News & Views
Planning Considerations Related to the Organic
Contamination of Martian Samples and Implications
for the Mars 2020 Rover
2014 Organic Contamination Panel: R.E. Summons
and A.L. Sessions
(co-chairs); A.C. Allwood,
H.A. Barton,
D.W. Beaty,
B. Blakkolb,
J. Canham,
B.C. Clark,
J.P. Dworkin,
Y. Lin,
R. Mathies,
S.M. Milkovich,
and A. Steele
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 970
2. Introduction 972
2.1. Introduction to the Mars 2020 OCP 972
2.1.1. Mars and the potential for habitability 972
2.1.2. Charge to the OCP 972
2.1.3. Introduction to the proposed Mars 2020 Mission 974
2.1.4. Definition of ‘organic contamination’ 975
2.1.5. A note about units 975
2.2. Previous work on organic contamination control of acquired samples 975
2.3. Key concepts 980
2.3.1. Terrestrial microbial life forms (alive or dead) as sources of organic molecular contaminants 980
2.3.2. Analytical method limits of detection and contamination limits 982
2.3.3. Not all contaminants are equal 982
2.3.4. Contamination control versus contamination knowledge 983
2.4. Science and PP objectives both drive need for organic analyses 983
3. Sample-Based Investigations and Measurements 984
3.1. Need for early survey measurements 985
3.2. Potential analytical methods for returned samples 985
3.3. Survey versus targeted analytical methods 987
3.4. Survey analytical methods 987
4. Sample-Based Contaminants of Concern 988
4.1. General considerations 988
4.1.1. Selection criteria for choosing contaminants of concern 988
4.1.2. S/N threshold for acceptable contamination 989
4.1.3. Limits for TOC, individual molecules, or particles 989
4.1.4. Alive versus dead microbial contamination 990
4.1.5. The possibility of reproduction of Earth-sourced microbial contaminants in sealed sample tubes 990
4.2. Considerations related to specific contaminants 990
4.2.1. Which contaminants? 990 Tier-I contaminants 991
4.2.2. Allowable levels of contamination 991 What analyte concentrations do we expect? 992 What concentrations can we measure? 996 What level of cleanliness can we achieve? 996
4.2.3. Conclusions for specific compound levels 996
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
Planetary Science and
Mars Exploration Directorate,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
Department of Biology, University of Akron, Ohio.
ATK, Washington, D.C.
Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.
Department of Chemistry, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California.
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, D.C.
Volume 14, Number 12, 2014
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ast.2014.1244
4.3. Considerations related to TOC 997
4.3.1. Allowable levels of contamination 997 What analyte concentrations do we expect? 997 What concentrations can we measure? 997 What level of cleanliness can we achieve? 999 Contamination pathways 999 Contamination transfer from sample-contacting surfaces 1000
4.3.2. Conclusions for TOC levels 1002
4.4. Considerations related to particulate organic matter 1002
4.4.1. Introduction 1002
4.4.2. Analytical approaches to measuring particulates on Earth 1002
4.4.3. Limits on organic particulates 1003
4.4.4. Conclusions and recommendations for particulates 1004
4.5. Implementation 1004
4.5.1. Strategy for implementing contaminant requirements 1004
5. Strategies for Recognizing and Characterizing Organic Contamination 1005
5.1. Introduction 1005
5.2. Witness plates 1005
5.3. Blanks and blank standards 1007
5.4. Archive of organic and trace biological materials 1008
5.5. Spatially resolved measurements on returned samples 1010
6. Discussion and Proposals for Future Work 1011
6.1. The case for cleaner 1011
6.2. Summary and conclusions 1012
6.3. Topics for future work 1013
Acknowledgments 1014
References 1014
A. Appendices and Supporting Files 1020
A.3. Appendix 3: Definitions of terms 1020
A.4. Appendix 4: Summary of instruments and measurements available as of 2014 for investigating
organic molecules in rock and soil samples 1024
A.4.1. Notes regarding detection limits and capability of surface spectroscopic techniques 1024
1. Executive Summary
ata gathered during recent NASA missions to
Mars, particula rly by t he Rovers Spirit , Opportunit y,
and Curiosity , have provi ded impo rtan t insight s into the
past hist ory and habita bilit y o f the Red Plan et. T he M ars
science community, via input throu gh the National Re-
search Council (NRC) Planetary Science Decadal Survey
Committee, also identified th e prime impo rtanc e of a M ars
sample return (MSR) mission to further explora tion of
the Red Planet. In r esponse, the Mars 2020 Mission (Mars
2020) Science Definition Team (SDT) (Mustard et al.,
2013) wa s c hart ered by the NASA Mars Expl oration Pro-
gram to formulate a new rover mission that would take
concrete steps toward an eventua l sample return. The SDT
recommended that the 2020 rover should select and cache
scientifically compelling samples for possible return to
Earth. They a lso note d that or ganic co ntamina tion of the
samples was a significant and complex issue that should be
independen tly inve stiga ted by a futu re comm ittee. Ac -
cordingly, NASA cha rter ed the M ars 2020 Organ ic C on-
tamination Panel (OCP ).
The OCP was charged with evaluating and recommend-
ing sample contamination requirements for the proposed
Mars 2020. A further task was to assess implementation
approaches in support of the investigation of broad scientific
questions concerning the history and habitability of Mars.
Central to these objectives would be the ability to reliably
differentiate indigenous martian organic molecules from
terrestrial contamination in any future samples returned
from Mars.
Early on during its deliberat ions, the OCP recogn ized
that the scientific and planetary protec tion (PP) objectives
of MSR are intimately linked, in that both rely heavily on
measurements of organic molecules in the returned sam-
ples. In each case, a key aspect of the problem is being
able to recognize and interpret organic molecules as in-
digenous to Mars against a potential background of Earth-
sourced contamination. It was within this context that the
OCP committee considered the structure for a set of
measurement goals related to organic molecules in the
returned samples that would be of common interest to
science a nd PP.
The following is a summary of the most significant
findings of the OCP regarding organic geochemical mea-
surements that would be shared for both science and PP in
relation to potential future MSR.
A key subset of both scientific and PP objectives could
be met by a common set of organic geochemical
measurements of returned samples. The science and PP
teams would need to work as a fully integrated entity.
Detection and characterization of indigenous organic
compounds are of fundamental and critical importance in
the search for ancient and extant life in martian samples.
Because of the sensitivity of modern analytical instru-
ments, we must accept that we would not be able to
reduce all organic contaminants to non-detectable lev-
els by all analytical techniques.
Our ability to correctly interpret data from partially
contaminated samples would depend on three major
factors: (1) minimizing contamination at the start, (2)
characterizing and understanding residual contamina-
tion throughout the mission, and (3) minimizing re-
contamination back on Earth.
Recommended approach
Maintaining the original physical structure and geom-
etry of the samples ( e.g ., layering, gradients, grain
boundaries, and cross-cutting relationships) and mini-
mizing vibration and fracturing are critical to inter-
preting indigenous organic geochemistry since the
spatial distribution patterns of molecules can be espe-
cially informative.
A huge diversity of techniques for organic analysis
exists as of 2014. More will be invented. Not all po-
tential measurements would be possible on returned
Mars samples given limited sample mass, nor would all
be needed. Containment requirements may also limit
access to some potential analytical methods. Accord-
ingly, a two-step process, comprising initial survey
measurements followed by more targeted analyses, is
recommended. Effective early survey measurements in
a future sample receiving facility (SRF) would be
critical for establishing the full investigation plan.
A small number of existing analytical techniques would
be sufficient to provide the survey information re-
quired. These measurements would then inform which
targeted methods should be applied.
Protecting a measurement does not require contami-
nation to be below detection limits, only that the in-
terference with the measurement is acceptably low,
stable, and well known. Thus, a comprehensive pro-
gram to characterize the composition, concentration,
and variability of residual contamination in the sam-
pling hardware and cache would be essential.
Contaminant levels of concern
At the level of individual molecules, organic compounds
from biotic versus abiotic sources can be difficult or
impossible to distinguish. Detection of any assemblage
of biomolecules would likely require further and detailed
investigation to establish its relationship to life.
Avoiding growth of terrestrial microbes in a sealed
sample tube, prior to their receipt by sample analysts, is
of utmost importance. A strategy to mitigate this should
be identified.
We propose the following limits for organic contami-
nation of returned Mars geological samples by specific
compounds: 1 ng/g for Tier-I compounds and 10 ng/g for
Tier-II compounds. Tier-I compounds are a selection of
those molecules that are both common to and abundant
across all life as well as additional compounds that are
considered particularly problematic. Tier-II compounds
comprise all other organic molecules.
Much of the organic contamination that accumulates on
the collected samples would be delivered from space-
craft surfaces by direct contact.
In the hypothetical case of a system with sample contact
surface area of 30 cm
and contaminated with 20 ng/cm
organic carbon, collected samples would have a theo-
retical maximum of 40 ng/g (i.e., 40 ppb) organic con-
taminants. The actual contaminant concentration may be
less than 40 ng/g, depending on transfer efficiency.
In order to achieve contamination levels for sample
contact surfaces lower than 20 ng/cm
, a more effective
strategy for avoiding recontamination after initial
cleaning than that used by the Mars Science Laboratory
(MSL) would need to be implemented.
Cleaning spacecraft surfaces to levels of 10–20 ng/cm
has been achieved in prior missions. Significantly lower
levels of cleanliness are technologically feasible, and
advisable, but would require engineering solutions to limit
recontamination and the maintenance of these levels.
Methods used for assessing hardware surface contam-
ination should be demonstrated to have a known, re-
producible efficiency in detection of the target Tier-I
We propose a threshold for total organic carbon (TOC)
contamination of geological samples of 40 ng/g.
Molecular measurements provide a proxy for estimat-
ing total cellular/microbial particulate contamination
that is much more robust and universal than microbial
cell culture and growth. This finding is based on the
fact that the vast majority of microbes cannot be cul-
tured using standard methods.
Implementation strategy
The overall organic contamination control strategy
should involve monitoring for Tier-I compounds,
monitoring of TOC, and broadband screening for Tier-
II compounds above 10 ng/g.
Witness plates and blanks would need to make the
round trip to Mars. Many witness plates should be
collected during Mars 2020 construction and be ar-
chived for future reference.
In order to track the introduction of contaminants, the
sampling strategy would need active control over wit-
ness plate exposure during discrete mission phases.
The return of in situ drilled procedural blanks would be
an important part of recognizing contamination and
protecting the science of this mission.
Samples of organic and biological material associated
with the process of building the Mars 2020 spacecraft
should be collected and preserved in a dedicated con-
tamination archive facility. These samples should be
available for analysis during and after mission operations.
Baking all sampling and cache hardware in the pres-
ence of oxygen, followed by rapid isolation from con-
tact with air, potentially provides a means to achieve
orders-of-magnitude lower levels of organic contami-
nation. We suggest that the project substantively inves-
tigate this possibility while evaluating sample hardware
design options.
Since we don’t know the concentration of the organic
molecules of interest in the martian samples, there is an
unquantifiable scientific risk relating to detectability above
background. The cleaner (or dirtier) the samples are, the
more (or less) compounds we would be able to measure,
and the more (or less) confident we would be in interpreting
their origin. Scientific return versus sample cleanliness is a
continuous function that is hard to cast in the terminology of
required/not required, or success/failure.
2. Introduction
2.1. Introduction to the Mars 2020 OCP
The scientific successes of recent NASA Mars missions,
including the rovers Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, have
provided important insights into our understanding of the past
history and habitability of the Red Planet (e.g., Faire
n et al.,
2010; Hurowitz et al., 2010; Ehlmann et al., 2011; Grotzinger
et al., 2014; see also the 500 abstracts recently submitted to
the 2014 8
International Mars Conference). These research
findings include evidence of liquid water at the ancient
planetary surface and the presence of environments that
would be conducive to the existence of microbial life (Haskin
et al., 2005; Ehlmann et al., 2011; Grotzinger et al., 2014).
The Mars science community, via input through the NRC
Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee, is emphatic
that NASA scientific missions in the upcoming decade in-
clude an MSR mission to support a broad array of scientific
and other goals (see NRC, 2007, 2011; MEPAG ND-SAG,
2008; Carr et al., 2012; McLennan et al., 2012). Returned
martian samples could profoundly change our understanding
of the evolution of Mars and the distribution of life in the
universe. Consequently, despite the technical challenges of
returning samples, the NRC gave a Mars sample-collecting
rover its highest priority within the flagship class.
Subsequently, the Mars 2020 SDT was chartered by the
Mars Exploration Program to define a Mars caching rover
mission that would make significant and concrete steps to-
ward possible return of samples from Mars (NRC, 2011).
They recommended that the 2020 rover should carefully
select and cache samples for potential future return to Earth,
and noted that in order for the samples to be worth returning,
they should be scientifically compelling (Mustard et al .,
2013). The SDT also noted that organic contamination of
the samples was a significant and complex issue that should
be investigated by a future committee. Accordingly, NASA
has chartered the Mars 2020 OCP. The OCP comprised 12
members with expertise in astrobiology, PP, organic chem-
istry and geochemistry, analytical chemistry, and contami-
nation control/containment engineering. Ex officio members
from the Mars 2020 Project Team, the NASA Office of Pla-
netary Protection, and the Mars Exploration Program Office
also provided input for the committee’s research.
Within this report, the term ‘organic geochemistry’ is
sometimes used, and this may not be familiar to all readers. We
use this to refer to the study of organic molecules in geological
samples, such as in rocks, soils, and meteorites. Organic geo-
chemistry is a component of the broader field of ‘astrobio-
logy,’ which also encompasses other kinds of investigations.
2.1.1. Mars and the potential for habitability. Several
lines of evidence indicate that Mars once had surficial liquid
water (see, for example, multiple abstracts presented on this
subject at the July 2014 8
International Mars Conference),
but that this water disappeared from the martian surface long
ago (Clark et al., 2005; Goetz et al., 2005; Haskin et al., 2005;
n et al., 2010; Hurowitz et al., 2010; Leshin et al., 2013).
However, molecular evidence of past habitability may be
provided by the presence of organic biosignatures or spatially
defined geochemistry, protected for eons within rocks, as it
has for pre-Cambrian life on Earth (Marshall et al., 2007;
Oehler et al., 2009; Summons et al., 2011; Bontognali et al.,
2012; Williford et al., 2013; Briggs and Summons, 2014). The
ability to collect and return samples of unoxidized sedimen-
tary rocks, and to carry out sensitive, accurate, and precise
organic geochemical measurements on these samples, would
therefore provide one of the strongest lines of evidence as to
whether Mars could, or ever did, support life.
Of relevance to considering the possibility and fate of
martian organic molecules is that Mars is bathed in strong
ultraviolet (UV) light during the day. The wavelength of
UV radiation on Mars extends from approximately 190
to 400 nm, encompassing UV-C, -B, and -A wavelengths.
Given that the martian atmosphere is thin, CO
-rich, and
ozone-poor, the UV reaching the surface of Mars has an
approximately 1,000-fold greater biocidal effect than on
Earth (see Beaty et al., 2006; Hassler et al., 2014; Rummel
et al., 2014). This radiation is believed to be responsible for
the accumulation of oxidants, such as salts of perchlorate
), within the martian regolith (see Cockell et al.,
2000; Hecht et al., 2009). This radiation can be effectively
blocked by relatively thin layers (on the order of less than
1 mm) of UV-opaque materials such as dust or regolith, but
the effect of the surface chemistry produced on organic
molecules can be profound.
In 2012–2113, direct measurements of the flux of ionizing
radiation on the surface of Mars were made for the first time
using the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) carried on
the MSL mission (Hassler et al., 2014). During a 300-sol
period, the RAD instrument detected a relatively constant
ionizing radiation flux of approximately 0.180–0.225 mGy/
day, composed almost exclusively of galactic cosmic rays; a
single solar particle event on Sol 242 was recorded as a
transient spike to 0.26 mGy/day. Although this amount of
radiation has only a negligible impact on the survival ter-
restrial microbes (even radiation-sensitive ones, like Es-
cherichia coli) at a time scale of 500 years (Rummel et al.,
2014), it has a very significant impact on the potential for
preservation of organic molecules near the martian surface
on a time scale of 4 billion years (Kminek and Bada, 2006;
Pavlov et al., 2012, 2014).
2.1.2. Charge to the OCP. It is assumed that the Mars
2020 rover would assemble a returnable cache of martian
samples that may be returned to Earth, contingent on future
decision-making by NASA and other sectors of the U.S.
Government (see Mustard et al., 2013). The state of the
samples, required to meet these potential returned sample
science goals, would thus dictate the conditions for how the
samples would be collected, encapsulated, and possibly re-
turned to Earth for laboratory analysis.
One of the reasons why sample return is a high priority to
the science community is because of the unique capabilities
of Earth-based instrumentation and analysis (see NRC,
2011, and references therein). High among these are the
abilities to undertake high-precision, spatially resolved
chemical and isotopic analyses and to perform wet-chemical
extraction, derivatization, and separation of organics. Both
would allow the detection of specific analytes of interest
with greatly increased sensitivity and specificity over ro-
botic instrumentation (NRC, 2007, 2011; Blake et al., 2012;
Mahaffy et al., 2012). This substantial improvement in
measurement sensitivity is especially important to the gen-
eral scientific goals of MSR, which require that any organic
evidence of habitability (past or present) is both verifiable
and supportable in terms of its provenance and origin; the
extraordinary claim of life on Mars would require, as first
noted by Marcelo Truzzi, and reiterated by Carl Sagan,
‘extraordinary proof’ (Sagan et al., 1980).
The OCP charter outlines a specific and logical approach
for generating recommendations about allowable contami-
nation levels as input to the eventual requirement-setting
process. It is expected that these recommendations would
flow from sample-based measurement objectives, as illus-
trated in Fig. 1. The OCP was chartered with four primary
technical tasks (see Appendices 1 and 2 online at http://
A key ground rule is that the charter asks for a survey of
existing instruments capable of measuring organics in geo-
logical samples—the OCP did not put any effort into fore-
casting analytic capabilities of the future:
Based on current knowledge and capabilities, construct
a list of measurements (and associated instruments/
methods) anticipated to be made on the returned sam-
ples in support of objectives related to martian organic
Determine the types and quantities of Earth-sourced
organic contaminants of greatest concern, if they were
found on the samples. Also, specify a TOC constraint.
Assess possible implementation approaches for recog-
nizing and distinguishing Mars-sourced organic mole-
cules in the samples from Earth-sourced organic
molecular contamination.
Evaluate draft Mars 2020 sample organic contamina-
tion requirements and draft verification methodologies
(to be provided by the Mars 2020 Project).
A note from OCP about its charter: OCP has been asked
to develop quantitative recommendations in response to a
question for which the answer is intrinsically unknowable.
The quantity and character of terrestrial organic contami-
nation that would not significantly interfere with future
measurement objectives depend strongly on what is actually
in the samples, and exactly how it is measured in the future,
and both of these are indeterminate. Thus, it is more realistic
to think about the limit for maximum allowable contami-
nation of samples as having some uncertainty, rather than a
single number. In order to help with NASA’s requirements-
setting process, the Panel ultimately has proposed a quan-
titative definition of ‘how clean is clean enough,’ but in
doing so, we encountered significant differences of opinion
within the Panel, and we had few criteria to evaluate these
differences. In addition, although science and PP both have
a vested interest in the organic cleanliness of returned
samples, the OCP’s results are most concrete in the area of
measuring and interpreting organic molecules in rocks/soils.
The issues around PP’s needs to implement policy and to
comply with broader requirements (some of which relate to
risk issues) are in part non-technical, and the OCP was not
provided with criteria to evaluate this.
By focusing on levels of contamination in returned
samples, our deliberations subsume a number of related
activities. The Mars 2020 sampling rover would not be the
only event in the ‘lifetime’ of these samples (Fig. 2). The
problem is simplified somewhat by the facts that the process
we are trying to minimize is terrestrial organic contami-
nation and that the samples are assumed to be contained
while on Mars and in transit (see, e.g., McLennan et al.,
2012; Mustard et al ., 2013; Beaty et al., 2014). To the extent
FIG. 1. Graphic representation of the logical flow of the 2014 OCP study. M2020 (M-2020), Mars 2020 Mission.
that OCP discussed flight hardware, we focused on the
baseline Mars 2020 rover, including sampling apparatus and
caching system. However, organic contamination issues
would eventually need to be considered for the entire
lifetime of the samples, particularly in regard to design of
the SRF. A second consideration is that of cross-contami-
nation (of organics) between martian materials. Although
of lesser concern for the scientific objective of detecting
Mars-sourced organic compounds, it is nevertheless es-
sential to the eventual conduct of scientific research. For
the purpose of limiting the scope of this study, the OCP
was asked to accept the assumption that cross-contamina-
tion (from one martian sample to another) on Mars would
be insignificant.
2.1.3. Introduction to the proposed Mars 2020. The SDT
(Mustard et al., 2013) outlined three broad objectives for
Mars 2020: (1) understand the local geology, (2) assemble a
returnable cache of samples, and (3) make a contribution to
preparing for the eventual human exploration of Mars. Of
these, only (2) is relevant to the charge to this Panel. In this
context, a ‘returnable’ cache is one that could reasonably
fulfill both scientific objectives for its study and PP needs for
the protection of the public safety. Highly contaminated
samples would presumably violate both requirements. In or-
der to achieve these objectives, the proposed Mars 2020 rover
would explore a site interpreted to have high astrobiology
potential, conduct preliminary analyses using its onboard
instrumentation, and carry sampling equipment needed to
populate a cache with the most compelling samples.
As currently envisioned, the sample collecting and
caching system would include a robotic arm with a turret-
mounted sample acquisition tool (‘‘drill’’), a cache canister
with sample tubes and plugs (Fig. 3), bit boxes for coring,
brushing and abrading bits, and a blank material for quality
control (Mustard et al., 2013). The SDT suggested that Mars
2020 have a minimum capability to collect 31 samples of
15–16 g each. Mustard et al. (2013) specifically called for
the sealing of individual samples as quickly as possible after
their acquisition. The purpose of this sealing is primarily to
prevent the gain or loss of dust or volatile components, most
importantly water and organic molecules. At the time of the
writing of the SDT report (Mustard et al., 2013), it was not
clear how tight a seal was technically possible, and the SDT
recommended a threshold requirement that the seals be
‘dust-tight,’ with a baseline requirement that they be air-
tight (see their Finding 6-6). Clearly, from the point of view
of the investigation of organic molecules in the samples,
gas-tight seals on each sample would be a very high priority,
so as to prevent their contamination after collection. If it is
technically possible, we recommend that gas-tight sample
sealing be a threshold-level requirement (with the quantifi-
cation of the leak rate to be determined). Also, note that
interpretation of potential eventual returned sample data
may have less ambiguity if the sample tubes were also
sealed during the voyage to Mars (this would eliminate
some possible vectors for contamination), although the im-
plementation planning is left for others.
Although Mars 2020 is a heritage-driven mission, the
organic contamination considerations may depart signifi-
cantly from heritage. For example, a central part of MSL’s
strategy involved dilution of contaminants (aka ‘dilution
cleaning’’), and given the sampling concepts for Mars 2020,
it may not be possible to use this approach to clean the
FIG. 2. Stages in the history of the samples throughout the notional MSR campaign. The yellow box illustrates the focus
of this study, although a critical point is that levels set at this stage of the campaign would impact everybody downstream.
Note that within the scale of the lifetime of the Mars 2020 rover, the samples are assumed to be vulnerable to organic
contamination only until each sample is sealed, which would be a matter of days, not years.
sampling chain. In addition, the instruments used to evalu ate
the quantity and character of contamination on the samples
collected by Mars 2020 would be broader and more com-
prehensive than those used by MSL.
2.1.4. Definition of ‘organic contamination.’ Although
the meaning of ‘organic contamination’ is generally well
understood, there are several ambiguities that we must clarify.
First, the term ‘organic’ (as applied to molecules, or carbon)
is itself ambiguous and is not strictly defined by the Interna-
tional Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (see
Appendix 3 for definitions of terms). For example, some
carbon-containing compounds are not reduced [carbon di-
sulfide (CS
)], others contain no C-H bonds [Teflon, (C
urea, CO(NH
], others are minerals (diamond, graphite),
etc. Moreover, some compounds that are clearly inorganic
have the potential to interfere with analyses of organic com-
pounds, whether by confounding instrument readings (iso-
baric or spectral interference) or by binding, oxidizing, etc.,
organic compounds in the sample matrix (often referred to as
‘matrix effects’’).
For the purposes of this Panel’s deliberations, we defined
‘organic contamination’ as any substance that significantly
interferes with our ability to detect the presence of martian
organic compounds or prevents our confidently determining
that an organic compound is of martian and not terrestrial
We specifically did not include metal carbides within the
scope of the above definition, because these were viewed as
unlikely to cause significant problems (based on widespread
terrestrial analytic experience). However, we are aware that
background carbon contamination due to carbon-bearing
stainless steel has been shown to contribute to contamina-
tion issues in some fluid inclusion and meteorite studies that
use grinding and extraction approaches (Sherwood Lollar,
personal communication, 2014), and that backgrounds have
been successfully lowered by using low-C steel such as 316
stainless steel. If concern about the potential significance of
metal carbide contamination on future organic measure-
ments increases, we advise that this subject be revisited by a
future group.
2.1.5. A note about units. For most of the measurements
of organic molecules in geological samples (e.g., rocks and
soils), the data are typically reported as nanograms (or
nanomoles) of molecules detected per gram of material an-
alyzed (see Appendix 4). Such measurements would pre-
sumably be made on a split of the sample, which defines the
denominator (and thus investigation of different sample splits
can have legitimate differences between them). Other in-
struments listed in Appendix 4 make their observations using
optical means. When applied to opaque objects, like metals,
this gives a measurement of the surface. When such methods
are applied to rocks, since most rock-forming minerals are
transparent to optical investigations, such data respond to the
sample surface plus the immediately underlying rock down to
a depth of 10 lm or more. The data from such investigations
therefore commonly represent a combination of contamina-
tion molecules on the sample surface and indigenous mole-
cules in the outermost volume of the sample. In order to
systematize the discussion in this report, we have standard-
ized the units to ng/g (which is equivalent to ppb by mass)
and lg/g (which is equivalent to ppm by mass).
2.2. Previous work on organic contamination control
of acquired samples
Several previous groups have studied the question of
permissible levels of organic contamination in returned
samples in general as well as in past/ongoing sample-based
investigations at Mars. Although our current thinking on this
subject certainly benefits from recent geochemical mea-
surements of martian materials (e.g., Freissinet et al., 2014)
that were not available to earlier groups, it is instructive to
understand how thinking on this subject has evolved through
Apollo (1969–1972). The first requirements for the or-
ganic cleanliness of spacecraft-acquired extraterrestrial
samples originated in the Apollo Program (see recent sum-
mary by Calaway et al., 2014). Although there was a desire to
make samples available for measurement with organic con-
tamination below 1 ng/g (Flory et al., 1969; Simoneit and
Flory, 1971; Simoneit et al., 1973), this was not technically
FIG. 3. One notional concept for the cache canister, sample tubes, and plugs to be carried on the proposed Mars 2020
rover (from Mustard et al., 2013). Alternative hardware configurations are possible (e.g., Zacny et al., 2014). The essential
aspect for the purpose of this report is the left half of this diagram, illustrating an encapsulated sample.
possible at the time (although this number is sometimes
quoted in the post-Apollo literature). Prior to the flight of
Apollo 11, organic contamination levels within the Lunar
Receiving Laboratory (LRL) were observed as high as a
sample equivalent of 1,000 ppm. Revamping laboratory
sample handling and cleaning procedures reduced this level
of organic contamination to < 1 ppm for the Apollo 11 sam-
ples (Flory and Simoneit, 1972; Simoneit et al., 1973). After
Apollo 11, Simoneit and Flory (1971) prepared a compre-
hensive analysis of potential pathways of surface contami-
nation of Apollo samples, including contaminants arising
from the LRL, Apollo lunar sample return container
(ALSRC) and contents, Apollo lunar hand tools (ALHT),
exhaust products from the Lunar Module (LM) [LM out-
gassing, venting of tanks, and Primary Life Support System
(PLSS)], astronauts’ suit leakage, astronauts’ suit abrasion,
and cleaning at the White Sands Test Facility (WSTF). Within
the then ongoing Apollo program, this led to improved wet-
chemical cleaning methods that led to an interpreted average
of 10–100 ng/cm
of flight hardware organic contamination
for Apollo 12–15 [based on analysis of the ALSRC Alumi-
num York Mesh witness plates (Flory and Simoneit, 1972)].
Most Apollo LRL sample handling tools and containers were
cleaned at WSTF to between 1 to 10 ng/cm
, although the
state of their cleanliness at the time they were used to interact
with samples is unknown. For Apollo 12, the Ottawa sand
organic monitors showed some levels < 1 ng/cm
for the high
vacuum complex in the LRL, and organic contamination
levels on lunar samples were reduced to below 0.1 lg/g. The
level of detection for many organic geochemistry research
laboratories at the time was about 1 ng/g (Calaway et al.,
2014). After Apollo 14, the Apollo missions did not mitigate
against organic contamination. However, it is known that
some types of sample containment added organics; for ex-
ample, the SNAP line used for Apollo 14 and later missions,
after abandoning the high vacuum complex, added as much
as 10 lg/g.
Viking (1976). The first missions to Mars to measure
organic carbon in collected samples were the Viking mis-
sions. In terms of contamination control, the Viking mis-
sions were implemented with significant influences from the
Apollo Program. The goal was to measure levels as low as
0.1 lg/g of total organics in small samples (100 mg) of
collected soil, and a total contamination level of less than
1 lg/g (Flory et al., 1974). However, the requirement for
high-temperature ‘sterilization’’ of the entire lander system
resulted in an extensive screening program for all materials,
which could release potential contaminants by outgassing, as
well as an inventory of materials flown and analysis of their
compositions. A detailed process was developed for cleaning
and processing the hardware (Flory et al., 1974; Bionetics
Corporation, 1990). The final cleaning of the sample path
hardware in the organic analysis instrument [gas chroma-
tography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS)] was done at the
WSTF (see Seger and Gillespie, 1974): ‘The GCMS PDA
and the collector head/shroud assemblies are sent to the
NASA White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) to be organically
cleaned to less than 1 ng/cm
with the procedures developed
for the Apollo Moon Missions.’ After sonic cleaning in tri-
ple-distilled ultrapure Freon solvent, the units were purged
with low-pressure helium gas at high temperature (125C) for
96 hr. Although there is evidence that during at least some
parts of the Apollo program metal surfaces were cleaned to
< 1 ng/cm
of TOC, there is very little documentation for ei-
ther Apollo or Viking regarding recontamination after
cleaning. A second concern is that the cleanliness of the GC-
MS instrument was assessed by solvent rinses followed by
GC-MS analysis of the rinse fluid; thus they measured what
could be removed from the surfaces, not what remained on
them. It is uncertain whether a layer of adventitious carbon
(AC) would be fully detected by this approach. Although a
transfer coefficient was not quantified, the capability of the
system to achieve its organic cleanliness goals was verified
by using pyrolyzed soil (500C) as a blank using prototype
hardware. The Viking system apparently achieved signifi-
cantly lower levels of contamination than the formal re-
quirement, based on the assessment of the actual results from
the GC-MS instrument during the mission, which measured
residues of cleaning solvents at levels less than 1 to 50 ng/g
[depending on the compound (Biemann et al., 1976; Biemann
and Bada, 2011)].
Mars Phoenix Mission (2007). The Phoenix mission
utilized heritage hardware not originally intended for use in
organic-sensitive analyses. As a result, no organic contam-
ination requirements were levied on the project, and organic
cleanliness was approached on a ‘best-effort’’ basis. Im-
portant surfaces, including those of the thermal and evolved
gas analyzer (TEGA) instrument, were open to the ambient
atmosphere; thus recontamination by AC was all but as-
sured. These problems notwithstanding, analyses of the as-
sembled spacecraft surfaces indicated typical TOC loadings
of 40–600 ng/cm
. Much of this contamination, up to 85%,
was a perfluorinated lubricant (‘‘Bray-type oil’’) used in the
spacecraft. Remaining contaminants were largely phthalates
and aliphatic alcohols, acids, and esters. Palmitic (hexa-
decanoic) acid was a substantial contaminant on all of the
surfaces tested, but was not quantified (M. Anderson, un-
published data, 2006
MSL (2011). Planning for contamination control re-
quirements. The Organic Contamination Science Steering
Group (OCSSG) was chartered in 2004 to specifically
consider issues of organic contamination for the MSL mis-
sion in particular, and martian surface lander missions in
general. Their report (Mahaffy et al., 2004) considered a
similar range of subjects as the OCP, but focused particu-
larly on (1) identifying contaminants of most concern, (2)
understanding methods of quantifying residual contamina-
tion, (3) possible mitigation strategies, and (4) use of con-
trols and standards.
Regarding contaminants of concern, the OCSSG consid-
ered a broad array of compounds of potential scientific
interest. These included all major biomolecules, aromatic
and aliphatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen-, sulfur-, and oxygen-
containing compounds, sulfonic and phosphonic acids, and
others. They did not explicitly include any halogenated
organic compounds, as the potential importance of these
compounds was not appreciated at that time. Compounds
rated as being of highest scientific interest (ranked H or VH)
included aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, carboxylic
acids, amines and amino acids, purines and pyrimidines,
carbonyl compounds, and alcohols (Mahaffy et al., 2004).
JPL Analytical Chemistry lab report R196a, 12/28/06.
To derive proposed quantitative cleanliness levels (i.e.,
bare minimum levels), the OCSSG relied on the calculations
of Benner et al. (2000), who considered average rates of de-
livery of organics to Mars by meteorites, the depth of mixing
of these organics into surface materials, and potential mech-
anisms and rates of oxidation. They concluded that ‘reduced
organic groups such as aromatics or their oxidation products
at mixing ratios of hundreds of parts per billion to hundreds of
parts per million are expected.’ These investigators noted
that to define individual molecular species within these
groups, and to definitively understand oxidation pathways,
measurements down to ng/g levels might be necessary. They
(Mahaffy et al., 2004) thus concluded:
Keeping terrestrial contamination to below 1–10 parts per
billion in Mars samples should allow significant scientific
conclusions to be reached concerning the fate of organic
material delivered by meteorites. The total molecular carbon
contamination allowed could be substantially higher (for
example, 40 ng/g) if the contamination by specific critical
species or classes was maintained at dependably constant
levels. Although extinct or extant life on Mars has the po-
tential to leave signature organic material in either much
higher abundance than the parts per billion levels discussed
above, the OCSSG concluded that a definitive search for
such signatures could be implemented on MSL by main-
taining terrestrial contamination below levels of 1–10 ng/g
for relevant biomarkers.
The OCSSG went on to propose specific limits for those
relevant biomarkers and for total reduced (organic) carbon
in their Table 1. They also provided example calculations
translating those sample-based requirements into hardware
surface requirements, with the caveat that example require-
ments .may be modified as the fidelity of contamination
migration models increases.’ Requirements for levels of
specific compound classes were initially adopted essentially
verbatim by the Project based on these recommendations, but
were later waived as not being implementable. Reasons for
this determination included limitations upon existing con-
tamination measurement capabilities within laboratories of
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and JPL and the
lack of resources to obtain equipment and carry out analytical
methods development within the original project develop-
ment time frame.
Early on, the MSL contamination control engineers con-
ducted a trial to demonstrate analysis capability. Various
analytical methods [optical and Fourier transform infrared
(FTIR) microscopy, diffuse reflectance infrared (IR) Fourier
transform (DRIFT)/FTIR spectroscopy, and GC-MS] were
used to assemble a comprehensive set of results against
the compound classes identified in Table 1. Although suc-
cessful, the logistics of performing this elaborate suite of
analyses were quite time-consuming and were deemed im-
practical for routine cleanliness verification on hundreds of
spacecraft assays. The MSL team concluded that DRIFT/
FTIR spectroscopy was adequate to verify the cleanliness of
spacecraft hardware—including the sample transfer chain—
to the level required to assure the integrity of the Sample
Analysis at Mars (SAM) science goals [GC-MS, pyrolysis-
GC-MS, and direct analysis in real time–mass spectrometry
(DART/MS) were also used as needed on a case-by-case
basis]. Rather than attempting to modify the OCSSG-
proposed limits into a set of implementable requirements,
MSL proceeded with a waiver against the requirements as
written: the specific verifications of the subcompounds in
Table 1 were waived, while the overall 40 ng/g of TOC
requirement was retained. In the context of the overall
validation and verification program, the verification ap-
proach implemented by MSL was deemed robust enough to
constitute a low risk to the mission science goals, SAM
instrument objectives, and hardware safety.
A significant contribution of the OCSSG effort was to
conduct and report experiments designed to understand the
efficiency of physical transfer of organic contaminants from
spacecraft surfaces to a simulated martian regolith. They
considered a variety of organic compounds, regolith ana-
logs, and metal surfaces, over temperatures ranging from
- 40Cto25C. In general, they found that the most sig-
nificant factor affecting transfer efficiency was the level of
abrasion of the metal surfaces: strong abrasion of surfaces
resulted in up to 60% transfer, moderate abrasion produced
1.3–7.6% transfer, and passive transfer without abrasion
yielded levels of 0.1–1.3%.
Actual performance. The history of the state of organic
contamination of MSL’s sample contact surfaces as a
function of time is as follows:
1. Initial cleaning. MSL sample acquisition, processing,
and handling (SA/SPAH) hardware surfaces were
cleaned to an initial level of approximately £ 25 ng/
(average) as determined by FTIR analysis (Her-
rick et al., 2002) of dichloromethane solvent rinses of
witness coupons that accompanied individual piece-
parts through the cleaning process. Surface residue
was not quantified below 20 ng/cm
because the re-
quirement was 100 ng/cm
2. At last access before launch. Solvent swab assays
(hexane swab sampling, followed by analysis of the
swab) prior to shipment of the flight system to the
launch site, and then again just prior to last access
before fairing encapsulation, showed an average of
23 ng/cm
(range, approximately 20–40 ng/cm
) for
inner (not exposed) surfaces of the sample transfer
chain surfaces. FTIR analysis showed that the con-
tamination was in the form of aliphatic hydrocarbons/
esters (Blakkolb et al., 2014). This contamination was
also analyzed by the SAM Science Team at GSFC by
ground-based pyrolysis GC-MS, but no organic com-
ponents were detected (Eigenbrode et al., 2013a).
Table 1. Maximum Amounts of Contamination
That Can Be Transferred to Organic and Molecular
Analysis Experiments, as Proposed by the OCSSG
(Table 2 in Mahaffy et al., 2004)
Compound class ng/g of sample
Benzene or aromatic hydrocarbons 8
Carbonyl and hydroxyl containing
Amino acids 1
Amines, or amides 2
Non-aromatic hydrocarbons 8
Total reduced carbon 40
3. At Mars arrival. The MSL team constructed models of
the contaminant redistribution from surrounding
hardware to sample chain during flight (using standard
aerospace industry contamination transport modeling
methodology; see, for example, Fong and Lee, 1992).
These models predicted exposed sample chain surfaces
would pick up some additional contamination from the
cruise environment; these surfaces were expected to
have up to 60 ng/cm
after landing. For the inner (i.e.,
not exposed) sample transfer chain surfaces, the model
assumed no desorption of the initial ‘at launch’ sur-
face contamination (approximately 20–40 ng/cm
during flight, and the model predicted no additional
deposition to closed sample chain surfaces.
4. During surface operations. The total sample contact
surface area for MSL is approximately 1,000 cm
which is relatively large. If all of these contaminants
were transferred to a single sample, an effective av-
erage surface cleanliness level of approximately
0.4 ng/cm
at the time of sampling would be needed to
achieve delivery of a sample with 40 ng/g bulk organic
contamination. Expressed differently, the first sample
would have had a contaminant load of > 600 ng/g of
TOC (calculated using plausible contaminant transfer
coefficients). As discussed above, sample chain sur-
face cleanliness levels were actually predicted to be
20–60 ng/cm
at the time of landing. To achieve the
required level of contamination in samples delivered
to the SAM instrument, the MSL sample delivery ar-
chitecture was designed around what was referred to as
‘dilution cleaning.’ This consisted of passing one or
more ‘throwaway’’ samples through the sample trans-
fer chain, prior to delivery of the first actual samples of
Based on a deterministic contamination transfer
model for the scoop sample path, four dilution
cleaning passes were executed prior delivery of the
first sample for analysis by SAM. The contaminant
load in that fifth sample was predicted to be approx-
imately 10 ng/g (equivalent to 0.005 nmol, as chloro-
hydrocarbon). This level of predicted contribution
from the sample transfer chain is similar in magnitude
to the SAM instrument internal blanks run for the
Rocknest samples reported by Glavin et al. (2013).
The sixth and subsequent samples would be ex-
pected to have even lower concentrations of Earth-
sourced organic contaminants, as the system is
progressively used.
In the case of the drill sample path, the sample transfer
model had prescribed between three and four cleaning
cycles to achieve a £ 40 ng/g target level. However,
the Science Team elected to accept and analyze the
first sample (because the SAM instrument does much
more with solid samples than just measure TOC). This
sample (from the John Klein site) was predicted to
have had a contaminant load of approximately 430 ng/g
of TOC [equivalent to < 0.2 nmol as chlorohydro-
carbon (Blakkolb et al., 2014)]. In that sample, the
SAM instrument detected chloromethane (CH
and dichloromethane (CH
) in a combined total
amount of approximately 73 nmol [average of four
portions analyzed (Ming et al., 2014)], although it is
indeterminate how much of this is natural signal and
how much is Earth-sourced contamination. MSL’s
second drill sample was taken at the Cumberland site.
The contaminant transfer model predicts that it was
delivered to SAM with £ 69 ng/g of TOC ( < 0.03 nmol
as chlorohydrocarbon). SAM analysis of this sample
detected < 20 nmol of chlorohydrocarbon (and again,
this would be a mixture of martian signal and con-
MSL’s sample acquisition system can contribute
Teflon particles to the samples it collects, because of
normal wear and tear of a compliant seal within the
drill bit assembly (Eigenbrode et al., 2013b). Teflon
was chosen for this seal specifically because per-
fluorocarbons, such as Teflon, are in general devoid of
other contaminants, and they have the added advan-
tage that they generate few peaks in the GC-MS (i.e.,
the SAM instrument) analyses. Further, the peaks
they do generate have distinctive masses and are not
likely confused with compounds of Mars origin. Late
in the project life cycle, ground testing of an engi-
neering model of the drill mechanism raised the
concern that elevated levels of Teflon particles in the
samples presented a potential safety risk to the SAM
instrument. Further testing to understand the risk and
minimize it was performed. The quantity of this
contamination was predicted to be between 100 and
10,000 ppb (0.05–5 nmol as perfluoroethylene) of
Teflon. Based on this information, the potential
quantity of Teflon in the samples was judged not to
constitute an unacceptable risk to the instrument. For
the John Klein sample, SAM did detect trace quantities
(0.1–0.3 nmol) of perfluoroethylene, a known pyrolysis
product of Teflon (Ming et al., 2014).
Since direct verification of in-sample contamination lev-
els is not technically possible at Mars, the predicted values
for contamination quoted above are necessarily model-
based. The model used predicts contributions of the sample
transfer chain only, and does not include additional con-
tamination within the SAM instrument itself (the MSL
Project had an internal allocation of 4 ng/g out of the total
40 ng/g requirement for SAM).
Note that the SAM instrument had contamination issues
during the first 2 years of the MSL mission as a result of
leakage of the derivatization solvent within the SAM in-
strument (and these issues are continuing up to the time of
writing). Although this is a contamination-related concern, it
is the result of a mechanical anomaly that is unique to SAM,
and it has no significance to Mars 2020. This is not dis-
cussed further in this report.
Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identifica-
tion Security—Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-Rex) (launch
planned in 2016). A Level-1 requirement for OSIRIS-Rex
(see Lauretta et al., 2014) is to return > 60 g of pristine
asteroid regolith. During initial formulation (pre-Phase A),
OSIRIS-REx adopted the OCSSG contamination limits, but
it became clear during Phase A that these were not
achievable on a New Frontiers budget. OSIRIS-REx formed
a working group with representation from the science team,
flight system, instruments, systems engineering, and project
management to ensure a broad and balanced consensus. In
the development of contamination control requirements the
first obstacle was to define pristine as having contamination
levels from the addition of species that do not interfere with
the scientific conclusions. It was determined that alteration
via loss of material (e.g., water), was beyond the scope of
the mission. The OSIRIS-REx contamination control re-
quirements for organic and inorganic species were drawn
from lessons learned from Stardust (Sandford et al., 2010),
from which OSIRIS-REx derives significant heritage. In
addition, to avoid complicated analytical testing, proxies for
compounds and species of concern were identified based on
carbonaceous chondrite abundances and Stardust perfor-
mance. These were converted from nanograms per gram of
sample into nanograms per square centimeter of collector
[touch-and-go sample acquisition mechanism (TAGSAM)]
surface area assuming 100% transfer efficiency (although a
vibration test show ppm levels of amino acid transfer under
dry conditions), and shown in Table 2. It is important to
remember that the OSIRIS-REx target is expected to be
orders of magnitude richer in organic compounds than found
on Mars.
To implement these levels, specific testing for amino acids
on sampling hardware via witness plates is used. Amino acid
requirements led to a ban on nylon, rubber, and latex use on all
parts of the spacecraft. The hydrazine is limited by spacecraft
design and operations. The other species are controlled by
converting these surface requirements to particle and film
requirements for theoretical IEST-STD-CC1246D and frac-
tions of A. This results in a requirement of 100 A/2 under
reasonable conditions.
OSIRIS-REx has a witness plate plan that includes as-
sembly, test, and launch operations (ATLO) activities, gas
samples, curation, and a series of sapphire and aluminum
witness plates on the flight hardware. The exposure of these
witness plates is adjacent to the sample collector and timed by
mission phase. The flight witnesses will be returned with the
samples. Analyses of ground witnesses will be performed off
the critical path and under the watch of the Sample Analysis
Working Group lead. Ground and flight witnesses will be
distributed under the same rules as the asteroid samples.
A materials archive of 1 g of components and polymers
with a reasonable path to the samples is planned. De-
termining which materials to archive required a high-fidelity
outgassing model of the spacecraft. To minimize the di-
versity of materials and extent of the archive, the diversity
of polymerics is minimized and complex polymers (e.g.,
silicones) are only used by waiver when no viable substitute
can be found. Since the curation of hydrazine under flight-
like conditions is impractical, flight hydrazine is analyzed
before launch so that hydrazine that is identical both iso-
topically and in trace components can be mixed and fired
through an archived thruster and catalyst bed if required by
future researchers.
ExoMars (launch planned in 2018). The ExoMars 2018
Rover is planned to be the first life detection mission to
Mars to be undertaken since Viking (for details, see Vago
et al., 2013). Its plans are to employ certain contamination
control-related practices that were common to Viking’s
design and integration, including:
Design to protect the sensitive surfaces based on seg-
regation (sealed sample path) and overpressure (for
example, pre-launch pressurization of the canister
containing the drill)
Material control based on elimination, conditioning,
isolation or characterization (pre-flight and use of
blanks during operation)
Use of hot gas purging
As of August 2014, the requirements for the maximum
amount of terrestrial organic contamination per gram of
martian samples to be used for life detection on the Exo-
Mars 2018 rover are as follows (Kminek, written commu-
nication, 2014):
Material from biological sources £ 50 ng/g
Monomers of Kapton, Mylar, and polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) £ 500 ng/g
Fluorinated technical lubricants £ 500 ng/g
Any other organic compound £ 50 ng/g
This is the contamination level applied to the subsystems
involved in the acquisition, delivery, and analysis of martian
samples for life detection. The philosophy of structuring the
list this way is to have a lower level for biological organics
and a higher level for engineering sources that have previ-
ously been characterized with standard outgassing testing,
specific GC-MS analysis [protocol developed with the Mars
organic molecule analyzer (MOMA)], and samples sent and
tested by the MOMA team.
The ExoMars Rover instrument contents and sample
pathway are planned to be assembled in an aseptic, Inter-
national Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3 environ-
ment with ISO airborne molecular contamination class-9
(AMC-9) cleaning. In order to have empirical data regarding
assembly and testing contamination data, the build philoso-
phy contains two models that are planned to be employed to
measure contamination sources during assembly and envi-
ronmental qualification testing. During integration, indirect
verification are planned to take place using witness plates, and
routine cleanliness checks would be conducted with gravi-
metric analysis. End-to-end testing of the flight model is
planned to verify cleanliness levels prior to launch. The
MOMA instrument on the ESA ExoMars rover mission is
being built (by NASA GSFC) with a required level of surface
cleanliness of 10 ng of non-volatile residue (NVR)/cm
MSR (MSR SSG II). The MSR Science Steering Group
II (MSR SSG II) was formed in 2004 and chartered with re-
examining the MSR goals and mission concepts in light of
Table 2. Summary of OSIRIS-REx
Contamination Proxies
Species Indicator
TAGSAM surface
limit (ng/cm
Amino acids Biological contaminant,
special for astrobiology
Hydrazine Reduces organics 180
C Organics 1000
K Lithophile 170
Ni Siderophile 34,000
Sn, Hg Industrial contaminant 0.53, 0.46
Nd Lanthanide lithophile 1.5
Pb Chalcophile, special for
the recent (at the time) results of the Mars Exploration Rovers
(Spirit and Opportunity). This group comprised four sub-
panels tasked with studying a broad range of issues; one of
those was forward organic contamination (MacPherson and
the MSR-SSG II, 2005). As with the OCSSG, they began by
compiling a list of potential ‘indigenous martian organic
molecules’ (Table 6 in MacPherson and the MSR-SSG II,
2005) that included most of those from the earlier report, plus
humic and fulvic acids, complex macromolecules, phospho-
lipids, N- and S-containing gases, and hydrocarbon gases.
They also ranked compounds in terms of relative scientific
interest, and here they departed significantly from the OCSSG
report (Mahaffy et al., 2004). The highest-rated compounds
of interest (ranked VH) were C1–C4 hydrocarbon gases,
saccharides, amino acids, porphyrins, glycerides and phos-
pholipids, and nucleic acids. The fact that only amino acids
were ranked of ‘very high’ scientific interest by both the
MSR SSG II and OCSSG panels emphasizes the inherent
difficulty in prioritizing the most interesting molecular tar-
gets. The MSR SSG II further stated that, considering the
reactivity and volatility of these species, strict temperature
control of samples during their return is likely necessary.
They proposed a limit of less than - 5C as being desirable,
< 20C as highly recommended, and < 50C as essential.
To derive quantitative limits for contamination, this group first
considered those that had been recently proposed by the OCSSG.
They comment (MacPherson and the MSR-SSG II, 2005):
In light of the great variety of state of the art analytical tech-
niques that could be applied to organics analysis of returned
samples; it would be desirable to realize even lower thresholds
in a returned sample than these proposed thresholds for in situ
analysis. For example, thresholds of less than 10 ng/g in total
organic contamination and ng/g or below in the proxy com-
pound classes listed above could enable robust conclusions to
be drawn regarding the origin and processing of indigenous
Martian organics found in the ng/g or higher abundances.
Next, in an effort to set a lower bound on what might be
required for analyses of Martian rocks, the group considered
analogous organic-poor rocks on Earth, as follows. Oxidized
red sandstones and mudstones (‘‘redbeds’’) commonly
contain 0.10–0.01 weight percent TOC. Of this, typically
less than 10 lg/g is extractable bitumen, and sometimes as
low as 1 lg/g. Major compound classes, such as aliphatic
hydrocarbons, often represent just 1% of that total extract, or
10 ng/g. Individual biomarker molecules, for example, n-
alkanes and hopanes, are themselves typically only 1–10%
(or less) of aliphatic hydrocarbons, and so are present at 0.1–
1.0 ng/g (MacPherson and the MSR-SSG II, 2005, pp 29–
30). Inferring that similarly low levels might be present in
returned martian samples, the MSR-SSG II proposed or-
ganic contamination thresholds that were lower than those
of the OCSSG by a factor of 4 (i.e., 10 ng/g of TOC), and as
low as 0.25 ng/g amino acids. Critical to their evaluation and
conclusions is the assumption that terrestrial TOC-poor
rocks are representative of what we might find on—and
return from—the surface of Mars. The validity of this as-
sumption was not explicitly discussed by the SSG II report,
and was questioned by several panelists in the OCP.
MSR (Mars 2020 SDT). The most recent group to take
on the subject of organic contamination was the Mars 2020
SDT (Mustard et al., 2013). This group provided a technical
analysis of the Mars 2020 objectives, and looked closely at
the susceptibility of those objectives to terrestrial organic
contamination. They concluded that Objective C (sample
return) was very highly susceptible to organic contamina-
tion, and provided a high-level strategy for controlling and
characterizing organic contaminants. With regard to specific
contaminant thresholds, the SDT did not perform any further
analysis of scientific requirements, and instead recapitulated
the proposals of earlier studies:
The degree to which interpretation of analyses of martian
samples would be compromised by the presence of organic
contaminants in samples containing indigenous martian or-
ganic material is unknown. Thus, we do not know what level
of cleanliness would be appropriate. Contamination should
be kept as low as reasonably possible and within the guide-
lines proposed by the MEPAG OCSSG and the MSR SSG
report. In these reports a total of 40 ng/g reduced organic
compounds, with sub-allocations of 1–10 ng/g for specific
compound classes was proposed by OCSSG (2004) (this spec
was specifically intended for in situ investigations, including
MSL). The MSR SSG (2005) proposed a total of 10 ng/g of
reduced organic compounds, with sub-allocations for specific
compound classes—proposed for at least some MSR sam-
ples. These figures are estimates only of contamination levels
needed to achieve the science objectives. As discussed, dif-
ferent levels may be required to meet planetary protection
requirements, and those levels would be specified by advi-
sory groups specifically chartered for that purpose.
The SDT ultimately proposed adopting the lower of the
two earlier limits (10 ng/g of TOC) as the baseline (i.e.,
desired) requirement, and the higher of the two (40 ng/g of
TOC) as the threshold (i.e., bare minimum) requirement.
Although the text of their report implies that they supported
the inclusion of separate thresholds for individual classes of
compounds, their finding (Finding 6-12) does not explicitly
state this. (See Section 4.1.3 of this report for the hybrid
resolution to this issue proposed by the OCP.)
Summary. In summary (Table 3), three conclusions can
be drawn from the above history: (1) It is technically pos-
sible to clean spacecraft sample-contacting surfaces (on
Earth, prior to launch) to TOC burdens as low as 1 ng/cm
or perhaps even lower. (2) Previously cleaned sampling
surfaces become recontaminated up to the point they are
used to interact with samples, such that the state of their
cleanliness is significantly worse (and hard/impossible to
measure) than at the time of original cleaning. (3) Samples
have been collected and analyzed by prior missions, or are
proposed by future missions, with Earth-sourced organic
contamination as low as about 40–50 ng/g.
Finding #1: Cleaning spacecraft surfaces to levels of
10–20 ng/cm
has been achieved in prior missions (e.g.,
MSL). Significantly lower levels of cleanliness are
technologically feasible, but would require approaches
to limit recontamination and maintain such levels.
2.3. Key concepts
2.3.1. Terrestrial microbial life forms (alive or dead) as
sources of organic molecular contaminants.
From a purely
analytical perspective, organic matter in samples returned
from Mars can be broadly classified into (1) viable cells and
Table 3. Summary of Organic Cleanliness Goals and Outcomes for Several Past and Current Missions
In-sample contamination
requirement Detection limit
cleanliness target
cleanliness achieved
In-sample contamination
Apollo (Simoneit et al., 1973) Estimated approximately
low to sub-lg/g
Approximately ng/g 1 ng/cm
10–100 ng/cm
Approximately 1 lg/g to
0.1 lg/g
Viking (MAE) (Flory et al.,
1974; Biemann et al.,
1977; Bionetics Corp.,
£ 1 lg/g £ 10 ng/g 1 ng/cm
Some sealed MAE
hardware may have
been at or below the
lower end of the
Apollo range.
Methyl chloride: *15 ng/g
Fluoroethers: 1–50 ng/g
PHX (Mahaffy et al., 2004) > 1 ng/g to < 0.1 lg/g 10 ng/g (TEGA) *100 ng/cm
best effort
< 100–400 ng/cm
(scoop sides,
TEGA–EGA cover)
(Anderson, 2006)
MSL (Eigenbrode et al.,
2013a; Glavin et al.,
2013; Leshin et al. 2013;
Blakkolb et al., 2014;
Ming et al., 2014)
£ 40 ng/g Sub-ng/g (SAM) £ 100 ng/cm
at launch
< 0.4 ng/cm
after in situ dilution
£ 20–40 ng/cm
launch, approximately
0.4 ng/cm
after dilution
cleaning at Mars
£ 40 ng/g TOC (Eigenbrode
et al., 2013a; Glavin
et al., 2014; Leshin et al.,
2013; Ming et al., 2014)
OSIRIS-Rex Better than 1 lg/g TOC 180 ng/cm
Material from biological
sources £ 50 ng/g
Monomers of Kapton, Mylar,
and PTFE £ 500 ng/g
Fluorinated technical
lubricants £ 500 ng/g
Any other organic
compound £ 50 ng/g
10 ng of NVR/cm
(MOMA instrument)
Value calculated and not measured.
EGA, evolved gas analysis; MAE, Molecular Analysis Experiment; PHX, Phoenix.
(2) everything else (deceased organisms and their remains,
abiotic organics, etc.) that can be studied via the molecular
composition of organic materials. The former class is nar-
row in the sense that the vast majority of terrestrial microbes
cannot be cultured using existing techniques. Culturing re-
quires prior knowledge of the necessary requirements for
metabolism, and is inherently Earth-centric. Therefore, a
culture-based approach to detecting martian life would be a
thoroughly inadequate approach for assessing the presence
of martian organisms in returned samples.
In contrast to cultivation, measurements of molecular
composition are able to detect not just living organisms, but
also dead organisms, degraded fossil relicts of ancient life
(Briggs and Summons, 2014), and organic molecules arising
from abiotic or ‘prebiotic’ processes (Brasier et al., 2002;
Tice and Lowe, 2004; McCollom and Seewald, 2007; House
et al., 2013). The OCP concludes that investigating carbon-
based organic compounds would be one of the more fruitful
approaches for seeking potential signs of life in returned
samples as opposed to culture-based approaches.
Finding #2: Detection and characterization at the
molecular level of indigenous organic compounds are of
fundamental and critical importance to the searches for
ancient and extant life in martian samples.
2.3.2. Analytical method limits of detection and contami-
nation limits.
The OCP was asked to consider detection
limits of current laboratory analytical methods as a basis for
establishing allowable contamination levels. In reviewing
the literature, and based on our collective experience, we find
that some modern analytical methods can detect vanishingly
small quantities of organic molecules. Moreover, the overall
detection limit of an instrument or method is not always clear-
cut, being dependent upon such factors as sample prepara-
tion, target molecule, and matrix effects. Nonetheless, some
methods that target certain molecules can have detection
limits of parts per trillion (ppt) or lower (see Appendix 4), and
it is reasonable to expect limits to further decrease in the
future. For comparison, a ppt detection limit is about 3 orders
of magnitude lower than that of the MSL SAM instrument.
The OCP concluded that it would be extremely difficult—
and most likely impossible within realistic limits of cost and
risk—to deliver martian samples to Earth and to get them
analyzed, in a way that organic contamination levels were
below the levels of the most sensitive possible organic-
measuring instrument. With such low detection limits, we
consider it inevitable that some level of terrestrial contam-
inants would be detected by future sample measurements.
However, the key question for OCP is not whether it would
be technically possible to return samples in such a state of
cleanliness, but whether samples in that state are necessary
to achieve our sample-related objectives.
Investigating samples that have measurable amounts of
contamination does not necessarily mean that the science
objectives related to organic chemistry in returned samples
are in jeopardy. There are well-understood approaches to
recognizing and analyzing indigenous organic matter in the
presence of detectable contamination. These may include the
molecular structure, chirality, isotopic composition, geologic
context, and spatial distribution of compounds (see sidebar).
Studies of meteorites and ancient terrestrial organics show
that it is possible in many cases to recognize indigenous or-
ganics and interpret their origin, despite the presence of
considerable terrestrial contamination (e.g., Callahan et al.,
2013). On the other hand, there is always some risk that
contamination above detection limits would prevent deter-
mination of the materials of interest, so lower is clearly better.
It was outside the scope of the OCP’s deliberations to
evaluate the engineering consequences (cost, risk, schedule,
complexity) of delivering samples at progressively cleaner
levels, and comparing those consequences to the scientific
benefits of analyzing progressively cleaner samples. How-
ever, the OCP concludes that the most prudent way to
proceed in the absence of such a study is to assume that it is
not practically possible to prevent organic contamination
that exceeds state-of-the-art instrument detection limits. We
should assume the presence of a certain minimum amount of
detectable organic contamination, and plan ways to dis-
criminate such contaminants from indigenous signals.
Major Finding #3: Because of the sensitivity of
modern analytical instruments, we must accept that we
would not be able to reduce all organic contaminants to
non-detectable levels in all analytical techniques. Fully
characterizing this residual contamination is essential.
2.3.3. Not all contaminants are equal. One approach to
limiting organic contamination of the returned samples is to
adopt limits on TOC contamination. However, certain
Some approaches to distinguishing signal from
1. Studying spatial distribution in relation to geologic
features (e.g ., McDonald and Bada, 1995; Allwood
et al., 2009, 2013, Steele et al., 2012). This means it
is important to maintain as much as possible the
physical integrity of the samples, such that such
spatial relationships can be recognized (this may also
involve in situ observations by rover instruments).
2. Differentiating between organic molecules that are in
inclusions inside minerals versus on the surface of
minerals (e.g., Steele et al., 2012). Here the premise is
that the surficial (and therefore presumed to be con-
taminant) organics can be driven off by raising the
temperature of the sample, and that the organics in the
inclusions can be uniquely analyzed separately. If the
organics are inside minerals, the organics were likely
indigenous to the sample before collection.
3. Comparing the molecular composition of organics
to known contaminants from the sampling system
(e.g., Grosjean and Logan, 2007; Hallmann et al.,
2011; Steele et al., 2012).
4. Measuring the isotopic composition of organics,
which may distinguish Mars versus Earth in respect
to their carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen isotopic com-
positions (e.g., Leshin et al., 1996, 2013; Huang et al.,
2005; Steele et al., 2013).
5. As suggested by Bayesian logic, focus analyses on
those samples with the highest probability of containing
indigenous organic carbon (Sephton and Carter, 2014).
contaminants can be more problematic than others if they
directly interfere with analytes of interest. Without knowing
the chemistry of the returned samples, it is difficult to propose
specific molecules to avoid. Nonetheless, complex contami-
nant profiles generally make it much more difficult to detect
target analytes than a few well-characterized contaminants.
Therefore, both the complexity of contaminating compounds
as well as the total amount of organic contamination (Fig. 4)
can affect the interpretability of the data.
Major Finding #4: Reducing those specific contam-
inants that interfere with compounds of scientific interest
is as important as reducing the total contamination burden.
2.3.4. Contamination control versus contamination
The Panel believes it is important to distinguish
between the concepts of ‘contamination control’’ and
‘contamination knowledge.’ The former represents the ef-
forts needed to reduce contamination on the spacecraft (and
eventually the samples), and to maintain that level of clean-
liness (Fig. 5). It is inherently part of the project design, en-
gineering, and fabrication effort, and is implemented to
achieve quantitative requirements (but generally no more). In
contrast, contamination knowledge represents our need to
understand in as much detail as possible what remains on—or
is added to—the spacecraft. It is performed by the project
team, but would provide foundational knowledge for the
science team studying the samples. In many ways it should be
considered as the first stage of scientific investigation. It has
neither easily quantifiable limits, nor easily proscribed
methodology. Indeed, when conducted to its fullest extent, it
should more closely resemble scientific research than engi-
neering design and testing.
Two important points emerge from this discussion. The
first is that both contamination control (strategies #1 and #3
in Fig. 5) and contamination knowledge (strategies #2 and
#5 in Fig. 5) are necessary and complementary. The second
is that they would likely require fundamentally different
approaches. Adequate consideration should be given to the
necessary personnel, resources, and strategies required for
both to be successful.
Finding #5: Our ability to correctly interpret data from
partially contaminated samples correctly depends on a
combination of (1) minimizing contamination at the start,
(2) characterizing residual contamination, and (3) min-
imizing and characterizing recontamination. All three are
equally important.
2.4. Science and PP objectives both drive need
for organic analyses
Some of the scientific and PP objectives of MSR would
both rely heavily on careful measurements of organic
FIG. 4. Complex contaminant profiles are, in general, much worse than a few well-characterized contaminants.
FIG. 5. Graphic representation of the elements of a viable organic contamination management plan for Mars 2020.
molecules in the returned samples (Fig. 6). There are dif-
ferent ways of organizing the way various interpreters think
about the data [e.g., the null hypothesis (see Kminek et al.,
2014)], but regardless of how the hypotheses are structured,
all would make use of the same analytic data from the
samples. Once samples are available for Earth-based anal-
ysis, they would be analyzed for their organic contents to the
maximum degree possible. For both science and PP applica-
tions, a central part of the problem is to reliably interpret the
geochemical/biological context of organic molecules on
Mars. Whether or not they are indigenous to Mars is a key
interpretation, and for which it would be very important to
understand the degree of definitiveness. Given that sample
mass would be limited, we anticipate that it would neither be
possible nor necessary to make separate measurements by
‘science’ and ‘planetary protection’ teams—both would
have a shared need for accurate data from precious samples.
In this context, the OCP carefully considered ways to
organize a set of measurement goals related to organic
molecules in any future returned samples that would con-
stitute an approach that may be useful for both science in-
vestigators and PP technical evaluators (Fig. 6). A key
uncertainty lies in the fact that the samples would arrive
in terrestrial laboratories as inadequately characterized
objects—we would have at best fragmentary information
about the concentration and identity of contained organic
molecules. This leads to two logical phases of investigation
(illustrated by the upper and lower parts of the simple table
in Fig. 6): (1) Do the samples contain organic compounds?,
and (2) What is the nature and origin of any compounds
discovered? The purpose of pointing out this intrinsic se-
quential approach is that the instruments and detection
limits are somewhat different in the two phases, as are
the sensitivities to organic contamination (all amplified
in the next section). It is not our intent to comment on
the important details that make up the life detection and
hazard assessment protocols, both of which are well out-
side the scope of the Panel. However, we note that bio-
molecular organic analyses are now sufficiently sensitive
to detect even the smallest possibly viable contaminant
Major Finding #6: A key subset of the objectives of
both science and PP could be met by a common set of
analyses of organic molecules in returned samples.
Although interpreters for science and PP would use the
data in somewhat different ways, their need for accurate,
high-precision data would be identical.
3. Sample-Based Investigations and Measurements
As requested by its charter, the OCP considered in detail
the types of analytical measurements and their dependent
instrumentation that might be employed in the investigation
of returned samples. As discussed above, OCP’s purpose
was to think through the logical ways of generating organic
molecular inputs to PP’s test protocol (see Rummel et al .,
2002, and subsequent revisions), and to the scientific queries
related to astrobiology. There are a very large number of
potential instruments and methods that might be used to
study samples returned from Mars. Furthermore, by the time
samples are available for analysis on Earth, we can expect to
see significant developments in both instrument capability
(including new methodologies) and biochemical and geo-
chemical knowledge. Current (2014) technology has the
means to analyze millions of organic compounds via hun-
dreds of different methods. In the future, when the samples
are to be returned, presumably more analytical capabilities
would exist. Limited sample mass would constrain the vi-
ability of various methods, as would the potential need for
continued sample containment depending upon PP findings.
It is therefore impossible for this Panel to agree on all
specific target analytes or methods that would practically
FIG. 6. Science and PP objectives would both drive the need for analysis of potential returned samples for organic
and viably bound contamination needs. Moreover, we feel it is
unwise for us to (even attempt to) predict which methodolo-
gies would be most appropriate or useful many years in the
future, before anything is known about the putative samples.
Major Finding #7: A huge diversity of techniques for
organic analysis exists as of 2014. More will be invented.
Not all potential measurements would be possible on
returned Mars samples given limited sample mass and
potential containment requirements, nor would all be
3.1. Need for early survey measurements
Because of the wide spectrum of available instrumenta-
tion, and the unknown character of the samples, it would not
be possible to describe in advance a specific analytical plan
for each sample. The investigation pathways would, of ne-
cessity, need to be driven by discovery (Fig. 7). The ana-
lytical scheme for any given sample would be contingent on
its size, organic content, environmental and stratigraphic
context, lithology, surface exposure age, thermal history,
etc. Different samples may take quite different analytical
pathways. It is for these reasons, as well as those of PP, that
initial survey measurements would be needed to determine
whether organics are present and to provide first-pass char-
acterization. This information would then be used to pri-
oritize (presumably via peer-reviewed proposals) a more
targeted series of measurements geared toward more specific
research objectives. Given the recommended integration of
science and PP measurements, early survey measurements
would need to be performed while the samples are still iso-
lated in the SRF, which would pose technological challenges.
Ensuring that the SRF would be capable of supporting such
survey measurements should thus be a key consideration in
its design.
Finding #8: The course of organic investigation for
returned martian samples would, of necessity, be one of
discovery and iterative refinement. Effective early survey
measurements on returned samples are necessary to
establish the full investigation plan for each sample.
3.2. Potential analytical methods for returned samples
As part of its research, the OCP compiled a list of ana-
lytical methods that are typically employed to investigate
samples for organic constituents (Table 4). A confusing but
important aspect to consider in comparing these methods
concerns the units of measurement. For example, different
techniques would yield results that are properly expressed in
units of mass/area, mass/mass, mass/volume, ppb, etc. De-
pending on details of sample introduction, some of the in-
struments and techniques are inherently sensitive to the total
mass of molecules in a sample aliquot (e.g., mass spec-
trometry), while others are sensitive to their concentration
per unit area or volume (e.g., optical spectroscopy). As a
concrete example, the absolute detection limits for mass
spectrometers are most properly expressed in units of mass
(nanogram) or moles (nanomole). Thus, to apply a mass
spectrometric detection limit to a returned sample, we re-
quire knowledge of how much sample would be assayed to
derive ppm (lg/g) or ppb (ng/g) by weight. For surfaces, the
area of sample to be assayed is needed to derive a con-
tamination limit (e.g., ng/cm
A further complication is that when we specify the mass
of an amino acid (e.g.,1ngofglycine)detectedinamass
spectrometry assay, we are specifying the total mass of that
compound. Knowledge of the molecular formula then al-
lows conversion to an equivalent mass of carbon. For ex-
ample, a molecule of squalene (common contaminant from
fingerprints) weighs almost six times as much as a mole-
cule of glycine and, molecule for molecule, ha s 15 tim es
more carbon. Considerations such as these must be fac-
tored into understanding the relationships between mea-
surements such as TOC (which measures carbon mass) and
those such as analyses of specific amino acids (which
target total analyte mass).
One of the key outcomes of this exercise was recognition
that there are so many potential measurement techniques, in
many cases with extraordinarily low detection limits, that it
is impossible to avoid contamination that would affect any
of them. We cannot know in advance every contaminant that
might matter, but we can predict ones that definitely would
matter (see discussion in Section 4). Without some means to
narrow our focus on a smaller subset of methods, they
cannot serve as a useful basis for establishing appropriate
limits on contamination. Any attempt to simultaneously
consider all such methods must necessarily reach the con-
clusion that virtually all organic compounds must be limited
to vanishingly small concentrations.
As a means to broach this apparent conundrum, the OCP
decided to parse prospective analytical methods into those
most suitable for use in initial survey measurements (here-
after, referred to as ‘survey methods’’) versus those more
suitable for targeted measurements (in the sense of Fig. 7;
‘targeted methods’’). This is an admittedly arbitrary dis-
tinction, in that many instruments could be used to make
either survey or targeted analyses. For example, the same
mass spectrometer operating in full-scan mode can provide a
useful survey of what is present, whereas when operating in
selected-ion or tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) mode
would provide a more sensitive and detailed picture of
particular analytes. Nevertheless, this distinction is useful in
that we know we would utilize survey methods on the re-
turned samples, but the use of targeted methods would be
contingent on what is present. Ideal characteristics of survey
methods would be (1) broad sensitivity to a wide range of
organic analytes, (2) minimal sample consumption, and (3)
suitability for use in a containment facility. The latter con-
sideration rules out, for example, synchrotron x-ray spec-
FIG. 7. Diagrammatic illustration of the relationship be-
tween early survey measurements and later targeted analyses.
Table 4. Science/Planetary Protection Questions, Measurement Objectives, and Instrument Techniques
Science/PP questions Measurement objective
Required measurement Technique/instrument
Is there evidence of
organic chemistry?
Determine the molecular
distribution of martian organics
Assess the functional groups
Infrared spectroscopy (reflectance, transmittance, glowbar or synchrotron FTIR)
Deep UV Raman/fluorescence spectroscopy
X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES)
Assess the aromatic compounds
Laser desorption-mass spectrometry (LD-MS, L2MS, µL2MS)
Assess the volatile/semi-volatile
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS, GC/GC-MS, GC-TOF-MS,
GC-QQQ-MS, etc.)
Evolved gas analysis (EGA)
Bulk atmospheric pressure mass spectrometry (DART, DESI, infusion, etc.)
Assess the non-volatile species
Liquid chromatography or supercritical fluid–mass s
pectrometry (LC-MS, SCF-
MS, LC-TOF-MS, LC-FT-MS, etc.)
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS)
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
Determine the chiral distribution
of martian organics
Assess the enantiomeric ratios of
amino acids, amines, carbonyls,
LC-MS or GC-MS optimized for chiral separation
Determine the isotopic
composition of martian organics
Determine the stable isotopic ratio
of molecules (C, H, N, O, and S)
Ion microprobe [
e.g., nano-secondary ion mass spectrometry (nano-SIMS)]
Tunable laser spectroscopy (TLS)
Elemental analysis–isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS, TC/EA-IRMS)
Compound-specific isotope analysis (GC-IRMS, GC-ICP
Is there evidence of
extinct life?
The above measurements are
directly or indirectly used to
assess the evidence of extinct life.
See above
Most of the above techniques are necessary contributors to this question.
Determine if there are spatial
variations in abundance and
characteristics of martian organics
Identification and spectral
properties of submicron aggregates
of organic matter
Confocal Raman spectroscopy at up to 360 nm micron
spatial resolution
Deep UV Raman/fluorescence spectroscopy
Confocal Raman spectroscopy at up to 360 nm micron spatial resolution
Scanning electron microscope/energy-dispersive X-ra
y spectroscopy
Is there evidence of
extant life?
The above measurements are
directly or indirectly used to
assess the evidence of extant
martian life.
See above
Most of the above techniques are necessary contributors to this question.
Determine the presence of large,
organic polymers/biomolecules
Is there evidence of
terrestrial/terrestrial-like biology?
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Multiple displacement amplification (MDA)
Fluorescence imaging of fluorescently tagged compounds (FISH)
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) luminometry
Microbial plating assay
Are there organic polymers? Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass sp
ectrometry (MALDI-MS)
See Appendix 4 for instrument sensitivities, preparation requirements, and notes.
3.3. Survey versus targeted analytical methods
Most analytical methods exhibit an inherent trade-off
between specificity and sensitivity. The ability to confi-
dently detect and i dentify a given analyte is governed by
the measured signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. Signal is largely a
function of the sample concentration and physics (ioniza-
tion cross-section, quantum fluorescence yield, etc.), so the
most ef fe ctiv e way to boost s ens it ivi ty is to reduce noise.
Noise in the context of a complicated, geologic sample is
mostly determ in ed by the number and abunda nc e of other
(i.e., non-analyte) molecules being detected. The primary
means to reduce noise (and so increase S/N) is thus to screen
out signals from everything other than the analyte of interest
(e.g., only looking at one particular mass or wavelength). In
other words, the act of simultaneously looking for everything
would generally decrease our ability (sensitivity) to detect
any one thing in particular. We conclude that survey ana-
lytical methods are likely to be inherently less sensitive than
are targeted analytical methods.
Two categories of likely survey methods can be recog-
nized. Surface imaging and surface spectroscopic/spectro-
metric techniques are minimally destructive and so likely to
be used at an early stage. Their strengths include minimal
sample consumption, in situ analysis with excellent spatial
resolution, and broad sensitivity to many analytes. In situ
observations also generate context for the organics that can
be related to the bulk measurements. However, identifying
and quantifying specific individual molecules present in
complex mixtures are limited using these techniques, and so
other methods are needed for complete molecular charac-
terization. Mass spectrometric techniques used with bulk or
extracted samples are destructive of samples, but currently
provide the best ability to look sensitively for a broad range
of organics, and to identify them and their specific charac-
teristics (e.g., isomeric form). Most recent studies of mete-
orites have used mass spectrometry in some form.
Ultimately, some combination of non-destructive and de-
structive techniques would likely be used to establish the
survey analyses of samples.
Based on the information compiled in Appendix 4, the
OCP concludes that the detection limits for surface spec-
troscopy are typically in the ppm range, whereas for mass
spectrometry, detection limits are in the ppb range. An
important implication is that surface spectroscopic mea-
surements should not drive the contamination limits. In
contrast, mass spectrometric methods cover a very wide
range of potential analytes (and indeed are valuable for this
ability), and their detection limits are sufficient to identify
the principal organic molecular components in geological
samples at the nanogram level.
‘Targeted’ methods for organic characterization would
be those that look more sensitively for a reduced number of
specific components. The decision of whether or not to
employ any particular targeted method would be based on
a combination of what is known to be present in the sam-
ples, perceived importance of the target analytes, sample
availability, and other factors. Some targeted analyses (e.g.,
for amino acids) might be deemed so essential that they
would be undertaken no matter what is found by initial
surveys. Others (e.g., for hydrocarbons) may not. Regard-
less, knowledge from the survey measurements of which
compound types are present would enable prioritization of
which targeted methods to use, and so are more essential
than targeted methods that may or may not be used. The
OCP therefore decided to focus on survey methods for the
purpose of establishing tractable contamination limits
(Figs. 7 and 8).
3.4. Survey analytical methods
The most likely initial survey measurements would em-
ploy one or more of a range of surface spectroscopy tools. In
FIG. 8. A two-step analytic process for organics—survey versus targeted.
part, this would be driven by the need for the initial inves-
tigations of returned samples to be non-destructive. These
include FTIR, IR reflectance spectroscopy, confocal Raman
spectroscopy, and deep UV Raman/fluorescence spectros-
copy. These methods are non-destructive, but in most cases
do not allow the identification of individual molecules in
complex mixtures. On the other hand, they generally do not
require significant sample preparation and work at small
spatial scales. Therefore, they can be very useful for de-
tecting organic carbon aggregates on the surface or within
inclusions in samples.
Surface spectroscopic tech niq ues can be complementary
and c an precisely survey a sample for surface organic
contamination, including contaminant heterogeneity and
general type. In decreasing order of organic sensitivity,
these are (1) deep UV Ram an an d fluorescence spec -
troscopy, (2) confocal Raman spectroscopy, (3) FTIR
spectros co py, and (4 ) IR reflect a nc e spect r osco p y. In
conjunction with their capabilities for organics detection,
each has strengths for mineralogical assessment, which is
critical not only for distinguishing between native organics
and contamination, but also for determining detection
limits and detection depths.
Finding #9: A small number of currently known
measurement methods is sufficient to provide the survey
information required. These measurements would then
become essential input into deciding which targeted
methods should be applied.
4. Sample-Based Contaminants of Concern
One of the primary goals of the OCP was to propose
quantitative limits for organic contamination that would be
considered acceptable in the returned geologic samples. The
primary purpose of such limits is to ensure that excessive
organic contamination does not thwart either the scientific
goals for sample return or the PP requirements needed to
release the samples to the scientific community. Translating
these goals into specific, quantitative limits is of course
complicated, so the Panel discussed and researched a number
of related concepts and issues, including the proposals and
rationale of previous work on this subject. These consider-
ations lead us to propose limits for individual organic com-
pounds (Section 4.2) and for TOC (Section 4.3) and to discuss
the impact of particulate organic matter (Section 4.4).
There was a general consensus among the panelists that
we do not currently know enough about martian organic
geochemistry to reach a single ‘right’ answer to this
charge, either with respect to which contaminants or how
much should be allowed. Indeed, the entire purpose of re-
turning martian rocks is to discover what might be there, and
so the tolerable types and levels of contamination are in
some sense unknowable at this time. This fact was also
emphasized by the earlier SDT report (Mustard et al., 2013).
While we believe the particular strategy we have used to
propose limits is scientifically sound, it is not the only
possible outcome of such an exercise. Other groups of ex-
perts, weighting various considerations differently, might
reasonably reach a different set of conclusions that are no
less (or more) defensible than the ones offered here.
Finding #10: Because we fundamentally do not know
what organics would be present on Mars, it is currently
impossible to precisely determine what levels of con-
tamination would be necessary in returned samples.
There is thus significant uncertainty (in both directions)
associated with the proposed limits.
4.1. General considerations
4.1.1. Selection criteria for choosing contaminants of
From a purely analytical standpoint, the best ap-
proach to setting contamination limits requires prior knowl-
edge of the specific analytes and their concentrations that we
hope or expect to measure. Based on consideration of appro-
priate S/N thresholds, quantitative limits on background con-
tamination could then be derived for each analyte of interest
(e.g., Peters et al., 1974). In our present case, however, we
know neither the compounds we expect to find, nor the lower
limits of their concentrations. This knowledge gap led us to
consider other criteria for setting limits. A second possibility,
mentioned by the OCP charter, would be to set contamination
limits below the detection limits for analytical methods ex-
pected to be used. This is a very conservative approach, but as
described in Section 3 there are too many analytical methods
that could potentially be employed for us to plausibly consider
them all, and some especially targeted techniques have ex-
tremely good (down to single molecule) sensitivity.
A third criterion that was discussed is the level of
cleanliness that can reasonably be achieved in constructing
sampling hardware using existing technology and method-
ology. There was considerable disagreement on the Panel
about how (or whether) to employ such criteria. On one
hand, the extraordinary effort required to return samples
from Mars constitutes a powerful argument that limits
should be driven solely by scientific goals, regardless of
whether or not they are currently achievable. If not, the
argument goes, then we should develop new technology that
can achieve the required limits before launching the mis-
sion. On the other hand, our deep uncertainty about
FIG. 9. A diagram showing how different levels of signal
and background support or deny a successful measurement.
The vertical arrows indicate variability in background levels.
quantitatively what to expect in returned samples makes a
specific definition of limits for what is scientifically required
virtually impossible. The Panel has tried to keep in mind the
fact that although it may be technically possible to return
samples cleaner than a certain level, this does not constitute
an argument that such cleanliness is necessary.
4.1.2. S/N threshold for acceptable contamination. A
common misconception is that robust analytical measure-
ments require background (blank) levels of a particular
analyte to be well below those one is trying to measure. As
an example, measuring glycine with an S/N level of 3 (a
commonly accepted threshold) might be misconstrued as
meaning glycine concentration in the blank must be three-
fold lower than that in the sample. This is incorrect. Our
ability to confidently resolve the presence or absence of
an analyte requires only that we can determine at some
statistical confidence interval (say, 99.7% or 3r) that the
measured concentration is greater than that of the blank.
Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 9, we need to know both the
concentration of a particular contaminant in our blank and
the uncertainty in our knowledge of that concentration. This
uncertainty could result from incomplete characterization,
or from physical variability (whether spatial or temporal) in
its abundance, or both. This leads to two important points.
First, contaminant concentrations do not necessarily need to
be lower than detection limits for a measurement to be
successful. Second, a stable and well-characterized back-
ground is as important as a low background.
Finding #11: Confirming a measurement to be statis-
tically significant does not necessarily require that con-
tamination be below the detection limit, only that it be
acceptably low, stable, and well characterized. Conse-
quently, the contamination knowledge program should
address the composition, abundance, and variability of
organic molecules present on the spacecraft.
In practical terms, the variability of background con-
tamination is very difficult to control, and is likely to be
strongly dependent on the particular ana ly te. Certain vol-
atile organic compounds that are ubiquitous in clean room
air as a result of degassing from permanent equipment
(flooring , duc t wor k , pain t , etc.) mi g ht prov e to be present
on sampling hardware at very predictable levels. Other
compounds, for example, those present in cleaning prod-
ucts used intermittently, might be much more variable.
Particulate organic contamination would have a statistical
spatial va ria bi lity determined by i ts Pois so n mean c on-
centration. Obviously, the more variable a particular con-
taminant is, the lower its average concentration must be to
ensure that a particular sample concentration could be
confident ly me asur e d.
Variability is also influenced by the scale of sampling.
For example, contaminant concentrations can vary between
samples, as well as spatially within a single sample. An
organic particle represents a relatively large local concen-
tration, but if there are few such particles, then could also
represent a small concentration averaged over the entire
sample. In recognition of such issues, we recommend that
the appropriate scale for averaging contamination levels to
compare with specified limits is that of the individual
sample core. In other words, if the specified limit is 1 ng/g,
then each and every sample that is collected should meet
that limit (rather than the average of all samples). Con-
versely, we do not recommend that subportions or aliquots
of any given sample be required to fall below the limit. As
long as the average concentration for a sample falls below
the limit, then portions of that sample could reasonably
exceed the limit.
4.1.3. Limits for TOC, individual molecules, or parti-
The Panel considered at length the question of
whether s pecific contamination limits a re required for ev-
ery c ompound of interest, or if a single limit on TOC
would be sufficient. The Panel is also aware of the
daunting challenge to actually achieve even ballpark esti-
mates of TOC abundances. Given the potential co-exis-
tence of CO
-yieldi n g mineral s togethe r with the appar e nt
near-ubiquity of perchlorate, which can react with organics
to yield CO
, it is far from certain how an accurate TOC
measurement might be achieved in practice. There was
agreement that measurements of certain individual com-
pounds, for example, amino acids, are of such importance
to the mission that they should be explicitly protected (i.e.,
we should be certain the level of contamination of those
specific compounds is below some threshold). The question
then becomes whether to do so through limits for each
analyte, or through a single limit on TOC set at (or below)
the lowest level desired for any single compound. The
former is potentially burdensome from an analytical per-
spective, given the number of possible analytes of interest,
but it does allow limits on TOC to be relaxed somewhat.
The latter is analytically simpler and more conservative,
but the lower TOC levels required are potentially harder
(and costlier) to achieve.
As a concrete example of this trade-off, if proposed
contaminant limits for all analytes of interest range between
1 and 10 ng/g per compound (see Section 4.2 below), setting
a TOC limit of 1 ng/g would guarantee that all individual
limits had been met without having to measure each one.
This is a very conservative approach, because most indi-
vidual compounds would then be far below the required
limits, and TOC contamination would likely be orders of
magnitude below what is required to measure TOC. But, it
has the benefit of simplicity. The OCP was not charged with
determining the level of effort or costs associated with an
attempt to implement such a limit, and this is an option the
Mars 2020 Project may choose to consider.
Based on these considerations, the panel decided to pro-
pose limits for individual compounds of concern, while also
proposing a TOC limit that would serve as a blanket in-
surance policy. This hybrid approach was previously rec-
ognized by the OCSSP (Mahaffy et al., 2004), and was
proposed by both them and the subsequent MSR-SSG II
panels. This is a somewhat less conservative approach than
that of a single TOC limit, but should provide equivalent
protection of scientific measurements while being poten-
tially easier to achieve. The primary perceived drawbacks
are the increased number of analyses required to ensure
compliance with limits for many different compounds and,
depending on the quantitative levels, may allow a greater
amount of total organic contamination to be present. These
more specific analyses also probably can overcome the se-
vere challenges indicated above for TOC analyses.
4.1.4. Alive versus dead microbial contamination. Given
that sample return missions would be especially concerned
with looking for both extant and extinct martian life, and
that we do not know how similar Mars-based biochemistry
could be to that of terrestrial organisms, there was a general
consensus that the strategy for detecting life on returned
samples should not rely solely on current bioanalytic tech-
niques [i.e., those based on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
amplification, antibody/antigen recognition, ATP, etc., that
are particular to life as we know it]. That is not to say that
such analyses will not be used or useful, simply that they are
not solely sufficient to detect martian organisms. Our
thinking has thus been dominated by chemical measure-
ments that identify and quantify the basic organic molecules
that could be components of life. In general, these mea-
surements cannot distinguish between molecules that are
part of a living cell versus those that are not. From the
standpoint of measurements of individual organic chemi-
cals, we do not draw any distinctions between contaminants
derived from living versus dead sources, as both have
equivalent impacts at the molecular level.
Even though it would be very valuable to be able to
distinguish live from dead Earth-sourced microbial con-
tamination, particularly for PP needs, the OCP is not aware
of molecular analytic methods for drawing this distinction.
An issue with trying to distinguish live from dead using
culture-based growth experiments is that a large fraction of
the live microbes (commonly estimated at 99%) cannot be
grown in the laboratory, and their response is therefore the
same as for that of dead organisms. Note that since live and
dead Earth-sourced microbial contaminants could both
contribute organic molecules to a returned sample, sample
sterilization (i.e., converting live ones to dead ones) would
not change the overall state of molecular contamination, so
this topic was not discussed by OCP.
Finding #12: It is not currently possible to reliably
and easily distinguish organics in living versus nonliving
matter using molecular methods; thus both can be treated
as equivalent from the standpoint of chemical contam-
4.1.5. The possibility of reproduction of Earth-sourced
microbial contaminants in sealed sample tubes.
The ques-
tion was raised during OCP’s discussions about whether live
terrestrial microbial contaminants could reproduce inside
a sealed sample tube, thereby significantly altering both
the forms of a sample’s organic constituents and the state
of ‘Earth-sourced’ contamination. The probability of this
outcome is the joint probability that one or more live or-
ganisms ends up in a particular sample, the probability that
the minimum conditions for biological activity are exceeded,
and the probability that the organism becomes active. OCP
finds that it could not credibly penetrate this topic within the
time constraints of this study. The conditions for cell division
have recently been studied by Rummel et al. (2014) and have
been found to be primarily dependent (at least for Mars ap-
plications) on temperature and water activity. Active refrig-
eration of the samples on Mars is unrealistic, and the water
activity would reflect the nature of the samples (which is
currently completely undefined). Thus, the only variable re-
lated to this that can be effectively managed is the probability
of live terrestrial microbes in the samples. As a good ex-
perimental practice, therefore, OCP recommends that Mars
2020 be designed so that the sample tubes would be steril-
ized, and so that they could be sealed with a sample inside
with a probability of less than 1E-2 of a single live terrestrial
organism per sample. (The quantitative figure of 1E-2 was
proposed by the then Planetary Protection Officer in a 1999
letter to the project manager of the 2003/2005 MSR Project,
and this has triggered quite a bit of debate since. This figure
appears sufficient to meet science needs, but OCP is not in a
position to comment on PP needs in this area.)
4.2. Considerations related to specific contaminants
The OCP considered two distinct but related questions in
relation to contamination by individual organic molecules:
which ones do we care about, and at what level? Although
the two are intimately linked, and need to be (and have
been) considered iteratively, we separate them here for the
purpose of clarity.
4.2.1. Which contaminants?. There are a vast number of
organic molecules that exist on Earth, and might exist on
Mars. A substantial subset of these molecules exists in
carbonaceous meteorites. Our level of interest in these
molecules from the point of view of Mars exploration spans
the range from those involved in all life and in prebiotic
synthesis (e.g., amino acids) to those that are clearly man-
made (e.g., PTFE, aka Teflon). Unfortunately, most organic
molecules fall into the very substantial gray area between
these extremes (i.e., we can be neither confident nor dis-
missive of their association with martian life). Prioritizing
the relative scientific importance of molecules is highly
subjective, as demonstrated by the divergent rankings pro-
duced by the OCSSG and MSR-SSG II reports. Even those
compounds that are clearly man-made have the potential for
interfering with sensitive analyses of more interesting
molecules, for example, due to spectral interference, chro-
matographic co-elution, isobaric interference, etc. There
was thus a strong consensus by the Panel that we cannot
afford to ignore any type of organic compounds—at some
level, we must care about them all, including man-made
This leads to a logical problem, in that the vast number of
organic compounds makes it virtually impossible to measure
them all, in order to verify an acceptably low concentration
in the contaminant load. One possible approach would be to
set very conservative TOC limits, as discussed above
(Section 4.1.3), which would constrain the sum of all or-
ganic contaminants—any single contaminant getting wildly
out of control could be detected this way. Note that the
setting of a TOC constraint does not relieve the burden of
characterizing the residual compounds. A second approach,
which we believe has several benefits, is to create two tiers
of individual contaminants. The first (Tier I) constitute those
molecules that are likely to be most important to the science
goals of the mission (i.e., those that could be indicative of
martian and/or terrestrial life). Our recommendation is that
levels of contamination by these molecules should be ac-
tively monitored and controlled during spacecraft assembly.
The second group (Tier II) then comprises all other known
organic molecules (see Section 2.1.4 for our definition of
what constitutes ‘organic’’), and can presumably be limited
to some higher level of contamination than Tier I, and
monitored with less rigor. The great difficulty with this
approach, of course, lies in deciding which molecules be-
long in Tier I versus II. The OCP addressed this difficulty
both through discussions among the Panel and by soliciting
input from outside reviewers. Several compounds were ad-
ded to respond to external critiques.
Our general criteria for assembling the list of Tier-I
molecules is as follows: (1) molecules known to be impor-
tant to terrestrial life, (2) molecular fossils of terrestrial life
(e.g., sedimentary hydrocarbons derived from ancient bio-
molecules, such as those that constitute ancient ‘biomark-
ers’ on Earth), (3) molecules known to be present in
carbonaceous meteorites and/or important to prebiotic
chemistry, and (4) molecules that have already been tenta-
tively detected in martian materials and are thus likely to be
measured in returned samples [e.g., chlorobenzene, poly-
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]. It can be (and has
been) argued that some molecules not used by terrestrial life
might be central to martian biochemistry, and so belong in
Tier I. However, we have no quantitative basis for choosing
such potential exotic chemistries, and thus we have chosen
not to speculate; this is a very slippery slope that would
immediately lead to a huge increase in the number of tar-
geted compounds, to the extent that the viability of our
proposed two-tiered strategy is jeopardized. We also point
out that Tier I does not include many compounds that are
likely contaminants, such as solvents, cleaning agents, lu-
bricants, plasticizers, etc., and it is assumed that such con-
taminants are easily recognizable as such. In essence, the
Tier-I list comprises those compounds that we hope to find
in our samples, not those that we hope not to find. This list is
similar, although not identical, to that provided by the ear-
lier OCSSG report (Table 2 and Section 2.4 in Mahaffy
et al., 2004).
Even with these criteria applied rather stringently, the list
of prospective Tier-I analytes would still likely stretch into
the thousands, which is large enough to make specific
testing of all compounds prohibitive. This fact has been
wrestled with by all of the previous groups working on the
subject. The OCP thus proposed adopting the further sim-
plification that a subset of these compounds would be rep-
resentative of the entire group. This is equivalent to the
assumption that Tier-I contaminants are likely to arrive on
spacecraft surfaces via a few well-characterized vectors,
namely, terrestrial life and/or petroleum products. Although
the biomolecules that comprise terrestrial life do vary in
their relative proportions, they do so within relatively nar-
row and well-understood ranges: if the amino acid alanine is
present as a contaminant, it is likely to be accompanied
(within an order of magnitude abundance) by valine, leu-
cine, tyrosine, etc. Similarly, palmitic acid is the most
common fatty acid, and thus is likely to be correlated with
oleic acid, stearic acid, etc. Similarly, squalene is one of the
most common neutral lipids. Other biochemicals (for ex-
ample, sugars and non-polymeric nucleotides) have been left
off of Tier I following the same logic (i.e., that their
abundance should be roughly correlated with those of amino
acids and fatty acids). We have included both amino acids
and lipids in Tier I, despite the likelihood of their being
correlated in most contamination vectors, due to their very
different adsorption properties. The case of petroleum is
more difficult, because the molecular (biomarker) compo-
sition of petroleum products varies more widely (Peters et al.,
2005). Nevertheless, we have selected just two common pe-
troleum constituents for our Tier-I list. n-Heptadecane can be
found in bot h leaf waxes and petrol eum, and so covers
two potential sources of contam ination. Pristane, because
of its unique structur e, is presumably unique to terrestrial
products and would be important in distingui shing, for
example, hy drocarbons from t errestrial versus meteoritic
sources (Peters et al., 2 005; Illing et al., 2014) . In the case
of chlorinated organics liable to be present on Mars,
we ha ve simply c onfined our lis t to the two compound
classes that have been reported to date [chloromethanes
and chlorobenzene (Freissinet et al., 2014; Ming et al.,
2014)]. By aggressive ly employing this st rategy of rep-
resentation and simplificatio n, the Panel arrived at a list of
16 compounds to be mo nitored as Tier-I c ontamina nts
(Table 5).
The Panel acknowledges that this strategy is not risk-free.
For example, by explicitly monitoring only alanine, glycine,
and palmitic acid, we would not unambiguously guarantee
that tyrosine, oleic acid, and glucose are present at equiva-
lently low levels. Ensuring low levels of pristane would not
by itself guarantee low levels of cholestane or hopane.
Nevertheless, this compromise was seen as essential for
arriving at a manageable list for explicit monitoring. The
only reasonable alternative, in our view, is to limit all or-
ganic contamination (i.e., TOC) to equivalently low levels,
which has problems of its own (Section 4.1.3 above). We
emphasize that our implicit goal in drawing up Table 5 is
that all related compounds (e.g., all proteinogenic amino
acids, common lipids, nucleotides, sugars, hydrocarbon
biomarkers, etc.) should be at similar or lower levels. If
anomalous concentrations of such compounds are discov-
ered by the project’s contamination characterization pro-
gram, they should be mitigated accordingly. Tier-I contaminants. It is proposed that not
more than 1 ng/g of any of these molecules sourced from
Earth be allowed in or on the geological samples before they
are analyzed. Most of the measurements listed in Table 5
have picogram detection limits.
4.2.2. Allowable levels of contamination. In order to ar-
rive at plausible and defensible limits on individual organic
contaminants, the panel considered three related criteria as
described above and in Fig. 10. Of these, expected con-
centrations of targeted analytes are the most relevant to
scientific goals, but are unfortunately also the least con-
strained. We therefore considered available data for all three
criteria in the following sections. In doing so, we have made
very broad generalizations about concentrations and detec-
tion limits for all organic compounds in all sample matrices.
We point out that this is a very substantial oversimplifi-
cation, for example, detection limits can vary by at least
an order of magnitude between compounds or matrices
(Watson and Sparkman, 2007). On the other hand, the Panel
did not feel it was productive to undertake the huge effort
required to develop detection limits and cleaning standards
for every different class of analyte and sample material,
given the large uncertainties in what we expect to find in the
final samples. The reader should therefore treat the follow-
ing discussion as best presumed, rather than precise values. What analyte concentrations do we ex-
pect? Preliminary estimates of Mars in situ organic
Table 5. Proposed List of Tier-I Contaminants
class Examples
methodology Comments/justification References
Nucleic acid DNA Intercalation dye
and hanging
drop fluorimeter
DNA is the universal signature for
terrestrial life and, therefore,
terrestrial contamination
Liu et al. (2013)
Spores Dipicolinic acid Fluorescence Bacterial spores are the most
recalcitrant form of terrestrial
sny et al. (2013)
Bacterial and
fungal cell
N-Acetylglucosamine LC-MS Bacterial and fungal cell wall
components may be detectable
after the cell is destroyed.
Schleifer and
Kandler (1972)
Amino acids Glycine LC-MS Glycine is the most abundant amino
acid in nature; abundant in
Salazar et al. (2012)
Alanine LC-MS Alanine is chiral and abundant.
Lipids Palmitic acid GC-MS Most common fatty acid in bacteria
and eukarya
Squalene GC-MS Lipid common to all life; abundant in
Pristane GC-MS Common component of petroleum
and, therefore, petroleum-derived
Chlorobenzene GC-MS Need at least one likely Mars-derived
organic compound. Chlorobenzene
is a reaction product of aromatic
carboxylic acids (e.g., benzoic,
phthalic) with perchlorate.
Benner et al. (2000)
Biemann et al. (1977)
et al. (2010)
Dichloromethane GC-MS Identified by both Viking and MSL.
May be terrestrial and/or martian
Biemann et al. (1977)
et al. (2010)
PAHs Naphthalene GC-MS Most abundant and readily detectable
PAH. PAHs have been detected in
ALH 84001 and DaG 476 and
appear to be part of the aromatic
inventory of martian igneous and
possible biogenic processes.
Should be monitored to avoid
false-positive measurements
Clemett, et al. (1998)
Steele et al. (2012)
Urea LC-MS Important to prebiotic chemistry Esther et al. (2008)
Hu et al. (1994)
Acetic acid GC-MS Simple organic acid relevant to
both biological and industrial
contamination sources
Glycerol GC-MS Simple polyol relevant to both
biological and industrial
contamination sources
Pyruvic acid LC-MS or
Metabolite of sugars and important
metabolic intermediate
n-Heptacosane GC-MS Common industrial hydrocarbon
concentrations and molecular distributions can be derived
from four sources: studies of martian meteorites found on
Earth, lander- and rover-based in situ measurements, anal-
ogous terrestrial environments, and estimates of delivery
rates of meteoritic organics. Studies of martian meteorites
are the most detailed and comprehensive of in situ martian
concentrations, but suffer from at least one significant
drawback; existing meteoritic samples exclusively represent
igneous martian rocks, which are not the principal rock types
likely to be examined for life detection on Mars (Grotzinger
et al., 2014). On one hand, martian igneous rocks might be
expected to contain far less organic material than a sedi-
mentary rock bearing the remains of abundant biota. On
Earth, igneous rocks commonly contain < 0.01% organic
carbon (primarily as graphite), whereas organic-rich sedi-
mentary rocks can contain 10% or more TOC. Altered igneous
rocks are also reasonable candidates as they might have par-
tially altered minerals that might have served as sources of
redox energy. On the other hand, martian meteorites arriving
on Earth were likely blasted into space from well below the
martian surface, where any organics present would have been
shielded from the highly oxidizing and radiolytic surface en-
vironment. While it is true that near-surface exposure to cosmic
radiation likely degrades organic molecules, recent work on
Curiosity shows that at least some locations on Mars are
eroding fairly rapidly (Farley et al., 2014). Such locations are
likely targets for sample collection.
Amino acids constitute the best studied, and among the
most interesting, classes of molecules in martian meteor-
ites. Table 6 summarizes existing data on measured amino
acid concentrations in seven martian meteorites; some of
these data are unpublished, because of the difficulties in-
herent in distinguishing indigenous martian organics from
terrestrial contaminants in these samples. Of these exam-
ined meteorites, RBT-04262 appears to be the least con-
taminated by terrestrial compounds, and thus provides the
most reliable indications for what to expect. This sample
contained glycine, b-alanine, and c-aminobutyric acid at
levels from 8 to 28 ng/g; other amino acids and nucleobases
were below method detection limits in the low nanogram per
gram range (reported by Callahan et al., 2013). Other mete-
orites have generally yielded higher concentrations of amino
acids, but again we cannot be certain that these are not terres-
trial contaminants. The Antarctic meteorites ALHA 770051
and EETA 79001 have yielded similar concentrations of amino
acids. Two caveats to these results are noteworthy: first, none of
them is a sedimentary rock, and so might be expected to have
lower amino acid contents than sedimentary rocks bearing life
(although see the discussion above about surface oxidation and
radiolysis); and second, these amino acids are not definitive
evidence of life, as a shock-metamorphic origin has also been
suggested. Collectively, these data suggest that some amino
acids may be present in martian sedimentary rocks at con-
centrations (from RBT04262 as an example) ranging from a
few to a few tens of nanograms per gram, and would be de-
tectable above a background contamination level of < 1ng/g
per compound.
Other studies of Martian meteorites have constrained re-
duced refractory carbon concentration in the low ppm range
(Wright et al., 1988, 1992; Grady et al., 1997a,b, 2004;
Steele et al., 2012). In the Mars meteorites studied to date,
this material is highly refractory and does not yield appre-
ciable levels of extractable molecules. Further work on the
Tissint meteorite has shown that -CN, -COOH, CO, CH, and
C-C bonding and aliphatic and aromatic carbon are a
component of this material, but the concentrations of these
functional groups and the specific molecules concerned are
not yet fully identified. Benzene, naphthalene, phenan-
threne, benzonitrile, and chloromethane, among, other spe-
cies have been identified in pyrolysis products (Steele et al.,
2012, 2013).
Studies by Sephton et al. (2002) and Jull et al. (2000) have
also examined the molecular and carbon-isotopic composi-
tion of organics released by pyrolysis of martian meteorites.
The primary structures released include aromatic rings
(benzene, toluene, biphenyl, etc.) plus phenol and benzoni-
trile, with d
C values similar to those from carbonaceous
chondrites (but also terrestrial organic matter). Although
terrestrial contamination cannot be rigorously excluded, these
authors argue that such compounds likely originate from ar-
omatic, high-molecular-weight organic matter derived from
meteoritic input to Mars. The concentrations of organic
molecules in the pyrolysates were not quantified, but based on
stated detection limits are likely > 10 ng/g.
The Panel was not aware of any other reported results for
measurements of individual organic compounds from mar-
tian meteorites. If we assume that martian organics derive
primarily from delivery by carbonaceous meteorites (but
note the contrary possibility that the amino acids have
shock-metamorphic origins), then we can use the composi-
tion of the Murchison meteorite as a rough guide to their
expected abundance. This analogy suggests that monocar-
boxylic acids should be present at roughly an order of
magnitude higher abundance than amino acids, aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones at
a similar order of magnitude abundance, and amines, pu-
rines, pyrimidines, and polypyrroles at 1–2 orders of mag-
nitude lower abundance (Table 7).
In situ measurements of martian organics are available
from the Viking, Phoenix, and Curiosity missions. Both
Viking and Phoenix studied loose sediment scooped from
the martian regolith (expected to be highly oxidized), and
reported no volatile organic compounds above detection
limits of < 1–10 ng/g (Biemann et al., 1977). The SAM
instrument on Curiosity has not yet completed its work or
formally reported all the results in hand; however, recent
FIG. 10. Determining allowable levels of contamination
(see Sections–
Table 6. Summary of the Average Procedural Blank-Corrected Free (Non-hydrolyzed) and Total (6 M HCl acid Hydrolyzed)
Amino Acid Concentrations (in ng/g) in the Hot-Water Extracts of the SNC Meteorites
Tissint meteorite Tissint soil NWA 7034 RBT 04262
03346 Antarctic ice
Amino acid Free Total Free Total Free Total Free Total Total Total Total Total Free Total
d-Aspartic acid 3 248 9 105 69 1648 442 21 5 199 50 < 1 < 122< 2 10 0.01E-3 0.01E-3
l-Aspartic acid 27 1 196 32 1331 76 4341 1489 233 150 531 152 < 6 < 1 < 2 < 2 < 2 27 0.01E-3 0.02E-3
d-Glutamic acid 1 159 29 56 5 1501 761 14 3 500 53 < 1 < 122< 210< 0.01E-3 0.01E-3
l-Glutamic acid 12 1 548 187 630 17 9485 4312 157 26 1,756 503 < 2 < 11017
< 284< 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
d-Serine 17 532 5 423 319 1811 610 149 57 183 26 < 1 < 212< 24< 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
l-Serine 99 1 273 15 3771 112 5841 1276 871 683 771 373 < 19 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 25 0.02E-3 0.05E-3
Glycine 97 11 432 120 3,311 695 10,524 597 498 410 1,572 500 28 922 3 2 74 60 256 0.02E-3 0.03E-3
b-Alanine 7 142 16 382 110 1697 482 45 1 305 156 8 164 17 11 14 50 16 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
c-Amino-n-butyric acid 8 158 8 290
69 1812 680 43 13 109 90 14 2 133 12 51 53 178 18 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
d-Alanine 8 128 10 162 2 1244 444 73 48 168 46 < 2 < 6 < 21< 2 3 0.01E-3 0.01E-3
l-Alanine 41 1 167 29 1459 85 6117 1600 347 148 910 224 < 74 1 < 2 < 2 8 11 0.01E-3 0.01E-3
d-b-Amino-n-butyric acid < 3 < 5 < 60 < 60 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 4 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 0.01E-3 0.05E-3
l-b-Amino-n-butyric acid < 3 < 5 < 60 <
60 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 4 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
a-Amino-isobutyric acid < 3 < 6 < 80 < 80 < 1 < 2 < 4 < 5 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
dl-b-Amino-isobutyric acid < 5 < 5 < 80 < 80 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 NDNDNDND< 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
dl-a-Amino-n-butyric acid < 4 < 5 < 90 < 90 < 8 < 4 < 5 < 5 < 2 < 2
< 2 < 2 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
dl-Isovaline < 4 < 8 < 95 < 95 < 2 < 3 < 5 < 8 < 2 < 211< 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
dimethylpropanoic acid
< 114 < 48 76 < 111 < 1 < 1 NDNDNDND< 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
5-Aminopentanoic acid 1 7 41 770 17 36 1 4 2 1 14 1 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
e-Amino-n-hexanoic acid
5 425 7 151 16 2146 771 246 146 690 527 53 17 1,200 780 244 153 1,439 126 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
d-Valine 2 210 799 19 143 113 16 19 22 20 < 1 < 1 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
l-Valine 13 1 121 16 280 272 3558 1200 230 74 400 150 < 2 < 1 < 2 7 3 23 0.01E-3 < 0.01E-3
Data are from Tissint and Moroccan soil (Steele et al., 2014), NWA 7034 (Steele et al., 2013), RBT 04262 (Callahan et al., 2013), ALHA77005, EETA79001, ALH 84001, MIL 03346 (Callahan,
unpublished data), and Graves Nunataks Antarctic ice (Burton et al., 2012). All values are reported in parts per billion (ppb) on a bulk sample basis except where noted. Extracts were analyzed by
OPA/NAC derivatization and high-performance liquid chromatography separation with UV fluorescence detection and by LC-ToF-MS at NASA GSFC. The uncertainties are based on the standard
deviation of the average value of two separate measurements.
Also known as e-amino-n-caproic acid (EACA), which is also the hydrolysis product of Nylon-6.
ND, not determined.
abstracts and papers in preparation describe the ‘tentative’
detection of dichloropropane and chlorobenzene at levels of
a few tens of nanograms per gram in a core drilled into a
mudstone at Yellowknife Bay (e.g.. Summons et al.,
2014a,b). A significant caveat here is that all three missions
used thermolysis and pyrolysis to volatilize organic com-
pounds so that they are amenable to gas chromatogra-
phic and mass spectrometric analysis. A series of studies
lez et al., 2006, 2010, 2011; Navarro-
Gonzalez and McKay, 2011) suggested that the presence of
perchlorate and other oxidants in the martian regolith
renders the Viking results difficult to interpret because of
the high probability of either oxidizing or chlorinating
indigenous organic molecules during heating. These ob-
servations have been contested (Biemann, 2007). As a
result of these complications, the Panel did not rely on the
earlier non-detections of organics in Mars regolith. The
more recent detections of chlorobenzene (or possibly its
aromatic precursors) and other chlorohydrocarbons by
MSL (e.g., Freissinet et al., 2014) are c onsidered to pro-
vide likely lower limits for these compounds.
The OCP briefly considered organic concentrations in
analog terrestrial rocks as another constraint on what to
expect on Mars. Fine-grained sedimentary rocks that have
not been oxidized or weathered constitute the type of sample
that we might hope to return from Mars. On Earth, similar
rocks commonly contain > 0.1% (100 ppm) TOC, and
contain many individual biomarkers at levels > 1 ppm. Even
those sediments considered to be relatively poor in organics
contain > 0.01% (10 ppm) TOC (Mayer, 1994), and yield
individual biomarkers at levels > 10 ng/g (e.g., Lipp et al.,
2008). Soils from the Atacama Desert are reported to have
32 ppm TOC (Navarro-Gonza
lez et al., 2010), an order of
magnitude below typical ‘organic poor’ marine sediments.
Subcritical water extraction of subsurface Atacama soils
( Jungay region) followed by derivatization and capillary
electrophoresis of the fluorescently labeled amines has
demonstrated individual amines and amino acids at the 50–
100 ng/g level (Skelley et al., 2007). The earlier MSR SSG
II panel considered a more extreme example of organic-poor
sediments (i.e., a highly oxidized sedimentary rock that had
been buried and undergone thermal maturation). Although
such rocks have similar levels of TOC (approximately
0.01%), diagenesis has rendered most biomarkers into
macromolecular kerogen, which is not extractable. They
thus estimated expected concentrations for hydrocarbon
biomarkers of 0.1–1.0 ng/g in such a rock (see Section 2.4
for details of this calculation).
There are several limitations to using such terrestrial
analogs to predict concentrations of martian organics. First
and foremost, there is no a priori reason to expect that
concentrations of organics in terrestrial rocks would be in-
dicative of those on Mars. Indeed, valid arguments can be
made for their being either higher or lower than indigenous
martian concentrations. For example, with lower organic
input and more oxidizing subsurface conditions, martian
rocks might have lower organic concentrations. If microbial
activity were more limited (or absent) on Mars, residual
organic concentrations might be higher. Second, it is unclear
which terrestrial rocks, sediments, or soils we should choose
as appropriate analogs. Even considering that oxidized rocks
represent a reasonable lower bound for those found on Mars,
the goal of the mission is clearly not to sample and return
the most oxidized martian rocks. Indeed, it is unclear
whether scientific goals could be met with such a rock even
given zero organic contamination. The third concern ex-
pressed by the OCP is that hydrocarbons (the dominant
biomarkers in thermally mature terrestrial rocks, and those
considered primarily by the MSR SSG II report) may not be
the class of organics that are most abundant or interesting on
Mars. With no active tectonics to deeply bury sediments
under reducing conditions, biomolecules (or even meteoritic
organic compounds) might be transformed to more oxidized
species rather than more reduced ones. In summary, con-
sideration of terrestrial analog rocks indicates that organic
concentrations in martian rocks might span a huge range
around those directly measured in meteorites. We therefore
conclude that this line of argument provides little firm
footing on which to construct quantitative limits.
A final constraint on expected concentrations in the ab-
sence of martian biota, previously considered by the
OCSSG report and by Benner et al. (2000), can be derived
from estimated rates of delivery of organic carbon to the
surface of Mars by meteorites. Meteorites deposit an esti-
mated 2.4 · 10
g/year of organic carbon to the martian
surface (Flynn, 1996). If allowed to accumulate over 3 bil-
lion years, and given a Martian surface area of 3.6 · 10
this would result in 20 kg/m
of organic carbon. Assuming a
mixing depth of 1 m and rock density of 4 g/mL results in a
predicted TOC concentration of 5 mg/g. A much more con-
servative mixing depth of 100 m would lower this to 50 lg/g.
If we presume that this organic carbon has a molecular
makeup similar to that of Murchison (see Table 7), where
functional classes of molecules represent approximately
0.05% of TOC, we predict approximately 2.5 lg/g of each
class of organics (1 m mixing depth). Further assuming that
each class comprises 10–100 compounds, this yields a final
prediction of approximately 20–200 ng/g per compound (or
0.2–2 ng/g for the 100-m mixing depth). These estimates span
Table 7. Distribution of Carbon in the Murchison
CM2 Meteorite
Substance Abundance
Insoluble carbonaceous phase 1.3–1.8%
Carbonate and CO
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 12–35 ppm
Aromatic hydrocarbons 15–28 ppm
Monocarboxylic acids (C2–C8) *170 ppm
Hydroxy acids (C2–C5) *6 ppm
Amino acids 10–20 ppm
Alcohols (C1–C4) *6 ppm
Aldehydes (C2–C4) *6 ppm
Ketones (C3–C5) *10 ppm
Ureas *20 ppm
Amines (C1–C4) *2 ppm
Pyridines and quinolones 0.04–0.4 ppm
Pyrimidines *0.05 ppm
Purines *1 ppm
Polypyrroles <<1 ppm
Sum 1.43–2.35%
Total carbon 2.0–2.5%
Data are from Wood and Chang (1985) and Cronin and Chang
the measured concentrations described above (calculations
presented here follow those in Benner et al., 2000).
A significant complication is that much of this meteoritic
carbon is likely to be oxidized on the martian surface.
Benner et al. (2000) considered that many of the likely
oxidation products are organic molecules that would be
metastable under martian conditions (e.g., benzene-
carboxylic acids). Working from the assumption that me-
teoritic TOC would be converted to such molecules with an
efficiency of approximately 10%, they predicted (using the
same delivery rate and mixing depths as above) an accu-
mulation of 5–500 lg/g of benzenecarboxylic acids. The
concentrations of individual species were not predicted, but
again assuming 10–100 major compounds would yield a
range of estimated concentrations of 50 ng/g–50 lg/g per
compound. These values are higher than those estimated for
individual molecules in the preceding paragraph due to the
assumption that meteoritic TOC (as opposed to just ex-
tractable carbon) is converted into measurable molecules.
Moreover, laboratory analog experiments show that heating
functionalized aromatics such as benzenecarboxylic acids in
the presence of perchlorate generates chlorobenzene as
identified by Curiosity (Miller et al., 2013). What concentrations can we measure? Instru-
ment detection limits provide a useful lower bound for
setting organic contamination requirements in two ways.
First, it is not feasible to set requirements that are below the
detection limit of any analytical method, because there
would be no way of verifying that requirements have been
met. Second, there would be little practical benefit in pro-
tecting analyte concentrations that are themselves too low to
measure, although here one needs to account for the inevi-
table improvements in sensitivity that would exist by the
time samples are returned. Regardless, it is not necessarily
true that contamination limits need to be lower than detec-
tion limits to protect all measurements (see Section 4.1.2).
Another key aspect is that the ability to characterize con-
tamination levels (e.g., their reproducibility and chemical
nature) might improve in the future.
As described in Section 3, there is a huge diversity of
analytical techniques that could be brought to bear on re-
turned martian samples, each differing in their sensitivity
towards analytes (limits of detection) and their selectivity
(ability to measure a wide range of compounds). Based on
the general trade-off between selectivity and sensitivity, we
argue that it is not practical to consider the detection limits
of all possible analytical techniques, and instead focus on
those with the broadest analytical window (least selective)
that would be used for initial assessment of the types and
concentrations of organics present in samples (survey
measurements). As described above, detection limits for the
most sensitive of these methods are typically in the range of
0.1–10 ng/g. We thus adopt 1 ng/g as a representative value.
A limit of 1 ng/g for individual organic compounds of
primary concern appears to strike a good compromise be-
tween protecting the survey measurements that would un-
doubtedly be conducted on returned samples, while still
being detectable by more targeted measurements for vali-
dation of spacecraft contamination levels. The primary
perceived downside to this strategy is that a 1 ng/g limit
would not fully protect even the most sensitive techniques
existing today, let alone those that might exist 20 years in
the future. Clearly, lower contamination limits would not be
‘wasted’ in the sense that they would enable even more
sensitive measurements to be made. If lower contamination
levels (for example, down to 0.01 ng/g) can be achieved at
reasonable expense, they would be scientifically valuable.
On the other hand, the few concrete measurements of
martian samples that do exist (described above) do not in-
dicate that such stringent limits would be absolutely re-
quired to meet mission scientific objectives. What level of cleanliness can we achieve? The
third criterion considered by the Panel is what levels of
background contamination can be achieved using current
technology. At the level of individual compounds, this is a
difficult issue to grapple with for a number of reasons. First,
contamination varies widely in space and time, as a function
of analytical conditions, target analytes, sample matrices,
etc. Compiling estimates for every compound of interest,
under even a few sets of conditions and samples, is pro-
hibitive. Second, eliminating contamination is difficult and
time-consuming, and so typically is driven only to the levels
that are needed, rather than those that are technologically
possible. Sub-nanogram per gram levels of organic analysis
are uncommon in terrestrial geologic samples, so similar
levels of cleanliness are seldom needed. Third, quantitative
background concentrations are not often reported, rather
simply that they are below the levels of detected analytes.
Fourth, methods of reducing contamination are often spe-
cific to the particular analytes of interest, and so it is unclear
whether it is possible to simultaneously achieve reported
limits for all analytes of interest.
With these caveats, we can use the minimum levels of
detection reported for various analytes in geologic samples
as a maximum limit for the blank concentrations that must
have been achieved by those studies. Amino acids have been
measured in martian meteorites at levels down to 1 ng/g
(Callahan et al., 2013), fatty acids in deep-subsurface rocks
have been measured down to 10 pg/g (Onstott et al., 2003),
DNA has been measured down to 10 fg/g by fluorescence
detection (Zhao et al., 2003), and PAHs have been measured
down to 10 fg/mL by laser-induced fluorescence (Yan et al.,
1995). It thus appears likely that most, if not all, measurable
organic compounds can readily be reduced to at least < 1 ng/
g, and in many cases to orders of magnitude below that. We
thus foresee no significant difficulties in achieving the levels
of cleanliness indicated in preceding sections, although it is
conceivable that achieving such limits simultaneously for all
Tier-I compounds may be more difficult.
4.2.3. Conclusions for specific compound levels. Based
on the evidence discussed above, our best estimate for con-
centrations of the most abundant organic molecules of interest
(i.e., Tier-I compounds) in returned martian rocks is in the
range of 1–100 ng/g. We thus believe that these compounds
would likely be measurable above background contamination
comprising < 1 ng/g per compound. Such background levels
should be readily achievable given current technology, and
would be at the low end of what is measurable by current
survey analytical techniques, thus protecting their role in initial
characterization of returned samples. We therefore propose a
maximum limit for Tier-I compounds, on a mass/mass basis in
returned samples, of 1 ng/g (i.e., < 1 ppb). It is of course pos-
sible that analyte concentrations in the returned samples may
turn out to be lower than expected, and so the odds of scientific
success would be improved by still lower contamination limits.
Moreover, lower background levels would permit more accu-
rate and precise measurements at any concentration. Never-
theless, given currently available evidence, it is hard to build a
case that contamination limits substantially lower than this
would be required to meet either scientific or PP objectives.
Compounds in Tier II comprise all other organic mole-
cules, of significant potential interest, but of lesser priority.
It is unrealistic to require a spacecraft development team to
monitor all org anic molecules, and OCP’s intent is for Mars
2020 to propose an implementation plan based on one or two
broad-based analytic methods that are capable of scannin g a
wide spectrum of organic molecules. Although we do not ex-
pect Tier-II compounds to be present at higher level than those
in Tier I, the Panel assigned a lesser importance to protecting
the measurements of these compounds, because they are likely
not required to meet the mission scientific objectives. We
therefore propose a 10-fold higher limit for these compounds of
10 ng/g per compound. While it is true that such a limit could
compromise the measurement of Tier-II compounds present at
low nanogram per gram levels, it is unlikely t o significantly
interfere with the measurement of Tier-I compounds, our
highest priority. Moreover, given the TOC limits we propose
(below), it is impossible for more than a few Tier-II compounds
to approach this limit, implying that many other compounds
would still be measurable at much lower levels.
A frequent point of discussion for the OCP was ‘What
happens to compounds that are less abundant in the returned
samples than those discussed above?’ Certainly it is inevi-
table that many compounds would be present at < 1.0 ng/g.
However, setting a contamination limit of 1 (or 10) ng/g does
not imply that every compound in Tier I (II) would be present
at that level. Rather, sampling surfaces would be cleaned until
the most abundant contaminant meets that level, and most
other compounds would then be present at much lower levels.
The Panel thus believes that this strategy represents a sensible
compromise, providing reasonably achievable goals while at
the same time ensuring that the vast majority (though not
necessarily all) analytes of interest would be measurable.
Major Finding #13: We propose the following limits
for organic contamination of geological samples by
specific compounds: 1 ng/g for Tier-I compounds deemed
as essential analytes for mission success and 10 ng/g for
Tier-II compounds (all others).
4.3. Considerations related to TOC
A limit for TOC contamination can serve two purposes.
First, it serves to limit background levels that must underlie
measurements of TOC (whether of concentration, elemental
or isotopic composition, molecular weight, etc.) in returned
samples. Second, it serves as a simple way to effectively
limit contamination at the molecular level by all possible
compounds, without the analytical effort required to quan-
tify them individually. Given that TOC is almost universally
more abundant than individual compounds by orders of
magnitude, the second consideration serves as the more
stringent constraint. The OCP therefore focused primarily
on setting TOC limits that would achieve effective protec-
tion of measurements at the molecular level. Previous mis-
sions seem to have adopted a similar philosophy in setting
TOC limits, particularly given that levels for individual
molecules were rarely established. In this context it is im-
portant to remember that our proposed TOC limit is not an
end unto itself, but rather must be consistent with the mo-
lecular limits proposed above. Relaxing requirements for
individual molecules would likely lead us to recommend
more stringent limits on TOC.
4.3.1. Allowable levels of contamination. As for indi-
vidual contaminants, the Panel considered three lines of
evidence in choosing appropriate limits. The discussion
below deals exclusively with data for TOC, primarily the
background levels required for protecting TOC measure-
ments. We return to the question of protecting measure-
ments of individual molecules in Section 4.4. What analyte concentrations do we expect? The
most recent and complete study of TOC in martian mete-
orites reported levels ranging from 4 to 26 lg/g (ppm) in all
seven samples subjected to this analysis (Steele et al., 2012).
To avoid analyzing terrestrial contaminants, the authors first
heated samples to 600C to drive off volatile and semi-
volatile compounds. The reported concentrations thus rep-
resent a minimum limit for the true total organic load of the
samples prior to landing on Earth. Further analysis by Ra-
man spectroscopy and laser-desorption mass spectrometry
indicated discrete blebs of macromolecular carbon trapped
within mineral grains, consistent with an indigenous martian
origin. Analyses of
C and
C in the samples provided
further support for a dominantly martian origin. Similar,
albeit non-spatially resolved, data have previously been
obtained by Grady et al. (2004). Given that these samples
are all martian basalts, it appears quite likely that most
unaltered martian rocks contain a background level of at
least 1 lg/g (ppm) of TOC. Whether or not sedimentary
rocks and oxidized regolith contain more or less TOC is
subject to assumptions about the relative importance of
biotic and meteoritic inputs versus oxidative loss (see
above), and appears unknowable at the current time.
Finding #14: Although TOC from Martian igneous
minerals can reach 20 lg/g (ppm), and are > 4 lg/g in all
samples measured to date, the concentration in non-igneous
samples is currently unknown, and may be much lower. What concentrations can we measure? TOC is
an operationally defined fraction subject to all the ambigu-
ities that accompany the definition of ‘organic carbon.’
Consequently, analytical methods for measuring TOC con-
centration (Table 8) do not all report the same value from
the same sample. For example, methods based on oxidative
combustion at temperatures > 800C include all carbon that
can be oxidized to CO
. Such methods commonly have
detection limits near 1 lg/g without concentrating samples,
although this appears to be limited more by terrestrial blanks
than by instrument sensitivity. Some methods based on
vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, etc.) are typically
more sensitive (down to 1 ng/g levels), but may not detect
all carbon species; for example, FTIR cannot detect gra-
phitic or amorphous macromolecular carbon. On the other
hand, surfaces can be mapped using Raman spectroscopy to
survey for minute concentrations of these species. However,
these techniques require delicate surface preparation and are
susceptible to topographic and matrix effects. With so many
analytical dependencies, they are generally not quantitative.
Mass spectrometric methods for analyzing TOC in solvent
extracts are equally sensitive, but have more restrictive ana-
lytical windows and would likely not include macromolecular
carbon. Other techniques, such as secondary ionization mass
spectrometry (SIMS) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) are highly sensitive, but are more complex and ex-
pensive to implement. A second complication is that some
TOC methods are amenable only to analyses of bulk sample
materials (oxidative combustion), whereas others are ame-
nable only to analyses of surfaces (SIMS, FTIR, Raman,
XPS). Some sample-based measurements can be applied to
spacecraft surfaces by means of solvent rinses or swabs.
Beyond simple measurements of TOC concentration, it is
likely that scientists would be interested in assaying the
elemental and isotopic composition, average molecular
weight, aromaticity, optical activity, ion-exchange capacity,
surface-area loading, and other characteristics of total or-
ganic matter in returned samples. Such measurements all
use specialized analytical techniques, only some of which
overlap with those described in Section 3. Nevertheless, it is
the Panel’s belief that all such measurements would be less
Table 8. Compilation of Analytical Methods, and Representative Sensitivity, Potentially
Suitable for Measuring TOC in Samples and/or on Spacecraft Surfaces
*It should be noted that all methods require specialized hardware sampling and/or witness plates.
**Solvent extracts may use a surface rinse or specialized solvent swabs of hardware surfaces.
GATR, grazing angle attenuated total reflection (IR); MW, molecular weight.
sensitive than those used to measure simple TOC concen-
trations, and so they are not considered further here.
The OCP discussed these analytical issues in detail, but
ultimately decided that it was beyond our purview to pro-
vide a detailed intercomparison of methods, or to propose
specific methods for monitoring TOC. For the purpose of
setting minimum contamination limits, we point out that
several surface-based techniques can routinely achieve de-
tection limits of < 1 ng/cm
, and so could be employed to
verify contamination limits on spacecraft surfaces down to
this level. Translating this into a bulk contamination level
for samples requires consideration of both transfer effi-
ciency and sample-contact surface (see below), but leads to
plausible levels o f 2–20 ng/g TOC. To our knowledge, no
bulk TOC analyses of terrestrial geologic samples have yet
reported detec t io n limits this low. On the other hand, no
terrestrial geologic materials have such low levels of TOC ,
so these detection limits have presumably not been needed.
It is our belief that if a martian sample were returned that
containe d only 2–20 ng/g TOC, a su ita bl e analytica l
method for quantifying this level of carbon could be
readily d eveloped. What level of cleanliness can we achieve?
There was a very substantial debate among OCP panelists as
to what are the lowest levels of TOC contamination that are
readily achievable. In considering this issue, a key concept
is to distinguish between what is possible on spacecraft
surfaces, and what is achievable in returned samples. The
former can be readily reduced to arguments about nano-
grams per unit area, but the latter requires additional un-
derstanding of contaminant contributions from the entire
sampling train, and potentially the entire landed spacecraft.
Hardware geometry and mode of operation, as well as sur-
face cleanliness, become relevant. We consider the issue of
cleaning surfaces first and that of the integrated sample
contamination second.
Methods for cleaning spacecraft surfaces vary widely, and
with highly variable results. As an optimal solution, the
Panel agreed that extended (hours) heating to > 500Cinan
oxidizing atmosphere (commonly air) typically renders a
surface free of organic carbon at or below picograms per
gram (ppt) levels. This procedure is commonly used in most
organic geochemical laboratories today. The question then
becomes how rapidly the surface becomes recontaminated
with organic carbon. Earth’s atmosphere contains an ap-
preciable amount of organic carbon, both in the form of
volatile organic compounds and as organic particulates. The
latter are readily filtered out of clean-room air, but the for-
mer are harder to control to extremely low levels. Thus a
bare metal surface exposed to even ‘clean’ air will quickly
(within minutes/hours) acquire a layer of AC, typically ap-
proximately 20–100 ng/cm
. The rate of recontamination is
highly dependent upon the type of organic carbon present,
their partial pressures within the environment, and the
temperature differential between the environment and the
spacecraft surfaces. Deposition rates differing by orders of
magnitude can be achieved by covering cleaned parts with a
clean impermeable wrapping such as aluminum foil. The
phenomenon of accretion of contaminants is well docu-
mented in the literature (e.g., Siegbahn et al., 1967; Swift,
1982; Barr and Seal, 1995; Piao and McIntyre, 2002).
Studies indicate that this l ayer asympt ot ic all y approaches a
stable, approximately monolayer equivalent film (Fig. 11),
with the eq uili bri um TOC content of this film depending
both on surface c omposition and on volatile organic con-
centrations, among other factors. Typical mean deposition
rates for clean-room environments are reputed to be near
0.15 ng/cm
/hr (0.1 mg/ft
/month), suggesting that a stable
AC film typically requires 6–9 days to develop. Limiting
contact of a metal surface to air shortly after baking should
thus provide a straightforward and efficient way of achieving
very low (ppm) TOC levels. Although this can be done with
minimal effort on Earth, ‘unwrapping’ the protected parts
for use once on Mars would presumably introduce additional
engineering risks. Although lower levels of organic contam-
ination could be achieved by combusting (at > 500Cinan
oxidizing atmosphere) and then isolating the entire sampling
hardware chain, hermetically sealing all elements of the
sample chain has serious implications for mission failure
modes (and opportunities to compromise science). Contamination pathways. In the case of
MSL, the vec tors for the transfer of Earth-sourced or-
ganic contamination to rock/soil samples have been inter-
preted by the MSL project engineers to include the
following (Fig. 12):
1. Direct contact: Direct contact of Mars sample material
with sampling hardware is thought to be the largest
contributor to sample C contamination. Based on
contamination modeling, direct transfer from space-
craft contact surfaces has been interpreted to be
quantitatively the most significant component for both
MSL and OSIRIS-REx (Harstad and Bellan, 2006;
Blakkolb et al., 2008; ten Kate et al., 2008; Anderson
et al., 2012; Dworkin, unpublished data, 2014).
2. Particle transport: Dislodgment of particulate (po-
tentially microbe-laden) contamination from the ex-
terior of the Rover by saltation is not believed to be a
significant source of TOC in samples. Beaudet (2000)
calculated particle dislodgement rates, not taking into
account particle adhesion. Harstad and Bellan (2006)
FIG. 11. JPL test data suggest an asymptotic time de-
pendence for the formation of an AC film on precleaned
metal surfaces. Rate and amount of formation are highly
variable, and depending on precursor concentrations, sub-
strate, configurations, and environmental conditions. The
quantification of the y-axis is TOC. Std, standard.
performed calculations that included adhesion forces
and concluded the probability of particle removal
‘‘.is estimated as corresponding to an adhesion half-
life of O (10
) years, and is thus not important.’
3. Outgassing from rover hardware: Engineering con-
tamination transport calculations [using MSL transport
models and source rates (Blakkolb et al., 2008; ten
Kate et al., 2008)] show that outgassing from Rover
hardware contributes less than approximately 1 ng/g
TOC during the sample acquisition process (Blakkolb
et al., 2008).
A comparable analysis for Mars 2020 has not yet been
carried out. For the purpose of this report, we confine our
analysis to that of direct contaminant transfer from hardware
surfaces to samples, while noting that other transport vectors
need to be rigorously evaluated by the Mars 2020 En-
gineering Team using deterministic and probabilistic
methods (see, for example, Hudson et al., 2010). This re-
duces the problem to two variables: the hardware surface
area contacting samples, and the efficiency with which the
contamination is transferred.
A comp arable analysis for Mars 2 020 has not yet been
carried ou t. For the pu rpose of this rep ort, w e confi ne ou r
analysis to that of direct contaminant transfer from
hardware surfac es to samples, wh ile noting that other
transport vectors need to be rigorously evaluated by the
Mars 20 20 Eng ineering Team. This reduces the problem
to two va riables: the hardware surface area contacting
samples, and the efficiency with which the co ntaminatio n
is transferred.
However, changes in payload, sampling philosophy, and
cache placement dictate that the Mars 2020 Project Team
will need to undertake contamination transport analyses and
models of transport modes that are specific to the Mars 2020
system recontamination profile. Factors influencing the in-
duced contamination environment include, but are not lim-
ited to, the relative configuration of the cache and the
instrument payload, especially potential outgassing sources
from the instruments that have heaters on them, and the fact
that the dilution cleaning strategy cannot be applied to Mars
Because the baseline configuration of the s amp le con-
tact s urfaces for Ma rs 202 0 i s ver y d ifferent from tho se of
MSL, the dilution cleaning process appears not to be
available to Mars 2020. Ho wever, it is imp ortant to
note that in comparison with Mars 2020, M SL has far
higher sample contact surface a rea, and far lowe r sample
masses, so the effec ts of surface contamination are greatly
Finding #15: In order to achieve contamination levels
for sample contact surfaces lower than 20 ng/cm
, a more
effective strategy for avoiding recontamination after
initial cleaning than that used by MSL would need to be
implemented. Contamination transfer from sample-contacting
surfaces. Hardware surfaces relevant to cached samples
comprise two main components: the sample (cache) con-
tainer itself, and the sample collection (drilling) and
FIG. 12. Graphic representation of three important pathways for contamination transport from spacecraft to samples.
VOC, volatile organic compound.
transfer apparatus. Sample containers are not intended to
be re-used, so we need consider o nly their surface area. In
contrast, current design ideas for drilling apparatus include
both re-usable and single-use designs. Re-useable drill
strings have the advantage of being able to undergo ‘di-
lution cleaning’ [i.e., dilution of terrestrial contaminants
by repeated processing of martian samples (Anderson
et al., 2012 )]. For o ur analys is , we co nsi de re d only t he
most conservative case of single-use drill strings (i.e., no
dilution of contaminants). Several hardware designs rep-
resenting a range of sample-contacting surface areas are
currently under consideration by the Mars 2020 Project
Team. To constrain the problem, we use 300 and 30 cm
as the respective upper and lower limits on the area of
sample-contacting surfaces.
Although it is likely that most of the sample-contacting
surfaces would be subject to only moderate or slight abra-
sion, for the purposes of our analysis we consider two cases:
a non-realistic but conservative bounding case, in which
100% of the contaminants on sample contact surfaces are
assumed to transfer to the samples, and a ‘mean expected’
case, where the available experimentally determined trans-
fer coefficients are used. If further experiments by the pro-
ject on actual sampling hardware can demonstrate lower
transfer efficiencies, then lowering this assumption would be
We also assume the sample would contact the bit (a
strong abrasion environment) and its sample tube (a ‘slight
abrasion’ environment), and that 25% of the sample contact
surface area is bit, and 75% is tube. Such a model would
imply a mean transfer efficiency of approximately 20%.
This figure would drop if the bit were re-used for multiple
samples due to dilution of contaminants (because a portion
of the organic contaminants initially present on the bit
would end up in the first sample, and be unavailable to be
transferred to the second sample).
Figure 13 presents the expected level of bulk c ontam-
ination in a sample (y-axis) given an assumed hardware
surface area, transfe r efficiency, a nd level of cleanli-
ness (x-axis). For an assumed level of surface contami-
nation of 2 0 ng/cm
(see above), a sample contact surface
area of 300 cm
and 100% transfer efficiency results
in >> 100 ng/g TOC in the sam ple. In contrast, given th e
same assumptions but with only a 30 cm
contact area,
sample conta mination of approximatel y 40 ng/g is pre-
dicted. If a 60% transfer efficiency were assumed, that
level would fall to on ly 8 ng /g. We thus believe that TOC
contamination levels in the sample of 20–40 ng/g are
achievable even when sampl ing surfaces are ex posed to
air. We note that such levels would place sign ificant
constraints o n the viability of some hardware d esigns with
large s urface areas:
FIG. 13. Translation from sample-
contacting surface values to sample
values, assuming sample mass = 16 g.
Contaminant contact transfer efficiency
is dependent on sample-hardware con-
figuration; a range of 10–100% is pre-
sented to illustrate the proportional
dependence of in-sample contamina-
tion to this parameter.
ppb ¼
hardware cleanliness level (ng=cm
) · surface area of the sample that contacts hardware (cm
) · transfer efficiency
mass of sample core (g )
Finding #16: In the case of a system with sample
contact surfaces of 30 cm
, and contaminated with 20 ng/
organic carbon, direct transfer could result in a
theoretical maximum of 40 ppb organic contaminants on
collected samples assuming 100% transfer efficiency.
Actual concentrations in samples could be either higher
or lower than this, depending on actual transfer efficien-
cies and the importance of other contaminant transfer
4.3.2. Conclusions for TOC levels. Given expected TOC
concentrations of approximately 10 lg/g in at least some
classes of martian samples, TOC contamination levels of
< 100 ng/g would likely be sufficient to make meaningful
measurements of TOC returned samples (this would result
in an S/N ratio of 100:1). Such a level of contamination
would be substantially better than was achieved for Apollo
and most subsequent missions. However, some martian
samples likely have lower organic content than this, and the
Panel unanimously agreed that setting lower TOC limits
would be very beneficial. This would also be advantageous
for the reduction in numbers and levels of individual organic
contaminants, and for the decreased probability of signifi-
cant interferences with scientific measurements. Moreover,
to the extent that concentrations of individual contaminants
can be sufficiently controlled via TOC limits, the analytical
burden of verifying individual contaminant limits can be
lessened. On the other hand, the OCP did not have enough
data to understand the costs of proposing lower TOC limits.
We thus struggled significantly to reach consensus on the
appropriate level to recommend.
Our compromise proposal for TOC limits is 40 ng/g (ppb)
in the returned samples. If the respective Tier-I and -II limits
of < 1 and < 10 ng/g are maintained, this should be adequate
to both protect measurements of TOC and prevent an excess
number of individual contaminant compounds. For example,
no more than four Tier-II compounds would be allowed at
levels approaching 10 ng/g. At the same time, if lower TOC
limits can be achieved with reasonable cost and effort, this
would be substantively beneficial to returned sample sci-
ence. If it were possible to return samples with TOC low-
ered to < 10 ng/g, then the Tier-II limits would be irrelevant.
If TOC could be further lowered to < 1 ng/g, then Tier-I
limits would also be unnecessary. This would clearly be the
best outcome for the eventual returned sample science that
would be done. Although, as described, it does not appear
necessary to meet returned sample scientific goals, it is
unclear to OCP whether it is necessary to meet PP goals.
Finding #17: We propose a limit of < 40 ng/g (ppb)
for TOC contamination in the returned samples.
4.4. Considerations related to particulate
organic matter
4.4.1. Introduction.
The panel was asked to consider the
significance of contamination by terrestrial organic particles
in samples that may potentially be returned to Earth. Or-
ganic particulates may include microbial cells (living and/or
dead), cellular debris, spores, and aggregated organic ma-
terial of either biological or non-biological origin. If organic
matter is in particulate form, there can be elevated potential
for it being misinterpreted as forms of martian life in re-
turned samples. Thus, Earth-sourced particulate contami-
nants can be very significant to both science and PP.
An essential point is whether or not the hypothesis for the
detection of life on Mars incorporates the assumption that
Mars life can be recognized by its differences from Earth
life. We know from biogeographic studies of microbial
genomes here on Earth that closely related organisms in-
habiting isolated environments display significant genetic
differences within a few hundreds to thousands of genera-
tions (Barrick et al., 2009). There is no reason to believe that
life on the Earth and putative life Mars have been contin-
uously sharing genetic information and co-evolving. Thus, it
is highly unlikely that we would find very closely related
organisms on both planets. A primary detection strategy for
martian organisms would therefore be to look for something
that is different from the life we know here on Earth. An
implication of this strategy is that terrestrial microbial
contaminants could be recognized—organisms on the sam-
ples that demonstrate genetic similarity to those here on
Earth would be interpreted as round-trippers (Pace, 1997;
Philippe et al., 2013; Rinke et al., 2013). This conclusion
would be especially firm if the organism in the returned
sample is indistinguishable from species known to inhabit
the spacecraft assembly facility, or the microbiomes of hu-
mans or domestic animals (e.g., Lax et al., 2014).
However, the above argument has a probabilistic dimen-
sion to it, and a key phrase in the preceding paragraph is
‘‘highly unlikely.’ This may be a crucial point of distinction
between the science and PP interpretations of returned mar-
tian samples. Every organic particle found on the surface of a
returned sample would require extensive work to establish its
origins and possible relationship to biology (either terrestrial
or martian). Such issues make it clearly desirable to avoid any
contaminating organic particles in the samples. However, as a
practical matter this may not be possible.
Finding #18: Earth-sourced particulate organic con-
taminants in returned samples are potentially problematic
to both science and PP interpretations due to their ability
to be confused with cell-like material; however, they may
also be the easiest to recognize as contamination.
4.4.2. Analytical approaches to measuring particulates on
As part of its research, the OCP identified a number
of techniques that are commonly used in research on Earth
to quantify numbers of organic particles, and to distinguish
biology-based particles from other organic particle con-
a. Optical imaging of particles on smooth surfaces can be
easily performed using a light microscope. It is very
general and works down to the statistical sampling limit,
and specific staining can be used to distinguish live from
dead organisms (using fluorescent stains). Smaller par-
ticulate contamination on smooth surfaces can be carried
out using electron or atomic force microscopy (practical
limit at the nanometer scale). Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), when coupled with energy-dispersive
spectroscopy [EDAX (or EDX)] or XPS, can be used to
differentiate organic from inorganic particulates.
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Effective on exposed
surfaces; not applicable to tubes.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: Sample
surfaces would not be smooth.
b. SEM. The total particulate load on surfaces can be
estimated using SEM. EDAX or XPS can be used to
distinguish elemental compositions and thus organic
from inorganic. However, this requires micron-by-
micron mapping of a potentially contaminated sample
surface (which can be incredibly time-consuming) or
the collection of surface washes.
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Effective on exposed
surfaces; not directly applicable to tubes.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: This ap-
proach by itself will not distinguish Mars-sourced
organic particles from Earth-sourced organic particles.
c. Total amino acid concentration can be sensitively
measured using wipes of surfaces followed by fluo-
rescence labeling. It is very sensitive because each
amino acid is labeled with a dye and because bacterial,
archaeal, and fungal cells are 55% protein by dry mass
(Madigan and Martinko, 2006). This assay does work
on fully hydrolyzed biopolymer and applies to protein
as well with a hydrolysis step.
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Partially effective;
swabbing tubes problematic.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: Wipes
would not work on rock and soil samples. Would
not be able to distinguish whether the molecules
detected are in particulate or molecular form.
d. Total nucleic acid fragment concentration is another
sensitive molecular method that ngerprints biological
cells. This is based on the use of intercalation dyes to label
double-stranded nucleic acid fragments and provide pi-
cogram sensitivity; however, this approach does not work
on fully degraded polymer. DNA is only 1% of the cell
mass, and the dyes label every 5–10 base pairs, so this
approach is about 1,000 times less sensitive than the amino
acid labeling. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) analyses can dif-
ferentiate between live and dead organisms, but are more
difficult to perform, particularly due to the environmental
instability of RNA (which is also the reason it allows us to
differentiate between live and dead organisms).
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Partially effective.
Sampling tubes problematic.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: Wipes
would not work on rock and soil samples.
e. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleic acid
sequencing is a valid approach for determining microbial
contamination, in terms of both quantity and identity. It is
much more specific than total nucleic acid concentration,
can be extremely sensitive (1–10 bacterial equivalents),
and has the advantage that it can accurately identify the
type of contamination (to the species level). Nonetheless,
PCR assays on nucleic acids sampled from surfaces are
challenging and can produce both false-positive and false-
negative results. DNA analysis does have the advantage
that samples can be stored for many years and assayed
later, by PCR and/or state-of-the-art sequencing technol-
ogies that allow sequencing of individual DNA molecules.
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Partially effective.
Sampling tubes problematic.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: Wipes
would not work on rock and soil samples.
f. Microbial growth. Culture-based techniques work
well for a small proportion of microorganisms that are
culturable within the laboratory, and a number of these
microorganisms can serve as proxies for other bio-
contaminants (for example, thermotole rant E. coli as an
indicator of fecal contamination). Nonetheless, the ma-
jority of environmental microorganisms remain difficult
to culture ( < 0.1%) using current methodologies. Mo-
lecular screening of spacecraft assembly facilities
(SAFs) suggests that even fewer microorganisms from
these environments have so far been captured in pure
cultures (e.g., La Duc et al., 2014).
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Partially effective—a
subset of live terrestrial organisms would be de-
tected. Sampling flight tubes problematic.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: Partially
effective—a subset of live terrestrial organisms
would be detected.
f. Methods from the semiconductor industry. Due to
the ability of particulates to interfere with the manu-
facture of nanometer-scaled circuitry, there are a
number of methods that have been employed within
the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Measure-
ment techniques, such as scattered laser light imaging
(surfscan) or patterned fabrics, such as process control
monitors, can also be used to evaluate the deposition of
particulates on surfaces (May and Spanos, 2006).
Application to this study:
Metal surfaces of Mars 2020: Partially effective;
not directly applicable to tubes.
On Mars-sourced rock and soil samples: Unknown.
Summary. Well-known methods exist for detecting Earth-
sourced contaminant particles on smooth surfaces, and also
for distinguishing organic from inorganic particles. How-
ever, we note that few if any of these methods are suitable to
direct measurements on confined surfaces such as sample
tubes due to access limitations and the possibility for in-
troduction of contaminants to flight tubes, although some
methods could potentially be applied indirectly via analysis
of rinses of flight hardware or surrogates (i.e., witness
coupons). The OCP does not know of any fully effective
methods for quantifying Earth-sourced organic particulate
contaminants in rock and soil samples.
4.4.3. Limits on organic particulates. The OCP agreed
that organic particulates should be identified and minimized
on the sample contact surfaces of Mars 2020; however, the
Panel could not agree on what constituted a reasonable
upper limit on the numbers of these particulates. In terms of
protecting the science, much work has been done on mete-
orite samples contaminated with significant numbers of or-
ganic particulates and terrestrial microorganisms. Yet the
spatial distribution and total numbers of particles are im-
portant when interpreting samples; contaminant particles
transferred from spacecraft surfaces to cached samples
could remain almost entirely on surfaces (albeit including
cracks, etc.), providing a potentially robust way to distin-
guish possible contamination from indigenous particles. In
addition, particles are less likely than single molecules to
migrate into the interior of samples, leaving them more
pristine. As such, having all of the contaminating TOC in
the form of particulates would actually benefit our ability to
recognize such contamination, although such particulates
would not prove beneficial for extraction-based chemical
analyses. On balance, the OCP felt there was no strong
scientific reason to propose specific limits on the numbers of
organic particles, beyond the expectation that the strongest
efforts to minimize particulate contamination within sample
containers. As a guide, these could include the most strin-
gent industry standards, such as those used by the semi-
conductor manufacturing industry (May and Spanos, 2006).
Particulate contamination, by its nature, is quantized.
Each particle would constitute of a substantial dose of
molecular contamination. As discussed above in Section
4.1.5, it is likely that the requirement for the number of
contaminating terrestrial microbes would need to be ex-
pressed in statistical terms. For example, counting a statis-
tically representative number of particles in multiple
surrogate containers or large-area witness plates might be
needed in order to confidently predict the level in flight
hardware. Such considerations place practical lower limits
on the levels of particulate contamination that can be re-
quired. For example, we can conceive of limits on con-
tamination that amount to < 1 particle per unit area (or per
sample tube, etc.) on average, but the best we can do is say
there are zero or one particulate in any particular sample. To
ensure statistical confidence, if we examine 1 m
of space-
craft surfaces, the lowest level of particulate contamination
we could (confidently) detect would be 10/m
. If we sam-
pled a surface of only 300 cm
(0.03 m
), our limit would be
, it would be 3000/m
. Thus reducing
sample-contacting surface areas has the unintended conse-
quence of making it harder to detect very small numbers of
particles. Given these statistical limits, we would not be able
to verify that sampling hardware with 30 cm
of contacting
surface area had < 200 organic particles/m
on average, the
best we could do is < 3000/m
. This can be partially com-
pensated for by combining data for multiple sample tubes,
although this has practical limits. Fifteen of the above
sample tubes would have to be pooled to reach the < 200
detection limit; 150,000 would have to be
pooled to reach a limit of < 0.02 particles/m
. Similarly, if
we wished to establish the probability of contamination by
less than 1 particle per tube at 1:1000, we would have to
examine at least 1000 tubes and show that no more than 1 of
them contained 1 particle.
A final consideration is that of particle size. The lower
detection limit with electron microscopy is approximately
5 nm in diameter; however, detection of all organic particles
this size and above on large surfaces would be immensely
burdensome. Therefore, we recommend a particulate size
limit for observable detection of 200 nm based on the the-
oretical limit for independently living microbial life on
Earth (200 nm), and the size of the smallest microbial cells
observed in nature (approximately 300 nm) (Velimirov,
2001; Morris et al., 2002; Miteva and Brenchley, 2005).
Finding #19: Due to statistical uncertainty in mea-
surement and the potential to introduce further contam-
ination through measurement, it is difficult to place a
lower bounding limit on the allowable numbers of
organic particulates.
4.4.4. Conclusions and recommendations for particu-
From the perspective of scientific objectives, organic
particulate contamination would have both positive and
negative impacts; particles on surfaces masquerading as life
are of course confusing, and will degrade surface-based
investigations, but are less likely to migrate into samples
than are molecular contaminants. Given the difficulty in
implementing a viable statistical assessment of contamina-
tion and the relative impacts of particulate organic matter on
sample analysis, the OCP was unable to reach a recom-
mendation on quantitative limits specific to organic partic-
ulate contamination on returned geological samples. Cleaner
is clearly better, but the concept of ‘minimal level necessary’
is not clearly meaningful in this context. It is expected that the
very highest industry standards for limiting such contamina-
tion on sample-contact spacecraft surfaces would be used, but
it is quite unclear how this would translate to sample con-
tamination levels. The OCP noted that detailed characteriza-
tion of the contaminating particles (type, abundance, etc.) will
greatly help to reduce ambiguity in the future analysis of cell/
spore-like structures in martian samples.
The OCP recommends that organic contaminant particles
should be limited to levels as low as is reasonably achiev-
able, and that particles must be included in the accounting
for total organic contamination loading on sampling sur-
faces. Particulate cleanliness levels for semiconductor pro-
cesses are on the order of < 0.1 ng/cm
(Tajima, 1993), and
this may be reasonable for the sample-contact surfaces of
Mars 2020. Particles 200 nm and larger should be charac-
terized for chemical composition using a variety of methods
such as those already identified for Tier-I contaminants and
augmented by biospecific assays such as amino, nucleic acid
assays, and culture-based methods where applicable.
Finding #20: If the contaminants are well character-
ized, then observed organic particulates could be rap-
idly differentiated as having a terrestrial origin. Thus, as
above, we strongly recommend the extensive use of
witness plates and surrogate hardware, along with
extensive archiving to allow characterization of remnant
particle contamination on sampling surfaces.
4.5. Implementation
4.5.1. Strategy for implementing contaminant require-
The Panel proposes the following strategy for
implementing and verifying required organic contaminant
limits. First, a robust analytical program should be set in
place to characterize a s many individual organic contam-
inants as possible at concentrations below 1 ng/g (total
sample loading equivalent). This program would form the
backbone of the contamin at ion characterization that would
be so essential to scientists studying the returned samples.
The program should, at a minimum, be able to detect all
Tier-I compounds at these levels, and the project should
actively monitor the abundance of these compounds. We
do not wish to identify analytical methods that must be
used by the project, but suggest that mass spectrometric
approaches [GC-MS, liquid chromatography–mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS), DART/MS, etc.] would be especially
valuable here.
Finding #21: Methods used for assessing hardware
surface contamination should be demonstrated to have a
known, reproducible efficiency of collection of the target
Tier-I compounds.
The Tier-II list of contaminants contains too many com-
pounds to explicitly test all of them even once, much less
many times. Our strategy here is that any Tier-II compound
that is observed at > 10 ng/g (equivalent sample concentra-
tion) as part of the rigorous contamination characterization
program must then be reduced to < 10 ng/g. However, ex-
plicit validation by measurement that every Tier-II compound
is < 10 ng/g should not—and in fact cannot—be required.
Finally, TOC on sampling surfaces should be measured
by whatever method(s) the project feels are most appropri-
ate, so long as they can assure the limit is met. Those that
provide more detailed information about the molecular
makeup of TOC are strongly preferred given the goal of
contamination characterization. Although different analyti-
cal techniques can include different classes of material in
the resulting TOC value (see discussion in Section 4.3),
these differences are expected to be relatively minor and not
worth explicitly stipulating.
Finding #22: The overall organic contamination
control strategy should involve monitoring for Tier-I
compounds, monitoring of TOC, and broadband screen-
ing for Tier-II compounds above 10 ppb.
5. Strategies for Recognizing and Characterizing
Organic Contamination
5.1. Introduction
The OCP recognizes four broad strategies for recognizing
and distinguishing organic contamination. Some of these
strategies are also beneficial in the characterization of con-
1. Use of witness plates
2. Effective use of blanks or blank standards
3. Archival of organic and trace biological materials sent
to Mars, to be used for reference in interpreting ana-
lytic data collected from the samples
4. Spatially resolved measurements on returned samples
5.2. Witness plates
Witness plates would be critically important to the in-
tegrity of the science if samples are returned. Witness plates
are objects, such as metal or ceramic plates, that are posi-
tioned in a way that allows them to collect the same chem-
ical contamination or debris as an object of interest. When
exposed sequentially during the course of a mission, witness
plates can establish a record of the history of contamination
events. The witness plates can be analyzed to identify the
type and quantity of contamination at various times and
three-dimensional positions. In the case of the MSR mis-
sion, they could be used to provide information about both
the flight and the ground environment, including operations
on the ground during ATLO of the Mars 2020 rover, the
flight environment, the recovery environment at the Earth
landing site, the containment environment, and curation.
This information would be a key input into distinguishing
native compounds from introduced contaminants. Experi-
ence with the managing of other sample collections suggests
that allocation requests for its witness plates are as common
as requests for the samples themselves (for example, as of
this writing there have been 600 allocations of Genesis solar
wind samples and 300 allocations of the accompanying
flight-like reference collectors).
Since samples and sampling hardware have different
physical properties with respect to different contaminants, it
is typically best to employ multiple (at least two) different
types of witness plate material (Sandford et al., 2010). This
allows the witness plates to account for different adsorption
and absorption properties among contaminants. It may be
desirable to place one or more witness plates inside the
sample tubes. In addition, some effort should be put into
understanding witness plate materials and sizes, in order to
optimize eventual analysis. Time-of-flight (TOF)–SIMS
(static SIMS with in situ virtually non-destructive surface
analysis of both organic compounds and inorganics) could
be very useful for sample analysis (however, there are
questions given the possible low organic content in the
samples). However, it would be simply invaluable for in situ
contamination characterization on hardware, witness plates,
cache tubes, and other pieces of hardware.
While it is desirable for the witness plates to maximize
surface area and mimic the chemistry of the sample, it is more
important that the witness plates (1) do not endanger the mis-
sion, (2) do not contaminate the sample, (3) are amenable to a
variety of analyses, and (4) can be divided between different
labs without further contaminating them. For example, while
zeolite is more martian-like than sapphire windows and is
easier to divide, it may be harder to contain, and particles could
get into the sample, or even endanger spacecraft mechanisms.
A larger number of smaller witness plates may be preferable in
the sense that not only can a larger number of witness plates be
used with multiple instruments, they can provide a more sta-
tistically robust sampling (or a combination of both factors).
Experience with previous missions (e.g., Sandford et al., 2010)
shows that witness plates cannot be easily divided after the
mission without risking further contamination. Witness plates
should be deployed with a geometry that provides a molecular
‘view’ of the sample, or hardware they are representing, and
thus, they should be located as close to the actual sample, or
hardware as possible. Also, consideration should be given to
the possibility that cache hardware components might suffice
as supplemental witness plates. Other important considerations
include dimensions of the plates, mounting, transport to ana-
lytical instrumentation, and the development of procedural
controls that ensure confidence in the analysis. These multiple
trade-offs should be examined by the project team.
Finding #23: It is critically important that Mars 2020
have a logically designed, and systematically implemen-
ted, witness plate strategy. The witness plates collected
during the Mars 2020 build and archived for future
reference would be essential to possible future returned
sample science.
The flux of contamination onto the Mars 2020 spacecraft
and rover would not be constant, and accrued contamination
may change through exposure to different environments.
Also, not all contaminants are retained by the samples
equally over time due to chemical variation and volatility.
Thus, the more temporal/spatial information gleaned from
control samples, the more precisely that information can be
applied to understanding the samples. This temporal vari-
ability in contamination leads to the need for phased witness
plates, and the sequence of witness plate employment can be
roughly divided by mission phase. The detailed employment
strategy of witness plates depends on the number of witness
plates required to record the various phases of the mission,
how many time periods should be sampled during the mis-
sion, the witness plate geometry and composition, and, ul-
timately, how many witness plates would be needed for
post-flight analysis. We recommend that a witness plate
campaign should be explicitly designed and implemented as
part of contamination control for the mission. For Mars
2020, key time periods for sequential witness plate em-
ployment include (see Fig. 14):
Assembly and test
Launch, cruise, Mars EDL (entry, descent, and landing)
Mars surface operations
Mars extended storage
Earth recovery operations
Preliminary sample examination
Long-term curation
Finding #24: In order to track the introduction of
contaminants, Mars 2020 (and all successor missions and
ground activities needed to present samples to Earth-
based analysts) would need a carefully designed and
systematically implemented witness plate program.
Beyond the considerations for the Mars 2020 sampling
rover, witness plates should be used to record the contam-
ination environment of individual samples in the SRF, and
those witness plates should be periodically analyzed to
maintain a contamination knowledge record for individual
samples and sample subsets. One key item with respect to
witness plates is the differentiation between witness samples
collected (during build and up to launch) for future analysis
and those collected that require analysis to validate clean-
liness levels immediately so any mitigation steps can be
performed. Witness plates integrated with the assembly of
the sample retrieval and storage system would be the most
useful. A subset of these plates can be pulled off and ar-
chived prior to launch and analyzed when the samples are
returned and compared with the plates that made the trip.
The idea of trying to put some of these archived plates
through the same environmental changes the Mars plates are
FIG. 14. An example of a witness plate deployment plan to provide information on the nature and timing of contami-
nation events/processes. Note that for MSR this plan would need to be established early, since some of the witness plates
that would be valuable later need to be deployed early, and make the round trip to Mars. SRV, sample recovery vehicle.
experiencing would give a good view of the changes various
molecules go through during the trip.
An example of the structure of a witness plate plan is
shown in Fig. 14. A key point is that this plan needs to be
established early in the MSR mission, and then implemented
systematically throughout—some of the exposure periods
begin in the mission development phase. Representative
witness plates should be archived for eventual analysis in
parallel with returned martian samples. However, it would
also be useful to analyze the assembly and test witness
plates on short time scales to mitigate contamination events,
as part of ATLO contamination control/knowledge. If direct
sampling of contamination on flight system surfaces is
prohibited owing to concern about recontamination or ge-
ometry, then witness plates of identical material (e.g., 6061
aluminum) can be processed in parallel with the same
cleaning and testing procedures to serve as a contamination
control proxy.
5.3. Blanks and blank standards
In contrast to witness plates, which provide an accumu-
lation of contaminant particles and films during a defined
period of time, a blank serves as a measurement of non–
sample-related inputs to an instrument signal. Blank stan-
dards may turn out to be the most sought-after material
collected on Mars. Without them, measurements of organic
compounds in all other returned samples would be uncon-
strained and therefore suspect. In the case of the possible
returned martian samples, a blank can be envisioned in one
of two ways: (1) A system (collection, analysis, other) is
operated as it would if a sample were present, except that no
sample is inserted. This would be a crucial step for the
instruments used to analyze the possible returned martian
samples. For the sampling system of the Mars 2020 rover,
this could mean that a sample tube is opened and then closed
without inserting a sample. (2) A synthetic sample known to
have zero concentration of the analyte of interest is inserted.
Any instrument response to the analysis of such a sample
can be interpreted as contamination.
As an example, Phoenix flew an organic-free ceramic
blank that was to be used to characterize the cleanliness of
the sampling system by using the TEGA to detect organic
molecules (Ming et al., 2008). MSL was prepared to use this
strategy to control its sampling and analysis operations by
means of what is referred to as the organic check material
(OCM) (Conrad et al., 2012), although as a practical matter,
the OCM has not been sampled on Mars as of this writing
(Fig. 15). The OCM is a block of ceramic (a non-Mars
material) that was fired at high temperature to drive off all
organic molecules. (The OCM was then doped with a single
non-Mars organic molecule, so that it can serve both as a
positive and a negative control standard.)
As shown in Fig. 16, there are several potential strate-
gies for inserting blank standards into the sequence of
unknown martian samples. The decisions regarding how
many, and when blank standards should be added, are left
to the Mars 2020 Science Team. Regardless of the actual
strategy, it is important that the b la nk standard be col le cte d
periodically as the sample (e.g., the geological unit ex-
amined)and/orthesampler(e.g., the drill bit) changes
(Fig. 16). It is desirable that sampled cores of the negative
control standard bracket (in time) the collection of actual
samples, with the allowable caveat that a sample collection
system failure could interrupt collection of the final neg-
ative control. The key consideration is that in order for the
potential detection of organic molecule that may imply
past life on Mars, to have maximum credibility, such
samples should be bracketed by standards.
Past studies have assumed that in a 31-slot cache, at least
three slots would be reserved for blanks (see, for example,
McLennan et al., 2012; Mustard et al., 2013). However, as
shown in Fig. 16, it is not hard to envision scenarios in
which this number appears to be too low, and it would seem
more prudent to have the capability to be able to collect at
least five blank standards, and possibly six. How this ca-
pability is actually used during the mission would be up to
the Mars 2020 Science Team, and would presumably de-
pend on what is encountered by the mission during its sur-
face operations phase.
FIG. 15. NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity car-
ries five cylindrical blocks of OCM for use in a
control experiment if the rover’s SAM labora-
tory detects any organic compounds in samples
of Martian soil or powdered rock. The blocks
are carried on the front of the rover, within reach
of the sample-collecting drill on the rover’s arm,
and are sealed under foil until needed. This
image centered on the foil that covers one of the
bricks was taken by the rover’s Mars Hand Lens
Imager during Sol 34 of Curiosity’s work on
Mars (September 9, 2012).
Finding #25: The return of in situ -drilled procedural
blanks is an essential part of the science of this mission.
Proof of detection of Mars-sourced organic molecules in
returned samples would not be convincing without them.
OCP proposes that Mars 2020 have the capability to
return six such blanks (although decision-making on how
to use this capability is deferred to the operations team).
Note that positive control standards are also typically a
critically important part of the sample analysis process.
However, their value lies in validating the reality or quan-
tification of a positive detection, not in interpreting con-
tamination, so they are not discussed further here (positive
controls are typically synthetic materials that contain a
known concentration of an analyte of interest).
5.4. Archive of organic and trace biological materials
The storage of archived materials is of great importance,
and some careful thought needs to go into that aspect (since
we need to be able to go back to these materials after the
cache is returned and be reasonably certain that these ma-
terials and the contamination level recorded in them has not
FIG. 17. Examples of MSL material samples, many of which are organic-bearing, stored in the JPL Planetary Protection
Archive: (a) heat shield, (b) heat shield in ESD packaging, (c) heat shield panel, (d) backshell, and (e) harness. (f) The
samples are stored in a cabinet under well-controlled temperature conditions. Source: Melissa Jones, JPL Biotechnology and
Planetary Protection Group.
FIG. 16. In order to bracket all unknown martian samples with blank standards, the first sample taken should probably be
a blank standard. The use of blank standards in the rest of the sample series depends on the decision of the Mars 2020
Science Team. Some suggestions are offered here.
changed significantly over the decade or more between
launch of Mars 2020 and the return of the cache). Materials
storage would support legacy analyses (Figs. 17 and 18). To
support analyses, storage contamination effects must be
clearly understood.
Appropriate witness plates, blanks, and flight-like refer-
ence materials are important and require adequate docu-
mentation and preservation. To correctly interpret round-trip
contamination in returned samples, a facility and systematic
approach for storing several kinds of materials and samples
associated with the Mars 2020 rover would need to be es-
tablished. All of the samples described below need to be
preserved, monitored, and made available to analysts in a
suitably clean, equipped, and staffed curation facility. In the
case of organic analytes, particular attention needs to be
given to the conditions of storage in the archive, requiring
a well-documented systematic approach. Stored genomic
samples would allow for capability to compare against
returned samples to avoid false positives. The OCP is
aware of two relevant capabilities already existing within
the NASA system: (1) the facilities managed by the As-
tromaterials Acquisition a nd Curation Office at Johnson
Space Center, and (2) the Planetary Protection Archive,
managed by JPL Biotechnology and Planetary Protection
Group. The l at ter archive c ur ren tl y houses approx im at ely
200 organic material samples, approximately 100 flight
parts/components (see, e.g., Fig. 17), approximately 200
nucleic acid samples from MSL (Venkateswaran et al.,
2012; La Duc et al ., 2014), and approximately 3500 mi-
crobial isolates (S c hu be rt et al., 2003; Schubert and Be-
nardini, 2013, 2014).
1. Trace genetic material on outbound spacecraft. Dating
back to the Viking era, the history of Mars exploration
has collected thousands of samples of microbial con-
taminants from Mars-bound spacecraft prior to their
launch. There are several existing culture collections
housing isolates derived from these samples, includ-
ing ESA’s collection at DSMZ (Moissl-Eichinger
et al., 2012), JPL’s Phoenix research collection at the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research
Service (Venkateswaran et al., 2014), and JPL/Mars
Program Office’s Mars-related collection archived at
JPL, under study in collaboration with the University
of Idaho. These samples have allowed for phyloge-
netic studies of the variety of taxa (including bacteria,
archaea, and fungi) that have the potential to have
been sent to Mars (Venkateswaran et al., 2012). In the
case of the Mars 2020 sample-collecting rover, a
similar set of samples should be collected and archived
to support potential evaluation should Mars samples
eventually be returned.
2. Witness plates (Section 5.2 above). As discussed
above, witness plates and the negative control stan-
dards need to be maintained as long as the martian
samples are cataloged and distributed through the
same procedures.
3. Organic materials used in the spacecraft build. It is
essential that samples of all organic-bearing materials
used in the course of building and processing Mars
2020 hardware be collected and archived. This includes
polymers used in electronic components, cleaning
solvents, polymers used in spacecraft manufacture such
as Kapton, mold-releasing agents, machine oils, system
lubricants, etc. It is impossible to build a spacecraft,
rover, collection system, and return system purely out
of carbon-free materials. Motors require lubrication,
surfaces require coatings, joints require adhesives, and
FIG. 18. Samples of organic matter on outbound spacecraft, including swab samples of trace microbial contamination,
organic-bearing materials used in the spacecraft build, and witness plates, should be stored for future reference. Some
portion of these samples presumably would need to be analyzed shortly after collection, but the main value would be
analysis with the potential future martian samples and blank standards. (Modified after Mustard et al., 2013).
even stainless steel alloys contain low levels of metal
carbides. At the time these samples enter the archive,
they should be analyzed for a range of compounds
identified as of special interest to Mars 2020 (i.e., the
Tier-I compounds). Prompt analysis would guard
against degradation of the archived compounds before
the cache is returned, and still retain material for
analysis should a contamination contingency arise.
4. Samples from the possible future Earth landing site.
Samples of the soil and air to which the capsule is
exposed at Earth landing should be collected and ar-
chived. Materials from the sample return capsule ab-
lative shield (if used), which may have organic
components, should be collected and stored. (Note that
this is not an issue for Mars 2020.)
Finding #26: Samples of organic and biological
materials associated with the process of building the
Mars 2020 spacecraft should be collected and preserved
in a contamination archive facility. These samples should
be available for analysis during a potential future
returned sample analysis phase.
Within the archive facility (and on the flight mission as
well), attention to packaging is extremely important. Avoid
plastic bags as primary containers for cleaned hardware and
returned samples. Packaging of cleaned parts is often done
by heat-sealing inside plastic bags. The plastic films liberate
plasticizers just by their presence. Even more plasticizers
are given off when heat sealing. Of particular concern to this
mission is outgassing of caprolactam by nylon bags, as there
is some indication caprolactam reacts with water to form
amino acids.
Finally, experience from prior missions (e.g., Genesis)
has shown that nearly every handling step (measurement
technique or cleaning step) can add contamination—this
needs to be planned for.
5.5. Spatially resolved measurements
on returned samples
Spatial information is one of the most powerful means of
determining whether organics are contaminants or indige-
nous to the sample (e.g., Allwood et al., 2009; Steele et al.,
2012, 2013). Spatial information is also critically important
for determining the origin of indigenous organics [biotic,
abiotic, etc. (e.g., Schopf, 1993, 2006; Ueno et al., 2001;
Sugitani et al., 2007, 2010; Allwood et al., 2009, 2013;
Steele et al., 2012)]. For example, if organics were distrib-
uted across only the exterior surface of a core, the proba-
bility that they are contaminants would be high. Similarly, if
the organics reside in cracks that are connected to the ex-
terior environment, it is possible that the organics are con-
taminants. As an illustrative example, Figure 19 shows
evidence of terrestrial microbes growing in recent cracks
within the martian meteorite NWA 7034. An indigenous
origin for organic carbon would be indicated if the carbon is
embedded in the mineral matrix, in an environment pro-
tected from exposure to contamination sources (e.g., see
Agee et al., 2013). Similarly, if organic carbon deposits are
FIG. 19. The spatial arrangement of organisms within cracks and fissures of the martian meteorite NWA 7034 shows that
has been exposed to terrestrial conditions for quite some time lead to the irrevocable conclusion that these cells (indicated
by arrows) are terrestrial microbial contamination. (A) A reflected light micrograph. (B) An enlargement of the boxed
region in (A). (C) A Raman peak image of b-carotene showing the location of microbial contaminants at the same scale as
in (A). (D) Raman spectrum of b-carotene from a single spot from the map in (C). For additional information, see Steele
et al. (2013).
cross-cut by geologic features in the sample, such as a vein
or the broken edge of a clastic sedimentary grain, then those
organic deposits are indigenous to the rock.
Finding #27: Maintaining the original physical struc-
ture of samples (e.g., layering, gradients, grain bound-
aries, and cross-cutting relationships) as much as possible
is extremely important to interpreting indigenous organic
As noted by Mustard et al. (2013), the location of organic
molecules on/in the sample(s) and with respect to host
mineral assemblages at the microscopic scale would provide
crucial insight into the origin of these organic molecules
(whether terrestrial contamination versus martian). Organic
molecules located in the rock core interior may have a very
different meaning than the same molecules found on the
surface of the core. Surface removal or excavation (e.g., ion
beam milling/sputtering) combined with microanalytical
capabilities (e.g., nanoSIMS or TOF-SIMS) would be es-
sential technologies for the analyses of returned samples.
Mustard et al. (2013; Section presented an impor-
tant case history involving the Tissint martian meteorite that
illustrates these points.
One aspect of this is that a priority for interpreting or-
ganic contamination in rock samples is to make them
available to the analysts in good mechanical condition. If
samples are pulverized, or even worse, the fragments move
relative to each other, a significant amount of interpretive
power would have been lost. In analogous terrestrial studies,
it is common for the spatial distribution and morphology to
play a significant role in the interpretation of the origin of
organics (Allwood et al., 2013). Therefore, maintaining the
original structure of martian samples to the extent possible is
crucial to enabling confident interpretation of the origin of
any detected organics. Some important potential strategies to
accomplish this goal could include minimizing fracturing of
the sample during collection, restraining the cores within the
sample tube to minimize vibration/shock damage, and
marking cores in order to record the original geometry of
pieces relative to the rest of the core. These issues are dis-
cussed further by Beaty et al. (2014) and Liu et al. (2014a,b).
6. Discussion and Proposals for Future Work
6.1. The case for cleaner
Sample return missions have a very special place in hu-
mans’ exploration of the universe, in that they provide
‘ground truth’ for all other types of investigations—
computational, laboratory, and flight missions. As seen re-
peatedly in previous sample return missions, they often
prompt fundamental shifts in our understanding. Apollo
lunar samples revolutionized our understanding of the evo-
lution and current state of the Moon (e.g., Taylor, 1975).
The Stardust mission provided the first physical evidence of
pan–Solar System radial mixing in its formative stages
(Wooden et al., 2007). The Genesis mission has delivered
the first direct measurement of the oxygen isotopic com-
position of the Sun, among other measurements (McKeegan
et al., 2011). All of these findings have proven invaluable in
addressing current hypotheses about our Solar System.
Sample return mi ssio ns provide uniquely valuable i n-
formation that can not be obtain ed in other ways. Funda-
mentally, sample retu rn mi ssions provide three impo rtant
things: (1) the mission science team ge ts to sele ct their
samples, (2) sample cont ext is well known on a rang e of
scales, from knowing the originating body all the way to
understandi ng th e spe cific s ampl ing s ite(s) , and ( 3) the
mission can carefully control and document the contami-
nation history of the sample. Meteorites also provide
samples, but they are biased towards tough materials that
survive i mpact -gene rate d tran sfer , ar rive on Earth without
geologic context, and become contaminated with ter res-
trial mat erial s up on im pact. So while they are valua ble,
from an organic standpoint, they are not a replacement for
sample return.
Although sample return missions are very scientifically
valuable, they are also inherently very difficult, and MSR
will be especially so. There is thus a strong case to be made
that the MSR program is not merely an opportunity, but an
extraordinary opportunity. Although we often talk about
scientific success or failure, the reality is considerably more
complex. The more scientific measurements we are able to
make (i.e., measuring signals that clearly exceed contami-
nation backgrounds), the more we will learn. Indeed, it is
conceivable that we could learn a great deal more from these
samples than the minimum required to declare scientific
‘success.’ There is thus a strong case to be made that we
should not set contamination requirements at the highest
possible level that still allows scientific success, but rather
should strive to reach levels that are commensurate with the
extraordinary nature of these samples.
As discussed earlier, results of previous missions (Viking
1 and 2, Phoenix) were originally interpreted to show that
native soils contain vanishingly small amounts of carbon
(Biemann et al., 1976; Boynton et al., 2009; Ming et al.,
2009). The confirmed presence of perchlorate, however,
complicates all past interpretations because perchlorate can
act as an oxygen source for combustion and a chlorine
source to chlorinate molecules. Furthermore, the results of
experiments on Mars analog soils cast further doubt on the
earlier interpretations of miniscule organic carbon contents
lez et al., 2006, 2010, 2011). M SL has now
analyzed several different, martian sedimentary materials.
The initial results for the aeolian drift Rocknest soil and the
John Klein and Cumberland mudstone samples from Yel-
lowknife Bay suggested that their carbon contents were
either too low, or the data were rendered ambiguous by the
chlorination and oxidation chemistry acting on the leaked
derivatization reagents (Leshin et al., 2013; Ming et al.,
2014). Subsequent data for the evolved gas and combustion
experiments conducted by SAM, however, allow for the
possibility that some organics detected in analyses of the
Cumberland mudstone are martian (e.g.,Glavinet al.,
2013; Freissinet et al., unpublished data). MSL is an on-
going mission, and as new results from the SAM instru-
ment suite develop, our understanding of Mars organics is
likely to change. We must also keep in mind that Gale
Crater is not likely representative of the natural variability
of Mars sedimentary environments. It seems clear, there-
fore, that we should remain open minded about both the
upper and lower bounds of organic carbon contents of Mars
Based on this and other evidence, the current OCP and
previous organic contamination-related panels have re-
commended upper limits in the single nanogram/gram range
for especially important compounds, and upper limits
overall in the 10–40 ng/g range. It seems likely that such
levels will allow many of the most abundant organic com-
pounds to be measured confidently. On the other hand, it is
also likely that such levels will be problematic for at least
some (and possibly many) trace organic compounds. Could
we do more? Fortunately, the state of the art for contami-
nation control has improved considerably over recent years,
led in part by the semiconductor industry’s need for par-
ticulate- and NVR-reduced materials and processes. Com-
mercially available sample handling hardware regularly
achieves ISO 1/2 particle cleanliness levels (as per ISO
14644-1). In terms of NVR cleanliness, lunar sampling
boxes used in the Apollo program achieved 10–100 ng/cm
NVR cleanliness over 40 years ago (Calaway et al., 2014).
More modern publications state detection limits of various
organic compounds to ppt levels, so analytical techniques
are currently available to meet verification needs (e.g., Fu-
jimoto et al., 2007). Also, NASA has the benefit of recent
contamination control experience in contamination-sensitive
missions such as Genesis, the James Webb Space Telescope,
and the MOMA instrument for the ESA ExoMars rover. It
therefore seems likely that achieving much cleaner levels of
contamination is possible at reasonable expense. Although
they may not be absolutely necessary, they could mean the
difference between successful versus extraordinary scientific
Finding #28: Since we don’t know the concentration
of the organic molecules of interest in the martian
samples that might be returned, there is an unquantifiable
scientific risk relating to detectability above background.
The cleaner (or dirtier) the samples are, the more (or less)
compounds we would be able to measure, and the more
(or less) confident we would be in interpreting their
origin. Scientific return versus sample cleanliness is a
continuous function that is hard to cast in the terminology
of required/not required, or success/failure.
6.2. Summary and conclusions
We do not know what organics we would find in martian
samples that are returned to Earth. This fact alone makes
predicting the required cleanliness of returned samples
highly ambiguous. Although we have attempted to constrain
the problem to within an order of magnitude, we emphasize
that much uncertainty remains. Given the high sensitivity of
modern analytical techniques (detection limits of < 1 pg),
setting contamination limits that are low enough to remove
any risk of interfering with any scientific measurements is
not achievable. Thus choosing a discrete limit within the
bounds we provide would implicitly require accepting some
level of scientific risk (i.e., that analyte concentrations in the
returned samples are lower than we have anticipated). The
panel members varied substantially in their opinions about
the level of scientific risk that is appropriate for this mission,
and our recommendations fall somewhere in the middle of
this range. Several panelists in particular felt that the limits
should be substantially more conservative, to ensure a
higher likelihood of ultimate scientific success, albeit at a
(presumably) higher cost. Resolving such questions should
involve a full consideration of costs and benefits associated
with different levels of cleanliness, but our group was not
able to evaluate the cost side of that equation.
The first logical step in setting limits is to determine what
kinds of organics we care most about, and here our rec-
ommendation is that measurements of the individual organic
molecules that would be the most scientifically valuable
must be made. These are the measurements that should be
most carefully protected from interference by Earth-sourced
organic contaminants. A limit on TOC can play a supporting
role as a blanket insurance policy against all possible con-
taminants, but should not be viewed as an end unto itself.
Rather, any limit on TOC should be tightly linked to the
perceived need to limit individual contaminants. We also
agreed that virtually all organic compounds are of potential
concern, either because we might potentially find them on
Mars, or because they might plausibly interfere with mea-
surements of martian organics. At the same time we recognize
that certain molecules (mainly those known to be associated
with terrestrial life, and those that have been detected on
Mars) are of greater concern, and so recommend a two-tiered
strategy for controlling individual contaminants: Tier I (see
Table 4) contains compounds of greater concern, and so
should have lower limits. Tier II includes everything else.
Our goal is to limit individual contaminants to levels that
are below those we hope or expect to measure, but unfor-
tunately we do not know which organic compounds would
be present in those samples, nor at what concentrations.
Previous groups have attempted to constrain the problem
using estimates of meteoritic input fluxes, or by comparison
with organic-poor terrestrial rocks. This Panel chose to rely
more strongly on recently published measurements of mar-
tian meteorites and from the MSL rover; although few and
far between, these measurements are at least demonstrably
representative of martian materials. The Panel also consid-
ered the analytical techniques likely to be used on returned
samples, and their sensitivities to various contaminants.
However, because of the huge diversity of techniques, with
detection limits spanning many orders of magnitude, this
does not appear to provide useful constraints on allowable
contamination levels. Our recommendations are consistent
with protecting those measurements most likely to be used
for initial characterization of samples (survey techniques),
but would still be visible to other more targeted techniques.
The most valuable data for predicting expected concen-
trations, in our opinion, are the recent measurements of
amino acids and TOC in martian meteorites, and the ‘ten-
tative’ detection of chlorobenzene by MSL. We infer that at
least some, and perhaps most, martian rocks would contain
important organic compounds at levels of a few to tens of
nanograms per gram, and TOC at tens of micrograms per
gram. If we assume a distribution of compound classes
similar to that seen in the Murchison meteorite, then many
other types of compounds should also be present at similar
levels. These levels could be confidently measured against a
background comprising < 1 ng/g per compound. Given the
small number of data, we point out that there is much un-
certainty about whether these are typical values, or whether
returned samples might have higher or lower concentrations.
Clearly having cleaner samples would provide the oppor-
tunity to measure more (lower abundance) compounds in
more organic-poor rocks, thus maximizing scientific return.
Nevertheless, adopting < 1 ng/g per compound as a guide-
line should allow robust measurements in some rocks and so
provide the ability to meet stated scientific goals.
A significant problem in implementing contamination
limits lies in the vast number of potential contaminant
compounds, which are far too numerous to quantify indi-
vidually. One potential approach would be to limit TOC
itself to below 1 ng/g. This is the most conservative ap-
proach, and thus the most scientifically desirable one. Al-
though technologically feasible, it is difficult at the levels
required and thus expensive. A second approach would be to
explicitly monitor and limit Tier-I compounds at < 1 ng/g,
and TOC at < 10 ng/g. This would ensure that all Tier-II
compounds are present at < 10 ng/g. The third and least
conservative approach is to explicitly monitor Tier-I com-
pounds, passively monitor Tier-II compounds at < 10 ng/g,
and then relax the TOC limit to 40 ng/g in order to limit the
number of contaminants that can simultaneously be present.
There are several important strategies for recognizing
terrestrial contamination in returned samples. First and
foremost is a comprehensive plan of contamination moni-
toring and characterization during spacecraft construction.
We would not achieve non-detectable levels of cleanliness,
and it is essential to know—at the molecular level—what
residual contaminants are being carried along. Second,
witness plates can be used to monitor ongoing contamina-
tion during all stages of the project, and some of these would
need to make the round trip to Mars. Experience dictates
that these would be in high demand by scientists studying
returned samples. Third, we deem the sampling (on Mars)
and return of negative control standards (blanks) to be ab-
solutely essential to building convincing evidence for the
identity of martian organic molecules. We recommend
planning to include multiple blanks on the rover. Fourth, an
archive of all materials used to construct the spacecraft
should be developed to provide future scientists with the
ability to look for novel sources of contamination. Main-
taining such an archive for decades, without further con-
tamination, would be nontrivial. Fifth, a strategy that would
undoubtedly be employed to assess the indigenous nature of
any organics is their spatial distribution in the samples. For
example, contaminants transferred from hardware are more
likely to be present on sample surfaces. Preserving the
original structure of samples during the caching and return
operations would be of the utmost importance.
6.3. Topics for future work
During its deliberations, the OCP recognized several is-
sues that would benefit from either further technology de-
velopment, or further discussion by a subsequent group.
Note that some of the items in the lists that follow are di-
rectly relevant to the proposed Mars 2020 rover, and others
relate to other aspects of potential returned sample science.
The lists that follow are not listed in priority order.
Of relevance to Mars 2020:
1. Further discussion is needed on the design of the so-
called ‘blank standard’ that could be sampled by the
Mars 2020 drilling system on Mars. MSL’s OCM is
composed of a porous silica ceramic that is devoid of
all organic molecules except that it is doped with
fluorinated hydrocarbons (3-fluorophenanthrene and 1-
fluoronaphthalene) in order to ensure that the lack of
other detectable molecules is indeed due to their ab-
sence rather than a sample delivery failure. Thus, it
serves as both a positive and a negative control stan-
dard. Many of the considerations that went into the
design of the OCM would be identical for Mars 2020,
but we do not yet know if all considerations will be
2. More study is needed to determine the optimal sol-
vent mixture for detecting all of the Tier-I compounds
using swab samples. As part of this, the extraction
efficiency of the chosen solvent mixture with respect
to each of the compounds should be determined.
3. The transfer coefficients for organic molecules from
sample contact surfaces to geological samples have
been experimentally determined for abrasive transfer
using granular samples (e.g., Mahaffy et al., 2004).
However, there are insufficient data for the transfer of
contaminants to solid core samples using a mechanical
configuration relevant to Mars 2020. Transfer from the
container walls to the sample by repeated thermal
cycling (a condition the samples would experience
while being stored on the surface of Mars) also has not
been studied. OCP proposes a carefully designed set of
4. The possibility that trace Earth-sourced inorganic or
organic compounds could alter or destroy martian
molecules of interest was not evaluated by the OCP. If
this becomes a significant concern, it would need to be
evaluated by a successor group.
5. The OCP carried out its analysis based on molecular
measurements that it anticipates would be made on
returned samples. However, in order to set limits on
concentrations of these same molecules on the out-
bound spacecraft, we assumed there is no degradation
or modification of these molecules by the martian
environment. If this is recognized in the future as a
significant concern, it would need to be considered by
a successor group.
Of significance to returned sample science, but not to Mars
6. In order to be able to make molecular measurements
on samples as clean as those described in this report,
NASA (and/or other interested space agencies) would
need to invest in research and techn ology to de-
velop and build the infrastructure that comprises the
necessary analytic environment (including sample
management, sample preparation systems, and instru-
mentation). To within OCP’s knowledge, no such labs
currently exist on Earth.
7. OCP was asked to work with the assumption that the
contamination of samples in the SRF would be small
relative to the contamination they would receive dur-
ing the flight mission(s). This needs to be systemati-
cally evaluated. It is far from clear to us what are the
implementation implications for the Earth-based
sample environment of the limits described in this
report (e.g., Tier-I and Tier-II molecules).
8. We need more research into ways of interrogating
individual particles on the returned samples, that may
be either organic or inorganic, and that might ‘look’
like microbial cells. We have to remember that the
samples would be collected in an environment (the
drilling environment) that generates massive amounts
of (Mars-sourced) particles, so the rock samples would
definitely come back covered with lots of particles
(although these particles may not constitute ‘con-
tamination’’). An essential question for the potential
future Earth-based analysts would be whether any of
these particles are ‘round-trippers’’ that originated
from Earth. These questions are likely to come up on a
particle-by-particle basis. Is there a way to assess this
short of micron-by-micron mapping of the samples?
9. A comment made during the review process (note that
because this is outside the scope of OCP’s charter, it is
presented here without either endorsement or discour-
agement by OCP): Establishing a process for indepen-
dent oversight for contamination control could be
beneficial. Details matter with contamination control—
an independent set of eyes as things are fabricated is
important. In order to maximize the science return of
the samples to be used for life detection, scientists using
or familiar with the techniques that would be used for
organic detections on returned samples should be in the
loop of design, fabrication, and testing.
10. If samples are returned, we would have a critical need
for careful planning to avoid inefficient and wasteful
consumption of limited samples. For example, the
choice of method for distinguishing dead organisms,
inorganic carbon compounds, and viable microbes is
an important detail.
11. At least some of the organic molecular measurements in
the SRF would be time-critical, because the information
would be relevant to interpreting whether the samples
are hazardous or not. As such, these measurements
would need to be done in containment. The technical
issues associated with integrating a superclean analytic
environment into a containment environment may be
quite challenging. Agreeing on a strategy for solving
this may be one of the long-lead elements of the SRF
design, so early attention is warranted.
Most importantly, the technical content of this report
benefitted greatly from seven technical reviews of an earlier
version; these were contributed by Mike Calaway, David
Des Marais, Jack Farmer, Paul Mahaffy, Dorothy Oehler,
Mark Sephton, and Barbara Sherwood Lollar. We are deeply
appreciative for their time and effort. Multiple other mem-
bers of the community were engaged in a less structured
way by means of presentation/discussion at three events: (1)
the May 28–29, 2014 NRC Meeting of Experts (for which
written feedback was received by OCP on August 4, 2014),
(2) the July 14–18, 2014 8
International Mars Conference
(where a poster summarizing preliminary results was pre-
sented; see Summons et al., 2014b), and (3) the August 4–8,
2014 Gordon Research Conference on organic geochemistry
(where a poster was also displayed)—we thank those who
interacted with members of the committee on this subject
matter. The OCP acknowledges the intellectual contribu-
tions of Marc Fries during the first part of its deliberations.
The OCP gratefully acknowledges assistance with the in-
struments and measurements tables from Sabrina Feldman
( JPL) and Lauren DeFlores ( JPL). The OCP also wishes to
acknowledge the technical contributions made by Mark An-
derson ( JPL) and Ira Katz ( JPL) in the areas of organic con-
tamination measurement and redistribution analyses. Last, but
by no means least, we thank Michael Meyer, Lead Scientist,
NASA Mars Exploration Program and Lisa May, Lead Pro-
gram Executive, NASA Mars Exploration Program for defining
the scope of this study and their continuous support throughout
the process (see Appendix 1 of the full report, http://mepag
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A. Appendices and Supporting Files
Appendices 1, 2, and 5 are available online at http://mepag
A.3. Appendix 3: Definitions of terms
Organic carbon—for the purposes of this report, any
carbonaceous substance that is not inorganic. Typical
definitions include the presence of covalent C-C and/or C-H
bonds, average oxidation state < 4, yielding CO
combustion, and others. All of these definitions comprise
(different) subsets of the broader definition that we adopt
here. Examples include formic acid, ethanol, glucose, hy-
drocarbons including methane, lipids, amino acids, purines,
pyrimidines, urea, chlorofluorocarbons, Teflon, dimethylsi-
licone, etc. The term organic carbon does not imply for-
mation by a biological process.
Inorganic carbon—the boundary between ‘organic’
and ‘inorganic’’ carbon is ambiguous, and no single defi-
nition is broadly accepted. Here we use ‘inorganic’ to refer
primarily to materials comprised of oxygen and carbon.
Examples include gaseous CO and CO
, dissolved CO
2 -
and HCO
, and carbonate minerals such as calcite and
dolomite. Many definitions of inorganic carbon also include
metal and metalloid carbides, cyanides, and elemental car-
bon, although for clarity we refer here to such materials
specifically by name rather than as inorganic carbon.
Elemental carbon—materials that contain only the element
carbon, such as graphite, diamond, fullerenes, and graphene.
Macromolecular organic carbon—complex, high-
molecular-weight, organic carbon compounds that are
formed by polymerization or cross-linking of smaller sub-
units. Organic macromolecules include ordered biopolymers
such as proteins, DNA, polysaccharides, and lignin; syn-
thetic polymers including polyester, PTFE (Teflon), and
silicone; and irregular geopolymers, such as humic acids,
asphaltenes, and kerogen.
Organic particulates—macromolecular organic material
that can be captured by sieving filters (for example, > 1-lm
Biologically relevant functional groups—atoms other
than C or H in an organic molecule that impart functionality
to the compound. Examples include alcohols, carboxylic
acids, amines, amides, esters, and phosphate esters. Carbon-
carbon double bonds are typically included in this definition.
Amino acid—organic carbon compounds that contain
both an amine and carboxylic acid functional group. The
linking of amino acids via a peptide bond [(C = O)-(NH)]
allows the formation of peptides and proteins in terrestrial
biological systems. Terrestrial organisms use only 22 stan-
dard amino acids of specific chirality, although many more
such compounds exist. Examples include alanine, cysteine,
glycine, etc.
Carbohydrate—organic carbon compounds with the
generic formula (CH
, containing multiple hydroxyl and
carboxyl functions. Individual monomers (aka monosac-
charides, sugars) can be polymerized via acetal and hemi-
acetal bonds to form polysaccharides (carbohydrate
polymers). Examples include glucose, sucrose, cellulose,
and starch.
Lipid—lipids, in comparison to ‘hydrocarbons,’ are
generally inferred to be of biologic origin. They commonly
comprise long, hydrophobic hydrocarbon backbones
with a polar end group and few functional groups. They
can have linear chains (e.g.,fattyacids,leafwaxes),
branched chains (phytol, methyl-branched fatty acids),
cyclic moieties (e.g., alkyl benzenes), or polycyclic moi-
eties (e.g., sterols, lignin).
Hydrocarbon—formally, any molecule containing only
the elements H and C. However, usage has expanded to
include any hydrophobic molecule originating in rocks or
fossil fuels regardless of composition (e.g., ‘this rock
contains 5 lg/g extractable hydrocarbons’’). For this report,
we adopt the latter meaning, and use it in conjunction with
‘lipids’ to distinguish between biotic and abiotic sources.
Chirality—a characteristic stemming from the three-
dimensional nature of organic carbon compounds. When a
carbon atom is surrounded by four different moieties, it can
exist as either of two non-superimposable mirror images
(enantiomers). Enantiomers can rotate plane-polarized light
in opposite directions and are so designated as ‘right-‘ or
‘left-handed’ based on this property.
Homochirality—a collection of structurally similar
molecules that are chiral in the same sense [i.e,. all left-
handed (amino acids in terrestrial life) or all right-handed
(sugars in terrestrial life)]. Homochirality is considered a
characteristic of terrestrial biological systems.
Chain-length preference in lipids—the synthesis of
lipids requires the addition of carbon atoms to a precursor to
increase carbon-chain length. In biological systems, these
carbons come from two-C donors (such as acetate) or five-C
donors (isoprenoids), forming long-chain carbon skeletons
with specific chain lengths. Compounds formed from acetate
show strong preferences for even or odd numbers of carbon
atoms (e.g., C12, C14, C16, C18, etc., in fatty acids, or C27,
C29, C31, C33, etc., in hydrocarbons).
Pyrolysis products—organic compounds generated
when a sample is heated, in the absence of oxygen, to the
point of thermal decomposition.
Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds
molecules with substantial vapor pressure either at room
temperature (volatile) or at some elevated temperature
(semivolatile). Molecules that thermally decompose before
entering the gas phase are termed involatile. There is little
agreement on precise temperature cutoffs between these
categories; hence we adopt the practical definitions above.
Isotopes—atoms of t he same element having a different
number of neutrons, and hence mass. They are chemically
identical and form the same compounds, phases, etc., but
the mass difference c auses them to react at subtly different
rates. Radioactive versus stable isotopes (
H) are frequently distinguished, and the relative
abundance of certain isotopes (in organic matter, primarily
O, and
S) are frequently used to distin-
guish between materials of terrestrial versus extraterrestrial
Isotopic fractionation—any chemical, physical, or bio-
logical process that alters the relative abundance of isotopes
in a material. An example is the depletion of
H and
water vapor evaporating from a liquid. Many natural pro-
cesses have characteristic isotopic fractionations (e.g., fix-
ation of CO
in the photosynthesis). The loss of radioactive
isotopes (e.g.,
H) due to decay is not typically re-
garded as fractionation as it occurs regardless of physical or
chemical processes.
Contamination terminology
Organic contamination—any substance that signifi-
cantly interferes with our ability to detect the presence of
martian organic compounds or prevents our confidently
determining that an organic compound is of martian and not
terrestrial origin.
Constant contamination—background levels, such as in
a blank, which are well characterized, constant and can be
readily addressed in the evaluation of the compositional
analysis. These are often mitigated or controlled by design
and selection of materials and processes.
Random or variable contamination—spacecraft are
huge systems requiring long periods of building. As a result,
there is the potential for contamination to be introduced
from entirely unpredicted events (‘‘black swan’ events).
Such variable contamination can be identified, limited, or
controlled by continuous monitoring of processes, systems,
and witness plates.
Adventitious carbon—when surfaces are cleaned to a
high level, the removal of surface oxidation layers, etc.,
results in the formation of a charged surface. Adventitious
carbon comprises the charged carbon molecules within the
atmosphere that are attracted to and bind to cleaned sur-
faces; therefore the chemistry of this carbon reflects the
conditions of the environment in which it forms.
Contamination control—limiting the introduction of
contaminants through processes and design.
Contamination knowledge—the use of witness plates,
controls, and process monitoring to quantitatively and
qualitatively characterize and understand the types of con-
tamination such that interpretation of acquired data is pos-
sible and the science objectives can be met.
Contaminants of concern—the organic mole cule s
identified by our scientific understanding of the environ-
ment, bio burden, and proce ss d esign that provid e th e bes t
indication of contami nation that could interf ere with
the anticipated sample analyses and define d scientific
objectives .
Surface contact transfer—the transfer of contaminants
from a sampling surface to the sample. While the efficiency
of this transfer is variable (depending on the types and na-
ture of the contaminants and sample matrix), in a worst-case
scenario it is assumed to be 100%.
Blank—a measurement designed to establish the amount
of analyte due to sources other than the sample. Blanks can
have many different contributing components, which may or
may not be distinguished (e.g., sample handling and storage
blank, processing blank, reagent and solvent blank, instru-
ment blank, etc.). Can also be referred to as a negative
control standard.
Background—signals detected by the instrument that are
due to sources other than the targeted analyte, for example,
fluorescence or adsorption of sample matrix in optical
techniques, contaminants present in the vacuum system of
mass spectrometers, etc. The term is often, although not
always, used to denote signals that interfere with or degrade
measurement capabilities.
Witness plate—provides a background measurement
alongside sample measurement to document where, when,
and what contaminants are introduced during the mission.
Witness plates generally comprise more than one type of
material, each having different adherence properties (such
as sapphire and silicone wafers), and can include clean
plates, organic check material, or stored materials.
Pristine—in the context of sample collection, pristine can
be considered as the level to which background contami-
nation can be removed to within the cost and technical
limitations of the time.
Noise floor—the lowest, reasonably achievable limit of
Analytical terminology
Analyte—the element, isotope, compound, substance,
etc. of interest in an analysis.
Sample matrix—the sample material that surrounds and
contains the analytes of interest (e.g., sediment, rock, water,
etc.). The sample matrix affects the manner in which sample
is prepared and introduced into a measurement technique
(i.e., liquid vs. solid-phase extraction), as well as potentially
affecting the analytical measurement itself.
Detection limit—is by conventi on define d as the
quantity of a ma terial yi elding a detected signal at some
specified level abo ve the blank or noise in th e measur e-
ment (signal/noi se ratio). This may be re garded as the
minimum level a t which the re is suffici ent certainty in the
measurement to state that the analyte is unambiguously
detected, and as the max imum lev el to state that the
analyte is not there. Different si gnal/noise ratios are
adopted for different appl ications, but typica lly vary be-
Sensitivity—the amount of analyte required to provide a
unit of measurable signal (i.e., picomoles/mV). This term is
often confounded with detection limit.
Resolution—the ability to separate or distinguish adja-
cent signals or compounds. The term has various meanings
in different analytical techniques (i.e., in chromatography
refers to the ability to separate distinct molecular structures,
whereas in spectroscopy refers to the ability to distinguish
different wavelengths).
Quantitative analysis—an analysis carried out to mea-
sure the amount (or concentration) of analyte in a sample.
This is typically achieved by comparing the instrument re-
sponse from the sample to a calibration curve generated
from authentic laboratory standards, although other ap-
proaches are possible. Note that the term does not imply that
a measurement is free from error or uncertainty.
Qualitative analysis—an analysis carried out to deter-
mine the identity, structure, functionality, or other properties
of the analyte. Because generating calibrating curves for
quantitative analysis typically requires knowing what ana-
lytes are targeted, qualitative analysis typically precedes
quantitative analysis in the study of unknown materials.
Estimates of relative abundance from (typically uncalibrat-
ed) qualitative analysis are sometimes called ‘semi-
quanitative,’ although this term is ambiguous.
Analytical techniques
Chromatography—a family of techniques that relies on
different rates of migration of analytes in a fluid phase
travelling in a solid or liquid phase, for physically sepa-
rating analytes in a m ixture. The separation relies on dif-
fering physical and/or chemical properties of the analyte,
such as vapor pressure, solubility, hydrophobicity, ionic
strength, size, shape, etc. Techniques for organic separa-
tions are often distinguished based on the mobile phase
used for the separation [i.e ., gas chromatography (analytes
in a gas phase) vs. liquid chromatography (analytes in a
liquid phase)].
Capillary electrophoresis—a family of analytical sepa-
ration methods performed in a narrow bore (capillary) where
the analytes are separated by migration through an electro-
lyte solution under the influence of high electric fields.
Magnetic resonance—a family of techniques [generi-
cally nuclear magnet ic resonanc e (‘NMR’)] that detect
the absorp tion and reemission of electr omagnetic e nergy
by ato ms in a strong magnetic field, due to spin-flipping
of nuclei. The technique is non-destructive and is widely
used for struc tural eluc idation of unknown organic
Mass spectrometry—a family of analytical techniques
based upon the ionization of molecules, followed by ma-
nipulation, separation, and detection of those ions in mag-
netic and/or electrical fields. The technique typically yields
the mass/charge ratio of each ion, which is useful in deter-
mining identity and structure. A variety of different ioni-
zation methods (e.g., electron-impact, chemical ionization,
photoionization, electrospray, matrix-assisted laser desorp-
tion/ionization, secondary-ion impact, etc.) and mass ana-
lyzer designs (sector-field, quadrupole, ion trap, TOF,
Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance, etc.) can be
combined. Hyphenated techniques with chromatography
(e.g., GC-MS and LC-MS) are very common. Techniques
using multiple stages of ion manipulation (i.e., MS-MS or
) are sometimes used to increase specificity of analysis,
or to help elucidate structure. Mass spectrometry is con-
sidered a ‘destructive’’ analytical technique.
Optical spectroscopy—a family of analytical techniques
that work by observing the interaction of photons (light)
with the sample. Techniques can include measuring light
reflection or scattering, absorption, fluorescence (absorption
and re-emission at a longer wavelength), and Raman scat-
tering (scattering with a minor energy loss arising from
stimulation of a vibrational mode). Observations at different
wavelengths target different properties of molecules, with
x-ray wavelengths targeting atomic (elemental) composi-
tion, UV and visible light targeting molecular electronic
transitions, and IR wavelengths targeting molecular rota-
tions and vibrations. Techniques can sometimes provide
spatially resolved analysis, as in Raman microscopy. Optical
techniques are typically non-destructive.
Mass spectroscopy—a mass/charge versus relative in-
tensity plot used in chemical analysis. Typically, mass
spectra are formed using a mass spectrometer when an or-
ganic carbon compound is ionized, decomposes according
the laws of chemistry. The fragments are separated ac-
cording to their mass/charge, counted, and viewed as a
relative abundance plot. Mass spectra, obtained under
identical conditions can be a rapid, reliable, and sensitive
means of identifying unambiguously identifying organic
carbon compounds.
Total carbon/total organic carbon analysis—related
techniques for the analysis of bulk materials that aim to de-
termine total levels of (organic) carbon via combustion of
analytes to CO
, with quantitation of the evolved CO
. Be-
cause the analysis is operationally defined (i.e., anything that
yields CO
at a given temperature), techniques that differ in
temperature, time, pressure of O
, etc., can include or exclude
different materials. For example, graphite would be detected
in a total carbon analysis at 1000C but not at 500C.
Laser desorption—the process by which incident laser
radiation results in the separation of a molecule from a
surface or matrix, allowing sampling of molecules with
fewer matrix effects. This process may result in ionization
of the molecules.
Secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS)—a
family of techniques in which samples are sputtered and
ionized by the impact of a beam of primary ions, typically
followed by mass spectrometric analysis. They are particu-
larly useful in providing spatially resolved mass spectro-
metric analysis (but see also laser desorption). High-energy
primary ion beams (typically Cs
or O
) typically achieve
more aggressive sample sputtering (can be used to ablate
surface layers) and yield monoatomic ions suitable for ele-
mental and/or isotopic analysis, whereas low-energy ion
beams typically sample only surface layers and yield mo-
lecular ions suitable for identification and structural analy-
sis. The former technique is commonly known simply as
SIMS (or nanoSIMS, depending on the spatial resolution of
the primary ion beam), whereas the latter is often known as
TOF-SIMS (although the combination of TOF mass spec-
trometry with low-energy primary ion beam is not required,
it is commonly employed). Note that the acronym SIMS is
also commonly used for ‘selection ion mass spectrometry,’’
which is a different technique.
Isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS)—a subcate-
gory of mass spectrometry in which the specific intent is
to provide highly precise measurements of isotopic abun-
dance, usually at the expense of losing structural infor-
mation because analytes must be converted to a common
molecular form (i.e., H
, etc.). For organic
molecules, such techniques generally employ electron-
impact ionization with sector-field spectrometers and
multiple parallel detectors. The technique is commonly
distinguished from SIMS, even though both provide simi-
lar types of information.
Isotope-ratio optical spectroscopy (IROS)—a subcate-
gory of optical spectroscopy in which the specific intent is
to provide highly precise measurements of isotope abun-
dance. Specific techniques typically employ either very-long
pathlength absorption cells (integrated cavity-output spec-
troscopy) or cavity-ringdown spectroscopy, and both require
that analytes be converted to a common molecular form
(i.e., H
, etc.). Although the optical detection is
non-destructive, conversion to common analyte form is
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)—a technique
where a surface is irradiated with soft x-rays, leading to
ionization of the surface atoms. The subsequent release of
emitted photoelectrons allows a spectrum to be obtained of
the distribution and kinetic energy of the surface atoms to be
determined; the intensity of specific peaks allows a quanti-
tative analysis of each analyzed atom.
Processing techniques
Combustion—heating a material in the presence of mo-
lecular oxygen, or a source of oxygen, to generate carbon
Destructive sampling—sampling or measurement pro-
cesses, which result in the destruction of the sample.
Solvent extraction—use of a liquid phase to selectively
dissolve (solubilize) and separate particular compound
classes from a complex matrix. Solvents of different po-
larities can be used to differentially extract different com-
pound classes.
Pyrolysis—heating a material in th e absence of oxygen
to induce thermal decomposition. Typically, this approach
relies on a defined temperature regimen. Pyrolysis at
temperatures up to approximately 600C is used to convert
a solid macromolecular material to smaller, volatile prod-
ucts that were amenable to separation by gas chromatog-
raphy and identification by mass spectrometric analysis.
The composition of these pyrolysis products is used to
infer the nature of the macromolecular precursor. Pyrolysis
at te mperatures exceeding 1 000C typically converts the
precursor to its elements (e.g., C, H
) or small molecules
such as CO.
Thin section—a thin slice of sample prepared either
for the evaluat ion of inter nal composi tion or to a llow
access t o a techniqu e r equiring a thi nner cross section o f
A.3.1. Abbreviations
AC, adventitious carbon.
ALHT, Apollo lunar hand tools.
ALSRC, Apollo lunar sample return container.
AMC, airborne molecular contamination.
ATLO, assembly, test, and launch operations.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate, the energy storage molecule of a cell.
CAPTEM, Curation and Analysis Planning Team for
Extraterrestrial Materials, a committee that is part of the
NASA advisory structure
DART/MS, direct analysis in real time–mass spectrometry.
DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid.
DOF, degrees of freedom.
DOP, degrees of probability.
DRIFT, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform.
EDAX (or EDX), energy-dispersive spectroscopy.
EDL, entry, descent, and landing.
ESA, European Space Agency.
FTIR, Fourier transform infrared.
GC-MS, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.
GSFC, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
IR, infrared.
ISO, International Organization for Standardization.
ITAR, International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
IUPAC, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
JPL, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
LC-MS, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry.
LM, Lunar Module.
LRL, Lunar Receiving Laboratory.
Mars 2020, Mars 2020 Mission.
MEP, Mars Exploration Program.
MEPAG, Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group.
MoE, Meeting of Experts, a process used by the U.S. National
Research Council.
MOMA, Mars organic molecule analyzer (an instrument
on ExoMars 2018).
MS-MS, tandem mass spectrometry.
MSL, Mars Science Laboratory.
MSR, Mars sample return.
MSR SSG II, Mars Sample Return Science Steering Group II.
NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NRC, National Research Council.
NRC SSB, National Research Council Space Study Board.
NVR, non-volatile residue.
OCM, organic check material.
OCP, Organic Contamination Panel.
OCSSG, Organic Contamination Science Steering Group.
OSIRIS-REx, Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource
Identification Security—Regolith Explorer.
PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.
PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
PDA, photodiode detector array.
PLSS, Primary Life Support System.
PP, planetary protection.
PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene.
QCM, quartz crystal microbalance.
QE, quantum efficiency.
RAD, Radiation Assessment Detector (instrument on MSL).
RGA, Residual Gas Analyzer.
RNA, ribonucleic acid.
S/N, signal-to-noise ratio.
SA/SPAH, Sample Acquisition/Sample Processing and
Handling (instrument on MSL).
SAF, spacecraft assembly facility.
SAM, Sample Analysis at Mars (an instrument on MSL).
SDT, Science Definition Team.
SEM, scanning electron microscopy.
SIMS, secondary ionization mass spectrometry.
SMD, Science Mission Directorate.
SRC, sample return capsule.
SRF, sample receiving facility.
TAGSAM, touch-and-go sample acquisition mechanism
(instrument on OSIRIS-REx).
TEGA, thermal and evolved gas analyzer (instrument on Phoenix).
TOC, total organic carbon.
TOF, time-of-flight.
UV, ultraviolet.
WP, witness plate.
WSTF, White Sands Test Facility.
XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
A.4. Appendix 4: Summary of instruments and
measurements available as of 2014 for investigating
organic molecules in rock and soil samples
A.4.1. Notes regarding detection limits and capability of
surface spectroscopic techniques.
Challenges exist in de-
fining the detection limits and capability of surface spec-
troscopic techniques, as they are strongly dependent on
instrument design and sample/measurement specifications.
Factors that affect technique sensitivity due to optical
design include:
1. Optical throughput (laser power, transmission of
optics, etc.)
2. Collection efficiency (f/#, DOF, DOP, etc.)
3. Detector sensitivity
a. Noise (dark current, shot noise, read noise etc.)
b. Performance (dynamic range, gain, QE, etc.)
4. Spectral range (may require time gating to improve
sensitivity based on technique)
Example factors that affect technique sensitivity due to
sample/measurement specification include:
Key to Measurement Goals Related to Martian Organic Geochemistry and Planetary Protection
1 Determine whether the samples contain organic compounds
1A Use non-destructive methods to search for the presence of organic compounds
1B Quantify the bulk organic content of the samples
2 Determine the origin of any organic compounds in the samples
2A Determine the molecular composition of organics
2B Determine the isotopic composition of organics
2C Study spatial variations in abundance and characteristics of organic molecules in the sample matrix, relative to
mineralogical, chemical, and textural features
2D Investigate the chirality of amino acids
2E Examine long-chain hydrocarbons for chain length effects
2F Quantify the degree of contamination by viable or recently deceased terrestrial microbes and their residues
1. Measurement duration: In general, increase integra-
tion time for spectroscopic techniques with increase S/
N and therefore sensitivity of the technique (assuming
S/N is not driven by noise sources, other spectral in-
terferences limitations, etc.).
2. Spatial mapping requirements: Instrument design will
be driven by ability to map the core over a given
spatial area with a specified resolution. This will drive
the optical design and sensitivity. In addition, if the
measurement duration is limited, resolution or area can
be traded against sensitivity/integration time per spot.
3. Sample working distance: The optical design can be
optimized for any working distance at the expense of
sensitivity or instrument size (f/#).
4. Surface roughness: Ability for a technique to handle
surface roughness will require trades in optical design
versus sensitivity or sensitivity to surface only mate-
rials (making it less robust to matrix variability).
5. Matrix affects: Spectroscopic technique sensitivities
are strongly dependent on the matrix, including
a. Background interferences such as mineral fluores-
cence and required time gating to increase organic
sensitivity in techniques like Raman.
b. Variability of depth of penetration based on mineral
matrix type will affect ability to localize ‘organic
detection’ to surface only or will limit the optical
designs to confocal or surface approaches. This will
limit surface roughness robustness for the techniques.
6. Species type: Each spectroscopic technique will have
species-specific sensitivities due to molecular interac-
tions (i.e., cross sections for Raman spectroscopy)
including technique species-specific interference,
which can limit detection sensitivities.
These challenges for defining sensitivity of a survey/
spectroscopic non-destructive technique led to an analysis
approach that will use a series of instruments that can cor-
relate organics and mineralogy and have complementary
sensitivities and specificities.
Future work recommendations would include further
constraining the processes and sample expectations to so-
lidify instrumentation requirements, including:
Time for survey measurement, which will be derived by
the spatial area and spatial resolution requirements and
sensitivity requirement (integration time, DOF, f/#, etc.)
Making a compilation of potential contaminant species
to assess specific detection limits and interferences.
As a point of procedure, a subset of techniques should be
used to analyze identical samples to validate instrument
performances and characterize sensitivity and specificity to
common species at practical contamination concentrations.
This will also help to identify interference levels that inhibit
the ability to identify the scientific relevant organics.
Accordingly, and based on instrument capabilities as of
the time of writing in 2014 (Table 3 and Appendix 4), the
following mass spectrometric survey methods are recog-
nized as being the most specific and sensitive techniques to
detect organic contaminants of concern:
LC-MS in full scan mode can detect a wide range of polar
analytes of biological relevance, including amino acids
and oligopeptides, nucleobases and oligonucleotides, in-
tact polar lipids, etc. LC-MS is the preferred means to
analyze molecules of any size that are not volatile under
normal circumstances. Ionization utilizes the evaporating
solvent to assist the addition of either positive or negative
charges, most commonly via electrospray ionization or
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization.
GC-MS (also full scan mode) can detect a wide range of
molecules that are non-polar and volatile to semivolatile
under moderate temperatures. Typical analytes are ali-
phatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, low-molecular-weight
lipids, short-chain carboxylic acids and esters, etc.
Address correspondence to:
David W. Beaty
Mars Exploration Directorate
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109
Alex L. Sessions
Division of Geologic and Planetary Sciences
MC 100-23
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Roger E. Summons
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
45 Carleton Street, E26-633
Cambridge, MA 02139
Submitted 6 October 2014
Accepted 16 October 2014