Family Independence Administration
Created by and for the express use of the Family Independence Administration
Version 1, 9/10 Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms 0
Human Resources
Department of
Social Services
Family Independence
Version 2, September 2020
Human Resources Administration
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Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
AABD Aid to Aged, Blind and Disabled
ABAWD Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents
ABEL Automated Budgeting and Eligibility Logic
AC Active (case status)
s online case management portal:
ACCIS Automated Child Care Information System
ACCO Agency Chief Contracting Officer
ACD Agency for Child Development
ACEE Automated Child Care Eligibility and Enrollment
Another Change Initiative for Education, Vocation or
ACI Alien Citizenship Indicator
ACS Administration for Children's Services
Action Code
An action code on NYCWAY identifies a particular action that
has been taken on a participant's line or case. An action code
is three or four digits, comprised of letters and/or numbers.
The code is either posted manually or generated by the
NYCWAY System.
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADC Aid to Dependent Children (Currently known as Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families [TANF])
ADD Assistant to the Deputy Director
Adequate Notice (AN)
A notice of action, or an adverse action notice or action taken
Adequate and Timely Notice
Notice sent to a participant informing them of an upcoming
action to be taken on their case, sent 10 days before the
action is to take place so that the participant can contest the
decision to take that action.
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A (continued)
ADM Administrative Directive
ADVENT Anti-Domestic Violence Eligibility Needs Team
AFA Anticipated Future Action
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children (see FA)
A written statement by an individual made under oath before a
notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths.
AFIS Automated Finger Imaging System
AFSI Alternate Food Stamp Issuance
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIM Accuracy Improvement Measurement
AIS Assignment Information Summary
AJOS Associate Job Opportunity Specialist
ALE Adult Literacy Education
ALERTS Automated Listing of Eligibility Requirements Tracking System
AMIS Automated Metrocard Issuance System
AP Absent Parent (Also see NCP)
AP Application Pending
APART Automated Paperless Access Request Transmission
APP-TAD Application Turnaround Document
An appeal may be initiated after a SSI application has been
denied. The three levels of appeal are: Reconsideration,
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearing, and Appeals
Council. The Reconsideration process will result in a
determination approximately 40 days after the date the appeal
was filed. The ALJ may take up to two years to make a
decision. The Appeals Council may take up to three months to
make a determination.
Reference to an applicant/participant after they have
requested a Fair Hearing.
Anyone applying for any category/type of CA, MA, or SNAP is
referred to as an applicant during the (application-processing)
phase prior to a decision being made on their case to accept
or reject.
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A (continued)
APS Adult Protective Services
AQC Audit and Quality Control
Agriculture Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of
ASAW Additional Special Agricultural Workers
ASCU Automated Support Collection Unit
HRA-approved work activity. Includes: YouthPathways,
CareerCompass, CareerAdvance, training program,
college, work study, drug/alcohol treatment program,
community service, etc.
ATC Aid to Continue
ATP Authorization to Participate
AUTO Budget
Employment income systematically sent by the NYCWAY
system via information entered into the FIA3A. WMS
recalculates the current budgeted benefits to reflect the new
income. WMS then sends out a CNS notice to the household
with information regarding the new budget and the effective
AVE Adolescent Vocational Exploration Program
Back File
Refers to the original paper case record that contains
documentation for a specific participant household. This term
is used primarily in regard to the paper-to-image conversion.
BAITS Burial Assistance Information Tracking System
BASIC Basic or Personal Allowance
BDD Bureau of Disability Determinations
BENDEX Beneficiary Data Exchange
The amount of CA and/or SNAP assistance issued to an
eligible participant, usually through the EBT system.
Benefit Cycle
There are two cycles in each month, the A cycle and the B
cycle. The beginning date for each cycle is determined by the
toe-digit, which is the last digit in the case number. The dates
in each cycle identify specific timeframes any payment
issuances cover.
BEOG Basic Educational Opportunity Grants
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B (continued)
BEV Bureau of Eligibility Verification
BFI Bureau of Fraud Investigation
BICS Benefit Issuance and Control System
BOCES Boards of Cooperative Educational Services
BOE Board of Education
BORAC Bureau of Reconciliation and Control
BRIA Bureau of Refugee and Immigrant Affairs
Budget for Cases
The calculation in WMS resulting in the amount of CA and
SNAP issued to a participant/case. A budget reflects the
semimonthly amount for CA and the monthly total for SNAP.
Business Link
A program established by NYC to assist able-bodied CA
participants in finding employment. Business Link encourages
employers to list their job openings with HRA, matches CA
participants with jobs, and recruits CA participants for job-
related training programs.
Business Rules
Criteria established by FIA for software
designers/programmers to use as a basis for creating specific
functionality in our applications. For example, when a Worker
completes an application and related forms in POS, the
Worker will then click on the business rules element and the
system will check over the documents for errors and
discrepancies. POS can only identify errors based on the
business rules pre-established by FIA and written specification
programmed into the POS application. Business rules are
determined by Agency policy, procedures, regulations, and
work flow abilities.
C/THP Child/Teen Health Plan
CA Cash Assistance
CAA Community Action Agency
CA E-APP Cash Assistance Electronic Application -NYC
An action taken to inform an applicant/participant that their
presence is required. A notice is mailed to participants at least
two weeks in advance of a scheduled appointment.
Corrective Action Plan
CAP Child Assistance Program
CAS Customized Assistance Services
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C (continued)
CASA Community Alternative Systems Agency
CASAC Credentialed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor
Case Management
Supportive services system of counseling and interaction
between case manager and a participant. The purpose is to
help enhance the participant's motivation to achieve self-
CASE NO. Case Number
CBIC Common Benefit Identification Card
CBO Community Based Organization
CBT Computer-Based Training/Center Based Training
CBVH Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped
CCA Communications and Community Affairs
CCFP Child Care Food Program
CCP Cluster Care Program
CCPF Child Care Provider Form
CD Memo Center Director Memorandum
CE Categorically Eligible
CED Client Eligibility Determination
CenterStat uses reports that contain a variety of indicators that
measure different aspects of a Job Center's performance.
A portal to State applications. Some applications require a
user ID while others can be reached simply by accessing the
site via a desktop icon.
CEOSC Comprehensive Employment Opportunity Support Center
CEU Case Establishment Unit (also known as Applications Unit)
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHAP Children’s Health Access Program
CHEP Cuban/Haitian Entrant Program
Child Care Market Rate
The NYS OCFS sets the childcare market rate for each social
services district in NYS every two years. HRA pays for
childcare at the actual cost of care (the amount charged by the
provider) or the NYS maximum local childcare market rate,
whichever is less.
Children's Corner
A service providing on-site, short term supervision of children
when a parent/guardian enters a Model Job or SNAP Center
to apply for CA or SNAP, or to conduct business on an
existing case.
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C (continued)
CHRMS Citywide Human Resources Management System
CIN Client Identification Number
CIP Crisis Intervention Program
CIS Check Imaging System
CityFHEPS Rental Assistance Program to help individuals and families find
and keep housing.
NYC's network used for mainframe access, email services,
video, and other data transmissions among city agencies.
CityShare NYC's intranet available to agencies with access to CityNet.
City Time
Automated timekeeping system to record daily attendance and
requests for leave for most City employees, replacing
CL Closed (case status)
Clock Down
Refers to the status of a case with a pending action. A case
clocking down means that an action is pending and a notice of
the Agency's intent to take the action has been sent to the
participant informing them of the intended action.
CMU Case Management Unit
CNS Client Notices System
CO Central Office
COB Close of Business
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
COLD Computer Output to Laser Disk
Action(s) taken by the Agency in response to FH decision
directives. Also, the fulfillment of work or other requirements
on the part of a participant.
A forum for participants to document or explain why they failed
to comply with mandatory work rules.
Concurrent Activity Multiple engagement/work activities participants attend.
An informal meeting with a supervisor or higher level staff to
review actions taken by a center. In Job Centers these are
conducted by the Fair Hearing and Conference (FH&C) unit.
In SNAP Centers these are conducted by a PAA 1 or higher.
CRFC Community Food Resource Center
CRO Centralized Rivera Office
CSEU Child Support Enforcement Unit
CSIC Customer Service and Information Center
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C (continued)
CSM Comprehensive Services Model
CSS Computer Systems Services
CUNY City University of New York
D&C Disbursement and Collections
DAAA Division of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
DACIT Division of Automated Check Inventory and Tracking
DAPR or DAPPER Division of Accounts Payable and Reporting
DAR Dormant Account Review
DARB Division of Accounts Receivable and Billing
DASIS Division of AIDS Services and Income Support (see HASA)
Day Forward Imaging
After the paper-to-image conversion phase, the phase in
which all new documents for the imaged file are forwarded to
the imaging vendor so the electronic file is consistently
DC Dependent Child
DCA Disqualification Consent Agreement
DCAS Division of Customized Assistance Services
DCAS Department of Citywide Administrative Services
DDE Deputy Director of Eligibility
DEC Date Entered Country (Date a non-citizen physically entered
the country)
DEFRA Deficit Reduction Act
DEPCON Distributed Enterprise Print Controller (refers to printers)
DESH Division of Environmental Safety and Health
DEPV Department of Employment Placement and Verification
DFHA Division of Fair Hearing Administration
DFR District of Fiscal Responsibility
DFRP Division of Financial Review and Processing
DFY Division for Youth
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D (continued)
DHS Department of Homeless Services
DIAT Data Inventory and Analysis Team
DLC Division of Liaison and Control
DOB Division of Budget
DOB Date of Birth
Document Checklist
An internal Imaging Project questionnaire, used by the
Imaging Implementation Team when preparing back file
records for imaging.
Document Type
A method of identifying documents for the proper indexing
outlined on the HRA's Documents Table. The Document Table
is used by both POS and Imaging.
DOE Department of Education
DOF Department of Finance
DOH Department of Housing
DOHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
DOI Department of Investigation
Department of Information Technology and
DOL New York State Department of Labor
DOS Date of Status (date non-citizen was granted their immigration
DPA Deferred Payment Agreement
DRAT Daily Record of Actions Taken
DRM Disaster Relief Medicaid
DUA Disaster Unemployment Assistance
DV Domestic Violence
DVE Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation
DVL Domestic Violence Liaison
DVP Direct to Vendor Payment
DVPHA Division of Voluntary and Proprietary Homes for Adults
DVU Domestic Violence Unit
DYCD Department of Youth and Community Development
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EA/EP Employability Assessment/Employment Plan
EAA Emergency Assistance for Adults
EAF Emergency Assistance to Families
EAPP Employment Alternatives Partnership Programs
Earned Income Income that is gained from employment including self-
EBICS Electronic Benefit Issuance and Control System
EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
the means in which some Cash
Assistance grants and all SNAP benefits are made available to
and then used by applicants and participants
EDC Expected Date of Confinement (expected due date for pregnant
EDITS Renewal Eligibility Data and Image Transfer System Renewal
EDP Employability Development Plan
EECs Employment Eligibility Centers
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EFT Electronic Fund Transfer (see EBT)
EHP Enriched Housing Program
EHR Emergency Home Relief
EIC Earned Income Credit (see EITC)
EID Earned Income Disregard
EIHP Employment Incentive Housing Program
EITC Earned Income Tax Credit
EM Employment Manual
Employment Support Programs
Programs that assist CA participants in moving from welfare to
work. Include: TAG, and Grant Diversion.
Emergency Nutrition Aid Program for Pregnant Women and
Status of a participant involved in an HRA-approved work
Engagement Process
The act of working with an individual to remove barriers to
employment and placing that individual into a work activity
where applicable.
EOP Educational Opportunity Program
EP Employability Plan
EP Essential Person
EPFT Electronic Payment Fund Transfer (see EBT)
EPU Employment Planning Unit
EQAS Enhanced Quality Assurance System
ERT Employment Related Training
ES Eligibility Specialist
s Electronic Recertification. Online Recertification Applications
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E (continued)
EIS Emergency Intervention Services
ES Codes Employability Status Codes
English-as-a-Second Language or English Speakers of Other
ESNA Emergency Safety Net Assistance
ESNAP Expedited SNAP
EVR Eligibility Verification Review (see BEV)
EW Eligibility Worker
EWAN Enterprise Wide Area Network
F&O Food and Other (grant)
FA Family Assistance
FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
FCS Food and Consumer Service
FCDU FHEPS Centralized Determination Unit
FDC Family Day Care
FDR Front Door Reception
FEDS Front End Detection System
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Assistance
FFNYC Fair Fares Program (reduced Metro card program)
FFR Face to Face Recertification
FFY Federal Fiscal Year
FH Fair Hearing
FH&C Fair Hearing and Conference
FHEMS Fair Hearing Evidence Management System
FHEPS Family Homelessness & Eviction Prevention Supplement
rental assistance supplement for families at risk of eviction or
currently residing in HRA or DHS shelter
FHIS Fair Hearing Information System
FIA Family Independence Administration
The first step in documenting when an applicant/participant
finds a job. It is an electronic earned income document in
NYCWAY that records information about the employer, job
type, wages, first date of pay, and other employment related
FIA3V Action Code posted when an FIA3A is completed by a Career
Services Provider
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Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
F (continued)
Family Independence Administration Operations
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (Social Security) Indicator
A software corporation that provides Image/Content
management solutions. At HRA, FileNet serves as the primary
repository where all images are stored and managed.
Filing Unit
Individuals who must be included in the Cash Assistance
household and case count when a minor dependent child
files for assistance.
FIRM Financial Institution Recipient Match
FISA Financial Information Services Agency
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act
FNP Federal Non-Participation
FO Finance Office
FOIL Freedom of Information Law
Food Stat
A performance management support program to promote
quality management of FIA SNAP Centers.
Food Stamps
FP Federal Participation
FPL Federal Poverty Level
FRED Front Door Electronic Reception
FS Food Stamps (Federally Funded by USDA), now called
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
FSS Family Self-Sufficiency Program
FSSB Food Stamp Source Book
FSSD Food Stamp Separate Determination
FTC Failure to Comply/Fail to Comply
FTR Failure to Return or Report/Fail to Return or Report
FY Fiscal Year (July 1 to June 30)
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Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
GA General Assistance
GAGD Grants of Assistance for Guide Dogs
Mode of accessing FIA computer systems (TTS) using WMS
GED General Education Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma
GFDC Group Family Day Care
GI Government Issue
GIS General Information System
GIT Gross Income Test
Grant Diversion
The Grant Diversion program is a wage-subsidized program
designed to encourage and promote the employment of CA
participants, by providing funding to employers to offset the
cost of hiring and employing CA participants. The program
includes Business Link/Employer Incentives Plus for
participants placed with private sector firms and the Parks Job
Training Program for participants placed with public sector
Gross Pay
The dollar amount earned during the pay period. Gross pay
represents total pay before taxes and other deductions are
GSL Guaranteed Student Loan Program
GSS General Social Services
HAP Housing Assistance Payment
HASA HIV/AIDS Services Administration
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
HCM Human Capital Management
HCSP Home Care Services Program
HDU Homelessness Diversion Unit
HEA Home Energy Allowance
Head Start Free program for 3-5 year olds administered by ACS.
HEAP Home Energy Assistance Program
HEFPA Home Energy Fair Practices Act
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H (continued)
Health + Hospitals NYC Public Hospitals (formerly NYC Health and Hospital
HESC Higher Education Services Corporation
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HH or H/H Household
History Sheet
Form W-25, a record kept in the participant's activity folder
that documents relevant information about a participant's case
and progress.
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
Holdover Petition
Housing court action taken by a landlord to potentially evict
tenants due to tenants' undesirability.
HPU Homeless Prevention Unit
HR Home Relief (see SNA)
HRA NYC Human Resources Administration
HRA Helpdesk Directory
Automated "help desk" that can provide staff with assistance
in many areas such as MIS, NYCWAY, FIA Call Center, etc.
The directory can be reached at (718) 557-1313.
HRA OneViewer
System software that enables authorized users to view
electronically the contents of a case record. Image viewing
significantly reduces or eliminates the need for physical case
HRPG Home Relief Pre-Investigation Grant (Also see SNA)
HRIS Human Resources Information System
HSASC Human Services Application Service Center
HUD Housing and Urban Development (Department of)
HVN/HB Home Visit Needed/Homebound
ICP Income Clearance Program
ID Identification Card
IM Income Maintenance
An electronic snapshot of pertinent documentation that
authorized users can view on the Image Viewer (see
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Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
I (continued)
INA Immigration and Naturalization Act
Documents submitted by applicants/participants are first
scanned and indexed into the system. Indexing is recalling the
previously scanned documents and committing them to the
appropriate folder that best describes the document.
DSS information hotline which can be reached toll-free at
(718) 557-1399.
INF Informational Letter
WMS and NYCWAY systems' screens used to access
participant CA and work activity information.
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service (see USCIS)
Intake Appointment
An initial call-in to a Job Center for employment assessment
and referral of participants.
A field used when calculating a budget in WMS indicating a
non-citizen’s involvement with the case.
IPA Information Protection Awareness
IPV Intentional Program Violation
IRA Individual Retirement Account
IRAP Indochinese Refugee Assistance Program
IRCA Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
IREA Investigation, Revenue and Enforcement Administration
IRIS Investigative Reporting Information System
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ISA Information Service Agent
Income Support Centers (now known as Job Centers)
ISP Income Savings Plan (savings requirement for those residing in
DHS shelter)
ITS Information Technology Services
IVP Intentional Violations Program
Interactive Voice Response -- a system that supports the HRA
Interactive Voice Response System -- a system that provides
certain NCA SNAP households with the ability to recertify for
SNAP benefits using an automated telephone response
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Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
J/O Job Opportunity Program
Job Center
Formerly known as Income Maintenance Centers or Income
Support Centers, Job Centers accept CA applications and
maintain all active cases throughout the NYC area,
emphasizing an employment first concept.
Job Placement
Term used when a participant has acquired a job, either
subsidized or unsubsidized, at a minimum of 20 hours a week.
A performance management support program to improve
management and administration of CA and NCA FS
JOS Job Opportunity Specialist (also known as JOS/Worker)
JTP Job Training Program (including subsidized jobs at NYC Parks
and DCAS
JTPC Job Training Partnership Council
Kiosks Automated customer information stations
LANs Local Area Networks
LCM Local Commissioners Memorandum
LDSS Local Department of Social Services
LEP Limited English Proficiency
Limited English-Speaking Ability or Limited English-Speaking
Line Number
The line number follows the case number, the suffix number,
and identifies a particular person in the case composition in
LIVES Local Inter-Agency VESID Employment Services
Local Law Form (indicates that a form must appear in the
12 languages mandated by Local Law 30)
Local District Local Department of Social Services
Daily schedules of appointments listing applicant/participant
names, case numbers, Job Centers, etc.
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L (continued)
LOSU Landlord Ombudsman Services Unit
LPAR Logical Partition
LPR Lawful Permanent Resident
LRR Legally Responsible Relative
LTR Lawful Temporary Resident
MA of Medicaid Medical Assistance
Mandated Signage
Written information or messages, in the form of a notice or
sign/poster, that must be displayed in Job Centers or NCA
SNAP Centers. Mandated as a result of litigation, State or
Federal regulations, or HRA/FIA policy.
Mandatory Participants
NYCWAY Program participants who must take part in an
employment activity or rehabilitation program/treatment or risk
a CA case sanction.
Manual Budget
Manually calculated budgets are done on paper via W-648
forms and W-122D form. Manual budgets are necessary when
abnormal circumstances are present. Manual budget also
refers to those budgets that WMS is unable to auto-budget via
electronic transmission from the FIA3A document in
NYCWAY. When reference is made in this process, the budget
is not done on paper first but is manually entered into
WMS for the earned income. Can also be referring to budgets
that must be done outside of POS, like those for multi-suffix
MAP Medical Assistance Program
MAPPER Maintaining and Preparing Executive Reports
MARG Medical Assistance Reference Guide
MARU Mail Application Referral Unit
MDR Mandatory Dispute Resolution
Timeframes that gauge progress, movement, and/or job
retention. For example: employment vendors receive payment
for retention milestones that have been predetermined by the
MICSA Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration
MIS Management Information Systems, now known as Information
Technology Services
MMIS Medicaid Management Information System
MOD WIN Modified WIN Program
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Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
M (continued)
Model Job Center Developed to improve customer service in Job Centers and
co-located SNAP Centers by streamlining workflow, reducing
wait times for applicants/participants, and providing easier
access to services. Also referred to as Model Center or Model
Model Office Numbering Identification Queue -- the computer
numbering system used to route individuals and manage their
activity within a Model Job Center.
MRB/A Mass Rebudgeting/Reauthorization
MRRB Monthly Reporting/Retrospective Budgeting
MSS Mandatory State Supplement
MSSI Medicaid Supplemental Security Income
Mass Transfer Out, Mass Transfer In -- refers to the electronic
mass transferring of cases from one Center to another.
NCA Non Cash Assistance
NCA SNAP Non Cash Assistance Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
NCP Non-custodial parent
NDSL National Defense Student Loan
Net Loss of Cash Income
An amount by which the gross income of a household, less
any necessary work-related expenses, is less than the CA the
household was receiving at the time of receiving an offer of
Notice of Intent – the notice sent to an applicant/participant to
inform them that a change is going to be made in their active
Non-Payment Petition
A Housing Court action taken by a landlord against their
tenant who has rent arrears.
Notification of Work Requirement and Right to Contest -- form
given to participants determined able to participate in work
NPA Non-Public Assistance (see also Non Cash Assistance)
NYC New York City
NYCAPS New York City Automated Personnel System
NYCERS New York City Employee Retirement System
NYCHA New York City Housing Authority
NYCLINK New York City Web Site
New York City Work Accountability and You -- computerized
system used by HRA staff to track and monitor participant
case activity.
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N (continued)
NYPWA New York Public Welfare Association
NYS New York State
NYSNIP New York State Nutritional Project
OAH Office of Administrative Hearings -- part of OTDA.
OASDI Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance
OCAI Office of Corrective Action Innovation
OCCA Office of Constituent and Community Affairs
OCFS Office of Children and Family Services
OCHIA Office of Citywide Health Insurance Access
OCM Office of Communications and Marketing
OCP Office of Central Processing
OCS Office of Career Services
OCSS Office of Child Support Services (formerly Office of Child
Support Enforcement (OCSE)
ODD Office of Disability Determinations
ODSM Office of Data Security Management
OEM Office of Eligibility Monitoring
OER Office of Evaluation and Research
OHMHS Office of Health and Mental Health Services
OJT On the Job Training
OLA Office of Legal Affairs
OLUR Office of Land Use Review
OMH Office of Mental Health
OMMC Office of Medicaid Managed Care
OMR/DD Office of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities
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O (continued)
On-site Scanning
A tool primarily used by POS or by itself as a stand-alone
process in which documents are fed into a scanner, at a
location, and indexed by HRA staff before being stored
permanently on the platters in the imaging system.
One-Shot Deal (OSD)
One-time benefit given to eligible individuals, issued to assist
with the needs which, if not met, would endanger the health,
safety, or welfare of the individual.
OOE Order of Exclusion
OPA Office of Payroll Administration
OPPM Office of Planning and Performance Management
OPPT Office of Policy, Procedures, and Training
ORIA Office of Refugee and Immigrant Affairs
Office of Purchasing United System (Office of Purchasing and
Materials Management)
OSA Office of Systems Analysis
Optical Storage and Retrieval equipment, which holds a
number of platters.
OSD Office of Systems Development
OSO Office of Systems Operations
OSP Office of Systems Programming
OST Out of School Time -- associated with child care needs.
OSTA Office of Systems Testing & Audit
OSW Outstationed Worker
OTDA Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
OTM Office of Treatment Monitoring
Office for Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals
with Disabilities
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PA Public Assistance (see also Cash Assistance)
PACE Public Assistance Comprehensive Employment
PACES Premium Accounting Central Enrollment Systems
PAM Paperless Alternate Module
system used for WMS data entry
activities that cannot be done in POS. The Job Center uses
PAM to submit the transactions and OPA uses the system to
view the requests and data enter them directly in WMS
PARIS Public Assistance Reporting Information System
Participant An individual who receives CA or NCA SNAP benefits.
Participant Change of Status Form
Document used by WEP sites and outside service providers to
report participant status changes.
PASB Public Assistance Source Book (see TASB)
Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing
Family with Children Intake Center for individuals in need
of temporary housing
PAVE Progressive Adolescent Vocational Exploration Program
PB Policy Bulletin
PCAP Prenatal Care Assistance Program
PCs Personal Computers
PC Bank Personal Computer Bank
PCUG PC User Group
PD Policy Directive
PERS Personal Emergency Response System
PERT Process Evaluation Review Team
PFP Budget Results
Provisional Financial Profile -- a budget temporarily saved or
stored on the database awaiting authorization.
PG Predetermination Grant
PHA Public Housing Authority
PIC Private Industry Council
PIN Personal Identification Number
PIO Public Information Office
PIW Pride in Work
status identified in NYCWAY related to
engagement (see NYCWAY)
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P (continued)
PMS Payroll Management System
PNA Personal Needs Allowance
POP Parks Opportunity Program
POS Paperless Office System
A feature in the HRA OneViewer which allows a user to
retrieve a number of files at the same time for a later review.
This feature is primarily used to make cases requested by
external auditors available for review.
PRISE Personnel Reporting and Information System for Employees
PRUCOL Persons Residing Under Color of Law (non-citizen benefit
eligibility status status)
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation
Act of 1996
PSA Protective Services for Adults
PSC Public Service Commission
PTL Participant’s Task List
Pull-down Date
The last date by which a case action must be processed in
WMS to be effective for the next recurring cycle. These dates
are preprogrammed in WMS and are visible on the Benefits
History Menu.
PWA Public Works Administration
PWP Public Work Project
QC Errors
Dollar errors, which are measured by payment error rates.
Errors are broken out by eligibility elements such as earned
income, household composition, resources, etc. Through the
QC process it is determined if the error was caused by the
Agency or the participant and when the error actually
QRS Quarterly Reporting System
QWL Quality of Work Life
Human Resources Administration
Version 1, 9/10
Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
RA/RC Responsibility Agency/Responsibility Center
RAP Refugee Assistance Program
RAS Reliability, Auditability, and Security
RAU Rental Assistance Unit
RAW Replenishment Agricultural Worker
RB Retrospective Budgeting
RCA Refugee Cash Assistance
Recurring Roll
The system generation of benefits on a semimonthly recurring
In FIA, intensive case management of under-employed
individuals to move them toward total self-sufficiency.
An employment or eligibility "return" appointment, to complete
a process of assigning a participant to a work activity or to
determine eligibility.
RFI Resources File Integration
RHCF Residential Health Care Facility
Right-to-Know training makes employees aware of potential
health hazards in the workplace so that they may adequately
protect themselves and their co-workers.
RIN Recipient Identification Number (NYC)
RJ Rejected (case status)
Rest of State, refers to all the districts/counties within NYS
with the exception of NYC.
A computerized printout or log with the names of participants
currently assigned to a work activity.
Roster Referrals
The Roster Referral Report, updated every Monday, allows
the Vendor to identify participants referred to the vendor from
the previous week. The Report will have the date and time the
participant is to report to the Vendor.
RSDI Retirement Survivors Disability Insurance
RTC Residential Treatment Center
RTSC Residential Treatment Service Center
Human Resources Administration
Version 1, 9/10
Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
SACC Substance Abuse Case Control
Reductions in the budget due to non-compliance with or
violation of Agency rules and regulations.
SANE Substance Abuse Non-Exempt
SASC Substance Abuse Service Center
SAU Separate Administrative Unit
SAVE Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements
SAW Special Agricultural Worker
A process of storing and filing paper documents in an
electronic file or paperless case record.
SCHIP State Children Health Insurance Program
SCORE Service Corps of Retired Executives
SCR Selective Case Review
SCSEP Senior Community Service Employment Program
SDC Staff Development Coordinator
SDI Same Day Issuance
SDX State Data Exchange
SED State Education Department
SEOG Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
SGC Standard General Classroom
SHEA Supplemental Home Energy Allowance
SI Single Issue or Single Issuance
SIC Settle in Conference
SIF Sub-Imprest Fund
SLIAG State Legalization Impact Assistance Grant
SN Sanction (when used as a WMS code)
SNA/SN Safety Net Assistance
Human Resources Administration
Version 1, 9/10
Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
S (continued)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly
Food Stamps
SNAP Employment and Training Program
Safety Net Cash Assistance - replaces Home Relief; 24-
month lifetime limit
Safety Net Federally Participating Non Cash Assistance -
provides assistance to Family Assistance cases where an
adult case member or minor case head fails to comply with
mandatory substance abuse treatment or is in treatment and
has been determined unemployable due to substance abuse.
Safety Net Non Cash Assistance – once an individual in the
assistance household reaches the 24/60-month durational
time limit specified in the Welfare Reform Act of 1997, any
subsequent assistance to the household must be through the
SNNC program category, if the household otherwise is
SOLQ State On-Line Query
real-time system to look up Social
Security related information
SOS Shelter Occupancy System
SOTA Special One Time Assistance
a rental assistance program to
help individuals or families with income move out of shelter. The
SOTA grant is for one year of rent, distributed monthly through
electronic fund transfers
SPA Strategic Planning and Analysis
SPOC Single Point of Contact
SSA Social Security Administration
SSDB Social Security Disability Benefits
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSN Social Security Number
SSPNA State Supplemental Personal Needs Allowance
STARS Substance Abuse Tracking and Reporting System
STEP School To Employment Program
SUA Standard Utility Allowance
Suffix Identifies all members of a single household or filing unit.
The process through which the POS companion database and
FileNet database mirror each other's content.
SUNY State University of New York
SPOS Streamlined POS
Human Resources Administration
Version 1, 9/10
Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
T3 Train-the-Trainer
TAD Turnaround Document
TAG Training Assessment Group
TALX See Work Number
TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TAP Tuition Assistance Program
TASA Teenage Services Act
TASB Temporary Assistance Source Book
TB Transitional Benefits
TBA Transitional Benefit Alternative
TEAP Training and Employment Assistance Program
TFSB Transitional Food Stamp Benefits
TIP Technology Integration Project
TIPS Telephone Interview Processing Services
SNAP Centers
dedicated to the on-demand telephone interview process
TOPS Tracking Outstanding Projects System
TPHI Third Party Health Insurance
TPR Third Party Resource
Process done using the Paperless Alternate Module to cancel
a WMS transaction that has been data entered and is still in
pending status "00". By transcanning, the entire record of the
activity in WMS is deleted and is therefore used sparingly. .
TRO Temporary Restraining Order
TTS Training Tracking System
Transmission/sending of work actions inputted into WMS
Human Resources Administration
Version 1, 9/10
Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
UIB Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Unbudgeted Case List
An intranet report listing all cases with a program status in
NYCWAY that indicates a person is employed but the income
for that person has not been budgeted in WMS.
Unearned Income
Income other than earned income. Includes Social Security
benefits, pensions, contributions, etc.
An individual who is receiving a recurring CA grant. As soon
as an eligibility determination is made to accept an applicant
case, the case becomes active and the individual case is
referred to as Undercare.
Unsubsidized Employment
Employment in which the employer without any subsidy pays
all wages and benefits to the employee.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (formerly
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VA Veterans' Administration
Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with
Disabilities program
VISTA Volunteers In Service To America
VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
VOLAG National - Voluntary Agency
W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
W-25 History Sheet
WAN Wide Area Network
Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation, and
WEM Work Experience Management
WEP Work Experience Program
WET Work Experience Training
WHEDCo Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation
Provide approval of informal child care providers as safe and
meeting certain State standards
Human Resources Administration
Version 1, 9/10
Glossary of HRA Acronyms/Abbreviations and Commonly-Used Terms
W (continued)
WIA Workforce Investment Act (replaced by WIOA
see below)
WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
WIC Women, Infants and Children
WIN Work Incentive Program
WINRO WMS Inquiry Report
WMS Welfare Management System
Work Activity Assignment
An individual work activity assignment is one of many HRA
approved programs participants are mandated to attend,
including community service, work study (for CUNY
students), substance abuse treatment, training, etc. There
are required hours of attendance for these programs and
noncompliance can result in penalties.
Work List
In the NYCWAY system, all actions taken on cases require
action code entries. Those action codes allow for tracking and
create historical information that is compiled and retained for
each individual on a case. Work lists consist of specific action
codes on cases that require review and/or monitoring.
Work Number
The web-based income and employment verification service
used by HRA to assist in determining eligibility for benefits.
Also referred to as TALX.
WRA Welfare Reform Act
WRD Work Readiness Determination
WRM Worker's Reference Manual
WRS Wage Reporting System
WSP Work Supplementation Program
WtW Welfare to Work
YIP Youth Internship Program
YOP Youth Opportunity Program
YWS Youth Work Skills Program
YouthPathways Career Services program for individuals 18 through 24 years of