Department of Defense | Defense Human Resources Activity
DTA Manual, Chapter 1: DTS Overview
March 01, 2024
DTA Manual, Chapter 1: DTS Overview March 01, 2024
Defense Travel Management Office 1
Table of Contents
Revision History .................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1: Defense Travel System (DTS) Overview ........................................................... 3
Chapter 2: DTS User Types and Roles ................................................................................ 4
2.1 DTS User Profile ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 DTS User/Traveler Profile ......................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Defense Travel Administrators (DTAs) ...................................................................................... 4
2.4 Reviewing Officials .................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Travelers .................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: DTS Architecture ................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 4: Trip Planning Process .................................................................................... 9
4.1 Travelers Who Can Access DTS ............................................................................................... 9
4.2 Travelers Who Cannot Access DTS ........................................................................................ 10
Chapter 5: Document Lock ................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Document Lock Notifications ................................................................................................... 12
5.1.1 Error Messages ............................................................................................................... 12
5.1.2 Status Notification Email ................................................................................................. 13
5.2 Document Lock Admin ............................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 6: DTS Training Resources .................................................................................. 16
6.1 Training Search Tool ............................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Travel Explorer (TraX) ............................................................................................................. 16
Chapter 7: Help for DTS ...................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Local Level Travel Assistance ................................................................................................. 18
7.2 TraX Help Ticket ...................................................................................................................... 18
7.3 Travel Assistance Center (TAC) .............................................................................................. 19
Chapter 8: The DTA Manual: Contents & Links ................................................................ 20
DTA Manual, Chapter 1: DTS Overview March 01, 2024
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Revision History
Revision/Change Description
Updated Document Unlock process
Section 5.2
Updated Return to Document
Listing section
Updated working form OK to
Updated Training link
Page 10
Page 13
Page 15
General review
Updated screenshots
Updated TraX and Passport data
Updated DTS Help Process
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Change Table of Contents format
Page 2
Updated Dashboard screen shots
Section 5.2
Page 11
Re-formatted, added new template
Updated screen shots and added
new wording
General review
DTMO screen shots updated
Sections 7.1,
7.2, and 7.3
Updated User and User/Traveler
information, permission level 0
Updated DTS Home page
Updated Local Assistance screen
Page 4
Page 6
Page 16
Added new Logout due to inactivity
screen shot and wording
Pages 7-8
Updated DTS Overview and profile
Pages 3-5
DTA Manual, Chapter 1: DTS Overview March 01, 2024
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Chapter 1: Defense Travel System (DTS) Overview
DTS is the DoD’s fully integrated, electronic, end-to-end travel management system for processing Temporary
Duty (TDY) travel documents supporting travelers, Authorizing Officials (AOs), and Defense Travel Administrators
(DTAs). It is available for Service members, DoD Civilian employees, a dependent of a Service member or Civilian
employee and those requiring an invitational order. The information paper, Who May Use DTS provides more
details for system use.
In addition to supporting document processing, reservation booking and ticketing requirements, and timely
payments, the system contains specific programing to adhere to the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) policy on
travel and transportation allowances. DTS generates Pre-Audits and Reason Codes requiring justification for
certain travel selections (e.g., larger rental car, or declines for DoD Lodging when available).
The system gives the AO the ability to return a document for correction when not within compliance, limit
reimbursement for transportation (not cost effective), or approve the trip based upon the traveler’s selections,
policy, and the mission needs. For more information about AO responsibilities, see the Desktop Guide for
Authorizing Officials (AOs).
DTS also provides numerous reporting tools allowing DTAs to readily and effectively manage their organization’s
Pre-Travel and Post-Travel needs and support Travel Audits for compliance. DTS retains document data for 10
years (after the last status stamp is applied) to meet reporting requirements. After the retention period, per
records management guidelines, the documents are purged from the system, unless there is an exemption (e.g.,
open debt). You can learn about the different reports, in the DTA Manual, Chapter 10.
To access DTS the user must have a CAC to log in and sign documents, a profile attached to an organization, a
fully compatible web browser (e.g., Chrome or Edge), enabled browser pop-ups and cookies, along with DBsign
(used for signing and authenticating to web based applications), and JAVA (see your local IT for application and
version) loaded on their pc. For more information, see the DTS Home page for First Time Users.
DTS supports two primary types of travel documents: authorizations and vouchers.
Authorizations. Before a trip begins, the traveler creates an authorization, books reservations,
estimates trip expenses, requests advance or monthly payments if needed, and receives approval to
travel. The AO reviews and approves official travel documents, and DTS interacts with the different
financial systems which obligates funds and pays advances and SPPs.
Group Authorizations. When multiple personnel are traveler together a group authorization is
available to simplify the order creation process. This document type functions primarily as a typical
authorization with a few additional features. Later, the group auth splits to individual authorizations.
Vouchers. After official travel ends, the traveler files a voucher from an approved authorization to
claim reimbursement of incurred expenses, payment for earned allowances, and split disburses their
payments to both their personal bank accounts (EFT) and the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
Local Voucher. When travel is in and around the PDS, a traveler files a local voucher to claim incurred
For a more comprehensive introduction to DTS, see the information paper DTS Background.
This chapter introduces you, the Defense Travel Administrator (DTA), to DTS and the personnel it serves.
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Chapter 2: DTS User Types and Roles
Personnel who use DTS can be defined in two broad ways: by the type of DTS profile they have (see the DTA
Manual, Chapter 7: People) and by the roles they perform.
2.1 DTS User Profile
A DTS User profile contains information that allows a travel manager or administrator to perform specialized
DTS functions, such as accessing another person’s official documents or updating an organization’s routing lists.
Personnel who interact with DTS, but never perform official travel have a DTS User profile. By design, when
creating a DTS User profile or receiving a detached profile into an organization, the system auto-grants
Permission Level 0 which is required to access DTS. Although other permissions and accesses may be necessary
to complete their functions, at a minimum the individual will have Permission Level 0. The roles that most
commonly need a DTS User profile include DTAs and Reviewing Officials. See Sections 2.3 and 2.4 for more
information about these roles. Personnel who interact with DTS on behalf of one or more travelers, such as a
travel clerk or a Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA), may also have a DTS User profile. See Section 2.5 for more
information about them.
2.2 DTS User/Traveler Profile
A DTS User/Traveler profile contains information that allows a person to travel, such as GTCC and EFT to support
reservations and payments along with options to enter travel preferences. All personnel who expect to go on
official travel must have a User/Traveler profile this includes the administrators and managers named in
Section 2.1. By design, when creating a DTS User/Traveler profile or receiving a detached profile into an
organization, the system auto-grants Permission Level 0 which is required to access DTS. A User/Traveler profile
simply supporting their own travel, only needs Permission Level 0.
2.3 Defense Travel Administrators (DTAs)
There are four main types of DTAs who work in DTS. They perform the functions listed below.
Lead DTA (LDTA). Oversees the actions for an organization or site. Assists other DTAs, AOs, and
travelers. Generates reports to manage upcoming and post travel. Can perform any of the functions
listed below as needed.
Organization DTA (ODTA). Performs the non-financial administrative functions that allow an
organization’s travelers and Reviewing Officials to execute travel in DTS. This includes, but is not limited
to, creating and maintaining organizations, personal profiles, routing lists, and groups.
Finance DTA (FDTA). Performs financial functions within DTS. This includes setting up an organization’s
Lines of Accounting (LOAs) and budgets and tracking the obligation and expenditure of travel funds.
Budget DTA (BDTA). Helps the FDTA set up and maintain an organization’s budgets.
Other administrative roles serve as Centrally Billed Account Specialists (CBA-Ss), Debt Management Monitors
(DMMs), and Compliance Tool Administrators (CTAs). For more on roles, see the DTA Manual, Chapter 3.
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2.4 Reviewing Officials
Every organization must have a default routing list. The routing list defines the path a document will flow in the
system and which Reviewing Officials will take action. Although others Reviewing Officials may be included, the
most common types of Reviewing Officials are:
Reviewing Officials (ROs). Reviews travel document for accuracy.
Certifying Officials. Certifies that funds are available to pay for the trip.
Authorizing Officials (AOs). Performs a final review and decides whether to approve the traveler’s
plans (on an authorization) or payment claims (on a voucher).
2.5 Travelers
Using DTS, travelers generally create and sign their own travel documents, although the traveler’s organization
may designate others (e.g., travel clerks, NDEAs) to enter information into DTS for them.
The DTS Guides 2 - 5 provide travelers the steps on how to create authorizations, vouchers, local vouchers, and
group authorizations. To access these documents and many other resources, visit the DTMO’s main Training
page, Training Search Tool.
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Chapter 3: DTS Architecture
Many systems and organizations interact with DTS to allow official travel to take place. In most cases, the
systems are readily available to support travel. For example:
A central data center (CDC) allows 24/7 access to DTS from any computer capable of connecting to the
The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) provides system security with the use of DoD Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates usually stored on a Common Access Card (CAC).
Defense Table of Distance (DTOD) accessible in DTS to calculate the official mileage using zip code to
zip code from the residence or duty station to the TDY location and back.
Accounting systems such as the Defense Finance and Accounting System (DFAS) provides financial
support such as automated obligation creation and electronic payment.
Travel Management Companies (TMCs) validate traveler reservation requests and book reservations as
DoD Lodging allows travelers to make reservations, incorporates lodging information into travel
documents (authorization/voucher), and automatically secures a certificate of non-availability
confirmation number as required by policy when government quarters are not available.
DTS provides information to the users if there are partial or full outrageous for the system and if other systems
are experiencing problems impacting DTS users. You can find information on the DTS Home page, under System
Status, and under the Message Center.
You can access DTS a few ways. You can go to the DTMO website, look under, access from the top right
of any DTMO web page, or go directly at The
DTS Home page displays (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1: DTS Home Page
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1. Select Log In to access the system.
2. The Privacy and Ethics Policy page loads (Figure 1-2). Select Accept to proceed.
Figure 1-2: DTS Privacy and Ethics Policy (Partial) Page
3. The DTS Dashboard opens.
4. Based upon your role and profile setup, you have access to information from the Administrative menu
and Quick Action Tiles. Make your selection and perform the necessary actions (e.g., traveler - Create
New Documents or access My Travel Documents, AO - Trips Awaiting Action or My Travel Documents ).
5. DTS is programmed to conform with standard time-out rules (Figure 1-3) throughout the system.
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Figure 1-3: DTS Dashboard - Time out Message Prompt
If you are in DTS, you will be presented with an on-screen timeout warning after 9 minutes, with a 60
second countdown, letting you know they are about to be logged out due to inactivity.
Your options are to select Keep me logged in or Log me out.
o To stay in DTS and continue your actions, select Keep me logged in.
o To exit, select Log me out.
6. Once you complete all your actions, select the caret by your name (top right of the page) or close the
tab to Log Out of DTS.
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Chapter 4: Trip Planning Process
The trip-planning process differs for travelers that are able to use DTS vs. those who cannot access the system,
as explained in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 below.
4.1 Travelers Who Can Access DTS
Travelers use DTS to process their travel documents for official travel.
Figure 1-2a depicts the trip process for a DTS-connected traveler.
Figure 1-2a: DTS Trip Process
Here is a brief explanation of the authorization (Pre-Trip) process.
7. Traveler. Logs into DTS using their CAC and PIN. Creates an itinerary. Selects all necessary reservations
(air, hotel, rental car, train) or requests TMC help. Enters reimbursable expense estimates and per diem
allowances to create an estimated cost. Requests a travel advance and/or Scheduled Partial Payments
(SPPs) if necessary and allowed. Digitally signs the authorization. DTS status stamp: SIGNED.
8. TMC. If the traveler requested reservations, books the reservations immediately, and issues tickets
after AO approval, but usually no sooner than 3 business days before the trip start date. DTS status
stamps: CTO SUBMIT, CTO BOOKED, CTO TICKETED. (Note: DTS calls the TMC a “Commercial Travel
Office” or CTO.)
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9. AO. Reviews and approves the authorization. DTS status stamp: APPROVED.
10. DFAS (or the servicing finance system). Acknowledges that it made an obligation and scheduled any
requested advances and SPPs. DTS status stamps: OBLIG SUBMITTED, POS ACK RECEIVED, ADVANCE or
Here is a brief explanation of the voucher (Post-Trip) process.
1. Traveler. Updates estimated expenses with actual costs. Attaches receipts and digitally signs the
voucher. DTS status stamps: SIGNED.
2. AO. Reviews and approves the voucher. DTS status stamp: APPROVED.
3. DFAS (or the servicing finance system). Acknowledges that it adjusted to the amount for disbursement
and has split disbursed the payment to the traveler’s bank account and the GTCC vendor. DTS status
4.2 Travelers Who Cannot Access DTS
For travelers with no access to DTS there is typically a Travel Clerk or NDEA who completes the documents on
behalf of the traveler.
Figure 1-2b depicts the trip process for a traveler who is not connected to DTS.
Figure 1-2b: NDEA/Travel Clerk DTS Trip Process
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In general, the process is the same for a non-DTS connected traveler; however, the following differences apply:
1. During the authorization process, a travel clerk or NDEA creates the document, books reservations,
adds expenses, and signs the trip for the traveler, generally using information the traveler provided.
2. A few additional steps apply to the voucher process:
The traveler must complete and sign a DD Form 1351-2 and give it to the travel clerk or NDEA.
The travel clerk or NDEA uses the information in the DD 1351-2 to complete the voucher and then
attaches the DD 1351-2 to the DTS voucher.
The NDEA signs the voucher on behalf of the traveler. If the NDEA signs it, DTS applies the status stamp
All other steps remain identical to those outlined in Figure 1-2a.
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Chapter 5: Document Lock
When anyone performs an action that alters a document, DTS locks that document to prevent others from
making changes to the document at the same time. Document lock applies to all DTS travel documents (i.e.,
authorizations, vouchers, local vouchers, and group authorizations).
Performing the following actions causes DTS to lock a document:
TMC actions
Cancel (both automatic and manual)
DTS does not lock the document when view-only actions take place, such as viewing, printing, or accessing
document in the Read Only Access (ROA), Import/Export (I/E), or the Payment modules.
The following actions cause DTS to unlock a locked document:
The person who locked the document:
o Is inactive for 30 minutes
o Logs out of DTS
o Closes the document
o Allows their DTS session to time out
A DTA performs an administrative unlock via the Document Lock Admin module.
Note: A DTA should always use the Return to traveler’s documents option available on the Progress Bar to exit
a document. Closing out by selecting other Administrative functions may cause DTS to lock the document for 30
minutes or until a DTA manually unlocks it.
A traveler does not have the Return to traveler’s documents option to exit their document. Instead, he or she
must use Home from the Administrative Functions area to exit the trip and return to My Travel Documents to
view all documents.
5.1 Document Lock Notifications
There are typically two types of Document Lock messages, see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 for details.
5.1.1 Error Messages
When a document is locked or manually unlocked, DTS displays a message.
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When someone tries to open a locked document for editing, DTS displays a message to explain that the
document is locked, identifies the person who has it locked, and provides options for getting the
document unlocked (Figure 1-3).
Figure 1-3: Document Locked Message
When you perform an administrative unlock, DTS prevents the person who was editing the document
from making further edits. DTS displays a message to explain the situation.
5.1.2 Status Notification Email
When you unlock a document, DTS sends an email to the individual that was working with it. Any changes not
saved prior to unlocking will not save. The individual must address any questions to the LDTA or to you. DTS
includes your name, as the person who unlocked the document, in the email. See the DTA Manual, Appendix E
for a copy of the email.
5.2 Document Lock Admin
The Document Lock Admin module allows you (with permission level 5 or higher) to unlock a document when
an individual needs immediate access. You must also have group access to the traveler who owns the document
to unlock it.
1. Select Administration (Figure 1-4, top) from the DTS Dashboard, then Document Unlock Tool (Figure 1-
4, bottom) on the Administration menu.
Figure 1-4: DTS Dashboard Administration Menu
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2. The Document Unlock Admin Tool (Figure 1-5) displays.
Figure 1-5: Document Lock Admin Tool Screen
3. You can look up the traveler who owns the locked document in one of three ways:
Select whether you want to SEARCH BY the traveler’s Name, the TA Number (Travel Authorization
Number), or SSN (Social Security Number).
Enter the search criteria and then select Search. The Traveler Lookup Results screen (Figure 1-6)
displays. The available search options are:
o Name: Enter all or a portion of the Last Name, then select Search. You can also include all or
some of the traveler’s First Name, if you choose. This search may provide multiple results.
o SSN: Enter the traveler’s SSN then select Search. This search always provides a single result.
o TA Number: Enter a document’s TA Number then select Search. The TA Number is a six-
character identifier DTS assigns to the document when the AO approves it. This search always
provides a single result the name of the traveler who owns the document of which you
Figure 1-6: Traveler Lookup Results Screen
4. Choose Select next to the traveler whose document you want to unlock. The Document Unlock Admin
Tool refreshes (Figure 1-7) to display locked documents.
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Figure 1-7: Document Unlock Admin Tool - Results
5. Select Unlock next to the document that you need to unlock. A pop-up message displays asking you to
confirm the unlock request (Figure 1-8).
Figure 1-8: Document Unlock Confirmation Message
6. Select Unlock. The screen refreshes again and the unlocked document no longer appears on the list.
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Chapter 6: DTS Training Resources
The DTMO provides a comprehensive set of resources to conduct training for DTS, the Government Travel
Charge Card (GTCC) Program and access to other Travel Programs such as the Commercial Air, Integrated
Lodging Program (ILP), Compliance Tool. These resources are continually reviewed, evaluated, and updated.
They include:
eLearning. Provides web-based training (WBTs) and Distance Learning (DL) sessions.
Instructor Resources. Includes access to the Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS) and courseware
summary for instructors.
Reference Materials. Consists of manuals, quick reference materials, guides and information papers.
The DTMO website houses the travel resources main Training page providing an abundance of
information to DTS users.
6.1 Training Search Tool
You can access resources to help improve your DTS skills and find answers to your questions from the Defense
Travel Management Office (DTMO) Training Search Tool. Specifically, available are:
Manuals. These large documents (around 100 pages) provide in-depth instruction about how to
perform a broad task in DTS, such CBA Reconciliation. A primary resource for DTAs is the DTA Manual
consisting of chapters and appendices. This manual provides a wealth of information related to the
administrative set-up and maintenance of DTS.
Guides. These smaller documents (25-80 pages) focus specialized topics such as Invitational Travel, and
DTS Financial Field Procedures Guide. One set of the guides that will prove invaluable are the DTS
Guides which provide in-depth information on accessing DTS and processing travel documents.
Information papers. These small documents (1-25 pages) provide very specific guidance on a single
task (e.g., how to calculate local POV mileage in DTS) or key point (e.g., Expenses Screen for Travelers in
Trifolds. These single-page documents provide basic instructions on how to perform a complex task.
They serve as a quick reference source, rather than a learning tool.
Instructor Materials. These downloadable sets of materials provide a jump start should you have to
teach a class. They include class guides for the instructor and students, as well as supporting
PowerPoint slides.
6.2 Travel Explorer (TraX)
The DTMO provides useful travel resources, tools, and training classes via the TraX application. You will use
Passport, DTMO's web portal to access TraX. Once on the main page, if you do not have an account, you must
register by selecting the register here link (Figure 1-9).
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Figure 1-9: Passport Screen
After you log into Passport, select TraX and the TraX Home page appears. Select Training and the Available
training displays. For details on accessing TraX WBTs, see the information papers, General TraX Training
Instructions, DTS Basics, Accessing Travel Card Program Training, and Accessing Training for AOs and COs all
available from the DTMO website, Training Search Tool.
Here are the available types of resources in TraX.
Distance Learning (DL) classes (webinar sessions presented by live instructors). Students register in
advance for a specific topic. Sessions are from 30 minutes to 60 minutes in length.
Web-based training (WBT) classes (self-paced training modules available 24/7). WBTs provide hands-
on, interactive travel training. There are over 30 classes offered covering an array of travel topics and
ranging from 30 minutes to 90 minutes in length.
Knowledge Search (frequently asked questions). A user can enter a question and search for a response
or browse from a listing of travel topics to find solutions.
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Chapter 7: Help for DTS
If you need assistance with DTS, you can start by reaching out to frequent travelers at your location, supervisors,
and DTAs. You can also find information on the DTMO website, Training Search Tool and the TraX Knowledge
There are times when you to elevate the situation to achieve resolution. Below are the different resources you
can contact to seek assistance.
7.1 Local Level Travel Assistance
Your local help desk generally includes people with in-depth knowledge of DTS, your local travel process. They
can provide answers to common questions about travel and policies. You can find Local Level Travel Assistance
on the DTMO website under the Support header.
To use the tool, select your Component from the Navigation line. Then either use the browse records or key
word fields and choose Search or leave the field blank and choose Search. Scroll the through the list to find the
contact information.
Figure 1-10: Local Level Travel Assistance Screen
7.2 TraX Help Ticket
TraX is available online at and provides the Create Help
Ticket form to submit a travel concern to the Travel Assistance Center (TAC). Submitting your own ticket is the
fastest way to contact the TAC. You can provide specific details and pdf attachments to your request. One of the
TAC analysts will carefully review and respond to your ticket in short order. The My Tickets section in TraX
allows you to view your tickets and any TAC responses.
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Figure 1-11: Travel Assistance Center Screen
7.3 Travel Assistance Center (TAC)
The TAC can address any issues that the local organization help desk cannot resolve. The TAC supports all DTS
users 24 x 7.
Phone. Contact the TAC at 888-Help1Go (888-435-7146), or DSN 312-564-3950
Help Ticket. Create an online help ticket through TraX which one of the TAC analysist can access and
then provide a resolution.
Chat. Use the Chat from the DTMO website and download the TAC Live Chat User’s Guide (Figure 1-11).
TAC Callback. Use this option to leave a callback number between 0800 to 1500 ET. Once your place in
line is reached, the system will call you back and place you directly with an analyst.
Outreach Calls. The TAC hosts twice-monthly educational Outreach Calls on a variety of travel-related
topics which address the latest software changes and most common travel issues (Figure 1-12).
Figure 1-12: Outreach Calls Screen
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Chapter 8: The DTA Manual: Contents & Links
Chapter 1: DTS Overview
Chapter 2: DTS Access
Chapter 3: DTS Site Setup
Chapter 4: Organizations
Chapter 5: Routing Lists
Chapter 6: Groups
Chapter 7: People
Chapter 8: LOAs
Chapter 9: Budgets
Chapter 10: Reports
Chapter 11: MIS Administration
Chapter 12: ROA Administration
Appendix A: Self-Registration
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Appendix B: Acronyms
Appendix C: Definitions
Appendix E: Emails
Appendix F: Import / Export Module
Appendix G: Error Codes
Appendix J: Help Process
Appendix K: DTS Tables
Appendix L: Reorganizations
Appendix M: Ranks and Grades
Appendix N: Country Codes
Appendix Q: Org Naming Sequence
Appendix R: LOA Formats