Lesson 1 Understanding the Epidemiologic Triangle through Infectious
Investigative Questions
What is our experience with infectious diseases and what do we know about them?
What are the parts of the Epidemiologic Triangle and how does it help us
understand any infectious disease?
Relevant Standards
This activity fulfills science and health education standards.
Teacher Background
This series of lessons will introduce students to epidemiology through infectious
diseases and the scientific methods epidemiologists use to investigate those
diseases. Although these same methods are used to investigate other health issues
(for example, chronic disease, environmental problems, behavioral problems, and
injuries), these lessons focus on infectious disease to provide a clear example of
epidemiology that is appropriate for students at the middle school level. For more
information on the broad applications of epidemiology, see the “What is
Epidemiology? and Why Teach Epidemiology?.
Infectious Disease
Infectious diseases are diseases caused by microbes and that spread. The reason
for most sick days for both kids and teachers is an infectious disease. There are
many, from the common cold, ear infections, tonsillitis, and the flu (influenza) to
pneumonia and mononucleosis.
Infectious diseases are caused by microbesorganisms too small to be visible to
the naked eye. The most common infectious disease-causing microbes are
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa (a type of parasite).
The diseases may be passed from person to person (for example, if someone
coughs or sneezes on another person). Sometimes, the disease is passed through
another medium, for example, by drinking water or eating food infected with
Some diseases, such as Lyme disease, are passed from an animal carrier (including
insects and worms) to humans. Deer ticks pick up Lyme disease from small animals
such as mice (who don’t even get sick from the disease), lay their eggs and travel
around on deer, and sometimes end up on humans who can get sick if bitten. (Ticks,
fleas, mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches all can carry disease so it is best to protect
your body, food, water, and homes from them.)
Sometimes, infectious diseases develop new strains that resist older treatments.
During the 1980s, tuberculosis (TB)a disease that had nearly been eliminated in
developed countries through successful treatments with antibioticsreemerged.
In some cases, the new strain of TB was drug-resistant (antibiotics that worked
before now did not work).
The Epidemiologic Triangle
The Epidemiologic Triangle is a model that scientists have developed for studying
health problems. It can help your students understand infectious diseases and how
they spread.
and facts.
The Triangle has three corners (called vertices):
Agent, or microbe that causes the disease
(the “what” of the Triangle)
Host, or organism harboring the disease
(the “who” of the Triangle)
Environment, or those external factors that
cause or allow disease transmission (the
“where” of the Triangle)
An outbreak or an epidemic exists when there are more cases of a particular
disease than expected in a given area, or among a specific group of people, over a
particular period of time. Another other term you might come across is endemic,
when a population has a high level of the disease all the time. For example,
giardiasis and even malaria are endemic in parts of the world.
The mission of an epidemiologist is to break at least one of the sides of the
Triangle, disrupting the connection between the environment, the host, and
the agent, and stopping the continuation of disease. For examples of
epidemiologists at work, see the BAM! site about
Disease detectives under Diseases Section
SARS under Diseases Section
Smoking under Your Body Section
Here are more details on the parts of the Epidemiologic Triangle:
Vertex 1.
The Agent—“What”
The agent is the cause of the disease. When studying the epidemiology of most
infectious diseases, the agent is a microbean organism too small to be seen with
the naked eye. Disease-causing microbes are bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa
(a type of parasite). They are what most people call “germs.”
Bacteria: Bacteria are single-celled organisms. Bacteria have the tools to
reproduce themselves, by themselves. They are larger than viruses (but still
much too small to be seen with the naked eye). They are filled with fluid and
may have threadlike structures to move themselves, like a tail.
Virus: A virus may have a spiny outside layer, called the envelope. Viruses
have a core of genetic material, but no way to reproduce it on their own.
Viruses infect cells and take over their reproductive machinery to reproduce.
Fungi: Fungi are like plants made up of many cells. They are not called
plants because they cannot produce their own food from soil and water.
Instead, they live off animals, including people, and plants. Mushrooms and
yeast are fungi.
Protozoa: Protozoa are very small. Most live in water. They are parasites,
which means they live off other organisms, in some cases humans. Malaria
is a parasitic protozoan, as is Giardia.
Vertex 2.
The Host—“Who”
Hosts are organisms, usually humans or animals, which are exposed to and
harbor a disease. The host can be the organism that gets sick, as well as any
animal carrier (including insects and worms) that may or may not get sick.
Although the host may or may not know it has the disease or have any outward
signs of illness, the disease does take lodging from the host. The “host” heading
also includes symptoms of the disease. Different people may have different
reactions to the same agent. For example, adults infected with the virus varicella
(chickenpox) are more likely than children to develop serious complications.
Vertex 3.
The Environment—“Where” The environment is the favorable surroundings and
conditions external to the host that cause or allow the disease to be transmitted.
Some diseases live best in dirty water. Others survive in human blood. Still others,
like E. coli, thrive in warm temperatures but are killed by high heat. Other
environment factors include the season of the year (in the U.S., the peak of the flu
season is between November and March, for example).
In the center of the Triangle is time. Most infectious diseases have an incubation
periodthe time between when the host is infected and when disease symptoms
occur. Or, time may describe the duration of the illness or the amount of time a
person can be sick before death or recovery occurs. Time also describes the period
from an infection to the threshold of an epidemic for a population. These lessons do
not specifically cover the time because it is a complex concept for middle school
students; however, it can be covered as an extension for advanced students.
What’s our experience with infectious disease? (50 minutes)
Description of Content
This activity will get students interested in infectious diseases by discussing and
charting their own experiences. Students will, without knowing it, act like young
Students will:
Describe what infectious diseases are and how they spread
Explore their own family’s experience with infectious diseases
Student Reproducible 1: Infectious Diseases
Normal classroom safety guidelines should be observed.
Engagement (30 minutes over two days)
Give students Student Reproducible 1: Infectious Diseases. Tell them to take
this list home and discuss with their families what diseases they have had,
their parents have had, and their grandparents may have had, and mark
these on the list. Make sure to tell students that they don't have to mark
anything they or their family might be uncomfortable sharing.
The next day in class, write the word “Epidemiology” on the board. Explain to
students that it is scientific method of problem solving that "disease
detectives" use to get to the root of health problems.
Tell students that they will be studying “infectious” diseases, those that are
usually caused by microbes (“germs”) and that spread.
Did you know?
The word epidemiology comes from three Greek root words:
Epimeans “on, upon, befall” (think of epidermis“upon the body”)
Demomeans “people” (think of demographics“the study of statistics
of populations”)
-ologymeans “the study of”
So Epidemiology is literally defined as “the study of that which befalls people.”
4. Put students in groups of two or three. Have each group divide a piece of paper
into three columns:
Infectious Diseases
Ive Had
Infectious Diseases My
Parents or Grandparents
had, but I never did
Infectious Diseases Ive
heard about
5. Give students 5 to 10 minutes to fill in the chart.
6. Now ask groups to report on what’s in their charts. Write the answers on the
board. When more than one group names the same disease, put a check mark
next to it. Do this quickly. When students list diseases or medical conditions that
are not infectious (cancer, broken leg), explain briefly why they do not fit. If you
are not sure whether the disease is infectious or not, create a list labeled with a
question mark. Students can research these diseases later.
Your board might look like this:
Infectious Diseases
Ive Had
Infectious Diseases My
Parents or Grandparents
Had, But I Never Did
Infectious Diseases Ive
Heard About
Colds (15 checks)
Ear infections (10
Chickenpox (5 checks)
Tonsillitis (3 checks)
Flu (8 checks)
Scarlet fever
Rocky Mountain spotted
7. Ask students what conclusions they can draw from this list. Answers may
Certain infectious diseases are very common.
There are some diseases our parents or grandparents had but we don’t
get any more.
There are other infectious diseases we’ve heard of but not experienced.
8. Point out to students that they have just done a simple epidemiological
studylearning how diseases are distributed in place and time. They have seen
which diseases are most common among kids their age, which diseases their
parents or grandparents might have had but that people their age usually do not
(mostly because of vaccinations), and serious diseases they know people around
the world may get, but we usually do not. If this activity had been done by a class in
a poorer region of world, the findings would have been very different.
Exploration (20 minutes)
1. Ask why our parents and grandparents had diseases we did not. One reason
is vaccination. Students can explore the Immune Platoon on the BAM! Web site for
more information on vaccination and share it with the class.
2. Ask students to find out more about infectious diseases that are prevalent in
the developing world and report on these to the class. Have them research factors
(e.g., sanitation or lack of vaccines, food, water, or shelter) that allow the diseases to
flourish. Students might also learn more about CDC epidemiologists who act as
“disease detectives.”
Working the Epidemiologic Triangle (1 hour)
Description of Content
This activity will help you teach about the scientific concept of the Epidemiologic
Triangle using an infectious disease example. Once students understand the
Triangle, they can apply it to other diseases they study. This exercise will refine
research, reasoning, and problem solving skills.
You will present the Epidemiologic Triangle to students and show them how it
helps organize information about a specific disease. This is the same technique
that epidemiologists use when they are researching the outbreak of a disease.
You will use the example of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in describing the three
vertices (corners) of the Epidemiologic Triangle. Those vertices are “agent,”
“host,” and “environment.” After this in-class introduction, students will gather
information about chickenpox and report back to the class on what they have
Students will:
Describe the interaction and interdependence of agent host, and
environmentthe Epidemiologic Triangle
Apply this concept to other diseases
Describe how epidemiologists think about the causes and spread of an
infectious disease
Student Reproducible 2: The Epidemiologic Triangle
Normal classroom safety guidelines should be observed.
Explanation (15 minutes)
1. Tell your students they are now going to learn how epidemiologists or “disease
detectives” study an infectious disease. They use a method called The
Epidemiologic Triangle.
2. Hand out the Student Reproducible 2, The Epidemiologic Triangle. Draw a large
triangle on the board.
3. Ask a student to read the definition of “agent” written on his or her handout. This
is the “what” of the Triangle. Ask the class if they know the agent for any of the
diseases they discussed earlier. (Most of them will not.) Tell them that the
information is available to doctors and scientists, and also may be available on
the Internet. They will be doing some research into agents at a later time.
As an example, you might want to talk briefly about an agent they might be
familiar with, E. coli. Some forms of the bacteria E. coli cause food poisoning.
(You may have a news story about an example of people who got sick from
eating food that was infected with E. coli.) E. coli bacteria can be found in the
intestines and waste of animals and people. The bacteria are transmitted through
food, water, or anything else contaminated with feces. When meat containing the
E. coli bacteria is consumed uncooked or undercooked, it can make you sick.
Cold temperatures, for example in the refrigerator, can keep E. coli from
multiplying quickly. Warm temperaturesfor example, room temperature or
being out in the sunmake the bacteria multiply quickly. High heat kills the
bacteria. That’s why meat needs to be cooked thoroughly and hot foods need to
be refrigerated immediately after a meal. (For more information on food safety,
visit the BAM! Web site article, Power Packing.
4. Ask a student to read the definition of “host.” This is the “who” of the Triangle.
Under this heading, students can also describe the symptoms of the disease a
“host” may experience. For E. coli, they include nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Among older people or babies whose bodies are not as strong, or people with
another illness, it may cause death.
5. Ask a student to read the definition of “environment.” This is the “where” of the
Triangle. You can again use E. coli as an example. The bacteria are found in the
digestive tract of animals and people, and are spread through their feces. When
livestock is slaughtered, it is possible for meat to become contaminated with E.
coli if it comes in contact with the animal's infected feces. That infected meat
then has the chance to make you sick if it is under- or improperly cooked. E. coli
can be killed by thorough cooking, which is one reason meat should never be
eaten raw or rare. E. coli can live in water and can infect fruit and vegetables
irrigated by that water. Usually water used to irrigate is tested to be sure it does
not contain E. coli or other dangerous bacteria and produce found in the grocery
store is washed before it is packed. (It is still a good idea to wash fruits and
vegetable before eating them.)
6. Explain that the mission of an epidemiologist is to break at least one of the sides
of the Triangle, disrupting the connection between the environment, the host, and
the agent, and stopping the continuation of disease.
7. Explain that for some diseases, there are vaccines. Ask students to list some of
the diseases they have been vaccinated against (measles, mumps, rubella,
diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis or “whooping cough”). There is no vaccine for
E. coli.
Elaboration (30 minutes)
1. This activity may be done in class, or it may also be given as a homework or
computer lab assignment. Divide students into groups. Give each group a copy
of Student Reproducible 2, The Epidemiologic Triangle.
2. Tell students they are going to become epidemiologists, looking at a common
childhood diseasechickenpoxin a careful and organized way. Using the
information available in the BAM! Web site Immune Platoon section, have
students research and describe the agent, the host (including symptoms of the
disease), and environment.
3. If you have a more advanced group of students you may want to divide them into
groups of two or three students and have the groups explore different diseases.
The content they need for hepatitis B, influenza, and meningitis is on the BAM!
Web site at www.bam.gov. The discussion after would be to compare and
contrast the diseases.
4. When students have completed the activity, review the answers in class. Clearly
point out to students that any disease can be understood by looking at the agent,
the host, and the environment.
Evaluation (15 minutes)
Ask students the following questions:
1. Can you describe in your own words the Epidemiologic Triangle and how it
2. Why is the Triangle important to understanding the spread of infectious diseases
and how to stop them?
3. What are the agent, host, and environment for chickenpox and other diseases
you looked at?
4. What have you learned about epidemiology and how epidemiologists work?
Performance Descriptors
Student Reproducible 2: The Epidemiologic Triangle
Performance Descriptor
Worksheet clearly shows all three vertices of the Epidemiologic Triangle:
agent, host, environment. Information is correct. Students clearly and
accurately describe the interaction and interdependence of all of the vertices
of the Epidemiologic Triangle.
Worksheet shows three vertices of the Epidemiologic Triangle: agent, host,
environment. However, information may be incomplete for one or more
vertices. Students describe the interaction and interdependence of most of
the vertices of the Epidemiologic Triangle.
Worksheet shows information on at least two of the vertices of the
Epidemiologic Triangle. Information may be incomplete for one of the
vertices listed. Students describe the interaction and interdependence of two
of the vertices of the Epidemiologic Triangle.
Worksheet shows only one vertex of the Epidemiologic Triangle.
Web Resources
CDC BAM! Body and Mind
BAM! Body and Mind is brought to you by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (DHHS). BAM! was created to answer kids' questions on
health issues and recommend ways to make their bodies and minds
healthier, stronger, and safer. BAM! also serves as an aid to teachers,
providing them with interactive activities to support their health and science
curriculums that are educational and fun.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): www.cdc.gov
The CDC Web site provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research
on infectious diseases. From research studies on infectious diseases to
information for travelers, this site provides a wealth of information. Some is
written for medical professionals, but much of the information is written for
health care consumers. The section on chickenpox
(http://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/ ) may be particularly useful as students
complete this activity.
Text Correlations
Glencoe, Teen Health, Level 1, Chapter 12: Understanding Communicable Diseases
Glencoe, Teen Health, Level 2, Chapter 7: Preventing Diseases
Glencoe, Teen Health, Level 3, Chapter 11: Medicines and Drugs
Glencoe, Teen Health, Level 3, Chapter 17: Communicable Diseases
Relevant Standards
Benchmarks for Science Literacy
By the end of the 8th grade, students should know
that: Chapter 6, Benchmark E, Grades 6-8: Physical
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites may infect the human body and
interfere with normal body functions. A person can catch a cold many times
because there are many varieties of cold viruses that cause similar
National Health Education Standards
Standard 1 Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and
disease prevention.
Explain the relationship between positive health behaviors and the prevention
of injury, illness, disease and premature death.
Analyze how environment and personal health are interrelated.
Describe how lifestyle, pathogens, family history and other risk factors are
related to the cause or prevention of disease and other health problems.
Lesson 1, Activity 1, Student Reproducible 1:
Infectious Diseases
Please discuss what diseases your family has experienced (What have you had?
What have your parents had? What may your grandparents have had?) and mark
these on the list below. You do not have to mark anything that you or your family
might be uncomfortable sharing.
Note to parents: There are probably infectious diseases you or your parents
hadfor example, mumpsthat kids today don't get. The purpose of this exercise
is to show students some of the ways in which we have made progress in fighting
the kinds of infectious diseases that used to be so common among children. Thank
you for participating.
[Insert exhaustive list of infectious diseases from CDC]
Lesson 1, Activity 2, Student Reproducible 2:
The Epidemiologic Triangle
Vertex 1. The Agent—“What” The agent is the
cause of the disease. The agent is usually a
microbe, an organism too small to be seen with
the naked eye. Most people call an agent a
My research on the “agent” for chickenpox shows
that it is:
Vertex 2. The Host—“Who” Hosts are organisms, usually humans or animals,
which have been exposed to and harbor a disease. The host can be the organism
that gets sick, as well as any animal carrier (including insects and worms) that may
or may not get sick. The same microbe affects different hosts in different ways.
My research on the “host” for chickenpox (including symptoms of the disease)
Vertex 3. The Environment—“Where The environment is the favorable
surroundings and conditions outside the host that cause or allow the disease to be
transmitted. Some diseases live best in dirty water. Others can survive only in blood.
Many infectious disease microbes live in the mucus in your nose and mouth.
My research on the “environment” for chickenpox shows:
Is there a vaccine for chickenpox? Describe it and its level of success in preventing
the disease. Which side of the Epidemiological Triangle does it break?:
Answers to Student Reproducible 2, The Epidemiologic Triangle:
Varicella zoster, a virus.
Most people who get the disease are under age 15, but anyone who has not had the
disease is susceptible. A person usually only has one episode of chickenpox in a
Symptoms are itchy rash (blisters) and fever, but there can be serious complications
from the disease. In 23 of every 10,000 cases, pneumonia can develop. Encephalitis
(swelling of the brain) occurs in 1 out of every 10,000 cases of chickenpox.
It can remain in the body, reemerge, and cause shingles (painful blisters) in
people (mostly adults) who previously had chickenpox, even years later.
It is transmitted from an infected person through coughs or sneezes and from
contact with the fluid in the chickenpox blisters. It is very contagious. Once a case
has occurred in a groupsuch as a classroomit is very hard to prevent an
outbreak unless people are immunized. In North America, chickenpox outbreaks are
most common at the end of winter and the start of spring, periods of moderate
temperature when viruses thrive.
This CDC Web site has more background information on chickenpox for you or
for advanced students: http://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/ .
Information on many diseases and public health issues is listed alphabetically at this
CDC Web site: http://www.cdc.gov/az/a.html .