HTML, CSS AND Tailwind CSS From Level 0
Build a Static Version of EMC Like Website
Interview Preparation Module 1 (HTML + CSS + Tailwind CSS)
Mini Project
Making The Website Dynamic Using JavaScript
Interview Preparation Module 2 (JavaScript)
Mini Project
Building Website Using NodeJS, ExpressJs
Make Database For a Website Using Mongodb
Interview Preparation (Nodejs, Express js, MongoDB)
Mini Project
Interview Questions (ReactJS)
Mini Project
Udemy Clone using Html CSS and Tailwind CSS
Responsive Design
How to Create To-Do List for Your Daily
Perfume Project Using HTML and CSS for
Perfume Details and More
How to create a portfolio using Html CSS
Tripe Adviser: Creating a Stylish Web
Interface with HTML, CSS, and Tailwind CSS
How to create a Reestar Restaurant project
using Html CSS
Nostra E-Commerce Project Sale your Own
Greenden Plants for your Interior Full
Responsive Designs
Develop a weather application using
React and the Axios API.
A bulk mail application utilizing Nodemailer,
React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.
Create a login and signup functionality for a
React-based Actodo project.
Create a Random Joke Generator utilizing
API, implemented with React, Redux Node.js,
Express, and styled with Tailwind CSS
Final Project Task
amazon like E-commerce
1. Secure Authentication: Firebase ensures safe
2. Robust Backend: MongoDB for efficient data
3. Admin Privileges: Add products easily.
4. User-Friendly: Effortlessly browse and buy.
5. Efficient Checkout: Razorpay integration for
smooth payments.
6. Dummy Razor API: Test transactions worry-free.
Join us for a top-notch shopping journey!
Unlock Your Potential with Our Internship Opportunity
Upon successfully completing all assigned projects, students who stand
out in terms of performance will be eligible for a one-month internship,
complete with a stipend. This opportunity not only allows you to apply
what you've learned in a real-world setting but also emphasizes the
importance of timely project completion as a criterion for selection.
Completion of Projects: You must successfully complete all given
projects within the specified deadlines to qualify for the internship
Selection for Internship: Selection is based on your performance in the
course and the projects. It’s your chance to shine and show us what
you’ve got!
Internship Duration and Stipend: The internship lasts for one month.
It’s a paid opportunity, allowing you to earn while you learn and apply
your skills.
Job Placement Assistance: Post-internship, based on your performance
during the interview process, we will offer assistance with job
placements, leveraging our network to help you kickstart your career in
the IT industry.
Exclusive Community Access: Interns will gain access to a separate
community, creating a space for networking, collaboration, and shared
learning among peers and mentors.
Section 2: Let’s Dive into HTML
2.1. HTML Introduction
2.2. HTML in Action - Learning Basic tags
2.3. Building a simple portfolio website using only HTML
2.4. Browser Developer Tools
2.5. HTML Boilerplate
Section 3: HTML Forms and Tables
3.1. HTML Forms
3.2. HTML Tables
3.3. HTML Tables + Forms
3.4. Create a Contact form for my Portfolio Page
3.5. How to link Multiple HTML Pages?
3.6. Things you should know
Section 4: Introduction to CSS
4.1. What is CSS and its type?
4.2. CSS Basic Styles
4.3. CSS Selectors
4.4. CSS Box Model Explained
4.5. Display Property of CSS is everything you need
4.6. CSS hover Property
4.7. Creating a CSS Card Component
4.8. BEM Explained
4.9. The concept of Specificity
Section 5: Upgrading Portfolio Website
5.1. Adding basic Styles
5.2. Working with Display Property
5.3. Styling Contact Page
5.4. Launch your first website on GitHub.
5.5. Reestar Project Task
CSS Portfolio
Section 6: Master Flexbox with a Project
6.1. Udemy Project Introduction
6.2. Introduction to Complete Flexbox with Exercise
6.3. Building Categories Section - Udemy
6.4. Sale Image Section - Udemy
6.5. Course Card - Udemy
6.6. Flex-grow and Flex-basis Explained.
6.7. Wrapping up Udemy Project
6.8. Time to Practice Flex
CSS FlexBox
Section 7: Git and GitHub - Introduction
7.1. What is Git and GitHub?
7.2. Setup your Git Environment
7.3. GitHub Push and Pull Demo
7.4. Let’s Push Udemy Project from the Terminal
Section 8: CSS Positioning with Examples
8.1. What is CSS Position
8.2. What are 5 Different Positions?
8.3. Create Components Using CSS Position
8.4. What is z-index?
8.5. Update Udemy Project and Git it.
CSS & Git
Section 9: CSS Animations - Learn Basics
9.1. What is CSS Animation
9.2. Opacity vs rgba
9.3. Transition Property
9.4. Advance Animation using Keyframes.
9.5 Animation in Practice.
9.6. Update Udemy Project and Git it.
Section 10: Responsive Websites Makes You Pro
10.1. What is a Responsive Website?
10.2. Introduction to Media Queries
10.3. Practice Questions on Responsive Design
10.4. Upgrading Udemy Project using MQ
CSS Animations & Media Queries
Tailwind CSS
Section 11: Time to CSS all by yourself
11.1. You are going to create a TripAdvisor Clone
Section 12: Tailwind for Fast Development
12.1. What is Tailwind CSS?
12.2. Bootstrap vs Tailwind CSS
12.3. Introduction to Greenden Project
12.4. Building Responsive Navbar
12.5. Header Section
12.6. About Section
12.7. How grid differs from flex?
12.8. Building Best Seller Section Using Grid
12.9. Let’s Wrap it up with Reviews, Newsletter and Footer
12.10. Product Page Task
12.11 How you can easily Take Template from Internet
12.12 Time to Git it
Section 13: JavaScript: It's time to code.
13.1. Why JavaScript?
13.2. What are Variables?
13.3. What ES6 means?
13.4. JavaScript Primitives
13.5. JavaScript Operators
13.6. Ternary Operators
13.7. Let’s Practice Basic JavaScript
Section 14: JavaScript: If-Else and Functions
14.1 If-Else in JavaScript
14.2 If-Else Practice Questions
14.3 What are functions in JavaScript?
14.4 Parameters Explained
14.5 Return Keyword in JavaScript
14.6 Function Practice Questions
Section 15: JavaScript: Guess the Number Game
15.1. How to generate a random Number?
15.2. Let’s create a Game.
Section 16: JavaScript: Loop is powerful.
16.1. Loops Explained!
16.2. Exercise Questions.
Section 17: JavaScript: Arrays
17.1. What is Array?
17.2. Push and Pop
17.3. Slice and Splice
17.4. indexOf, includes, Length.
17.5. const & Arrays
17.6. Combining Arrays with loop
17.7. Arrays Practice Question
Section 18: JavaScript: Object Literals
18.1. Introduction to Object Literals
18.2. Arrays + Objects
Section 19: JavaScript: DOM Introduction
19.1. What is JavaScript DOM?
19.2. Selecting and Manipulating DOM using ID
19.3. Selecting and Manipulating DOM using querySelector
19.4. textContent vs InnerHTML
19.5. Exercise Questions with Id and querySelector
19.6. use of setAttribute?
19.7. How to Manipulate CSS?
JavaScript DOM
Section 20: All about Events
20.1 What are Events & Even handlers?
20.2. Event Object
20.3. Add 2 Numbers and Print Result
20.4. Exercise with Input Tag
20.5. Guess the Random Number 2.0
20.6. What are event Listeners with Example?
20.7. Create a PopUp Box on a Button Click - 1
20.8. Create a PopUp Box on a Button Click - 2
JavaScript DOM
Section 21: Let’s Create a TO-DO List
21.1. How to create a HTML Element?
21.2. Append vs Prepend.
21.3. How to Delete an Element
21.4. Let’s Create a TO-DO List from Scratch
21.5. Task for the Session
Section 22: Working with Forms
22.1. How to select value from Radio Buttons
22.2. How to select value from CheckBox
22.3. What is Regex and its Example
22.4 Form Validation
JavaScript DOM
Section 23: Upgrading Greenden Project with JS
23.1 Creating a Responsive Side Navbar
23.2. Search Functionality in Product Page
23.3. Deploy into GitHub
Section 24: E-commerce Task (HTML+CSS+JS)
24.1. Create an E-commerce Website called Nostra.
Section 25: ES6 in detail
25.1. Arrow Function
25.2. Template Literals
25.3. Destructuring Assignment
25.4. Spread and Rest Operator
25.5. Default Parameter
25.6. Classes
25.7. Callback
25.8. Promises
25.9. Async /Await
Section 26: JavaScript Array Methods
26.1. ForEach Method
26.2. Let’s Filter
26.3. Map is powerful
JavaScript DOM
React JS
Section 27: This is what everyone is talking about - React JS
27.1. What and why is React?
27.2. Let’s Practice React - codesandbox
27.3. How to run React Application from VS Code
27.4. How to add Styles?
27.5. What are React Components?
27.6. Recreate Perfumy Project Using React.
27.7. Import and Export Components.
27.8. Upgrade Perfumy React
27.9. What are Fragments?
27.10. Push React Apps to Git
27.11. Using vercel to Deploy
27.12. Convert Udemy css Project to Udemy-react
Section 28: Props and Map
28.1. What are props?
28.2. Separation of Components
28.3. Statement vs Expression
28.4 How to Work with Maps
Section 29: Exercise Question: React Components,
Props & Map
29.1. Image Gallery Exercise.
Section 30: useState Explained.
30.1. What is state?
30.2. How to create a State
30.3. Counter App with State
30.4. State Exercise
React JS
Section 31: Form Controls
31.1. Controlled Components
31.2. Multiple Inputs
31.3. Multiple Inputs 2.0
31.4. Creating a Shopping List
Section 32: Conditional Rendering
32.1. Change Color on a Button Click
32.2. Check & Uncheck List
32.3. Before vs After Login
Section 33: Let’s Create a To-Do List
33.1. Complete To-Do List Tutorial
React JS
Section 33: Let’s Create a To-Do List
33.1. Complete To-Do List Tutorial
Section 34: Things you should know
34.1. React component Life Cycle
34.2. React Hooks and its Types.
34.3. UseEffects Hook Explained
34.4. List and key
Section 35: Actodo Project - Part 1
35.1. Actodo Project Overview
35.2. How to Integrate Tailwind with React
35.3. Project Folder Structure
35.4. Creating a Header Component
35.5. Creating a Card Component
35.6. Building TodoList
35.7. Adding TodoList Functionality
35.8. Building AddTodoForm
React JS
Section 36: React Router
36.1 React router Explained.
36.2. Link Tag in React Router
36.3. Create Login and Signup Page
36.4. Add Login Functionality
36.5. Add User via Sign Up
36.6. Fixing Login Logical Error
36.7. How to Navigate?
Section 37: Finishing up Actodo Project
37.1 Merge Router+Actodo Todo List
37.1 Let’s Deploy
Section 38: useContext Hook Explained
38.1. Why useContext?
38.2. Create your own context.
38.3. Add list with UseContext
React JS
Section 39: Task (Router + Context)
39.1 Favourite Student List Task
Section 40: Weather App using API
40.1. What is API?
40.2. What are Promises?
40.3. How to work with Axios?
40.4. Working with Weather API
40.5. React Weather App
Section 41: Backend Begins
41.1. Server vs Client
41.2. How to create your own server
41.3. Let’s Create an API
41.4. Practice Session
React Router & Api & Node Js
Section 42: Integrate Backend and Frontend
42.1. Let’s Connect Backend with html.
42.2. What is Get and POST Method?
42.3. Simple Login Practice.
42.4. How to receive data from Post?
Section 43: Integrate React with Node
43.1. Create Login Functionality in React
43.2. What is Middleware?
43.3. Send and receive data from React and Node
43.4. Axios Post Method
Section 44: React + Node Exercise
44.1. Recreate Todo List with React + Node.
Section 45: Let’s Learn about Database
46.1. What is Database?
46.2. Relational vs non-relational
Api & Node & Database
Section 46: MongoDB
46.1. What and why is MongoDB
46.2. Installation and Setup
46.3. MongoDB CRUD
46.4. MongoDB CRUD Exercise
Section 47: Integrate MongoDB with Node
47.1. How to use Mongoose?
47.2. Creating Todo with React + Node.
47.3. Connecting Todo with MongoDB
Section 48: Creating BulkMail App (MERN APP)
48.1. BulkMail App Overview
48.2. How to Send an Email from node?
48.3. How to read a file?
48.4. Building UI for BulkMail
48.5. Merge Frontend with Backend
48.6. Adding Bulk Mailing Feature
48.7. Fixing a Problem
48.8. Connecting to MongoDB
48.9. MongoDB Cloud
48.10 How to Deploy?
Section 49: Redux Tutorial
49.1. What and why is Redux?
49.2. Redux Short Tutorial
49.3. Redux Slicer Explained
49.4. Redux Mini Project
Effective way to Build Resume
Proven Pathway for Job Search
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Different Platforms where you can
apply and search for a Job
HR Interview Question and Answer
Mock Interviews
Technical Interview Questions
Opportuinty to attend Direct
Interview with our Partner
Interview Prep
Bonus Session
Additional Benefits
Furthermore, as part of
the additional advantages
we offer, you'll have the
opportunity to participate
in meetings featuring
esteemed guests,
including renowned HR
professionals, tech
experts, and even
successful entrepreneurs.
How will the classes be structured for consistent
On weekdays, you'll access exclusive recorded
videos for learning, with 24/7 support available
throughout the training. Additionally, you'll have
a dedicated mentor assigned to you, and every
weekend, there will be live classes and special
What if I miss the live classes?
If you miss any of the live classes, you'll have
access to recordings of those sessions.
Is job placement guaranteed?
We do not guarantee job placements, but we do
guarantee that the skills you acquire through this
course will significantly enhance your chances of
securing a job on your own. We have a track
record of our students getting placed in good
can I opt for EMI payments?
No, We are expecting full Payment. Which will
ensure a smooth learning process for you and as
well us for us
Why Choose Us ?
Extensive Reach: Join a community of
over 5,80,000 trusted followers on
Instagram and engage with over
4,00,000 subscribers on YouTube. Our
wide reach reflects our commitment to
quality training and the satisfaction of
our learners.
Inclusive Learning: Our mission is to provide
corporate training of the highest quality at an
affordable cost, making learning accessible to
everyone. We believe in learning by doing,
offering hands-on tasks to reinforce your
knowledge and skills.
Flexibility: You can Learn Programming at any
time. ensuring accessibility and convenience for
all learners. Choose the mode that suits your
preferences and schedule.
+91 8270496560
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