© 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
A Guide for Individuals with Academic Credentials Earned
Outside of the U.S. and Canada
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
Why Evaluate Your International Academic Credentials? ............................................................. 2
Top Five Tips for Selecting an External Evaluation Service .................................................... 2
Credential Evaluation for Dierent Purposes ................................................................................ 3
For Education ............................................................................................................................ 3
For Employment ....................................................................................................................... 5
For Licensing with Professional Licensing Bodies/Boards ...................................................... 5
For Immigration, Work Permits, or H-1B Visas ........................................................................ 6
How to Get a Credential Evaluation ............................................................................................... 7
What Are the Dierent Kinds of Evaluation Reports? .............................................................. 7
How Much Does an Evaluation Cost? ....................................................................................... 8
How Are Foreign Credentials Evaluated? ................................................................................. 8
Does Everyone Recognize the Results of Credential Evaluation Reports? ............................. 8
Understanding WES Required Documents .............................................................................. 8
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 9
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
A credential evaluation report is an important part of your application to schools, jobs, or
immigration authorities in the U.S. and Canada—it’s how these institutions understand the value
of your academic achievements.
For example, a credential evaluation report can help university admissions oicers make
admissions decisions by taking your prior education and experience into account. The time and
energy you invested in your education pays o when your academic credentials are understood
and recognized.
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
In North America, there are many challenges to the recognition of international academic
credentials; however, with some basic research and planning, you can make the process
advantageous for yourself and accomplish your professional and educational goals.
As an international student or immigrant to Canada or the U.S., you must do your part to ensure
immigration authorities, employers, colleges, universities, and professional licensing bodies/
boards give appropriate recognition to your international academic credentials. One way of
gaining this recognition is using external evaluation services like World Education Services (WES).
External evaluation services like WES play a signicant role in facilitating recognition; however, it
is ultimately the recognition by employers, professional licensing bodies/boards, and academic
institutions that formalizes the value of international credentials. Generally, you may need to
authenticate and evaluate your academic credentials for four main purposes:
Higher education, continuing education, and transfer credits
Licensing with professional licensing bodies/boards
Immigration, work permits, or H-1B visas
Top Five Tips for Selecting an External Evaluation Service
When selecting a credential evaluation service, keep the following tips in mind:
1. Call the academic institution or licensing board that you are applying to and ask about
their international academic credential authentication and evaluation requirements to
ensure the service you select is accepted.
2. Obtain an evaluation report that is useful for more than one purpose.
3. Find out if the evaluation service charges a separate fee for each academic credential or if
the fee is per person for all of your credentials.
4. Find out if the evaluation service shares the authenticated academic documents with
institutions and licensing boards, potentially saving you time and money by eliminating
the requirement for you to arrange yet another set of oicial transcripts to be sent by your
overseas institution to North American institutions or licensing boards.
5. Get a preview of your U.S. and Canadian academic equivalency and U.S. GPA before
applying to external evaluation services.
As a potential international student or immigrant to North America, it is very advantageous to do
some basic research and learn who requires evaluation reports, the types of evaluation reports
available, and from which external evaluation service your report must be obtained.
As a general guideline, go with an external evaluation service whose evaluation reports are
known to be accepted by employers, educational institutions, licensing boards, and immigration
authorities. It is also benecial for you to purchase an evaluation report that can be used for all
four purposes or at least for more than one purpose.
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
For Education
Foreign credential evaluation is a process that converts the academic credentials that you earned
outside of the U.S. or Canada. At the end of the process, you will receive a credential evaluation
report that includes information about your original credentials as well as its U.S. or Canadian
equivalency. This report allows your education to be understood by anyone who is familiar with
the education system in the U.S. or Canada. The following image shows a sample WES Course-by-
Course analysis.
Name: SAMPLE, Sample
Date of Birth: Month 01, 1993
Date: September 29, 2017
Ref #:
Page: 1 of 2
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THIS REPORT: An explanation of the terms used in this report can be found on the reverse side. This report is valid
only when printed on watermarked paper and sealed with an oicial WES stamp on each page.
Name: KURIAN, Dynu K. (Kunjandy) Date : September 25, 2017
Date of Birth: February 23, 1993 Ref #: 2905157/me
Page: 1 of 3
Bachelor's degree (four years)
1. Name On Credential: Sample Sample
Credential Authentication: Official transcripts were sent directly by the institution
Country: India
Credential: Bachelor of Engineering
Year: 2015
Awarded by: Anna University
Status: Recognized Institution
Admission requirements: High school graduation
Length of program: Four years
Major/Specialization: Mechanical Engineering
Canadian Equivalency: Bachelor's degree (four years)
This report identies and describes each credential, including:
name of credential, requirements for entry and program length,
and the equivalent degree in terms of Canadian education.
Name: SAMPLE, Sample
Date of Birth: Month 01, 1993
Date: September 29, 2017
Ref #:
Page: 2 of 2
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THIS REPORT: An explanation of the terms used in this report can be found on the reverse side. This report is valid
only when printed on watermarked paper and sealed with an oicial WES stamp on each page.
WES is recognized by the Government of Ontario and is a designated service provider of educational credential assessment (ECA) for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Name: KURIAN, Dynu K. (Kunjandy) Date : September 25, 2017
Date of Birth: February 23, 1993 Ref #: 2905157/me
Page: 3 of 3
Computer-Aided Machine Drawing Lab 1.0 B+
Manufacturing Technology Lab 1.0 B+
Environmental Science and Engineering 3.0 C
Thermal Engineering 3.0 B
Dynamics of Machinery 3.0 B
Design of Machine Elements 3.0 B
Engineering Metrology and Measurements 3.0 B
Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics 3.0 B
Thermal Engineering Lab 1.0 B
Dynamics Lab 1.0 B+
Metrology and Measurements Lab 1.0 B
CAD and CAM Lab 1.0 A
Communication Skills Lab 1.0 B
Unconventional Machining Processes 3.0 B
Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion 3.0 B+
Design of Transmission Systems 3.0 C
Finite Element Analysis 3.0 B
Automobile Engineering 3.0 C
Thermal Engineering Lab 1.0 A
Design and Fabrication Project 2.0 A
Principles of Management 3.0 C
Total Quality Management 3.0 B
Process Planning and Cost Estimation 3.0 B
Robotics 3.0 B+
Mechatronics 3.0 B
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 3.0 C
Power Plant Engineering 3.0 B+
Computer-Aided Simulation and Analysis Lab 1.0 A
Mechatronics Lab 1.0 B+
Maintenance Engineering 3.0 B+
Advanced Internal Combustion Engines 3.0 B
Comprehension 1.0 A
Project Work 3.0 A
Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis 3.0 B+
Total Undergraduate Semester Credits: 158.0 GPA: 2.81
This report lists
each course you have
taken, a semester
credit, and grade
This evaluation type is usually required for
applications to post-graduate programs, students
interested in transferring schools before completing
their degree, and licensing board applications.
This report
includes a GPA
(grade point
Higher Education, Continuing Education, and Transfer Credits
The United States is a top destination for students around the world, and upon arrival to Canada,
statistics show that a very large number of immigrants pursue further education. For instance,
an immigrant with a bachelor’s degree from his or her home country is likely to pursue a master’s
level education upon arrival in Canada or they may consider getting another bachelor’s degree
with promising employment opportunities in a specic sector of the economy.
It is almost certain that the academic institution in the U.S. or Canada to which you are applying
will require an authentication and evaluation report of your past academic credentials.
Some North American institutions and their sta conduct the evaluation process at their own
admissions oice; others refer students to external evaluation services like WES.
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
To pursue higher education, you must demonstrate that you have the prerequisites to enter the
program, have the necessary grade point average (GPA), or have taken the equivalent courses
elsewhere. This is determined through a detailed, formal evaluation report, or a Course-by-
Course evaluation report.
When an academic institution grants you admission based on your previous international academic
training, it is considered recognition. One of the most tangible ways to receive recognition is when
you are able to negotiate “transfer credits” or “advanced standing,” which can help you save tuition
money and time by not having to repeat similar courses that you have already taken outside of
North America. A Course-by-Course report includes converted credit hours for your courses as
well as a GPA equivalency. Before applying to any institutions, you may want to use the free iGPA
Calculator from WES to estimate whether you meet the targeted institution’s GPA requirement.
How to Transfer Credits for Courses Taken Abroad
If you want to attend a college or university in the U.S. or Canada, you may be able to transfer
some credits for courses you have already taken. The decision to accept credits earned abroad
varies from school to school, but here are some of the factors many universities consider:
Is the institution you attended recognized by your country’s ministry of education?
Are the courses you have taken similar to those oered by the institution you would like
to attend?
Do the courses you have taken meet the requirements for the degree and major you would
like to transfer into?
Many academic institutions may allow you to transfer credits but limit how many foreign credits
they accept. You should contact the admissions oice of the institution you want to attend to
learn their policy.
If the school does accept foreign credits, you will likely be asked to provide some or all of the
following documents:
Oicial academic transcripts from the institution you attended
A formal English translation of your transcripts
A credential evaluation report
Oicial syllabi or catalogs that describe the courses you have taken
The process of transferring credits can be a long one, and you may not know which credits, if any,
have been accepted until your studies begin. However, if your credits are accepted, you can save
both time and money.
If you are an international student and want to learn more about studying in the U.S., read
Education USAs series Your Five Steps to U.S. Study.
Credential Evaluations for Financial Aid
Once you have obtained a credential evaluation for your admissions application, you can also
use it for scholarships and other nancial aid applications that require you to report your GPA.
This will allow you to apply for funding outside of the school where you sent your report. Merit-
based scholarships in particular usually have GPA requirements for consideration. A credential
evaluation can increase the number of funding sources available to international students.
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
For Employment
Increasingly, employers are committing themselves to diversifying their workforce and tapping
into the global talent pool; this is a win-win for businesses and job seekers alike. On the other
hand, numerous studies have shown that human resources (HR) departments have little or no
training in weighing the value of international academic credentials. Traditionally, this is not part
of HR training; however, the international mobility of labor is changing this.
One simple rule is this: As a job seeker, when you are applying for a job and the job posting has an
education requirement, it is highly recommended that you get a credential evaluation report and
indicate your Canadian or U.S. equivalency in your résumé.
Here’s an example of how you would phrase this in your résumé:
“Equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from a U.S. (or Canadian) university, as determined
by World Education Services (WES).
You may want to re-emphasize your Canadian or U.S. equivalency in your cover letter as well.
Furthermore, you might consider submitting a copy, online or otherwise, of the evaluation report
with your cover letter and résumé.
Also, you should share your academic equivalent information as early as possible in the
application process, and do not wait until the job interview. Employment and career coaches
advise that getting the job interview is more than 50 percent of the whole process of securing a
job. With an evaluation report, you increase your chances for employers to screen you in rather
than out.
Nowadays, there is a way of knowing your Canadian or U.S. academic equivalency before you
pay the fee for an oicial evaluation report. WES has developed the Degree Equivalency Tool for
individuals and institutions to preview the Canadian and the U.S. equivalencies for degree-level
credentials for over 160 countries. Keep in mind that these equivalency results are unoicial,
results are not based on authenticated documents, and institutions usually require an oicial
result/formal report from external evaluation services.
In addition, research has shown that sometimes immigrants start with a lower salary level
than their counterparts who have completed their formal education in North America. A formal
evaluation report can provide you with an advantage in negotiating a better starting salary.
A formal evaluation report can be useful for promotion opportunities that may become available
within the company where you are working. For promotion opportunities, employers are bound
to provide an equal opportunity for all their qualied sta. With an equivalency report in hand,
you will be in an advantageous position to compete for promotions.
For Licensing with Professional Licensing Bodies/Boards
There are thousands of professional licensing bodies and boards in North America. Normally,
one of their requirements is the authentication and evaluation of international academic
documents. It cannot be emphasized enough that the best way to proceed is to contact the
appropriate licensing board directly before applying to external evaluation services.
Internationally trained engineers and accountants can oen secure related employment
with appropriate compensation level without a license. These positions can be secured and
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
negotiated by presenting evaluation reports. However, in other regulated professions—like the
healthcare sector—it is unlikely that you would be able to secure an employment oer working
at the clinical level without a license.
Candidates should always check with the licensing/certication board or agency to nd out
what type of credential evaluation is required. Most boards require a WES Course-by-Course
evaluation. Some boards also require oicial copies of your academic transcripts. This
requirement can be accommodated by purchasing the WES International Credential Advantage
Package (ICAP), which is a service WES provides where WES will store your veried transcripts and
evaluation report for easy sending later.
Some licensing boards conduct authentication and evaluation in-house, and others outsource
this service to external evaluation services. If you intend to obtain a license in your occupation,
consult the licensing board rst. Some research or a simple phone call asking what type of
evaluation report they require can save you considerable time and money.
For Immigration, Work Permits, or H-1B Visas
For skilled or economic class immigrants to Canada, there is a formal requirement by
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for candidates to submit their Canadian
academic equivalency or Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) with their immigration
applications. Under the new immigration policies, Express Entry, educational attainments have
a higher value. The primary applicants, including their spouses, can receive points toward their
total Comprehensive Ranking System (CSR).
For the U.S. H-1B Visa, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services require a bachelor’s degree or
higher degree or its equivalent evaluation report.
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
WES oers credential evaluations that verify and evaluate high school and post-secondary
credentials from more than 150 countries. You can also learn the equivalency of your foreign
education by using the free Degree Equivalency Tool.
Before you apply, be sure to watch our step-by-step videos that walk you through the WES
application process for both the United States and the Canadian ECA Application for
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Before you begin your application:
Review your required documents list. Make sure you can meet these requirements before you
submit your application.
Determine the evaluation type you need. All WES evaluations include a statement of
authenticity for each credential evaluated. There are several evaluation types available based
on the level of education you earned and the purpose of your evaluation:
- A Course-by-Course report includes a U.S. equivalency of your credential, a list of
courses you have taken with the grades you earned, and a U.S. GPA (grade point
average). This evaluation type is usually required for applications to post-graduate
programs, students interested in transferring schools before completing their degree,
and licensing board applications.
- A Document-by-Document report includes the U.S. equivalency of your credential.
This is typically required for freshman admission to universities, employment, and
- The CPA Supplemental report provides additional analysis of your business and
accounting courses for CPA (certied public accountant) boards.
Be prepared to ll out the application accurately.
Are you ready to begin the credential evaluation process? Apply now.
What Are the Different Kinds of Evaluation Reports?
In general, an individual can request a “basic” credential evaluation that describes the credential,
or a “detailed” (sometimes called “course-by-course”) report that provides additional information
on the student’s grades, credit hours, and course content. Credential evaluations consider the
value of the credential in the context of the country’s educational system, whether the university
is recognized, credential name, entrance requirements, program length, major/specialization, and
the date it was awarded. The evaluation report includes all of this information about the original
credential, along with the U.S. equivalency.
For an additional cost, a detailed report will analyze each course on the transcript, and convert
credit hours, grades, and course levels to their U.S. equivalents. Some agencies will calculate
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
a grade point average (GPA), which is the standard way of reporting academic achievement in
the U.S. A WES Course-by-Course evaluation is almost always necessary when an individual is
applying for transfer credit, or a graduate degree.
How Much Does an Evaluation Cost?
The cost of an evaluation depends upon many factors—the degree of detailed analysis required
for your purpose, whether or not an agency charges for each credential it evaluates, processing
time, etc. Fees for “basic” reports typically range from USD $70 to $150; “detailed” reports range
from $150 to $350 (plus any applicable mailing or courier costs).
How Are Foreign Credentials Evaluated?
Agencies use a variety of research tools and resources to determine the status of foreign
academic institutions and to assess an individual’s academic achievement within the U.S.
system and standards of education.
Over the last 40 years, WES has collected data from more than 200 countries and jurisdictions,
40,000 educational institutions
20,000 academic credentials and equivalencies
1,600 grading scales
These resources ensure that your WES evaluation is based on the most current and rigorously
researched information available, ensuring your evaluation is accurate and fair.
Does Everyone Recognize the Results of Credential Evaluation Reports?
No. Evaluation reports are advisory and not binding on any institution. Ultimately, the institution
receiving the credentials has the authority to make the nal decision on how they’ll recognize the
credentials and isn’t bound by the opinions and recommendations of the evaluation service—
even if they require or recommend the service.
Understanding WES Required Documents
Academic credentials are valuable documents (for example, a certicate, degree, or diploma) that
you earned at an academic institution. If you are seeking education or employment opportunities
in Canada or the U.S., it is important to have your credentials evaluated by WES to prove the
validity and authenticity of your documents.
The documents that are sent to WES must be:
Issued by recognized educational institutions
Issued or translated into English
Signed and sealed by authorized oicials (see example below)
About WES Credential Evaluations | © 2018 World Education Services. All rights reserved.
Seal or stamp
overlaps ap closure
Back of the sealed envelope:
A seal, stamp, or signature must be across the back ap as shown below.
Note: WES cannot accept any documents if the envelope was opened or if a seal,
stamp, or signature is missing.
Front of the sealed envelope:
The WES reference number must be included above WES’ address as shown below.
An oicial envelope
Name of Academic Institution
WES Reference No.
World Education Services
Documentation Center
P.O. Box 5087
Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087
WES reference
number above
How to Send Academic Documents
in a Sealed Envelope to WES
The WES application form and the
Required Documents sections of our
website provide instructions on the
documents required for each country.
Please read and follow those
instructions carefully.
Instructions on which documents to
submit to WES and how to submit them
will vary depending on the country you
studied in. It is important to carefully
follow the provided instructions to make
sure your evaluation is completed on
time. WES also recommends requesting
credentials from the academic
institution(s) you attended and
submitting your application as early as
possible to avoid any delay.
If requested, you may need to send the
original documents to WES and WES
may submit documents for verication
to the institution(s) that issued them.
If the institution(s) charges a fee in
exchange for information, it is your
responsibility as the applicant to pay the
institution directly.
If you have additional questions about WES credential evaluations, please visit
our Help Center.
A credential evaluation is a key step in helping academic institutions, employers, professional
licensing bodies, and immigration oicials understand your educational background. As a skilled
immigrant or international student, if you are clear about what is required and deliberate about
your intentions when obtaining a credential evaluation, your chances of receiving recognition will
be greatly increased. WES is dedicated to helping you achieve your educational and professional
goals in the United States and Canada by providing trusted education evaluations and advocating
for a future where there are no boundaries to global mobility.
Ready to begin the credential evaluation process? Apply now.
Our Expertise. Your Success.
WES Advisor is an initiative of World Education
Services, a non-prot with more than 45 years of
experience in international education.
We provide advice and resources for international
students and skilled immigrants to help them make
informed decisions about education, employment,
immigration, and integration opportunities in the
U.S. and Canada.
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