References and letters of recommendation are essential parts of any application process. Typically, references will be
requested for most employment opportunities, while letters of recommendation will be needed for academic pursuits,
such as teaching and research positions, graduate school, or professional school. However, there are always exceptions to
the rule, so be sure to always carefully read the application instructions.
When an employer asks you to provide references they are asking for a list of contact information for three to ve people who
can speak to your abilities. It is important that these people all know you in some professional capacity. It is not acceptable
to list family or close friends as references. Your references could include: previous employers, past managers, internship
supervisors, volunteer supervisors, co-workers (typically someone more senior to you), or faculty members. It is always
important to ask permission before listing someone as a reference. It is also important to keep your references well informed.
Provide them with a copy of your résumé. You will also want to let them know about the positions you are applying for and
the organizations that may be calling them. By providing them with this key information, they are able to provide a stronger
recommendation on your behalf. Be sure to thank your references at the end of your job/internship search!
References should always be submitted as a separate sheet. The only exception to this is if a Curricula Vitae (CV) has been
requested. References are built in to the CV and, therefore, will not require a separate sheet. Take the header that you used on
your résumé and place it across the top of your reference sheet.
Be sure to use the same font that you used on your résumé and
cover letter as well. If submitting your references in person (e.g.
during an interview), be sure to print your references on the
same quality résumé paper that your résumé was printed on.
It is important that all of your application materials (résumé,
cover letter and references) match. For each reference, include
the following information: name, title, organization, work
address, oce phone number, and e-mail address. List your
references either in order of relevance to the position or in
alphabetical order.
Only provide your references to an employer when the
employer asks for them. If the employer asks for your
references as part of the initial application process, be sure
to include them. If your references are not specically asked
for at the beginning of the process, it is best to hold onto your
references and wait until they are requested of you. This helps
you in two ways: (1) it lets you know that you are still being
considered for the position when you receive the reference
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
1050 Wishard Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46202 | (317) 274-3126 | |
References and Letters of Recommendation
References and letters of recommendation are essential parts of any application process. Typically, references will be
requested for most employment opportunities, while letters of recommendation will be needed for academic pursuits such as
teaching and research positions, graduate school, or professional school. However, there are always exceptions to the rule, so
be sure to always carefully read the application instructions.
When an employer asks you to provide references they are asking for a list of contact information for three to five people who
can speak to your abilities. It is important that these people all know you in some professional capacity. It is not acceptable to
list family or close friends as references. Your references could include: previous employers, past managers, internship
supervisors, volunteer supervisors, co-workers (typically someone more senior to you), or faculty members. It is always
important to ask permission before listing someone as a reference. It is also important to keep your references well informed.
Provide them with a copy of your résumé. You will also want to let them know about the positions you are applying for and the
organizations that may be calling them. By providing them with this key information, they are able to provide a stronger
recommendation on your behalf.
Be sure to thank your references at the end of your job/internship search!
Only provide your references to an employer when the employer asks for them. If the employer asks for your references as part
of the initial application process, be sure to include them. If your references are not specifically asked for at the beginning of the
process, it is best to hold onto your references and wait until they are requested of you. This helps you in two ways: (1) it lets
you know that you are still being considered for the position when you receive the reference request and (2) it allows you to
alert your references with specific information about who will be calling. Additionally, you always want to bring copies of your
reference sheet with you to an interview.
References should always be submitted as a separate sheet. The only exception to this is if a Curricula Vitae (CV) has been
requested. References are built in to the CV and, therefore, will not require a separate sheet. Take the header that you used on
your résumé and place it across the top of your reference sheet. Be sure to use the same font that you used on your résumé
and cover letter as well. If submitting your references in person (e.g. during an interview), be sure to print your references on
the same quality résumé paper that your résumé was printed on. It is important that all of your application materials (résumé,
cover letter and references) match. For each reference, include the following information: name, title, organization, work
address, office phone number, and e-mail address. List your references either in order of relevance to the position or in
alphabetical order. See example below:
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
JACKSON SMITH (555) 555-5555
441 Sunset Rd. Ely, MN 55731
Mr. William Darcy
Marketing Director
Rosebud Village
3498 Wellness Ln.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Ms. Sophie McCarthy
Zups Grocery Store
997 E. Main St.
Ely, MN 55731
Mr. Tyler Willis, MHA
Vice President
Ely Bloomenson Hospital
229 Tulip St.
Ely, MN 55731
request and (2) it allows you to alert your references with specic information about who will be calling. Additionally, you
always want to bring copies of your reference sheet with you to an interview.
Letters of recommendation are traditionally used in the academic application processes, but there are many employers
and internship providers who ask for letters of recommendation as well. Again, be sure to read the application instructions
to know whether you are being asked to provide a reference list or letters of recommendation.
Who to Ask
If you are applying for admission to an academic program, for an academic position, or scholarship/grant award, you will
want to be sure that the majority of your letter writers are academics themselves, ideally in the eld of interest to you. They
should be professors with whom you have built a strong relationship either through taking classes with them or acting
as their research assistant. It is also benecial to include a professional reference who can speak to your abilities in a
professional environment. This could be a past supervisor or boss.
How to Ask
It is important to always politely ask for a letter of recommendation well ahead of the application deadline. It is extremely
unprofessional to request a letter at the last minute. Be sure to give the letter writer at least two weeks to complete the
letter for you. It is also imperative that you provide each of your letter writers with adequate information for them to
provide you with the strongest letter possible. If you are applying for a graduate or professional program, put together
folders for each of your letter writers with information about each of the programs you will be submitting their letters
to along with a copy of your résumé and the related deadlines you need the letter(s) completed by. If you will be using
the letter for a job or internship, you need to provide your letter writer with your résumé, the job description, and some
information regarding your interest in the position and organization.
Following Up
Be sure to send each of your letter writers a thank you note at the end of the submission process. You will also want to
inform them when you have news to share about the position or admissions process. Recommenders always love to hear
that you got into the program you were applying to or that you got the job you were shooting for. By keeping up with them
you are also strengthening your professional network for the future.
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
1050 Wishard Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46202 | (317) 274-3126 | |