Interactive Mail Campaign Guide
Informed Delivery
Interactive Mail Campaign Guide
The Purpose of this Document: This guide provides interested mailers with a “how-
to” explanation for initiating an Informed Delivery interactive mail campaign.
© 2024 United States Postal Service. Product Innovation Version 4.1
Interactive Mail Campaign Guide
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Table of Contents
1. Background .............................................................................................................. 5
Availability ................................................................................................................... 5
How It Works for Consumers/Mail Recipients ............................................................. 5
How It Works for Mailers/Mail Owners ......................................................................... 6
2. Benefits for Mailers .................................................................................................. 8
3. Participation Criteria ................................................................................................ 8
4. Creating a Campaign ............................................................................................... 8
Levels of Interactive Campaigns ................................................................................. 8
Mailer ID (MID) ......................................................................................................................... 8
Intelligent Mail
Barcode (IMb
) Serialized ................................................................................ 8
Personalized ........................................................................................................................... 9
Types of Interactive Campaigns .................................................................................. 9
Basic Campaign ...................................................................................................................... 9
Dual Campaign ........................................................................................................................ 9
Opt-out Indicator Fields ............................................................................................. 10
Target URL Parameters ........................................................................................................ 10
Sharing Feature ..................................................................................................................... 11
Opt-out Functionality ............................................................................................................... 11
Optional Campaign Preview ...................................................................................................12
5. Campaign Stages and Reporting ......................................................................... 13
Pre-Campaign ............................................................................................................. 13
Pre-Campaign Analysis Report .............................................................................................. 13
Campaign ................................................................................................................... 14
Post-Campaign ........................................................................................................... 15
Post-Campaign Summary Report .......................................................................................... 15
Post-Campaign Detailed Report ............................................................................................. 16
Appendices .................................................................................................................. 19
Appendix A. Interactive Campaign Checklist ....................................................................... 19
Appendix B. Mailer ID (MID) and Intelligent Mail
Barcode (IMb
) Information ..................... 20
Appendix C. The Mailing Lifecycle ....................................................................................... 21
Appendix D. PostalOne! Specifications ............................................................................... 22
Appendix E. Formatting Pre-Campaign Analysis File ........................................................... 24
Appendix F. Formatting Post-Campaign Detailed Report .................................................... 32
Appendix G. IV-MTR IDPC Data Dictionary .......................................................................... 34
Appendix H. Legal Terms & Conditions
............................................................................... 35
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Change Description Author Date
All Initial document created Carrie Bornitz 02/28/2017
2.0 Appendix
Added missing header record and
CAT information
Carrie Bornitz 04/03/2017
All Updated language for naming
conventions, minimum campaign
requirements, and contact info for
Program Office and
PostalOne! support
Carrie Bornitz 06/20/2017
2.2 All Updated document to reflect beta
testing of self-serve Mailer
Campaign Portal
Carrie Bornitz 09/09/2017
All Updated document with new
information regarding the
self-serve Mailer Campaign Portal
Carrie Bornitz 12/01/2017
2.4 All Updated document to reflect
resolved defects; added new
Appendices (Pre-campaign
and Post-campaign file formatting)
Carrie Bornitz 08/31/2018
2.5 All Updated to clarify campaign levels
and applying
campaigns to groups of customers
Carrie Bornitz 11/19/2018
2.6 All Update related to new functionality
or fixes
Carrie Bornitz 2/25/2019
2.7 All Updated to clarify new submission
deadline for interactive campaigns.
Carrie Bornitz 10/4/2019
2.8 All Updated to reflect changes to post
campaign reporting
Carrie Bornitz 11/22/2019
All Updated with revised Terms &
Carrie Bornitz 1/14/2020
All Updated with revision to https Fernando Mello 6/4/2020
3.1 5.3.3 Updated with addition of 5.3.3
Provisioning IDPC Detailed Data
through the IV-MTR Application
3.2 4.3 Update related to target URL
4.3 Update related to target URL
parameters and USPS® mobile
3.4 4.3.1 Updates related to improved
campaign preview functionality
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3.5 4.1.2 Updates to document title and
footers. Added link to IMpb
Specification document
Updates related to new functionality
or fixes
3.7 4.3 Updates related to new functionality Raqueliza
Appendix F
Updates related to new eligibility and
Appendix A,
Appendix C
Updated to clarify compatibility
Appendix G
Updated post-campaign detailed
report and IV-MTR definitions to
include reminders, and updated
spacing and legibility throughout
Updated screenshots to reflect
new Daily Digest, updated BCG
account creation steps
Fernando Mello
1, 1.3, 4.2.2,
Appendix A,
Appendix D
Interactive Mail Campaign Guide
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1. Background
Informed Delivery is an optional, free feature that gives residential consumers the ability to
digitally preview their mail and manage their packages from one convenient location.
Through Informed Delivery, users/subscribers can view images of letter-size mail and
color images from participating mailers via email notification, online dashboard at, or USPS Mobile
Package tracking information on Priority Mail Express
, Priority Mail
, and other parcels
is available as well.
This feature offers consumers the convenience of seeing
what is coming to their mailbox, PO Box, and USPS® Smart Locker—whenever,
wherever—even while traveling.
Participating mailers can provide supplemental content,
allowing users to take immediate action on a mailpiece.
Figure 1. Depiction of
Informed Delivery Daily
Informed Delivery “interactive campaigns” or just “campaigns.”
The United States Postal Service (USPS
) currently offers the
basic campaign functionality described in this document for no
additional fee. Monetization opportunities for additional features
are under consideration.
Figure 1 depicts a sample Informed Delivery email
notificationreferred to as the “Daily Digest”—with an
interactive campaign that is included with the grayscale
scanned image of a marketing letter.
Underneath the scanned image is clickable supplemental
content, also known as aRide-along Image.” The mailer name
and a clickable “Learn More” link are provided as part of a basic
Informed Delivery is available to eligible residential and business consumers in most ZIP
Codes™ across the country. Please note that not every address in a ZIP Code is eligible
for Informed Delivery. For instance, a multi-unit building that is not individually identified and
coded down to a unique Delivery Point ZIP Code™ at the unit level is not eligible for
Informed Delivery.
To check if your address is eligible for Informed Delivery, visit
and sign up.
How It Works for Consumers/Mail Recipients
USPS uses existing processes that provide digital images of the exterior of mailpieces as
they are processed through automation equipment; those images are used to provide digital
notifications to users in advance of the delivery of physical mail. The scanned images can
be viewed in a user’s email notification, the USPS Mobile
App, or on the user’s personal
dashboard at The process
flow is depicted in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. Process flow that enables Informed Delivery
Figure 3 depicts how a physical mailpiece image (without an interactive campaign) is
displayed on the user’s Informed Delivery dashboard. Within the dashboard, mailpiece
information is maintained for a period of seven calendar days. Users have the ability to
toggle between their “Mailpieces” and “Packages” tabs to preview mailpiece images or to
manage and track packages. Learn more about this consumer-facing feature and sign up at
Figure 3. Depiction of Informed Delivery Dashboard View
How It Works for Mailers/Mail Owners
Informed Delivery users will see images of their mail, regardless of whether or not a mailer
conducts an interactive campaign. Mailers can enhance their hardcopy mailings by
conducting a campaign that includes custom images and a website link (URL). This
information will appear in the user’s email digest, the USPS Mobile
App, or on the
dashboard at
. This supplemental content is referred to as an interactive
Each unique set of customized supplemental content is associated with an individual
mailing. Multiple interactive campaigns can be conducted at one time for a singl
ailing. Multiple mailings and campaigns can be conducted simultaneously.
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Each campaign is triggered by and mapped to a single Mailer ID (MID) within an
Intelligent Mail
barcode (IMb
) that is used on the mailpiece, customized to be active
during a defined date range.
More information on the MID and the IMb can be found in Appendix B.
The interactive campaign content is currently displayed
below the image in the email and Informed Delivery
dashboard, as depicted in Figure 5. USPS is considering
additional template designs in the future.
*Disclaimer: In order for an Informed Delivery campaign
to appear in the Daily Digest or on the online dashboard,
a full-service Service Type Identifier (STID) is required.
Mailpieces without a full-service STID will not be fully
Figure 5. Informed Delivery dashboard
view with an interactive campaign
Figure 4. Process flow showing when USPS applies Informed Delivery campaigns
When the Informed Delivery application receives a mailpiece scan for an enrolled Informed
Delivery user and the MID or the MID + Serial Number in the IMb is associated with an
active mailer campaign, that user will see customized supplemental content that the mailer
provided USPS. The process for this is illustrated in Figure 4.
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2. Benefits for Mailers
Informed Delivery allows mailers to:
Take advantage of a new digital channel, tying hardcopy mail to digital content.
Receive an additional digital impression for the intended recipient and additional
impressions for other household members who are Informed Delivery users.
Experience high email open rates (over 60% daily average).
Informed Delivery interactive campaigns provide additional benefits, allowing mailers to:
Enhance the scanned mailpiece images that consumers are already receiving.
Give the mail recipient or other household members the opportunity to take action
immediately on their mailpiece by clicking on a campaign image/website link
regardless of whether or not they retrieve mail from the physical mailbox.
Coordinate multi-channel campaigns.
Collect information on campaign reach and results (e.g., open rates, click-through rates)
through data analytics.
3. Participation Criteria
Virtually any mailer can conduct an Informed Delivery campaign if the following criteria are
Mailpieces must be automation compatible
Available for First-Class Mail
, Periodicals, or USPS Marketing Mail™ letter-size,
postcard, or flat-size pieces such as large envelopes, catalogues, and
Mailpieces must contain a valid IMb.
Mailer or Mail Service Provider (MSP) must be IMb certified.
*Disclaimer: For an Informed Delivery campaign to appear, a full-service Service Type
dentifier (STID) is required.
*Note: A campaign can be initiated by the mailer or by their designated MSP (advertising
y, printer, freight shipper, presort bureau, etc.).
4. Creating a Campaign
The overall campaign process is simple; mailers create and induct hardcopy mail as usual
and provide USPS data elements and supplemental content to facilitate an Informed
Delivery interactive campaign. Mailers need to determine the level of campaign they will
onduct, the type of campaign, the supplemental content that will be used, the campai
tart and end dates, etc. Each of these are described in the sections below.
Levels of Interactive Campaigns
At this time, there are two levels or breakdowns of campaigns available (Figure 6):
Mailer ID (MID)
All mailpieces with this MID have the same campaign applied, therefore all Inform
elivery users see the same campaign.
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Note: This method cannot be used with shared MIDs.
Intelligent Mail
Barcode (IMb
) Serialized
All mailpieces with the same MID and a defined Serial Number range within the IMb create a
unique campaign.
This campaign level provides the ability to apply different campaigns to groups of
ustomers and the ability to use a “shared” MID, such as one that might be used
in large businesses with multiple business units or one provided by a MSP.
These campaigns are defined with a unique and sequential Serial Number
range for each campaign treatment desired.
Dividing the mailing list into campaign groups prior to printing/addressing the actual
mailpieces or assigning the IMb’s is critical.
See Appendix C. The Mailing Lifecycle or the Intelligent Mail® Package
Barcode (IMpb) Specification document for more information on this topic.
The majority of interactive campaigns are conducted using this level.
Figure 6. Illustration of MID and IMb Serialized Campaigns
Types of Interactive Campaigns
There are two types of Informed Delivery campaigns available.
Basic Campaign
Ride-along Image and Target URL - Figure 7: This campaign includes the
SPS grayscale scanned image of a letter-size mailpiece and an image provi
the mailer, currently placed below the grayscale image in the email and
dashboard. In all cases, the Ride-along Image is clickable (interactive), as is t
tional “Learn More” link. These are both linked to the same URL. All URLs
must begin with https. The “Learn More” field name/text is not editable.
Important Notes: A Ride-along Image and URL are required to conduct an
Informed Delivery campaign. All URLs must lead directly to a landing page
directly associated with the physical mailpiece. See our Informed Delivery
Interactive Campaign Mailer/Submitter Terms and Conditions for full details.
Dual Campaign
Representative Image, Ride-along Image, and Target URL - Figure 8: In
addition to the required Ride-along Image and URL, this campaign type includes
an image that is provided in lieu of a flat-size image or in place of a grayscal
etter-size image. (Grayscale images of flat-size mail are not provided to
consumers, however, scan events are captured for some flat-sized mailpieces
during processing.)
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Representative Images are static; they are not clickable/interactive.
These images must be clearly branded and must be clearly and directly related
to the hardcopy mailpiece. See our Informed Delivery Interactive Campaign
Mailer/Submitter Terms and Conditions for full details.
Figure 7. Informed Delivery
notification with basic campaign
Figure 8. Informed Delivery
notification with dual campaign
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Opt-out Indicator Fields
Target URL Parameters
Informed Delivery has released a system update to send campaign Mailer ID (MID)
and Serial Number information in the form of URL parameters when consumers click
on interactive campaign Target URLs. This update enables additional data to be
captured, allowing mailers to better understand Informed Delivery driven referrals.
Additionally, this update enables Target URL webpages to be dynamic based on
campaign MID and Serial Number.
Please be advised, the URL parameters may not be compatible with all
campaign Target URLs. Webpage redirects may not function properly when
Informed Delivery passes the parameters. If the URL being used in the
campaign is a redirect, the end destination URL must be entered as the Target
URL for the interactive campaign. The Campaign Parameters PDF on the
Informed Delivery for Business Mailers & Shippers
ebsite contains
information about the function of the campaign URL opt-in/out-out feature.
It’s recommended that URLs are tested in the Mailer Campaign Portal (MCP) prior to
campaigns being submitted (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Sample Target URL with parameters
Sharing Feature
The Informed Delivery Sharing feature enables users to send referrals and share
campaign links via email, text, or social media from the Daily Digest email. A referral
banner appears at the top of the Daily Digest, prompting users to share Informed
Delivery via text or email. Icons appear alongside campaigns that have been opted-in
for social sharing.
Opt-out Functionality
In the campaign “Build” Phase, mailers can opt-out of Informed Delivery URL
parameters and Social Sharing when submitting a campaign via the Mailer Campaign
Portal (MCP). Currently, all the test link functionality within the MCP adheres to the
opt-in/out selection (Figure 10). When the email preview or campaign “proof,” is sent
from the MCP via the “Send Preview” button (Figure 11), the campaign preview
includes the opt-out selection for the URL parameter feature.
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Figure 10. Mailer Campaign Portal
Figure 11. Mailer Campaign Portal Campaign Preview
Additional test
link functionality
Preview with
Mailer Campaign
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Optional Campaign Preview
An optional Campaign Preview is available from the
Review page.
Select the “Campaign Preview” button at the of
he page.
Select “Send Preview” and enter up to
ive email addresses to send this digita
eview email notification to yourself o
hers in your organization. Note: A
maximum of five campaign preview
emails is allowed per campaign code,
per day.
Currently, preview emails contain a
ampaign identifier in the subject line o
he email to distinguish betw
ampaigns and a Test Only banner t
ure the email is more distinguishabl
as a
preview email and not a real Daily
Digest email (Figure 12)
View a digital preview of the campaign on a
mockup of a consumer’s dashboard by
selecting the “Consumer Dashboard” option at
the top of the screen.
Figure 12. Mailer Campaign
Preview Email Notification
“Test Only
Banner to
the email
as a
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5. Campaign Stages and Reporting
There are three basic stages in the campaign process: Pre-Campaign, Campaign, and Post-
This defines the process of gathering the required campaign elements and determining the
submission method as described in Section 4. For an overview of how to conduct a
campaign in seven simple steps, see the Interactive Campaign Checklist in Appendix A.
Interactive Campaign Checklist.
Pre-Campaign Analysis Report
USPS offers an optional Pre-Campaign Analysis report. For this analysis, USPS cross-
references an uploaded list against a current Informed Delivery user list and provides an
aggregate response indicating how many consumers in the list are Informed Delivery
usersat a given point in time. This information is provided in aggregate as USPS is
prohibited from providing lists of Informed Delivery users. Pre-Campaign files can be
submitted at any time, even after a campaign has been activated.
The Pre-Campaign list/file must contain 11-digit Delivery Point ZIP Codes that are taken
from the IMb of a recent mailing list. MSP’s are most commonly able to provide this
information from the IMb. This delivery point information is not stored in standard customer
The file must meet the criteria below:
The header must read ZIP11.
Each entry must be an 11-Digit Delivery Point ZIP Code.
To delete line items without 11-digit codes, import the file containing the codes
into Excel. Once in Excel, filter the data based on length, delete the non-11 digit
codes, and save the document in .csv format.
Include leading zeroes.
Remove duplicate codes.
Save as a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file (using lowercase .csv).
Break files into 102,400 KB (or 100MB) or less.
Figure 13 pr
ovides an example of how the Pre-Campaign file will look once it is
ready for uploading in the MCP. If the file does not meet these criteria, it will not be
uploaded or processed.
Regardless of the intended campaign submission method, use the MCP to
upload the properly formatted ZIP11 .csv file. See the Mailer Campaign Portal
User Guide on the Informed Delivery for Business Mailers website for details
on how to upload a file.
Figure 13.
Example of
formatted Pre-
Campaign .csv file
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If an invalid file is uploaded in the Portal, the mailer will receive an error
message explaining the file issue(s) that prevented a successful upload.
The report will be provided within the Portal when it is done processing.
Processing time varies based on the file size.
Important Note: To verify the contents of the Pre-Campaign data, right-click the file and
open with a text editor such as Notepad. Appendix E. Formatting Pre-Campaign Analysis
File outlines the step-by-step process for ensuring that the Pre-Campaign file is correctly
The completed Pre-Campaign Analysis report, which is provided in the Portal, includes the
following data:
Column Definition
Pre-Campaign List
Total number of 11-digit Delivery Point ZIP™ Codes included in
the .csv file uploaded into the Portal.
Eligible 11-digit
Delivery Point ZIP
Total number of eligible 11-digit Delivery Point ZIP
Codes included in the .csv file (not delivery points with
users, but eligible delivery points).
Unique Eligible 11-digit
Delivery Point ZIP
Total number of unique eligible 11-digit Delivery Point ZIP
Codes included in the .csv file.
# of Subscribers Count of subscribers in the Unique Eligible 11-digit Delivery
Point ZIP Codes in the .csv file.
Subscriber Saturation
# of Subscribers divided by Unique Eligible 11-digit Delivery
Point ZIP Codes (Col D / Col C).
# of Email Enrolled
Count of subscribers who receive emails in Unique Eligible 11-
digit Delivery Point ZIP Codes. (Not all subscribers opt in to get
Email Enrolled
Saturation (%)
# of Email Enrolled Subscribers divided by Unique Eligible11-
digit Delivery Point ZIP Codes (Col F / Col C).
Campaigns are activated based on the requirements provided by the mailer/MSP, which are
dictated by the campaign data elementsas described in Section 4.
The start date of the campaign, duration of the campaign, and campaign images that are
provided result in the campaign being applied to each mailpiece, based on the information in
Figure 14. Pre-Campaign Analysis Report
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the IMb.
In relation to the campaign elements, only the Brand/Campaign Display Name and
supplemental content are presented to the Informed Delivery user. The other campaign
elements provided are used in the background, to apply the appropriate campaign for the
defined time period.
USPS understands that data analysis is important to measuring success and determining
where to direct marketing funds and resources. The Post-Campaign Summary and
Detailed reports provide a wealth of information related to an individual campaign.
Post-Campaign Summary Report
This report provides the general aggregated results of an individual campaign, including the
number of users/mail recipients that were sent an email, the email open rate, and the
number of click-throughs.
For campaigns submitted through the Mailer Campaign Portal (MCP) or PostalOne!,
post-campaign reports are available for download via the Portal.
Post-campaign reports run daily in the morning rather than on-demand by mailer
request. Reports are cumulative and encompass all campaign activity through the
report date.
Column Definition
Campaign_Display_Name The name displayed in the “From” field of the campaign
(sometimes referred to as Brand Display Name or Display
Campaign_Title A mailer-generated title for a campaign.
Campaign_Code A mailer-generated unique code for a campaign.
Mailpieces The number of campaign-related mailpieces identified during
mail processing that were sent to a unique Delivery Point
Code (DPC) address. Total the distinct count of
“Mailpiece_ID” in the detailed report to match the number of
mailpieces in the summary report. This is not the total
number of mailpieces in the mailingjust those identified as
going to Informed Delivery users.
Emails The number of campaign-related emails generated from the
number of physical pieces. All email users in a household are
counted in this metric. Total the distinct count of email ids in
the detailed report to match the number of emails sent in the
summary report.
Email_Open The number of instances where a sent email was opened.
Filter column “RECORD_TYPE” within the detailed report for
“Open Details” to show total email opens. Count every row
to show the total number of emails opened. This will match
the Email Opens column in the summary report.
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Email_Open_Rate The number of email opens divided by the number of emails
This metric can seem irregularly high (e.g., over 100%)
if organizations look at it on a daily or regular basis, as
opposed to holistically over the entire life span of a
campaign. This can happen if users who receive their
mailpiece do not open their email until a later
Click_Through The number of click-throughs generated from emails,
dashboard, or USPS Mobile
app. Filter column
“RECORD_TYPE” within the detailed report for “Click
Details” to show total clicks. Count every row to show the
total number of clicks. This will match the Click_Through
column in the summary report.
Click_Through_Rate The number of click throughs divided by the number of
mailpieces (Col H/D).
Figure 15. Post-Campaign Summary Report
Post-Campaign Detailed Report
olumn Definition
Brand_Display_Name The name displayed in the “From” field of the campaign
(sometimes referred to as Campaign Display Name or Display
Mailer_ID The six-digit or nine-digit numeric code that was submitted for
the campaign.
Campaign_Title A mailer-generated title for a campaign.
Campaign_Code A mailer-generated unique code for a campaign.
Submitter_CRID A Customer Registration Identification (CRID) is a USPS-
generated numeric code of up to 15 digits that uniquely
identifies a USPS customer at a location.
The start date of the campaign as specified by the mailer. The
campaign start date cannot be set for more than 60 days in the
End_Date The end date of the campaign as specified by the mailer. The
cut-off is at 12AM on the end date. Mail processed on the
campaign end date will not be included in any reports.
Start_Serial If the campaign is based on IMb Serialized (not MID level)
indicates a six- or nine-digit starting Serial Number.
End_Serial If the campaign is based on IMb Serialized (not MID level)
indicates a six-digit or nine-digit ending Serial Number.
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MID_Serial The full 15-digit MID and the IMb Serial Number of that specific
ZIP5 The ZIP Code of the subscriber (recipient).
Mailpiece_ID A unique identifier for each piece. Automatically generated by
Delivery_Date The date that a mailpiece was processed for delivery. All times
show as 5:00 GMT
Email_ID A unique identifier for each mailpiece. Automatically generated
by USPS.
WhenWasEmailSent The time stamp of when an email was sent using GMT time
WhenWasEmailOpened The time stamp of when an email was opened using GMT time
ImagePositionInEmail The position in which the image was displayed in an email (1
means it was the first image, 2 means it was the second
image, etc.)
WhenClickedThrough The time stamp of when a link from a campaign was clicked
using GMT time zone.
Where the click-through originated. Includes the following:
“RIDEALONG_WEBSITE” = click-through originated from the
Learn More link on the dashboard
“RIDEALONG_WEBSITE_IMAGE = click-through originated
from the campaign image on the dashboard
“RIDEALONG_EMAIL = click-through originated from the
Learn More link in the Daily Digest
“RIDEALONG_EMAIL_IMAGE” = click-through originated from
the campaign image in the Daily Digest
“RIDEALONG_REMINDER_WEB” = click-through originated
from the Learn More link on the reminder submission webpage
originated from the ridealong image link on the reminder
submission webpage
“RIDEALONG_REMINDER” = click-through originated from
the Learn More link within the reminder email
originated from the ridealong image in the reminder email
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Identifies the type of record being provisioned. Includes
the following:
n-Email = details for pieces that are not sent in emails
Open Details = details for email opens
Click Details = details for click tracks
Email = details for emails sent
Piece = details for mailpieces associated to
tatus = details for campaign status updates
>10pcs= a piece that was not included in an email due
to the user already having 10 images in their daily email
Figure 16. Post-Campaign Detail Report (shown as two separate images due to file width, without formatting)
For additional information on campaign report access and other campaign related information, visit
the Informed Delivery for Business Mailers website. O
ur full listing of known report issues/defects is in
Informed Delivery
Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV
To expand on
capabilities offered by the Mailer Campaign Portal (MCP), Informed Delivery
integrated with IV-MTR. The feature offers the following:
Near real-time data, provided as soon as its available (recurring data feed)
Two options for receiving data: one-time queries or data feeds
Data access delegation is available at the MID or CRID level
lease note that Informed Delivery Post-Campaign (IDPC) is pass-through and not
generated by IV-MTR.
To find additional resources and information:
Appendix G: Data Dictionary for IV-MTR IDPC Reporting
PostalPro™ IV-MTR site
IV User Guide: Provisioning IDPC Data in IV-MTR
For general questions on IV-MTR, please contact the Informed Delivery helpdesk. For
questions on the IV-MTR application, please go the IV Solutions Center at 1-800-238-3150
(Option 2) or
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Appendix A. Interactive Campaign Checklist
Follow these steps to create an Informed Delivery interactive campaign:
1. Choose your campaign submission method:
Mailer Campaign Portal Available via Business Customer Gateway (BCG) under
“Additional Services” tab.
Contact the PostalOne! team at
[email protected] to get started.
2. Determine campaign level and mailing list breakdown (Section 4.1):
Apply a single Informed Delivery campaign to all mailpieces/customers.
Apply different campaign treatments to different customers in the same or different
At this time, also assign a Campaign Title and Campaign Code to the interactive
campaign and define the mailpiece shape: letter, card, or flat.
3. Determine MID on Piece and, if relevant, the IMb
Serial Number Range (Section 4.1):
MID can belong to the mail owner, ad agency, printer, or other Mail Service Provider
o Existing MIDs can be used; full service IMb is required.
o MID must be printed in the IMb on the mailpieces.
Gather Start and End IMb Serial Number Ranges if doing IMb Serialized campaigns,
a unique and sequential range is required for each campaign or treatment.
4. Develop supplemental content (Section 4.2):
Design creative for your Ride-along Image (required).
Determine your target URL (required).
Decide if you want to keep the grayscale mail processing image or use a color
Representative Image (optional for letters/postcards)
5. Determine campaign timeline:
USPS suggests a Start Date of 2-3 days prior to your first expected in-home date.
USPS suggests an End Date 2-3 days after your last expected in-home date.
6. Submit campaign:
Mailer Campaign Portal Enter your campaign details and supplemental content.
PostalOne! Submit campaign(s) using Mail.dat or Mail.xml.
7. Analyze results (Section 5):
Download Post-Campaign Analyses directly in the Portal.
o Summary Report Download information regarding the number of physical
mailpieces, number/percentage of emails opened, and number/percentage of
o Detailed Report Download detailed information, such as the time stamp of
when a user opened an email.
Retrieve mail tracking data as a one-time query or recurring data feed using Informed
Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV
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Appendix B. Mailer ID (MID) and Intelligent Mail
Barcode (IMb
) Information
The IMb on the mailpiece, and the contents within it, are the key to getting mailpiece images
to users and activating Informed Delivery interactive campaigns.
The IMb is comprised of five fields: Barcode ID, Service Type ID (STID), MID,
Serial Number, and Delivery Point ZIP Code. These fields provide intelligence
such as mail class, service requested, mailer identification, and unique Serial
Number tracking.
For the purposes of Informed Delivery, we only use the last 3 fields of the
IMb (not the BI or the STID).
Grayscale scanned images are linked to Informed Delivery users based on the
Delivery Point Code (DPC) field within the IMb. This is the nine-digit ZIP Code
plus a two-digit Delivery Point Code value.
Only consumers/mail recipients that reside in dwellings that have a unique 11-
digit Delivery Point Code can participate in Informed Delivery; this also applies
to multi- unit dwellings.
Campaign images and URLs (supplemental content) are linked
to each individual mailpiece processed based on the MID in the
Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) on the actual mailpiece.
A MID provided in electronic postage statement
documentation (PostalOne! eDoc) has no impact on the
Informed Delivery campaign. See Appendix D.
alOne! Specifications for PostalOne! programming
and submission information.
Figure 17. Illustration of IMb
contents on individual mailpiece
18. Excerpt from IMb 4-State manual (Rev H, 4/20/2015, Page 52)
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Appendix C. The Mailing Lifecycle
There are generally many different people involved in the daily mailing operations of sending
invoices and insurance documents, staying in touch with customers, or creating and
conducting a Direct Mail campaign. Input on decisions related to campaigns can come from
key stakeholders throughout the company, such as Finance, IT, Marketing, Data Analytics,
Legal, Accounting, etc.
Figure 19.
Additionally, there are many companies that provide support for day-to-day mailing
operations or Direct Mail marketing campaigns. Mail Service Providers (MSPs) support mail
owners with mail printing, addressing, barcoding, sorting, distribution, and/or commingling.
Ad Agencies support mail owners with media decisions, campaign creative, mailpiece
design, and more.
Organizations should involve key stakeholders and support teams in the development cycle
of an Informed Delivery interactive campaign too.
Since the MID or, more commonly, the MID + IMb Serial Number on the mailpiece is key to
activating a campaign, the person responsible for this data element is critical to campaign
success. Properly segregating your mailing list prior to assigning the IMb or placing it on the
mailpieces is key.
Example: A company is mailing to 15,000 customers. This company uses a single six-digit
MID. The company wants to determine, between three different mailpieces, which
mailpiece receives the best response rate. The company creates a unique vanity URLs for
each of the three mailpieces to track visits and determine which mailpiece drove the most
To apply a different Informed Delivery campaign to each mailpiece type (or groups of
customers), the company needs to ensure that their mailing list is broken out into three
separate/unique lists (IMb Serial Numbers). By doing so, the company can apply three
unique Informed Delivery campaigns, each with its own supplemental content (Ride-along
and/or Representative Image, and URL). The company should check to ensure that the
Serial Number printed on the mailpiece corresponds to the appropriate Informed Delivery
Figure 20. Illustration of mailing list breakdown for Informed
Delivery campaign use
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Appendix D. PostalOne! Specifications
Mailers using the PostalOne! Mail.dat or Mail.xml file formats are able to submit Informed
Delivery interactive campaign information electronically.
The Informed Delivery Mail.dat or Mail.xml files are sent as part of a larger Mail.dat or
job that contains presort and postage statement information; other presort and
postage supporting files are also submitted along with the Informed Delivery files.
Documents regarding the specific programming requirements and processes for PostalOne!
campaign submissions are provided as links on the Informed Delivery for Business Mailers
website. An overview of the required PostalOne! onboarding can be found below.
PostalOne! Onboarding & Contact Information
All mailers that wish to conduct/submit campaigns using PostalOne! are required to work with the
PostalOne! Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT) office for Informed Delivery interactive
campaigns. This PostalOne! team can be reached directly by emailing
PostalOne! Onboarding Check List
Follow the steps outlined below to set up your Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT) Business
Customer Gateway (BCG) account and conduct an Informed Delivery campaign using PostalOne!:
Email the Informed Delivery eDoc team at
[email protected] stating initial intent to start testing
Informed Delivery Campaigns using PostalOne!. Please provide the following
Point of contact name
Phone number
Coordinate with USPS to determine if the mailer submitting the campaign has participated in
PostalOne! Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT) in the past.
If the organization has participated in PostalOne! CAT, please acquire the PostalOne!CAT
credentials below. These credentials will allow the organization to create a Mail.dat eDoc job
for an Informed Delivery campaign.
Customer Registration ID (CRID)
Mailer ID (MID)
Permit account number
ZIP Code™ related to the Permit
Set Up Your PostalOne! CAT Account with Permit
Visit the USPS BCG CAT environment.
Create a BCG account:
Click on Sign Up for the BCG
Enter your business email address
Validate your business
email address
Provide company name and address
Provide your contact information and click "Verify Account"
Once your account has been verified, create a username and password and answer the
security questions
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A BCG Business Account will be granted upon completion of these fields.
The user will be automatically assigned a mailer CRID and MID. Those
credentials appear on-screen within the application and will be sent to the
registered email address on file.
Email the Informed Delivery eDoc team the following information:
Company name, address, and point of contact
Request that a Permit Imprint Postage Payment Account be created and activated.
Note: The Permit should be funded with a large test balance amount so that Mail.dat
jobs with postage and campaign data can be submitted.
Once the CAT BCG account has been created, the CAT office will link the newly created
Permit to the mailer test CRID.
The CRID, MID, and Permit Account Number information can now be used to prepare
and submit Mail.dat jobs with Informed Delivery campaigns to PostalOne! CAT.
The PostalOne! CAT Mail.dat client can be downloaded from the PostalOne! BCG CAT
page after logging in.
The Informed Delivery eDoc team will validate the eDocs data and provide feedback if
data needs to be corrected to be eligible for production environment.
Any questions or information related to PostalOne! or the process outlined above can be
sent to the Informed Delivery eDoc team.
All general campaign questions related to supplemental content specifications, reporting,
etc., must be directed to the [email protected]
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Appendix E. Formatting Pre-Campaign Analysis File
To run a Pre-Campaign Analysis, the following file formatting requirements must be met or
the file upload will fail:
The column header must read ZIP11.
Each entry must be an 11-Digit Delivery Point ZIP Code. Any entry that is not an 11-Digit
Delivery Point ZIP Code should be deleted.
Include leading zeroes.
Remove duplicate codes.
Save as a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file (using lowercase .csv).
Break files into 102,400 KB (or 100MB) or less.
The following steps will provide guidance on how to format your Pre-campaign analysis file
correctly, including how to:
Extract the 11-digit Delivery Point Codes (DPC) from IMb’s, and;
Confirm that every entry contains only 11-digit DPCs.
11-digit DPCs are a key part of the Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb). There are five fields in t
Mbthe DPC is in the last/fifth field (see Appendix B. Mailer ID (MID) and Intelligent
ail® Barcode (IMb
) Information). The easiest way to identify DPCs is from a recent
mailing that was conducted. The printer/vendor should have access to this data. Keep i
ind that most customer databases do not store DPCs.
Extract DPCs out of an IMb to prepare the Pre-Campaign Analysis file.
Open the IMb file in Notepad to ensure you have only IMb’s in the file, and save it to
your computer.
Open a new instance of Microsoft Excel and import the Text file by following the
steps below.
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Open the Data tab, and then select “From Text” in the “Get External Data” section.
Note: If you are working in Excel 2016 in O365 or later, the Text Import Wizard
(below) may no longer be enabled. To enable it, navigate to File > Options > Data
and select “From Text (Legacy)” under the “Show legacy data import wizards”
Select the file that contains your IMb’s and click “Import.” The Text Import Wizard will
Using your mouse, click to the right of the first two characters of the numbers
showing in the “Data preview” section. This will insert an arrow as shown below.
Repeat this step four more times to insert these arrows in between each of the five
IMb sections. Select Next.” Important Note: Your MID could be six or nine digits in
lengthand your IMb Serial Number is also six or nine digits long. It is imperative
that you know the MID used before you complete this step.
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Select “Text” under Column data format. Then, select “Finish.”
An Import Data window will appear. Select “Existing Worksheet” to indicate how you
want to view this data in your workbook (default option).
Content will be imported into Excel into five columns. The fifth column (Column E)
contains the 11-digit DPC.
Delete columns A through D. Keep column E
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Verify if the .CSV File is properly formatted for submission in the Mailer
Campaign Portal.
Open a new Excel file.
Open the Data tab, then select “From Text” in the “Get External Data” section.
Select the file that contains your 11-digit Delivery Point Barcodes from your IMb’s;
select “Import.”
Leave the delimiters as is (“Tab”). Click “Next.”
Select “Text.”
The data will import into your Excel document.
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Insert “ZIP11” as a header to cell A1 without quotation marks. This is a required
column header.
Label column B “Length” and enter the following formula into cell B2: =len(A2).
Copy the formula to each row by re-selecting B2 and double-clicking the green
square at the bottom right of the cell.
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Highlight the two column headers and press Ctrl+Shift+L to enable filters; then, filter
the Length column to only display lengths that do not equal 11.
Highlight and delete all of the rows displayed in the filter.
Remove the filter to display the remaining rows, which should all have a length of 11.
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Delete the Length column and save the file in .CSV format.
Select all of the entries below the ZIP11 column header
Click on the “Data” tab and click on the “Remove Duplicates” button under Data
Click “OK” when the Remove Duplicates window appears.
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Click OK” to accept the removal of duplicates and save the file to your computer as a
.csv file.
Ensure that your file does not exceed 102,400 KB. Your file is now ready for upload
to the Mailer Portal.
Proceed to the Mailer Campaign Portal to upload your file.
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Appendix F. Formatting Post-Campaign Detailed Report
If some of the columns in the campaign report appear in scientific notation and
cannot be resolved by changing the format to a number, click the “Download Report”
link from the Mailer Campaign Portal, and select “Save As.”
*Note, do not open the file or view it in Excel. If you open the file in Excel, formatting
options will be limited.
Downloading a campaign report from the Mailer Campaign Portal
Open a new blank sheet in Excel. In the Data tab, select “From Text/CSV” and
upload the data file that you saved in the previous step and click “Import”.
For data that appears in scientific notation, select the column(s) you wish you
change and select “Data Type: Whole Number” from the top ribbon.
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Appendix G. IV-MTR IDPC Data Dictionary
A detailed version of the IV-MTR IDPC Data Dictionary can be found on the IV-MTR
PostalPro website.
Field Name
Field Description
Sample Data
Barcode Identifier
Barcode Identifier of the mailpiece IMB Code
Barcode Mailer ID
Barcode Mailer ID of the mailpiece IMB Code
Barcode Serial
Serial Number of the mailpiece IMB Code
Brand Display Name
The name displayed in the “From” field of the
ABC Company
Campaign Code
A mailer generated unique code for a campaign
ABC July 2020
Campaign Title
A mailer generated title for a campaign
Delivery Date
The date that a mailpiece was processed for
eDoc Submitter
USPS-generated numeric code of up to 15 digits
that uniquely identifies a USPS EDOC Submitter
(for PO! campaigns only)
eDoc Submitter
The name of the organization that submitted the
electronic documentation to the postal service for
ABC Company
Email ID
A unique identifier for each mailpiece.
Automatically generated by USPS
End Date
The end date of the campaign as specified by the
mailer. The cut-off is at 12 AM of the end date.
Mail processed on the campaign end date will not
be included in any reports.
End Serial
If the campaign is based on IMb Serialized (not
MID level) indicates a six-digit or nine-digit
ending Serial Number.
Image Position in
The position in which the image was displayed in
an email (1 means it was the first image, 2 means
it was the second image, etc.)
Mail Owner CRID
USPS-generated numeric code of up to 15 digits
that uniquely identifies a USPS Mail Owner (for
PO! campaigns only)
Mail Owner Name
The name of the organization that owns the mail
being sent.
ABC Company
Mail Preparer CRID
USPS-generated numeric code of up to 15 digits
that uniquely identifies a USPS Mail Preparer (for
PO! campaigns only)
Mail Preparer Name
The name of the organization that prepared the
mailing and/or delivered it to the postal service for
ABC Company
Mailer ID
The six-digit or nine-digit numeric code that was
submitted for the campaign (for all campaigns)
Mailer Name
The name of the owner of the MID that's on the
mailpiece IMB
ABC Company
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Mailpiece ID
A unique identifier for each piece. Automatically
generated by USPS
Service Type Code
Service Type Code of the mailpiece IMB Code
Where the click-through originated. Includes the
“RIDEALONG_WEBSITE” = click-through
from the Learn More link on the dashboard
originated from the campaign image on the
RIDEALONG_EMAIL = click-through originated
from the Learn More link in the Daily Digest
“RIDEALONG_EMAIL_IMAGE” = click-through
originated from the campaign image in the Daily
“RIDEALONG_REMINDER_WEB” = click-through
originated from the Learn More link on the r
submission webpage
click-through originated from the ridealong image
link on the reminder submission webpage
RIDEALONG_REMINDER” = click-through
originated from the Learn More link within the
reminder email
through originated from the ridealong image in
the reminder email
Start Date
The start date of the campaign as specified by the
Start Serial
If the campaign is based on IMb Serialized (not
MID level) indicates a six- or nine-digit starting
Serial Number.
Status of the campaign. Includes the following:
Submitter CRID
USPS-generated numeric code of up to 15 digits
that uniquely identifies a USPS Submitter (for all
The time stamp of when a link from a campaign
was clicked using the local time
2020-05-14 01:32:36-
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When email was
The time stamp of when an email was opened
using the local time
2020-05-14 01:30:36-
When email was sent
The time stamp of when an email was sent using
the local time
2020-05-14 01:00:36-
The ZIP Code of the subscriber (recipient)
Record Type
Identifies the type of record being provisioned.
Includes the following:
Non-Email = details for pieces that are not sent in
Open Details = details for email
Click Details = details for click
Email = details for emails sent
Piece = details for mailpieces associated
to campaigns
Status = details for campaign status updates
>10pcs = a piece that was not included in an
email due to the user already having 10
images in their daily digest email
Appendix H. Legal Terms & Conditions
Please navigate to the Informed Delivery for Business Mailers w
ebsite to find the latest
Informed Delivery Interactive Campaign Mailer/Submitter Terms and Conditions.