AY 2023
Entrance Examination Information for the
Application Guide
for Professional Degree Program
School of Public Health
募集要項 入学試験案
- Entrance Exam Guidelines
- Outline of the Curriculum
- Tips for Preparing the Application Form
- Past Exam
Graduate School of Medicine
The University of Tokyo
AY 2023 Entrance Exam Guidelines
Professional Degree Program,
School of Public Health (Professional Graduate School)
Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
The School of Public Health aims to produce highly-advanced professionals capable of performing
leadership and practical roles in the field of public health in order to maintain, promote and restore health as
well as to enhance the quality of life of a broad range of people including patients, local residents, and the
The School of Public Health accepts 30 students; 20 students in the 2-year course and 10 students in the
1-year course (standard program duration of 1 year).
1. Outline
Japan is currently facing a number of public health challenges, such as declining fertility, population
aging, the emergence & reemergence of infectious diseases, the threat of bioterrorism, suicide and work
related death, widening health gap, and threatened sustainability of healthcare systems.
The School of Public Health delivers education with the aim of producing highly-advanced professionals
equipped with techniques for quantitative analysis of population health, system thinking of social and
healthcare systems, and a public health-oriented mindset with excellent capabilities for health policy
making and healthcare management.
The curriculum consists of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Clinical Epidemiology, Health Economics, Health
Communication, Mental Health, Health Sociology, Health Education and Behaviors, Biomedical Ethics,
Human Resource Development for Health, Health Policy, Healthcare Informatics, Forensic Medicine/
Medical Law, Medical Safety Management, Health Risk Management, Environmental Health, and Theory
and Practice of Occupational Health. Students can obtain a (professional) master's degree in public health
by taking 30 or more credits of both compulsory and elective subjects from this curriculum.
Upon completion, it is envisaged that students will find job opportunities as public health specialties in
the field of healthcare administration/ health management within the public or private sectors; clinical
epidemiology/ healthcare economics analysts engaged in EBM and clinical testing; healthcare analysts/
coordinators involved in healthcare quality analysis or advocacy; and healthcare information/ clinical
engineering system administrators at healthcare facilities or health insurance organizations.
2. Practical experience requirements for the 1-year course
Prospective students must satisfy the Professional Degree Program eligibility criteria and possess the
following practical experience at the time of application.
Eligibility criteria
Years of practical
Applicable practical experience
4-year university
3 years or more
Practical healthcare experience at:
healthcare-related administrative agencies;
insurers such as health unions; healthcare
facilities such as hospitals and clinics; aged
care facilities; pharmaceutical industry;
healthcare industry; other healthcare
organizations (NPOs/ NGOs)
6-year university
nary medicine) or
master's course
2 years or more
(includes physician &
other clinical training)
Points to note:
(1) Applicants must submit their certificate of employment as proof of the term of their
(2) Applicants who wish to maintain their employment at a government office, school, hospital, or
private company during enrollment are required to submit a consent form (format optional)
from their employer when completing the admission procedures according to 5(3) above, to
the fact that they will enter our school maintaining the employment.
(3) Examples of practical healthcare experience include: qualified physicians, dentists,
veterinarians, pharmacists, or public health nurses employed by an administrative or
healthcare organization for at least 32 hours/week, although other types of experience may
also be admitted. To confirm whether your practical experience qualifies before submitting an
application, please submit the following documents to the Graduate Student Affairs Section
to arrive by Monday, 30 May 2022: A) Curriculum Vitae (be sure to include your current contact
details); B) Certificate of employment. Upon confirmation of the submitted documents,
prospective applicants will be directly notified of the results in advance of the application
3. Entrance exam subjects
Exam subject
Foreign Language
English (3 questions)
Reference use (e.g. dictionary and
translator) not permitted.
Specialized Subject
General health sciences/social
Basic public health sciences &
social medicine
(20 multiple choice questions)
General Statistics
Basic Biostatistics
(20 multiple choice questions)
Choose 4 out of the following
specialized fields:
- Epidemiology
- Biostatistics
- Preventive healthcare
- Health education
- Mental health
- Public health ethics
- Health law
- Public health survey
- Biomedical Informatics
All essay questions.
Preventive medicine includes health
Short essay
Write an essay on a public health
issue and measures to deal with it
based on your practical experience.
Essay will be used in the oral exam.
Details of the entrance exam schedule and venue will be provided in the 'Examinee Guidelines'
posted with the Exam Card after submission of applications.
4. Guidance for Prospective Students
The School of Public Health will provide guidance for prospective students as follows:
Date: 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 28
, 2022
Venue: to be announced, depending on the pandemic situation, could be provided
online. Please check the following website for further information.
5. Benefit from Japanese government employment agency
Please see the relevant parts on Japanese version.
Outline of the curriculum
Epidemiology Research &
In addition to lectures on basic epidemiological research methodologies,
students learn through case studies of the problems which arise when putting
these methodologies into practice, as well as ways to overcome them. The core
themes of this subject are: epidemiological thought; demonstrating causative
relationships; understanding disease onset and ensuring reliability; introduction
to epidemiological research design; bias and error variance; controlling bias,
particularly confounding; role of statistical analysis; research ethics &
consent/protection of privacy; genetic epidemiology; research outcome
feedback; and preventive medicine etc.
Preventive Health Practice
& Assessment
Students learn primarily through case studies about practical initiatives linked to
occupational & community preventive health based on member feedback of
medical checkup results and epidemiology research outcomes. The core
themes of this subject are: setting and evaluation of health objectives;
development of implementing organizations & allocation of roles/costs;
obtaining member consent & information feedback/communication; privacy &
protection of personal information; occupational health initiative case studies
(role of occupational health physicians); community health initiative case studies
(role of public health nurses) etc.
Statistical Analysis of
Medical Data
By learning about medical research design, statistical hypothesis testing &
confidence intervals, sample size design, contingency table data analysis,
regression & correlation, stratified analysis, model-based analysis, survival
analysis, and multivariate analysis techniques, students acquire the basic
knowledge and practical abilities required for statistical analysis of medical data.
Biostatistics Exercise
Students learn about the main statistical methods covered in 'Statistical Analysis
of Medical Data' using actual cases with JMP statistical software. Students also
conduct a group work of statistics exercise using an open-data eStat
(https://www.e-stat.go.jp/), then improve their understanding of the results
through presentation and debate.
Clinical Research Design
This subject comprises lectures on epidemiological research & clinical trial
design and actual research management, as well as case studies. The aim is to
equip students with the basic knowledge required to understand studies
published in key journals, and to hone their protocol drafting skills as well as the
ability to participate in a research office through teamwork. The core themes of
this subject are: research design types & characteristics; standardization of
measurements; epidemiological research design (bias control & sample size
determination etc.); clinical trial methodology (randomization & assignment,
endpoint determination, interim analysis, statistical analysis principles, sample
size determination, ICH guidelines etc.); introduction to sample surveys;
protocol preparation; quality control & quality assurance; data management;
drafting of academic papers & CONSORT statements; research cost estimation
and research management etc.
Clinical Epidemiology
Subjects of clinical epidemiological studies exist in clinical practice.
Researchers must find out research questions in clinical practice, make a study
hypothesis and an appropriate study design, make statistical analyses with
available data and make clinically valid interpretation of the results. The course
provides theories and practical skills of clinical epidemiology that are essential
for implementing clinical studies.
Clinical Epidemiology
The course provides hands-on training to help students write their research
protocols for fund application through lectures and tutorials. The course also
provides how to write medical literature.
Health Economics
The course provides basic knowledge about health economics and basic
methods for health economic analyses. Through lectures and group debates,
students learn how to apply theories of health economics to actual health policy
Health Communication
The course overviews major areas and topics of health communication including
interpersonal communication in healthcare settings to media communication,
and introduces current research, practice and education in health
communication. Students learn basic theories and methodologies as well as
methods of analysis and evaluation in health communication.
Seminar in Health
Students practice skills for health communication to learn practical applications
of the theories and methodologies introduced in Health Communication lecture,
and to learn how to make effective health communication in various health
settings including healthcare institutions, government, academic and educational
institutions, patient organizations, and mass media.
Seminar in Healthcare
Technology Assessment
This three-day intensive seminar will provide hands-on training to conduct health
technology assessment, e.g. measurement of direct and indirect cost, benefit as
is expressed in quality adjusted life years and utility, and modeling decision
trees, and calculating incremental cost-effectiveness ratio with sensitivity
Seminar in Healthcare
Organization Management
The course is composed of lectures on accounting, human resource
management, risk control, and strategic building, complemented by case method
using a case scenario of actual hospital management. Students with clinical
experience >3 years will be accepted.
Introduction to Clinical
The course will provide lectures on basic knowledge about clinical medicine
including anatomy, physiology, diagnosis and treatment.
Medical research data
management and CDISC
The course provides the overview of CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange
Consortium) Standards, which are determined be obligatory to regulatory new
drug submission in Japan, U.S.A, and EU, and will be widely used for medical
research data collection, exchange, archiving, etc. in medical research in
general besides regulatory clinical research around the world.
Cancer Epidemiology
To be Announced
Mental Health I
The course provides epidemiology of mental disorders in Japan and other
countries, methodology to assess mental health, and current evidence for
primary, secondary & tertiary prevention of mental disorders. Students will learn
about collaboration and leadership with group members, and exercise to develop
mental health measures.
Mental Health II
Students learn about occupational mental health, its history & present status,
relevant legislation, guidelines & systems; basic theory of occupational stress;
evidence-based effective primary, secondary & tertiary prevention methods,
planning, and program evaluation methods. After examining case studies on
mental health policy planning based on workplace characteristics, students
engage in debate on specific ways to promote said policies.
Health Education
This first half of the course provides theoretical basis for understanding health-
related behaviors and designing health educational intervention programs at
micro and macro levels. Through in-class discussion, students will critically read
a presumed view of human and society, strength, and limitations of each theory.
The latter half of the course applies theories to real settings in workplace,
community, healthcare settings, and school.
Health Sociology
The course provides a showcase of sociological theories of health and medicine,
to encourage students to critically consider roles and meanings of health, illness,
and medical/public health activities in societal context.
Biomedical Ethics I
Students consider ethical & philosophical approaches which form the basis of
ethical judgments in public health policymaking as well as clinical practice. Areas
covered include: introduction to biomedical ethics & history; political philosophy;
allocation of medical resources; and informed consent. These topics are
addressed in lectures and small-group debates.
Biomedical Ethics II
This subject expands upon the topics covered in 'Biomedical Ethics I'. Students
read and interpret important literature in the fields of law & morality, rights theory,
confidentiality, medical futility, and meta-ethics.
Society and Health I
This lecture series provides a broader context of social determinants of health
(SDH) including education, poverty, social isolation, living arrangements, social
networks, income inequality, and social capital. Currently available theoretical
and empirical evidence on SDH will be reviewed and its strengths and
challenges will be discussed.
Society and Health II
This course expands the discussions in Society and Health I to more practical
and political contexts. Course activities include case-oriented discussions,
students’ group-based presentations and a health impact assessment workshop.
Theory and practice of
occupational health
This class provides updated information of recent trends and global perspectives
in occupational health. Also students learn basis of practical skills to pursue
occupational health activities at workplace, through case studies and exercises.
Human Resource
Development for Health
Participants will be able to learn human resource development for health (health
professional education) based on principles related with education and learning
through plenary and small group discussion.
Assessment in Health
Professional Education
In human resource development for health areas, participants will be able to
learn learner assessment, which is closely related with licensing and mastery of
learning contents, including principles of statistics and psychometrics.
Healthcare system for
community and global
health in Japan
Not provided in AY2023
Health Policy
Using several cases related to healthcare policymaking & management, such as
prevention and health promotion, access to healthcare, health insurance
reimbursement systems, and health policy-making process, this subject provides
students with a systematic understanding of various stakeholder perspectives,
relevant social systems, funds procurement, and their management.
Healthcare Informatics
This subject consists of lectures on healthcare data management, data coding &
classification, information technology basics & standardization, data processing
techniques, healthcare information system & network technology basics and
operation, healthcare information protection & security, and healthcare
information system management etc.
Healthcare Informatics
The exercise covers practical healthcare data management & data coding
techniques, data processing techniques, and database system design, etc.
through using actual patient registry system.
Forensic Medicine &
Medical Law
Participants will learn the topics about forensic medicine in Japan and other
countries, especially, the death investigation system, issues in medical
malpractice and clinical forensic medicine.
Forensic Medicine &
Medical Law Exercise
In this exercise, student may take part in the research program performed by the
department of forensic medicine. For example, they can conduct a research
related to child death review.
Public Health Risk
This subject teaches students the basics of responding to health risk outbreaks
through case studies of typical past cases on: field epidemiological survey
methods to deal with health risks such as a new type of influenza, coronavirus
infection, and bioterrorism; public health surveillance; identification of the causes
of disease outbreaks; and planning, implementation & assessment of
Health Administration &
Public Health Risk
Management Exercise
In this exercise, students learn planning, implementation and evaluation of actual
countermeasures against various diseases, organizational and preparedness
management in public health practice, and the roles of the public health officers,
by visiting actual health administration environments.
Environmental Health
This course introduces students to environmental health perspectives on how
environmental factors influence human health at individual and population levels.
Students will understand basic concepts and methods to assess environmental
exposures and health effects. Studies for specific environmental factors (air
pollution, water pollution, weather and climate variability) associated with health
will be covered and discussed in the course.
Public health informatics
Students learn the basics of public health informatics. To that end, the subject
focuses on geographical information system, infection surveillance system and
disease registration system associated information processing techniques.
Public health informatics
In this exercise, students learn about practical public health information
engineering through case studies on geographical information system using R.
Methods for Environmental
Health Research
This course introduces students to the advanced methodologies to investigate
the short-term effects of environmental risk factors on human health. It will
provide basic concepts, study designs and statistical regression models using
time-series data that have been widely used and intensively developed for the
last few decades in the field of environmental epidemiology. Students will be
able to interpret time-series data and regression models and acquire skills to
apply the methodologies through hands-on practice using R.
Comparative Healthcare
Systems in Asia
Will provide politico-economic frame for healthcare system performance
assessment, and review healthcare systems and ongoing debate over universal
health coverage in the context of Asian countries, both high and low-middle
income countries. Jointly provided by a faculty of Seoul National University
Students attend public health facilities (public health research & testing facilities,
think tanks, NPOs, healthcare facilities etc.) and leverage their subsequent
practical experiences to develop skills in identifying personal initiatives,
conducting analysis, and planning measures/policies.
Advanced Public Health
This subject enables students to better understand the nature of health science
contributing to public welfare, as well as the accompanying research & practical
issues which need to be overcome, by addressing specific approaches and
challenges from each of the School of Public Health’s research fields which
constitute a contact point between public policy & activity.
Themed Research
Under the guidance of their research supervisor, students acquire advanced
problem-solving capabilities through practical tasks such as fieldwork, data
collection, analysis, statistical analysis and essay writing on a particular research
Tips for Preparing the Application Form
Application Form (front side)
- Course of your choice: Tick your choice, either One-Year course or Two-Year course.
Those who wish to take the one year course can change to the two year course (maximum of two
years study), and can also request assessment (i.e., pass/fail) for both courses. If you would like to
apply for both courses, tick the column on the right corner. If there is no tick, your application shall NOT
be screened for the Two year course.
- Name: Fill in your name in both
(in Japanese phonetic writing) and
English). Regarding your name in English, write down your name in accord with name in your
- Curriculum Vitae: The CV should only contain details of university onwards (if you transferred to
university from a junior college, etc. write the details of the college on the bottom line of the CV
section). Applicants who have completed studies in a foreign country should fill in the
'Educational background in foreign countries' section.
- Employment history: If you cannot write your employment history in the space provided, write
'see attachment' and attach an A4 page outlining your entire work history.
This section should only include details of full-time positions.
* Resident physician experience should be listed as '(residency)', while part-time medical
personnel experience should be listed as '(part-time)'.
- License: If applicable, tick() in the box of the license (医師=doctor, 薬剤師=pharmacist, 保健師
health nurse). If you have other medical license, please tick □その他 and write it down.
Application Form (back side)
- Email: Please make sure that you provide your email address or mobile phone number so that
we can contact you in the event of any problems with your application documents.
- Emergency contact: If this is the same as the 'Current address' section, place a tick () in the box
beside 'Same as current address'.
- Student ID/ Researcher ID: These sections should only be filled out by the University of Tokyo
Regarding the Graduate School of Medicine's entrance examination, contact:
Graduate Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
Email: in.m[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Website: http://www.m.u-tokyo.ac.jp/daigakuin/apply/appguidemain.html
(Graduate school entrance exam information)
How to Purchase Previous Graduate School of Medicine Exams
Previous entrance exam questions for the Graduate School of Medicine can be obtained from the Tokyo
Society of Medical Sciences (TSMS).
I. List, type, and cost of previous exam questions
II. How to purchase
To purchase directly from TSMS: see TSMS map and business hours below.
For delivery by postal mail: see ‘How to fill out the Payment Transfer Form’ below.
I. List of previous exam questions
Graduate School of Medicine List of previous exam questions (no minimum purchase volume)
Program/ Course
Year of Admission
Doctor of Medicine
2013 – 2020
¥1,100/ year
Doctor of Health Sciences & Nursing (Exam. in Feb.)
2013 – 2020
¥330/ year
Doctor of Health Sciences & Nursing (Exam. in Aug.)
20102012 , 2014, 2017
¥330/ year
Master of Medical Science
2015 – 2022
¥330/ year
Master of Health Sciences & Nursing
2013 – 2020
¥1,100/ year
Master of International Health
2013 – 2020
¥440/ year
Master of Health Sciences & Nursing (Public Health
Nursing Course & Nursing Course)
2013 – 2020
¥330/ year
School of Public Health (SPH; professional degree
2014 – 2020, 2022
¥1,100/ year
II. How to purchase
To purchase directly from TSMS:
Tokyo Society of Medical Sciences: B1, Igakubu Sogo Chuo-kan, Faculty of Medicine, the
University of Tokyo (see map below)
Tel: 03-5841-3681 Fax: 03-3816-3287 Email: igakukai@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Website: http://square.umin.ac.jp/igakukai/02toppage/toppage.html
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 400 p.m. on weekdays (except when the
library is closed)
* The office may be closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.
Please confirm it is open before visiting.
For delivery by postal mail (payment by postal transfer):
1. Fill out and submit a Payment Transfer Form (払込取扱票; haraikomi toriatsukaihyo) at the post office
(see below) to transfer the required payment.
2. The exam question booklets will be mailed to you upon receipt of the payment.
How to fill out the Payment Transfer Form
Transcription Department, Tokyo Society of Medical Science
Enter the total of and .
Question booklet fee
*See the 'Price' column in 'I. List of previous exam
questions' on the previous page.
Postage: ¥550 (includes
handling fee)
*For overseas orders, the postage fee is ¥3,000.
Be sure to enter the 'Program/Course', 'Year of Admission' and e-mail address in the
correspondence column.
Example (1) of how to fill in the correspondence column:
Doctor of Medicine: 2013 -2020 ¥8,800 (¥1,100 x 8 years' worth of exam questions)
Postage (including handling) ¥550 Total ¥9,350
Example (2) of how to fill in the correspondence column:
Master of Medical Science: 2014 -2018 ¥1,650 (¥330 x 5 years' worth)
Master of Health Sciences & Nursing: 2016 -2018 ¥3,300 (¥1,100 x 3 years' worth)
Postage (including handling) ¥550 Total ¥5,500
Points to
- Please retain your payment slip (i.e., certificate of receipt; 受領証; uketorisho) until the
delivery arrives.
- Please make a note in the correspondence column if the person making the transfer is
not the intended recipient of the exam question booklets.
- For overseas orders, the postage fee is ¥3,000 (includes handling).
Pease address any queries to the following address:
Tokyo Society of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-
Tel: 03-5841-3681 Fax: 03-3816-3287 E-mail: igakuka[email protected]
Website: http://square.umin.ac.jp/igakukai/02toppage/toppage.html
For queries regarding the Graduate School of Medicine's entrance examination, contact:
Graduate Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
Tel: 03-5841-3309 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. weekdays)
Email: in.m@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Website: http://www.m.u-tokyo.ac.jp/daigakuin/apply/appguidemain.html
(Graduate school entrance exam information)
E-Service Support Center
Tel : +81-3-5952-9052
(24 hours everyday)