Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Valley Stream Thirteen Union Free School District held in the Auditorium of the
James A. Dever School on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Trustee Bonelli, Trustee Caposio, Trustee Cavaliere, Trustee Farrell, Trustee Oliveri
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Trustee Chiachiere, Trustee Vicente
OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent LaRocca, Asst. Supt. for Business & HR Antoine, Asst. Supt. for Curriculum & Instruction McIntosh, Exec.
Director of Special Svcs. Dunn, Director of Instructional Technology & Innovation DiMango, School District Attorney Shishko, District Clerk Rosamilia,
approximately 12 visitors
Meeting Opening
Call to Order
The meeting was convened at 7:15 by President Oliveri.
Determination of Quorum
Five members being present, a quorum was determined.
Executive Session
The Board immediately moved into Executive Session on a motion made by Trustee Cavaliere, seconded by Trustee Farrell and
carried unanimously to discuss the personnel of a particular person. The Superintendent and School District Attorney were invited to
The meeting was reconvened at 8:03 p.m. by President Oliveri.
Determination of Quorum
Five members being present, a quorum was determined.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes
To approve the minutes of the March 22, 2022 Board of Education meeting; April 13, 2022 Committee meeting; April 26, 2022 Board
of Education meeting and May 17, 2022 Committee and Special meeting.
Moved by Trustee Farrell, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
There is no correspondence this month.
Recognition of Visitors
Several members of the community addressed the board regarding curriculum.
Report of the Superintendent
Superintendent LaRocca introduced Asst. Supt. McIntosh, Exec. Director for Special Services Dunn, Principal Peets-Butcher and
teachers Paula Barnick and Maureen Byrnes who presented a power point on this years summer programs which included end of
school year data, statistics, summer english as a new language program, summer recreation program and the summer readiness
Education Committee [Trustee M. Vicente, Chairperson; Trustee V. Caposio]
1. Memorandum of Agreement - VSTA
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Valley Stream Teachers
Association and Kelsey Schulz.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
2. Memorandum of Agreement - VSTA
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Valley Stream Teachers
Association and Stephanie Carsten.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
3. Memorandum of Agreement - VSTA
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Valley Stream Teachers
Association to extend the teacher unit contract through and including the 2022/2023 school year.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
4. Home Instruction
To approve Matthew Stashin, Classroom Teacher at Howell Road School, to provide home instruction, not to exceed five hours
per week for missed days of school, for a Howell Road student effective September 12, 2022 - October 7, 2022 at the
district's home instruction rate of pay of $46.08 per hour.
To approve Brittany Bent, Classroom Teacher at Wheeler Avenue School, to provide home instruction, not to exceed five
hours per week for missed days of school, for a Wheeler Avenue student effective September 12, 2022 - November 4, 2022
at the district's home instruction rate of pay of $46.08 per hour.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
5. Appointment of Library Media Specialist
To appoint Stephanie Carsten as a Library Media Specialist (Tenure Area: Library) on Step 1EDD ($84,103), on four years' probation
commencing on August 31, 2022 and expiring on August 30, 2026. (*See note below)
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
6. Appointment of Music Teacher
To appoint Corina Antonucci as a Music Teacher (Tenure Area: Music) on Step 1BA ($62,834), on four years' probation commencing
on October 3, 2022 and expiring on October 2, 2026. (*See note below)
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
7. Appointment of Teacher Assistant
To appoint Dawn Windheuser as a Teaching Assistant assigned to the James A. Dever School at $31,388 on four years' probation
commencing on September 29, 2022 and expiring on September 28, 2026 in accordance with the VSTA-TA contract in effect on the
date of employment.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
8. Amendment to Appointment
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby increases the part-time psychologist position of Leslie Gulkis from a .8 to .9 effective
September 29, 2022.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
9. Appointment of Permanent Substitute Teachers
To appoint the following Permanent Substitute Teachers at a rate of $125 per day effective September 28, 2022 through June 30,
2023 and unless sooner terminated:
Kathleen Lennon
Christina Sangeniti
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
10. Appointment of Long-Term Substitute Teachers
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby appoints the following persons as Long-Term Substitute Teachers at a rate of $140 per
day, effective September 1, 2022 for a period not to exceed 60 days unless otherwise extended by the Board of Education:
Kristen Lynch
Jaclyn Randazzo
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
11. Employment of Mentor Teachers
To employ the following teachers as mentors effective September 29, 2022 at a rate of $69.32 per hour for no more than 30 hours:
Mentor Mentee
Michelle Lepe Lauren Anglim
Karen Higgins Hanna Choi
Shareen Best Danielle DeGrazia
Julianne Mashkow Brittany Nagel
Denise DeMeo Caroline Nickels
Joan Seidl Marissa Nicoletti
Maureen Byrnes Yamile Polanco Ospina
Jennifer Navarra Joelly Quezada
Christy Taveira Kalei Mills
Katie Pulvidente Bryan Donovan
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
12. Amendment of Resolution
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby amends Resolution #12 adopted on August 16, 2022 to read as follows: To approve the
credit for advanced study effective September 1, 2022 as listed in accordance with the VSTA/Board Agreement: Employee: Matthew
Spinks, James A. Dever School, From 2MA To 3MA +15
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
13. Credit for Advanced Study
To approve the credit for advanced study effective September 1, 2022 as listed in accordance with the VSTA/Board Agreement:
Employee School From To
Cindia Alvarado James A. Dever 5MA 5MA +15
Meredith Bennett James A. Dever 6MA +15 6MA +30
Parita Domadia James A. Dever 2MA 2MA +15
Stephani McNulty James A. Dever 4.5MA +15 4.5MA +30
Brittany Bent Wheeler Avenue 4MA +15 4MA + 30
Kevin Mayer Wheeler Avenue 4BA +15 4BA +30
Elizabeth Suarez Wheeler Avenue 6MA +15 6MA +30
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
14. Approval of Clubs for 2022-2023 School Year
To approve the following clubs for the 2022-2023 school year as listed below:
School Club Type 22/23 Sponsor Step Amount
James A. Dever
Student Council
Jazz/Wind Ensemble
Book Club
Broadcast Club
School Safety Citizens
Comic Book Club
Chamber Ensemble
Denise DeMeo
Glenn Guidone
Annemarie Gunn
Christy Taveira
Christy Taveira
Thomas Mullen
Matthew Spinks
Howell Road
Continental Math
Math Olympiads
Kind Kids
Mic Drop
Mindful Movement
Student Council
Volleyball Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Closing Circle Club
Young Yogis
Reader’s Theater
Maria Teh-Bradley
Matthew Stashin
Samantha Watson
Kayla King
Debbie DiBona
Maria Teh-Bradley
Kevin Olsen
Paula Barnick
Aleksandra Pettas
Yamile Polanco Ospina
Elizabeth Sweeney
Elizabeth Sweeney
Howell Owl TV
Howell Owl TV
Howell Owl TV
Puppet Recipe Club
Newspaper Club
Chamber Orchestra
Paula Barnick
Aleksandra Pettas
Kevin Olsen
Debra LaBruzzi
SheMeika Charles
Jeremy Arndt
Wheeler Avenue Sports Club 1
Sports Club 2
Student Council
Singing & Karaoke Club
Homework Helpers Club
Safety Patrol
Circus Arts
Robert Primeggia
Robert Primeggia
Krystal Rosado
Brittany Bent
Joelly Quezada
Ryan Boyle
Jennifer Leest
Janet Miller
Janet Miller
$ 664.00
$ 664.00
$ 908
$ 908
Willow Road Best Buddies Club
Board Game Strategies &
Community Club
Continental Math
Craft Club
Culture Club
Kristina DiLauro
Jamey Schechter
Lisa Wilson
Hanna Choi
Lauren Anglim
Christine Coryell
Michelle Lepe
Matt Costantino
Kalei Mills
Kaitlyn Espina
Christine Robinson
$ 665
$ 665
$ 665
$ 664
$ 664
$ 997.50
$ 997.50
$ 664
$ 664
$ 664
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
15. Music Stipends for Clubs
In accordance with Section 5.6 of the VSTA Contract, listed below are the music teacher assignments for extra pay for extra services
for the 2022-2023 school year:
Teacher, School/Group, Club/Step, Stipend
Jaclyn Randazzo, Howell Senior Chorus, B-Step I, $2,920
Jaclyn Randazzo, Howell Junior Chorus, B-Step I, $2,920
Jaclyn Randazzo, Howell Road, Music Stipend, $ 500
Corina Antonucci, Howell Senior Band, B-Step I, $2,920 - prorated
Corina Antonucci, Howell, Music Stipend, $ 500 - prorated
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
*In order to be eligible for tenure, an individual receiving a probationary appointment as a classroom/special
education teacher must receive annual composite or overall APPR ratings of H or E in at least three of the
four preceding years, and if the individual receives a rate of I in the final year of the probationary period, he
or she will not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Education Committee Consent (Agenda items 1-10)
The following items were approved on a motion for a Consent Agenda by Trustee Caposio, seconded by
Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
1. Appointment of Noon-Hour Supervisors
To appoint Jacqueline Eason as Noon Hour Supervisor assigned to the Howell Road School, at $40 per hour for 2 hours and
40 minutes per day, effective September 29, 2022 through June 30, 2023 and unless sooner terminated.
To appoint Grace Thompson as Noon Hour Supervisor assigned to the Willow Road School, at $40 per hour for 2 hours and 40
minutes per day, effective September 29, 2022 through June 30, 2023 and unless sooner terminated.
2. Appointment of Classroom Aides
To appoint the following persons as Classroom Aides on Step 1 ($19,378) effective September 29, 2022 pending Civil Service
approval and unless sooner terminated:
Crystal Jackson
Samantha Gipson
Doris Mendoza
3. Appointment of Noon-Hour Aides
To appoint the following as Noon-Hour Aides at a rate of $15 per hour effective September 29, 2022 pending Civil Service approval
and unless sooner terminated:
Name School
Elsie Melendez
Sumara Mozaftar
Howell Road
Howell Road
Shaheen Mohammed James A. Dever
Anne Baer
Maria Guevara Flores
Willow Road
Willow Road
Aime Borruso Wheeler Avenue
4. Rescind Appointments
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby rescinds Resolution #18 adopted on August 16, 2022 to appoint Taylor Tedeschi as a
Long-Term Substitute Teacher.
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby rescinds Resolution #17 adopted on August 16, 2022 to appoint Daniel Smith as a Long-
Term Substitute Teacher.
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby rescinds Resolution #13 adopted on August 16, 2022 to appoint Maria Vidal as a Noon-
Hour Supervisor assigned to the Willow Road School.
5. Resignation of Teaching Assistant
To accept the resignation of Juli Brathwaite, Teaching Assistant at the James A. Dever School effective August 26, 2022, letter dated
August 22, 2022.
6. Resignation of Permanent Building Substitute
To accept the resignation of Allison Rattoballi, Permanent Building Substitute at James A. Dever School effective June 30, 2022,
letter dated August 15, 2022.
7. Resignation of Noon-Hour Supervisor
To accept the resignation of Nikolas Carneglia, Noon-Hour Supervisor at the Howell Road School effective August 12, 2022, letter
dated August 12, 2022.
8. Resignation of Noon-Hour Aide
To accept the resignation of Doris Mendoza, Noon-Hour Aide at the Wheeler Avenue School effective September 28, 2022, letter
dated September 14, 2022.
9. Resignation of Classroom Aide
To accept the resignation of Eman Nawar, Classroom Aide at the Willow Road School effective August 16, 2022, letter dated August
16, 2022.
10. Substitute List
To approve the Substitute List for the 2022-2023 school year.
Business Committee [Trustee P. Farrell, Chairperson; Vice President G. Cavaliere]
1. Treasurer's Report
To approve the Treasurer's Report for the month of June and July 2022.
Moved by Trustee Farrell, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
2. Accept Annual Financial Statement
Pursuant to Section 1721 of the Education Law, the annual statement shall be published by notice to the taxpayers by posting copies
in five public places in District Thirteen, at entrances to James A. Dever, Howell Road, Memorial Junior High, Wheeler Avenue and
Willow Road Schools, on or about September 30, 2022; and publishing the local newspapers following the close of the 2021-2022
fiscal year.
Moved by Trustee Farrell, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
3. Settlement Agreement
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education hereby approves the
Stipulation of Settlement and General Release with the Parent of the Student named in Confidential Schedule "A" and authorizes the
President of the Board of Education to execute said Stipulation of Settlement and General Release in relation thereto.
Moved by Trustee Farrell, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
Business Committee Consent (Agenda items 1-3)
The following items were approved on a motion for a Consent Agenda by Trustee Farrell,
seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
1. Independent Audit Report
To accept the Independent Audit Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 prepared by D'Arcangelo & Company.
2. Approval of the Budget and Election Calendar for 2022-2023
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education hereby adopts the 2022-2023 School Year
Budget and Election Calendar.
3. Substitute Cleaner List
To approve the Substitute Cleaner List for the 2022-2023 school year.
Policy Committee [Trustee Dr. F. Chiachiere, Chairperson; Trustee A. Bonelli]
1. Policies for 1st Reading
Policies for 1st Reading:
o 6680 Internal Auditor
A motion was made by Trustee Bonelli, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously to table this item.
Facilities Committee [Vice President G. Cavaliere, Chairperson; Trustee V. Caposio]
Trustee Cavaliere reported that the annual building inspection will be held of Saturday, October 2, 2022 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Committee of the Whole [Vice President G. Cavaliere]
1. Agreement with SCOPE for UPK 2022-2023
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby approves the attached agreement with SCOPE Education Services for Pre-Kindergarten
Education Services for the 2022-2023 school year and hereby authorizes the Board President to execute same.
Moved by Trustee Cavaliere, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
2. Appoint by Vote NYSSBA Delegate
To appoint Trustee Bonelli as NYSSBA voting delegate.
Moved by Trustee Cavaliere, seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
Committee of the Whole Consent (Agenda items 1-5)
The following items were approved on a motion for a Consent Agenda by Trustee Cavaliere,
seconded by Trustee Farrell and carried unanimously.
1. Impartial Hearing Officer List
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that effective August 31, 2022 and thereafter the following persons will be appointed to serve as Impartial
Hearing Officers for the District: NED KASSMAN 740
2. Hold Harmless Agreement
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the Hold Harmless Agreement Form between the District and the Village of
Valley Stream and hereby authorizes the Board President to execute same.
3. Agreement for Related Services Provider
RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby approves the attached affiliation agreement between the District and Hofstra University
for the provision of a supervised clinical training and experience program for students of the University and hereby authorizes the
Board President to execute same.
4. Committee on Special Education Reviews
To ratify and adopt the Committee on Special Education Reviews dated 8/22/2022 and 8/25/2022.
5. Committee on Pre-school Special Education Reviews
To ratify and adopt the Committee on Pre-school Education Reviews dated 7/27, 8/18, 8/30 and 9/6/2022.
Report of the Attorney - Christopher Shishko
School District Attorney Shishko reported on a decision in an arbitration alleging a violation of a school district's teachers' collective
bargaining agreement ("CBA"). The union alleged that the Superintendent of Schools violated the CBA article on academic freedom
and the teaching of controversial issues, by preventing the further use of a survey in a school-wide mock election. An honors club at
the district's high school conducted a school-wide mock election using two survey forms. The surveys were sent to students through
their district emails. The submissions on the first survey form were anonymous; however, the second survey form required students'
email addresses, and thus, was not anonymous. The second survey form received complaints from students' parents, and thus, the
Superintendent directed staff and students to not use the form. The teachers' union objected to the directive arguing that the CBA
provides teachers with the academic freedom to teach controversial subjects within the curriculum. The arbitrator disagreed and
denied the grievance for several reasons. The arbitrator found that the CBA article did not apply to the club as it applied to
controversial subjects within the curriculum, and notably, the club was outside of the classroom instructional program. Further, the
CBA was silent about the functioning of district clubs. The arbitrator noted that Board of Education policy provided the
Superintendent with broad discretion over regulating student groups and clubs. Thus, The Superintendent acted within their
authority. Nevertheless, the arbitrator opined that the union's argument relating to a violation of Board of Education policy was
improper as the grievance only alleged a violation of the CBA. Based on the foregoing, the arbitrator denied the grievance.
High School Report
Trustee Farrell reported that the start of school went very smoothly.
Old Business
There is no old business to report.
New Business
Discussion was held on curriculum and apps within Classlink, registration forms and livestreaming of committee meetings.
Committee of the Whole
A motion was made by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere to amend the agenda.
Opposition being heard, the clerk as asked to poll the board:
Trustee Bonelli - abstain
Trustee Farrell - yes
Trustee Cavaliere - yes
Trustee Caposio - yes
President Oliveri - yes
4 yes votes, 1 abstain, motion carries.
Suspend the use of Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.
To temporarily suspend the use of Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. in the district until such time as the Instructional Review Committee
has completed its review of the materials and the Superintendent issues a decision pursuant to District Policy 1420 and Regulation
1420-R and any appeals are decided by the Board.
Moved by Trustee Caposio, seconded by Trustee Cavaliere and carried unanimously.
Executive Session
At 9:50 p.m. a motion for Executive Session was made by Trustee Cavaliere, seconded by Trustee Bonelli and carried unanimously to
discuss legal matters. The Superintendent and School District Attorney were invited to attend.
The meeting was reconvened at 11:45 p.m. by President Oliveri.
Determination of Quorum
Five members being present, a quorum was determined.
On a motion made by Trustee Farrell, seconded by Trustee Bonelli and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45