`International Card’ means a card that is valid for use in India as well as anywhere in the world. Foreign Exchange
transactions are not permitted by Reserve Bank of India in Nepal and Bhutan.
`Nominated Account includes the Credit Card Account or any other HDFC Bank Account nominated in writing by the
Cardmember and approved by the Bank to be accessed by the Cardmembers Credit Card and PIN, through an Electronic
Banking Terminal.
`Electronic Terminal’ or ‘Electronic Data Capture Terminal’ means any terminal or device in which a ‘Credit Card’ or Credit
Card and PIN can be used, which is authorised by HDFC Bank for such use, as described in these Terms and Conditions.
`Credit Card’ or `HDFC Bank Card’ or `HDFC Bank International Credit Card’ shall mean a Credit Card issued to its members
by HDFC Bank with its registered office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Pare!, Mumbai - 400 013, India
(`the Bank’) on the following Terms and Conditions.
J&S Liability Basis shall mean that the Corporate and the Cardmembers shall be jointly and severally liable to the Bank
for any and all amounts that become payable in respect of the relevant Corporate Cards.
Sole Liability Basis shall mean that the Corporate or the Cardmember (as the case may be) shall be solely liable to the
Bank for any and all amounts that become payable in respect of the relevant Corporate Card.
Limited Liability Basis shall mean that the Corporate shall be solely liable to the Bank in respect of any and all amounts
which may become payable in respect of or in relation to the Official Expenses incurred on the Corporate Card and the
Cardmember shall be solely liable in respect of any and all amounts which may become payable in respect of or in relation
to the Personal Expenses incurred on the Corporate Card (irrespective of the manner or nature of the transaction effected
thereon or whether the transaction was for an authorised purpose or not). In case the Bank is not provided with a
statement classifying the amounts payable as Official Expenses and Personal Expenses by the Corporate, then all such
amounts due to the Bank shall be on a J&S Liability Basis.
1 When requested by the Bank, the Cardmember shall provide any information, records or certificates relating to any
matters that the Bank deems necessary. The Cardmember will also authorise the Bank, to verify the information
furnished by whatever means or from whichever source the Bank deems necessary. If the data is not provided or
incorrect data is provided, the Bank, at its discretion, may refuse renewal of the card or cancel the card forthwith and
demand payment of all outstanding on the Card Account immediately.
2 The Cardmember expressly recognises and accepts that the Bank shall be absolutely entitled and have full power
and authority to sell, transfer or assign any or all outstanding dues on his/her Card Account to any Third Party of the
Banks choice and written intimation by the Bank to the Cardmember of any such action shall bind the Cardmember
to accept any such Third Party as the creditor and to pay over such outstanding and dues to the Third Party relieving
the Cardmember of any such obligation to the Bank. Any costs in this regard shall be debited to the Cardmembers
Card Account.
3 If the Minimum Amount Due payable by the Cardmember does not get paid, his/her name may be liable for inclusion
in the defaulters databases to be shared with other lenders and credit rating agencies. The right to do so lies with the
4 The Bank reserves the right to disclose customer information to any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi-judicial
authorities, law enforcement agencies and any other wing of Central Government or State Government or the
Reserve Bank of India.
5 The existence of this Account and details of any default that may occur may be recorded with a credit reference
agency and may be shared with other lenders and/or Credit Card issuing entities for the purposes of assessing further
applications for credit by the Cardmember or other members of his/her household and for occasional debt tracing
and fraud prevention.
6 The Cardmember also agrees that the Bank may also disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions such personal
information that may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of but not limited to the following:
participating in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network;
in compliance with a legal directive.
7 The Cardmember hereby authorises the Bank to disclose, share, transfer, part with from time to time (including
permitting of such disclosure by the card association concerned) without notice to the Cardmember, any or all of the
information or data, other documents submitted/ executed by the Cardmember and/ or any other information or
data relating to the Cardmember and the Cardmember’s usage of the Corporate Card now or hereafter (including,
without limitation, the Cardmember’s use of the LoungeKey Program or the Boingo Wi-Fi Services). The Cardmember
hereby waives the privilege of privacy.
The Card Carrier known as welcome letter enclosing the Credit Card will show the initial Credit Limit applicable to the
Cardmembers Account. The Credit Limit will also be shown on monthly Statement together with the amount of Available
Credit at the Statement closing date.
The Credit Limit should be the maximum amount that can be outstanding and owing to the Bank, on the Card Account at
any point of time. The Bank reserves the right to increase or decrease the limit from time to time. The Bank may also
establish separate limits for Cash and Non-Cash Transactions (within the overall Credit Limit of the Card Account). The
Total Outstanding Balance must not exceed the Credit Limit. Any amount in excess of the limit must be paid immediately
and will attract fees and service charges as applicable from time to time. regard shall be final and binding on the
The Cardmember will not be entitled to interest on credit balances on the Card Account and the same will also not be
included in the Available Credit Limit on the Card Account. With a view to ensure that the Credit Card is being used as per
the regulatory guidelines, Terms and Conditions and applicable policies of the Bank, Bank shall have a right to run
periodic checks on the Credit Card usage to identify whether there is excessive utilization of credit limit beyond the
sanctioned limit in one statement cycle, unusual or excessive utilization at few select merchants, possible collusion with
merchant and/or, over-use/ misuse of features/ offers/ programs towards accumulation of undue reward points/ cash
back / other benefits amongst others. Based on the usage patterns, if any of these is suspected by the Bank, Bank may
take restrictive action on the Credit Card. Such action can be with immediate effect and may include but not be limited
to withdrawal of features/ benefits as well as complete termination of the Credit Card. If any such action is taken by
the Bank onus will be on customer to provide satisfactory proof of bona fide usage to reinstate the Credit Card and
attached features/ benefits as may be deemed fit by the Bank. Banks decision in this regard shall be final and binding
on the customers.
Credit Limit on any Card Account may be reviewed as per Bank Policies specified from time to time and the Bank reserves
the right to revise (increase or decrease) and/or unconditionally cancel the limit assigned on a card without any prior
notice to the Cardmember.
The Available Credit on the Cardmembers Card Account will be equivalent to the unutilised value of the Credit Limit
at any point of time, after taking into account the balance outstanding and any transactions already implemented by
Cardmember with any Merchant but not received by the Bank for processing as on that date. Where separate Cash
and Non-Cash Transaction Limits have been established, the available credit will be split accordingly. The Cardmember
undertakes to ensure that transactions will be incurred on the Card Account in such a manner that the Cardmember
is always within the Available Credit Limit (Cash and Non-Cash where applicable) on the Card Account. Bank reserves
the right to exercise its sole discretion to honour transactions above the assigned Credit Limit (Credit Limit up to which
customer can revolve) on a case-to-case basis taking Cardmembers spend and payment pattern(s) into consideration. In
case the Bank is not able to reach the Cardmember for the fulfilment of any service request, it will contact the alternate
contact person (as per the details provided by the Cardmember to the Bank at the time of application/acceptance). The
Bank at its discretion may take service requests from the aforesaid alternate contact person on behalf of the Cardmember
and may share the Card Account information (transaction, outstanding balance, payment details etc.) with such alternate
contact person post verifying his/her identity in order to ensure that the Cardmember enjoys uninterrupted services. The
Cardmember authorises the Bank to deal with the alternate contact person and acknowledges that the Bank will not be
in breach of secrecy obligations by disclosing Card Account information to such alternate contact person.
Exceeding the limit on the Card Account will be considered a breach of Terms and Conditions and the Bank will have the
discretion to cancel the Account without any prior notice.
The partnership Agreement between HDFC Bank and the associated Co-brand/Affinity/Associated partner shall be
conclusive and binding on a Cardmember and nothing contained in the scheme(s) shall be construed as HDFC Bank having
waived any of its rights under the Cardmember Agreement or prejudicing any rights of HDFC Bank thereunder.
Nothing contained in the specific scheme shall be construed as binding obligation on HDFC Bank or any participating
Co-brand/Affinity/Associated partner to continue the scheme after the scheme termination date or to substitute the
scheme by a new or similar scheme.
The Schemes are special facilities made available by HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank expressly reserves the right to add to
and/or alter, modify, change or vary all or any of the Terms and Conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the relevant
scheme(s) by another scheme(s) or to withdraw it altogether, from time to time with due intimation to the Cardmember.
Changed Terms and Conditions shall be communicated through the Banks website and by other acceptable modes of
All disputes arising from associated transactions on such schemes will be resolved by HDFC Bank on a best effort basis.
HDFC Bank makes no representation on the service or the billing and any dispute or claim must be resolved by the
Cardmember with the service provider directly. The existence of a claim or dispute shall not relieve the Cardmember of
his obligation to pay all charges and the Cardmember agrees to pay promptly such charges, notwithstanding any dispute
of claim whatsoever.
HDFC Bank reserves the right to approve standing instructions for Co-brand/Affinity/Associated partner related services
and payments. Cardmembers opting for this facility do not automatically qualify for the same. The Cardmember expressly
agrees to communicate to the concerned authorities/HDFC Bank the new Credit Card Number as and when issued for
any amendment/cancellation of the standing instructions and HDFC Bank is not responsible for any delay in this account
which may cause the service provider to disconnect the service/charge any penal charge for the same. HDFC Bank reserves
the right to revoke/stop this facility to any Cardmember with due intimation through the Banks website and by other
acceptable modes of communication, if the Bank believes that the continued use of this facility is not in the interest of
the Bank.
HDFC Bank, as and when applicable may issue a Corporate Card in the name of the individual and/or company and/
or firm, and/or governmental entity and/or agency vide a Corporate Agreement as appropriate from time to time. The
Corporate Agreement between HDFC Bank and the corporate shall be conclusive and binding on a Cardmember and
nothing contained in the Corporate Agreement(s) shall be construed as HDFC Bank having waived any of its rights under
the Cardmember Agreement or prejudicing any rights of HDFC Bank thereunder.
The Cardmember hereby understands, acknowledges and agrees that the Corporate Card is issued to the Cardmember
by HDFC Bank on the recommendation of the Corporate and the Corporate Card has such features and benefits as may
be recommended/ agreed to by the Corporate, which features and benefits may be amended/ modified from time to
The Cardmember hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Cardmember shall keep itself informed about the liability of
the Cardmember with respect to the Corporate Card and whether the Corporate Card has been issued on a Sole Liability
Basis, J&S Liability Basis or Limited Liability Basis and it shall be the responsibility of the Corporate to inform/ keep
updated the Cardmember of the terms and conditions applicable to the Corporate Card issued to the Cardmember
including, without limitation, the role, responsibility and liability of the Cardmember with respect to such Corporate Card.
Further, the Cardmember hereby acknowledges and agrees that the usage of the Corporate Card shall be strictly in
accordance with applicable law including, without limitation, the extant foreign exchange management laws applicable
from time to time, which the Cardmembers undertakes as the Cardmember’s responsibility to be updated of.
Nothing contained in the specific Corporate Agreement shall be construed as binding obligation on HDFC Bank to
continue the Corporate Agreement after the Corporate Agreement termination date or to substitute the Corporate
Agreement by a new or similar Corporate Agreement.
In the event that the Floater Model has been enabled, the Cardmember agrees and acknowledges that the Bank shall
authorise a card transaction effected by use of a Corporate Card only if:
(a) the unutilised portion of the individual limit assigned to such Corporate Card is equal to or higher than the amount
of such card transaction; and
(b) the unutilised portion of the Corporate Limit assigned to the Corporate is equal to or higher than the amount of
such card transaction and accordingly notwithstanding anything contained herein or elsewhere the Credit Limit and
Available Credit Limit applicable to a Corporate Card shall not be available to the extent that the Corporate Level limit
then available is insufficient.
The Cardmember hereby agrees and undertakes that the Cardmember shall not be entitled to raise any claims or disputes
against HDFC Bank for its refusal to authorise any card transaction, the value of which is within the Available Credit
Limit, due to non-availability or insufficiency of the Corporate Limit.
By use of the card the Cardmember accepts the Terms and Conditions of use as enumerated in this booklet and hereby
authorises the Bank to appoint authorised representatives to collect amounts payable to the Bank, as the Bank may
consider necessary. In the due discharge of their duty, information regarding Cardmembers credit facility will be provided
to the authorised representatives. Further, the Bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of the acts or
omissions of such representatives.
All charges payable to such authorised representatives, to collect amounts owed to the Bank will be at Cardmembers
cost and risk, in addition to all costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Bank to recover outstanding dues/monies.
The Cardmember agrees that HDFC Bank may utilise various modes of communication including but not restricted to
telephones, letters, messaging services, email, SMS and may also engage third parties for purposes such as marketing of
services, proper operation of Credit Card Accounts and other administrative services.
The Cardmember must note that the card will be honoured only when it carries the signature of the Primary Cardmember,
as applicable. The card will normally be honoured by Merchant Establishments displaying the MasterCard (as applicable)
symbol. Card promotional material or MasterCard (as applicable) symbols displayed on any premises are not a warranty
that all goods and services available at those premises can be purchased on the card.
The Bank is not responsible or liable for refusal by any Merchant to accept the card for any reason whatsoever. However,
any Merchant/Bank refusal may be reported to the Bank, detailing the name of location, date and time of the transaction
and other details that will assist the Bank in any investigations it may decide at its discretion to conduct.
Cardmember to notify the bank in advance of his/her international travel and enable international limits appropriately
for convenience during travel.
1 The Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of
decline of a charge because of exceeding foreign exchange entitlements as prescribed by RBI guidelines issued from
time to time, on the Bank becoming aware of the Cardmember exceeding his entitlements.
2 Utilisation of card must be in strict accordance with the Exchange Control Regulations of the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI). In the event of Cardmembers failure to comply with the same, Cardmember is liable for action under the
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and/or such other regulation as may be issued by RBI/Statutory bodies
from time to time and may be debarred from holding the Banks Card valid worldwide, either at the instance of the
Bank, any statutory bodies or the RBI. The Cardmember shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless from and against
any and all consequences arising from the Primary/Additional Cardmember not complying with the Exchange Control
Regulations of the RBI or such other guidelines.
3 Card usage is bound by the laws, rules and regulations specified by Reserve Bank of India from time to time. If the
Cardmember is emigrating and/or proceeding abroad on permanent employment or intending to become a Non-
Resident Indian (NRI) i.e., likely to reside abroad for more than 183 days in a calendar year, the Cardmember must
settle all billed and unbilled card dues after checking the same with the Bank, before emigrating/proceeding abroad
for permanent employment or becoming an NRI. The Cardmember must invalidate the card by destroying it and
inform the Bank of the same in writing. In such cases, the Cardmember will not under any circumstances use the card
for drawing foreign exchange.
The card may be used by all Cardmember going abroad for bona fide Business expenses, corporate cards are meant
for business usage only, provided, the total exchange drawn during the trip abroad does not exceed the applicable
entitlement to foreign exchange of the Cardmember as specified under the prevailing Foreign Exchange Regulations.
Import of goods so purchased abroad into India would be governed by the provisions of applicable laws and regulations
including Baggage Rules/EXIM Policy in force from time to time.
The Cardmember may, if he/she so desires, draw foreign exchange against the card in the form of foreign currency notes/
travellers’ cheques to the extent of his or her applicable entitlement thereto from an authorised dealer/full fledged
money-changer. Sale of such foreign currency notes/travellers’ cheques out of entitlement would be governed by the
extent of the laws and regulations and would be subject to the applicable ceilings. Exchange sold in the form of foreign
currency notes/travellers’ cheques should be endorsed on the passport.
A Cardmember is personally responsible to have his or her passport endorsed for availing foreign exchange under the
Basic Travel Quota/Business Travel and may contact our 24-Hour Customer Call centre for any assistance he/she may
require in this regard.
Cards cannot be used for effecting non permitted remittances under the extant regulations including for subscription
to (a) magazines which are on the proscribed/banned list (b) pools, sweepstakes, lotteries etc. (c) internet sites selling
products/services for which release of foreign exchange is not permitted (d) ‘Call back services of telephones. The Bank
reserves the right to report such violations to the Regional Office of the Foreign Exchange Control Department giving full
details. The Cardmembers right to use the card shall be determined forthwith in case of such violation.
The onus of and responsibility for ensuring compliance with foreign exchange laws/regulations, as prevailing and/or
as applicable from time to time, prevailing Baggage Rules and EXIM policy in force, rests solely with the Cardmember.
The Cardmember accepts full responsibility for wrongful use in contravention of the laws, rules, regulations and Terms
and Conditions and undertakes to indemnify the Bank and to make good any loss, damage, interest, conversion, any
other financial charges and outgoings, costs and consequences that the Bank may incur and/or suffer on account of the
Cardmember and his/her acts of omission, commission, negligence etc.
Charges in foreign currency (other than in USD), will be initially converted into USD currency and subsequently to
Indian Rupees using the exchange rate established by the bank for such transactions on the date when the charges are
processed by the bank or authorised agents, plus any applicable conversion commission. Amounts converted by third
parties such as airlines or other establishments will be billed at their rates.
The Bank will mail a Statement of transactions in the Card Account every month on a pre-determined date, to the mailing
address provided by the Cardmember.
Non-receipt of the Statement for any reasons whatsoever is not a valid reason for non-payment of dues. Should the
Cardmember not receive the Statement within 7 days from the usual Statement date, the Cardmember is requested
to call the HDFC Bank Credit Card Division to check the amount payable. Requests for duplicate Statements will attract
charges as determined by the Bank from time to time. The Statement date is pre-determined and cannot be changed.
The Cardmember further agrees that the Bank may round off the bill as determined appropriate by the Bank from time
to time. The amount paid in excess of the actual bill amount will be adjusted in the next billing cycle.
The Cardmember should promptly notify the Bank of any unauthorised transactions appearing on the Statement to
enable investigation/amendments (if necessary). These transactions should be notified/referred within 30 days from
the date of the Statement, after the expiry of which the Bank will not be liable for any refunds that may be related to
such transactions.
The Statement will detail all transactions received and processed in the Card Account including any refunds or payments
made since the date of previous Statement and up to the close of business on the day of the current Statement date.
The amount outstanding on the Cardmembers Statement will be made up of the following:
The amounts charged for all goods and services purchased by the use of card including all mail and telephone
order, or over the internet and authorised by the Cardmember to be charged to the Card Account.
Unless the interest free period applies as set out below, HDFC Bank will levy an interest on any new purchase (and any
related debited charge) from the day on which the purchase (and any related debited charge) is transacted on the Card
Account. The interest free period for a purchase (and any related debited charge) in any Statement period will apply if
the outstanding balance on the Card Account for the previous Statement period (if any) is paid in full by its Due Date.
If the outstanding balance on the Card Account is not paid in full by its Due Date, finance charge will be levied on any
new purchase (and any related debited charge) from the day on which the purchase (and any related debited charge) is
transacted on the Card Account and on the outstanding account balance on the Card Account from the first day of the
last Statement period. HDFC Bank will charge interest on a Cash Advance from the day on which the Cash Advance is
transacted on the Card Account till the date of repayment of the Cash Advance (including cash interest accrued thereof)
in full.
HDFC Bank will ordinarily levy interest on the purchase balance outstanding on the Card Account on a daily basis by
applying its current daily percentage rate to the amount of the purchase balance outstanding at the end of each day.
HDFC Bank will levy a finance charge on Cash Advance balances on a daily basis by applying its current daily percentage
rate to the amount of the Cash Advance balance at the end of each day.
The interest as above, will continue to be payable after termination of this Agreement or closure of the Card Account until
the card balance is cleared in full. HDFC Bank may at any time, under intimation to the Cardmember, vary the interest to
take into account prevailing interest rates, market forces and credit and business risks. The Bank may offer differential
rates on preferential Cardmember behaviour. This is entirely at the discretion of the Bank and could mean revision of
interest rates higher or lower than the rate prevailing at that point of time.
Various government duties, rates, taxes or charges will apply to and be payable by the Cardmember for the operation of
the Credit Card Account. The Cardmember agrees to reimburse the Bank for payment of any such taxes, rates or charges
or other similar taxes or levies payable in connection with any advances, finances or credit provided by the Bank to the
The applicable GST would be dependent on place of provision (POP) and place of supply (POS).If POP and POS is in the
same state then applicable GST would be CGST and SGST/UTGST else, IGST.
GST For FEE & Charges / Interest transactions Billed on statement date will reflect in next month statement.
• GST levied will not be reversed on Any dispute on Fee & Charges / interest.
As per the RBI guidelines, in case the amount on account of use of the card overseas is greater than the Cardmembers
Foreign Exchange entitlements, the Cardmember should provide the reimbursement claimed, and the Bank is authorised
to report the matter to the Regional Office of the Exchange Control Department giving full details. However, under no
circumstances should the payment of the Credit Card bill/dues be delayed or refused on the grounds of the Cardmember
having exceeded the entitlement. There will be no obligation on HDFC Bank to make a claim or demand for payment
on a Cardmember and non-payment shall render the Cardmember liable to risk of withdrawal (whether temporarily or
permanently) of his Cardmembership.
Monthly repayments to Cardmembers Card Account:
Amounts which are payable immediately
If at any time, the outstanding balance on the Statement of Account exceeds the approved credit limits, this Overlimit
amount must be paid immediately.
If ‘Minimum Amount Due’ remain unpaid from previous Statements of Account, these overdue amounts must be paid
Amounts which are payable by the ‘Due Date’
Each month the Cardmember may pay as much as he/she wishes towards the ‘Closing Balance’ shown on the Statement
of Account, provided the payment is not less than the amount shown on the Statement of Account as the ‘Minimum
Amount Due.
If the Cardmember does not wish to pay the full amount of the closing balance shown on the monthly Statement of
Account he/she can avail of the Revolving Credit facility and will need to pay only the Minimum Amount Due as shown on
Statement of Account. All payments must be made prior to the Due Date, irrespective of whether or not Statement has
been received by the Cardmember. Non-receipt of a Statement will not be considered a valid reason for non-payment. In
the event that the Cardmember has not received the Statement, he/she can calculate the amount based on the unpaid
charge slips in his/her possession.
The Minimum Amount Due will be 5% (or any other percentage as advised from time to time) of the Statement Closing
Balance or Rs. 200, (or such other amount as notified from time to time), whichever is greater. (This does not apply to
cancelled or closed cards in case of which full outstanding amount needs to be cleared immediately on demand). If the
closing balance is less than Rs. 200 (or such other amount as notified from time to time) it must be paid in full. In certain
type of cards ‘Minimum Amount Due’ can be equal to Total Amount Due. Please check the Minimum Amount Due
carefully before making the payment to the Bank.
The Due Date for payment (which presently would be approximately 20 days from the Statement date) is the last date by
which the payments should reach the Bank. It may be noted that the Due Date is only a convenience to enable Statements
to reach the Cardmember and also to provide time to process the Cardmembers payments. Future transactions on the
account may be declined if the payment is not received within the Due Date and all transactions will attract service charges
from the date of purchase.
The Cardmembers payments will first be applied to all overdue amounts (the oldest due being credited first) in the
following order:
Fees and other Charges
Cash Advances Billed
Retail Transactions Billed
Cash Advances Current
Retail Transactions Current
Payment will be treated as made from the date on which the payments are credited to the Card Account in the ordinary
course of business. Payments made by cheque drawn on a location where the Bank does not have a branch will be subject
to a processing and handling fee as determined by the Bank from time to time, in addition to Drawee Banks charges for
all outstation cheques. Generally, payments made in cash or through Direct Banking Channels will be credited to the Card
Account within 2 business days, provided, they are made prior to the close of business hours as applicable. Proceeds of
payments to the Account such as cheques cannot be used or withdrawn until funds are confirmed as cleared. If, for any
reason (whether at Cardmembers request or otherwise) the Bank allows withdrawal or use of the proceeds of the
cheque or other such payment before it has been cleared, the Bank will be entitled to debit the Card Account, in the
event that the cheque or other such payment is later dishonoured and the Cardmember shall be completely liable to make
payments thereof and on account thereof.
Payment towards multiple Card Accounts (held by the same Cardmember or otherwise) cannot be made vide a single
cheque. The Bank does not undertake the responsibility of apportionment of such payment as may be desired by the
If the Cardmember is not going to be able to access his/her mail around the period that he/she usually receives the
Statement, it would be the Cardmembers responsibility to make arrangements to ensure that at least the Minimum
Amount Due reaches the Bank before the Payment Due Date.
The Bank has made arrangements to provide Drop Box facilities at various locations in serviceable cities as determined
by the Bank from time to time. The updated list of Drop Box locations may be communicated to the Cardmember as
appropriate. The Cardmember is advised to use these Drop Boxes to deposit only locally payable cheques or drafts along
with Payment Vouchers/stubs (tear off portion of Statement) duly completed with the cheque details.
Cardmembers are advised not to issue post dated cheques towards card outstanding as the Bank does not in the normal
course of operations offer to clear post dated cheques.
Timely payment towards the card dues is essential and it is a condition of this Agreement that all the payments towards
Minimum Amount Due must reach HDFC Bank on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the monthly Statement of
If the Minimum Amount Due is not paid by the Payment Due Date, a late payment fee as specified in the tariff sheet will
be debited to the Card Account and is subject to change at the discretion of HDFC Bank.
Non-payment of card dues shall also render the Cardmember liable to risk of instant withdrawal of the Cardmembership
without prior notice.
In case the cheque or any other payment instrument forwarded by the Cardmember is not honoured or must be returned
to the Cardmember because it cannot be processed, HDFC Bank reserves the right to proceed legally against the
Cardmember and would at its discretion levy a penal fee and/or temporarily withdraw credit facilities on the card.
Repeated instances of payment instruments not being honoured could result in cancellation of the Account.
A cheque return fee at the prevailing rate would be levied on the amount of the returned cheque subject to a minimum
amount as specified by the Bank from time to time.
The attention of the Cardmember is invited to the provisions of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and
to the serious criminal penalties therein specified for the dishonour of cheques.
If the Cardmember has a Current Account or a Savings Account at any of our branches in India, the Bank may at its sole
discretion arrange to have any one of these accounts debited automatically every month on the Cardmembers written
The Cardmember may note that the Auto Debit facility will not be available on certain classes of Accounts as determined
by the Bank from time to time. Accounts currently residing in MicroBanker will not be eligible to participate in this facility.
The Automatic debit will be processed on the registered account nominated by the Cardmember from the Payment Due
Date and will be credited to the Card Account. In the event of non-realization of payment in the first attempt, repeat
attempts will be made until realization of payment. In the event of non-realisation of payment in the first attempt, repeat
attempts will be made until realization of payment.
Cardmember must have sufficient cleared funds in the nominated Savings or Current Account at the time of the debit
being processed.
In case the Cardmember has instructed the Bank to clear the Card Account balance fully (i.e., 100% Auto Debit) each
month, but the cleared balance available in the nominated Savings or Current Account is insufficient in any month, the
Auto Debit service will instead claim only the Minimum Amount Due (if the cleared balance in the nominated Account
is sufficient to cover the Minimum Amount Due). Where the Auto Debit service claims the Minimum Amount Due,
and the nominated Savings or Current Account does not have sufficient funds to meet the claim, the amount will be
reversed to Cardmembers Card Account and the auto pay reversal charges at the prevailing rate would be levied to
the Card Account. However, Auto Debit instruction for all subsequent months will continue to be effective as per the
original instructions given by the Cardmember. The Bank reserves the right to accept and/or subsequently cancel or not
to accept any such instructions.
In case the Cardmember has instructed the Bank to claim for amounts other than the Minimum Amount Due and there
is a credit or a payment made to the Card Account before the Payment Due Date, the Bank may at its discretion claim
only the residual amount i.e., the difference between the amount outstanding as per the Statement and the payments/
other credits received before the Payment Due Date. The Bank reserves the right to amend its policies with respect to
such instructions from time to time.
In case the Cardmember has instructed the Bank to claim for amounts other than the Minimum Amount Due and in the
event of non-recovery of funds, the Bank will attempt to recover at least the Minimum Amount Due on the Card Account.
In future, the Bank may introduce at its discretion a variable option for Auto Debit facility. Where the Cardmember has
opted for a variable amount and the Minimum Amount Due payable on the Card Account is higher than the option
exercised, the Bank reserves the right to claim the higher of the two.
If the Auto Debit cannot be claimed for insufficient funds on the recovery date, the Auto Debit reversal charges would
be levied irrespective of any other payment/credit made into the Card Account through any other mode other than Auto
The Bank at a predetermined overdue status would reserve the right to withdraw the standing instructions given by the
Cardmember without any prior notice and the facility may not be made available in future.
In a specific case where, subsequent to providing instruction to the Bank to Auto Debit a nominated Account, the
nominated Account is closed or transferred to another branch, the Cardmember undertakes to advise the Cards Services
Division of the Bank of the change in status of the nominated Account. Please note that the service or penal charges that
accrue to the Cardmembers Account because of non-compliance or delay of this advice will not be refunded.
Electronic Terminal includes:
Any HDFC Bank branch teller machines as and when introduced;
Any of the Banks Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Cash Dispensers.
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Cash Dispensers of other selected Banks/financial institutions;
Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) terminals; and,
Any other authorised terminal or device connected to the Banks electronic Banking system as and when
The Bank will specifically advise the Cardmember whenever the card is acceptable for use at our ATMs (Automated Teller
Machines) or other banks ATMs or other specified electronic devices. In such cases, where applicable, the Bank will
provide the Cardmember with a PIN (Personal Identification Number). The Bank reserves the right to alter the types of
accounts, which may be operated or the types of transactions, which may be undertaken using the card and PIN, at any
time. In the event that the service is being provided on the card, the Bank will endeavour to maintain electronic access
on our ATMs or electronic devices/terminals unless:
An Electronic Banking Terminal malfunctions or is otherwise unavailable for use.
The Card Account is overdue or otherwise considered irregular by the Bank.
In any of these events, electronic access to the nominated accounts may be withdrawn without prior notice to the
Cardmember, without any liability devolving upon the Bank for such withdrawal.
The Bank will advise the Cardmember of his/her PIN in a secure manner. On receipt of this PIN, the Cardmember
must memorise it and destroy the original PIN advice. The Banks ATMs may allow the Cardmember to change the
PIN (originally advised by the Bank) to a PIN of choice. The PIN advised to the Cardmember by the Bank is confidential
and must not be made known by the Cardmember to anybody. The Bank will not be liable or responsible for any
consequences of the Cardmembers valid PIN becoming known to a third party. The Cardmember will be liable for all
consequences in the event of any loss due to the misuse of his/her PIN.
If, after memorising the PIN, the PIN is lost or stolen, or if the PIN becomes known to somebody else, and if the card is
still in the Cardmembers possession, he/she should immediately advise the Credit Card Division of the Bank. Any delays
may expose the Cardmember to the liability of unauthorised use of the card.
Subject to the Card Account being valid, if the card is retained in the ATM, the Cardmember should contact Credit Card
Division of the Bank for assistance. A replaced card will be forwarded for a fee as specified by the Bank from time to time.
Any transaction made by the Cardmember at any electronic terminal cannot be cancelled, altered or changed by the
investigation and correction (if any), the Bank may, at its sole discretion, credit the Cardmembers Account with the
disputed amount and debit the appropriate Reward Points (if applicable) till a conclusion is arrived in respect of the
dispute. Where, after completion of investigations, the Bank concludes that no error has occurred, the Bank may advise
the Cardmember accordingly, and the Account if already credited will be promptly debited for the disputed amount with
relevant credit of Reward Points (if applicable) with the original transaction date, and interest will accrue accordingly.
If, in the process of investigating the Cardmembers query, the Bank has had to retrieve voucher copies either from its
archives or through another bank entity, the Cardmembers Account will be debited for retrieval fees as specified by the
Bank from time to time. Amounts due on the transactions including disputed transactions are payable by the Due Date
appearing on the Statement of Accounts.
The Courts in Chennai, India, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with all disputes between the Bank and the
Cardmember, or the estate of the Cardmember and the Cardmember hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to
submit himself/herself to such exclusive jurisdiction.
In case of any dispute raised by any Card Member, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Corporate to resolve the same
independently and without any recourse to HDFC Bank.
Further in consideration of HDFC Bank providing the Card Member the said Card, the Card Member shall indemnify and
hold HDFC Bank including its
employees and agents,
against all losses and expenses which HDFC Bank
may incur, sustain, suffer or is likely to suffer in connection with HDFC Banks execution of the Card Member/Corporates
instructions and against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages. costs, charges and expenses as a
consequence or by reason of providing the said Card by HDFC Bank or for any action taken or omitted to be taken by
HDFC Bank its officers, employees or agents, on the instructions of the Card Member/Corporate . The Card Member will
pay to HDFC Bank such amount as may be determined to be sufficient to indemnify it against any such, loss or expenses
even though they may not have arisen or are contingent in nature. “
Please ensure your mobile number and email ID is updated with the Bank. Kindly refer our Customer Protection Policy
for electronic banking transactions at:
On cancellation of an airlines/railways ticket, if the credit is not processed to the Cardmember Account within 30 days of
the cancellation date, the Cardmember may immediately mail a copy of the credit voucher to enable the Bank to follow
up with the concerned member Bank for processing the transaction. The Bank will credit the Card Account as appropriate
on receipt of the proceeds from the processing Bank. However, any charge/finance charge(s) resulting from delay at any
parties’ end to process the credit will need to be borne by the Cardmember.
The Ticket Deposit Receipt is not a valid credit note and the Bank would be unable to take up the matter with the
concerned member Bank for processing the credit. Cardmembers must submit the Ticket Deposit Receipt to the
concerned Railway Authorities within the specified time period (as applicable from time to time) and obtain a credit
voucher. In the absence of a valid credit voucher, the Bank would be unable to credit the Card Account.
The Cardmember hereby indemnifies the Bank fully against any liability (civil or criminal), loss, cost, expenses or damages
that may arise due to non credit of the cancelled ticket amount by the concerned authorities/member Banks.
Surcharge on Fuel & Railway
The Cardmember can use the HDFC Bank International Credit Card to buy petrol (diesel or other petroleum products or
automobile related services or other merchandise at petrol pumps) on credit at select petrol pumps across the country.
Depending on the arrangement those organisations have with their member Banks, the transaction will attract a service
fee from the member Bank and any taxes thereon, which may vary from time to time. This charge cannot be suppressed,
and is due and payable.
Currently all tickets booked with the railways using the Credit Card would attract a handling charge from the member
Bank at a fixed percentage/amount, which cannot be suppressed and is due and payable.
Transactions done using the Card Account may in the future attract similar charges as specified by the Franchise/
Authorities. Intimation as appropriate will be given by the Bank to the Cardmember from time to time.
HDFC Bank shall not be in anyway responsible for merchandise, merchandise warranty or services purchased or availed
of by the Cardmember from Merchant Partners including on account of delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of
goods or receipt of defective goods by the Cardmember. It must be distinctly understood that the Credit Card facility
is purely a facility to the Cardmember to purchase goods or avail of services and HDFC Bank holds out no warranty or
makes no representation about quality, delivery or otherwise howsoever, and any dispute or claim must be resolved by
the Cardmember with the Merchant Partner.
The existence of a claim or dispute shall not relieve the Cardmember of his obligation to pay all charges and the
Cardmember agrees to pay promptly such charges, notwithstanding any dispute or claim whatsoever.
Purchase made on the Credit Card shall remain the property of HDFC Bank till such time the charges pertaining thereto
are paid in full by the Cardmember to HDFC Bank.
HDFC Bank reserves the right at any time to seize or direct a Merchant Partner or any third party to seize all or any
purchases made on the Credit Card if they are or come into possession, custody or control of HDFC Bank, the Merchant
Partner or third party, as the case may be. All liquor charges shall be subject to the laws in each State for acceptance of
the Credit Card.
The Cardmember also specifically agrees that the services provided by the Affinity/Co-brand/Associated partners shall
be with their exclusive expertise and that the Bank shall not be party to such service rendered by the Affinity/Co-brand/
Associated partners nor does the Bank provide any guarantee or responsibility or indemnity to the Cardmember as
far as the services rendered such as its quality, accuracy, scope and cost to the Cardmember. The Cardmember hereby
undertakes that any disputes or argument that he may have with the Affinity/Co-brand/Associated partners with respect
to services rendered will not constitute valid reason for him/her to dispute, delay or default on dues owed- in full or in
part- on his HDFC Bank International Credit Card.
The Cardmember must notify the Banks Credit Card Division located at Chennai and its Regional Offices as intimated
from time to time immediately if the Primary or any Additional Credit Card is lost, stolen, mutilated, not received when
due or if he/she suspects that the Credit Card is being used without Cardmembers permission.
A Cardmember must report a card lost over the telephone. HDFC Bank will upon adequate verification temporarily
suspend the Card Account and will not be liable for any inconvenience caused to the Cardmember on this account.
Although the loss or theft may be reported over phone or fax the Cardmember must file a report with the local police and
send an acknowledged copy accompanied by a letter signed by the Primary Cardmember to the Bank.
Once a card is reported lost, it should not, under any circumstance be used if found by the Cardmember
The Bank is not liable or responsible for any transactions incurred on the Card Account prior to time of reporting of the
loss of the card and the Cardmember will be wholly liable for the same. After the receipt of proper notification of the loss
by the Bank. the Cardmembers subsequent liability is zero.
The Cardmember will be liable for all transactions on the card if the card(s) loss is not reported immediately and the FIR
not filed within 3 days of the loss/theft of the card.
Subject to the Account being regular and the report of any card loss being received proper1y and in time, the Bank will
reissue the Primary Card on receipt of written instructions confirming the loss, along with the FIR and sand the re-issued
cards to the address of the Primary Cardmember. However, the re-issue of the card is completely at the discretion of
the Bank.
The Cardmember will also fully co-operate with the Bank, the representatives of the Bank and/or legal authorities in the
event of an investigation into any disputed transactions.
The Cardmember hereby indemnifies the Bank fully against any liability (civil or criminal), loss, cost, expenses or damages
that may arise due to loss or misuse of the card, In the event that it Is lost and not reported to the Bank or lost and misused
before the Bank is informed.
The Cardmember must make a written report to the Banks Credit Card located at Chennai and its Regional Offices as
intimated from time to time immediately once he/she becomes aware (or should reasonably have become aware in the
case of lost or stolen cards) that:
The card or PIN record (or both) has or may have been lost or stolen; or
The PIN has or may have become known to someone else; or,
The card or PIN (or both) has or may have been used by someone else.
If the Cardmember reports that the PIN may have become known to someone else or may have been used by someone else, the
Cardmember must not continue to use that PIN.
If the Cardmembers Credit Card becomes defective or gets damaged, the Cardmember may ask for a replacement card
at any of the Banks Credit Card located at Chennai and its Regional Offices as intimated from time to time. All such
Credit Cards are subject to Terms and Conditions of Use and the Bank reserves the right not to re-issue a Credit Card to
any Cardmember.
The Credit Card will be valid until the last day of the month printed on the face of the Credit Card. While some cards could
be issued for a validity period of one year, the Bank may, at its discretion, issue cards with validity for a period exceeding
one year.
Unless in breach of the Terms and Conditions of Use, the Bank will automatically renew the validity of the card and
send the new card(s) usually 30 days before the expiry of the current card(s). In case of non-receipt of the renewed card(s)
before the stipulated time, Cardmember should contact the Banks Credit Card Division located at Chennai and its regional
offices as intimated from time to time.
In case the Cardmember does not wish to renew his/her card(s), the Bank must receive his/her written instruction at
least 45 days prior to the expiry of his/her card(s). In the absence of this, the renewal fee (as applicable at the time of
renewal) will be charged and must be paid and will not be refunded.
Once the cardholder ceases to be in employment with the corporate HDFC Bank has entered into an agreement with
for corporate cards , all benefits associated whether accrued or earned” with the card shall stand withdrawn with
immediate effect.
The Cardmember must not attempt to use his/her card outside its validity period. The Bank will not be liable in any
manner whatsoever, for any consequences that may arise due to the Cardmembers attempt to use the card outside
its validity period.
All cards issued to the Cardmember remain the property of the Bank at all times and the Bank reserves the right to cancel
and retrieve the card at any time without prior notice including if the Bank believes that the continued use of the card(s)
is not in the interest of the Bank.
By the Bank
If a notice of cancellation is given, from the date of notice of such cancellation by the Bank, the Cardmember must
not use his/her card and must immediately return the card to the Bank. Before returning the card to the Bank, the
Cardmember must deface the signature panel (on the reverse) and cut the card(s) diagonally into half. The Cardmember
will be required to clear all outstanding dues on the Card Account immediately.
Interest and any other applicable charges will continue to accrue on the Card Account until the outstanding balance of
such Card Account is reduced to nil.
The death of a Cardmember, insolvency/dissolution/bankruptcy/or winding up of a Corporate Body of a Cardmember
shall automatically cancel the card issued to the Cardmember as well as any Add-on Cardmembers. The Card Account
would also be liable to be suspended on instructions from any government/regulatory body. All amounts outstanding
on the Card Account shall be deemed to have immediately become due on death, insolvency, bankruptcy, winding up or
instruction from government/regulatory bodies, as the case may be, and the Bank shall be entitled to recover the same
in accordance with the relevant laws in force without prejudice to the obligation of the Cardmember to forthwith pay
all outstanding amounts.
In the event a Corporate Body is subject to any dissolution or winding up proceedings, or if any order is in force issued by
a government/regulatory body which directly or indirectly prohibits the Bank for issuing Credit Cards to that Corporate
Body, all Corporate Cards issued to employees of that Corporate Body would be cancelled without notice. The Bank is
not liable for any claims arising out of such cancellation. All cards would have to be destroyed and surrendered in the
stipulated manner and all amounts outstanding on these cards would become payable immediately.
By the Cardmember
The Cardmember may cancel the cards at any time by:
Making a written request only to the Bank for cancellation and
Cutting the card(s) diagonally in half and returning it to the Banks Credit Cards Division.
By the Bank
When the Bank cancels a card or receives instruction from the Cardmember to cancel a card:
The Bank will cancel the card and send a written confirmation to the Cardmember on liquidation of outstanding
dues on the Card Account.
The card must not be used and must be returned to the Bank cut diagonally into half; and
The Cardmember
Is responsible for any use of the card until the card is returned to the Bank cut diagonally into half; and
Must liquidate the outstanding immediately
The Cardmember agrees to promptly notify the Banks Credit Card Division in writing, of any change to his/her name.
The Bank reserves the right at its discretion to accept such request(s) pending production of statutory evidence of such
a change.
The Cardmember also agrees to promptly notify any change of his/her residential and/or office address and/or contact
telephone number(s) and/or email address to the Banks Credit Card Division.
The Cardmember would need to give the Bank notice of at least 5 business days after receipt of his/her request to enable
us to update the Banks records.
The security of the card and the PIN is very important. If the Cardmember fails to observe the following security
requirements, he/she may be liable for any unauthorised use of the card and the PIN.
Sign on the back of his/her card immediately on receipt
On the expiry date destroy his/her card by cutting it diagonally into half
Not let anyone else use his/her card
Take steps to protect his/her card from loss or theft, and
Notify the Bank once the Cardmember becomes aware that his/her card has been lost or stolen, or has been used
by someone else
Not hand over the card to anyone even to those posing to be authorised by the Bank
The Cardmember should:
Not divulge his/her PIN to anyone including a family member or friend
Use care to prevent anyone else seeing his/her PIN being entered in an electronic terminal
Not write or indicate his/her PIN on his/her card or elsewhere, even if it is disguised
Try to commit his/her PIN to memory and should not write or indicate his/her PIN anywhere
Notify HDFC Bank once he/she becomes aware that his/her PIN record has been lost or stolen, or known to or
used by someone else.
Cardmember shall be liable to indemnify the Bank in respect of any and all expenses incurred by the Bank in enforcing or
attempting to enforce rules and regulations including all legal fees and disbursements on a full indemnity basis.
It is agreed that the Bank, at any time and without notice, will have a lien and right of set-off on all monies belonging
to the Cardmember standing to their credit in any account whatsoever with the Bank or in the possession or custody of
the Bank. If upon demand by the Bank, the balance outstanding on the Card Account is not repaid within the prescribed
time, such credit balance in any account including fixed deposit accounts and any properties of the Cardmember in the
possession or custody of the Bank whether for safe keeping or otherwise, including but not limited to dematerialised
shares or other
of the Cardmember, held by the Bank as a Depository
may be adjusted towards dues
under the Card Account. In case of any deficit, the deficit amount may be recovered by the Bank from the Cardmember.
Without prejudice to Banks right of general lien and set off, in case of issuance of Credit Card against Fixed Deposit
(FD linked cards), the Bank shall be authorised to mark a lien on the Fixed Deposit(s) (FD) held by the Cardholder with the
Bank to the extent of the amount declared by the Cardholder in the FD Lien Declaration. The aforesaid lien over FD shall
be the security for the FD linked card issued/to be issued by the Bank to the Cardholder. The Cardholder hereby irrevocably
and unconditionally authorises the Bank to liquidate the FD at Banks sole discretion in the event of non- payment of
outstanding dues by the Cardholder without any notice and thereupon appropriate and apply the proceeds towards the
outstanding dues on the FD linked card. The Cardholder hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Bank shall not be held
responsible for the loss, charges or costs, if any, to the Cardholder arising due to such premature withdrawal of the FD. In
the event that the aforesaid premature withdrawal of the FD does not take place whilst the FD linked card is in use by the
Cardholder, the Cardholder hereby specifically authorises the Bank to automatically roll-over the FD for further similar
period(s) on each maturity date so long as the FD linked card is active/in use. For avoidance of doubt, it is hereby
clarified and specifically agreed by the Cardholder that in the event of shortfall post aforesaid premature withdrawal of
FD, the Bank shall be entitled to proceed against the Cardholder to recover the balance outstanding dues. This clause is a
prerequisite for issuance of FD linked card, and it will become effective and applicable only in the event of issuance of
FD linked card.
The Cardmember expressly accepts that if the Cardmember fails to pay any monies when due or which may be declared
due prior to the date when it would otherwise have become due to or commits any other default under any Agreement
(including this Agreement) with HDFC Bank under which the Cardmember is enjoying any financial/credit/other facility,
then in such event HDFC Bank shall, without prejudice to any of its specific rights under each of the agreements,
be absolutely entitled to exercise all or any of its rights under any of the Cardmembers agreements (including this
Agreement) with HDFC Bank, at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank.
The Bank will preserve secrecy of details of transactions to the extent required by law. The Cardmember agrees,
acknowledges and authorises that information on usage of credit facilities by customer(s) is/are exchanged across Banks,
credit bureaus and financial institutions. An application for a Credit Card is subject to receipt of no adverse reports of
Cardmembers creditworthiness from a bureau and/or any Bank/Financial Institution, where the Cardmember or his/her
associates/family members avail of/have availed of a credit facility.
Similarly, the Bank reserves at its sole discretion with no liability and with no reference to the Cardmember, the right
to cancel his/her Credit Card at any point during the period of validity of his/her Credit Card, on receipt of adverse
information regarding the creditworthiness of the Cardmember (or his/her associates/family members) from any Bank/
Financial Institutions/Bureau. As per laws governing confidentiality of sources, HDFC Bank is not liable to disclose the
name of the Bank/Financial Institution/Bureau intimating this adverse information. On receipt of such information, the
Cardmembers Card Account will be immediately cancelled and his/her entire outstanding balance (as well as any further
charges not yet billed to his/her Card Account) will be demanded and will have to be paid immediately.
If the Cardmembers Card Account were cancelled due to breach of any of the Terms and Conditions of Use, the irregular
conduct of the Cardmembers credit facility would similarly be reported to other banks/Financial Institutions/Bureau.
If the Cardmember is in breach of any of the Conditions of Use, or if the Bank comes to the belief on reasonable grounds
that the Cardmember induced the Bank to enter into the Agreement governing the operation of his/her Card Account
by any fraudulent misrepresentation, the outstanding balance on the Cardmembers Card Account shall, at the option
of the Bank, become immediately due and payable to the Bank. In case of any breach of the Conditions of Use, the Bank
reserves the right at the Cardmembers costs and consequences to also proceed under the appropriate laws of India.
The Cardmember undertakes to return or arrange for the return of his/her card and any Add-on Card(s) duly cancelled,
immediately upon being notified that the outstanding balance on his Card Account has become due and payable as
The Bank may at any time without prior notice suspend and/or cancel, the Cardmembers card(s) if any of the Terms
and Conditions are breached. Reward Points or any other benefits accumulated on cancelled/suspended cards will be
The Cardmember agrees to pay the Bank the amount incurred or expended by the Bank in exercising its rights under these
Terms and Conditions arising from any default/breach by the Cardmember. Upon payment to the Bank, in accordance
with this Condition, of all amounts owing on the Cardmembers Card Account, the Agreement governing the operation of
his/her Card Account will thereby be terminated without the need for any further notice.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Applicant in respect of any
loss/damage arising directly/indirectly out of (a) any defect in any goods or services supplied (b) the refusal of any person
to honour or accept a card (c) the malfunction of any computer terminal (d) the giving of Transaction Instruction other
than by a Cardmember (e) any Statement made by any person requesting the return of the card or any act performed by
any person in conjunction (f) handing over of the card by the Cardmember to anybody other than designated employees
of the Bank at the Banks premises (g) The exercise by the Bank of its right to demand and procure the surrender of
the card prior to the expiry date exposed on its face, whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured
by the Bank or by any person or computer terminal (h) the exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any card or
the Card Account or (i) any injury to the credit character and reputation of the Applicant alleged to have been caused
by the repossession of the card and/or, any request for its return or refusal of any service establishment/mail order
establishment/internet merchant Establishment to honour or accept the card (j) any mis-statement, mis-representation,
error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank (k) decline of a charge because of exceeding foreign exchange
entitlements as prescribed by RBI guidelines issued from time to time, or the Bank becoming aware of the Cardmember
exceeding his entitlements. In the event a demand or claim for settlement of outstanding dues from the Cardmember
is made either by the Bank or any person acting on behalf of the Bank, the Cardmember agrees and acknowledges
that such demand or claim shall not amount to be an act of defamation or an act prejudicial to or reflecting upon the
character of the Cardmember, in any manner.
The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than
the laws of India. The mere fact that the Credit Card can be accessed by a Cardmember in a country other than India shall
not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these Terms and Conditions of the Cardmember
Agreement and/or the operations in the Card Account(s) of the Cardmember and/or the use of the Credit Card. This
Cardmember Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of India. Subject to the following paragraph, the
parties hereto expressly agree that all disputes arising out of and /or relating to this Cardmember Agreement including
any related documents shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts/Tribunals within whose jurisdiction the
regional processing center of the bank is situated. Provided that to the extent allowed by law, the Bank shall be entitled
to take proceedings relating to a dispute in any Courts/Tribunals of any other place which has jurisdiction.
Any dispute under or arising out of anything under this Cardmember Agreement shall be referred to arbitration in
accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as may be amended, or its reenactment, by
a sole arbitrator, appointed by the Bank. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English language. The award
passed by the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The cost of such arbitration shall be borne by the losing
party or otherwise as determined in the arbitration award. The venue of arbitration shall be at Mumbai or such other
place as may be determined by the Bank. If a party is required to enforce an arbitral award by legal action of any kind, the
party against whom such legal action is taken shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses and attorneys fees, including
any cost of additional litigation or arbitration taken by the party seeking to enforce the award. Provided that nothing
contained herein shall be construed as extinguishing, limiting or ousting the rights and remedies of the Bank, if available
now or in the future as against the Cardmember, if any and/or any other persons, or any of their respective assets, under
the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 and/or the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,
2016, as may be amended, or its re-enactment and the Bank and the Bank shall stand absolutely entitled to exercise such
rights/remedies thereunder irrespective of the initiation, pendency, or continuation of any other arbitral or other
proceedings. This clause shall survive termination of the Cardmember Agreement
The Bank has introduced or may introduce from time to time Off-site Cheque Drop Boxes (details of which will be
specifically communicated) in addition to the Cheque Drop Boxes at the branches, for the convenience of customers. The
Bank will be responsible for the cheques only upon receipt of the same at its premises. The Bank will not be responsible
and/or liable for loss and/or damage and/or delay and/or destruction of cheques dropped in the Cheque Drop Boxes if
these boxes are damaged/destroyed/tampered with as a result of any act of God, riot, civil commotion, war, sabotage
etc. The Cheque Drop Boxes shall not be used for dropping cash and/or post dated cheques. The Bank will not be
responsible for such post-dated cheques and/or cash deposited.
The Cardmember accepts that the Bank directly or through its appointed representatives has agreed to provide him the
facility of getting information and carrying out transactions by giving telephonic instructions (which will be accepted by
the Bank either manually or by an automated system) apart from any written Standing Instructions now given or that
may hereafter be given. The Cardmember is aware that in connection with such telephonic facility, he/she is required to
provide to the Bank or its appointed representatives over the telephone, details pertaining to him or his Card Account
towards performing reasonable checks as considered appropriate by the Bank before the Bank executes his instructions
for his convenience.
This telephonic facility shall cover and be applicable to all HDFC Bank Credit Cards of the Cardmember now existing or
which may hereafter be opened by him. The Member unconditionally agrees that (i) he/she shall not hold the Bank
liable on account of the Bank acting in good faith on such instructions; (ii) in following such instructions, the Bank will
be doing so on a best effort basis and he/she will not hold the Bank liable on account of delay or inability on the part of
the Bank to act immediately or at all on any of his instructions: (iii) the Bank may in its discretion charge for or withdraw
or suspend the facility wholly or in part at any time; (iv) the Bank may in its discretion decide not to carry out any such
instructions where the Bank has reason to believe (which decision of the Bank the Cardmember shall not question or
dispute) that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise improper or unclear or raise a doubt; (v) the Bank may at
its discretion tape or record such instructions and may rely on transcripts of such telephonic instructions as evidence in
any proceedings; (vi) at the Cardmembers request the Bank may send to the Cardmember, financial information (sought
for by the Cardmember) regarding the Cardmembers Account(s) which may be of a private and confidential nature and
the Cardmember shall not hold the Bank liable in any manner should such information come to the knowledge of any
third party.
In case there is a discrepancy in the particulars or details of any transaction carried out by the Bank in any of the
Cardmembers Accounts, he/she shall be obliged to intimate the relevant discrepancy in writing to the Bank within
30 days from the Statement in which the transaction was billed failing which the transaction shall be deemed to be
correct and accepted by the Cardmember. In consideration of the Bank providing the Cardmember the said facility, the
Cardmember agrees to indemnify and hereby keep the Bank indemnified from and against all actions, claims, demands,
proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain,
suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of or arising out of providing the Cardmember the said facility or by
reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on the Cardmembers instructions.
The Cardmember agrees that all conditions of the above indemnity will hold good when the Bank executes his
instructions for his convenience and that the Bank may, at its sole discretion, perform such other reasonable checks as it
considers appropriate prior to such execution.
The Bank reserves the right to add/modify/delete any of the features/offerings on the PhoneBanking facility from time to
time and the Cardmember expressly agrees to the changes in the service delivery resulting thereof.
The communication and arrangements for services of the Privileges Programme (including the concierge services)
and the emergency assistance programme are provided by third party service providers and are paid for by MASTER
International as the case may be. The Cardmember is responsible for the cost of any and all medical, legal or other
services used. Assistance is provided on best-effort-basis and may not be available due to problems of time, distance or
locations. The Cardmember will be billed for the emergency services used as per the prevailing tariffs or as amended by
the Bank/MASTER International/Third Party Service Providers from time to time. The medical and/or legal professionals
designated by MASTER Internationals third party service providers are not employees of MASTER Internationals third
party service providers or employees or contractors of MASTER International and, therefore they are not responsible for
the availability, use, acts, omissions or results of any medical, legal or transportation service. HDFC Bank does not accept
any responsibility for the arrangement or use of such services provided.
The Communication and arrangements for services of the Privileges Programme (including the concierge services) and
the emergency assistance programme are provided by third party service providers and are paid for by VISA International
as the case may be. The Cardmember is responsible for the cost of any and all medical, legal or other services used.
Assistance is provided on best-effort-basis and may not be available due to problems of time, distance or locations. The
Cardmember will be billed for the emergency services used as per the prevailing tariffs or as amended by the Bank/VISA
International/Third Party Service Providers from time to time. The medical and/or legal professionals designated by VISA
Internationals third party service providers are not employee of VISA Internationals third party service providers or
employees or contractors of VISA International and, therefore they are not responsible for the availability, use, acts,
omissions or results of any medical, legal or transportation service. HDFC Bank does not accept any responsibility for the
arrangement or Use of such services provided.
In the event that individual insurance cover is provided as part of product feature, the cardmember specifically
acknowledges that HDFC Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of the insurance cover provided
by the insurance company with whom it has tied up for the purpose of providing such cover and, that the insurance
company will be solely liable, in case of death of a Cardmember and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any matter
arising out of, or in connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect of any deficiency or defect in such
insurance cover recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever and
all such matters shall be addressed to and resolved directly with the insurance company. The Cardmember acknowledges
that on issuance of the Card, only the ‘Lost Card Liability insurance cover would be made available and that all the
other comprehensive insurance covers if part of product feature / benefit will be available only upon activation of the
HDFC Bank Credit Card. Activation in this context means ‘First usage at the retail Merchant Establishments or first cash
withdrawal from ATMs. The Cardmember further acknowledges that the insurance cover so provided will be available as
per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, and only so long as the Cardmember is and remains a Cardmember
of HDFC Bank with his Card Account being maintained in good standing (as determined by the Bank from time to time).
On the card membership being withdrawn (whether temporarily or permanently) for whatever reason, the benefit of
such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date of suspension/cancellation
of membership. Further the Cardmember also agrees that even during the continuation of his Membership, HDFC Bank
may at any time (in their sole discretion and with due notice thereof to the Cardmember) suspend, withdraw or cancel
the benefit of such insurance cover, and there will be no binding obligation on HDFC Bank to continue the benefit. Only
primary Cardmembers are covered under the insurance benefit scheme. When a Cardmember holds multiple Credit
Cards, the maximum overall limit is restricted as per the specific Terms and Conditions of the insurance company with
whom the Bank has a tie up. All schemes are made available to the Cardmembers by insurance company with whom
the Bank has a tie up. The Bank reserves the right to change/alter/modify with due notice to the Cardmember, the
insurance company/Scheme in part/full. Cardmember will always keep the Bank indemnified and harmless from all
actions, losses, costs, charges, proceedings, etc., which the Cardmember might suffer due to any act or forbearance on
the part of the insurance company in contravention of any laws, rules, guidelines or any other acts or deeds of insurance
company. Cardmember agrees that the Bank is not responsible or privy to the services offered by the insurance company
and the Bank also does not guarantee any representation for quality of service rendered by the insurance company.
Cardmember agrees to indemnify the Bank from all disputes or differences that may arise so far as the services rendered
by the insurance company to the Cardmember are concerned and shall not hold the Bank liable for any compensation or
litigation that may ensue in the event of any dispute, shortfall or deficiency in the services so rendered. The Terms and
Conditions of this insurance scheme may change from time to time, with due notice and details can be obtained directly
from the insurance company. The information provided in this document is only indicative and does not purport to be
comprehensive. The exception clause details and Terms and Conditions may kindly be obtained by the Cardmember from
the insurance company directly. Specific Terms and Conditions of the relevant insurance policy would be made available
by the insurance company on specific request.
The Priority Pass membership is offered through Priority Pass Limited Honk Kong to select HDFC Bank Credit Card
Cardmembers if it is part of the product feature. All applicable charges shall be debited by HDFC Bank to Cardmembers
Card Account. The Priority Pass Card is not transferable and is valid until the expiry date mentioned on the Card. It cannot
be used by anyone other than the Primary Cardholder. The Priority Pass Card is not a Payment Card or a proof of credit
worthiness of the Cardholder and attempts to use the same is treated as constitution fraud. Admittance to lounges is
conditional upon presentation of a valid Priority Pass Card only and the HDFC Bank Credit Card would not be accepted on
behalf of the Priority Pass Card. On presenting the Priority Pass Card in the lounges, an imprint / electronic swipe of the
Card would be done to take the time of visit for the Cardmember and the accompanying guests. All participating lounges
are owned by the third party operators. The Cardholder needs to abide by the rules and regulations of the visited lounge.
HDFC Bank or Priority Pass are not responsible for the non-availability or loss arising due to non-availability of lounge or
associated services. HDFC Bank does not, by the issue of the Card ensure availability of lounge access to customer. The
lounge access is subject to the terms and conditions of PriorityPass and can be changed from time to time. HDFC Bank
reserves the right to withdraw the feature at any time with due notice to the Cardmember. Accompanying children are
subject to full guest fees unless otherwise stated in the lounge listing. Participating lounges may reserve the right to fix
a maximum stay policy to avoid overcrowding. The following is in total discretion of the lounge operator. Participating
lounges are not obligated to announce flights, neither HDFC Bank Ltd. or Priority Pass group of companies shall be held
responsible for direct and indirect loss arising through the Cardmember or their guests failing to board the aircraft
on time. The provision of free alcoholic drinks is at the discretion of each lounge operator and in some cases may be
limited. In such cases the Cardmember is liable to pay for all additional consumption. Admittance to lounges are subject
to the Cardmember holding a valid ticket of travel on the same day in an airline flying out of the airport in which the
lounge is present. Admittance into lounges is subject to members and guests behaving and dressing in an orderly and
correct manner. Any infant who causes upset to other users may be asked to vacate the lounge facility. HDFC Bank or
PriorityPass are not responsible for any loss due to the mentioned act made either by the Primary Cardholder or the
Lost, stolen and damaged PriorityPass plastics need to be intimated to HDFC Bank for a fresh Card to be issued. In the
event of the Cardholder cancelling or not renewing his / her Card Account the PriorityPass membership ceases to exist
for the Cardholder. No further benefits regarding the same would be supported through HDFC Bank any further. HDFC
Bank Ltd. or Priority Pass Ltd. would not be responsible for any disputes arising between the Cardholder and / or the guest
with the third party lounge operator. HDFC Bank reserves the right to withdraw the feature at any given point of time with
due notice. The Cardholder indemnifies that he / she would defend and indemnify HDFC Bank Ltd. and Priority Pass or any
individual associated with the two companies against and hold each indemnified party harmless from all liabilities,
damages, losses, claim, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including attorneys fees) for injury to or death of any
person or damage or destruction of any property arising out of the use of any lounge by the Cardholder and / or his
guests or any person in the said lounge at the behest of the Cardholder, except that such indemnification shall not
extend to acts of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the indemnified parties.
Any accompanying guests shall be charged at the prevailing retail lounge visit rates, which is currently US$ 27.00 and
which may be changed by Priority Pass Limited from time to time.
These terms and conditions are in addition to and supplement the terms and conditions set out in the HDFC Bank Corporate
Credit Card Cardmember Agreement, as amended from time to time (“Cardmember Agreement”) accepted by you for usage
of the Corporate Card. All capitalised terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in
the Cardmember Agreement. Based on the request of the Cardmember and relying on the representations, warranties,
covenants and undertakings of the Cardmember contained in the Cardmember Agreement and in these presents, the
Cardmember will be provided the ability to access airport lounges which form part of the LoungeKey Associate Plus Airport
Lounge Program (“LoungeKey Program”) owned and operated by LoungeKey Limited (“LoungeKey”), subject to the terms
and conditions applicable to the LoungeKey Program as prescribed by LoungeKey from time to time (“Conditions of Use”) .
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Cardmember agrees that the Bank reserves the right to
suspend/ withdraw/ terminate the LoungeKey Program at any time without any notice to the Cardmember and the Bank
has provided no assurance or representation of the continued access to LoungeKey Program during the continuance of the
Corporate Card.
With respect to the LoungeKey Program, the Cardmember hereby acknowledges and agrees that:
1. The Cardmember can obtain information relating to the airport lounges which are part of the LoungeKey Program
(“Lounge(s)”) including, without limitation, the list of Lounges that the Cardmember is eligible to visit and other
detailed information about such Lounges (including location, opening times, facilities available and specific conditions
applicable to each Lounge) from any of the following sources: (i) HDFC Bank’s LoungeKey Program website accessible
at www.loungekey.com/hdfcbankcorporate; (ii) the LoungeKey mobile application; and (iii) the LoungeKey customer
service call centers, a list of which is available on LoungeKey’s website accessible at
www.loungekey.com/hdfcbankcorporate and HDFC Bank’s LoungeKey Program website accessible at
2. The Cardmember shall inform the staff at any Lounge where the Cardmember wishes to enter that the Cardmember
is entering under the Lounge under the LoungeKey Program;
3. For obtaining access to the Lounge, the Cardmember must have their Corporate Card or, where permitted under the
LoungeKey Program for a particular Lounge, the LoungeKey QR code/barcode in addition to their boarding pass and
a form of identification and comply with such other requirements where applicable as per the terms and conditions
of the LoungeKey Program as the same may be modified from time to time.
4. LoungeKey shall perform an authorisation check on the Corporate Card to ascertain whether the credit limit available
on the Corporate Card is at least equal to the amount that the Cardmember is liable to pay in respect of the relevant
Lounge visit. In the event that the authorisation check is declined (due to insufficiency of the credit limit or otherwise),
the Cardmember shall be denied access to the Lounge.
5. In the event that the Cardmember has exceeded the number of complimentary visits available to the Cardmember or
where no such complimentary visits are available under the LoungeKey Program, LoungeKey shall be entitled to
charge the Cardmember in accordance with terms of the LoungeKey Program for such Cardmember and the guests
of the Cardmember (if any) and the Cardmember provides authorisation and consent for any such charges levied by
LoungeKey to be charged to the Corporate Card. The Customer acknowledges that all such amounts may be charged
to the Corporate Card even after the date of the visit to the relevant Lounge (for which the charge is being made).
6. The Cardmember shall be solely responsible for checking that the details of the Cardmember’s visit are correct at
time of entry into a Lounge and are accurately reflected in the receipt provided at the Lounge.
7. The Cardmember shall be solely responsible for being updated on the terms and conditions applicable to the
LoungeKey Program as prescribed by LoungeKey from time to time (“Conditions of Use”) which maybe amended from
time to time without any notice to the Cardmember.
The Cardmember hereby agrees and acknowledges that the LoungeKey Program is a program provided solely by LoungeKey
and the Bank is merely providing access to the LoungeKey Program to the Cardmember, based on the request of the
Cardmember. The Cardmember hereby agrees and undertakes that the Bank shall have no obligations in respect of and shall
not be liable to the Cardmember for any risks or costs associated with the LoungeKey Program and/ or any losses, damages
or defaults which may be incurred by the Cardmember or any other person in connection with the use of or due to the lack
of access to the Lounges.
The Bank shall not be responsible for ensuring availability of access to the Lounges and/or complimentary access to the
Lounges. The Cardmember acknowledges and agrees that the access to Lounges under the LoungeKey Program may become
chargeable and it is the Cardmember’s responsibility to check the Conditions of Use including the charges for using a
particular Lounge in advance of accessing such Lounge. The access to a participating Lounge is being procured solely by
LoungeKey and is subject to the Conditions of Use which may be amended from time to time without any notice to the
The Bank and/or Mastercard do not assume any responsibility for the products and services offered under this LoungeKey
Program. The products are sold and services are provided solely by the Lounge, under such terms and conditions as
determined by such Lounge, and the Bank and/ or Mastercard accept no liability whatsoever in connection with such
products and services. The products and services have not been certified by the Bank and/ or Mastercard and under no
circumstances shall the inclusion of any product or service in this LoungeKey Program be construed as an endorsement or
recommendation of such product or service by the Bank and/ or Mastercard.
The Cardmember acknowledges and agrees that the LoungeKey Program membership is linked to and available as a product
feature enabled on the Corporate Card. The LoungeKey membership shall automatically cease and be terminated on the
Cardmember ceasing to hold a Corporate Card and/ or if the LoungeKey Program ceases to be available as a product feature
of the Corporate Card.
The Cardmember expressly and unequivocally agrees to and hereby does indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless the
Bank and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, consultants and other representatives, successors and
assigns of, from and against all, direct and indirect, claims, damages, fines, penalties, losses, costs and expenses, including
attorneys’ fees incurred by the Bank as a result of providing access to the LoungeKey Program including, without limitation,
in the following cases:
1. any claim made or proceeding commenced by any vendor or any other person against the Bank, in relation to the
LoungeKey Program; or
2. as a result of faulty, inaccurate or unauthorised information having been provided to the Bank/ Mastercard by the
Corporate, the Cardmembers and/ or the officers/ employees of the Corporate.
These terms and conditions are in addition to and supplement the terms and conditions set out in the HDFC Bank Corporate
Credit Card Cardmember Agreement, as amended from time to time (“Cardmember Agreement”) accepted by you for usage
of the Corporate Card. All capitalised terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in
the Cardmember Agreement. Based on the request of the Cardmember and relying on the representations, warranties,
covenants and undertakings of the Cardmember contained in the Cardmember Agreement and in these presents, the
Cardmember will be provided the ability to utilise the Wi-Fi hotspot access program (“Boingo Wi-Fi Services”) owned and
operated by Boingo Wireless, Inc. (“Boingo”), subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services as
prescribed by Boingo from time to time (“Boingo Terms”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the
Cardmember agrees that the Bank reserves the right to suspend/ withdraw/ terminate the Boingo Wi-Fi Services at any time
without any notice to the Cardmember and the Bank has provided no assurance or representation of the continued access
to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services during the continuance of the Corporate Card.
With respect to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services, the Cardmember hereby acknowledges and agrees that:
1. The Cardmember’s use of Boingo's Wi-Fi services is subject to Boingo's customer agreement, end user license
agreement and other applicable legal terms and conditions, including Boingo's terms of use, privacy and security
policies available at www.boingo.com. The Cardmember shall review Boingo's customer agreement, end user license
agreement and other applicable legal terms and conditions before enrolling for the Boingo Wi-Fi Services.
2. The Cardmember shall enroll for the Boingo Wi-Fi Services by creating a new account with Boingo by visiting
https://mastercard.boingo.com (“Boingo Site”). The Cardmember shall be required to provide the Corporate Card
number on the Boingo Site to determine the eligibility of such Cardmember to enroll for the Boingo Wi-Fi Services. In
certain cases, a nominal authorisation charge may be required for validation of the Corporate Card. If the Corporate
Card is eligible, the Cardmember shall provide the requisite information required on the Boingo Site to successfully
enroll for the Boingo Wi-Fi Services and comply with such other requirements where applicable as per the terms and
conditions of the Boingo Wi-Fi Services as the same may be modified from time to time.
3. The Cardmembers will only be permitted to connect up to the maximum number of devices stipulated in Boingo
Terms at any time to the Wi-Fi network maintained by Boingo and its partners.
4. The available hotspots in Boingo's network are subject to change at any time and the Cardmember shall
visit http://wifi.boingo.com for a current listing of hotspots.
5. If the Cardmember has an existing paid Boingo subscription plan, the existing plan will not be automatically cancelled
when the Cardmember enrolls for the Boingo Wi-Fi Services. The Cardmember may cancel their existing paid
subscription plan, by calling Boingo's dedicated Boingo Wi-Fi at +1 310-893-0177. For local phone numbers or
additional contact methods visit https://mastercard.boingo.com/contact-us.
6. The Boingo Wi-Fi Services are non-transferable and may be terminated for breach of any terms or conditions, as well
as for abuse of the Boingo Wi-Fi account or usage in contravention of the Boingo Terms.
7. The Cardmember shall be solely responsible for being updated on the terms and conditions of the Boingo Wi-Fi
Services which may be amended from time to time without any notice to the Cardmember.
The Cardmember acknowledges that the Bank and/ or Mastercard are neither responsible for nor guarantee the quality,
security, coverage, availability of or the number of devices of the Cardmember that can be connected to Boingo's network
of Wi-Fi hotspots or partners or of the Boingo Wi-Finder application, and the Cardmember agrees that use of the Boingo
Wi-Fi network and/ or the Boingo Wi-Finder application is at their own risk.
The Cardmember hereby agrees and acknowledges that the Boingo Wi-Fi Services and the Boingo Wi-Finder application are
provided solely by Boingo and the Bank is merely providing access to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services to the Cardmember, based
on the request of the Cardmember. The Cardmember hereby agrees and undertakes that the Bank shall have no obligations
in respect of and shall not be liable to the Cardmember for any risks or costs associated with the Boingo Wi-Fi Services, the
Boingo Wi-Finder application and/ or any losses, damages or defaults which may be incurred by the Cardmember or any
other person in connection with the use of or due to the lack of access to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services and/ or the Boingo Wi-
Finder application. The Cardmember acknowledges and agrees that all data and information of the Cardmember is being
provided by the Cardmember directly to Boingo to enrol in and avail of the Boingo Wi-Fi Services and neither the Bank nor
Mastercard are responsible to the Cardmember with respect to such information. Neither the Bank nor Mastercard shall
have any obligations and/ or liability to the Cardmember for any risks or costs associated with such information and/ or any
losses, damages or defaults which may be incurred by the Cardmember pursuant to the sharing of such information by the
The Bank shall not be responsible for ensuring availability of access to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services and/or free enrollment
and/or usage of the Boingo Wi-Fi Services. The Cardmember acknowledges and agrees that the access to the Boingo Wi-Fi
Services may become chargeable and it is the Cardmember’s responsibility to check the terms and conditions of use,
including the charges, for using the Boingo Wi-fi Services in advance of using the Boingo Wi-fi Services. The Cardmember
agrees that the Bank reserves the right to suspend/ withdraw/ terminate the Boingo Wi-Fi Services at any time without any
notice to the Cardmember.
The Cardmember acknowledges and agrees that the Boingo Wi-Fi Services membership is linked to and available as product
feature enabled on the Corporate Card. The Boingo Wi-Fi Services membership shall automatically cease and be terminated
on the Cardmember ceasing to hold a Corporate Card and/ or if the Boingo Wi-Fi Program ceases to be available as a product
feature of the Corporate Card.
The Cardmember hereby provides its consent and authorises:
1. the Bank to automatically enroll the Cardmember for the Boingo Wi-Fi Services;
2. the Bank to disclose, share, transfer, part with from time to time (including permitting of such disclosure by the card
association concerned) without notice to the Cardmember, any or all of the information or data, other documents
submitted/ executed by the Cardmember and/ or any other information or data relating to the Cardmember and the
Cardmember’s usage of the Corporate Card now or hereafter to any person (including, without limitation, to card
associations and to Boingo). The Cardmember hereby waives the privilege of privacy;
3. Boingo to process charges on the Corporate Card, where relevant.
The Cardmember expressly and unequivocally agrees to and hereby does indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless the
Bank and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, consultants and other representatives, successors and
assigns of, from and against all, direct and indirect, claims, damages, fines, penalties, losses, costs and expenses, including
attorneys’ fees incurred by the Bank as a result of providing access to the Boingo Wi-Fi Services including, without limitation,
in the following cases:
1. any claim made or proceeding commenced by any vendor or any other person against the Bank, in relation to the
Boingo Wi-Fi Services; or
2. as a result of faulty, inaccurate or unauthorised information having been provided to the Bank/ Mastercard by the
Corporate, the Cardmembers and/ or the officers/ employees of the Corporate.
Discount offers by the Bank are governed by the Terms and Conditions of the specific promotion offer.
Cardmembers are not bound in anyway to participate in such programmes. Any such participation is voluntary and the
offer is made on a ‘best effort basis’
HDFC Bank is neither responsible nor guarantees the quality of goods/services at the participating establishments, nor
is liable for any defect or deficiency or shortcoming or facilitating process of the goods/services so obtained/availed
or redeemed by HDFC Bank Credit Cardmembers at the participating establishments. All participating establishments
are independently liable/responsible for the quality of goods/services or otherwise provided by them under this
programme. HDFC Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss/damage/claim that may arise out of
use or otherwise of any goods or services availed by the HDFC Bank Cardmembers. HDFC Bank reserves the absolute right
to withdraw and/or alter any of the Terms and Conditions of such programmes at any time.
As a Cardmember of the Bank, you may avail of the exclusive travel related services with the travel agency/hotels/
restaurants/business lounges nominated by the Bank from time to time.
However, the Bank reserves the right to cancel/alter/withdraw the facility to the Cardmember(s) without any prior notice.
The Bank does not make any representation and/or warranty of any nature whatsoever on the quality of services
rendered by the service providers and shall not be responsible and/or liable in respect of the same in whatsoever manner.
Any issue/disputes that the Cardmember may have with the service provider to its services offered/provided must be
taken up directly with the service provider only. The Cardmember agrees to absolve the Bank of any related disputes
The charges mentioned are valid as of the date of printing. They are subject to change from time to time at the Banks
discretion with due intimation to the Cardmember through the Banks website and by other acceptable modes of
The Cardmember may use the Credit Card to get drafts for payments towards utility bills of companies such as Electricity,
Telephones and/or any other Company and entity as may be permitted by the Bank from time to time. The same is
presently available up to a maximum of the available cash limit and thereafter as determined by the Bank from time to
time. The minimum draft value and Delivery or other Charges will be as specified by the Bank. The transaction will be
treated as a Cash Advance. The Cardmember must notify the Bank immediately in the event of a draft being stolen or
lost. The Bank will not be liable for misuse of the lost/stolen draft. The Cardmember is required to complete an Indemnity
Form available at the Credit Card Division for such re-issue request. At the Banks discretion a fresh draft will be issued or
the existing draft will be cancelled as per the Cardmembers express written instruction.
The Cardmember agrees to provide correct identification details as registered with the billing company. The Cardmember
agrees to indemnify the Bank from any liability due to erroneous information in this regard. The Cardmember further
agrees and accepts responsibility to intimate the Bank regarding any changes in his identification details.
The Cardmember agrees that the record of instructions given and transactions with the Bank shall be conclusive proof
and binding for all purposes and can be used as evidence in any proceedings.
The Cardmember agrees that all transactions other than those executed instantaneously by the Bank, that is those
requiring processing by the Bank, will be carried out only during business hours and the value dates, if any, will follow the
operating hours/days decided by the Bank. The Cardmember agrees that the Bank is at liberty to withdraw at any time,
this facility, or any services provided thereunder, in respect of any or all the accounts without assigning any reason
whatsoever and with due intimation to the Cardmember through the Banks website and by other acceptable modes
of communication.
The Bank reserves the right to vary any of the Terms and Conditions of Use stated below from time to time with due
intimation to the Cardmember through the Banks website and by other acceptable modes of communication.
`Rewards Programme’ means the programme offered by the Bank under which its Cardmember/Corporates will be
allowed to accumulate Reward Points for purchases (goods and services) made at Merchant establishments by using
the card and/or any other card usage deemed eligible by the Bank. The Cardmember/Corporates may be allowed to
redeem the Reward Points so accumulated against products and/or discounts and/or services offered by the Bank from
time to time.
`Loyalty Programmes’ mean the programmes conducted by a strategic partner of the Bank under which Cardmember/
Corporate will be allowed t o transfer Reward Points to these Loyalty Programmes (as and when made available) as per
the Terms and Conditions in the Rewards Programme from time to time. The details of the Reward Points that can be
transferred will be updated in the Rewards Catalogue from time to time.
`Reward Points List means the list published by the Bank from time to time, of the number of Reward Points required to
claim a product(s) or service(s) in accordance with the Rewards Programmes Terms and Conditions.
`Reward Points’ or Points’ means units added to or subtracted from a Reward Points records in the Banks books in
accordance with the Rewards Programmes Terms and Conditions.
`Reward Points Record’ means a record maintained by the Bank in relation to a Card Account for the purpose of tracking
accumulated Reward Points and for determining when the Cardmember/Corporate becomes entitled to claim an item
from the Rewards Catalogue.
`Rewards Service Centre’ or Rewards Redemption Centre’ means the centre designated to handle queries on Reward
Points/redemption of Reward Points and/or all rewards related queries on the Rewards Programme and/or handle
despatch of items and Reward Certificates.
`Rewards Catalogue’ hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue, means the catalogue published from time to time by the
Bank, of merchandise available for redemption that may be claimed by the Cardmember/Corporate in accordance with
the Rewards Programmes Terms and Conditions and any Terms and Conditions in the Catalogue.
`Reward Certificates’ means a specific Redemption Voucher issued under the Rewards Programme by the Bank to a
Cardmember/Corporate when a request is made by the Cardmember/Corporates for a redemption of Reward Points
against products and/or discounts and/or services.
Reward Points accrued will reflect in the Statement as a message and will reflect as Reward Points Summary. The following
will reflect under the Reward Points Status:
Opening Balance
Closing Balance
‘Closing Balance’ means Reward Points that can be redeemed by the Cardmember/Corporate for merchandise (goods/
services) from the Rewards Catalogue or for Rewards Certificate. Reward Points will become available for redemption
only when the Reward Points reflect in your Statement of Account in the ‘Closing Balance’ field. Minimum number of
Reward Points that can be redeemed are 500 Reward Points. or as per product feature mentioned on Bank website. HDFC
Bank reserves the right to amend the minimum number of Reward Points required for redemption from time to time
with due intimation to the Cardmember through the Banks website and by other acceptable modes of communication.
Reward Points earned this month’ means Reward Points that have accrued on the transactions appearing on the
Statement of Account.
Rewards Programme is voluntary and it is understood that all charges are voluntarily incurred by the Cardmember in the
normal course of card usage. Further, nothing contained herein will prejudice or affect the Terms and Conditions of
Cardmember Agreement. The terms in this Rewards Programme will be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms
contained in the Cardmember Agreement.
Rewards Programme is a feature made available by the Bank and the Bank expressly reserves the right, at any time, to
add to and/or alter, modify, change or vary all or any of the Terms and Conditions or to replace wholly or in part, this
Rewards Programme by another Rewards Programme, or withdraw it altogether, without assigning any reasons and with
due intimation to the Cardmember through the Banks website and by other acceptable modes of communication, even
though the changes may affect Reward Points already accumulated. Cardmembers may be notified of changes to these
Terms and Conditions in such manner as determined by the Bank from time to time.
1 Cardmembers may accumulate Reward Points for purchases (goods and services) made at Merchant Establishments
by using the card and/or any other card usage deemed eligible by the Bank.
2 However, Reward Points will not accrue on interest charges, government taxes/charges, fees, Card Account
adjustments resulting from disputed transactions or otherwise, cash advances, quasi cash transactions, and any
transaction that is treated as a cash advance, such as transfers from other Financial Institutions Card Accounts, for
example Balance Transfer, Foreign Exchange, Travellers’ Cheques and gambling chip purchases, utility bills and/or
other prohibited transactions also as notified by the Bank from time to time.
3 The Reward Points accrued may be accumulated by a Cardmember. Reward Points may also be added to the
Cardmembers Point Record for promotional and incentive programmes offered from time to time.
4 The number of Reward Points that may be provided from time to time for transactions will be specified in the latest
Rewards Catalogue or other communication from the Bank.
5 When the Cardmember obtains a refund or reimbursement for charges previously incurred (for example, for returned
merchandise or a cancelled transaction) a credit will be issued to the Card Account in the amount of
reimbursement granted. Such credits posted to the Card Account including but not limited to those arising from
returned goods or services or cancelled transactions, will reduce the Reward Points accrued to the Card Account
referable to the adjustments.
6 The Banks computation of Reward Points shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Cardmember and will not be
liable to be disputed or questioned.
7 Reward Points have no monetary value, except in respect of the value assigned by the Bank, are not convertible
and can only be redeemed for items from the Rewards Catalogue. The obligation, if any, to provide Reward Points
in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the Reward List and the Rewards Catalogue is of the Bank and the
Cardmember will have no recourse against any Merchant Establishments in respect of Reward Points recorded in the
Cardmembers Reward Points Record. There will be no refunds for Reward Points that are redeemed. Reward Points
may not be transferred or sold.
8 Reward Points will accrue monthly, based on the relevant Card Account billing cycle and use of the Card or Card
Account in the previous month. The Bank expressly reserves the right at its discretion to any time establish additional
means of accruing Reward Points, to delete any or all of the means currently recognised or to exclude specific types
of transactions from accumulation of Reward Points.
9 Reward Points will reflect as a message in the Card Statements. The message will indicate Reward Points earned in
the current month for the transactions that are specified in the Statement in the month, together with information
on Reward Points that are available to be redeemed. The Reward Points for redemption are Reward Points net of
total points earned and redeemed for the previous month and net of adjustments (corrections/reversals). Request
for missing Reward Points must be submitted promptly in writing to, The Manager - Customer Services, HDFC Bank
Credit Card Division and be accompanied by a legible copy of the relevant sales receipts or Card Account Statements.
The Bank will investigate all Reward Points queries but reserves the right to be the final arbiter in the event of any
dispute. The Bank further reserves the right to adjust Reward Points Records retrospectively in the event of incorrect
crediting or otherwise. The Card Statement will not carry the Reward Points message if the Card Account is irregular
or is not conducted as per the Banks Terms and Conditions.
10 The Bank reserves the right to cancel or suspend Reward Points relating to the Card Account if it is in arrears,
suspension or default or if the Card Account is or is reasonably suspected to be operated fraudulently. Reward Points
earned but not redeemed at the time of death of the Cardmember shall be forfeited.
11 The Bank will make reasonable attempts to transmit information on Reward Points on the monthly Card Statements,
notices and/or any other material relevant to the Cardmember to advise the Cardmember of various matters of
interest including changes to Terms and Conditions of the Rewards Programme. The Rewards Catalogue or the
Reward Points list of the Bank expressly disclaims any liability for failure to do so. The Bank will not be responsible
for Correspondence on the above to the Cardmember, lost or delayed in the mail. Any Card Statement or notice will
be deemed to have been given by the Bank if posted to the Cardmembers mailing address provided to the Bank. The
Cardmember is responsible for advising the Bank in writing of any change in address.
12 Subject to Clause 11 (mentioned above) the Cardmembers entitlement to redeem Reward Points is based on the
Reward Points message in the Card Statement in relation to a Card Account. The number of Reward Points required
to acquire Reward Points on various other Loyalty Programmes (as and when introduced) may vary from time to
time and the Bank reserves the sole right to change Reward Points allocated.
13 In the event a Card Account is closed, the Bank will notify the Cardmember of such closure and any allowable claim
for redemption of Reward Points must be made within 30 days of the date of closure. In the event the Rewards
Programme is terminated, the Bank will notify the Cardmember of such termination and any allowable claim for
redemption of Reward Points must be made within 90 days of the termination.
14 Items available for redemption of Reward Points can only be selected from the latest Rewards Catalogue published
by the Bank from time to time.
15 The Bank will not be liable for any delay or inability in the provision of any items from the Rewards Catalogue caused
by circumstances such as and including but not limited to strike or industrial disputes, acts of God, flood, weather,
aircraft non-serviceability or unavailability, war or civil disturbance.
16 The Bank gives no warranty (whether expressly or implied) whatsoever with respect to products/services (including
as to quality/suitability) acquired by the Cardmember under the Rewards Programme.
17 Your Corporate may decide to switch off Reward Points’ on your card, please get in touch with your corporate with
regards to any clarification required.
1 All questions or disputes regarding eligibility for redemption or eligibility of Reward Points for accrual will be
resolved by the Bank at its discretion.
2 If a Card Account is in arrears, suspension, default or suspected/proven fraudulent, redemption of Reward Points will
not be permissible.
3 Cardmember/Corporate may choose to accrue further Reward Points towards a higher redemption value or multiple
redemption values; or make a claim for redemption, if sufficient Reward Points have been accumulated subject to
the validity of the programme.
4 Cardmember/Corporate must accumulate at least 500 Reward Points to be eligible to make a claim for redemption
of Reward Points. The Bank reserves the right to change the minimum number of Reward Points without notice and
without assigning reasons. The change, if any, caused by redemption will reflect in the Statement of Account in the
Closing Balance field.
5 All the redemption requests of the Cardmember/Corporate would attract a transaction fee or Rs. 99 (which may be
amended by the Bank from time to time).
6 Kindly allow 3-4 weeks time for delivery of items redeemed, subject to availability.
The Cardmember can use any of the redemption options specified in the Rewards Catalogue from time to time.
Reward point clause
I understand, acknowledge and confirm that the Corporate Card issued to me by HDFC Bank on the recommendation
of my employer, to facilitate payment of the expenses incurred / to be incurred by me for official purpose. I hereby
specifically agree and authorise my afore mentioned employer to solely give instructions to HDFC Bank for all matters,
deeds or things in connection with the Corporate Card including but not limited to reward points, redemption of reward
points, credit balance refund in favour of my employer and HDFC Bank is hereby authorised to act there upon to complete
exclusion of any instructions whatsoever received by HDFC Bank from me.
After accumulating the required number of Reward Points, the Cardmember/Corporate may, subject to the number of
Reward Points, subject to the time limits for using the Reward Points and any restrictions on the number of redemption
options, request for a redemption of Reward Points in accordance with the latest Reward Points List and Rewards
Cardmember/Corporate should complete the rewards coupon and mail it to the specified address for redemption of
the Reward Points. Subject to the Terms and Conditions and any Terms and Conditions in the Rewards Catalogue, the
Bank or its duly appointed agent will forward the merchandise requested for to the Cardmember/Corporate only after a
request is made for a redemption of Reward Points and only to the Cardmember/Corporate mailing I address in India as
per the Banks records. Merchandise will not be forwarded to P.O. Box addresses. If the Cardmember/Corporate does not
receive the Merchandise ordered, he should inform the Rewards Service Centre in writing at the earliest. Merchandise
once ordered cannot be changed for some other Merchandise within the Rewards Catalogue. Merchandise once ordered
cannot be returned/exchanged unless the merchandise is delivered defective. Complaints regarding defective goods
and any other queries must be made to the Rewards Service Centre in writing. Complaints on defective Merchandise
must be made within seven days of receipt of merchandise. Complaints received thereafter will not be entertained. Some
Merchandise may be accompanied by warranty information from the manufacturer. No merchandise/article/gift voucher
will be taken back/replaced if returned to HDFC Bank or its representative in a tampered/damaged condition. All warranty
claims must be directed to the manufacturer. If damage is evident from the condition to the packaging,
Cardmember/Corporate should refuse the consignment and get a refusal note from the courier-company. The refusal
notes should be faxed/couriered to the Rewards Service Centre. All disputes relating to merchandise/services are to be
taken up directly with the manufacturers/suppliers thereof. All items in the Rewards Catalogue are subject to availability
and substitutions may be necessary. Special conditions may apply in relation to individual items.
1 Reward Points used to redeem an item from the Rewards Catalogue will be deducted from the Cardmembers
Reward Points Record at the time the request is received by the Reward Service Centre and the adjustment will reflect
in the next months Card Statement. All enquiries regarding Reward Points in the Card Statements must be made to
the Reward Service Centre within 90 days of the date of issue of the Card Statement. Redemption requests must be
made by the Cardmember/Corporate only. Cardmember/Corporate cannot make redemption requests by pooling
Reward Points on different Card Accounts. Items once claimed, as Rewards cannot be returned for Points to a
Reward Points Record or encashed. Transfer of Reward Points to other Loyalty Programmes will be solely at the
discretion of the Bank and subject to the Terms and Conditions applicable to the respective Loyalty Programmes
relating thereto from time to time.
2 Except as provided in any law which cannot be lawfully excluded or modified by Agreement, the Bank makes no
warranties or representations either express or implied and the Bank disclaims any and all liabilities (including
consequential damages) with respect to type, quality, standard or fitness or suitability for any purpose of Rewards.
The Bank expressly disclaims any and all liabilities with respect to negligence and breach of terms implied by law
(including statute). The Bank does not accept any liability with respect to death, injury or any consequential loss
arising fro m the supply of a Reward or from the loss, theft or destruction of a Reward.
In the event that the Bank is liable for breach of any item implied by law, the Bank limits that liability where they are
entitled to do so to:
Replacements or repair of the merchandise or payment of the cost of replacing or repairing the merchandise and
supplying the services against or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
3 The Bank may at any time and in its discretion, and without prior notice to the Cardmember, withdraw, limit, modify,
cancel or increase the continued availability of any Reward or the number of Reward Point(s) required to obtain a
particular Reward. The Bank expressly reserves the right to limit the number of multiple redemption options of any
one type which a Cardmember may claim at any one time or from time to time.
4 The Bank would specify a time frame from time to time within which the Points accrued by the Cardmember/
Corporate may be redeemed. Points not redeemed within such specified time limit would be lapsed and the Bank
will not be responsible for claim of gifts against such lapsed points.
5 Every effort would be made to ensure that the information provided in the Reward Points List, Card Statement and
Rewards Catalogue are current before claiming a Reward. However, the Bank expressly disclaims any responsibility for
any inaccuracy or mis-description. As the items offered in the Rewards Catalogue may change from time to time the
Cardmember/Corporate should always contact the Reward Service Centre to ensure that their Reward Points List, Card
Statement and the Rewards Catalogue are current before claiming a Reward.
6 Any tax liability, stamp or other duty or other government charge where reporting is required in connection with
or on any benefit derived by the Cardmember/Corporate from the use of a card or receipt of a Reward is the
Cardmember/Corporate sole responsibility.
The term SmartPay shall mean Standing Instructions for Direct Debit authorisation of the Cardholders HDFC Bank
International Credit Card Account towards billings by utility companies.
The term Utility Company shall mean a company, organisation or entity that sends a Bill, statement or invoice, usually a
request for payment for a product or service.
HDFC Bank reserves the right to approve/reject the registration forms without assigning any reason whatsoever.
SmartPay application form should be filled by the Primary Cardholder. The facility will be available only on the designated
Credit Card Account and no other account held with the Bank. HDFC Bank reserves the right to revoke/stop this facility
if the credit behaviour on the card is unsatisfactory. The Cardholder agrees that he would fill up a new SmartPay
application form when the Credit Card Account number, address or any specific utility customer ID specified in the
application form, is transferred or changed. It will be the responsibility of the Cardholder to inform HDFC Bank in
writing of any change or withdrawal of the SmartPay facility thus availed. Such change or withdrawal will take 30 days to
be effected. Failure of the Cardholder to do the same and subsequent debits if any towards utility payments will
constitute valid transactions and the Cardholder will be liable to pay the same. Certain Utilities/Service providers may
specify the date on which payment is to be made and notwithstanding any instructions given by the Cardholder in this
regard, HDFC Bank shall remit the payment anytime before the Payment Due Date specified by the Utilities/Service
providers. Without prejudice to the generality of the aforesaid processing of all the instructions is subject to the
availability of free, clear and available limits in the Cardholders HDFC Bank Credit Card Account at the time of processing
the transaction. In the event of Credit Limits not being wholly available, HDFC Bank shall not process the instructions and
shall not make payments to the utility company. Any disputes arising out of disconnection of the utility facility, penalty
from government and late charges on instalment dues arising due to change/revocation of the facility will be the sole
responsibility of the Cardholder and the Cardholder will not hold HDFC Bank responsible/liable for the same. The
Cardholder indemnifies HDFC Bank from and against all actions, suits, claims, liabilities and proceedings due to or arising
out of any or all disputes between the Cardholder and Utility companies or by reason of HDFC Bank acting in good faith
or refusing to take or omitting to act on the SmartPay facility. HDFC Bank shall not be liable to the Cardholder for any
loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever arising directly or indirectly including without limitation due to delay or failure
to give effect to the SmartPay facility. • HDFC Bank will endeavour to effect payments/carry-out instructions received by
it within the Payment Due Date to each utility company. However, HDFC Bank does not warrant that payment/fulfilment
of instructions will not be delayed for reasons beyond its control. As the instructions would depend on various electronic
technology used from time to time, there could be delays in receipt of any instructions by HDFC Bank from the Cardholder
and by the provider of Utilities/Services. HDFC Bank will not in any way be connected with the disputes between utility
companies and the Cardholder. This facility is available only for utility bills pertaining to residential uses. No commercial
utility bills will be paid under this scheme. Signing of the SmartPay application form does not ensure automatic approval
of this facility. The SmartPay facility is in respect of the entire charges or to the extent of the limit set by the Cardholder
on the utility outstanding and the said instruction shall be valid and binding for the validity period and subsequent
renewal period of the Card Account unless and until rescinded by the Cardholder in writing to HDFC Bank. No receipt will
be given for bills paid through this facility, Cardholder statement is adequate proof that such payment was paid to utility
company. HDFC Bank neither endorses the Utilities/ Services offered, nor is it in any manner party to the contracts that
may be executed between the Cardholder and the providers of such Utilities/Services. The providers of Utilities/Services
shall be solely responsible to the Cardholder to render the Utilities/Services for which payment is to be made by HDFC
Bank and HDFC Bank shall not be responsible/liable for any deficiency in the same including, but not limited to, deficient
quality, delivery, quantity etc. and shall not be made party to any disputes between the Cardholder and any providers of
Utilities/Services. The Cardholder shall not hold HDFC Bank liable for any non-service, delayed service or faulty service
rendered by the provider of Utilities/Services and shall not contact or communicate in any manner whatsoever, inter
alia, by electronic mail, phone, post, SMS or personal meeting with HDFC Bank in this regard.
HDFC Bank shall be entitled (without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have) to charge the Cardholder late
payment interest at the applicable rate for delayed payment on all late payments from the date the charge was required
to be paid until the actual date of payment. HDFC Bank may, in its sole discretion, accept any cancellation request by
the Cardholder, provided that HDFC Bank has not already made the utility payment for the month for which the
cancellation request is made. Nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the Terms and Conditions of the
Cardmember Agreement. The terms of this facility shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms contained in
the Cardmember Agreement. Nothing contained in the SmartPay facility shall be construed as binding obligation on
HDFC Bank or any participating utility company to continue the facility after the facility termination date or substitute by
a new or similar facility.• As and when other communication channels are introduced HDFC Bank may be entitled to rely
upon all electronic communications orders or messages to HDFC Bank from the Cardholder whether received by email,
SMS, on telephone or otherwise in the manner prescribed for the same from time to time by HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank
shall not be obliged to verify or make further inquiry into the identity of the sender or the message integrity, of any
communications, orders or messages. The Cardholder shall in no circumstance dispute such reliance by HDFC Bank. All
disputes arising out of the SmartPay facility shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in Chennai.
The SmartPay nomination will be effective subject to HDFC Bank Credit Card being valid and in good standing. HDFC
Bank may at its sole discretion accept or decline the said SmartPay application form. The record of charges in respect of
the above services received or availed by me and
by utility companies to my Card Account will neither bear my
signature nor the imprint of my card. I therefore undertake to unconditionally honour and pay without demur and
contestation all the said charges including interim charges booked by me under this facility, as and when I am billed for
the same by HDFC Bank. This Recurring Transaction Instruction shall subsist during the validity period of my card and
subsequent renewals thereof. HDFC Bank is not responsible or liable for any service and/or billing deficiencies or
inadequacies of utility companies as the case may be. Furthermore, I affirm that I am liable to honour all my Credit Card
commitments irrespective of any grievances/complaints I may have with utility companies. • Cardmember will continue
making payments towards the above utility outstanding until I receive an SMS/email/letter confirmation from HDFC Bank
indicating that my SmartPay facility has been activated. • Cardmember agrees to communicate termination of facility to
HDFC Bank in writing failing which the payment made to the utility company will be construed as valid and binding on
me. Cardmember agrees to resolve disputes (if any) of whatsoever nature directly with the utility company and will not
hold HDFC Bank liable for any deficiency of services provided by the utility company. HDFC Bank may change from time
to time the utility companies for which SmartPay facility is extended.
Corp A1.0
Expense Management Solution is designed for HDFC Bank Corporate Credit Cardholders only.
Corporate has the option of enrolling into the Expense Management Solution Programme and that will be available
to the Corporate after the corporate fills up the set of documents and sends across to HDFC Bank. HDFC Bank
Corporate Cardholder understands that internet transmission lines are not fully encrypted and that web access
is not a completely secure means of data management. The Cardholder acknowledges and accepts that such
insecure transmission methods involve security risks including possible third party interception risk of possible
unauthorised alteration of data and/or unauthorised usage thereof for whatever purposes. The Cardholder
specifically agrees to exempt the Bank from, any and all responsibility/liability arising from such misuse and
agrees not to hold the Bank responsible for any such misuse and further agree to hold the Bank free and harmless
from all losses, costs, damages, expenses that may be suffered by the Cardholder due to any errors and delays. The
Cardholder agrees that the same shall not be considered as a breach by the Bank of banker- customer
In respect of the Corporate Card(s) issued by the Bank in terms hereof, in the event that the Corporate utilises an
expense management solution and requests the Bank to share or provides its consent for the relevant card
network to share data or information in respect of the Corporate Cards including transactions effected on the
Corporate Card(s) with the service provider offering the Corporate an expense management solution (“Expense
Management Data Sharing”),the Cardholder hereby agrees and undertakes that the Bank shall not be liable for
any costs, losses and/or damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the Expense Management Data
Sharing. The Cardholder hereby acknowledges and agrees that where access to any such Expense Management
Solution Programme is provided by a third party introduced to the Corporate by the Bank, whether a service
provider, card association or otherwise, the Corporate and the Cardmember shall, if it so desires based on its
independent assessment, contract with such third parties and in such cases, the Bank shall not be liable for any
obligations, performance, risks or costs associated therewith.
HDFC Bank does not take any liability of non-availability of the web page due to ISP server problem. Bad/slow
connections or any other technical issue at the end of the ISP/Mail servers or the Cardholders end.
HDFC Bank Corporate Credit Cardholders are not bound in anyway to participate in this programme. Any such
participation is voluntary.
Any disputes arising out of this programme shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in
Chennai. The existence of a dispute if any does not constitute a claim against HDFC Bank.
The Bank reserves the right to vary any of the above Terms and Conditions of the Cardmember Agreement from time
to time with due intimation to the customer. Changed Terms and Conditions shall be communicated through the
Banks website and by other acceptable modes of communication.