Rutgers Department of
Transportation Services (DOTs)
Parking Rules &
This document provides important information
pertaining to the rules and regulations governing the
use of Rutgers provided parking permits.
Table of Contents
I. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 3
Parking Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Areas of Jurisdiction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ......................................................................... 4
Registration ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Vehicle Registration ..................................................................................................................................... 5
License Plate Recognition (LPR) ................................................................................................................... 5
Data Collected ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Data Retention ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Access to Records ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Determining What Data We Have About You ............................................................................................. 6
Public Notification ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Parking on University Property .................................................................................................................... 6
Marked Stalls ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Responsibility for University Parking Violations ........................................................................................... 7
Uncovering Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 7
State Registration Laws ............................................................................................................................... 8
Vehicles with Unpaid Tickets ....................................................................................................................... 8
Restricted Parking ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Signs and Markings ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Restrictions in Gated Lots ............................................................................................................................ 8
Change in Status .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Disabled Vehicles ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Storage of Vehicles or Trailers ..................................................................................................................... 9
Park and Ride ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Parking Permission ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Metered Stalls ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Temporary Closure of Parking Areas and Roadways ................................................................................... 9
Snow Removal Operations ........................................................................................................................... 9
Notes of Explanation .................................................................................................................................. 10
Parking in Handicapped Stalls .................................................................................................................... 10
Parking in Loading Zones ........................................................................................................................... 10
III. ENFORCEMENT ................................................................................................................ 10
Fine Payments ........................................................................................................................................... 11
....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Towing of Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 12
IV. EMPLOYEE SERVICES ...................................................................................................... 12
Rutgers Employee Parking Permissions ..................................................................................................... 12
University Hospital Employee Permits ....................................................................................................... 13
Newly Hired Employees ............................................................................................................................. 13
Motorcycles, Mopeds and/or any motorized vehicle requiring a State license plate .................................... 13
Parking Cards for Gated Lots and Decks .................................................................................................... 13
Employee Refund Policies for Rutgers Employees Only ............................................................................. 14
Non-Affiliate and Service Permits .............................................................................................................. 14
Student Parking Permissions ..................................................................................................................... 14
Student Refund Policies ............................................................................................................................. 14
Full Refunds ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Partial Refund ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Additional Parking ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Visitor Permits ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Temporary Permits .................................................................................................................................... 15
Winter/Summer Session Students ............................................................................................................. 15
VI. ADDITIONAL SERVICES .................................................................................................. 16
Rented/Loaner Vehicles ............................................................................................................................. 16
Handicapped Parking ................................................................................................................................. 16
Department of Transportation Services (DOTs)
New Brunswick Office:
Address: 55 Paul Robeson Blvd, 1
Floor – College Avenue Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 – 1182
Newark Office:
Address: 249 University Avenue
Blumenthal Hall Suite 105
Newark, NJ 07102
Camden Office:
Address: 409 N 4
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 848-932-7744
Bus Schedules and Information: 848-932-7817
Questions: Email
Parking Overview
The university maintains various parking facilities to meet the needs of faculty,
staff, students, and visitors. These include parking lots and decks, metered
parking spaces, valet parking, access-controlled lots and restricted lots.
Areas of Jurisdiction
The information contained within applies to all university properties, parking
lots, parking decks and
roadways. The city streets and city meters are not
Rutgers property. City restrictions and regulations apply in these locations.
Parking on Rutgers University property is by permission only, at all times. Parking
rules and regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days
a year. Violators are subject to ticketing and/or towing at the vehicle owner’s
expense, forfeiture of all fees paid, revocation of parking privileges, and/or
judicial action.
The operation of a motor vehicle on any Rutgers University campus is a privilege
granted by the university and is not an inherent right of any faculty, staff, student or
visitor. All faculty, staff, student and visitors who have vehicles in their possession or
control, for use, operation, or parking on the university campus, must apply for
parking permission.
These rules and regulations are subject to change at the discretion of the Department
of Transportation (DOTs). Notice of changes will be published to the DOTs website at
Registration and purchase of a valid Rutgers parking permission is
required at
all times for all vehicles parked within the jurisdictional areas of Rutgers
University. Faculty, staff, and students must register any vehicle they intend to
bring on campus.
Students, faculty and staff shall NOT create visitor accounts. Visitor parking
accounts are intended solely for individuals not affiliated with Rutgers University.
By registering a vehicle for permission to park, vehicle operators consent to Rutgers
University use of automated license plate recognition technology.
Vehicle Registration
Vehicle registration with DOTs is a personal obligation. Vehicles are to be
registered for an individual’s personal use only. The license plate of the
vehicle followed by make, model, and year, is required for registration
and must be kept upto-date by operator of the vehicle.
Faculty and staff, whose dependents are students, may allow those dependents to
register a commonly operated motor vehicle for a student parking permission in
addition to the employee’s parking permission. If the faculty or staff member has
two motor vehicles registered, and if both motor vehicles are on campus at the
same time, the motor vehicle with the student permission must be parked in the
designated student parking area and not in either the faculty or staff members
reserved space or Faculty/Staff lots.
Registering a vehicle for another person’s use through false information
constitutes fraud. One student cannot register another student’s vehicle. In
addition one faculty/staff cannot register another student’s or faculty/staff vehicle.
There is no refund for a permission obtained fraudulently.
The owner of the parking permission is responsible for updating their vehicle
information if they get a different vehicle, different license plate number or
temporarily drive a different vehicle to campus. YOUR LICENSE PLATE MUST
License Plate Recognition (LPR)
DOTs utilizes LPR hardware and software for parking and access control. LPR
data is collected by fixed cameras at Rutgers University parking garages, streets
and parking lots. This includes the academic campuses of New Brunswick,
Newark, Camden, and RBHS. Additionally, DOTs utilizes a number of mobile
vehicle-mounted systems which are driven by trained personnel in parking
locations throughout the university.
Data Collected
The LPR system captures two photos of observed vehicles: (1) a context photo of
the vehicle and its immediate surroundings and (2) a photo of the license plate.
Typically, these photos are taken from the rear of the vehicle, although there are
occasions where a photo is taken from the front. The photos are not of a resolution
that allows identification of the vehicle occupants. Along with the photographic
data, the system also records the global positioning system coordinates and
date/time information of the observation. Further software processing of the
license plate image generates an alphanumeric version of the license plate number
which is also stored with the record. The intended use of data collected by the LPR
system is for parking access control, parking enforcement and law enforcement
investigations. LPR data is used to determine a vehicle’s access permissions in a
given parking area and support the issuance of a parking citation if needed. The
data is also used by the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) in
conducting ongoing criminal investigations and complaints. Any use of the data
for purposes outside of these stated purposes must be detailed and approved in
writing through administrative channels by the Executive Vice President for IP&O
and the President of Rutgers University.
Data Retention
Data collected by the LPR system not resulting in parking enforcement action or
not part of an ongoing law enforcement investigation is retained for 90 days. Data
resulting in parking enforcement action is retained with the citation records
according to established university data retention policies. Data associated with
an ongoing law enforcement investigation is retained until the investigation is
completed or as directed by investigators or courts.
Access to Records
Access to records created and maintained by the LPR system is restricted to trained
RU DOTs personnel performing their duties and a limited number of law
enforcement personnel at Rutgers University. All personnel with access to the
system use unique identifiers and passwords to access records and all login, record
additions, and other activity is logged. Access to the system by others is
Determining What Data We Have About You
Students, faculty and staff with Rutgers University identifications may view
information we have about their vehicles at any time at the online portal found at
Public Notification
DOTs will notify the public of its LPR data collection activities and policies via:
Posting of a privacy policy on the DOTs website
Publishing of this LPR privacy policy in the DOTs Rules and Regulations
Posted information at each of the fixed LPR locations
Parking on University Property
Parking on university property is permitted for university business only. The
purchase of a parking permission provides the privilege of parking on campus.
Availability of parking stalls is not guaranteed with a parking permission.
Non-availability of space in specific stalls or lots does not excuse illegal or
improper parking. Legal alternatives should be sought in other lots. Other
illegally parked vehicles do not excuse illegal parking and do not indicate that
parking rules are not in effect.
All vehicles must be parked so that the license plate is visible from the driving
aisle. No covers that would inhibit the reflectivity of the plate may be placed over
the license plate. The alphanumeric characters of the license plate must be visible
and unobstructed by other accessories.
Marked Stalls
Parking on Rutgers property is allowed only in marked stalls (between two
painted lines) with a valid Rutgers provided parking permission. Marked stalls
are provided in all lots.
A vehicle parked on or over a painted marker line or curb is considered in violation.
All vehicles must be parked entirely within a marked stall. Absence of stall marking
indicates “no parking”.
Responsibility for University Parking Violations
The person who has registered the vehicle with Rutgers University, regardless
the driver or owner of the vehicle, assumes responsibility for all outstanding
university parking violations issued to a vehicle. Violations on a vehicle not
registered with DOTs will be investigated through state motor vehicle agencies.
Any vehicle that is found to be registered to a relative of a current or previous
permit holder will become the responsibility of that permit holder, unless the
registered owner takes responsibility for the parking violations by making
payment in full.
When no current or previous permission holder is found, the registered owner
of the vehicle as reported from the state motor vehicle agencies will become
responsible for the vehicle.
Uncovering Vehicles
Security officers have the right to uncover vehicles (i.e., motorcycle covers) to
determine whether they are registered with DOTs and have a valid
State Registration Laws
While parked on university property, all persons must abide by state registration
laws. Permissions are issued for registered vehicles only. Rutgers University
Police Department (RUPD) will tow vehicles without valid
state license plates or
inspection stickers.
Vehicles with Unpaid Tickets
Vehicles with unpaid tickets totaling over $500 are subject to towing without notice
at the vehicle owner’s expense. Parking privileges may also be revoked. Unpaid
parking tickets will result in denial of the right to register a vehicle to park on
campus; for students,
a hold may be placed on records including transcripts,
diplomas and/ or academic registration. Unpaid tickets will eventually be sent
to a collection agency to ensure payment.
Restricted Parking
No parking is permitted in some areas from 2:00 am to 6:00 am. Please check
the DOTs website for complete regulations and for areas that allow 24 hour
Signs and Markings
Signs and markings are provided in the interest of parking control and life
safety and must be obeyed. Removal or damage of such signs or markings is
illegal. Perpetrators are subject to arrest and prosecution. In absence of a sign at the
entrance to a lot, refer to the Parking Map located on the DOTs website to determine
parking regulations for that lot. Any area not specifically designated for parking is
considered a no parking zone and vehicles will be cited appropriately.
Restrictions in Gated Lots
Restrictions in gated lots are in effect at the times indicated on our website,
even when gate arms are in the “up” position.
Change in Status
Change in status (i.e., from resident to commuter or from student to staff or
faculty) must be reported to the DOTs office immediately. A review will be
made to determine the need for change of parking assignment. If a change in
parking assignment requires additional fees, those fees are the responsibility of the
customer to resolve and pay prior to issuance of a new permit.
Disabled Vehicles
Disabled vehicles must be reported to the university police. Disabled vehicles
should not obstruct traffic flow or endanger safety. The vehicle must be removed
as soon as possible, and no longer than 24 hours after the vehicle became disabled.
Authorization may be obtained from RUPD to leave the vehicle for
periods, but that permission must be renewed every 24 hours. Disabled
not reported or not re-reported will be towed.
Storage of Vehicles or Trailers
Registered or unregistered trailers (storage containers), vehicles or vehicles
involved in motor vehicle accidents causing the vehicle to be inoperable shall not
be stored on university property. All will be removed from university property
at the vehicle owner’s expense.
Park and Ride
University property shall not be used for commuting by public transportation for
non-university business (Park and Ride). Violators will be ticketed and / or towed
from university property.
Parking Permission
Parking permissions remains the property of Rutgers. No person shall
register, sell or otherwise allow another person to use their parking
permission, except as specifically authorized by these regulations.
Misuse of a permission may result in confiscation of the permission
without refund and a restriction on issuing a permission for at least
one year. Persons found in violation of this section will be subject to
the appropriate fine, and/or towing of their vehicle.
Metered Stalls
Metered stalls are provided for the convenience of visitors to the university.
Meters are in effect 24 hours a day
Temporary Closure of Parking Areas and Roadways
The temporary closure of a parking area is a right the university reserves for
reasons of a large event, repair or safety. Vehicles found parked in areas that have
been closed by barricades, signs, or notifications are subject to towing at the
owner’s expense.
Snow Removal Operations
Snow removal operations are announced via campus media, emails, signs, on our
website and social media during snow accumulation conditions. Instructions
regarding time and alternate locations to which vehicles are to be moved should
be followed. Vehicle operators refusing to move their vehicles
may be ticketed
and towed at the owner’s expense. Digging out of vehicles is
the responsibility of
the vehicle’s owner.
Notes of Explanation
Notes of explanation left on vehicles to excuse illegal parking are not honored.
Parking in Handicapped Stalls
Parking in handicapped stalls requires registration with DOTs and the display of
proper identification from a state motor vehicle agency and DOTs at all times. A
valid parking permission is required to park on campus. Striped aisles adjacent to
the parking stall are part of the stall and carry the same penalty for misuse. Vehicles
illegally parked in handicapped stalls will be subject to ticketing and towing at the
vehicle owner’s expense.
Parking in Loading Zones
Parking in loading zones is prohibited. Loading/unloading approvals must be
obtained by DOTs prior to using a loading zone. Once active loading/unloading is
performed, the vehicle should leave the loading zone.
Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours, seven days a week. Enforcement in
areas is especially rigorous. Ticket payments are due upon receipt.
Exceeded Time Limit
$ 20
License Plate Not Displayed
$ 25
Failure to obey signs/markings
$ 20
Closed parking lot
$ 70
No Rutgers permission
$ 50
Failure to move
$ 20
Unauthorized campus
$ 30
Outside of marked stall
$ 20
Parked in fire zone
$ 150
Driving/parking in prohibited area
$ 20
Fraudulent use
$ 100
Unauthorized lot
$ 20
Parked in handicapped stall
$ 250
Fraudulent registration
$ 100
Fine Payments
Payments for parking fines may be made online at Fines may also be paid by mail with a
check or money order made payable to Rutgers, the State University of New
Jersey. Mailed
payments must be postmarked within 20 days of the date the ticket
was issued. A late fee of $5 is charged if payment is received after 20 days but
before 30 days. A late fee of $10 is charged if payment is made after 30 days from
ticket issuance. Please send a copy of the ticket with the payment.
Tickets may be appealed within ten days of the date the ticket was issued or
received. After ten days, the right to appeal is lost and the violator is responsible
for all fines associated
with the ticket. Towing costs may not be appealed. The
appeal process allows the individual to demonstrate the citation is invalid.
All appeals must be submitted online at
separate appeal is required for each ticket. A factual statement supporting
why the citation should be voided is required. The individual appealing the
citation is responsible for providing supporting documentation. The hearing
officer is empowered to reduce, adjust, remove, or uphold any penalties / fines
associated with each ticket. The hearing officer’s decision is binding. An appeal
may be resubmitted, but will only be considered
if new evidence is provided which
may serve to alter or reverse the original decision. The hearing officer will decide
whether to accept or deny any resubmissions.
Student holds will be released temporarily from appealed citations pending the
appeal officer's decision. If a decision is made to deny an appeal, or reduce the
original citation, the hold will be reinstated.
Suggested Practices
Be polite
Be honest
Be concise
Appeals will not be considered for the following reasons:
Parking illegally for a short time
Ignorance of regulations
Inconvenience of assigned parking area
Unread or misunderstood signs
Financial hardship
Expired meter
Towing of Vehicles
Vehicles are subject to towing at the vehicle owner’s expense for any violation
of university parking or registration rules. Towable offenses include, but are not
limited to:
Parking in marked fire zones
Parking in handicap stalls
Outstanding balance of $500 or more due for unpaid tickets
Fraudulent use of a parking permission
Refusal to remove vehicle during snow removal operations
Refusal to remove vehicle from a closed lot during a scheduled event
Violation of rules and regulations as outlined on the DOTs website
Private companies contracting with the university provide towing. Cost of towing
storage is paid directly to the tow company. By law, after the tow mechanism
is attached, the tow
company is responsible for the vehicle even if it has not yet
been removed from
university property. Tow companies are expected to treat
everyone professionally and
courteously. All claims for damage must be made
directly to the tow company.
A vehicle may also have a demobilizing device attached to the front windshield
making the vehicle undrivable; this would be applied instead of a tow. The customer
would need to pay a fee in order to have the device deactivated so as to remove the
device and return it. All instructions will be on the device and could be used 24/7.
Rutgers Employee Parking Permissions
Registration is conducted online typically staring in December (permit year begins
January 1). All eligible employees on active payroll should register online.
Payments may be made by credit card or payroll deduction. Faculty and staff with a
record of unpaid tickets will not be issued a new parking permission until tickets are
paid. Parking permissions are valid only until the date of expiration, regardless
of date of purchase. Coadjutants and teaching assistants will not receive fall registration
automatically and should apply online once payroll has been updated.
Temporary parking may be obtained online via a parking app. The instructions are on the
DOTs website:
University Hospital Employee Permits
Registration is conducted typically staring in December (permit year begins January 1).
All eligible employees on active payroll should register their vehicles. All payments for
parking are through payroll deduction only. Anyone with a record of unpaid tickets
will not be issued a parking permission until tickets are paid. Parking permissions are
valid only until the 12/31, regardless of date of purchase.
Newly Hired Employees
Newly hired faculty and staff should contact their departmental benefits representative
to obtain temporary parking. Written verification of employment, along with vehicle
information must be submitted to DOTs administrative office prior to parking on
campus. Newly hired faculty staff will be granted 30 days temporary parking, and must
apply for a parking permission once payroll has been updated.
Motorcycles, Mopeds and/or any motorized vehicle requiring a State license plate
Each state licensed vehicle requires a separate permission. Any such vehicle that are
used as primary vehicles are charged full parking permission. Any such vehicle
that is just an additional vehicle to an existing permit will not
have a fee. All of these vehicles must park in valid parking lot and are not permitted
park on sidewalks or in bicycle racks.
Parking Cards for Gated Lots and Decks
Gate cards for assigned gated lots and gate cards for common gated lots have a fee. If a
gate card is no longer working a new gate card must be purchased. Parking cards for
the three decks at RBHS/UH Newark can be obtained from Deck P2/Bergen at the
cashier office. You must be able to document that you have a valid Rutgers provided
parking permission to obtain a parking card. This card will give you access to decks
P1/Norfolk, P2/Bergen and
P3/DOC. At Rutgers University Newark, surface gates lots
access is granted through an employee ID card. Should you want access to those surface
lots please send a request to
To request access to a parking deck in downtown New Brunswick (Paterson, Morris,
Wellness, Plum or Easton Avenue Deck (EAD), email and
include your name, your employee number and the deck you are requesting. Please
be advised, access is limited and is given on a first come first served basis. You must
have a valid Rutgers
parking permission to be granted access. If your permit
permission expires and you do not purchase/renew your permission, your card will be
deactivated and you will be required to pay a $25 reactivation fee. Any deposit funds
will be forfeited if you do not have a valid permission to park. If you lose or damage
your access card for a parking deck there is a $25 replacement fee.
Employee Refund Policies for Rutgers Employees Only
Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the DOTs office and must be
accompanied by documented evidence of departure from the university. Refund
request forms are available at the DOTs office, as
well as at requests for gate cards will not be accepted. The
parking permission will be removed from the employees account once the required
documentation has been verified.
Non-Affiliate and Service Permits
Unaffiliated contractors / vendors and third party providers working within a Rutgers
building or providing a service at the university, are sold service parking permissions,
or if here full time, a Non-Affiliate parking permission. A letter from the employing
department and/ or business card is necessary to register the vehicle and
receive a
parking permission.
Student Parking Permissions
Mass registration occurs in the summer, students may register online. The permit year
begins September 1st of the academic year. Students with a record of unpaid tickets will
not be issued a parking permission until tickets are paid. Resident student parking
assignments are made to specific lots according to a student's on-campus residence.
Commuter students
parking zone assignments are made by the student when the parking
permission is
purchased. Visit the DOTs website for information regarding your specific
parking assignment and the specific parking restrictions on the parking permission.
Student Refund Policies
Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the DOTs office and must be
accompanied by documented evidence of withdrawal or graduation from the university.
The parking permission will be removed from the students account once the required
documentation has been verified. Refund request forms are available online at
Full Refunds
Requests may be made under the following condition:
Withdrawal from all classes completed within two weeks of the beginning of the fall
semester. A written refund request must be made within those first two weeks.
Partial Refund
Requests may be made under one of the following conditions:
Withdrawal from all classes completed two weeks after the beginning of the fall
semester and until the second week of the spring semester. A written refund request
must be made no later than February 1st of the current year.
Attending only the fall semester of the academic year. A written refund request
must be made no later than February 1st of the current year.
Refund requests for keycards will not be accepted.
Additional Parking
For students who have a valid parking permission and are requesting additional
parking privileges due to extenuating circumstances, additional parking may be
purchased. All
additional parking requests will be reviewed on an individual basis and
issuance is not guaranteed. Request for a medical reason must be submitted with a
Certification of Medical Need form signed by your physician. All medical
requests are subject to review by the university physician. Requests submitted with
incomplete forms and lack of supporting documentation will not be reviewed.
Visitor Permits
Students may request a visitor parking permission for visitors staying one to two days.
Visitors are defined as persons not affiliated with Rutgers in any way. Either student or
visitor must request visitor parking permissions, with the visitor's name, address, and
license plate number. Visitors may not necessarily be given the same parking
assignment as their student host. There is a charge per day for these visitor-parking
permissions. Visitor parking permissions can be purchased online .
Temporary Permits
Students who are eligible, but do not normally have a vehicle on campus, may purchase
a temporary parking permission for short periods. All tickets must be paid on the
vehicle(s) for which the temporary parking permission is being issued. Students who
are abusive with their temporary parking permission may lose their parking privileges.
Students may purchase up to three temporary parking permissions equaling five days
or less, each per semester
Winter/Summer Session Students
Students whose permits expire August 31
do not need to register for Winter or Summer
Session parking. Students who did not register a vehicle prior to Winter or Summer
Session may do so during the reading period.
Rented/Loaner Vehicles
Parking permission holders that need to bring rented or borrowed vehicles on campus
for one day, due to service of their registered vehicle, should add the vehicle online
to their own account. Unreported vehicles are subject to ticketing. If you have a
current parking permission you can add your temporary rental or loaner vehicle
to your account online; when you are done with that vehicle you can deactivate
from your account.
Handicapped Parking
A Rutgers parking permission must be purchased in order to receive handicapped or
other parking privileges for medical reasons. Handicapped parking is available on all
campuses. Please submit a copy of a handicapped placard and ID card, or TEMP
permit issued by a municipality, so that this information can be updated in your account.