1. You are registered for full-time study (9 credits in the fall, spring, or summer in a program approved by your advisor).
2. You hold an appointment as a graduate assistant or fellow and are registered for the semester (fall and spring only).
3. You are registered for fewer than 9 credits but for at least 0 credits of thesis, dissertation, or degree in progress for the semester and are engaged, at a
level equivalent to full-time study, in one or more of the following activities, as appropriate to and certified by your program:
studying for preliminary, qualifying, or comprehensive examinations
studying for a language or tool requirement
actively working on a thesis or dissertation
an internship
Department/program certification of full-time equivalent study for
Name (Last Name, First Name):
SUID: Semester/Year:
who is matriculated in the following program:
Doctoral Masters
The department/program certifies this student as full-time by virtue of engaging in the following activities appropriate to the program at a level
equivalent to full-time study (check all that apply):
Study for preliminary, qualifying, or comprehensive exams Study for language or tool requirements
Work on thesis or dissertation An internship
Department/Program: Department/Program Chair/Director (print name):
Chair/Director Signature: Date:
I verify the above information is accurate (Student Signature): Date:
NOTE: The deadline to submit this certification is 5pm on the day of the add deadline for each Fall and Spring semester.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the exact dates.
Please send the completed form to the Office of the Registrar, 106 Steele Hall.
International students must also provide a copy to the Slutzker Center, 310 Walnut Place or email a copy to [email protected].
Certification of Full-Time Status for Matriculated Graduate Students
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline to submit this certification is 5pm on the day of the add deadline for each Fall and Spring semester. Please
refer to the Academic Calendar for exact dates. All full-time students are subject to the health insurance requirement.
Syracuse University considers you a full-time student, and the Registrar can confirm your full-time status directly, if you meet one of the three criteria,
below, for the semester in which verification of full-time status is requested. Your status is used for a variety of purposes, including the determination
of federal loan eligibility and/or repayment.