo displayed on all Participant Boats & Race Course MarksExcellent for media photo opportunities (decals provided by sponsor)
Logo displayed on Regatta Leaderboard
Exclusive Sponsor of the Opening Ceremonies and Dinner
Exclusivity—No competitive sponsorships
Optional booth/space provided to display your services or products
Corporate name prominently included in official event references (print, media, Internet, social media, etc.)
Sponsor banners and flags throughout venue (supplied by sponsor)
Full page back cover advertisement in Regatta Program
Logo and link displayed on Regatta website homepage
Recognition in local media and throughout the entire venue
1 year free custom advertising space in the “Windjammer,” the Club’s bi-monthly publication
3 Months free advertising on the Club’s 40” flat-screen information center located in the Club lobby
Opportunity to include promotional material in regatta Skipper Bags distributed to all registered participants such as flyers, coupons, etc.
Opportunity to include literature/advertising in registration packets
Up to 6 people embarked on spectator boat provided for Regatta
Access to all regatta events for 8 people
Presenting Sponsor
(One Sponsorship Available, 1
come basis)
Financial Contribution $5,000
Presenting Sponsor Benefits & Recognition
Original Trophy— You Pick it—You name it—You present it!
Exclusive Sponsor of Closing Ceremony (Photo / Press Opportunity)
Exclusivity - No competitive sponsorships
Optional booth/space provided to display your services or products
Corporate name prominently included in official event references (print, media, Internet, social media,etc.)
Sponsor banners and flags throughout venue (supplied by sponsor)
Full page advertisement in Regatta Brochure
Logo and link displayed on Regatta website homepage
Recognition in local media and throughout the venue
1 year free custom advertising space in the “Windjammer,” the Club’s bi-monthly publication
1 Month free advertising on the Club’s 40” flat-screen information center located in the Club lobby
Opportunity to include promotional material in regatta bags distributed to all registered participants such
as flyers, coupons, etc. (see Skipper Bag Requirements)
Opportunity to include literature/advertising in registration packets
Up to 4 people embarked on spectator boat provided for Regatta
Access to all regatta events for 6 people
US Sailing is a 501 (c)3 organizaon. All nancial contribuons are tax deducble
Official Sponsor
(5 Sponsorships Available, 1
come basis)
Financial Contribution $2,500
Official Sponsor Benefits & Recognition
Half page advertisement in Regatta Program
Logo and link displayed on Regatta website homepage
Recognition in local media & at event
Space to display company banner
1/2 year free custom advertising in “Windjammer” publication
1 Week free advertising on the Club’s 40” flat-screen information
center located in the Club lobby
Opportunity to include promotional material in regatta bags
distributed to all registered participants such as flyers, coupons,
etc. (see Skipper Bag Requirements)
Up to 2 people embarked on spectator boat provided for Regatta
Access to all regatta events for 2 people
Contributing Sponsors
Gold - $1,000; Silver - $750; Bronze - $500
Financial/Product Contribution
Contributing Sponsor Benefits & Recognition
Advertisement or message in Regatta Brochure sized to level
Free advertising space in the “Windjammer,” the Club’s bi-
monthly publication according to level
Logo and link or personal message displayed on Regatta website
Included on Contributing Sponsor poster displayed at Regatta.
Included on Contributing Sponsor list electronically displayed on
the Club’s lobby monitor.
Opportunity to include promotional material in regatta bags
distributed to all registered participants such as flyers &
Coupons (see Skipper Bag Requirements)
Premier Sponsor
(3 Sponsorships Available, 1
come basis)
Financial Contribution $4,000
Premier Sponsor Benefits & Recognition
Exclusive sponsorship of one Dinner, Breakfast, or Clinic
Exclusivity- no competitive sponsorships
Booth/Space provided to display your services or products
Corporate name prominently included in ALL official event refer-
ences (print, media, Internet, social media, etc.)
Sponsor banners and flags throughout venue (supplied by sponsor)
Full page advertisement in Regatta Program
Logo and link displayed on Regatta website homepage
Recognition in local media
1 year free advertising space in the “Windjammer,” the Club’s bi-
monthly publication
1Month free custom advertising on the 40” flat-screen
information center located in the Club lobby
Opportunity to include promotional material in regatta bags
distributed to all registered participants such as flyers,
coupons, etc. (see Skipper Bag Requirements)
Opportunity to include literature or advertising premium in
registration packets
Up to 4 people embarked on spectator boat provided for Regatta
Access to all regatta events for 4 people
US Sailing is a 501 (c)3 organizaon. All nancial contribuons are tax deducble
Regatta Merchandise Sponsor
Value In-Kind contribution opportunities for Regatta requirements including bag lunch for the sailors & race committee,
t-shirts, ball caps, beverage glasses, snacks, beverages, lodging for out of area participants, fuel for committee and mark
boats, haul out service, transportation...just to name a few
Benefits & Recognition Negotiable
Regatta Registration Skipper Bag Sponsor
Financial / Product Contribution to fund skipper bags
Skipper Bag Sponsor Benefits & Recognition
Regatta Skipper Bags are distributed to all regatta entrants and committee members and
provide an opportunity for direct delivery of your product, or collateral piece highlighting
your product. This sponsorship category offers companies focusing on brand awareness
through marketing product, product samples or other promotional items.
Below is a summary of marketing opportunities available to you as a contributor to the
Skipper Bag and examples of proposed items to include.
Regatta Skipper Bag Suggested Contributions:
Quantity Needed: 300 of any one item
Examples: Skipper bag (e.g. Canvass, Sail cloth or Backpack), T-shirts, hats, product
samples, mugs/cups, key-chains, pens, water bottles, power/snack bars, sunglasses,
suntan lotion, nautical products, flashlights, tools, gadgets, Frisbees, cozys etc.
Sponsor a Custom Award
Financial Contribution $500
You sponsor it, You provide it —You name it! Examples include Sportsmanship, Top Sailor, Most Improved...have fun!
Value In-Kind (VIK) contribuons should be accounted for per IRS rules
You will receive acknowledgement of your VIK contribuon from the Coage Park Yacht Club a
not-for-prot organizaon
How to Sponsor
Rick Clancy- Event Sponsorship Coordinator
617-721-0598 rick.ang@verizon.net
Call one of our sponsorship coordinators below to discuss the right level of
sponsorship for you!
Mail your Tax-Deducble Financial Sponsorship
payable to US Sailing together with
the enclosed completed Sponsorship Commitment form
Mail to: Coage Park Yacht Club JO Commiee
76 Orlando Ave, Winthrop, MA 02152
Submit online at: hps://www1.ussailing.org/Membership/EnterDonaon.aspx
Online donors must also send an email to leepark[email protected] stang that the donaon is to
be for the Junior Olympic event at CPYC. The completed Sponsorship Commitment form must
also be mailed to the Coage Park Y.C. JO Commiee, 76 Orlando Ave, Winthrop, MA 02152
Dave Aloise- Event Sponsorship Coordinator
617-320-1658 daaloise@comcast.net
Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Commitment
POC for Marketing: ________________________________________________________________________
Marketing POC Phone: _____________________ Marketing POC Email: ___________________________
Company Website ____________________________________________
Financial Contribution:
Contribution Enclosed Submitted Online
Other Contributions:
Describe VIK product,
merchandise, and/or
Items for Skipper Bag:
Quantity to be supplied
will be inserted into
250 Skipper Bags and
should be provided
by July 31st
Company or Organization: _________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________
Person of Contact (POC): _________________________________________________
POC Phone: _____________________ POC Email: ___________________________
Grand Sponsor $7,500
Presenting Sponsor $5,000
Premier Sponsor $4,000
Official Sponsor $2,500
Contributing Sponsor: Gold $1,000 Silver $750 Bronze $500
Describe Skipper bag items to be provided such as bag itself (e.g. Canvass, Sail cloth or Backpack), T-shirts, hats, product
samples, mugs/cups, key-chains, pens, water bottles, power/snack bars, sunglasses, suntan lotion, nautical products, flashlights,
tools, gadgets, snacks etc. Additionally, promotional literature such as brochures, flyers, catalogs, coupon, etc.
A Regatta Sponsorship Coordinator will reach out to your POC upon receipt for confirmation
And will cordinate with your Marketing POC on marketing materials and solutions
All marketing materials must be supplied June 15th
Please return this form to: Cottage Park Yacht Club JO Committee, 76 Orlando Ave, Winthrop, MA, 02152
Make checks payable to "US Sailing”
Payment may also be made online at: www1.ussailing.org/Membership/EnterDonation.aspx
If payment is made online please send an email to leeparks@ussailing.org indicating your contribution is for
the JO hosted by the Cottage Park Y.C. and mail this Commitment form to the Cottage Park YC JO Committee.
US Sailing is a 501 (c)3 organization.