Employer Information
A Guide to Vermont’s
Unemployment Insurance Program
The contents of this manual are provided for informational purposes only and do not have
the effect of law. 21 V.S.A Chapter 17 provides the legal authority that supports the
information in this manual.
If you need clari cation or further information, please contact the appropriate of ce.
(802 area code)
Vermont Department of Labor 828-4000
Post O ce Box 488, 5 Green Mountain Drive
Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0488
Employer Account Registration 828-4344
New and Experienced Ratings 828-4344
Quarterly Reports, Adjustments, Penalties and Interest 828-4344
Account Delinquencies and Payment Plans 828-4333
FUTA Certi cations 828-4344
Determinations, Bene t Payments, Charges to Your Account
Labor Market Statistical Information
Employment Service Activities 828-4342
Employer Services Unit 828-4248
Program Integrity Unit 828-4046
Unemployment Insurance Claim Center 828-9191 or 828-1071
New Hire Reporting 828-4286
When contacting the Department of Labor, auxiliary aides and services are available
upon request for individuals with disabilities. Interpretive services are also available for
persons with limited English pro ciency.
TTY/Relay Service 711
TTD Services 802-828-4203
Workers' Compensation Division
.O. Box 488, Green Mountain
Drive Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
Vermont Secretary of State
128 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1101
Vermont Department of Taxes
133 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1401
Table of Contents
What Is Unemployment Insurance? ........................................................................................
The Employer’s Role In The Program ........................................................................
How The Program Is Administered ...........................................................................
Employer Responsibilities ........................................................................................................
What Does It Mean When We Say “You Are An Employer”? .............................................
Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
And Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) ..................................................................
Who is an “Employee” under the Unemployment Program? .................................
Covered Employment – ABC Test ...............................................................................
The ABC Test vs. the IRS Independent Contractor Test ...........................................
Misclassi cation .............................................................................................................
Exempt Employment .....................................................................................................
Voluntary Election of Coverage ..................................................................................
Inactive Status ................................................................................................................
Termination of Coverage..............................................................................................
Loss of Experience Rating ............................................................................................
Report Filing And Payment Information .....................................................................
Keeping Records ...........................................................................................................
What Types of Payments are not Considered Wages? ............................................
Employees Who Work in More than One State ........................................................
Power of A orney .........................................................................................................
Filing Quarterly Reports ..............................................................................................
“Due Date” for Filing Quarterly Reports ..................................................................
Calculating Excess Wages ............................................................................................
Health Care Reporting .................................................................................................
Making Corrections to Reports ...................................................................................
Application of Payments Received from Employers ...............................................
Refunds and Adjustments ...........................................................................................
Reimbursement Payment Option ...............................................................................
Changing from a Taxable to a Reimbursable Method of Payment or Vice Versa
Reporting Changes to Your Business .........................................................................
Sale of Your Business Certi cation .............................................................................
Penalties ..........................................................................................................................
Interest Charges .............................................................................................................
Liens ................................................................................................................................
Assessments ...................................................................................................................
Contacts by a Field Auditor or Other Department Representative .......................
Vermont Department of Labor | i
How to Elect the Reimbursable Option .....................................................................
What is the Definition of “Wages”? ...........................................................................
Employee Leasing .....................................................................................................................
Requirements for Licensure of Employee Leasing Firms .......................................
Unemployment Insurance Requirements for Employee Leasing ..........................
Unemployment Taxes And Experience Rating .......................................................................
State and Federal Unemployment Taxes ...................................................................
New Employer Rates ....................................................................................................
Experience Rating .........................................................................................................
Qualifying for an Experience Rate ..............................................................................
Determining Your Tax Rate .........................................................................................
Rate Schedule .................................................................................................................
Successor Employer ......................................................................................................
Partial Successor ............................................................................................................
What is “SUTA” Dumping”? .......................................................................................
Unemployment Bene ts ..........................................................................................................
Providing Information to Your Employees ...............................................................
How Individuals File a Claim for Bene ts ................................................................
How are Benefits Charged? .........................................................................................
Reducing the Cost of Unemployment Insurance .....................................................
Minimize Charges to Your Account ...........................................................................
How Benefit Eligibility is Determined .......................................................................
Other Eligibility Requirements ...................................................................................
Employee Dismissals and Suitable Work ..................................................................
Disqualifying Remuneration .......................................................................................
Health Leaving Provision ............................................................................................
Illness and Disability Claims .......................................................................................
Continuing Eligibility for Bene ts ..............................................................................
Disregarded Earnings ...................................................................................................
Extended Bene ts ..........................................................................................................
Unemployment Insurance Program Integrity Activities .......................................................
Overpayment and Fraud Prevention .........................................................................
New Hire Report Cross-Matches ................................................................................
What We Do with the Information.............................................................................
Delinquent Collection ...................................................................................................
Benefit Quality Control ................................................................................................
Revenue Quality Control .............................................................................................
Table of Contents (continued)
ii | Table of Contents
Benefit Ratio...................................................................................................................
Unemployment Claims Adjudication ......................................................................................
Notices and Information Requests .............................................................................
Instructions for Completing Request for Separation Forms ...................................
Education Institutions ..................................................................................................
Appeals In The Unemployment Insurance Program .................................................
Participating in the Appeals Process ..........................................................................
What are the Steps in the Appeals Process? ..............................................................
The Hearing Before An Administrative Law Judge .................................................
Do You Need a Lawyer?...............................................................................................
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Sign Language Interpreters. ....................
Americans with Disabilities Act..................................................................................
Notice of Hearing ..........................................................................................................
Evaluate and Prepare Your Evidence .........................................................................
Which Party Has the Burden of Proof? ......................................................................
What Goes on at the Hearing Before the Administrative Law Judge? ..................
Did You Personally Observe the Incident? ................................................................
The Importance of Witnesses & Subpoenas ..............................................................
Contacts with the Administrative Law Judge Outside of the Hearing .................
Postponement of a Hearing .........................................................................................
Withdrawal of an Appeal .............................................................................................
Appeals to the Employment Board ............................................................................
Appeals to the Supreme Court ....................................................................................
Other Programs and Divisions Within the Department .......................................................
Wage and Hour Program .............................................................................................
Benefits or Wage Supplements....................................................................................
Minimum Wage .............................................................................................................
Labor Market Information ...........................................................................................
Workforce Development ..............................................................................................
Vermont Job Link ..........................................................................................................
Workplace Safety Programs ........................................................................................
The Green Mountain Voluntary Protection Program ..............................................
Project WorkSAFE .........................................................................................................
The Vermont Passenger Tramway Program .............................................................
Workers’ Compensation Program ..............................................................................
Unemployment Insurance and Wage Division Contact Information....................
Forms ........................................................................................ (Back of Guide)
Limited Power of A orney (C-50) .................................................(Back of Guide)
Notice of Change (C-36) ..................................................................(Back of Guide)
Table of Contents (continued)
Vermont Department of Labor | iii
Since the early 1900’s Unemployment Insurance in one form or another has been accepted and
practiced in both Europe and North America. Not until the disastrous depression of the 1930’s,
however, was there widespread recognition in this country of the need for federal legislation to
cushion the impact of crippling economic downturns.
In 1935, the U.S. Congress passed the Unemployment Insurance provisions of the So
Security Act. This established a federal-state system of paying monetary bene ts to
eligible unemployed persons. Vermont’s Unemployment Compensation Law was
enacted in 1936 and was fully operative by 1938.
Over the years there have been substantial changes in the program, but the basic prin-
ciples which underpin the Unemployment Insurance program remain the same.
Among those principles are:
1. That the primary objective of Unemployment Insurance is to alleviate the hardship
of lost wages for workers who become involuntarily unemployed,
and who are able and willing to accept suitable jobs which are available;
That eligible claimants receive Unemployment Insurance payments not as charity
but as a matter of right - and no “means” or “needs” test is involved;
That payments to the unemployed, though only a partial replacement of the
lost wages, permit continuation of the unemployed individual’s non-deferrable
purchases. This helps those individuals and businesses they buy from, and often
prevents secondary unemployment that would result if the total amount of
wages lost through unemployment was completely withdrawn from circulation;
That unemployment is a normal accompaniment of production, and Unemploy-
ment Insurance is a production cost, which should be borne by management as
are other business costs. For that reason, taxes are collected solely from employers,
which is used to build up the state unemployment trust funds, from which unem-
ployment benefits are paid; and
That, from the standpoint of employers, Unemployment Insurance for short spells
of unemployment tends to hold together a labor force, that can be called upon
when business improves.
1 | Employer Information Manual
The Employer’s Role in the Program
The employer plays a critical role in the program. First of all, the costs of the program are borne
entirely by the employers. Employers pay two taxes for unemployment insurance. One tax is
paid to the State of Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) and is used solely for the payment of
benefits. The second tax is paid to the federal government and is used to pay for the cost of
administering the program, to make loans to replenish state trust funds, and to pay for the
federal share of the cost of any extended benefits program that may be in effect.
The employer also plays a critical role in the administration of the program by:
1. providing wage data that is used to compute bene t eligibility;
2. responding to requests for information; and
3. participating in the claims adjudication and appeals process so that only those
individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own will be awarded
bene ts. Employers also help ensure the integrity of the program by reporting
potentially fraudulent activities and by not enabling individuals who are receiving
bene ts to also work o the books at the same time.
Since the unemployment trust fund is funded only through the payment of employer
taxes, and is the only source of benefit payments, the cost of unemployment benefits is
assessed either directly to those employers who employed the individual receiving
benefits or by all other employers when benefits are not charged to specific employer
accounts. Non-charging of benefits occurs when individuals file claims against
companies that have gone out of business. It also occurs under certain statutory provi-
sions where bene ts are allowed but not charged to a speci c employer account. For
example, when someone is discharged for misconduct, and misconduct is proven by
the employer, payment to the claimant is denied for a set period of time, after which
the claimant may still receive a full 20 to 26 weeks of full bene ts provided s/he is
otherwise eligible. Since the statute provides that an employer who discharges an
individual for misconduct shall not be charged with the cost of bene ts, those bene ts
are “socialized”, which means that all other employers pay a share of the cost of those
bene ts. Sometimes the last employer in time is not subject to bene t charging be-
cause they are not a “base period” employer, and in those circumstances, there may be
less incentive for the employer to participate in the process by providing information
that might lead to a legal disquali cation of the claim, but over time, the cost of not
participating in the process can be greater than the time it takes to respond to a notice
requesting separation information and/or follow up questions from a Claims Adju-
dicator. Since employers are the only one’s who pay, it is important for employers to
participate. It is part of our job at the Vermont Department of Labor to help make it
easier for employers to participate in the process.
Vermont Department of Labor | 2
How the Program is Administered
The Vermont Department of Labor administers the Unemployment Insurance program
from a central office and a telephone claim center both of which are located in Montpelier.
The employer unemployment tax program and Office of Program Integrity, which are
responsible for assigning employer tax rates and UI integrity activities, is located in the
Central Office. Additionally the office of the Administrative Law Judge and the
Employment Security Board is housed in the Central Office. Individuals who are
unemployed file their claim for benefits by calling the claim center. The Claims
Adjudication process is also administered from the Claim Center and employers with
questions related to benefit charges also interact with employees at the Claim Center. The
Department also has Field Auditors who work from various locations around the State.
The Career Resource Centers, located throughout the State, provide the Department’s
other services to both employers and the general public. Employers can contact their
local Resource Center to place job orders and obtain information on qualified
applicants for open positions. The Unemployment Insurance program works with staff
in the Resource Centers to facilitate the reemployment of unemployment insurance
3 | Employer Information Manual
What Does It Mean When We Say “You Are An Employer”?
For unemployment insurance purposes, an employer is a legal entity that is required by law to
furnish unemployment insurance coverage to one or more individuals. An employer can be a
sole-proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company (LLC, LLP, L3C), a non-pro t,
a corporation, or any other entity for whom a worker performs services. There are a number
of ways that an entity is deemed to be an employer for purposes of furnishing unemployment
insurance coverage, including an entity which:
1. Employs one or more persons during some part of a day in each of at least 20
di erent weeks (not necessarily consecutive) in either the current or the pre-
ceding calendar year in general employment;
2. Pays at least $1,500 in gross wages during any calendar quarter in either the
current or the preceding calendar year, regardless of the number of employees;
3. Is a religious (other than a Church), charitable, educational or other organiza-
tion exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and have at
least four employees for twenty di erent weeks (not necessarily consecutive)
in either the current or preceding calendar year;
4. Pays cash wages of $1,000 or more in gross wages in any calendar quarter for
domestic services in a private home;
Pays $20,000 or more in gross wages in any calendar quarter for agricultural
services or employs ten or more workers in agricultural employment, in-
cluding legal aliens, during some part of a day in each of at least 20 di erent
calendar weeks (not necessarily consecutive) in either the current or preceding
calendar year;
Is a state or any political subdivision thereof;
Succeeds to the business of any employer already covered under the Vermont
Unemployment Compensation laws;
Is (or becomes) liable under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) and
furnishes any employment in this State to individuals hired for a specific job
in Vermont regardless of the number hired or the number of weeks employed;
Voluntarily elects to provide unemployment coverage to domestic or agricul-
tural workers even though it is not required, unless otherwise exempted by
Vermont Unemployment Compensation law; or
10. Begins employing again after a period of inactivity of less than 3 years.
Registration information can be found on our website at:
Vermont Department of Labor | 4
Who is an “Employee”
Under the Unemployment
The term “employee” is not de ned in
statute. When we refer to an individual as
an “employee” that means an individual
who is entitled to be covered for unem-
ployment purposes. An “employee” for
unemployment insurance purposes may
include someone who is otherwise consid-
ered to be an “independent contractor”. In
general, it is the nature of the relationship
between an employer and the individu-
als who provide services to that employer
that determines whether or not they are
The services may be performed on a
full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal,
or probationary basis. They may be per-
formed on or o your premises or in the
employees’ own homes.
Because it is the nature of the relation-
ship that controls whether someone is an
“employee” for unemployment purposes,
a “contract” does not necessarily change
the relationship from employer/employee
to something else. The “ABC” test
determines if the individual is an
employee for unemployment insurance
purposes. Sec 21 V.S.A. §.
Sole Proprietorships (SP)
Partnerships (PTR)
Limited Liability Companies
Low-Pro t Limited Liability
Companies (L3C)
And Limited Liability
Partnerships (LLP)
With the exception noted below, pay-
ments made by an SP, PTR, LLC, L3C, or
LLP to its respective owner or owners/
members are not considered to be
“wages” for unemployment insurance
purposes. These payments are not report-
able, cannot be used to qualify for unem-
ployment benefits, and are not taxable
for unemployment insurance purposes.
However, the owners/members of a multi
member LLC, L3C, or LLP may elect
recognition and classification as a
corporation with the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS). If such an election is made,
payments made by such an entity to its
respective members will be treated as
wages. To have payments to members of
an LLC, L3C, or LLP treated as wages, the
LLC, L3C, or LLP must provide this
Department with a copy of their IRS elec-
tion (Form 8832 - Entity Classification and
Election or Form 2553 - Election by Small
Business Companies) and be registered
with the Secretary of State accordingly.
Once this has been confirmed and the
appropriate documentation has been
received, all remuneration paid by it for
services performed by the member(s)/
manager(s) are reportable and taxable
and may be used in determining
unemployment benefit eligibility.
5 | Employer Information Manual
Covered Employment –
ABC Test
In order to determine whether an em-
ployer is required to provide unem-
ployment insurance coverage to an
individual, the Department utilizes an
employment “test”. Under statute and
case law, an “employment” relationship
will exist (unemployment insurance
coverage is required) unless and until
the employer is able to demonstrate
that all three parts of the so-called “ABC
Test” are met. Those parts are:
A. Such individual has been and
will continue to be free from
control or direction over the
performance of such services,
both under his contract of
service and in fact; and
B. Such service is either outside
the usual course of the busi-
ness for which such service
is performed, or that such
service is performed outside
of all the places of business of
the enterprise for which such
service is performed; and
C. Such individual is customar-
ily engaged in an indepen-
dently established trade,
occupation, profession, or
ALL three parts of the above test must
be met. If only one or two of them
can be shown, the individuals work is
considered to be employment covered
under the unemployment insurance
program and contributions (taxes) must
be paid on the person’s wages.
The Vermont Legislature chose to use the
ABC test, which is much more inclusive
than other employment “tests”, in order
to ensure broad unemployment insurance
coverage. There has been significant case
law developed over the years that helps
define situations where unemployment
coverage must be provided. The Vermont
Supreme Court has made it clear that
direction and control will exist where the
employer has the “right” to provide
direction and control, regardless of
whether such direction and control is
actually exercised. The employer’s usual
course of business is any business activity
the employer chooses to engage. Likewise,
the employer’s place of business is all
places where the employer conducts its
business, not just the main location or
office from which the employer conducts
its business. Finally, being independently
established means being established in a
similar type of occupation or trade as the
one being examined, and generally the
individual must have some history of
providing similar services for others in
order for the C part of the test to be met.
In the case of determining coverage for
individuals who are in harvesting or
transportation of timber to market or
employed as a stone artisan, only the A
and C parts of the ABC test must be met,
provided the individual furnishes the
equipment, tools, and supplies necessary
to perform the required services.
The ABC Test vs. the IRS
Independent Contractor Test
The Internal Revenue Service uses a dif-
ferent, less inclusive test to determine if
an individual is an employee or an inde-
pendent contractor. Basically, the IRS test
is similar to the A part of the unemploy-
Vermont Department of Labor | 6
as independent subcontractors is the
single most common problem with regard
to the proper reporting of individuals for
unemployment insurance purposes.
Misclassi cation
Misclassification is when a worker is not
properly classified as an employee and is
not reported to this Department for
unemployment insurance coverage. In
such situations the employer is subject to a
penalty of up to $5,000 for each improperly
classified employee unreported. In
addition, the employer may be prohibited
from contracting, directly or indirectly,
with the State or any of its subdivisions for
up to three years.
ment ABC Test and only looks at whether
the employer provides direction and
control over the services being performed.
The courts have considered many facts in
deciding whether a worker is an inde-
pendent contractor or an employee. These
relevant facts fall into three main catego-
ries: behavioral control; financial control;
and relationship of the parties. It is pos-
sible to reach different conclusions on the
employment status of an individual when
different tests are used.
Employers should understand that the
Department will follow Vermont law and
use the ABC test to determine if a worker
is an employee for unemployment insur-
ance purposes. This is true even if the IRS
“Evidentiary Factors” test has a different
outcome. Misclassification of employees
7 | Employer Information Manual
Exempt Employment
The following services are not considered to be “employment” for unemployment in-
surance purposes:
Services by elected officials to state and local governments, members
of a legislative body or the judiciary, members of the State national
guard or air national guard, and certain temporary “emergency
employment” and major policy-making positions.
Some services for nonprofit religious, charitable, and educational orga-
nizations and for State hospitals or institutions of higher education.
Casual labor of not more than $50 that is not part of the employer’s
trade or business (this exclusion does not apply if the employer is a
4. Services of individuals as insurance agents or solicitors, if paid solely
by commissions.
5. Services of individuals with J1 VISAs, if appropriate documentation
can be provided.
Services of individuals as salesmen, agents, or solicitors, if paid solely
by commissions and the occupation is required to be licensed by State
Services of the sole proprietor or partners, or their family members
(parent, spouse, civil union partner, child, or stepchild under the age
of 18).
Services to a multi-member Limited Liability Company (LLC), Low-
Profit Limited Liability Company (L3C), or Limited Liability Part-
nership (LLP) by its members, managing members, or managers are
exempted from coverage, unless they provide the Department a copy
of their IRS election (Form 8832-Entity Classification and Election or
Form 2553 - Election by Small Business Companies). In addition, the
same family exemptions apply as follows: Single member/manager
LLC is recognized as a proprietorship for reporting purposes while
multi-member LLC/L3C/LLP is recognized as a partnership for
reporting purposes.
9. Services in railroad employment.
10. Services on foreign vessels.
11. Some services in shing employment.
12. Services in student work experience programs - performing services as
part of the school’s academic program.
Vermont Department of Labor | 8
13. Services by students in regular a endance at the educational institution that
employs them or by spouses of students if the spouses are employed as part of a
nancial assistance program for the students.
14. Some services performed by students for organized summer camps.
15. Wages paid to a direct seller, provided all of the following conditions are met:
The individual is engaged in one of the following trades or businesses:
Selling or soliciting the sale of consumer products, including services, either –
A. In a home or other place that is not a permanent retail establishment; or
B. To any buyer on a buy-sell basis or a deposit-commission basis for resale
in a home or other place that is not a permanent retail establishment.
Delivering or distributing newspapers or shopping news (including any
services directly related to that trade or business).
b. Substantially all the individual’s pay for the services described in (a) is directly
related to sales or other output (including the performance of services) rather
than to the number of hours worked.
The services are performed under a wri en contract between the individual
and the person for whom the services are performed and the contract provides
that the individual will not be treated as an employ
ee for federal and state tax
Voluntary Election of Coverage
Employers who are not required under law to provide unemployment insurance
coverage to workers can, in most situations, elect to provide such coverage on a
voluntary basis. An application (Form C-1A) must be completed and filed with the
Commissioner of Labor who will provide approval in writing, provided such request is
received by December 1st prior to the year coverage is requested. Voluntary coverage
becomes effective on January 1st or the first day of employment of the year being
requested and will remain in effect for two full calendar years.
Employers made liable by approval of their Voluntary Election request who
thereafter meet liability as described previously (What Does It Mean When We Say
“You Are An Employer”?) are required by law to furnish unemployment insurance
coverage for as long as they are liable.
Sole proprietors, partners of a partnership, managers or managing members of an LLC,
or any other employees specified as exempt cannot “elect” coverage for their
employment, nor can they draw benefits based on the wages earned from their own
9 | Employer Information Manual
Inactive Status
Seasonal employers and other employers
who may have no employees for a period
of time can request to have their account
made inactive. By making an account
inactive, quarterly wage and contribution
reports are not required to be filed until
such time as employment begins again.
Requests to make an account inactive
should be made in writing to the
Department. Making an account inactive
does not relieve the employer of its
responsibilities, if employment occurs
during the period of inactivity.
Termination of Coverage
An employer found to be liable for un-
employment insurance coverage remains
liable for at least two calendar years,
regardless of the size of the payroll or the
number of individuals employed.
After two calendar years of liability, a
business that drops below the required
number of employees and pays less than
the minimum amount in wages/employ-
ment ($1,500 per calendar quarter for
regular employment/one or more
employees for 20 weeks in a calendar
year, $20,000 per calendar quarter for
agricultural/10 or more employees for 20
weeks in a calendar year or $1,000 in
cash wages per calendar quarter for
domestic employment) for the preceding
calendar year may make a request
to terminate coverage. A written request
must be filed with this Department
before March 31st stating that the
minimum requirements for liability
were not met during the preceding
calendar year. Termination, if granted,
is effective January 1st of the year in
which the request was made. Requests
received April 1st or later will not be
made effective until January 1st of the
following year, and then only if there is
no material change in the employment
situation between the date of the
request and the beginning of the
following calendar year.
The Commissioner may also end the cov-
erage of any employing unit when termi-
nation is in order, even if the employer
has not requested termination.
Termination of coverage lasts until the
employer becomes liable under the law
regardless of the time between
termination and renewal of liability.
Loss of Experience Rating
If an employer’s unemployment insur-
ance account is inactive or terminated
and remains so for three calendar
years and then starts employing again,
they will be assigned the rate of a new
Vermont Department of Labor | 10
Unemployment insurance is nanced through an employer payroll tax. The employee makes no
contribution themselves, and this tax cannot be withheld from an employee’s pay.
Vermont unemployment taxes are due quarterly, along with the quarterly wage report.
Although you must report all wages paid to each employee on the wage report, you pay
taxes according to the taxable wage base schedule for each worker in a calendar year.
It is important to pay all state unemployment taxes when due. If an employer fails to
pay state unemployment taxes when due, that employer may lose an important federal
tax credit. For more information on the FUTA tax see UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES AND
EXPERIENCE RATING, State and Federal Unemployment Taxes further in this manual.
Keeping Records
Each employing unit shall maintain and preserve for four years accounts and records
with respect to workers engaged in subject employment and non-subject employment
which shall show:
For each pay period:
(1) The date and total amount of remuneration paid for subject employment.
(2) The date and total amount of remuneration paid for non-subject
(3) The beginning and ending dates of each pay period.
The beginning and ending dates of such subject and non-subject
(5) Date during each week on which the largest number of individuals
worked and the number of individuals who worked on that day.
(b) For each worker:
(1) Address and social security number.
(2) Place of employment.
(3) Hourly rate of pay or salary amount and the frequency of payment.
(4) Date on which worker was hired, or returned to work after a temporary layoff,
and date separated from work and reason therefore.
(5) The actual days worker performed services in employment each week and the
actual number of hours worker performed services in employment each day.
(6) Total remuneration paid in each quarter.
11 | Employer Information Manual
(7) Worker’s remuneration paid for each pay period showing separately:
Money payments (excluding special remuneration).
Special remuneration of all kinds showing separately:
(i) Money payments.
(ii) Reasonable cash value of payments in any medium other than money.
(iii) The nature of such special remuneration.
(iv) The period or periods during which the services were performed
for which the special remuneration was paid.
The reasonable cash value of remuneration paid by the
employing unit in any medium other than cash, (e.g. lodging, room
and board, etc.).
The amount of gratuities received from persons other than his
or her employing unit and reported by the workers to his or
her employing unit.
Amount paid worker as allowances or reimbursements for
traveling or other business expenses, dates of payment, and the
amounts of such expenditures actually incurred and accounted
for by him or her.
Each employing unit shall keep its payroll records in such form that it will be possible
for inspection thereof to determine with respect to each worker in its employ who may
be eligible for partial bene ts:
(1) Wages earned for any employment during a “week” beginning at
12:00 a.m. Sunday - 11:59 p.m. Saturday.
(2) Whether any week was in fact a week of less than full time work, as
de ned in VDOL Rule.
(3) Time lost, if any, by each worker and reason thereof.
An employing unit having its principal place of business outside of Vermont shall
maintain payroll records in this State with respect to wages paid to employees who
perform some service in this State, provided, however, that an out-of-state
employing unit may, with the approval of the Commissioner, maintain such payroll
records outside the State upon its agreement that it will, when requested to do so,
furnish the Commissioner with a true and correct copy of such payroll records.
Each employing unit shall make available upon request the following records and
documents, to enable proper assessment of covered employment under the
applicable Unemployment Compensation laws and the associated tax liabilities:
Vermont Department of Labor | 12
What is the De nition
of “Wages”?
“Wages” means all remuneration paid for
services rendered by an individual, in-
cluding commissions and bonuses, and
the cash value of all remuneration paid in
any medium other than cash. Gratuities
customarily received by an individual in
the course of employment from persons
other than the employer and reported by
the individual to the employer shall be
treated as wages paid by the employer.
The reasonable cash value of remun-
eration paid in any medium other than
cash shall be estimated and determined in
accordance with rules prescribed by the
Employment Security Board. The value of
room and board, if set by agreement
between the employer and employee,
shall be reported as wages. Where there is
no agreement, the Department uses the
minimum values assigned to room and
board as established under the Wage and
Hour program.
Further information and de nitions of
“wages” is indicated on the “General In-
formation” provided for ling the C-101,
Wage and Contribution Report.
What Types of Payments Are
Not Considered Wages?
By statute, the term “wages” shall not
(A) The amount of any payment (includ-
ing any amount paid by an employer for
insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to
provide for any such payment) made to,
or on behalf of, an employee or any of
his dependents under a plan or system
established by an employer which makes
provision for his employees generally
(or for his employees generally and their
13 | Employer Information Manual
Check stubs and canceled checks for
all payments.
Cash receipts and disbursement re-
Payroll journal and time cards.
General Journal and general ledger.
Petty Cash Ledger.
Vendor Invoice Payments.
Copies of tax reports filed with all
federal and state agencies.
Copies of W-2s, W-3s, and 1099s.
of the employee) of the tax imposed
upon an employee under section 3101
of the United States Internal Revenue
(E) Any amounts received from the fed-
eral government by members of the
national guard and organized reserve,
as drill pay, including longevity pay
and allowances.
State law uses similar language as found in
the Federal Unemployment Tax Act and
for many years the types of payments
excluded under both federal and state law
were the same. Currently, federal law
excludes some types of payments from the
definition of wages under federal law that
are not excluded in state law. For example,
federal law excludes payments made
under a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan from
the definition of wages. Any payment
excluded under the federal definition that
is not excluded under State law shall be
reported as wages. State law also provides
that if federal law changes so that one or
more of the payments currently excluded
under both State and federal law is no
longer excluded under federal law, then
State law automatically no longer excludes
those same types of payments.
Employees Who Work in
More than One State
To avoid conflicts and overlapping unem-
ployment insurance coverage on an em-
ployee who performs services in more than
one state for the same business, four tests
determine which state receives the
unemployment insurance taxes for that
individual. The tests are applied in the
following order to each employee and not
the employer:
Place Where Work is Localized - If the
individual works entirely within this
State, Vermont law would cover them.
dependents) or for a class or classes of his
employees (or for a class or classes of his
employees and their dependents), on ac-
count of:
(i) sickness or accident disability (but, in
the case of payments made directly to an
employee or any of his or her dependents,
this subparagraph shall exclude from the
term “wages” only payments which are
received under a workers’ compensation
law); or
(ii) medical or hospitalization expenses
in connection with sickness or accident
disability; or
(iii) death;
(B) Any payment on account of sickness
or accident disability, or medical
or hospitalization expenses in con-
nection with sickness or accident
disability, made by an employer to,
or on behalf of, an employee after
the expiration of six calendar months
following the last calendar month in
which the employee worked for such
(C) Any payment made to, or on behalf
of, an employee or his bene ciary (i)
from or to a trust described in section
401(a) of the United States Internal
Revenue Code which is exempt from
tax under section 501(a) of the United
States Internal Revenue Code at the
time of such payment unless such
payment is made to an employee of
the trust as remuneration for services
rendered as such employee and not
as a bene ciary of the trust, or (ii)
under or to an annuity plan which,
at the time of such payment, is a plan
described in section 403(a) of the
United States Internal Revenue Code;
(D The payment by an employer (with-
out deduction from the remuneration
Vermont Department of Labor | 14
Place of Residence - If none of the three
tests apply in a given case, the individ-
ual’s work will be covered by Vermont
law if the individual both lives and
does some work in Vermont.
Power of Attorney
A power of a orney is necessary for an
employer representative to receive con -
dential information and to perform any
and all acts the employer can perform
relating to the Vermont Unemployment In-
surance Program. The necessary form (C-
50) can be found in the back of this manual
or on our website.
Filing Quarterly Reports
The C-101 Employer’s Quarterly Wage
and Contribution report shall be fi led
every quarter, even if no wages were paid.
Employers will be reminded about this
filing responsibility approximately 40 days
before it is due. All employers are required
to file electronically using our Internet
application. This Internet application
provides the opportunity for electronic
payment as well. On-line filing instruct-
ions can be found on our web site under
“Employer Online Services”. Specifications
for employers with more than 250 em-
ployees (C-129A) and for payroll services
(C-29) may be found on our website under
“Forms” or by contacting our Employer
Services Unit at 802-828-4344.
If they work in Vermont and in an-
other state, but the work in the other
state is incidental to the individual’s
services performed within Vermont,
they would be subject to Vermont law.
The word “incidental” is interpreted to
mean temporary or transitory in na-
ture or consisting of isolated transac-
2. Place Where Base of Operations is
Located - If the individual’s work is
not localized in any state, they will
be covered by Vermont law if they do
some work in Vermont and their base
of operations is in Vermont. “Base of
operations” means a place from which
the employee starts work and to which
they customarily return to receive
instructions from their employer, com-
munications from their customers, to
replenish stocks of material, repair
equipment, etc. It may be a business of-
ce, the worker’s home, or some other
place speci ed in the contract of em-
Place From Which the Work is Directed
or Controlled - If the individual has no
base of operations or if they perform no
work in the state, that has their base of
operations, their services will be
covered by Vermont law if they are
directed or controlled from Vermont.
This refers to a company’s headquar-
ters and not the base of operations for a
manager or foreman who directly su-
pervises the worker, if that manager or
foreman receives general instructions
from another site.
“Due Date” for Filing Quarterly Reports
For Wages Paid During Report Due By:
Jan, Feb, Mar April 30
Apr, May, Jun July 31
Jul, Aug, Sept October 31
Oct, Nov, Dec January 31
15 | Employer Information Manual
graphic data for each employee, the
number of employees for each month of
the quarter, and the total gross wages
paid during the quarter.
Complete filing instructions for the
Quarterly Employer Wage and Contri-
bution Report have been provided under
separate cover. Additional copies, (Form
C-101) including instructions, can be
found on our website or by contacting
the Employer Services Unit at
The United States Postal Service postmark
on the returned report or the electronic
filing date is deemed to be the date the
report is received. When the report due
date for any calendar quarter falls on a
Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the
report and tax payment shall be post-
marked or filed electronically no later
than the next business day to be
considered a timely report.
Reimbursable employers are only
required to provide wage and demo-
Calculating Excess Wages
As previously mentioned, detailed instructions for completing the Quarterly
Employer’s Wage and Contribution Report have been provided separately or are
available on-line as referenced above. One of the commonly misunderstood sec-
tions of the quarterly report is calculating “excess” wages. “Excess” wages means
the amount paid to each employee after his or her year-to-date earnings have
exceeded the maximum calendar year taxable wage limit as shown on the report.
Employer Services sta can be reached at 802-828-4344, if you need help with this
calculation and/or have any questions.
EXCESS EXAMPLE: (Assumes Taxable Wage Base is $16,000)
EMPLOYEE 1 Taxable Wages/Qtr.
Quarter Total Wages/Qtr. In Excess of $16,000 To Report
1st $7,000 $0 $7,000
2nd $7,000 $0 $7,000
3rd $7,000 $5,000 $2,000
4th $7,000 $7,000 $0
EMPLOYEE 2 Taxable Wages/Qtr.
Quarter Total Wages/Qtr. In Excess of $16,000 To Report
1st $4,000 $0 $4,000
2nd $4,000 $0 $4,000
3rd $4,000 $0 $4,000
4th $4,000 $0 $4,000
Vermont Department of Labor | 16
Health Care Reporting
As part of the quarterly unemployment tax reporting, employers are required to report
and pay a Health Care assessment if they have more than four Full Time Equivalents.
This is calculated each quarter by taking the hours worked by employees that are not
enrolled in the employer’s health care plan and do not have coverage elsewhere or if
the employer does not offer health care. Visit www.labor.vermont.gov for Health Care
Contribution Reporting information.
Making Corrections to Reports
To correct a previously submitted quarterly filing, clearly identify the adjustment on a
copy of the original filing and submit it to Employer Services Unit along with an
explanation of the error. If one or more individuals were left off the original report, be
sure to include the name, social security number, wages, gender, whether the
individual is paid hourly or by salary, and if paid hourly, the hourly rate of the
employee(s) affected.
Adjustments shall be made to the proper quarter. Do not attempt to correct a worker’s
over-reported wages by including a negative amount on a subsequent quarterly filing,
as these amounts are read by the computer as increases in wages.
Application of Payments Received from Employers
When the Department receives a delinquent payment it will be applied to the oldest
quarter UI tax, UI interest, UI penalty, UI fees, misclassification penalties, HC
assessment, HC interest, HC penalties, HC fees, in that order progressing through each
oldest quarter to the most recent, regardless of whether the employer intends the
payment to be for the most recent quarter or not. Delinquent quarter report/money is
defined as those reports/monies received after the quarter due date.
Refunds and Adjustments
Absent a credit balance establishing as a result of an administrative error, reversed
decision, or a credit balance on an inactive or non-subject account, it is the expectation
of the Unemployment Insurance and Wages Division that all adjustments and refunds
will generally be applied to future amounts due. All automated contribution quarterly
reports and rate tapes, along with the Vermont Internet Tax and Wage System
(VITWS), will reflect a credit balance where one exists. Therefore, it is important to
note any credit balances for future deduction and use the correct rate when calculating
amounts due, keeping in mind a potential change in your rate beginning with the third
quarter filing each year. When you are filing your Quarterly Wage and Contribution
Reports via our Internet application, any credit balance will be automatically notated
in the payment portion of the application.
If you have any questions on how to calculate the amounts due on the quarterly reports,
please contact the Employer Services sta at 802-828-4344 or your local Field Auditor.
Contact information for all Field Auditors is provided on the back cover of this manual.
17 | Employer Information Manual
Certain non-pro t organizations (exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code) and governmental entities may elect the reimbursement pay-
ment option. Here are some things to consider before electing the reimbursement option:
Reimbursement Payment Option
4. Employers who have elected the
reimbursement payment option
will not be relieved of “charges”
(payments) for any reason. Even in
cases in which former employees
are paid bene ts after serving a
disquali cation, reimbursable
employers, unlike taxable employers,
are not relieved of charges. The only
exception is when a claimant is found
to have been overpaid bene ts. In
that case, the reimbursable account
may be credited but only if overpaid
monies are actually recovered from
the claimant.
Reimbursable accounts receive a
monthly charge statement outlining
the proportional charges made
against the account. It is important to
review this monthly charge statement
to ensure that only individuals who
have worked for you are included
on the statement. The cost of these
bene ts is billed on a quarterly basis,
and payment is expected within 30
days to avoid interest charges.
1. This option is generally advantageous
for employers with stable employment;
the quarterly tax option is usually
advantageous for employers with high
employee turnover.
Reimbursement payments will vary,
depending on the number of former
employees who are receiving
unemployment benefits. With this
method it may be difficult to estimate
costs, but reimbursable employers are
wise if they budget or at least project
for the potential costs based on past
experience. Claim history is available
from the Department upon request.
3. A reimbursable employer will
reimburse the unemployment fund
on a dollar for dollar basis; their
proportionate share of bene ts paid to
their former employees. Reimbursable
employers are charged ½ of their
proportional share of extended bene ts
or the full amount of their proportional
share of extended bene ts if they are a
governmental employer.
How to Elect the Reimbursable Option
If you are a new employer and your organization is a non-profit with a 501 (c)(3) determination
from the Internal Revenue Service or if your organization is a governmental entity:
Complete Election to Make Payments in Lieu of Contributions (Form C-1B). Such
election shall be made in writing within 30 days from the date we determine you are
an employer for unemployment insurance purposes.
2. Once made, the election will be in e ect for at least one complete calendar year and
will continue in force until terminated by the employer. The Commissioner may also
terminate the election if the employer is delinquent in making payments.
Vermont Department of Labor | 18
Changing from a Taxable to a Reimbursable Method of
Payment or Vice Versa
Sale of Business Certi cation
An employer whose organization is a non-profit with a 501 (c)(3) determination from
the Internal Revenue Service or is a governmental entity may elect to change their
method of payment following one complete calendar year of liability, provided:
Written notice must be filed at least 30 days prior to the beginning of
the calendar year for which the change is to be effective.
2. Such change in election shall remain in e ect for not less than two full
calendar years.
3. Special Note: A Reimbursable employer changing their method of
payment to taxable is liable to make payments as if they were still a
reimbursable employer for each claim that is led based on wages paid
while the account was reimbursable. These payments are in addition to
any tax payments that may also be due.
Reporting Changes to Your Business
1. Sale of your business;
2. Discontinuation of your business;
3. A new business name;
4. Change in ownership of your business;
5. Incorporation of the business (registered with the Ver-
mont Secretary of State’s o ce);
Change in business address or telephone number; or
7. Acquisition of another business.
A Notice of Change (Form C-36) is included in the back of this manual. Additional copies
may be obtained on our website or by calling the Employer Services Unit at 802-828-4344.
An employer selling its business can obtain a certification of their unemployment
insurance account status, which can be given to the buyer to provide assurance that there
are no outstanding amounts due on the seller’s account. These certifications can only be
provided to the seller, not the buyer. Such a certificate may be requested by the seller
from this Department ten days prior to the date of sale. Sale of Business Certifications
may be obtained by calling 802-828-4333.
If the buyer of a business requests the experience rating record of the seller, the seller is
statutorily required to provide such record to the buyer.
When any change in your business occurs, notify the Department promptly. A delay
could result in additional costs to you later. Be sure to report such changes as:
19 | Employer Information Manual
The Quarterly Employer’s Wage and Contribution Report (Form C-101) is not
led electronically or postmarked, fully complete on or before the due date.
Individual wage data or Health Care reporting contained on the Employer’s
Wage and Contribution Report is missing, incomplete, illegible, or in an unac-
ceptable format.
A Wage Request (Form B-70) is not received in our Central Office on or before
the due date.
A Request for Wage and Separation Information (Forms B-10S or B-8F), when
required, is not received in our Central Office on or before the due date.
Under 21 V.S.A. § 1314 (f)(1)(b) a penalty shall be imposed for failure to properly
classify a worker. This penalty may be up to $5,000 for each improperly classified
employee unreported. In addition, the employer may be prohibited from
contracting, directly or indirectly, with the State of any of its subdivisions for up
to three years.
Interest Charges
If Vermont unemployment taxes are not
paid on or before the date they are due,
interest will be charged at the rate of
one and a half percent (1.5%) per month
from the due date to the date payment
is received. If you appeal an assessment
of unemployment taxes, interest will
continue to accrue during the appeal
process. Paying the assessed taxes will
prevent the accrual of interest charges
and will not prejudice your appeal. If
you win your appeal, any interest or
penalties previously paid may be
promptly refunded.
Delinquent taxes, interest, or penalty
charges may result in a lien being placed
on an employer’s real estate and/or
personal property. Such liens may be
foreclosed in the same way as mortgages
on property.
Assessments may also be made for any
past due amounts. An assessment serves
two purposes; to notify the employer of
past due amounts and to serve as a
vehicle the employer may use to file an
appeal. An assessment may be appealed
by following the instructions in the
Appeals section of this manual. An
assessment may be reduced to judgment
by a court. If a judgment is not
voluntarily paid, the Department may
request the court to issue a “right of
execution”, which directs the sheriff to
collect the amount of the judgment plus
interest from the judgment debtor.
Vermont Department of Labor | 20
Under 21 V.S.A. § 1314 and 1328, a penalty shall be imposed for failure to file
reports as required. Such penalty will be assessed if:
Financial records for the previous three
calendar years as well as the current year
may be examined. Records which are
located out of State shall be made
available to the tax auditor at the
business’s headquarters in Vermont or, if
there is no Vermont headquarters,
through the employers registered agent in
Vermont. In all but the exceptional case,
the Department will work with an
employer to conduct compliance audits
on a mutually agreeable schedule. If an
employer refuses to participate in a
compliance audit or to produce other
records related to the administration of
the unemployment insurance program, a
subpoena may be issued to force
In addition to the Department’s Field
Auditors, the Department operates a
federal mandated Benefits Accuracy
Measurement (BAM) unit where Quality
Control Specialists conduct random
audits of unemployment benefits claims,
both payments made and denied claims,
to help ensure the integrity of the
unemployment insurance program.
When this review is conducted, it may
require that certain records be produced
and federally required forms be filled
out and returned. Cooperating with the
BAM unit helps ensure a more accurate,
effective, and efficient Unemployment
Insurance Program. Your assistance is
greatly appreciated.
The Department Field Auditors perform a
number of functions related to the unem-
ployment insurance program. These
functions include examining employment
records for the purpose of establishing an
employer’s unemployment and health
care contribution liability, checking on
unreported wages that are holding up
payment of unemployment benefits,
conducting compliance audits, collecting
unreturned UI forms, and investigating
allegations of fraudulent or inappropriate
unemployment benefit claims. The com-
pliance audits verify the status of
individuals as employees and the desig-
nation of payments as wages to insure
proper payment of unemployment taxes.
Each Field Auditor carries a picture ID
card for identification. Field Auditors
can be reached at many of the Career
Resource Centers listed on the inside
back cover or by contacting the
Department’s Central Office at (802)
If a compliance audit is necessary, the
Field Auditor will contact the owner or
employer’s representative to schedule an
appointment to perform the audit. Before
examining the records, the auditor will
interview the owner or representative of
the business. The interview will acquaint
the auditor with the nature of the business
and its services. This pre-audit interview
also helps the Field Auditor to identify the
nancial records which will be examined.
Contacts by a Field Auditor or Department Representative
21 | Employer Information Manual
In 1996, the Vermont General Assembly
passed a law (21 V.S.A. § 1031-1043) to
regulate the employee leasing industry.
This law, which originated through an
industry request for regulation of leasing
companies, requires the employee
leasing companies, doing business in
Vermont to be licensed by the Vermont
Department of Labor.
Regulation of the employee leasing
industry was enacted in part as a response
to situations where an employee leasing
company went bankrupt after having
collected from its clients money that was
to be used to pay wages, benefits, worker
compensation premiums, and
unemployment insurance contributions,
but without first making those payments
to the appropriate agencies. In those
situations, the client companies bore the
responsibility of paying those wages,
premiums, and taxes twice. The financial
responsibility and bonding provisions of
the employee leasing law are intended to
reduce or eliminate the exposure of the
client companies should their leasing
company suddenly go out of business. By
helping ensure that only stable employee
leasing companies do business in the
State, Vermont’s employee leasing law
provides protections to workers, client
companies, and the leasing industry itself.
It also helps to ensure that the cost of
unemployment insurance and workers’
compensation is borne by the client
company, and not spread amongst all
other employers.
An employee leasing company is a business that by agreement and for a fee, places employees of a
client company on the leasing company’s payroll. In turn, the leasing company “leases” these
employees back to their original employer, usually for an unlimited period of time.
Employee leasing companies provide a
number of valuable services to their
clients. Typically, an employee leasing
company will provide payroll services and
assist companies in managing their human
resources by providing employee manuals
and other services, which are sometimes
difficult for smaller companies to provide
on their own. Better management of
workplace safety can help control the cost
of worker compensation. Improved hiring
practices and experienced representation
in unemployment insurance benefit and
tax matters can help keep the cost of
unemployment compensation down.
Because leasing companies represent a
number of employers, and therefore a
larger pool of workers, the cost of benefits
can sometimes be lowered. In some cases,
client employers which could not afford to
provide certain benefits, such as health
insurance, find it affordable to do so when
taking advantage of the buying power of
an employee leasing company.
In order to maximize the advantages and
minimize the risks of employee leasing,
Vermont employers are encouraged
to only utilize those services provided
by a company licensed to do business
in Vermont. A list of employee leasing
companies licensed to do business in
Vermont is maintained by the Vermont
Department of Labor. You can obtain
a copy of this list on our website or by
contacting the Employer Services Unit at
Vermont Department of Labor | 22
Requirements for Licensure of Employee Leasing Firms
This section highlights the requirements for an employee leasing company to become
licensed in Vermont. A complete copy of the statute, rules, and forms pertaining to
employee leasing can be obtained on our website or by writing to our Central Office,
Attn: Employee Leasing.
The employee leasing law requires leasing companies to provide the Department with
the following:
Registration with the Vermont Department of Labor;
A list of all controlling persons of the applicant, their biographical information, and
an affidavit from each attesting to his or her good moral character and
management competence;
Documentation that the applicant maintains a place of business in this State or has
designated an agent of service, domiciled in the State, if there are to be no more than
50 leased employees working in the State and the applicant is licensed, if required,
in the applicant’s state of domicile;
Certification that the applicant does not conduct a temporary help business
through the same entity as the employee leasing business;
An agreement to maintain Vermont records for each client company and file
reports as required by this Vermont rule and Vermont law for each of its client
An agreement to pay unemployment insurance contributions and workers’
compensation premiums based on the experience rating of each client company,
provided that, for workers’ compensation premiums, the client company has
sufficient workers’ compensation premium volume to be experience rated, otherwise
workers’ compensation premiums shall be at a rate approved for an employer that
cannot be experience rated, and, provided that, for unemployment insurance
contributions, the client company has sufficient experience to be experience rated,
otherwise contributions shall be paid at the applicable new employer rate;
An acknowledgment of the applicant’s joint and several liability with each client
company for protections required by or damages due under laws designed to
protect the health, safety, or welfare of an individual lease to a client company;
Evidence of financial responsibility in accordance with this rule; and
An agreement that the Commissioner of Labor may liquidate any securities or
bond provided pursuant to this rule upon default by the applicant in payment of
wages, benefits, workers’ compensation premiums, or unemployment insurance
contributions in order to use the funds to pay the same.
23 | Employer Information Manual
Unemployment Insurance Requirements
for Employee Leasing
For unemployment insurance purposes, employee leasing companies are required to:
Notify the Vermont Department of Labor each time it adds or terminates
a client company;
Complete a Power of Attorney for each client company, authorizing it
to act on behalf of the client for unemployment insurance purposes;
File Quarterly Wage and Contribution Reports (Form C-101) for each
client separately, using each client’s VDOL employer account number
and the client’s assigned rate;
Provide a list of each client company in Vermont on or before December
31st of each year; and
Maintain accurate records for each client company and make those
records available to this Department for inspection as needed.
Vermont Department of Labor | 24
State unemployment taxes are paid to
this Department, deposited into a trust
fund, and may only be used for the
payment of benefits. The state tax is
payable on the taxable wage base paid to
each worker in a calendar year.
Vermont’s taxable wage base schedule
can be found on our website at
Federal unemployment taxes are paid to
the Internal Revenue Service and are used
to pay for the cost of administration of the
state programs, the federal cost of
extended benefits, and to make loans
when state unemployment trust funds
experience shortfalls and have to borrow
to pay benefits. The federal tax is payable
on the first $7,000 of wages paid to each
employee during each calendar year and
the FUTA tax is currently 6.0% on the tax-
able wage base paid to each worker in a
State and Federal Unemployment Taxes
Employers pay two types of unemployment taxes one to the State and the other to the
federal government.
calendar year. When you pay your state
unemployment taxes on time, you receive
a tax credit of 5.4% on your FUTA tax.
That means the federal unemployment
tax rate will be .6% instead of 6.0%. The
federal tax credit is applicable regardless
of the state tax rate, provided state taxes
are paid on time.
On an annual basis, the Department and
IRS conduct a cross match to ensure that
employers are paying both taxes.
Payment of state unemployment taxes in
a timely manner reduces the federal
unemployment tax rate from 6.0%
to .6%, so it is important to pay your
state unemployment taxes on time.
NOTE: If a state is borrowing from the
federal government or has not paid back
in full such loan amounts, employers may
lose all or part of their federal tax credit.
| Employer Information Manual
Qualifying for an Experience
The law requires at least one complete
calendar year of bene t liability before an
employer receives an experience rating.
Bene t liability means that unemploy-
ment insurance payments could have
been charged to the employer’s experi-
ence rating throughout a complete calen-
dar year. It is not necessary for unemploy-
ment insurance payments to have actually
been charged. Because tax rates are re-
calculated only on an annual basis, most
employers pay unemployment insurance
taxes at the new employer rate for at least
two years before ge ing an experience
rating. Without exception, the tax rate of
an employer that has had three calendar
years of bene t liability will be based on
experience during the last three years.
After three years, the rate is based on a
rolling three year experience.
Experience Rating
All covered employers paid a state unem-
ployment tax rate of 2.7% until 1941. An
“experience rating plan” then went into
effect that reduced rates for employers
with favorable unemployment insurance
Under this plan, the number of unem-
ployment bene t payments a ects the tax
rate. The more bene t payments that are
made to former employees, the higher the
tax rate (up to a statutory maximum rate).
Because rates are related to experience
with unemployment, experience rating
should act as an incentive both to take
steps to help stabilize employment and
supply information needed to prevent
bene t payments to ineligible persons.
The more bene t payments that
are made to former employees, the
higher the tax rate (up to a statutory
maximum rate)
New Employer Rates
Employers pay unemployment taxes at a New Employer rate until such time as they
earn a rate based on their “experience” with the unemployment insurance program.
Beginning July 1, 2004, the new employer rate for most employers is one percent (1%).
However, if you are an out of state (foreign) corporation classified under the North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as 236 (Construction Building), 237
(Heavy/Civil Engineering), or 238 (Specialty Trades Foreign Construction Corporation),
you will be assigned a New Employer rate based on the industry average of all other
similarly classified businesses during the past calendar year.
Vermont Department of Labor | 26
Bene t Ratio
To compute a benefit ratio, the Department divides the total amount of benefits
charged to your record during the last calendar year (or last two or three
calendar years if you have been liable for benefits that long) by the total taxable
wages you reported for that same period. This ratio is used to set your tax rate.
Bene ts Charged Taxable Wages
Year To Your Record Paid By You
2003 $ 2,448 $ 120,954
2004 2,732 98,520
2005 1,675 105,617
_______ _______
$ 6,855 $ 325,091
6,855 divided by 325,091 = .02108 (bene t ratio)
Determining Your Tax Rate
The lowest possible bene t ratio is
.00000 - no bene ts were charged to that
employer’s account over the last three
years. Employers with a zero bene t
ratio are assigned the lowest tax rate in
e ect for that year (rate class 0). Rate
class “0” is assigned the lowest rate in
each schedule. See further information
provided in the “Rate Schedule” section.
All other employers are then placed
in the twenty tax rate classes that are
higher than zero. No employer is as-
signed to a higher class than any other
employer with the same bene t ratio.
Rate Class 1 is made up of employers
with the lowest bene t ratios above zero
and Rate Class 20 is made up of those
with the highest bene t ratios.
Your rate depends upon two factors:
(1) How your bene t ratio compares
with other employers’ benefit
ratios; and,
(2) Which rate schedule is in e ect.
Rate Schedule
The appropriate schedule is determined by
a special formula in the Vermont Un-
employment Compensation Law. 21 V.S.A.
§ 1326 provides five different rate
schedules, each with twenty-one tax rates.
The tax schedules are designed so that Rate
Schedule 3 provides an “equilibrium” of
funding across the business cycle. Schedules
1 and 2 raise less money than the
equilibrium and Schedules 3 and 4 raise
more than the equilibrium. The difference
in the total amount raised under each
schedule is approximately $10 million. The
unemployment trust fund is “forward
funded”, which means that the tax
schedules are designed to raise funding
during good economic times to ensure that
there is adequate funding during
recessions. The U. S. Department of Labor
suggests that a state trust fund be
maintained at a sufficient level such that if
no additional taxes were paid, the trust
fund could continue to pay benefits for at
least one year. Vermont’s rate schedules are
designed to maintain at least 1.5 years of
funding if no additional taxes are paid.
7 | Employer Information Manual
Tax Rate Class Tax Rate Schedules
1 2 3 4 5
0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.3
1 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5
2 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.8
3 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.1
4 0.8 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.4
5 0.9 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.7
6 1.1 1.7 2.3 2.6 3.0
7 1.4 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.3
8 1.7 2.3 2.9 3.2 3.6
9 2.0 2.6 3.2 3.5 4.0
10 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.8 4.4
11 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.1 4.8
12 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.5 5.2
13 3.2 3.8 4.4 4.9 5.6
14 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 6.0
15 3.8 4.4 5.0 5.7 6.4
16 4.1 4.7 5.3 6.1 6.8
17 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.5 7.2
18 4.7 5.3 5.9 6.9 7.6
19 5.0 5.6 6.2 7.3 8.0
20 5.4 5.9 6.5 7.7 8.4
Vermont Department of Labor | 28
Successor Employer
21 V.S.A. § states in part “Any individual
or employing unit who in any manner
succeeds to or acquires the organization,
, or business or substantially all of the
assets of any employer who has been
operating the business within two weeks
prior to the acquisition, except any assets
retained by the employer incident to the
liquidation of the employer’s obligations,
and who thereafter continues the acquired
business shall be considered to be a
successor to the predecessor from whom
the business was acquired and, if not
already an employer before the acquisition,
shall become an employer on the date of
the acquisition. The Commissioner shall
transfer the experience-rating record of the
predecessor employer to the
successor employer. If the successor was
not an employer before the date of
acquisition, the successor’s rate of
contribution for the remainder of the rate
year shall be the rate applicable to the
predecessor employers with respect to the
period immediately preceding the date of
acquisition if there was only one
predecessor or there were only
predecessors with identical rates. If the
successor’s rates were not identical, the
Commissioner shall determine a rate based
on the combined experience of all the
predecessor employers. If the successor
was an employer before the date of
acquisition, the contribution rate which
was assigned to the successor for the rate
year in which the acquisition occurred will
remain assigned to the successor
29 | Employer Information Manual
for the remainder of the rate year, after
which the experience-rating record of the
predecessor shall be combined with the
experience rating of the successor to form
the single employer experience-rating
record of the successor.”
Transferring the experience record means
that the tax rate of the company which
was purchased under these conditions
becomes the tax rate of the new owner. It
also means that both the benefit charges
and taxable wages used to compute a rate
are transferred to the new employer.
There can be benefit charges based on
claims filed against the original owner,
either before the acquisition or as a result
of the change in ownership that are not
yet reflected in the rate. The statute also
requires the Department to combine the
rates when there was more than one
predecessor account being acquired and
in the case where the employer was
already an employer subject to the
unemployment statute prior to the
acquisition, the employer will keep its
rate for the remainder of the rate year,
after which the experience of all existing
and acquired accounts will be merged to
determine a new experience rate as of the
beginning of the next rate year, which is
July 1st of each calendar year.
21 V.S.A. § Section 1325(b) (2) continues
to state “Notwithstanding the
provisions of subdivision (1) of this
subsection, an individual or employing
unit who in any manner succeeds to or
acquires the organization, trade, or
business or substantially all of the assets
of any employing unit who was an
employer before the date of acquisition
and whose currently assigned
contribution rate is higher than that
currently assigned to the acquiring
individual or employing unit shall not
be treated as a successor.” That means
that an already existing employer that
has a lower experience rate than the
business it acquires gets to keep the
lower rate. The purpose of this section
of the law is to not penalize an employer
with a good experience record simply
because of the acquisition of a business
that had a poor experience record.
Vermont Department of Labor | 30
Partial Successor
An entity that is not already an
employer for unemployment purposes
which acquires only a portion of an
existing business which was liable to
pay unemployment insurance tax in this
state and then continues to operate that
portion of the business is considered
to be a ‘partial successor’”. A partial
successor is not eligible for a rate transfer.
In the case of a partial successor, the
new employer rate is assigned.
What is “SUTA Dumping”?
SUTA dumping is an illegal practice
whereby an existing employer attempts
to manipulate its experience rate so as to
reduce the cost of unemployment
insurance. In 2004, the United States
Congress passed a law which made
unemployment insurance rate
manipulation illegal and which also
required all states to pass laws designed
to thwart these types of practices at the
state level. Vermont passed such
legislation that became effective July 1,
2005, 21 V.S.A. § 21 1325(d).
SUTA dumping occurs in two types of
situations. In one, an employer with
a high unemployment tax rate creates
one or more new legal entities and then
transfers the employees of the existing
high cost account to the new, lower cost
account. In another scenario, an employer
buys a business with a low experience rate
ostensibly to continue that same type of
business, is deemed to be a full successor
with a lower rate, and then changes the
nature of the acquired business so as to
report the employees otherwise reportable
under the higher cost account. Since these
practices are illegal, employers who
attempt to do this may find themselves
subject to both civil and criminal
penalties. The Department has systems in
place to detect these types of activities and
will strongly enforce the provisions of the
State SUTA dumping law. SUTA
dumping is unfair to the employer
community in general because when
successful, the cost of unemployment
benefit is shifted from the employer with
a lot of experience with claims, and thus a
higher tax rate, to all other employers who
participate in and pay into the
unemployment insurance trust fund. In
some cases SUTA dumping can create an
uneven playing field where honest
employers are disadvantaged by
employers who engage in SUTA
dumping, thus lowering their cost of
doing business and putting them at a
competitive advantage when bidding for
certain types of business.
31 | Employer Information Manual
The following sections describe the claim process, what the employer is required to do
in order to facilitate the ling and processing of unemployment claims and how the
amount of bene ts is determined. It also explains how the bene ts that are paid are
charged to employer accounts.
If benefits are to be paid only to eligible persons your cooperation is important.
The Department has to establish certain facts on every claim. Prompt and accurate
information from employers is essential to establish the eligibility of claimants.
Overpayment of benefits and the charging of overpaid benefits to your account
can result from inaccurate, incomplete, or untimely submission of information.
Providing Information to Your Employees
Vermont law requires that every business display the Department’s Unemployment
Insurance poster (Form A-24) in the workplace, which is easily accessible to all
employees. This poster outlines how individuals go about filing a claim for benefits.
The poster is mailed to you when you become liable for unemployment taxes. You can
obtain additional copies of the poster on our website or by contacting the Employer
Services Unit at 802-828-4344.
How Individuals File a Claim for Bene ts
Since late 1999, unemployed individuals file a claim for unemployment insurance
benefits by telephone in Vermont. These calls are received in a centralized
Unemployment Claim Center in Montpelier. The Claim Center uses a state of the art
system that first requires callers to interact with a voice response system. Following
the taking of preliminary information by computer, the claimant must speak to a
customer service representative, who completes the claim filing process, outlines the
basic requirements to remain eligible, and answers any questions the claimant may
have. The Department also mails an information packet to the claimant following the
claim filing process, which outlines the claimant’s responsibilities and rights.
Unemployment benefits are paid to workers who are unemployed, either totally or partially,
through no fault of their own, who are able to work and available for suitable work, and, if
required to do so, are actively seeking work. Unemployment benefits are an entitlement,
provided the individual filing the claim meets all eligibility requirements. Individuals who may
have been “classified” as a subcontractor are often still entitled to unemployment coverage and
can file claims and receive benefits if found eligible.
Vermont Department of Labor | 32
Those claimants who are not job attached
are required to make at least three job
contacts each week. The Department
performs periodic eligibility reviews with
claimants who are not job attached to
help ensure that an adequate work
search is being performed. Individuals
who fail to make the required number of
job contacts may be disqualified from
receiving benefits, unless and until they
meet the job search requirements.
If a worker’s job ended for any reason
other than lack of work (e.g. a quit or
discharge), a thorough investigation is
conducted by a Department claims
adjudicator. After the relevant facts are
gathered and evaluated, a written
determination about the claimant’s
eligibility is mailed to both the claimant
and the separating employer. Individuals
who are discharged where “misconduct”
is found are generally disqualified for ten
weeks, after which they can receive
benefits if still unemployed, provided they
then meet all eligibility requirements. The
claimant who voluntarily quits work for
reasons that are not attributable to the
employer is disqualified from receiving
unemployment benefits until they return
to work, earn at least six times what their
weekly benefit amount would have been,
and then have another qualifying
separation from work. There is more
information about these issues in the
Appeals section of this manual.
Certain payments to the claimant, includ-
ing vacation pay, wages in lieu of notice,
back pay awards, temporary partial or
temporary total workers’ compensation
payments, severance pay, and pensions
that are 100% employer nanced are
considered “disqualifying remuneration”,
which means that those payments may
be deducted from the week(s) of bene t
As part of the claims taking process, the
customer service representatives evaluate
whether the claimant is “job attached”,
which means the claimant has a return to
work date with a specific employer within
ten weeks. Individuals who are job attached
shall remain able to work and available for
work while filing for benefits and cannot
refuse an offer of work, but they are not
necessarily required to make an active job
search. The reason not every claimant has to
look for work is two-fold: first, when an
employer lays someone off with the intent
to rehire the individual when business picks
up within a reasonable time, that employer
would like to be able to recall that worker
and not go to the expense of hiring and
training a new employee; second, claimants
who know they can go back to work with
the employer that just laid them off create a
burden on other employers when forced to
make job contacts solely to satisfy the
requirements of the job search program.
Regardless, if an employer has work
available that the individual claimant is
capable of doing, if the claimant refuses an
offer of such work they put their continued
eligibility for benefits at risk. When an
employer knows that someone is receiving
unemployment benefits and makes an offer
of “suitable work” that the claimant then
refuses to accept, the employer should
contact the Department by going to
www.labor. vermont.gov and select
“Employer Online Services” or call toll free
at 877-214-3331 to report it so we can follow
up on the refusal of work. While not every
job offer is considered “suitable work”
under statute, employers are encouraged to
raise these issues with the Department to
help ensure that only those individuals who
are truly unemployed through no fault of
their own will be paid benefits. (See more
discussion about “suitable work” later in
this manual).
33 | Employer Information Manual
payments made to claimants. It is important to report these payments on the Notice of
Separation which is sent to all base period employers following the filing of a claim for
benefits. A more detailed explanation of what information the Department requests
and the reason for providing that information is found later in this manual.
How are Bene ts Charged?
Benefits are paid from the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund and are charged
to the experience rating record of the base period employers. Employers are charged
for a percentage of the benefits paid to eligible claimants in the same proportion as the
wages used to qualify the individual when they first establish a claim. For example, if
a claimant has two base period employers, both of whom paid the claimant the same
amount in wages, then both employer accounts would be charged 50% of the benefits
paid to the claimant. In some cases, an individual employer is not chargeable, in
which case that employer’s proportional share of the benefits paid are charged to the
trust fund, which means that all employers who contribute to the trust fund share in
the expense of the non-charged benefits. Benefit charges are set at the time a claimant
files an Initial Claim and the employer remains chargeable for the entire Benefit Year.
A taxable employer may be relieved of charges if the reason
for separation was for any of the following:
1. Discharge for misconduct connected with the work.
2. Quit without good cause a ributable to the employer.
3. Termination under a retirement plan with a mandatory retirement age.
4. Leaving due to a health condition.
5. Leaving employment which is considered “unsuitable”.
In addition, bene ts will not be charged to the experience rating
of a base period employer if:
1. An individual who works part-time for a base period employer
continues to work his or her part-time hours with that employer.
The individual was hired when an employee took family leave
and the individual’s employment ended because the employee
on family leave returned.
Also, wages for a separating employer will not be used to calculate a weekly bene t
amount if gross misconduct is determined to be the result of the separation from
that employer.
A monthly Statement of Bene t Charges to Your Unemployment Bene t Account
(Form B-84W) is mailed to employers to inform them about charges to their experi-
ence rating records. This is not a Billing Statement. If there are individuals who you
feel should not be listed for any reason, contact the toll-free Employer Assistance
line at 1-877-214-3331 and provide all necessary information.
Vermont Department of Labor | 34
Minimize Charges To Your Account
1. File and report electronically by going to www.labor.vermont.gov and
clicking on “Employer Online Services”.
2. Keep accurate records of employment agreements, dates and details of work
refusals, employee performance, dates and details of warnings, and other
disciplinary measures.
Provide detailed separation information and supporting documents such
as attendance records, warnings, policies, and witness statements to the
Department, when requested, by the due date specified.
4. Return the Notice of Potential Charges (Form B-10S) with speci c information
about the reason for the claimant’s separation from your employ if it was for
other than a lack of work or if there is an error in reported wages.
5. File an appeal if you believe a determination or decision is wrong.
6. Notify us promptly if you have information that a claimant is not available for
work, not able to work, has refused work, or is employed.
7. Complete audit forms promptly when they are sent to you.
8. Submit quarterly wage reports timely to avoid penalties.
9. Pay taxes promptly to obtain maximum Federal Unemployment Tax credit.
10. Report all changes to your business promptly.
Encourage your workers to seek and accept part-time or temporary work
during seasonal layoffs, since all wages earned above their disregarded
earning amount in a given week reduces their unemployment compensation
benefit amount on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
Report newly hired employees to the Department within ten days of the
first day work is performed.
Retain information (date of contact and name of person) when you are
contacted by a person seeking employment. This is a critical part of our efforts
to verify unemployment claimant’s work search efforts.
Reducing the Cost of Unemployment Insurance
Stabilize Employment
1. Screen prospective employees carefully to select the “right” employee for the job.
2. Hire versatile employees who can be shifted to another job if necessary.
3. Transfer employees to other job sites when feasible.
4. Use regular employees for repairs and maintenance during slack periods.
35 | Employer Information Manual
How Bene t Eligibility is Determined
Determining a claimant’s eligibility for bene ts is a multi-step process.
First, the claimant must have earned a su cient amount of wages during his or her
“base period” to be considered “monetarily” eligible.
A “base period” is four successive calendar quarters. Usually, the claimant’s base
period is the rst four of the last ve completed calendar quarters immediately
preceding the date the claimant calls to le his or her claim for bene ts. This is also
referred to as “monetary method one”.
To be monetarily eligible for bene ts under “monetary method one”, the claimant
must have been paid the minimum amount required by law of “covered wages”
in the highest quarter of their base period and the remaining quarters of the base
period must equal or exceed 40% of the highest quarter.
Vermont has two other ways in which
claimants may be determined “monetarily
eligible”, which are sometimes referred to
as “alternate base periods”.
If a claimant is not monetarily eligible
under “monetary method one”, the
Department will use the last four
completed calendar quarters preceding
the effective date of the claim as the base
period. To be monetarily eligible under
“monetary method two”, the claimant
must have been paid the minimum
amount required by law of “covered
wages” in the highest quarter of their
base period and then also earn at least
40% of that amount in the remaining
three calendar quarters of the base period.
If a claimant is not monetarily eligible
under “monetary method two”, the De-
partment will use the last three com-
pleted calendar quarters and wages
paid in the current quarter up to the
effective date of the claim as the base
period. To be monetarily eligible under
“monetary method three”, the claimant
must have been paid at preceding the
effective date of the claim as the base
period. To be monetarily eligible under
“monetary method two” the claimant
must have been paid the minimum amount
required by law of “covered wages” in the
highest quarter of their base period and
then also earn at least 40% of that amount
in the remaining three quarters of the base
Since the wage reports for the last
completed and current calendar quarters
(used under monetary methods two and
three) will not yet have been received,
a special request for these quarters’
wages will be sent to all employers who
furnished employment to the individual
during these quarters.
Finally, there is a fourth method that is
only applicable to individuals who have
been receiving Workers Compensation
benefits because of temporary total
disability. A former Workers’ Compensa-
tion recipient will be entitled to receive
unemployment insurance benefits which
would have been available at the time of
separation from employment, as long as
the claimant, at the time of filing, is not
monetarily eligible under monetary
methods 1, 2, or 3, the claim is filed within
six months after the termination of the
period of temporary total disability, and
the claimant is otherwise eligible for
unemployment insurance benefits.
Vermont Department of Labor | 36
If a claimant is monetarily eligible for bene ts, the weekly bene t amount is
computed by dividing the total wages paid in the two highest quarters in the
claimant’s base period by 45. The amount of weekly bene ts is capped each
year. As with the minimum amount necessary in one quarter to qualify, the
maximum weekly bene t amount is also subject to change each year in July.
The minimum amount can be found on our website at www.labor.vermont.gov
Waiting Period
All new claims are subject to an unpaid waiting period week. Claimants will not receive
an unemployment check while serving a waiting period. Please note a waiting period
will not be credited for any week that has been denied bene ts. A waiting period must
be served once every bene t year.
Other Eligibility Requirements
A claimant who is monetarily eligible for benefits must still meet certain eligibility
requirements before being paid benefits. Generally, the claimant must be unemployed
through no fault of their own. An individual who is laid off due to lack of work will be
determined eligible for benefits. An individual who is discharged will be awarded
benefits unless the employer can demonstrate that the reason for discharge was work-
place misconduct, as that term is defined in statute and case law. Behavior or conduct that
may justify a discharge from employment will not necessarily constitute “misconduct”
sufficient to disqualify the claimant for benefits. A single incident of tardiness,
absenteeism, poor performance, or insubordination will not necessarily disqualify a
claimant for benefits unless the employer can establish that the incident is part of a
continuing pattern or practice of the claimant against which the claimant had previously
been warned. Therefore, it is critical for you to keep good notes and documentation.
In limited cases, an individual will be determined eligible if he or she quits for reasons
attributable to the employer. For example, “attributable to the employer” generally
means the employer did something it cannot do, like unilaterally changing the terms
and conditions of employment, or didn’t do something it must do, like maintaining a
workplace that is free of harassment and discrimination. The claimant must also be
both able to work and available to work to be determined eligible.
Employee Dismissals and Suitable Work
The following information relates to two of the more commonly misunderstood
unemployment insurance issues, dismissal from employment, and refusal of suitable
Employee Dismissals - Well over half of all employer protests stem from discharge
issues. The results of the protest do not always satisfy the employer.
Based upon extensive discussions with employers, several recurring points of
confusion are evident. This review will explore the unemployment insurance issues
surrounding the dismissal of an employee. The legal right of an employer to fire a
worker is a separate issue and is not considered here.
| Employer Information Manual
First, many employers discharge
individuals for misconduct, but few know
the legal definition of misconduct for
unemployment insurance purposes. Case
law defines misconduct as a substantial
or intentional disregard of the employer’s
interests. The deliberate nature of the act
is a crucial component of the definition.
In contrast, case law speci cally exempts
from the misconduct de nition “ine -
ciency, unsatisfactory conduct, failure in
performance as the result of inability or
incapacity, inadvertencies or ordinary
negligence in isolated instances, or good
faith errors in judgment or discretion”.
In addition, a single instance does not
con-stitute misconduct except in extreme
cases. (Arson, for example, is gross
misconduct based upon a single incident.)
At least one prior warning for the specific
behavior that led to a discharge is
generally required to sustain a finding of
A warning for a separate instance does
not qualify. If an employee receives a
warning for lateness, but then is
discharged for neglecting to follow safety
standards, misconduct would probably
not be found. The initial warning for
lateness is not the same as the actual
reason for discharge (safety violations).
The law places the burden of proof upon
the employer in misconduct issues. The
employer must usually show two things:
deliberate disregard of the employer’s
interest and at least one prior warning
for misconduct.
Vermont Department of Labor | 38
immediate investigation. “Going through
the motions” is not sufficient. A sincere
desire to work must be shown through a
realistic work search effort. A willingness to
work implies being able to work. If one is
physically unable to work due to illness or
injury, he or she may be barred from
receiving unemployment insurance benefits
for refusing otherwise suitable work for as
long as they are unable to work.
If a willingness to work is evident, then
the Department explores the appropriate-
ness of the job. For example, if a person
earned $20.00 an hour as a manager at his
or her most recent position, a job at $10.00
an hour as a salesperson may not be
considered appropriate. If the new job
required a commute of 50 miles, but the
person had always worked within 10
miles from home, the location of the new
job might be sufficient reason to turn
down the job. If a person did not have the
necessary skills or background for a job,
he or she could refuse it and generally
remain eligible for unemployment
insurance benefits.
If a job offer is in the person’s normal
occupation, working conditions,
and pay
become key issues. A carpenter would
have a fairly strong case if he or she
refused a night carpentry job. Carpenters
do not normally work at night, and that
unusual working condition could be
sufficient reason to refuse a job. Pay that
is either considerably below the person’s
most recent salary or less than the
prevailing wage for the occupation may
also constitute a valid reason to refuse a
job offer.
We have been assuming a valid job offer
of work has been made to the person. To
be a valid offer of work, the job must
begin within two weeks and the worker
must be told pay, hours, location of the
job, and other relevant information.
To meet this burden of proof, complete
and accurate record keeping is essential.
Ideally, warnings should be in writing,
dated, and signed by both the employer
and employee. In case of a dispute over
the issuance of a warning, the employee’s
signature on the warning constitutes
clear evidence that he or she was indeed
given a warning.
Warnings should clearly list the
behaviors that are not acceptable. Citing
specific recommendations on how to
improve and specific standards to be
achieved. Incomplete or vague records
seldom contain these essential items and
will not generally meet the burden of
proof requirement.
Finally, this proof must be provided
timely to the Department. Failure to
substantiate an allegation of misconduct
with evidence or credible testimony
may result in a determination in favor
of the claimant. An employer must
participate in the initial fact finding
process, as well as any appeal, or
evidence will be lacking and the
unemployment insurance claim will be
Suitable Work - Statute requires individu-
als who are unemployment claimants to
accept an o er of “suitable work”. Not
all jobs are considered suitable for an
individual, however.
“Suitable work” involves many factors,
such as pay, working conditions, health,
work skills, and commuting distance.
Two major questions comprise our
scenario of suitable work: Was the
person actually willing to work and was
the job appropriate for the person?
One must be willing to work to receive
unemployment insurance benefits. Any
indication to the contrary triggers an
39 | Employer Information Manual
A simply query of “Would you like to
work for me?” does not meet the Depart-
ment’s definition of a valid offer of work.
A person who is working has the right to
remain with his or her current employer.
Refusing to work for someone else is
perfectly acceptable. This right to
continue work for one’s current employer
often leads to bitter protests from a
former employer. The reason for the
strenuous protests can be understood
with this example.
A worker, Joe, is laid off by Superior
Products Company. Joe receives un-
employment insurance benefits for a
month, and then takes a job with Quality
Wares Company. When Superior Pro-ducts
asks Joe to return, he refuses. They then
hire someone else. A few months later,
Quality Wares lays off Joe. He resumes
collecting unemployment insurance
benefits, and Superior Products is still
charged for his payments. Superior’s
owner is not happy, and hastens to tell
the Department that Joe refused an
offer of work.
The Department investigates, discovers
that Joe was working for Quality Wares
at the time of the job offer, and informs
Superior Products that Joe has not vio-
lated any provision of the unemployment
insurance laws and will continue to
receive payments. The worker has done
nothing to cause disqualification of his
unemployment benefits, and has abided
by all the regulations. Superior Products
will be charged for his unemployment
benefits for the rest of the benefit year. (A
“benefit year” begins when a worker files
for unemployment insurance and ends
365 days later. Within that time period,
charges for unemployment benefits are
not changed. They will be assessed
against the same company or companies
for the entire 12 months.)
Vermont Department of Labor | 40
The Department will only investigate a
“suitable work” issue if the person is
currently receiving unemployment
benefits or was receiving unemployment
benefits at the time of the refusal of
work. The Department has no legal
authority to investigate a person who
is not now and has not been receiving
unemployment benefits.
For more information on this or other
aspects of “suitable work” contact the
Employer Assistance Line toll-free at
Disqualifying Remuneration
Receipt of certain payments upon
separation from employment, including
wages in lieu of notice, vacation pay, a
back pay award or settlement, temporary
partial or temporary total workers’
compensation, severance pay, or a
pension paid by a base period employer
(if it has been contributed to solely by the
employer), will affect the payment of the
first week(s) of benefits. These payments
are allocated to the weeks following
separation and reduce the payment of
benefits on a dollar for dollar basis. For
example, if an individual receives two
weeks of vacation pay upon separation,
the vacation pay will “disqualify” the
individual for the first two weekly
payments. Most of the other types of
disqualifying remuneration are allocated
in the same manner.
Health Leaving Provision
Vermont statute includes a special
provision that allows an individual to
leave work under certain circumstances
due to health reasons and receive un-
employment benefits. Under the
“health leaving” provision of the law, if
the Department finds that the claimant
has left the employ of his or her last
employing unit, without good cause
a ributable to their employer, because
of a health condition, as certi ed by a
health care provider, which precludes
the discharge of duties inherent in such
employment, the claimant will be dis-
quali ed for one week after which he or
she may receive unemployment bene ts
provided all other eligibility conditions
are met. The other eligibility conditions
include being able to do some type of
work, so claimants may leave work under
the health leaving provision and still not
get bene ts. Any bene ts paid under
the “health leaving” provision are not
chargeable to a base period employer.
Illness and Disability Claims
Claimants who become ill or otherwise
disabled after they have filed an initial
claim for benefits and registered for
work may continue to be eligible for
benefits, unless and until work is offered
to them which is suitable except for the
illness or disability and they turn down
the job offer. A physician or health care
provider will be required to certify such
illness claims.
Continuing Eligibility for
Bene ts
Once eligible for benefits, the claimant
shall certify on a weekly basis that they
continue to be unemployed and remain
eligible for benefits. Weekly claims can
only be filed between Sunday at 12:00
am and Friday at 4:30 pm and are filed
for the week which ends at midnight on
Saturday. In order to remain eligible for
benefits, the claimant must: 1) be able to
work and available for work; 2) not
refuse an offer of work or a referral to a
job; 3) not quit a job or be fired from a job
41 | Employer Information Manual
(if working part-time); 4) not already
be working full time; and 5) report all
gross wages when earned when
working part-time. The claimant is also
asked to report the receipt of any type
of disqualifying remuneration that
may have been paid after separation.
Disregarded Earnings
A claimant who is employed part-time
may file for unemployment benefits as
long as the individual reports all gross
wages earned from Sunday through
Saturday for each week they work less
than full-time. The first 50 percent of the
claimant’s weekly wage earnings
amount will not be deducted from the
weekly benefit amount. Any amount
above the disregarded earnings amount
is deducted on a dollar for dollar basis
from the individual’s weekly benefit
amount, and the claimant is paid a
partial benefit for that week.
Extended Bene ts
Additional weekly payments beyond
the 26 week limit for regular unemploy-
ment bene ts are triggered by high
unemployment levels and are called
“Extended Benefits”. Under the State
extended benefit program, up to 13 extra
weeks of full benefits may be payable to
claimants after they exhaust their
regular payments if they continue to
remain eligible for the receipt of benefits;
the actual amount may be limited by the
duration of the Extended Benefit Period.
These benefits are payable only during
periods of higher unemployment and
are not payable unless a determination is
made that the program has triggered
In recent years, Congress has stepped in
during periods of higher unemployment
and provided for special extended benefit
programs, which are paid for solely out of
funds raised through the Federal Un-
employment Tax. These federal programs
have gone into effect even during periods
when the state program would not have
been triggered “on”, and the cost of
benefits paid under the federal programs
do not impose any additional burden on
the state Unemployment Compensation
Trust Fund.
Vermont Department of Labor | 42
Ensuring the integrity of the unemployment insurance program is a joint responsibility of
employers and the Vermont Department of Labor. In order to maintain a viable program, it is
important that we work together to ensure that only individuals who are eligible receive benefits,
that the process used in awarding or denying benefits is both fair and timely and that in
situations where benefits have been improperly paid due to misrepresentation, steps are taken to
recover benefits that should not have been paid. Employers required by law to pay into the
unemployment trust fund must do so in order to avoid the “cost shift” that can occur when
employers don’t pay their fair share on time. To accomplish these goals, the Department of Labor
has staff dedicated to perform functions of benefit payment control and recovery, delinquent
employer tax collection, Benefit Quality Control, and Revenue Quality Control.
Overpayment and Fraud Prevention
Unemployment benefits paid to an individual, who is later found to have been ineligible
from receiving those benefits due to misrepresentation, and/or a failure to report wages
or disqualifying remuneration, may be required to be repaid to the Department.
Until recently, the two most effective ways of detecting overpayments were field investiga-
tions and computer cross-matches. Field investigations are initiated by reports from Depart-
ment employees, employers, private citizens, and others who may tell us, for an example,
that a claimant is working while receiving unemployment benefits. The Department follows
up on reports of fraud tips and takes appropriate action. Computer cross-matches are initi-
ated automatically. Quarterly wage reports are checked against benefit payments during
the same quarter to determine if a claimant was paid unemployment benefits while
working, and if he or she failed to report or incorrectly reported wages. If so, an inquiry is
sent to the employer for whom the individual worked while receiving benefits requesting
weekly wage information for the period in question. This weekly wage breakdown shall be
provided in a Sunday through Saturday format. If the Department can establish a factual
basis for doing so, it will order repayment of benefits. The process of wage cross-match
review is labor intensive, for both the employer and the Department, but until recently, it
represented the only systematic method for the Department to uncover this type of fraud.
New Hire Report Cross-Matches
Recently, the Department implemented a new methodology for helping to identify and pre-
vent unemployment insurance fraud. Since the mid-1990’s, employers have been required to
report each new hire within ten days of the date the employee begins performing work for
compensation. Effective July 1, 2012, employers must report as a new hire any employee
who “has not previously been employed by the employer” or “was previously employed by
the employer but has been separated from such prior employment for at least 60 consecu-
tive days.” This new hire reporting was originally intended to assist with the collection of
past due child support payments owed by non-custodial parents. However, the ability to
more quickly identify individuals who may be both working and collecting unemployment
43 | Employer Information Manual
bene ts has long been recognized as another
appropriate use of the data collected as part
of the New Hire program.
Employers in Vermont report these new
hires to the Department of Labor.
Employers shall provide the legal business
name, address, and Federal Employment
Identification Number (FEIN), as well as
the employee’s name, address, and social
security number. It is also critical to include
the “start date” when reporting new hires,
which is the first day the employee began
working for compensation. New hire
information can be reported either through
the Internet by going to www.
labor.vermont.gov and select “Employer
Online Services” and “New Hire
Reporting” or be faxed to (802) 828-4286.
Once filed, the information reported is
transferred to the State Directory of New
Hires at the Office of Child Support. That
office in turn transmits the data collected in
Vermont to a National Directory of New
Hires. The National Directory is then used
to track non-custodial delinquent parents
who may move from state to state in order
to avoid child support payments. The New
Hire Reporting program has been very
successful in helping to secure payment of
obligations owed by non-custodial parents
that have helped thousands of custodial
parents and their children.
The Department uses the information in the
State Directory of New Hires to identify
individuals who are both claiming benefits
and working. With the recent approval to
use the National Directory of New Hires for
purposes of unemployment insurance fraud
prevention, the Department has a complete
and comprehensive tool that will not only
help us catch individuals who are both
working and receiving benefits, but also will
reduce the amount of these overpayments
as we learn about them more quickly. Many
overpayments are the result of individuals
going back to work who do not stop filing
until they receive their first paycheck, when
the law actually requires individuals to stop
filing as soon as they go back to work. Though
these types of overpayments may be more a
result of confusion over the rules than actual
and intentional fraud, by identifying them
early they can be stopped, or if not stopped
immediately, they can be more quickly
recovered. It is much easier to recover a
smaller overpayment than a large one. So now
employers have two good reasons to report all
new hires within ten days of the date the
individual starts work for compensation.
For additional information on New Hire
Reporting requirements, visit our website or
contact the Vermont New Hire helpline at
802-241-2194 or toll-free at 1-800-786-3214.
What We Do with the
If, upon completion of a field investigation or
computer cross-match, it is found that a
claimant has been overpaid benefits, the
overpayment is classified as either fraudulent
or non-fraudulent. A fraudulent overpayment
occurs when a pattern of deception is evident.
Two or more weeks of earnings that are not
reported or are underreported by the claimant
on his or her weekly claim form constitutes
fraud. Less than two weeks of misreported
wages or reporting net instead of gross wages
on the weekly claim form generally
constitutes non-fraudulent error. Both types of
overpayment, however, can be recovered.
In all cases of fraudulent overpayments,
repayment of the overpaid bene ts will be
required. Up to 26 “penalty weeks” may also
be imposed, one for each week of benefits
paid as the result of intentional fraud. For
each “penalty week”, the individual shall
le an unemployment claim for a week when
he or she would otherwise be eligible, but
no bene ts are paid to the person. When an
individual is ling for bene ts during a week
which serves against a “penalty week”, no
Vermont Department of Labor | 44
Delinquent Collection
Employers who do not file quarterly
reports or make payment of unemployment
taxes when due are subject to delinquent
tax collection efforts, as well as claimants
who do not repay amounts owed. The
Department employs individuals whose
primary job is to secure reports and/or
collect amounts owed by claimants and
employers. In the case of an employer,
there is a number of collection tools used in
this process, including agreements for a
repayment schedule, liens on business
property, field audit staff, subpoena, and, in
some cases, court action. Entities that are
required to be licensed by the State may
have their license revoked for non-payment
of unemployment taxes. Entities that do
business with the State may also have
vendor payments diverted to the
Department in order to pay all or a portion
of the amount due.
Bene t Quality Control
The quality control unit reviews un-
employment claims and sends forms to
both employers and claimants to validate
their accuracy. Employer’s co-operation
in returning this information is critical.
Please respond timely to ensure an
accurate determination can be done.
Revenue Quality Control
In the mid-1990’s, the U.S. Department
of Labor, in conjunction with the states,
implemented a Revenue Quality Control
program, which is now known as Tax Per-
formance System (TPS) control. TPS looks
at a dozen aspects of the unemployment
insurance tax operation and uses a statis-
tically valid sample to determine whether
the decisions made in the unemployment
insurance tax program are made in
accordance with law, policy, and procedure.
payment is made and no bene t charges are
assessed for the week led.
In all cases of non-fraudulent overpayments,
the Department may either order or waive the
repayment of the overpaid benefits. If the
claimant made an error on the weekly claim
form, intentional or unintentional, repayment
will be ordered. Similarly, if an individual
received benefits but did not apply for or
accept an offer of available, suitable work,
repayment of the overpaid benefits may be
ordered, unless there was good cause to refuse
the work or not apply for work. In all other
cases of non-fraudulent overpayments, where
the claimant is found to be not at fault for the
overpayment, repayment may be waived.
When a claimant is determined to have been
overpaid unemployment insurance benefits,
the taxable employer’s experience rating is
relieved of charges for the overpaid benefits
immediately, unless the overpayment resulted
from the employer providing erroneous wage
information. Reimbursable employers are only
relieved of charges for overpaid benefits if the
Department recovers the overpaid benefits.
The Department has six years to obtain court
judgments however, an overpayment does
not expire. Frequently, individuals use an
installment payment plan; they make weekly
or monthly payments until they have repaid
all of the overpaid benefits. Overpayments
can also be recovered by offset from future
benefits when the claimant files another
claim for unemployment benefits. In such
situations, weekly benefit checks are
withheld and the claimant is credited for a
payment in the amount of each check. In
some cases, where an individual is not filing
for unemployment benefits, the Department
may seize State of Vermont income tax
refunds, federal income tax refunds, or
obtain a garnishment order against wages
from current employment. However and
whenever recovered, these overpaid benefits
are returned to the un-employment
insurance trust fund.
45 | Employer Information Manual
Not every individual who applies for unemployment benefits is eligible. The program is
designed to pay benefits only to individuals who have a demonstrated “attachment” to work,
measured by the amount of wages paid over a fixed period of time, and who are also
unemployed through no fault of their own, provided such individual is both able to work and
available for work while receiving benefits. Individuals cannot qualify for benefits while they
are fully employed. There are various reasons why the employment relationship may end; in
the majority of cases where a claim is filed, it is the result of a layoff, but other times it is
because the individual quit or was discharged from his or her job.
The unemployment insurance program
is a “remedial” program, which means
that there is a presumption of eligibility
absent facts that would support a dis-
qualification. Therefore, the importance
of responding to information requests
when there may be a reason or reasons
to not pay benefits cannot be overstated.
These requests include both forms that
are mailed as well as telephone calls
from Claims Adjudicators who are
assigned to make an initial determina-
tion on eligibility. More than 20% of all
unemployment claims filed in this State
have some type of eligibility issue (either
separation or disqualifying remunera-
tion or both) that has to be reviewed
before the claimant will be paid. There
are strict timeframes imposed by the U.S.
Department of Labor that require the
Department to pay benefits “when due”,
which generally means as soon as the
Department has enough information to
determine whether someone should be
paid, but without unnecessarily delaying
those payments. The U.S. Department of
Labor considers payment within 21 days
of the date the first claim is filed to meet
the requirement of payment “when
due”. Since unemployment benefits are
financed solely from employer paid
unemployment taxes, there is always a
cost of unemployment benefits that only
employers pay.
If a claimant tells us they were laid
o when they were actually red or
quit their job, and the last employer in
time doesn’t respond to the Separation
Notice, we will pay bene ts to that
individual by default, ten business days
after the date the claim is led. Likewise,
and this is actually more common than
are cases of misrepresentation, there
may be some confusion on the part
of the claimant about the reason for
separation. In some cases, if the claimant
has not already received his or her last
paycheck when they le for bene ts,
they may not know or remember that
they have disqualifying remuneration,
like unused vacation pay, coming to
them. The initial notice of separation also
includes base period wages that will be
used to determine the weekly bene t
amount, which provides an important
check against mistakes in the wage
record database.
Sometimes a separating employer is
not a base period employer because
the individual has not worked for the
separating employer for a long enough
period. When a separating employer is
not a base period employer, it may
tempting not to respond to information
requests, because there is no immediate
impact on the employers liability to pay
into the unemployment trust fund.
Vermont Department of Labor | 46
If an individual has filed a claim and the employer has information that might lead to a
disqualification, it is critical to the unemployment system as a whole for that employer
to furnish a timely response outlining the reasons it believes the individual should not
be paid unemployment benefits. A response to the notice of separation triggers the
adjudication process and is sometimes the only way we know there is an issue that has
to be investigated.
In other cases, employers will respond to the initial notice but then not respond to a
Claims Adjudicator request for additional information. The details of separations,
especially when someone has been discharged, are difficult to identify solely by sub-
mitting a form. Taking a chance that benefits will not be paid, on the theory that if they
are paid it can be undone at the first level of appeal, may work for an employer, but in
many cases it causes benefits to be paid that cannot be recouped later from the claimant.
It is always best to try to get these decisions done quickly, accurately, and as soon as the
employer has information that should be considered. Since no response is required when
the individual has been laid off due to “lack of work”, responding to the 20% of the
claims where there is an issue at stake is not as burdensome in Vermont as it is in some
states that require a response whether or not there is an issue that is being considered.
47 | Employer Information Manual
Notices and Information Requests
There are a number of requests that the Department makes of employers related to
the unemployment benefits claim process. What those requests are and the reason
they are made are as follows:
1. A Wage & Separation Data Request (Form B-70W) is mailed when
we need wages that have not yet been reported to qualify a claimant
under “monetary method” two or three. This request shall be com-
pleted and returned within ten days of the mailing date; failure to
do so will result in a $100 penalty.
2. A Notice of Potential Charges to Your Unemployment Benefit Ac-
count (Form B-10NS) is mailed to employers when a claimant is
determined to be monetarily eligible for benefits and the employer’s
account has been determined to be potentially liable for a percent of
all the benefits paid.
3. A Request for Separation Data (Form B-8F or B-10S) is mailed to
the claimant’s most recent employer to determine the reason for the
claimant’s separation from the employer.
With regard to the Request for Separation Data form, if any of the following apply, you
shall complete and return the notices by the “due date” indicated on the notice. Failure
to do so will result in a $100 penalty and an increased probability of benefits being
paid improperly.
1. The claimant was not your employee or worked somewhere else after
working for you.
The claimant resigned, retired,
or abandoned the employment.
3. You dismissed the claimant for a reason other than lack of work or reduction
in force.
4. The claimant received any payments at separation time.
5. The form does not list the correct gure for gross wages that you paid the
6. If the person is still working part-time with no reduction in hours.
7. The Return To Work date provided by the employee is incorrect.
The claimant is receiving a monthly pension paid by you as a former employer.
The claimant is on family leave or was hired to cover for an individual on
family leave.
There is no need to return this form to the Department if the claimant was separated
due to a lack of work, did not receive any separation pay at the time of separation
(vacation/wages in lieu of notice or severance pay), and the return to work date the
claimant provided to us is correct according to your records. If you have any questions
about completing the Request for Separation Information, you can call us toll free at
Vermont Department of Labor | 48
Instructions for Completing Request for Separation Forms
(B-8F or B-10S)
In addition to the following, feel free to a ach other information that you feel is relevant
to eligibility.
Section A
This section should be completed on all forms that are returned to us.
Start date and the last physical day worked helps us to gauge a claimant’s experience in
this position, which can be relevant in a separation determination. It also helps with the
separation pay. On occasion we do nd employer’s who report all wages paid to date
as “Wages in Lieu of Notice”. “Wages in Lieu of Notice” is a payment an employer may
make to compensate a worker when it has not been able to provide advance notice of a
Hours worked, with an hours per day times the number of days per week, are needed
for a correct allocation of separation pay. We have to allocate based on the customary
work schedule, not just the total hours usually worked per week.
Pay Rate is needed for allocation of separation pay as well as determining the suitability
of the work.
Occupation is needed for suitable work as well as simply having a be er understanding
of what a person’s job duties were in order to more accurately determine eligibility due
to an adverse separation.
Location is needed to determine commuting distance for suitable work.
Separation reason is vital on all claims. Most circumstances will match one of the
choices on the form. If the “Other” box is marked a narrative is required. Please do not
use “Other” if the separation is due to a “reorganization”, “down sizing”, “position
elimination”, or any of the other ways employer may indicate that it is a lack of work
separation. These responses frequently result in the unnecessary delay of payments to
claimants who are eligible. If “Still working Part-time or Hours Reduced” you shall
complete section E so we can determine the cause of the part-time status to evaluate
for an availability issue or charge relief if appropriate.
Section B
Payment information is only necessary if the claimant has received any vacation pay,
wages in lieu of notice, severance pay, or is currently receiving a pension from the
employer. These payments would be made at the time of separation, or if vacation pay
was paid, but not used, within four weeks prior to the date of separation. We are
asking for the gross dollar amount of each type of payment, as well as the number of
hours/weeks/etc that was paid.
Combined Time Off (CTO) or Earned Time Off (ETO) should be reported as vacation pay.
Sick pay and holiday pay is not disqualifying under Vermont law, so please do not
include those figures. Monies paid for any holiday that is not a legally recognized holiday
49 | Employer Information Manual
under 1 V.S.A. § 371, such as the day after
Thanksgiving, is reportable as vacation
pay for the purposes of unemployment
insurance benefits.
Section C
If you have indicated in Section A the
separation was due to a discharge, a
specific statement regarding the cause of
separation is required. Vague statements
such as “Job Performance” will require us
to do follow up contacts, as we need to
know the exact circumstances or failures
in performance that lead to discharge. If
there is supporting documentation, please
provide it up front. Supporting
documentation should include copies of
written warnings, policies that the
claimant is accused of violating,
attendance records as appropriate, and
anything else the employer feels would
support their decision to terminate
employment. If you prefer not to provide
information due to what is believed to be
in your best interest, please simply write,
“Employer declines to provide specifics”.
That response is more accurate than “no
protest”. Please note that if you do that,
however, we are likely to pay benefits.
Section D
If you have indicated in Section A the
claimant has resigned, please provide
whatever information you have available.
If it was personal, indicate that. If it
was a choice to resign or be discharged,
Vermont considers this to be a discharge
circumstance and would ask that you
complete Section C.
Vermont law does not recognize a
claimant’s failure to report for reas-
signment as a Voluntary Quit, despite
whatever policies the employer may
have. We look at the reason the claimant’s
position ended, not why they were not
Section E
Under Vermont law, we can evaluate the
potential of charge relief for employers
who have part-time employees who are
filing for benefits. Section E helps us to
understand what the hiring agreement
was, if there has been any change in that
agreement, and if there has been, what
caused the change. We use this informa-
tion to determine if availability issues
need to be explored or if the employer
would be entitled to relief. Completing all
questions asked with specific information
will help us to determine eligibility for
the claimant as well as potential charge
relief for the employer.
Education Institutions
For those employers who are subject to
the Education Contract provision of the
law, Section A tells us if the claimant falls
under a professional or non-professional
provision of Vermont law, as well as
helping to determine if the claimant
has a reasonable assurance of returning
to the “same or similar” position after
a between terms recess. Information
provided should include the start and
end dates of the academic recess, as well
as the last physical day worked. Include
information on reasonable assurance to
return to the same or similar employment
after the recess or the next term.
Vermont Department of Labor | 50
The following will give you information on the process for appeals involving the Unemployment
Insurance program. These appeals generally begin with a review of a determination made by
Department staff. Most appeals involve a question of eligibility pertaining to a claim for benefits
by an unemployment claimant. In other cases, Department staff make determinations affecting
an employer’s liability to pay unemployment taxes, either as a new or successor employer, and/or
the requirement to furnish unemployment coverage to an individual or individuals the employer
may have considered to be “independent contractors”. While it is important to respond to initial
requests for information made by this Department, so as to help ensure that the initial
determination is correct, the program provides additional protection to both employers and
claimants through the appeal process.
Participating in the Appeals Process
Participation in the appeals process is the
best way to ensure that your interests are
protected. Administrative Law Judges
make decisions based on the information
that is presented during the hearing. If
only one party participates the judge
may have no option but to rule in favor
of the party that participates. There is a
misperception in the employer
community that the system is tilted in
favor of claimants. Employers who
participate in discharge cases are just as
likely to prevail as the claimant. In cases
involving a voluntary quit from
employment, employers prevail in nine
out of ten cases. If an employer fails to
participate in a hearing, some claimants
who should not be eligible for benefits
may receive them. It is not unusual for
the last employer in time to have no
immediate financial stake in the outcome
of an appeal because the employer may
not be a “base period” employer, having
employed the individual for only a short
period of time. In such cases, some
portion of benefits paid may not be
chargeable to a specific employer, which
will cause them to be “socialized”, which
means that they are paid from the
unemployment trust fund. Socialized
costs drive up the overall cost of the
program to all employers. So even if you
have no immediate and direct financial
interest in the outcome of a case, your
participation may provide a balance that
helps all employers who pay into the
unemployment trust fund. Remember,
the trust fund is the only source of
payments made to claimants, and
protection of the trust fund is a goal that
is shared by employers, claimants, and
the Department.
51 | Employer Information Manual
What are the Steps in the Appeals Process?
There are three levels or steps in the appeals process in Vermont, as follows:
1. Appeal to an Administrative Law Judge
2. Appeal to the Employment Security Board
3. Appeal to Vermont Supreme Court
There are specific time limits for the filing of a timely appeal at each of the above lev-
els. The time limits are outlined in writing at the end of each determination or decision.
The Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge
The first and most important step is a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
This is the only step in which you can submit evidence, so it is very important to
both participate and provide all your evidence at this step. If the issue under appeal
is a separation from work, the refusal of an offer of suitable work, or some matter
involving your liability as an employer under the unemployment statute, you
should definitely participate in the hearing. Even though you may have submitted
documents and have spoken to staff of this Department, the appeal hearing will be
your only opportunity to present sworn testimony and introduce documents as
exhibits for this and subsequent appeal levels. If the appeal is based on a question
of claimant eligibility, it will also be your only opportunity to question the claimant
and have those responses recorded. Your failure to participate in the hearing will
increase the likelihood that you will lose. The same is true if you use the services of
an employer representative and that entity does not participate, you are more likely
to lose. If the claimant filed the appeal and you fail to participate in the hearing, the
hearing will go on without your input other than a review of the statements and
documents you have previously submitted to the Department. You should be
prepared to discuss all issues pertaining to the claimant’s employment with you as
identified in the hearing notice. Even if the determination being appealed was in
your favor, if you do not participate, the decision could be changed because the
Administrative Law Judge will not have your direct testimony to consider.
Do You Need a Lawyer?
Hearings are designed to permit lay persons to represent themselves or another
party. If the issues are complex, if you expect the other party to be represented
by an a orney, or if you think you may have di culty presenting your case,
you may wish to consult an a orney. If you intend to have an a orney represent
you in the hearing, the a orney should le a notice of appearance le er with
the Appeals O ce. You should also contact the Appeals O ce as soon as
you are aware that you will have an a orney to avoid scheduling delays.
Vermont Department of Labor | 52
Limited English Pro ciency
(LEP) and Sign Language
If either party needs language
translation assistance or a sign language
interpreter, notify the Appeals Office
immediately. The Department uses a
telephone based language interpretation
service for non-English speaking parties.
If a sign language interpreter is needed,
the Department will make arrangements
for the interpreter to participate with
either party (or both) at one of the Career
Resource Centers.
Americans with
Disabilities Act
This Department complies with the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Should
you require special assistance due to a
disability as defined in the Act in order
to pursue your rights, please contact
the Appeals Office as soon as possible.
Notice of Hearing
The Notice of Hearing will provide you
with important information about the
time and date of the appeal hearing,
which will be conducted by a telephone
conference. Try to have all witnesses
available at ONE location. Mail or FAX
(802-828-4289) any documents you
want to have considered as evidence in
the hearing to the Appeals Office and, if
the case involves a question of claimant
eligibility, to the claimant so they can be
considered as part of the record. Do this
as soon as possible following receipt of
the Notice of Hearing so the documents
are received prior to the hearing.
Remember that hearings before an Ad-
ministrative Law Judge are all done by
phone, so there is no way to provide a copy
to a claimant during the hearing. If you do
not send a copy to the claimant, your
exhibits will NOT be entered into the
record, will not be considered in making
the decision, and will not be available for
use later in the appeals process. If your
appeal involves a question of employer
liability or some other issue related to
unemployment insurance taxes, the
Appeals Office will provide a copy to the
Department staff prior to the hearing.
NOTE: You must call the Appeals Office with
a telephone number where you can be reached
at the time of the hearing. You will not be
called if you do not supply a telephone number.
Evaluate and Prepare Your
The first level of appeal is a new review,
which means the Administrative Law
Judge reviews the case based solely on
evidence presented in the hearing record.
The Administrative Law Judge is not
bound by earlier findings or determina-
tions made by the Department. Since this
will be your only opportunity to present
your evidence, and further appeals only
review testimony and other evidence
introduced at this hearing, you should be
ready to submit your side of the story.
53 | Employer Information Manual
Which Party Has the Burden of Proof?
Having the burden of proof generally means that unless the party which owns the burden can demon-
strate on a factual basis that certain events happened, or in some cases did not happen, the decision will
be made contrary to the interests of the party which owns the burden. If you have the burden of proof,
and for any reason fail to present evidence to support the decision made, you are likely to lose the appeal.
Unlike proceedings in a criminal case, the standard of proof is not “beyond a reasonable doubt”; rather,
the standard of proof is “preponderance of credible evidence”, which is the lower civil case standard.
The Following Issues Are The Most Common Ones That Lead To Appeals By Employers:
Discharge from Employment Employer, who must demonstrate that discharge was
for “misconduct”.
Discharge for Gross Misconduct Employer, and the burden is higher in that the
employer must prove some egregious act, for
example theft, violence in the workplace, use of
intoxicants on the job.
Refusal of Suitable Work Claimant, who must demonstrate that s/he should
not have to accept the job that is o ered.
Voluntary Quit by Employee Claimant, who must demonstrate that the reason
for qui ing is good cause a ributable to the
Not Able/Available for Work Claimant, who must prove that s/he was both able
to work and available for work. Availability is
often demonstrated by quality of work search, if
one is required.
Disqualifying Income No burden per se, but employer may have to
produce records showing certain payments were
made upon separation.
Liability to provide Department, which must demonstrate that an
unemployment coverage employment/wage liability threshold has been
Successorship Department, which must demonstrate that the business
has been acquired and continues in operation.
Assessment – Delinquency Department must show that amounts due have not
been paid.
Assessment – ABC Test Employer, who must demonstrate that all three parts of
the “ABC” test have been met.
Unemployment Tax Rate Department, which must demonstrate that information
used in computing the rate is accurate.
Vermont Department of Labor | 54
What Goes on at the
Hearing Before the
Administrative Law Judge?
Testimony is taken under oath and tape
recorded. The appeal is heard by an
Administrative Law Judge. The Admin-
istrative Law Judge will try to bring out
the important and relevant facts in the
case through questioning of the parties.
The Administrative Law Judge will rst
determine which records, if any, will be
made part of the record. Depending on
which party has the burden, that party
will go rst in presenting its side of the
dispute, including presenting witnesses,
if any. Next, the other side is given an
opportunity to present its side of the
dispute, including presenting witnesses,
if any. Following that, both parties, in
turn, will be given the opportunity to ask
relevant questions of the other. Relevant
information is information that bears
directly on the issues that are being
considered, including the credibility
of witnesses and parties. While these
proceedings are administrative in nature,
and do not follow the same rules as one
would nd in a court of law, fairness and
e ciency may require the Administrative
Law Judge to rule evidence and testimony
out of order.
Prepare in advance. Make a list of your
key points. Be prepared to address all
issues raised in the determination under
appeal. Stay calm. Do not be defensive
or aggressive. You are at the hearing to
present facts and to bring into question
those facts presented by the other
party. Your actions and conduct can be
important factors in the Administrative
Law Judge’s assessment of credibility
of your testimony. For example, if
the claimant quit his job because he
alleges that a foreman was hostile and
threatening, and the foreman comes to
the hearing denying this behavior, yet
demonstrates that behavior in the hearing,
the Administrative Law Judge will most
likely believe the claimant’s allegations.
Make wri en notes of anything the other
party says with which you disagree. This
will help you to answer important points
made by the other party or help you
question the other party when it is your
turn to speak. Your notes can be used to
refresh your memory of certain events,
but you should take care that you not read
these notes word for word. It is generally
more credible to testify from your own
recollections as refreshed by the notes.
Hearsay testimony is admissible evidence
but may be less believable or creditable.
Did You Personally Observe
the Incident?
One of the biggest mistakes employers
make in presenting their case to the
Administrative Law Judge is that the
personnel manager participates in the
hearing with second hand or hearsay
testimony as to the events that occurred.
You should make sure that first hand
witnesses, such as the employee or
foreman who observed the incident,
present testimony in the hearing.
Remember, the claimant will be
presenting first hand information and if
all you have to offer is “I was told that,”
you will be at a legal disadvantage.
Present documents relevant to the
hearing as exhibits, but do not bury the
Administrative Law Judge in documents.
You need those documents that bear
directly on the incident(s) you are trying
to prove. These documents may include
time cards, warnings, and company
policies. Make sure that you send a copy
of the documents well in advance of the
hearing to the Appeals Office and
55 | Employer Information Manual
if the case involves a question of bene t
eligibility, to the claimant as well. If the
claimant has not received them, they
cannot be considered. If there was a series
of incidents leading up to the nal act, be
prepared to discuss these incidents also.
The Importance of
Witnesses & Subpoenas
It is extremely important to have relevant
witnesses available for the hearing.
Interview your witnesses before the
hearing so that you know that their
information will be useful to your case.
In the event that a witness is unable
to participate in the hearing, your best
option is to have the witness prepare and
sign a statement about the events. But you
should be aware that such statements are
generally less persuasive and have less
evidentiary weight than credible direct
testimony from a witness at the hearing.
If a witness refuses to appear at the
hearing, you may request that the
Administrative Law Judge issue a
subpoena. You shall make such a request
in writing. It shall include the witnesses
name and street address (no P.O. Box), a
statement that you have requested the
witness to participate and s/he has
refused, and a detailed statement of what
you expect the witness to testify to and
why that testimony is necessary for your
Once the hearing is concluded, the
Administrative Law Judge will issue a
wri en decision which will be sent to all
interested parties.
Contacts with the
Administrative Law Judge
Outside of the Hearing
The Administrative Law Judge generally
will have no contact with you or any
party outside of the hearing. This is to
avoid the appearance of unfairness or of
accepting evidence outside the hearing.
Other members of the Appeals Office will
advise or assist you with procedural
questions. In the State of Vermont, appeal
hearings are CONFIDENTIAL and are
not open to the public.
Postponement of a Hearing
You should make every attempt to
participate in the appeal hearing when
scheduled. Either party may request a
postponement but the postponement
must be for good cause. Good cause is
determined by the Administrative Law
Judge who makes the decision on a case
by case basis. If you wish to have a
postponement, you should immediately
call the Appeals Office to request one.
Withdrawal of an Appeal
If you wish to withdraw your appeal, you
may do so in writing, or by calling the
Appeals Office. You should notify the
Appeals Office as soon as possible prior to
the date of the hearing. If the claimant has
filed the appeal, you cannot withdraw the
appeal and the hearing will take place. If
the appeal is withdrawn, the initial
determination or decision becomes final
and cannot be changed.
Vermont Department of Labor | 56
Appeals to the Employment
Security Board
If you do not prevail with the Administra-
tive Law Judge, you may file an appeal to
the Employment Security Board. This
Board generally reviews only the record
created by the Administrative Law Judge
and they do not take new testimony. The
Employment Security Board will schedule
a hearing, which is conducted in-person in
Montpelier only, and will review the
transcript of the hearing before the
Administrative Law Judge, as well as all
documents which have been entered into
the record before the Administrative Law
Judge. The Employment Security Board
can sustain, modify, or reverse the decision
of the Administrative Law Judge, or in
some cases it will remand the case for
further hearings. Being unavailable for the
hearing before the Administrative Law
Judge is not considered “good cause” to
remand a case back to the Administrative
Law Judge. The Board will make its
decision and issue a written decision.
Appeals to the Supreme
The last step in the appeals process is to
file an appeal with the Vermont
Supreme Court. The Court may ask the
parties to file a legal brief in support of
their position and may schedule oral
arguments before the bench. You should
probably consult with an attorney
before proceeding to the Supreme
Court, although there is no Court
requirement to be represented by an
attorney. The Court will only review the
record that was before by the
Employment Security Board. While the
Court will generally defer to the
judgment of the Employment Security
Board, it can also reverse the decision of
the Employment Security Board or
remand a case for further hearing.
57 | Employer Information Manual
Wage and Hour Program
(802) 951-4083
Vermont’s Wage and Hour Program has a wide variety of responsibilities. Its primary
functions include:
investigation, enforcement, prosecution, and attempted resolution of
disputes involving wages, benefits, and wage supplements;
education and enforcement concerning minimum wage and over-
time requirements;
education and enforcement concerning child labor laws;
providing employers with legally required posters and policies; and
responding to inquiries and providing information concerning
employer/employee related issues, including Vermont’s family and
parental leave act, fair employment practices act, sexual harassment
act, and laws addressing military, legislative, and juror duty leave.
Child Labor Information
There are specific rules and regulations governing employment of individuals under
the age of 18 who are employed in non-agricultural or agricultural employment. If you
are employing or considering employing individuals under the age of 18, pertinent
child labor information is available on our website or by calling (802) 951-4083.
Mandatory Postings
All employers with two or more employees shall prominently post the mandatory
postings so that employees may refer to them. You may obtain copies of them on
our website at www.labor.vermont.gov or by calling (802) 951-4083.
Deductions from Employees Pay
An employer may apply wage deductions as follows:
a. Deductions for goods or services
An employer may deduct for goods and services provided by the employer to the em-
ployee if the following conditions are met:
The deduction does not reduce an employee’s wages below the
hourly minimum wage;
Vermont Department of Labor | 58
The employee provides wri en authorization or the employer su -
ciently documents the employee’s intention to repay;
The deduction is not prohibited by state or federal law or these rules;
The deduction shall not exceed the amount the employee agreed to.
b. Deductions authorized by law
An employer may make deductions specifically authorized by State or federal law,
including deductions for State/federal taxes and child support. The employer may,
with written authorization from the employee, make deductions for contributions for
health insurance or retirement plans.
Employers may not deduct or withhold wages for such things as: an employee’s refusal
or inability to provide or sign documents such as I-9 forms, tax withholding forms, etc.;
an employee’s refusal to provide a notice of or reason for termination; an employee’s
refusal to sign a document written by the employer, etc.; an employee’s inability or
refusal to accept the wages in person (postal delivery is an acceptable means for the
employer to comply with the timely payment of wage law); uniforms or the
maintenance thereof; poor job performance; alleged shortages, bad checks, or credit
cards; destruction of or missing property; etc. Allegations of damages and improper
payment of wages are separate issues and shall be dealt with, if necessary, in separate
court actions. Recovery of alleged damages may be possible through civil action,
whereas illegal withholding of wages is in violation of Vermont’s criminal statutes and
criminal prosecution is possible.
Bene ts or Wage Supplements
An employer is not required to provide its employees with paid or unpaid holidays
(such as Memorial Day or Thanksgiving), paid or unpaid sick leave (except under
Parental or Family Leave Act), paid or unpaid vacation time, or severance pay when
an employee leaves a business. However, employers who are parties to written
agreements, which can be in the form of an employee handbook, memorandum,
correspondence, etc., providing for vacation time, sick leave, holidays, and /or
severance pay are liable to their employees for those benefits.
59 | Employer Information Manual
Minimum Wage
Vermont’s minimum wage law covers employers employing two or more employees,
unless exempted by statue. Exemptions include, but are not limited to:
full-time high school students;
agriculture workers;
taxi cab drivers;
outside salespersons;
newspaper or advertisement home delivery persons;
persons employed in the activities of a publicly supported non-pro t
organization (except laundry employees and nurses aides or practical nurses);
a person employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity;
a person employed in domestic services in or about a home; and
a person employed by the United States government.
Although full time high school students are exempt from Vermont’s minimum wage
requirements, federal law provides for a minimum compensation for these students.
If you are a federally covered employer interested in the federal youth minimum
wage, contact the U.S. Department of Labor at (802) 951-6283 for more information.
Annually the minimum wage will increase on January 1st from previous year plus 5%
or the percentage increased of the Consumer Price Index, CPI-U U.S., city average, not
seasonally adjusted, or successor index, as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor
or successor agency for the 12 months preceding the previous September 1st, whichever
is smaller. Additionally, each January 1st the Basic Wage Rate for “service or tipped em-
ployee” will increase at the same rate as the minimum wage rate. A “service or tipped
employee” means an employee of a hotel, motel, tourist place, or restaurant who cus-
tomarily and regularly receives more than $120 a month in tips. For the most up-to-date
minimum hourly wage rates, please visit our website at www.labor.vermont.gov or call
Vermont Department of Labor | 60
Labor Market Information
(802) 828-4157
The Labor Market Information Division, is a major source of economic and
career information for Vermont. Other state agencies, private enterprises,
educational institutions, and job seekers often tap the Department’s labor market
resources for information on selected towns and industries.
The industrial employment estimates, occupational employment estimates, labor force
estimates, and wage data are used by a number of organizations to evaluate the
economic health of Vermont and its substate areas. The wage data is a primary input
into the U.S. Department of Commerce’s per capita income estimates. Out-of-state banks
use the information when setting municipal bond rates. Businesses consider labor force
estimates when selecting plant locations. Workers moving to Vermont frequently write
for labor market information. Information is also provided to Vermont schools to help
students in their career decision making.
We also publish economic-demographic county proles annually. This series incor-
porates data from several agencies and provides a summary narrative of the trends and
social dynamics occurring within each county. For questions, please call 802-828-4157.
Additionally, you can access information at our website at: www.vtlmi.info.
61 | Employer Information Manual
Workforce Development
Services and Programs
(802) 828-4342
The Vermont Department of Labor’s Workforce Development Division, through its
statewide network of Career Resource Centers, provides services intended to maintain
the highest possible level of employment by Vermont workers. Unemployment benefits
provide partial wage replacement to eligible workers, thereby helping to stabilize the
local economy. Long-term economic stability can best be achieved by helping jobseekers
find suitable work and employers find qualified workers.
Employers can help conserve unemployment insurance funds by listing all job openings
with VDOL, which is the state’s largest single source of labor. By listing your job
openings with the VDOL Resource Center closest to you, you can access qualified
workers with experience in the full range of occupations, including professional,
clerical, technical, service, skilled trades, and production. Employer Services available
through each of our Resource Center’s include:
Applicant screening for posted job openings;
Assistance with recruitment, including scheduling of appointments, as well
as accommodations for interviewing applicants;
Labor Market Information to help you make informed decisions on hiring,
compensation, and bene ts;
Information on worker training, including strategies and resources; and
Rapid Response – timely and comprehensive outplacement support services
in the event of layo s or plant closures.
Vermont Department of Labor | 62
Vermont JobLink
Vermont JobLink is an Internet-based no-fee job matching and workforce information
system for employers and jobseekers. Employers and jobseekers can access and utilize
a variety of services through management of an individual self-service account.
Access Vermont JobLink from our home webpage at www.labor.vermont.gov or www.
Vermont Joblink Services for Employers
By listing your job openings with Vermont JobLink, you can gain access to a large
number of jobseekers. Additionally, an employer can:
Create and manage job orders, search jobseeker resumes, and access useful
occupational and labor market information;
Utilize a Quick Search feature on the Home Page to preview active jobseeker
resumes by geographic location and keywords prior to logging into their
self-service account;
Search All Resumes: Employers may set criteria to search jobseeker resumes
utilizing geographic location, experience and education requirements, type
of employment, preferred shift, and travel requirements and can exclude
candidates desiring temporary work. Employers may save these criteria and
create a profile for later resume searches;
Search by Type of Job: Employers may search jobseeker resumes utilizing
keyword(s) that identify the job classification related to the job order; and
Saved Resume Search Pro les: Employers may search jobseeker resumes
based on the pro le created and saved from an earlier search for all resumes;
Vermont JobLink Services for Jobseekers
Jobseekers can create a complete on-line, printable resume available to employers
who have approved access to jobseeker information. Resumes can be automatically
e-mailed to employers at the jobseeker’s request. The following eight methods are
available to jobseekers to conduct a job search:
Quick Search: Quickly preview job openings available using keywords and
geographic area, prior to creating or logging in to their self-service account.
Basic Search: Set job search criteria with factors such as geographic area, job
title keywords, type of job, and age of job order. Jobseekers may save these
criteria and create a profile for subsequent job searches.
Search by Type of Job: Use keywords to search from a list of job classifications.
Search by Employer Name: Search based on the employer name, if interested in
a specific company.
63 | Employer Information Manual
Search by Resume Objective: Search by resume objective, with a completed
on-line resume.
Search by Job Order ID Number: With a job order number from a previous
search, locate a specific job order.
Search by Saved Job Search Profile: Search from a saved Basic Search profile.
Job Spidering: Enter keyword and zip code to see all Internet postings within
a 25-mile radius.
Other JobLink services available to job seekers include:
Career Information: Jobseekers can view a listing of growth occupations,
highest paying jobs, and a comparison of various occupational categories.
Eligibility Screening: Jobseekers can self-screen to assess potential eligibility for
additional career-related services.
Other Workforce Development Programs
In addition to the services available to employers, there are several programs
available through the Workforce Development Division that can help employers with
specific training or recruitment needs or provide financial incentives to hire certain
eligible workers. These programs include:
On-the-Job Training (OJT) can help to defray some of the costs associated
with hiring and training new workers. Your local Career Resource Center
staff can explain the program and help you decide whether OJT is an
appropriate workforce development resource for your business.
Vermont Registered Apprenticeship combines classroom instruction with
OJT training under the supervision of a skilled journey-level worker.
Apprenticeship programs last from one to six years. For more information,
visit our website or call (802) 828-5082.
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a program authorized by
the Small Business and Work Opportunity Tax Act. It provides incentives
to businesses who hire members of certain groups, who traditionally have
had difficulty obtaining and holding jobs. The WOTC can potentially be
as much as $2,400 for each new adult hire, $4,800 for each new disabled
veteran hire, and $9,000 for each new long-term TANF recipient hired over
a two-year retention period. In addition, WOTC includes the Vow to Hire
Heroes Act of 2011 which extends and expands the Veterans targeted
categories to include unemployed Veterans. For more information, contact
the WOTC Unit at 802-828-5250.
Vermont Department of Labor | 64
Workplace Safety Programs
The Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSHA) conducts
inspections of both Public and Private sector employers to assure they are complying
with the safety and health standards adopted by the State. VOSHA is authorized to
issue citations and penalties for violations of the adopted standards. Inspections are
unannounced and can result from a fatality, an event that hospitalizes three or more
workers, a complaint, a referral, or random selection. The standards for General
Industry and Construction are available from VOSHA at minimal charge or on the
Federal OSHA website at www.osha.gov. Persons that have questions about the safety
and health standards may contact VOSHA at 802-828-2765 or Project WorkSAFE
Consultation at 1-888-SAFE-YES.
VOSHA has programs to assist employers and employees in making their workplaces
safer. A Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS) provides training and information
to groups so they can improve the safety and health of their workers. The CAS works
to form Alliances with associations to facilitate the sharing of information. Through
Alliances, trade associations agree to disseminate information to their constituents.
The Green Mountain Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) recognizes employers that
have superior safety and health programs. These programs include full participation of
both management and workers. Where there is involvement by both of these groups,
workplaces are safer and more productive. Safer workplaces reduce injuries and
illnesses which can lead to a reduction in the employer’s Workers’ Compensation costs.
Project WorkSAFE is a free, confidential occupational safety and health consultation
program providing business assistance to small Vermont Industries, typically less than
250 employees per site, 500 corporate. However, we will provide services to larger
firms depending on resources. WorkSAFE seeks to work with Vermont employers to
develop and or maintain safe and healthy conditions in the workplace. Based on a
company’s request, these services are provided with a variety of options. This may
include help over the phone or a site visit to help conduct training and/or perform a
site hazard assessment.
Our consultants can help you with safety audits covering topics such as electrical,
machine point of operation and power transmission apparatus guarding, lock out tag
out, fall protection, and confined spaces. The health audits cover topics as blood borne
pathogens, chemical evaluations, including air monitoring, also no cost, ergonomics,
noise monitoring, non-ionizing radiation evaluations, emergency response, and other
health related hazards. All the consultants on staff can provide help in developing
Safety and Health Programs. Consultants provide clear interpretation of Vermont
OSHA and Federal OSHA regulations and help identify violations of these acts and
other potential hazards. Consultants then provide helpful information on how to correct
these violations. Companies who use this service must agree to fix serious safety and
health hazards identified by consultation staff.
65 | Employer Information Manual
Project WorkSAFE staff have a variety of backgrounds in environmental health,
occupational health, fire prevention, electrical, chemical, safety management,
construction, and utility, as well as other related fields, and work with over a hundred
businesses on a yearly basis. If we cannot help you solve your unique problems, we
can assist you in obtaining other recourses that will address your concerns.
Partnerships have been developed with a variety of interested parties and Vermont
employers. Examples include a very successful partnership in safety, offering a free
training seminar, with Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Foundation and the Small
Business Development Center (SBDC).
Project WorkSAFE is a separate stand-alone program from the Vermont OSHA program
to insure con dentiality of clients.
The Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) recognizes
outstanding companies for their hard work and commitment. See our web page for
more information. We continue to work on certifying and nding new companies
with outstanding safety and health programs to be involved in the SHARP program.
Vermont companies are encouraged to work with this program and provide feedback
and input to the program. The bene t of this collaboration will assist Project WorkSAFE
in gathering information that will be utilized to improve overall professional health and
safety services provided.
Staff are also involved in safety and health seminars around the state. This keeps the
consultants informed of Vermont business needs and concerns regarding safety and
health issues and the costs of workers compensation rates. We continue to work with
SBDC as part of the very successful Vermont Safety and Health Conference, typically
held in February in Burlington, and the annual Governors award for work place safety.
Further information about the above programs or safety and health standards can
be obtained on our website or by calling the VOSHA o ce at 802-828-2765 or Project
WorkSAFE Consultation at 1-888-SAFE YES (1-888-723-3937). The Project WorkSAFE
webpage allows anyone to ask con dential occupational safety and health questions by
email, along with the ability to register for a list serve that will notify you of upcoming
safety and health trainings.
The Vermont Passenger Tramway Program was established to prevent unnecessary
hazards in the operation of ski lifts in Vermont. There are three Passenger Tramway
Technicians that conduct inspections of ski lifts throughout the summer and winter
seasons. Operation and maintenance logs and procedures are reviewed regularly
to assure that the ski areas are complying with the codes adopted by the program.
Vermont has over 30 ski areas and more than 150 lifts ranging from rope tows to
chairlifts and detachable chairlifts to gondolas. Regular inspections of lifts by tram-
way technicians not a liated with the ski areas helps to provide a high level of safety
for the many skiers and boarders that enjoy Vermont ski areas.
Vermont Department of Labor | 66
Passenger tramways in Vermont carry more than four million riders annually. The
Division inspects each of the 184 operating ski lifts, which total over 544,000 lineal feet
of lift line, prior to operation each season and at least four other times during the ski
season. Safety standards are set by the Tramway Board, consisting of two ski area
representatives, two public representatives, and the Commissioner of Labor. Since its
inception, the inspection program has been funded by ski area fees based on the lineal
footage of ski lifts at each area (31 V.S.A. §§ 701-712).
The Passenger Tramway division plays an important role in assuring that skiers and
snowboarders have a safe journey up Vermont’s mountains. The Tramway division
inspects the construction, operation, and maintenance of ski lifts in the State. Our three
tramway inspectors have the important role of providing extra sets of eyes – and a
clear set of standards – for overseeing safety issues. Ski lift safety is something that the
State, ski areas, and lift manufacturers take very seriously.
Further information about the Tramway Program can be obtained on our website or by
calling 802-828-5084.
Workers’ Compensation Program
Workers’ Compensation insurance is mandatory for all Vermont employers. Workers
Compensation law is intended to provide employees a speedy, no-fault remedy and for
employers liability, which is limited and determinate. The Workers’ Compensation &
Safety Division’s primary role is to adjudicate disputes between injured workers and
the employer’s insurance company. It is also charged with enforcing Vermont’s
Workers’ Compensation laws, including investigating and, if warranted, penalizing
fraud and penalizing employers who fail to purchase workers’ compensation insurance.
What is a Work Injury?
A work injury is an injury that arises out of and in the course of employment. It may be
an injury or an occupational disease and it may occur instantaneously or over time.
Statutory Bene ts -
An injured worker may be entitled to one or more of the following
Medical care/treatment that is reasonable and necessary to treat injury;
Lost time if disabled due to work injury (roughly 2/3 of usual work wages);
Permanent impairment only if injury results in permanent impairment;
Vocational rehabilitation if unable to return to suitable employment; or
Death benefits if evidence supports the death arose due to work injury.
bene ts:
67 | Employer Information Manual
First Report of Injury
Employers must report all work injuries that result in either any medical attention or
one lost day of work or more. Filing a first report does not impose liability upon the
employer for that injury. The first report of injury must be reported to the Department
and to the employer’s insurance carrier. It is up to the insurance adjuster to deny the
Denial of a Claim
The insurance adjuster is responsible for denying and adjusting the claim. All
Vermont workers compensation adjusters must be licensed and shall receive annual
training, thus ensuring familiarity with the law and procedures. The adjuster has a
duty to investigate the claim and shall provide evidence to support the denial. Every
claim is unique, therefore the adjuster must be able to contact the employer and to
obtain or communicate essential information about a claim. The adjuster may ask the
employer to provide relevant information about the injury or other pertinent work
place information. The employer, in turn, has the right to request from the insurance
carrier information about the claim and/or the carrier’s investigation.
Burden of Proof is On Employee
The employee has the burden of proving that they su ered a work injury; their
statement alone is not su cient. The employee must submit evidence supporting their
claim. If the employee submits evidence, the employer, through its carrier, may submit
contrary evidence. Evidence may include medical records, witness statements, or
documentation of other information relevant to the claim. If both the employee and the
carrier submit contrary evidence, the employee’s evidence must be more persuasive for
their claim to succeed.
More detailed information can be obtained on our website or by calling 802-828-2286.
Vermont Department of Labor | 68
Montpelier Area ............................................................. 802-828-1147
White River / Barre Area ...............................................802-828-4200
Morrisville Area ..............................................................802-888-2542
Rutland Area ..................................................................802-786-8806
Burlington/So Burlington ...............................................802-951-5147
Middlebury/Williston .....................................................802-652-0328
St. Albans/Colchester.................................................... 802-863-7480
Bennington Area ............................................................802-447-2867
Spring eld / Brattleboro Area ....................................... 802-885-1411
Newport / St. Johnsbury Area .......................................802-334-3303
McFarland State Of ce Building
5 Perry Street, Suite 200
Barre, VT 05641
Tel.: (802) 476-2600
200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Suite 2
Bennington, VT 05201
Tel.: (802) 442-6376
28 Vermont Street, Suite 212
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Tel.: (802) 254-4555
63 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401-4331
Tel.: (802) 863-7676
1590 Rte. 7 South, Suite 5
Middlebury, VT 05753
Tel.: (802) 388-4921
197 Harel Street
Morrisville, V 05661-4491
Tel.: (802) 888-4545
Emory E. Hebard State O ce Bldg.
100 Main Street, Suite 210
Newport, VT 05855
Tel.: (802) 334-6545
50 Randolph Avenue
Randolph, VT 05060
Tel.: (802) 476-2600
200 Asa Bloomer Building
Rutland, VT 0570
Tel.: (802) 786-5837
1197 Main Street, Suite 1
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-0129
Tel.: (802) 748-3177
27 Federal Street, Suite 100
St. Albans, VT 05478-2246
Tel.: (802) 524-6585
56 Main Street, Suite 101
Spring eld, VT 05156-2910
Tel.: (802) 289-0999
118 Prospect Street, Suite 302
White River Jct., VT 05047
Tel.: (802) 295-8805
69 | Employer Information Manual
ATTN: Employer Services
P.O. Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
Phone: 802-828-4344
Limited Power of Attorney and
Tax Information Authorization
(Business, Estate or Trust)
T Unemployment Account Number
Federal Identification Number
Client Number
Taxpaper's Legal Business Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Trade Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________
hereby appoints ______________________________________ as its agent to perform the following acts on its behalf:
(check all that apply):
Receive, prepare and file new and amended Vermont Employer's Quarterly Wage & Contribution Report forms.
Obtain from and provide to this agency information regarding its returns filed for periods on or after the date below.
Discuss matters as they pertain to the rate assignments and experience rating.
Process all necessary forms/inquiries as they pertain to claims potentially filed against its rating/account.
(If this box is NO
selected, please specify the client address where benefit claim related information should be mailed)
Address in Fact: _________________________________
(C-101 Forms, Rate ________________________________
Notices, Statements) ________________________________
Telephone No.: ___________________________________
Client Address: _________________________________
(Only Benefit Claim _______________________________
Related Information) ______________________________
Telephone No.: _________________________________
This Limited Power of Attorney form is effective for the period beginning ________________ and will remain in effect until
this department is otherwise notified.
It applies only to the items which have been selected above as they pertain to the Unemployment Insurance Tax and/or
Benefit related matters for the client.
This limited Power of Attorney revokes all prior Powers of Attorney on file with the Vermont Department of Labor.
________________________________________ ______________________
Person Completing and Signing Power of Attorney Date
________________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature Title of Person Signing Power of Attorney
I, ______________________________ affirm that _________________________________ appeared to be of sound
mind and free from duress at the time this Limited Power of Attorney was signed, and that (s)he affirmed that (s)he was
aware of the nature of this document and signed it freely and voluntarily.
_________________________________________ ______________________
Signature of Witness (Cannot be same as Notary) Date
STATE OF_____________________________________
COUNTY OF __________________________________
, SS.
At _________________________ on the _______ day of __________________________ personally appeared
___________________________________ who acknowledged this Instrument and signed by him/her as his/her free act and
deed, and before me,
________________________________________ . My Commission expires: ____________________________
Signature of Notary Public
C-50 (10/10)
Fax: 802-828-4248
Vermont Department of Labor | 70
I, _____________________________________ do hereby attest that I accept appointment as agent for
_______________________________________ (hereafter "principal") and:
that I understand my duties under this Limited Power of Attorney and under the law;
that I understand that I have a duty for the principal as to the specific transactions and types of transactions
expressly required to do so in this Limited Power of Attorney;
that I hereby specifically acknowledge and accept such duties to act in signing this Limited Power of Attorne
in the case of such a duty to act, my agreement to act on or behalf of the principal is enforceable against me
regardless of whether there is any consideration to support a contractual obligation;
that I understand and acknowledge in signing this Limited Power of Attorney, that if I have been selected as
with the expectation that I have special skills or expertise I will use those skills on behalf of the principal.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________
Signature of Agent Date Signed
71 | Employer Information Manual
3. Nature of change:
Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0488
Telephone: (802) 828-4344
Fax: (802) 828-4248
C-36 (12/10)
Complete all items applicable to your organization, trade, business or employment in Vermont.
Name: ____________________________________________________ Contact: ___________________________________________________
Trading As: ________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________
ddress: __________________________________________________ Fax & Email: _______________________________________________
No Longer have Vermont Employees
Discontinued operations in Vermont
Explain: _________________________________________________________________
Explain: _________________________________________________________________
Location of all employment records:
ddress: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact: ________________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________
1. Date of Change _____________________ 2. Date Final Wages Paid ____________________
5. Other Assets retained: _________________________________________________________________ Percentage Retained: _______%
6. Enter the complete name, trading as, address and telephone number of the new owners/operators of the business:
Legal Business Name __________________________________________________________________________________________
Trading As ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact: _______________________ Telephone Number: _____________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Date Employment Ended: ____________________ Final Pay Date: ___________________
If your business is a Corporation, are your officers receiving any wages or draws after the effective date? Yes No
Nature of Change:
Change of Address/Trade Name > Complete Part A, D & E Ceased Employment > Complete Part B, D & E
Sale/Lease/Reorganization of Business > Complete Part C, D, & E
Out of Business - Reason: Ceased Business / Closed Filed for Bankruptcy Foreclosure
ALL of Vermont Business Sold PART of Vermont Business Sold
ALL of Vermont Business Leased PART of Vermont Business Leased
anization of Business
4. Did you retain title or control of any assets? No Yes - If "Yes" ALL PART (Specify percentages below)
7. Is there any common ownership between the two businesses? Yes No If Yes, attach explanation
Vermont Department of Labor | 72
10. Will you continue to operate a business under this legal entity? Yes No
If "Yes", please give the name and the nature of the business retained/continued: _____________________________________________
11. Will you be starting a new business under this legal entity? Yes No
If "Yes", provide the following: Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________________
Nature of Business: _____________________________ Start Date: ________________ Date First Wages to be Paid: ______________
12. Will direction and control of the business remain the same? Yes No
13. Did the title to any assets go to the lessee? Yes No If, "Yes", please provide information on the assets:
14. Please describe in detail the nature of the leased business:
16. Please describe any other changes not specified above: _________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________ Telephone: ________________ Ext. _______ Fax: ________________________
Signature: _______________________________________ Title: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
If "Yes", please provide reason: _____________________________________________________________________________________
8. Will the new entity continue to operate this business?
Yes No If No, Explain:
9. Will you continue to pay wages after the change to your business occurs? Yes No
Be advised that the sellar of a busines is required to disclose its experience rating to a potential buyer upon
request, in accordance with §1325(b)(1).
15. I understand that as the seller of a business, I am required to disclose the Unemployment Insurance tax expereince rating to
a potential buyer upon request, in accordajnce with
I have read and understand the proceededing statement.
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