John F. Kennedy International Airport
Revised January 2021
Issued By
Aviation Department
150 Greenwich Street,
4 World Trade Center, 18
New York, NY 10006
John F. Kennedy International Airport
Jamaica, New York 11430
Under the terms of agreements with the City of New York, dated April 17,
1947, and with the City of Newark, dated October 22, 1947, the Port Authority
of New York and New Jersey (the Port Authority) is responsible for the
improvement, development, operation and maintenance of LaGuardia Airport,
John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty International
The Port Authority under the terms of purchase agreements with the owners of
property and buildings comprising Teterboro Airport acquired this airport on
April 2, 1949. The airport has been operated and maintained by the Port
Authority. On November 1, 2007, the Port Authority entered into a long-term
operating and maintenance agreement for Stewart International Airport, which
is owned by the State of New York.
Permits for occupancy and privileges at LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy
International, Newark Liberty International, Teterboro, and Stewart
International airports may be obtained upon application to The Port Authority
of New York and New Jersey, Aviation Department, Properties and
Commercial Development Division, 150 Greenwich Street, 4 World Trade
Center, 18
Floor, New York, New York, 10006.
The managers of LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy International, Newark Liberty
International, Teterboro, and Stewart International airports are authorized to
act for the undersigned in connection with the enforcement of all rules and
regulations applying to these airports.
Huntley A. Lawrence
Aviation Department
Kevin J. O’Toole, Chairman Kevin P. McCabe
Jeffery H. Lynford, Vice Chairman Richard H. Bagger
Raymond M. Pocino
Leecia Eve Rossana Rosado
Daniel J. Horwitz David S. Steiner
Gary LaBarbera
Executive Director
Rick Cotton
This document is published as a guide to the Schedule of Charges for Air Terminals
for the benefit of airport patrons and tenants, and of Port Authority staff. It is not a
codification of the resolutions of the Port Authority Board of Commissioners and its
Committees and must not be construed as such.
Any words or phrases used herein which are especially designed for the Schedule of
Charges in the Resolution of the Committee on Operations of The Port Authority of
New York and New Jersey adopted July 12, 1951, establishing rules and regulations
governing the operation of Port Authority Air Terminals (which appears at page 22
et seq. of the official minutes of that date), as amended, shall be read, and construed
in accordance with such special definitions.
Credit Arrangements
All charges under the Schedule of Charges published herein shall be payable in cash
as they are incurred unless credit arrangements satisfactory to the Treasurer have
been made in advance including, but not limited to, the payment of all arrears in
accounts with the Port Authority. Any airport patron or tenant in arrears in its
accounts with the Port Authority may be denied the use of any Port Authority
Facility based thereon.
CHARGES For The Use of the Public Landing Area, and Related Areas and
I. Public Landing Area Charges
1. (a) Except as set forth in paragraph 1.(b) below, the charge for each aircraft
takeoff shall be $12.59 (effective 01/01/2021) per thousand pounds of
maximum gross weight, provided that the minimum charge for each such
takeoff shall be: .......................... $25.00*;
* With the exception of scheduled commuter air carriers maintaining a
schedule of one or more round trips per day, at least five days a week into a
single airport, pursuant and subject to a Port Authority permit, the minimum
fee for each such take-off shall be $20, provided that the minimum fee for
each such take-off by an aircraft which either take-offs or lands (or both)
between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. shall be $50.
(b) For each aircraft either landing or taking off or both landing and taking-
off between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. every day, there shall
be a charge of $100 in addition to the charge based on maximum gross
(c) The additional charge of $100 set forth in paragraph 1.(b) above shall
not apply to helicopters, scheduled commuters or airlines.
2. Maximum gross weight for takeoff shall mean the maximum gross weight
which an aircraft may lawfully have, at the time of leaving the ground at
any airport in the United States (under the most favorable conditions
which may exist at such airport and without regard to special limiting
factors arising out of the particular time, place or circumstances of the
particular takeoff, such as runway length, air temperature, or the like.) If
such maximum gross weight is not fixed by or pursuant to law, then said
phrase shall mean the actual gross weight at takeoff.
3. In the event an aircraft departs from the Air Terminal for another
destination, which aircraft, without making a stop to another airport,
is forced to land at the Air Terminal because of meteorological
conditions, operating causes, or for any similar emergency or
precautionary reason, such charge shall not be payable in connection
with the subsequent departure of such aircraft or a substituted
aircraft; provided, however, that on such subsequent departure the
aircraft or substituted aircraft is destined for the same point and
transports the same or substantially the same load.
II. Public Ramp and Apron Area Charges
For an aircraft remaining on the public ramp and apron area for more than
10 minutes after the Manager of the Air Terminal has directed that such
aircraft be removed because of congestion of aircraft upon the said area,
the urgency for making space available for other aircraft, snow removal, or
other operational requirements, which said notice shall not in any event be
given to an aircraft which has been assigned a parking position until the
aircraft has been on such area for 20 minutes:
For the first 15 minutes or fraction thereof $50.00
For each additional 15 minutes or fraction thereof $100.00
III. Public Aircraft Parking and Storage Area Charges (effective 09/09/2015)
1. For each eight (8) hours or fraction thereof
For each aircraft not exceeding
100,000 pounds maximum gross
weight for take-off...
(b) For each aircraft exceeding
100,001 pounds but not
exceeding 200,000 pounds of
maximum gross weight for take-off...
(c) For each additional 25,000
pounds or fraction thereof
in excess of 200,000
pounds maximum gross weight
for take-off an additional...
(d) For aircraft parking on
Public Aircraft Facility
locations, while actively
conducting aircraft deicing
operations, the aircraft
parking rates and charges
shall be assessed in 30
minute increments, or
fraction thereof.
2. Maximum gross weight for take-off shall have the meaning set forth
in the Public Landing Area Charges of the Schedule of Charges.
3. Operators of aircraft who have entered into agreements with The Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey for the exclusive use of a portion
of the public aircraft parking and storage areas sufficient to accommodate
their aircraft, shall not be subject to payment of the charges set forth in this
IV. Free Use of Air Terminal
Notwithstanding the provisions of any Schedule of Charges heretofore adopted for the use
of the public areas at John F. Kennedy International Airport, no charge shall be made for
the use of such areas at such Air Terminal by the following aircraft:
1. Aircraft owned, leased or chartered by the agencies of
the following governmental entities:
a. The United States of America provided, however, that during
any calendar month;
1) The total number of movements (counting each landing as
a movement and each takeoff as a movement) of such
government aircraft does not exceed 300, and
2) The gross accumulative weight of such government aircraft
(the total movements multiplied by gross certified weights of
such aircraft) does not exceed five million pounds.
b. The State of New York and their agencies.
c. The State of New Jersey and their agencies.
d. States other than New York and New Jersey and their agencies
with whom the Port Authority may enter into reciprocal fee-waiver
agreements wherever practical at the discretion of the Director of
e. Local governmental agencies within the Port District.
f. Any local governmental agency, when there is a reciprocal
agreement between that agency and The Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey.
2. Aircraft owned, leased or chartered by The Port Authority of New
York and New Jersey.
V. Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)
Per F.A.A. Regulation 158.43 of 14 CFR, for each eligible enplaned
passenger (Domestic or International) departing from any
terminal ........ $4.50 (effective 04/01/06)
VI. Special Terminal Charge
For each 8-hour police tour, or at the discretion of the Airport Manager
any portion thereof, for providing police security requested by an airline or
required by federal regulation when the airline in question has no prior
agreement with the Port Authority as to the provision of such
service.............$ 1,423 (effective 01/01/2021)
The Aviation Director may revise the rate at his / her discretion.
CHARGES - For The Use Of Public Vehicular Parking Areas and Employee
Parking - Effective January 8, 2017
I. Public Vehicular Parking Areas
The fee for parking automotive vehicles in daily lots in the central Terminal
Area Green, Orange, Red, Blue and Yellow Lots shall be as follows:
Green, Orange, Red Blue, Yellow
Up to 1/2 hour or part........... $ 4.00 $ 5.00
Up to 1 hour……….............. $ 8.00 $ 10.00
Daily maximum……………… $ 35.00 $ 39.00
The fee for parking vehicles of those with restricted mobility and valid disabled
license plates or other official permits shall be the same as the lowest rate
available at the airport. Spaces for those with restricted mobility are identified by
the international symbol for the disabled. Vehicles parked in these specially
designated spaces must display state or municipal identification or they will be
towed away. For additional information, write to The Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey, Aviation Properties and Commercial
Development Division, 150 Greenwich Street, 4 World Trade Center, 18
New York, New York 10007.
c. The fee for parking automotive vehicles in the Long Term Parking Lot (Lot 9)
shall be as follows:
Up to the first 24hours or part……… $ 18.00
Each additional 8-hour period or part……… $ 6.00
In addition, parking for automotive vehicles will be at other locations and rates as
designated by the Airport Manager.
d. The fees for parking automotive vehicles in Employee parking Lot 8 shall
be as follows: (effective 02/01/2017)
For each month, $70.00 per vehicle, payable in advance by the employer.
There shall be a penalty fee of $70.00 for a lost parking lot entrance gate card,
payable upon notification by the employer.
The foregoing Schedule of Charges shall not apply to the following
a) Vehicles owned by the Port Authority.
b) Vehicles carrying holders of annual passes or E-ZPass issued by the Port
c) For the first 24 hours of parking, vehicles carrying persons who present
Port Authority Official Business Passes. At the expiration of the first 24-
hour parking period the vehicular parking charge shall commence.
d) For the first 24 hours of parking, vehicles carrying authorized Port
Authority represented employee staff who present personal passes or an
employee E-Z Pass issued by the Port Authority, with the exception of
green, blue, orange, yellow and red parking lots (formerly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
7) at John F. Kennedy International Airport, where the free parking
privilege is limited to 4 hours. At the expiration of the first 4-hour period in
the green, blue, orange, yellow and red parking lots at John F. Kennedy
International Airport, the vehicular parking charges shall commence as of
the time the vehicle was initially parked; in Long Term Parking located at
Lefferts Blvd. Airport entrance vehicular parking is free of charge; and in
all other lots the vehicular parking charge shall commence at the expiration
of the first 24-hour parking period.
For the first 24 hours of parking, vehicles carrying newspersons and
photographers holding press passes. (Newspersons and photographers
presenting press passes may make arrangements to park for an extended
period of time by obtaining prior permission from the Airport Manager.) At
the expiration of the first 24-hour parking period the vehicular parking
charge shall commence.
f) For the first 24 hours of parking, company identified vehicles carrying
employees of public utility companies provided these employees be on
official business involving the Air Terminal at which parked. If such official
business requires parking for more than 24 hours, prior permission must be
obtained from the Airport Manager. At the expiration of the first 24-hour
parking period the vehicular parking charge shall commence.
g) For the first 24 hours of parking, except for commutation vehicles carrying
federal, state or municipal police officers and health, fire, building, labor or
sanitation inspectors on official business affecting the Air Terminal at which
parked. If such official business requires parking for more than 24 hours, prior
permission must be obtained from the Airport Manager. At the expiration of the
first 24-hour parking period the vehicular parking charge shall commence.
h) For the first 24 hours of parking, vehicles carrying employees of the Federal
Aviation Administration, The Department of Transportation, The Federal
Communications Commission and the National Transportation Safety Board on
official business at a Port Authority Air Terminal. If such official business requires
parking for more than 24 hours, prior permission must be obtained from the Airport
Manager. (Federal employees of the above-mentioned federal agencies permanently
stationed at a Port Authority Air Terminal shall not park without fee.) At the
expiration of the first 24-hour parking period the vehicular parking charge shall
i) Vehicles carrying employees of those airport lessees and permittees whose
leases and permits provide for parking without additional charge.
j) Vehicles carrying as passengers or vehicles waiting to receive as passengers any
one of the following persons and their official parties:
1. The President of the United States, the Vice President of the United
States, the Governors of the States of New York and New Jersey, the
United States Senators for the States of New York and New Jersey, and
United States Congressmen from the Port District;
2. The Mayor of any municipality in which any Airport is totally
or partially located;
3. Speakers of the New York State and New Jersey State Assembly and
Presidents of the New York State and New Jersey State Senate.
4. Chiefs of Staff of any branch of the military service and Chiefs of
military missions;
5. Foreign dignitaries of the rank of ambassador or consul-general or a
rank equivalent to any of the above.
k) Vehicles parked pursuant to the terms of a permit, lease, or other
agreement with the Port Authority.
CHARGES - Ground Transportation Airport Access Fees - Taxi and For-Hire
Vehicle Trips – Effective April 5, 2021
1. Taxi Trips:
a. $1.25 ground transportation airport access fee will apply per trip to all
taxi pick-up trips at the Airport.
b. The new charge will automatically be added to the taxi trip fare due from
2. For-Hire Vehicle (FHV) Trips:
a. $2.50 ground transportation airport access fee will apply per trip to each
FHV pick-up and drop-off trip at the Airport.
b. $1.25 ground transportation airport access fee will apply per trip to each
pooled FHV pick-up and drop-off trip at the Airport.
c. The new charge will automatically be added to the FHV trip fare due
from passengers.