What You Need to Know
When You Get Social
Security Disability Benets
What’s inside
Introduction 1
About your benefits 1
Other benefits you may be able to get 7
What you must report to us 8
Benefits for children 16
Reviewing your medical condition 17
Helping you return to work 18
Achieving a Better Life Experience
(ABLE) Account 19
Protection of your personal information 20
Contacting Us 21
This booklet explains some of your rights and
responsibilities when you receive Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSDI) benets.
We suggest you take time now to read this booklet,
and then put it in a safe place so you can refer to it in
the future.
If you also receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
payments, read What You Need to Know When You
Get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Publication
No. 05-11011).
About your benets
When your payments start
Under the law, your payments can’t begin until you have
a disability for at least 5 full months. Payments usually
start with your 6th month of disability. However, there is
no waiting period if your disability results from amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS) and you are approved for SSDI
benets on or after July 23, 2020.
When we tell you that you’ll be receiving disability benet
payments, the notice explains how much your disability
benet will be and when your payments start.
NOTE: If your family members are eligible for benets
based on your work, they’ll receive a separate notice
and booklet.
How long payments continue
Generally, your disability benets will continue as
long as your medical condition has not improved and
you can’t work. Benets won’t necessarily continue
indenitely. Because of advances in medical science
and rehabilitation techniques, many people recover
from serious accidents and illnesses. We’ll review
your case periodically to make sure you still have a
qualifying disability.
You’re responsible for telling us if any of the following occur:
Your ability to work changes.
You return to work.
Your medical condition improves.
NOTE: Other changes you need to report to us are
described in the “What you must report to us” section.
If you disagree with a decision we make
If you have any questions about your payment amount, or
any other information we may send to you, please contact
us. If you were recently denied Social Security benets
for medical or non-medical reasons, you may request
an appeal. Your request must be in writing and received
within 60 days of the date you receive the letter containing
our decision.
The fastest and easiest way to le an appeal of your
decision is by visiting
You can le online and provide documents electronically
to support your appeal. You can le an appeal online even
if you live outside of the United States.
You can also call us and ask for the appeal form (Form
If you still aren’t satised, there are further steps you can
take. Read Your Right to Question the Decision Made on
Your Claim (Publication No. 05-10058).
You have the right to hire an attorney or anyone else
to represent you. This doesn’t mean you must have an
attorney or other representative, but we’ll be glad to work
with one if you wish. For more information about getting
a representative, read Your Right to Representation
(Publication No. 05-10075).
When and how your benets are paid
Social Security benets are paid each month. Generally,
the day on which you receive your benets depends on the
birth date of the person on whose work record you receive
benets. For example, if you receive disability or retirement
benets, your payment date will be determined by your
birth date. If you receive benets
as a spouse, your benet
payment date will be determined by your spouse’s birth date.
Electronic payments
You must receive your payments electronically. If you
didn’t sign up for electronic payments when you applied,
we strongly urge you to do it now.
Direct deposit is a simple, safe, and secure way to receive
your benets. Contact your bank to help you sign up. Or,
you can sign up for direct deposit by contacting us.
Another option is the Direct Express
card program. With
Direct Express
, deposits from federal payments are
made directly to the card account. Signing up for a card
is quick and easy. Call the toll-free Treasury Electronic
Payment Solution Contact Center at 1-800-333-1795. Or,
sign up online at or ask one of our
representatives if you need help signing up.
If you receive your checks by mail
If your check is not delivered on its due date, wait 3
workdays before reporting the missing check to us. The
most common reason checks are late is because a
change of address wasn’t reported.
If your check is lost or stolen, contact us immediately.
Your check can be replaced, but it takes time.
To be safe, you should cash or deposit your check as
soon as possible after you receive it. You shouldn’t sign
our check until you are at the place where you’ll cash it.
If you sign the check ahead of time and lose it, the person
who nds it could cash it.
A government check must be cashed within 12 months after
the date of the check or it will be voided. After a year, if you’re
still entitled to the payment, we’ll replace the voided check.
Returning benets not due
If you receive a check that you know isn’t due, take it to
any Social Security ofce or return it to the U.S. Treasury
Department at the address on the check envelope. You
should write VOID on the front of the check and enclose
a note telling why you’re sending the check back. If you
have direct deposit and receive a payment you should not
have gotten, call or visit your local Social Security ofce.
We’ll tell you how you can return it.
If you knowingly accept payments that aren’t due to you,
you may face criminal charges.
Paying taxes on your benets
Some people who get Social Security benefits have to pay
taxes on their benefits. About one-third of our current
beneficiaries pay taxes on their benefits. You’ll be
affected only if you have substantial income in addition to
your Social Security benefits.
If you le a federal individual income tax return and your
income is more than $25,000, you have to pay taxes.
If you le a joint return, you may have to pay taxes if
you and your spouse have a combined income that is
more than $32,000.
If you’re married and le a separate return, you’ll
probably pay taxes on your benets.
For more information, contact the Internal Revenue Service.
How we will contact you
Generally, we use the mail or call you on the phone
when we want to contact you, but sometimes a Social
Security representative may come to your home. Our
representative will show you their identication before
talking about your benets. For your protection, call your
local Social Security ofce to ask if someone was sent to
see you before you let the representative into your home.
A special note for people who are blind
You can choose to receive notices from us in one of the
following ways. Just let us know which you prefer.
Standard print notice by rst-class mail.
Standard print notice by certied mail.
Standard print notice by rst-class mail and a follow-up
telephone call.
Braille notice and a standard print notice by
rst-class mail.
Microsoft Word le on a data compact disc (CD) and a
standard print notice by rst-class mail.
Audio CD and a standard print notice by rst-class mail.
Large print (18-point size) notice and a standard print
notice by rst-class mail.
To select one of these options, please contact us using
one of the following methods:
Visit our website at, and follow
the steps provided.
Call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. If you are deaf
or hard of hearing, you may call our TTY number at
Write or visit your local Social Security ofce.
If you’d like to receive notices in another way, please call
us at 1-800-772-1213, or visit your local Social Security
ofce so we can begin processing your reques
t. If we’re
unable to approve your request, we’ll send the reason in
writing to you and tell you how to appeal the decision.
If you have a question about a Social Security notice,
you may call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 to ask for the
notice to be read or explained to you.
Cost-of-living adjustments
Each January, your benets will increase automatically
if the cost of living has gone up. For example, if the cost
of living has increased by 2%, your benets also will
increase by 2%. If you receive your benets by direct
deposit, we’ll notify you in advance of your new benet
amount. If you receive your benets by check, we’ll
include a notice explaining the cost-of-living adjustment
with your check.
When you reach full retirement age
If you’re receiving SSDI benets, your disability benets
automatically convert to retirement benets, but the
amount remains the same.
If you also receive a reduced surviving spouse benefit,
be sure to contact us when you reach full retirement age,
so that we can make any necessary adjustment in your
NOTE: For more information about full retirement age,
read Retirement Benets (Publication No. 05-10035).
Other benets you may be able to get
If you have limited income and resources, you may be
able to get SSI. SSI is a federal program that provides
monthly payments to people age 65 or older and to
people who are blind or have a disability. If you get
SSI, you also may be able to get other benets, such
as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP).
For more information about SSI, read Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) (Publication No. 05-11000).
A word about Medicare
After you receive disability benets for 24 months, you’ll
be eligible for Medicare. You will get information about
Medicare several months before your coverage starts.
If you have permanent kidney failure requiring regular
dialysis or a transplant or you have amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS), you may qualify for Medicare almost
Help for low-income Medicare beneciaries
If you get Medicare and have low income and few
resources, your state may pay your Medicare premiums
and, in some cases, other “out-of-pocket” medical
expenses. These expenses may include deductibles and
coinsurance. Only your state can decide if you qualify. To
nd out if you do, contact your state or local welfare ofce
or Medicaid agency. Also, more information is available
from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services by
calling the Medicare, toll-free number, 1-800-MEDICARE
(1-800-633-4227). If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, call
TTY 1-877-486-2048.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
You might be able to get help through the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known
as food stamps. Visit to nd
out how to apply. For more information, read Nutrition
Assistance Programs (Publication No. 05-10100) or
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Facts
(Publication No. 05-10101).
What you must report to us
Please notify us promptly by phone, mail, or in person
whenever a change occurs that could affect your benets.
We explain the changes you must report to us in the
next pages.
Family members receiving benets based on your work
also should report events that might affect their payments.
Information you give to another government agency may
be provided to us by the other agency, but you also must
report the change directly to us.
NOTE: If we nd that you gave us false information on
purpose, we’ll stop your benets. For the 1st violation,
your benets will stop for 6 months; for the 2nd violation,
12 months; and for the 3rd, 24 months. Also, if you don’t
report a change, it may result in your being paid too
much. If you’re overpaid, you’ll have to repay the money.
Have your Beneciary Notice Control (BNC) number
handy when you report a change. Your BNC will be on
any letter we send you about your benets. You also
should be prepared to give the date of the change, and if
different, the name of the person about whom the report
is made.
If you work while receiving disability payments
You should tell us if you take a job or become self-
employed, no matter how little you earn. Please let us
know how many hours you expect to work and when your
work starts or stops. If you still have a qualifying disability,
you’ll be eligible for a trial work period, and you can
continue receiving benets for up to 9 months. Also, tell
us if you have any special work expenses because of your
disability (such as specialized equipment, a wheelchair or
even prescription drugs). Tell us if there’s any change in
the amount of those expenses.
If you receive other disability benets
Social Security benets for you and your family may be
reduced if you also are eligible for workers’ compensation
(including payments through the black lung program).
These benets may also be reduced if you are eligible
for disability benets from certain federal, state, or local
government programs. You must tell us if any of the
following occur:
You apply for another type of disability benet.
You receive another disability benet or a lump-sum
Your benets change or stop.
If you’re oered services under the Ticket to
Work program
We may send you a “ticket” that you can use to get
services to help you go to work or earn more money. You
may take the “ticket” to your state vocational rehabilitation
agency or to an employment network of your choice.
Employment networks are private organizations that have
agreed to work with us to provide employment services
to beneciaries with disabilities. Your participation in the
Ticket to Work program is voluntary and we provide the
services to you at no cost. For more information, read
Your Ticket to Work (Publication No. 05-10061).
If you move
When you plan to move, tell us your new address and
phone number as soon as you know them. Also, please
let us know the names of any family members who are
getting benets and who are moving with you. Even if
you receive your benets by direct deposit, we must
have your correct address so we can send letters and
other important information to you. Your benets will be
stopped if we’re unable to contact you. You can change
your address with a personal my Social Security account.
To create a personal my Social Security account, visit,
Be sure you also le a change of address with your
post ofce.
If you change direct deposit accounts
If you change nancial institutions or open a new account,
be sure to say that you want to sign up for direct deposit.
You can also change your direct deposit online if you
have a personal my Social Security account. Or, we can
change your direct deposit information over the telephone.
Have your new and old bank account numbers handy
when you call us. They’ll be printed on your personal
checks or account statements. Changing this information
takes us about 30-60 days. Don’t close your old account
until you make sure your benets are being deposited into
the new account.
If you’re unable to manage your benets
Sometimes people are unable to manage their money.
When this happens, we should be notied. We can
arrange to send benets to a relative or other person
who agrees to use the money to take care of the person
for whom the benets are paid. We call the person who
manages someone else’s benets a “representative
payee.” For more information, read A Guide for
Representative Payees (Publication No. 05-10076).
NOTE: People who have “power of attorney” for
someone don’t automatically qualify to be the person’s
representative payee.
To help protect what’s important to you, we now
offer the option to choose a representative payee in
advance. Advance Designation allows capable adult and
emancipated minor applicants and thoes who receive
Social Security benets, SSI, and Special Veterans
Benefits to choose one or more persons to serve as their
representative payee in the future. If you need a
representative payee to assist with the management of
your benefits, we will first consider your advance
designees, but we must still fully evaluate them and
determine their suitability at that time.
If you get a pension from work not covered by
Social Security
If you start receiving a pension from a job for which you
didn’t pay Social Security taxes — for example, from the
federal civil service system, some state or local pension
systems, nonprot organizations, or a foreign government
— your Social Security benet may be reduced. Also, tell
us if the amount of your pension changes.
If you get married or divorced
If you get married or divorced, your Social Security
benets may be affected, depending on the kind of
benets you receive.
If your benets are stopped because of marriage or
remarriage, they may be started again if the marriage ends.
If you get: Then:
Your own disability benets Your benets will continue.
Spouse’s benets Your benets will continue if you
get divorced and you are age 62
or over, unless you were married
less than 10 years.
Benets for a surviving spouse
with a disability (including
divorced surviving spouses)
Your benets will continue if you
remarry when you are age 50
or older.
Any other kind of benets Generally, your benets will stop
when you get married. Your
benets may be started again if
the marriage ends.
If you change your name
If you change your name — by marriage, divorce, or court
order — you need to tell us right away. If you don’t give
us this information, your benets will be issued under your
old name. If you have direct deposit, payments may not
reach your account. If you receive checks, you may not be
able to cash them if your identication is different from the
name on your check.
If you care for a child who receives benets
If you receive benets because you are caring for a
disability beneciary’s child who is younger than age 16 or
has a disability, you should notify us right away if the child
leaves your care. You must give us the name and address
of the person with whom the child is living.
A temporary separation may not affect your benets if you
continue to have parental control over the child. However,
your benets will stop if you no longer have responsibility
for the child. If the child returns to your care, we can start
sending your benets to you again.
Your benets usually stop when the youngest, unmarried
child in your care reaches age 16, unless the child has
a disability.
If you become a parent after entitlement
If you become the parent of a child or an adopted child
after entitlement let us know so that we may determine if
the child qualies for benets.
If a child receiving benets is adopted
When a child who is receiving benets is adopted by
someone else, let us know the child’s new name, the
date of the adoption decree, and the adopting parent’s
name and address. The adoption will not cause the child’s
benets to stop.
If you have an outstanding warrant for your arrest
You must tell us if you have an outstanding arrest warrant
for any of the following felony offenses:
Flight to avoid prosecution or connement.
Escape from custody.
You can’t receive regular disability benets, or any
underpayments you may be due, for any month in which
there is an outstanding arrest warrant for any of these
felony offenses.
If you’re convicted of a crime
Tell us right away if you’re convicted of a crime. Regular
disability benets, or any underpayments that may be
due, aren’t paid for the months a person is conned for
a crime. However, any family members who are eligible
for benets based on that person’s work may continue to
receive benets.
Monthly benets or any underpayments that may be due
usually aren’t paid to someone who commits a crime
and who is conned to jail, prison, penal institution,
or correctional facility. This applies if the person has
been found either:
Not guilty by reason of insanity or similar factors
(such as mental disease, mental defect, or mental
Incompetent to stand trial.
If you violate a condition of parole or probation
You must tell us if you’re violating a condition of your
probation or parole imposed under federal or state
law. You can’t receive regular disability benets or any
underpayment that may be due for any month in which
you violate a condition of your probation or parole.
If you leave the United States
If you’re a U.S. citizen, you can travel to or live in most
foreign countries without affecting your Social Security
benets. There are, however, a few countries where we
can’t send Social Security payments. These countries
are Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, North Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
and Uzbekistan. However, we can make exceptions
for certain eligible beneciaries in countries other
than Cuba and North Korea. For more information
about these exceptions, please contact your local
Social Security ofce.
Let us know if you plan to go outside the United States
for a trip that lasts 30 days or more. Tell us the name of
the country or countries you plan to visit and the date you
expect to leave the United States.
We will send you special reporting instructions and tell
you how to arrange for your benets while you’re away.
Be sure to notify us when you return to the United States.
If you aren’t a U.S. citizen, and you return to live in
the United States, you must provide evidence of your
noncitizen status to continue receiving benets. If you
work outside the United States, different rules apply in
determining whether you can get your benets.
For more information, read Your Payments While You are
Outside the United States (Publication No. 05-10137).
If your citizenship status changes
If you aren’t a U.S. citizen, let us know if you become a
U.S. citizen or if your status changes. If your immigration
status expires, you must give us new evidence that you
are still in the United States lawfully.
If a beneciary dies
Let us know if a person receiving Social Security benets
dies. Benets aren’t payable for the month of death. That
means, for example, if the person died any time in July,
the check received in August (which is payment for July)
must be returned. If direct deposit is used, also notify the
nancial institution of the death as soon as possible so it
can return any payments received after death.
Family members may be eligible for Social Security
survivors benets when a person getting disability
benets dies.
If you’re receiving Social Security and Railroad
Retirement benets
If you’re receiving both Social Security and Railroad
Retirement benets based on your spouse’s work, and
your spouse dies, you must tell us immediately. You’ll
no longer be eligible to receive both benets. You’ll be
notied which survivor benet you’ll receive.
Benets for children
If you’re receiving benets on behalf of a child, there
are important things you should know about his or
her benets.
When a child reaches age 18
A child’s benets stop the month before the child reaches
age 18, unless the child is has a disability or is a full-time
elementary or secondary school student and unmarried.
About 3 months before the child’s 18th birthday, you’ll get
a letter explaining how benets can continue. We’ll also
send a letter to the child and a student form.
If your child’s benets stopped at age 18, they can
start again if they have a disability that begins before
they reach age 22 or become a full-time elementary or
secondary school student before reaching age 19. The
student needs to contact us to reapply for benets.
If your 18-year-old child is still in school
An 18-year-old can receive benets until age 19 if they
continue to be a full-time elementary or secondary school
student. When your child’s 19th birthday occurs during a
school term, benets usually can continue until completion
of the term, or for 2 months following their 19th birthday,
whichever comes rst.
You should tell us immediately if your child marries, is
convicted of a crime, drops out of school, changes from
full-time to part-time attendance, is expelled, suspended, or
changes schools. You should also tell us if your child has an
employer who is paying for your child to attend school.
In general, a student can keep receiving benets during a
vacation period of 4 months or less if they plan to go back
to school full time at the end of the vacation.
If your child
has a disability
Your child can continue to receive benets after age
18 if they have a disability that begins before age 22.
Your child also may qualify for SSI. Contact us for
more information.
If you have a stepchild and get divorced
If you have a stepchild who is getting benets based
on your work, and you divorce the child’s parent, you
must tell us as soon as the divorce becomes nal. Your
stepchild’s benets will stop the month after the divorce
becomes nal.
Reviewing your medical condition
All people receiving disability benets must have their
medical conditions reviewed from time to time. We call
this review a continuing disability review. If evidence
shows that your condition has medically improved and
you can return to work, your disability benets may stop.
Frequency of continuing disability reviews
The frequency of reviews depends on the nature and
severity of your medical condition and whether it’s
expected to improve.
If improvement is expected, your 1
review generally
will be 6 to 18 months after the date your disability
If improvement is possible, but can’t be predicted, we’ll
review your case about every 3 years.
If improvement is not expected, we’ll review your case
every 7 years.
What happens during a continuing disability
We’ll send a letter to you telling you that we’re conducting
a medical review. Soon after you receive the notice,
someone from your local Social Security ofce will contact
you to explain the review process and your appeal rights.
The Social Security representative will ask you to provide
information about your medical treatment and any work
that you may have done since you started receiving
disability benets.
A team consisting of a disability examiner and a doctor
will review your case and request your medical reports. If
needed, we may ask you to have a special examination.
We’ll pay for the examination and some of your
transportation costs.
When we make a medical decision, we’ll send you a
letter. If we decide that you still have a qualifying disability,
your benets will continue.
If we decide you no longer have a qualifying disability and
you disagree with our decision, you may le an appeal. If
you decide not to appeal the decision, your benets will
stop 3 months after we decide that your disability ended.
For more information, read Your Right to Question the
Decision Made on Your Claim (Publication No. 05-10058).
Helping you return to work
After you start receiving disability benets, you may want
to try working again. There are special rules, called work
incentives, that can help you keep your cash benets and
Medicare while you test your ability to work. For more
information about the ways we can help you return to
work, read Working While Disabled—How We Can Help
(Publication No. 05-10095). Detailed information about
work incentives can be found in our Red Book (Publication
No. 64-030). Also visit our website,
Achieving a Better Life Experience
(ABLE) Account
An Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account is
a tax-advantaged savings account for an individual with a
disability. You can use an ABLE account to save funds for
many disability-related expenses. Anyone, including the
account owner, family, and friends can contribute to the
ABLE account. The account owner of an ABLE account
must meet one of the following:
Be receiving SSI based on disability or blindness that
began before age 26.
Be in SSI suspense due solely to excess income or
resources and otherwise be eligible for SSI based on
disability or blindness that began before age 26.
Be receiving disability insurance benefits, childhood
disability benefits, or surviving spouse’s benefits based
on disability or blindness that occurred before age 26.
Have a certification that disability or blindness occurred
before age 26.
Have conditions on Social Security’s “List of
Compassionate Allowances Conditions” which are
deemed to meet the requirements for a disability
certification if the was present and produced marked
and severe functional limitations before the date on
which the individual attained age 26.
The money that you have in your ABLE account (up to
and including $100,000) does not count as a resource
under SSI rules. You can use money in an ABLE account
to pay for certain qualied disability expenses, such as
those for education, housing, transportation, employment
training, employment support, assistive technology, and
related services.
To learn more about ABLE accounts, please visit the
Internal Revenue Service’s website at
Please note: Social Security provides this section
as a courtesy to help notify you of ABLE accounts.
However, Social Security is not afliated with and
does not endorse any ABLE account provider or
its services.
Protection of your personal information
We keep personal and condential information — names,
Social Security numbers, earnings records, ages, and
beneciary addresses — for millions of people. Generally,
we’ll discuss your information only with you. When you
call or visit us, we’ll ask you several questions to help us
verify your identity. If you want someone else to help with
your Social Security business, we need your permission
to discuss your information with that person.
We urge you to be careful with your Social
Security number and to protect its condentiality
whenever possible.
We’re committed to protecting the privacy of your records.
When we’re required by law to give information to other
government agencies that administer health or welfare
programs, such as Medicaid and the SNAP, those
agencies aren’t allowed to share that information with
anyone else.
Contacting Us
There are several ways to contact us, such as online,
by phone, and in person. We’re here to answer your
questions and to serve you. For nearly 90 years, we have
helped secure today and tomorrow by providing benets
and nancial protection for millions of people throughout
their life’s journey.
Visit our website
The most convenient way to conduct business with us is
online at You can accomplish a lot.
Apply for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug
plan costs.
Apply for most types of benets.
Start or complete your request for an original or
replacement Social Security card.
Find copies of our publications.
Get answers to frequently asked questions.
When you create a personal my Social Security account,
you can do even more.
Review your Social Security Statement.
Verify your earnings.
Get estimates of future benets
Print a benet verication letter.
Change your direct deposit information (Social Security
beneciaries only).
Get a replacement SSA-1099/1042S.
If you live outside the United States, visit to access our online services.
Call us
If you cannot use our online services, we can help you by
phone when you call our National toll-free 800 Number.
We provide free interpreter services upon request.
You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 — or at our TTY
number, 1-800-325-0778, if you’re deaf or hard of hearing
— between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday. For quicker access to a representative, try calling
early in the day (between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. local time)
or later in the day. We are less busy later in the week
(Wednesday to Friday) and later in the month. We
also offer many automated telephone services, available
24 hours a day, so you may not need to speak with a
If you have documents we need to see, they must be
original or copies that are certied by the issuing agency.
Social Security Administration | Publication No. 05-10153
March 2024 (Recycle prior editions)
What You Need to Know When You Get Social Security Disability Benefits
Produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense