Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
What is the aim of this booklet?
This is part of a set of four booklets aimed at
developing assessment practice for teachers in Ireland.
The set of booklets and associated materials are
intended to be used in a flexible way to allow teachers
to explore a range of approaches which will enable
them to develop a coherent approach to assessment.
The materials are aimed at facilitating both whole staff
discussion and subject-based discussion. Although
primarily created for teachers involved in junior cycle
developments, the material and approaches can be
used across all sectors.
How is the booklet to be used?
Schools may choose to use and adapt the material in
any way to suit their own context. It is recommended
that you start with the slide presentation. You may
then find it helpful to follow the steps outlined below
or you can develop your own workshop plan.
Where possible, we would encourage using the material
on a school-wide basis as research evidence indicates
that changes in assessment practice are more likely to
become embedded if they are introduced on a
systematic basis across a whole school.
If you are planning to facilitate a workshop with
staff please consult the Facilitator’s Guide which
can be downloaded at www.juniorcycle.ie/
How do learning intentions and
success criteria t within the junior
It is important that learning intentions and success
criteria link closely with the learning outcomes
contained in the junior cycle specifications. In this way
the ongoing formative assessment process is seen to
complement and support the summative aspect of
assessment within the junior cycle. See page 6 an
example of how learning intentions, success criteria and
an assessment task can be linked to learning outcomes.
Note to Facilitators
Page Legend
The following symbol is used throughout the booklet to show activities and worksheets that can be
photocopied for use in a workshop.
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Step 1
The slide presentation can be used to introduce
learning intentions and success criteria to a whole staff
group. The final slide in the Powerpoint contains some
prompts for staff discussion based on the main
messages of the presentation.
Step 2
Following the presentation it is recommended that
staff view the short video of Dylan Wiliam talking
about formative assessment.
Dylan Wiliam ‘Formative A ssessment
(2 mins 18)
Prompt questions for staff discussion:
In the video Dylan Wiliam makes a number of
statements about formative assessment.
Formative assessment means:
‘Using information to adapt your teachingto
put the learning back on track
Taking constant readings about where learners
areand if the learning is not proceeding as
planned making adjustments’
‘Minute by minute, day by day.. allowing
teachers to reect on their practice
Discuss how close these statements are to your
own practice. What are the main challenges and
benefits of introducing formative assessment
practice in your classroom?
Step 3
Following on from these discussions you can now
explore the workshop materials in this booklet. These
activities can be approached and undertaken in any
order that suits the school context, and it is not
necessary or intended for them to be approached in
the sequence presented in the booklet.
Step 4
Print off the discussion cards. These can be used to
stimulate further discussion and thinking or they can
be displayed around the school to reinforce the key
messages and to help staff to further develop their
practice in this area.
Encourage staff to engage with the material included in
the recommended reading section.
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
What are learning intentions and
success criteria?
What are learning intentions?
A learning intention for a lesson or series of lessons is
a statement, created by the teacher, that describes
clearly what the teacher wants the students to know,
understand, and be able to do as a result of learning
and teaching activities. Clear learning intentions should
help students focus not just on the task or activity
taking place but on what they are learning. Learning
intentions are always linked to one or more learning
outcomes in the specification.
What are success criteria?
Success criteria are linked to learning intentions. They
are developed by the teacher and/or the student and
describe what success looks like. They help the teacher
and student to make judgements about the quality of
student learning.
Why should I use learning intentions and success
Despite building learning intentions into our planning
documents, we are not always good at sharing learning
intentions and success criteria with our students. At
the same time, we want our students to be self-
motivated and have a sense of purpose.
So…why would we want to keep the learning intentions
a secret from our students?
The value of learning intentions and
success criteria
Research shows that students who regularly receive
this information in the classroom are
• more focused for longer periods of time
• more motivated and active in their learning
• better able to take responsibility for their own
So it is really important that we share learning
intentions with our students!
To give our students the tools they need to take more
responsibility for their own learning and achieve greater
learning independence, we need to communicate to
• what they are going to learn
• why they should learn it in the first place
• how they will recognise when they have succeeded.
Can we be clear about the terminology?
The use of learning intentions is not new. Teachers
also use the term ‘learning objectives’ or ‘learning aims
to share the learning with their students. The term
‘learning intentions’ is used within these materials
because it puts greater emphasis on the process of
learning rather than the end product. The use of the
term ‘learning intentions’ is also used in other NCCA
publications, including the NCCA Guidelines for
Primary Schools – Assessment in the Primary School
Will this support the development of Key Skills?
When teachers share with students what they will be
learning (the learning intention) and what they are
looking for in their students’ work (success criteria) this
supports students in developing the skill of managing
themselves. They will also develop other key skills such
as communicating (as they give and receive feedback)
and the skill of staying well as they become more
confident and positive about their learning.
Download the key skills framework for more detail.
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Making the link between learning outcomes,
learning intentions and success criteria
Here is an example of how a teacher developed learning intentions, success criteria and an assessment task linked to
learning outcomes for Junior Cycle English. Further examples are available on www.curriculumonline.ie
Write a book review – 1st Year
Learning outcomes
Oral Language
5. Deliver a short oral text, alone and/or in
collaboration with others, using appropriate
language, style and visual content for specific
audiences and chosen purpose.
4. Use an appropriate critical vocabulary while
responding to literary texts.
5. Engage in sustained private reading as a pleasurable
and purposeful activity, applying what they have
learned about the effectiveness of spoken and
written texts to their own experience of reading.
4. Write competently in a range of text forms, for
example, report, multi-modal text, review, blog,
using appropriate vocabulary, tone and a variety of
styles to achieve a chosen purpose for different
7. Respond imaginatively in writing to their texts showing
a critical appreciation of language, style and content,
choice of words, language patterns, tone, images.
Learning Intention
We are learning to read books for enjoyment, and to
express that enjoyment through a well-constructed
review of a chosen book.
A reading project for first year students runs for 6 to
8 weeks. Students read from a list of prescribed books.
Students are organised in reading groups (4/5 students
in each group). Each group agrees the book to be read
and reading takes place in class and at home. Four
books are read in total by each group.
At the end of the group work the individual students
choose a book they enjoyed and write a review. The
review can be included in the student’s portfolio of writing
and can also be used as the basis for an oral presentation.
Success criteria
• Shows understanding of the chosen genre or form
- Knowledge of the text under review
- Conveys enthusiasm for the text (or the opposite)
- Uses references well without giving away too much
- Adopts an appropriate critical stance
- Makes a clear recommendation
• Expresses ideas fluently, imaginatively, and with
control of expression
• Writing displays mechanical competence
Alternatively, these criteria could be expressed in
student-friendly language, e.g.:
• I show a good knowledge of the book
• I convey my enthusiasm for the text (or show clearly
the parts I don’t like)
• I express my ideas fluently and choose the right
words and phrases most of the time
• My writing is accurate with correct spelling and
Activity 1
Learning Intentions... How are we doing?
Work either individually or with a partner and discuss how well you have developed your classroom practice in using
learning intentions.
Trafc light your responses to the
questions below using this code:
Always Sometimes Never
I set learning intentions with my students
I make sure that the learning intentions are in student
friendly language
I use words associated with learning
I make sure the learning intention is clear and links to the
big picture i.e. the purpose of the learning.
I use SMART learning intentions – specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic, and time-limited.
I re-visit learning intentions during the lesson and at the end
of the lesson
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Activity 2: From doing to learning
When discussing learning intentions it is important to
focus on what students would have learnt by the end
of the lesson or activity i.e. what is the learning they
should retain and take away with them.
Look at the activities below and see how they have
been developed into learning intentions. Think of an
activity that you would use in one of your classes and
decide how this might be developed into a number of
learning intentions.
Share your ideas with your partner:
Learning activity Learning intentions
To plan an investigation to determine the relative
effectiveness of baking soda as an antacid
To be able to:
• Write a testable hypothesis
• Decide on the most appropriate methods for
conducting an investigation
• Explain how reliability, fairness and safety have been
Give a speech for or against capital punishment To be able to:
• Present a point of view in a persuasive way
Work in a group to design a leaflet to promote
healthy eating
To be able to:
• Work effectively in a group
• Agree the key messages that should be included
• Consider most effective ways to visually
communicate the messages
Now have a go yourself by starting with an activity
you would use in your own class and produce some
learning intentions. You may find it helpful to refer
back to some of the questions in Activity 1 as a guide
Remember that learning intentions need to be broad
enough so that they do not limit the opportunities for
a wide range of learning experiences.
Also keep in mind that a learning intention or set of
learning intentions might carry forward for more than
one lesson.
Activity 2
From doing to learning
Use this worksheet to develop some learning intentions based on classroom activities you are planning.
Activity Learning Intention
Activity 3
Success Criteria... How are we doing?
Work either individually or with a partner and discuss how well you have developed your classroom practice in
setting success criteria.
Trafc light your responses to the
questions below using this code:
Always Sometimes Never
When I set assignments I share success criteria with my
The success criteria are linked to the learning intention
The success criteria are specific and concrete
The success criteria are clearly understood by the students
I discuss the success criteria with the students and we agree
them together
I use the success criteria for tasks as the basis for giving
students feedback on those tasks
I use the success criteria to support peer and/or student
I re-visit success criteria during the lessons
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
The examples below show how you might move from
learning intentions to developing criteria for success.
Activity 4: From learning intentions
to success criteria
Learning intentions Success criteria
To be able to:
1. Write a testable hypothesis
2. Decide on the most appropriate
methods for conducting an
3. Explain how reliability, fairness
and safety have been considered
• Generates, discusses, and chooses interesting questions to investigate
• Uses scientific ideas to make testable predictions
• Suggests more than one way to investigate the question
• Identifies the variables in the investigation
• Explains the predicted relationships between the variables
• Identifies and justifies the most appropriate way to investigate
• Conducts a risk assessment of the proposed method and outlines
necessary safety precautions
- Identifies the most appropriate data-gathering instruments to record
reliable data
- Acknowledges the limitations on the precision of the data to be
To be able to:
Present a point of view in a
persuasive manner
• Begin with a good opening sentence
• Present reasons and examples to back up your argument
• Use emotive and persuasive language (such as ‘Surely’)
• Use humour, stories and/or questions to gain your audience’s attention
• Conclude with a strong statement
• Look at your audience
Activity 4
From learning intentions to success criteria
Use one of the learning intentions you developed in the previous activity and now write some related success
criteria. Share and discuss your example with your partner.
Learning Intention Success Criteria
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
This workshop will hopefully have helped you develop
your thinking about the use of learning intentions and
success criteria in your classroom.
You are now asked to identify a couple of areas where
you would like to improve your practice in setting
learning intentions/success criteria. You may find it
useful to refer to the traffic light questions on the
previous pages as a guide.
If you have not used learning intentions and success
criteria before you are advised to start in a small
focussed way. You should plan the change in practice
perhaps with one class in the first instance. Many
teachers find that it is useful to discuss their
experience of learning intentions and success criteria
with other teachers and keep a log of any difficulties
that they encounter. It will also be important to share
with your students why you are changing your practice
and how it will benefit their learning. Some teachers
have also found it helpful to discuss the changes with
Planning our Next Steps
Use the planning sheet attached to set out how you
intend to take forward the development of learning
intentions/success criteria in your classroom over the
next 3 months.
It might be useful to start to plan your development
focussing on a small number of areas which you have
identified as ‘red’ during the traffic-light audit.
Planning Next Steps: Planning Sheet
Timescale/Class Main area for development Observations/Reections
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Questions to consider in a subject department
A school may decide to focus on Assessment as its third area for SSE. In particular, it could decide to focus on
formative assessment. The following questions would be useful prompts to help gather evidence at subject
department level about current practice in relation to formative assessment. The results of the deliberations on such
questions could feed into whole staff discussion and ultimately help the school identify its strengths and areas for
development in relation to formative assessment, which should then inform the school improvement plan.
What do I/we understand by the
terms ‘learning intention’ and
‘success criteria’?
How can I/we share examples
of learning intentions and
success criteria with each
How can we use learning
intentions and success criteria
to help us in planning for
assessment within this subject?
How can we involve students in
setting success criteria within
this subject?
How do we provide
opportunities for students to
assess their own and each
other’s work against agreed
See also School Self Evaluation – Guidelines for Post-Primary Schools, (DES), p. 44-45.
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Discussion Cards
The discussion cards can be cut out and used to stimulate small group discussion as part of a whole-staff meeting
or a subject planning meeting.
Learning intentions that focus on knowledge
Thinking about the different kinds of knowledge
that you wish your students to learn:
• Knowledge about a particular topic
(know about different types of equations)
• Knowledge of how something is done, of the
steps involved in producing something
(know how the Spire of Dublin was
• Knowledge of why something happens
(know why voting patterns change across age
• Knowledge of what causes something to
(know what causes thunderstorms)
Develop some learning intentions on knowledge
for one of your own classes using this guide
Learning intentions that focus on skills
In developing learning intentions that focus on
skills you might find it helpful to start with the
words ‘to be able to’ followed by a verb.
For example
• To be able to write a summary
• To be able to solve a problem using more than
one technique
• To be able to work as a member of a team
• To be able to identify persuasive strategies used
in a speech
• To be able to experiment with a range of
graphic techniques in order to achieve a stated
Develop some learning intentions on skills for one
of your own classes using this guide
Discussion Card 1
Discussion Card 2
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Learning intentions that focus on understanding
Teachers need to develop the understanding of
their students by building on their previous
knowledge. For instance, a student might be able
to list the signs of global warming - thereby
showing knowledge of them and might also be
able to list some impacts of global warming.
However, understanding requires that the student
builds on his/her knowledge and comes to an
understanding of the wider causes and
consequences of climate change.
Understanding, then builds on the acquisition of
knowledge and in designing learning intentions,
teachers ensure that students are exposed to this
type of deeper learning.
For example
• Understand the causes of the Easter Rising
• Understand the effects of a balanced diet on
• Understand how using emotive language can
influence an audience
• Understand what are the most reliable internet
sites to be used for research purposes
• Understand links between poverty and conflict
Develop some learning intentions on
understanding for one of your own classes using
this guide above
Success Criteria
To recap then…
• Good success criteria are closely linked to the
learning intention.
• They should be easy to understand and written
in student friendly language
• They should be discussed and agreed with
students prior to undertaking the activity
• They should focus on specific features of the work
that are going to be assessed and on what the
student is learning rather than what he/she is doing.
Keeping the above points in mind, discuss each of
the following success criteria and decide whether
they would be helpful for the student. Suggest
changes to improve those that are less helpful.
• I am looking for an essay written with a short
introductory paragraph and closing paragraph.
In addition all the paragraphs except the first
paragraph should start with a clear linking
• I am looking for everyone to produce a portrait.
• I am looking for you to record the results of the
experiment accurately and explain the patterns
using your previous knowledge.
• I am looking for you to use tone, pitch and
dynamics to reflect mood of the poem.
• I am looking for a computer generated pie-
chart showing the differences between female
and male preferences based on all the data
from all of the newspapers provided.
• I am looking for everyone to achieve at least 8
out of 10 correct answers.
• I am looking for you to show how you can check
your prediction of the area by measuring and
finding out if some of the shapes are bigger than
others or if they take up the same amount of area.
Discussion Card 3
Discussion Card 4
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Log onto www.juniorcycle.ie and go to Key Skills
videos. Then under the heading ‘Communicating
click on the English/Media Studies example.
Junior C ycle E nglish/Media studies
(4 mins 12 sec)
Watch how this teacher sets a clear learning
intention and provides criteria for success.
What else do you notice about this lesson? What
are the elements that make it successful? Is there
anything you would do differently?
Sometimes teachers ask
‘Do I have to do this for every lesson or
class?’ How will I nd the time?
Or they might say
‘I write up the Learning Intention each day
but it doesn’t really mean much to the
student s.’
How can you ensure that this practice is both
manageable and meaningful?
Discussion Card 5
Discussion Card 6
The following pages contain
posters that can be used as part
of a workshop to reinforce the
activities in this booklet.
The quality
of work
is easier
There is rich
will improve
Students will
become more
focussed on tasks
and persevere
for longer
Learning Intentions
The benets
must link
clearly to the
need to be
planned in
need to be
owned by
the student
need to be
broad enough
to include all
abilities in a
lead to more
focussed and
teaching and
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are statements in curriculum
specifications to describe the understanding, skills and
values students should be able to demonstrate after a
period of learning.
Learning Intentions
A learning intention for a lesson or series of lessons is
a statement, created by the teacher, that describes
clearly what the teacher wants the students to know,
understand, and be able to do as a result of learning
and teaching activities.
Success Criteria
Success criteria are linked to learning intentions. They
are developed by the teacher and/or the student and
describe what success looks like. They help the teacher
and student to make judgements about the quality of
student learning.
Ongoing Assessment
As part of their classroom work, students engage in
assessment activities that can be either formative or
summative in nature. Teachers assess as part of their
daily practice by observing and listening as students
carry out tasks, by looking at what they write and
make, and by considering how they respond to, frame
and ask questions. Teachers use this assessment
information to help students plan the next steps in
their learning. Periodically this assessment will be in
more structured, formalised settings where teachers
will need to obtain a snapshot of the students’ progress
in order to make decisions on future planning and to
report on progress. This may involve the students in
doing projects, investigations, case studies and/or tests
and may occur at defined points in the school calendar.
Formative Assessment
Assessment is formative when either formal or informal
procedures are used to gather evidence of learning
during the learning process, and used to adapt teaching
to meet student needs. The process permits teachers
and students to collect information about student
progress, and to suggest adjustments to the teachers
approach to instruction and the student’s approach to
learning. Assessment for learning covers all of the
aspects of formative assessment but has a particular
focus on the student having an active role in his/her
Summative Assessment
Assessment is summative when it is used to evaluate
student learning at the end of the instructional process
or of a period of learning. The purpose is to summarise
the students’ achievements and to determine whether
and to what degree the students have demonstrated
understanding of that learning by comparing it against
agreed success criteria or features of quality.
Features of Quality
Features of quality are the statements in the subject
specifications that are used in making judgements
about the quality of student work for the purpose of
awarding achievement grades for certification. As
success criteria are closely linked to learning intentions
and based on the day-to-day processes in the
classroom, student learning will gradually come to
reflect the requirements set out in the features of
quality which are used for certification purposes.
Focus on Learning
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria | Workshop 01
Further R eading
Assessment: The Bridge between Teaching and Learning (Dylan Wiliam, 2013)
Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment (Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, Kings
College, London, 1998)
Embedded Formative Assessment ( Dylan Wiliam, Solution Tree 2011)
Formative Assessment in Action (Shirley Clarke, Hodder Murray, 2005)
Assessment for Learning: Putting it into practice (Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall and
Dylan Wiliam, OUP, 2003)
Working Inside the Black Box (Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall and Dylan Wiliam, Kings
College, London, 2002)
Mathematics Inside the Black Box (Jeremy Hodgen and Dylan Wiliam, NferNelson, 2006)
English Inside the Black Box (Bethan Marshall and Dylan Wiliam, NferNelson, 2006)
Assessment for Learning: Mark less to achieve more (Ian Smith, Learning Unlimited, 2003)
Science Inside the Black Box (NferNelson, 2006)
Visible learning for teachers: Maximising impact on learning (John Hattie, Routledge 2012)
Useful Websites
Assessment Toolkit
Key Skills videos
Watch this example of a teacher setting a clear learning intention and criteria for success
Dylan Wiliam’s website
Association for Achievement and Improvement through Assessment
Kings College Assessment Group
Credit: NCCA wishes to acknowledge and express gratitude to The Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment, Northern Ireland
(www.rewardinglearning.org.uk) and Education Scotland (www.journeytoexcellence.org.uk) for use of materials in these booklets.
Published by the NCCA, September 2015
35 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin DO2 KH36.
T: +353 1 661 7177 F: +353 1 661 7180 E: in[email protected]e