State of Texas
Assessments of
Academic Readiness
English I
Scoring Guide
April 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all
or portions of this work is prohibited without express written permission from Texas
Education Agency.
English I
Expository Prompt
Read the information in the box below.
In a 2005 marketing research study, teens cited writing as one
of their main creative outlets. They also said their “ideal” activity
is reading a book, followed by exercising and shopping. Although
the teens surveyed said that reading is an “ideal” activity, they
admitted that they’re actually much more likely to spend their free
time surng the Internet, watching TV, and listening to music.
Think carefully about the impact technology has on teenagers’ lives.
Write an essay explaining why new technology is so important to teenagers.
Be sure to —
clearly state your thesis
organize and develop your ideas effectively
choose your words carefully
edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
STAAR English I Expository
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
April 2018
Score Point 1
The essay represents a very limited writing performance.
The organizing structure of the essay is inappropriate to the purpose or the specic
demands of the prompt. The writer uses organizational strategies that are only
marginally suited to the explanatory task, or they are inappropriate or not evident
at all. The absence of a functional organizational structure causes the essay to lack
clarity and direction.
Most ideas are generally related to the topic specied in the prompt, but the thesis
statement is missing, unclear, or illogical. The writer may fail to maintain focus on the
topic, may include extraneous information, or may shift abruptly from idea to idea,
weakening the coherence of the essay.
The writer’s progression of ideas is weak. Repetition or wordiness sometimes causes
serious disruptions in the ow of the essay. At other times the lack of transitions and
sentence-to-sentence connections causes the writer to present ideas in a random or
illogical way, making one or more parts of the essay unclear or difcult to follow.
Development of Ideas
The development of ideas is weak. The essay is ineffective because the writer uses
details and examples that are inappropriate, vague, or insufcient.
The essay is insubstantial because the writer’s response to the prompt is vague or
confused. In some cases, the essay as a whole is only weakly linked to the prompt.
In other cases, the writer develops the essay in a manner that demonstrates a lack of
understanding of the expository writing task.
Use of Language/Conventions
The writer’s word choice may be vague or limited. It reects little or no awareness
of the expository purpose and does not establish a tone appropriate to the task. The
word choice may impede the quality and clarity of the essay.
Sentences are simplistic, awkward, or uncontrolled, signicantly limiting the
effectiveness of the essay.
The writer has little or no command of sentence boundaries and spelling,
capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage conventions. Serious and persistent
errors create disruptions in the uency of the writing and sometimes interfere with
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 1
Score Point 1
In the last sentence of this essay, the writer provides the thesis that technology is “fun to teens” because it allows
them to “learn and relax in any place.” The writer shifts abruptly from idea to idea (Teens spend free time
with technology, Take technology everywhere, and use it to access information and for learning and relaxing),
weakening the coherence of the essay. Additionally, the development is weak because the details within the essay
are mainly borrowed from the prompt, are vague, and do not represent any of the writers original thoughts.
Sentences are often uncontrolled (“Make’s technology very important . . . to teens”; “Making teenagers learn
more and make technology more useful to them”), signicantly limiting the effectiveness of this very limited
writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 2
Score Point 1
The writer provides the idea that because of the world they live in, teens “must be up to date with their tech.” The
lack of transitions and sentence-to-sentence connections causes the writer to present support for this idea in random
ways, beginning with an unclear comparison (“A teenager without new technology is Like a wild Bronco”), then
moving to an observation about teen data use and how cell phones are like trading cards, and nally comparing
technology to a race. The writer does not develop any of these ideas, which results in an insubstantial essay.
Furthermore, sentences are awkward and uncontrolled (“Man ninetny precent of this Data is From teens wow!
Their new coll-phones are Like trading cards, teens must be First almost like a race”), signicantly limiting the
effectiveness of this very limited writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 3
Score Point 1
In this essay the absence of a functional thesis causes the essay to lack direction. The writer shifts abruptly from
idea to idea (Technology is important because it helps teens communicate, stay informed, “nd answers for . . .
homework,” stay entertained, and save lives), creating a list that lacks coherence. The essay is ineffective because
the writer’s examples are insufciently developed. Additionally, the writer demonstrates no command of sentence
boundaries (“helps us communicate with our friends and . . . loved ones I also helps us be informed for example
we can watch the news in our smart phones It helps us do things . . . .”), which disrupts the uency of this very
limited writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 4
Score Point 1
In this very limited essay, the writer implies that technology is important to teenagers because it can help
them be successful students. Although this idea is reasonable, the few details provided to support this thesis
(“communicate with teachers or someone else to ask for help about they homework, or something else like
source on a website…”) are vague and insufciently developed. Additionally, the writer uses an inappropriate
transition in the middle of the essay to present a new idea (“ . . . , otherwise is where they have the advanced
communication where they would be available to nd bunch of stuff that they would be interesting on them”)
related to being entertained by technology. The lack of focus as well as awkward and uncontrolled sentences
signicantly limit the effectiveness of this writing performance.
STAAR English I Expository
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
April 2018
Score Point 2
The essay represents a basic writing performance.
The organizing structure of the essay is evident but may not always be appropriate
to the purpose or the specic demands of the prompt. The essay is not always clear
because the writer uses organizational strategies that are only somewhat suited to
the expository task.
Most ideas are generally related to the topic specied in the prompt, but the writer’s
thesis statement is weak or somewhat unclear. The lack of an effective thesis or the
writer’s inclusion of irrelevant information interferes with the focus and coherence of
the essay.
The writer’s progression of ideas is not always logical and controlled. Sometimes
repetition or wordiness causes minor disruptions in the ow of the essay
. At other
times transitions and sentence-to-sentence connections are too perfunctory or weak
to support the ow of the essay or show the relationships among ideas.
Development of Ideas
The development of ideas is minimal. The essay is supercial because the writer uses
details and examples that are not always appropriate or are too briey or partially
The essay reects little or no thoughtfulness. The writer’s response to the prompt is
sometimes formulaic. The writer develops the essay in a manner that demonstrates
only a limited understanding of the expository writing task.
Use of Language/Conventions
The writer’s word choice may be general or imprecise. It reects a basic awareness of
the expository purpose but does little to establish a tone appropriate to the task. The
word choice may not contribute to the quality and clarity of the essay.
Sentences are awkward or only somewhat controlled, weakening the effectiveness of
the essay.
The writer demonstrates a partial command of sentence boundaries and spelling,
capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage conventions. Some distracting errors
may be evident, at times creating minor disruptions in the uency or meaning of the
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 5
Score Point 2
The writer provides the two-part thesis that technology is important to teens “because it helps you stay in contact
with your friends and family and it helps you research anything.” The development of ideas is minimal because
the hypothetical examples the writer uses to support each of part of the thesis (”If you need to meet up with
anyone all you got to do is message them”; “If you ever get homewotk and don’t understand it you can go to the
Internet and search it up”) are too briey presented. Additionally, the use of perfunctory transitions (First point,
second point, this concludes) between paragraphs does not establish the relationship between ideas beyond a
topical link. Holistically, this essay indicates a basic writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 6
Score Point 2
In this response, the writer presents the thesis in the concluding sentence that technology is important because
teens do not waste as much energy as teens in past generations. The writer attempts a compare-contrast organizing
structure to show how technology helps today’s teens use less energy than teens from former generations (New
technology makes modern teens’ lives easier because “they have everything they need all in one device”). The
organizational structure is evident but ineffective because the writer only briey mentions what life was like
before technology and does not sufciently develop the comparison throughout the essay. The essay is supercial
because the writer uses details (Teens use technology to search for things, buy things, and entertain themselves)
that are too partially presented. Moreover, word choice is general (“do a lot of things”; “don’t worry about
many things”; “do that all day”), and sentences are only somewhat controlled (“If they search something they
use a phone, or computer if they wanna buy something they can use a phone or computer”), weakening the
effectiveness of the essay. For these reasons, this response demonstrates a basic writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 7
Score Point 2
At the beginning of this essay, the writer provides a broad thesis that technology is important to teenagers because
it “helps them out when they really need it.” The rst paragraph explains that “teenagers would be lost” without
technology and then lists the types of connections (texts, calls, games, social networks) that technology provides.
Using an inappropriate transition (“Even though technology is a big thing for teenagers, I think it helps them
with their school work”) in the second paragraph, the writer briey presents some specic examples in support
of the thesis (Technology helps teenagers with schoolwork; Teens can use the internet to search for answers to
questions). However, the writer also repeats ideas (“they go to the internet & gure it out”; “they could go to
the internet on their phone & search it up”), which results in minimal development. The inclusion of irrelevant
information (“teenagers use technology too much. They sometimes don’t try to work hard during school & just
look up what the answer is on their phone”) interferes with the focus and coherence of the essay. Additionally,
the writers word choice is general (“help with something”; “technology is a big thing”; “a question about
something”; “search it up”) and does not contribute to the quality and of clarity of this basic writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 8
Score Point 2
The writer offers the weak thesis that technology is important to teens “because they have some type of technology
with them every day and they put their lifes on technology.” The writer provides minimal development to explain
how technology is a “nececity” for teenagers (Without technology, teens miss out on “drama on the intanet” and
think others may not like them). Additionally, the writers partial command of spelling conventions (“everday,”
“lifes,” “nececity,” “withought,” “cant,” “dont”) creates some minor disruptions in the uency of this basic
writing performance.
STAAR English I Expository
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
April 2018
Score Point 3
The essay represents a satisfactory writing performance.
The organizing structure of the essay is, for the most part, appropriate to the purpose
and responsive to the specic demands of the prompt. The essay is clear because
the writer uses organizational strategies that are adequately suited to the expository
The writer establishes a clear thesis statement. Most ideas are related to the thesis
and are focused on the topic specied in the prompt. The essay is coherent, though it
may not always be unied due to minor lapses in focus.
The writer’s progression of ideas is generally logical and controlled. For the most part,
transitions are meaningful, and sentence-to-sentence connections are sufcient to
support the ow of the essay and show the relationships among ideas.
Development of Ideas
The development of ideas is sufcient because the writer uses details and examples
that are specic and appropriate, adding some substance to the essay
The essay reects some thoughtfulness. The writer’s response to the prompt is
original rather than formulaic. The writer develops the essay in a manner that
demonstrates a good understanding of the expository writing task.
Use of Language/Conventions
The writer’s word choice is, for the most part, clear and specic. It reects an
awareness of the expository purpose and establishes a tone appropriate to the task.
The word choice usually contributes to the quality and clarity of the essay.
Sentences are varied and adequately controlled, for the most part contributing to the
effectiveness of the essay.
The writer demonstrates an adequate command of sentence boundaries and spelling,
capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage conventions. Although some errors
may be evident, they create few (if any) disruptions in the uency of the writing, and
they do not affect the clarity of the essay.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 9
Score Point 3
In this essay the writer focuses on the idea that “Technology can help teenagers out on anything.” Although the
transitions between paragraphs are somewhat formulaic (“For example,” “Another reason”), the sentence-to-
sentence connections within the paragraphs (“Instead of calling you can now video chat with them and see how
they’re doing. You can also send better, more clearer pictures”) are sufcient to support the ow of the essay. The
writer develops two specic examples, a personal anecdote and an observation about the role technology plays
in increased communication, adding some substance to the essay. Overall, this essay demonstrates a satisfactory
writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 10
Score Point 3
In the rst sentence of this response, the writer presents the clear thesis, “New technology is important to teenagers
because it allows them to communicate easier and to participate in school outside the classroom.” The writer
provides specic details and examples about how technology helps teens talk with teachers, turn in assignments, and
check grades from home. To explain the thesis, the writer presents some details in the second paragraph about how
technology makes communication easier (social networking sites and webcam chatting increase the opportunity for
teens to talk to people), adding substance to the essay. Though the perfunctory conclusion does not add to the quality
of the essay, word choice throughout the response is, for the most part, clear and specic (“social networking,”
“connect,” “stay on track,” “benet,” “manage”), shows how technology facilitates communication, and has a
positive effect on a teenager’s social life. Holistically, this essay indicates a satisfactory writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 11
Score Point 3
The writer of this response uses a philosophical approach to present the thesis that technology is important
to teenagers because technology “prepares us for what is to come for us in our future, and is a privilege we
should take advantage of.” Sentence-to-sentence connections support the ow of the essay and result in a
generally logical progression of ideas (“As teenagers, our minds are expanding rapidly and we are receiving
a taste of what the real world is like, and preparing for our future at the same time. While we can still use the
old fashioned method of pencils and paper, the addition of technology to our learning environment opens up
new ideas for learning”). The development of ideas is sufcient because the writer uses specic details and
examples (“Almost every job today has incorporated the use of technology”; “see how [technology] works
in problem solving”) to help further explain the thesis. Clear and specic word choice (“more accustomed”;
“opportunities”; “problem solving and other tasks”) illustrates how technology is preparing teenagers for the
future. Holistically, this essay indicates a satisfactory writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 12
Score Point 3
This essay focuses on the idea that technology is important to teens because aside from keeping up with popular
culture and the latest gossip, technology helps teenagers communicate. The writers progression of ideas is
generally logical and controlled because sentence-to-sentence connections (“A lot of people question why the
teen generation is so hooked on technology. Take it from a teenager herself, it isn’t only what you think”) are
sufcient to support the ow of the essay. The writer provides two related and appropriate examples of using
technology to maintain relationships as support (“I have family members in California, Colorado . . . and Texas.
It is hard to keep track of them, and imagine writing a letter to all of them”; “I also like to hang out with my
friends. Some may say, ‘You get 7 hours with them at school every day.’ True, but . . . there isn’t a whole lot of
interacting”). Specic details and examples (“If we need help with homework, we can send a text saying, need
help w/hw.plz”) add substance to the essay. Overall, the essay demonstrates a satisfactory writing performance.
STAAR English I Expository
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
April 2018
Score Point 4
The essay represents an accomplished writing performance.
The organizing structure of the essay is clearly appropriate to the purpose and
responsive to the specic demands of the prompt. The essay is skillfully crafted
because the writer uses organizational strategies that are particularly well suited to
the expository task.
The writer establishes a clear thesis statement. All ideas are strongly related to the
thesis and are focused on the topic specied in the prompt. By sustaining this focus,
the writer is able to create an essay that is unied and coherent.
The writer’s progression of ideas is logical and well controlled. Meaningful transitions
and strong sentence-to-sentence connections enhance the ow of the essay b
clearly showing the relationships among ideas, making the writer’s train of thought
easy to follow.
Development of Ideas
The development of ideas is effective because the writer uses details and examples
that are specic and well chosen, adding substance to the essay.
The essay is thoughtful and engaging. The writer may choose to use his/her unique
experiences or view of the world as a basis for writing or to connect ideas in
interesting ways. The writer develops the essay in a manner that demonstrates a
thorough understanding of the expository writing task.
Use of Language/Conventions
The writer’s word choice is purposeful and precise. It reects a keen awareness of the
expository purpose and maintains a tone appropriate to the task. The word choice
strongly contributes to the quality and clarity of the essay.
Sentences are purposeful, varied, and well controlled, enhancing the effectiveness of
the essay.
The writer demonstrates a consistent command of sentence boundaries and spelling,
capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage conventions. Although minor errors
may be evident, they do not detract from the uency of the writing or the clarity of
the essay. The overall strength of the conventions contributes to the effectiveness of
the essay.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 13
Score Point 4
The writer of this essay presents the thesis, “Technology is convenient and a tool for every day life.” The writer
uses a chronological structure to show the many ways in which teenagers use technology throughout the day.
The organizing structure is clearly appropriate to the expository task, fully supporting the idea that teenagers are
dependent on technology. The development of ideas is effective because the writer uses details and examples that
are specic and well chosen (teens use phones as alarm clocks, to text friends, play games, check for homework
assignments, do research, and keep parents updated), adding substance to the essay. Word choice is purposeful
and precise (“routine,” “updates,” “schedules,” “instant”), and illustrates how teenagers rely on the convenience
of technology on a daily basis. For these reasons, this essay demonstrates an accomplished writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 14
Score Point 4
The writer of this essay introduces the thesis that “developing technologies give the modern generation . . . access
to develop education and connection to an expanding future.” The thoughtful introduction contrasts the past with
the present, explaining how technology has facilitated traditional methods of conducting research (“. . . hours of
searching are condensed to minutes with advancements in technology”). The progression of ideas is well controlled,
describing a time when technology had little effect on education to a time when teens and adults can better their
education and their futures through the use of technology (“For example, schools worldwide are attempting to
incorporate more technology in the classroom. . .”; “With easier methods of learning, more students are given
opportunities to better their education . . . than in the past”). Specic details and examples make the importance of
technology to young people unmistakable (technology in classrooms invigorates the learning experience; students
have opportunities to improve their education and “achieve higher levels of skills”; Steve Jobs’ technologies changed
young adults of the modern generation and their futures). Additionally, purposeful word choice (“advancements,”
“opportunities,” “expand,” “development”) illustrates the idea that technology prepares teens for the future and
consistently reects the writers keen awareness of the expository task. For these reasons, this essay demonstrates
an accomplished writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 15
Score Point 4
The writer of this essay presents the clear thesis that teens use technology for educational purposes that “make
school life more convenient.” Transitions and strong sentence-to-sentence connections enhance the ow of the
essay by showing relationships among ideas (“To begin with, schools use technology as an important way of
communicating. . . In addition to schools, parents also love the instant access to grades that technology provides
their teens. They can. . . check the grades of their children themselves”). Well-chosen examples are provided to
demonstrate how technology is used by schools (to send reminders about assignments, to provide study guides,
to allow for research, to post progress reports). Moreover, in the conclusion, the writer recognizes that teens also
use technology for its social and entertainment value, but reafrms that teens use technology just as much for
educational purposes. For these reasons, the essay demonstrates an accomplished writing performance.
STAAR English I
April 2018
Expository — 16
Score Point 4
The writer of this essay provides the thesis that technology gives teens an “opportunity to connect with the
world and society . . . ‘nd their place’ in this nite world.’All ideas are strongly related to the thesis, and the
writers train of thought is logical and easy to follow. Meaningful transitions and strong sentence-to-sentence
connections (“To perhaps some sheltered teens . . . ”; “While some may argue . . . ”; “Whether it’s good for
them or not . . . ”) enhance the ow of the essay. To effectively develop the thesis, the writer provides three
useful purposes of technology (sense of community, artistic expression, and entertainment value) and explains
a positive outcome for each (encourage positive change, receive feedback and encouragement, and relieve
stress). Sentences are varied and well controlled, and enhance the effectiveness of the essay (“The teenage
years are a time of change and stress, and now more than ever teens have the ability to be rid of that fatigue-
causing monster”). Overall, the writer maintains a tone appropriate to the expository task and demonstrates an
accomplished writing performance.
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