Falsifying information is a violation of the Texas Penal Code and Texas Education
TEXAS PENAL CODE: Section 37.10 Tampering with Government Records:
Class A Misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $4,000, or
both jail time and a fine.
TEXAS EDUCATION CODE: Section 25.001(h) In addition to the penalty provided
by Section 37.10, Texas Penal Code, a person who knowingly falsifies information on a
form required for enrollment of a student in a school district is liable to the district if the
student is not eligible for enrollment, but is enrolled on the basis of the false
information. The person is liable for the period during which the ineligible student is
enrolled, for the greater of:
(1) The maximum tuition fee the district may charge under Section 25.038
of this code; or
(2) The amount the district has budgeted for each student as maintenance
and operating expenses.
Falsification will result in immediate withdrawal of the student(s) and maintenance
and operating expenses for the current year will be charged for each student on a
per school day basis.
Records must be updated immediately if there is any change in demographic
information, i.e. change of address, phone number, etc. It is the sole responsibility of
the parent/guardian to notify the school of such changes and provide the appropriate
updated documentation (including, but not limited to updated driver’s license as well
as current lease, mortgage agreement or deed, and current gas/electric bill).
Parent Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________
Student Name _________________________________________ Grade ____________