Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc
Minutes of Council Meeting
Monday, March 19, 2018
Regular Council Session
6:30 p.m.
In the Council Chamber
In-Camera Session
6:00 p.m.- Committee Room
1. Roll Call. Cell phones and pagers are to be turned off.
Present: Mayor Joanne Vanderheyden
Deputy Mayor Brad Richards
Councillor Marie Baker
Councillor Dave Cameron
Councillor Steve Pelkman
Councillor Larry Cowan
Councillor Steve Dausett
Councillor Neil Flegel
Absent with
Notice: Councillor John Brennan
Also Present: Greg McClinchey, Chief Administrative Officer
Angela Toth, Director of Corporate Services
Mark Campbell, Strathroy-Caradoc Police Chief
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest. None.
3. In Camera Matters
Moved by Councillors:
THAT: Council move in camera to discuss a property matter involving acquisition, disposal or
lease of property and a procedural matter to approve meeting minutes all in accordance with
Ontario Municipal Act and Council’s Procedural Bylaw. Carried.
4. Conclude In Camera Session.
Moved by Councillors:
THAT: the in camera session be closed and the meeting proceed to open session. Carried.
The In-Camera meeting adjourned at 6:25.p.m.
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
1. Roll Call
Mayor Joanne Vanderheyden
Deputy Mayor Brad Richards
Councillor Marie Baker
Councillor Dave Cameron
Councillor Steve Pelkman
Councillor Larry Cowan
Councillor Steve Dausett
Councillor Neil Flegel
Absent with
Notice: Councillor John Brennan
Also Present:
Greg McClinchey, Chief Administrative Officer
Angela Toth, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk
Jennifer Pereira, Assistant to the Director of Corporate Services (Recorder)
Bill Dakin, Director of Finance/Treasurer
Matthew Stephenson, Director of Building, Planning & Waste Management
Rob Lilbourne, Director of Community Services
George Elliott, Director of Engineering & Public Works
Doug Payne, Manager of Human Resources
Gabriel Burchert, myFM Radio
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest. None.
3. Approval of Minutes
Moved by Deputy Mayor Richards and Councillor Pelkman
THAT: the following minutes be approved as written:
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 5, 2018. Carried.
4. Presentations/Delegations Petitions
4.1. Petition for Drainage Works- Century Drive- Drain 2018
A petition for drainage work was received from Lots 12 and 13 of Concession 5 and Lots 13 and
14 of Concession 4, Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc to provide a closed water drain and
replace existing, under size, private drain crossing Century Drive and Christina Road and
outleting on Lots 12, Concession 5.
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
Moved by Councillor Flegel and Councillor Cowan
THAT: the petition for drainage works related to Century Drive and Christina Road, Lots 12, 13
and 14, Concession 5, Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc, be accepted; and further that Spriet
Associates be authorized to prepare an engineer’s report on this matter. Carried.
5. Court of Revision.
Van Aert Drain- Irish Drive Drain No. 2018
5.1. Resolution to open Court of Revision.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Richards and Councillor Pelkman
THAT: the Court of Revision for the Van Aert-Irish Drive Drain 2018 be hereby opened. Carried.
Director Matthew Stephenson explained that no appeals or verbal enquires were received
respecting the drain. He further explained it was necessary to proceed with the tender process
in order to meet contractors timelines.
5.2. Appeals (if any) for the Van Aert-Irish Drive Drain 2018. None.
5.3. Questions from Council. None.
5.4. Decision.
Moved by Councillor Dausett and Councillor Baker
THAT: the Engineer’s Report for the Van Aert-Irish Drive Drain 2018 be accepted, and further
that Bylaw 08-18 providing for the construction of the Van Aert-Irish Drive Drain be referred to
the Consideration of Bylaws section of this meeting. Carried.
5.5. Resolution to close Court of Revision.
Moved by Councillor Flegel and Councillor Baker
THAT: the Court of Revision for the Van Aert- Irish Drive Drain 2018 be hereby closed. Carried.
6. Communications
6.1. Strathroy Business Improvement Association
A letter from Dave Brock, Board Chair, on behalf of the BIA recommending a replacement in
board officials for the balance of the term ending December 31, 2018.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Richards and Councillor Cameron
THAT: Council accept the recommendation to appoint Donna Pammer and May Windell to the
BIA Board for the balance of the term ending December 31, 2018. Carried.
6.2. Stephen Schmidt, Resident of Strathroy
A letter from resident Stephen Schmidt requesting an amendment to the zoning bylaw to permit
backyard chickens in a residential area. After some discussion, Council directed this request to
staff for research and report back to Council.
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
Moved By Councillor Pelkman and Councillor Flegel
THAT: the communication as received from Stephen Schmidt proposing an amendment to the
Animal Control Bylaw to permit the keeping of hens in Residential areas be received for staff
comment and report. Carried.
6.3. County of Renfrew
Resolution from the County of Renfrew asking the Province to provide the forest sector with the
certainty it needs to invest in the future, through a 5-year extension in Section 22.1 of the
Endangered Species Act, 2007, instead of the proposed 2-year extension.
Reference: For information.
6.4. Ontario Good Roads Association
An update from OGRA in regards to raising awareness with the Minister of Environment and
Climate Change about making improvement to the Municipal Class EA process.
Reference: For information.
7. Unfinished Business. None.
8. Reports from Departments
8.1. Corporate Services Councillor Neil Flegel, Chair
a) Municipal Insurance RFP-Awarding of Contract
Councillor Neil Flegel reviewed some background into the municipality’s insurance needs
including the combination of risk management, insurance coverage and general liability. The
municipal insurance portfolio includes property and equipment schedules of approximately
$89 million in value, plus fleet. The municipality conducted an RPF in December of 2017
with 4 recipient bids and recruited the assistance of an independent evaluation from Joy
Jackson, FCIP, RF, of Cunnart Associates, that provided input on the 4 bids received. On
January 26, 2018, the selected recipient was Frank Cowan Company Limited with the bid of
$339,353.00 plus applicable taxes for the term ending March 1, 2019, allowing the option to
renew the contract after one year, subject to pricing and service. The amount budgeted for
2018 was $459,267.00 leaving a savings of $36,383.65, which was recommended to be
invested in a preventative maintenance program for the Corporation.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Richards and Councillor Cowan
THAT: Council authorize the awarding of the 2018 Insurance contract to Frank Cowan
Company Limited in the amount of $339,353.00 plus applicable taxes for the term ending
March 1
, 2019, with the option to renew the contract after one year, subject to favorable
pricing and service. Carried.
b) Hiring Report- Recreation Program Coordinator (Temporary Contract)
Councillor Neil Flegel presented the hiring report for a Recreation Program Coordinator,
which is a temporary 12- month contract position starting March 12, 2018. The successful
candidate was Nicole Bolton who brings with her a Bachelor of Arts from the University of
Waterloo in Recreation and Leisure Studies.
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
Reference: Received for Information.
8.2. Engineering and Public Works
a) McKellar Street Reconstruction
Director of Engineering and Public Works, George Elliott along with Councillor Steve Dausett
presented a report on the status of the McKellar Street Reconstruction project. George Elliott
indicated in his recommendation to modify the design concept with a 10-metre wide asphalt
surface to provide parking on both sides with an 8.5 metre width of roadway from Campbell
Street to Scott Street W, without cycling facilities, although allowing the flexibility with a wider
roadway in the event that future cycling facilities are added. In addition, this would decrease
the amount budgeted for the project eliminating the cycling grant amount, reducing the
project to $2,829,180.00 and would be made up with gas tax, development charges, user
fees, and taxation. Based on available funding it is recommended that the project be split
into phases and it is expected that Phase 1 would include road work on the north end of
McKellar between Metcalfe Street and Dell Drive, as Dell Drive is the highest point of the
road at which the storm and sanitary sewer drainages split, as well, it will have less impact
on school traffic.
Councillor Baker indicated that underground infrastructure should be investigated. The
director indicated that the drainage pipe is undersized and should be replaced before the
commencement of Phase 2 of the project. Councillor Pelkman commented that public
consultation be conducted prior to construction to involve public decision. Mayor
Vanderheyden feels the concept of bike lanes needed to be focused on, and suggested a
bike lane on one side of the road and parking on the other. Councillor Cameron commented
on the public consultation process and inquired how that will affect the timeline of the project.
The director noted that if the design is opposed, postponing it to next year will allow more
time to inspect the underground infrastructure. Councillor Baker was concerned about the
timeline of the project and delaying it will only delay needed repairs to the Dell Drive,
McKellar and Keefer Street intersection, as the area experiences flooding. The director
indicated that if the public consultation process begins as soon as possible, then work could
potential commence as early as July 1, 2018, depending on contractor timelines; they should
expect an estimated 8-month duration for project completion. Councillor Cameron also
contended with the design in regards to allowing the option for potential bike lanes in the
Moved By Councillor Cowan and Councillor Pelkman
1. Council approve a reduction in the 2018 Capital Budget funding for the McKellar Street
reconstruction project from $2,995,847.00 to $2,829,180.00 to reflect the elimination of
grant funding for cycling facilities on McKellar Street, and;
2. Council approve the minor collector road design concept with a 10 metre wide asphalt
surface to provide parking on both sides, without cycling facilities, recognizing the
operational flexibility of a wider road, in the event that future cycling facilities are desired
and funding is available, and;
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
3. Council direct staff to reduce the scope of the McKellar Street project to include the
reconstruction from Metcalfe Street to the south Dell Street intersection to fit within the
available funding as a first phase of the project, and;
4. Council direct staff to prepare a cost estimate for the remaining McKellar Street works
from south Dell Street intersection to Carroll Street as a second phase to be presented
to Council for consideration in the 2019 Capital Budget.
5. And further, that a public consultation meeting be held at earliest date possible. Carried.
b) Annual Water Summary Report- Strathroy-Caradoc Distribution 2017
Councillor Dausett presented the Annual Water Distribution Summary Report for Strathroy-
Caradoc for 2017. He indicated there was one non-compliant issue found, due to the
operators not recording chlorine residuals during watermain commissioning. The issue has
been addressed through the Watermain Inspection Report and staff training.
Moved By Councillor Cowan and Councillor Cameron
THAT: the 2017 Annual Water Summary for the Strathroy-Caradoc Distribution System be
received for information. Carried.
c) Annual Reporting- Wastewater Facilities 2017
Councillor Dausett presented the Annual Reporting for the Wastewater facilities for 2017.
He indicated that the facility has operated in compliance with the Provincial requirements
with the exception of one significant event that lead to 2 non-compliance events. This issue
has been addressed and the treatment process was restored and treated.
Moved By Councillor Baker and Councillor Flegel
THAT: the 2017 Annual Reports for the Strathroy and Mount Brydges Wastewater
Treatment Facilities be received for information. Carried.
8.3. Building, Planning & Waste Services
a) Adelaide- Metcalfe Proposed Zoning, OP Amendments- Chweicko
The Director of Building, Planning and Waste Services presented a report in regards to the
written submission from Robert Chwiecko. The Director explained that Adelaide-Metcalfe is
requesting a discussion regarding the Zoning Bylaw and Official Plan Amendments specific
to the Centre Road Corridor. In addition, the request will amend the servicing agreement
between the two municipalities with the intent to allow for small-scale urban residential
development in one specific area. In his letter, Mr. Chwiecko shares his concerns regarding
Strathroy-Caradoc’s existing residential sub-division interface with the proposed Adelaide
Metcalfe commercial corridor. The director indicated that Strathroy-Caradoc are not direct
stakeholders in this planning matter nor is it recommended to amend the Servicing
Agreement to commit sanitary sewer capacity to Adelaide Metcalfe for growth along the
Centre Road Corridor.
Moved By Councillor Dausett and Councillor Baker
THAT: Council acknowledge the written submission form Robert Chwiecko;
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
AND THAT: Without offering comment on the appropriateness of the decision made by the
Council of the Township of Adelaide-Metcalfe at their meeting of February 20, 2018,
approving an amended Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw for the Centre Road Corridor,
Strathroy-Caradoc’s Council acknowledges the right of Adelaide Metcalfe to make internal
planning decisions of this nature;
AND THAT: Given the decisions made by Adelaide Metcalfe’s Council, in relation to the
Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments for the Centre Road Corridor, Strathroy-
Caradoc’s Council does not support any request to amend the current Servicing Agreement
approved by Bylaw No. 93-13, being a Bylaw to authorize the execution of a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc and the
Corporation of the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe. Carried.
8.4. Financial Services
a) Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program- Transfer Payment
Finance Director, Bill Dakin presented his report regarding the Ontario Municipal Commuter
Cycling Program grant. An application has been submitted to direct the grant to the paving
of the trail through Alexandra Park and Cuddy Soccer Fields, to create a paved trail that
would connect Victoria Street and Head Street. The grant represents 80% of the project
costs, leaving $33,000 to come from the Municipality’s Future Needs reserve.
Councillor Pelkman inquired on the location of the paving and if the pathway could be
moved, due to some corrosion in some areas.
Moved By Councillor Pelkman and Councillor Baker
THAT: Council hereby approves the 2017-18 Ontario Commuter Cycling (OMCC) program
report and further; that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the applicable Ontario
Municipal Commuter Cycling Program 2017-18 Transfer Payment Agreement. Carried.
9. Reports from Boards and Committees. None.
10. Consideration of Bylaws
10.1. Bylaw 08-18 (Referred from Agenda Item 5.4)
Moved by Councillor Baker and Councillor Pelkman
THAT: the following bylaw receive third and final reading:
Bylaw 08-18
A bylaw to provide for the construction of the Van Aert Irish Drive Drain 2018 servicing
parts of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1 and Range 1 North (Caradoc) in the Municipality of
Strathroy-Caradoc. Carried.
10.2. Bylaw 20-18 (Referred from Agenda Item 6.1- Strathroy BIA)
Moved by Deputy Mayor Richards and Councillor Cameron
THAT: the following bylaw receive first, second and third and final reading:
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
A bylaw to amend Appointment Bylaw 68-14 to reflect that Donna Pammer and May Windell
be appointed to the Strathroy BIA for the balance of the term ending December 31, 2018.
10.3. Bylaw 21-18
Moved by Deputy Mayor Richards and Councillor Cameron
THAT: the following bylaw receive first, second and third and final reading:
Bylaw 21-18
A bylaw to authorize an Amendment Agreement (#1) to the Contribution Agreement regarding
the Ontario Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund- Application Based Component.
10.4. Bylaw 22-18 (Referred from Agenda Item 8.4)
Moved by Councillor Cameron and Councillor Cowan
THAT: the following bylaw receive first, second and third and final reading:
Bylaw 22-18
A bylaw to authorize the execution of an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of
the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister Of Transportation for the Province of
Ontario- Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program 2017-2018. Carried.
10.5. Bylaw 23-18
Moved by Councillor Cameron and Councillor Pelkman
THAT: the following bylaw receive first, second and third and final reading:
Bylaw 23-18
A bylaw to establish a Municipal Communications Policy for the Municipality of Strathroy-
Caradoc. Carried.
10.6. Bylaw 24-18
Moved by Councillor Pelkman and Deputy Mayor Richards
THAT: the following bylaw receive first, second and third and final reading:
Bylaw 24-18
A bylaw to establish a Municipal Branding Policy for the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.
11. New Business. None.
12. County Council Report.
Deputy Mayor Richards reported that County Council met regarding Budget. The County levy is
up by 6.3% before growth and reassessment. The bottom line is 0% but the County levy has
13. Enquiries or Comments by Members.
Deputy Mayor Richards updated Council on the Bluewater Recycling program; he indicated that the
plant has been updated to accommodate different packaging and materials. The expectations for
China to buy our recycled materials require 3% residue rate, which we have been able to maintain.
Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018
Councillor Cameron commented on the Communications Policy and Branding Policy. He spoke on
the active roll of the Communications Committee, which include; Brianna Hammer-Keidel, Paul
Lattimore, Lindsay Kernohan, Demetri Makrokos, Greg McClinchey and Councillor Cameron. At a
later date, the committee will bring to Council a detailed report regarding the specific communication
and marketing tasks the committee are involved with.
Councillor Cameron commented on the County Meeting on March 6, 2018 in regards to the
Paramedic Compliance Report. It included a comparison of response times for emergency calls
within Middlesex County. He indicated the need for a more detailed report that can further break
down the times and the location of where they are coming from.
Mayor Vanderheyden announced that the Biz after Biz will be held on Thursday March 22, 2018 at
Windells Chocolates. The Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital will be holding a Mayor’s Breakfast
on Tuesday March 20, 2018 with Dr. Rajgopal as speaker. She also expressed her concern on the
amount of littering within our community and along the county roads, as well as, the concern of
excessive speeding within the community.
14. Schedule of Meetings
Regular Council Tuesday, April 3, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m.
Regular Council Monday, April 16, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m.
Facility Tour Saturday, April 21, 2018 @ 8:00 a.m.
Visioning/Strategic Planning Session Saturday, May 5, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m.
15. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Pelkman and Deputy Mayor Richards
THAT: the regular council meeting adjourn at 7:57 p.m. Carried.
_______________________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Clerk