National Institutes of Health
Office of Research Services
Division of Occupational Health and Safety
Local Exhaust Ventilation
Testing Protocols
Technical Assistance Branch
Reviewed June 2011
National Institutes of Health
Office of Research Services
Division of Occupational Health and Safety
1.0 DOWNDRAFT SINKS FOR SMALL ANIMAL SURGERY ........................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Performance Testing ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Air Velocity Measurement ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Smoke Test ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.3 Recording Results .................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Certification of Performance ........................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Frequency of Performance Testing ............................................................................................... 2
2.0 DOWNDRAFT TABLES FOR SMALL ANIMAL SURGERY ....................................................... 2
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Performance Testing ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Air Velocity Measurement ..................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 Smoke Test ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.3 Recording Results .................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Certification of Performance ........................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Frequency of Performance Testing ............................................................................................... 3
3.0 SLOT HOODS USED FOR LOCAL VENTILATION ...................................................................... 3
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Preliminary Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 3
3.3 Performance Testing ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.3.1 Air Velocity Measurement ..................................................................................................... 5
3.3.2 Smoke Test .............................................................................................................................
3.3.3 Recording Results .................................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Certification of Performance ........................................................................................................ 5
3.5 Frequency of Performance Testing ............................................................................................... 5
4.0 Canopy Hoods Used for Local Ventilation ......................................................................................... 6
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Preliminary Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Performance Testing ..................................................................................................................... 7
4.3.1 Air Velocity Measurement ..................................................................................................... 7
4.3.2 Smoke Test ............................................................................................................................. 7
4.3.3 Operating Parameter Check ................................................................................................... 7
4.3.4 Recording Results .................................................................................................................. 7
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols: CONTENTS
4.4 Certification of Performance ........................................................................................................ 8
4.5 Frequency of Performance Testing ............................................................................................... 8
5.0 Miscellaneous local exhaust ventilation devices ................................................................................. 8
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Preliminary Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 8
5.3 Performance Testing ..................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.1 Air Velocity Measurement ..................................................................................................... 9
5.3.2 Smoke Test ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.3.3 Operating Parameter Check ................................................................................................... 9
5.3.4 Recording Results ................................................................................................................ 10
5.4 Certification of Performance ...................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Frequency of Performance Testing ............................................................................................. 10
ATTACHMENT 1: Downdraft Sink Survey Report ................................................................................. 11
ATTACHMENT 2: Downdraft Table Survey Report ............................................................................... 12
ATTACHMENT 3: Slot Hood Survey Report .......................................................................................... 13
ATTACHMENT 4: Canopy Hood Survey Report .................................................................................... 14
ATTACHMENT 5: Miscellaneous LEV Survey Report ........................................................................... 15
National Institutes of Health
Office of Research Services
Division of Occupational Health and Safety
1.1 Introduction
The Office of Research Services,
Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), established this
protocol for the routine performance testing of downdraft sinks where the work area does not exceed three
square feet.
1.2 Performance Testing
Performance testing of downdraft sinks is divided into two parts. The first part is the measurement of the
uniformity of air velocities and a determination of the average air velocity. The second part of the test is a
visual inspection of the smoke capturing ability of the downdraft sink.
1.2.1 Air Velocity Measurement
The measurement of air velocities is to be done using a calibrated thermoanemometer. For
measurement purposes, the work surface of the downdraft sink is to be divided into an imaginary
grid of four-inch squares. The air velocity measurements shall be taken at multiple points over the
entire work surface on a grid with the points approximately four inches apart and at a height of five
inches above the work surface. Measurements along the perimeter of the table should be taken at
least one inch onto the work surface.
The air velocity measurements, when taken on an unobstructed downdraft sink, should have a
calculated average velocity of 50-100 fpm. No single measurement point should be below 40 fpm,
nor should any point exceed 125 fpm.
1.2.2 Smoke Test
Smoke is to be used to visually evaluate airflow direction and to identify any turbulence in the
inward movement of air violent enough to affect the capture of the majority of the generated smoke.
Smoke should be released for capture by the downdraft table at a height of five inches.
1.2.3 Recording Results
After testing of each downdraft sink, a section of the "Downdraft Sink Survey Report" is to be
completely filled out, including comments. A copy of the Report is included as Attachment 1. The
Technical Assistance Branch (TAB) will enter the results into a computer database for record
keeping and performance tracking of the downdraft sink.
1.3 Certification of Performance
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
Downdraft sinks that meet the performance testing criteria identified in part II of the test are considered to
be acceptable for use in small animal surgery, necropsy and other procedures where volatile anesthetics
and other chemicals posing a potential human exposure are used. A green sticker will be affixed to the
table near, but not on, the work surface. The sticker will indicate that the downdraft sink is approved for
work, and will identify the date the sink was tested, who tested it, and include a telephone number to call
if there are any questions.
Downdraft sinks failing the test criteria will have a red sticker affixed to them, which will read that the
sink is not suitable for work and include a telephone number to call if there are questions. Sinks failing to
meet the acceptable performance criteria will be identified to maintenance for repair. After repair, the sink
will be rechecked and, if it meets the performance testing criteria, passed.
1.4 Frequency of Performance Testing
Downdraft sinks at the NIH will be tested on a routine basis at least once a year. If adjustments or
modifications are made to the exhaust system that serves the downdraft sink, the table is to be re-tested
when the changes are completed.
2.1 Introduction
The Office of Research Services, DOHS, established this protocol for the routine performance testing of
small downdraft tables where the work area does not exceed three square feet.
2.2 Performance Testing
Performance testing of a downdraft table is divided into two parts. The first part is the measurement of the
uniformity of air velocities and a determination of the average air velocity. The second part of the test is a
visual inspection of the smoke capturing ability of the downdraft table.
2.2.1 Air Velocity Measurement
To ensure a representative air velocity measurement, disruptive cross drafts that may be created by
excessive traffic and overhead supply diffusers must be avoided. Air velocity measurement is to be
done using a calibrated thermoanemometer. For measurement purposes, the work surface of the
downdraft table is to be divided into an imaginary grid of four-inch squares. The air velocity
measurements shall be taken at multiple points over the entire work surface on a grid with the
points approximately four inches apart and at a height of five inches above the work surface.
Measurements along the perimeter of the table should be taken at least one inch onto the work
The air velocity measurements, when taken on an unobstructed downdraft table, should have a
calculated minimum average velocity of 50-100 fpm. No single measurement point should be
below 40 fpm, nor should any point exceed 125 fpm.
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
2.2.2 Smoke Test
Smoke is to be used to visually evaluate airflow direction and to identify any turbulence in the
inward movement of air violent enough to affect the capture of the majority of the generated smoke.
Smoke should be released for capture by the downdraft table at a height of five inches.
2.2.3 Recording Results
After testing of each downdraft table, a section of the "Downdraft Table Survey Report" is to be
completely filled out, including comments. A copy of the Report is included as Attachment 2. The
TAB will enter the results into a computer database for record keeping and performance tracking of
the downdraft table.
2.3 Certification of Performance
Downdraft tables that meet the performance testing criteria identified in part II of the test are considered
to be acceptable for use in small animal surgery, necropsy and other procedures where volatile anesthetics
and other chemicals posing a potential human exposure are used. A green sticker will be affixed to the
table near, but not on, the work surface. The sticker will indicate that the downdraft table is approved for
work, and will identify the date the table was tested, who tested it, and include a telephone number to call
if there are any questions.
Downdraft tables failing the test criteria will have a red sticker affixed to them, which will read that the
table is not suitable for work and include a telephone number to call if there are questions. Hoods failing
to meet the acceptable performance criteria will be identified to maintenance for repair. After repair, the
table will be rechecked and, if it meets the performance testing criteria, passed.
2.4 Frequency of Performance Testing
Downdraft tables at the NIH will be tested on a routine basis at least once a year. If adjustments or
modifications are made to the exhaust system that serves the downdraft table, the table is to be re-tested
when the changes are completed.
3.1 Introduction
The Office of Research Services, DOHS, established this protocol for the routine performance testing of
slot hoods used for local ventilation. The testing of slot hoods is divided into two parts, preliminary
evaluation and routine performance testing.
3.2 Preliminary Evaluation
A preliminary evaluation conducted according to this protocol will be performed on each slot hood to
determine the average slot velocity required to obtain an estimated capture velocity of at least 50
feet/minute (fpm) at the point of contaminant generation. Staff of the TAB will conduct the preliminary
evaluation prior to any routine performance testing. The required average slot velocity to obtain 50 fpm at
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
the point of contaminant generation can be estimated based on the width, and length of the slot, the
existing slot velocity and the distance from the slot face to the farthest point of contaminant release.
The volumetric air flow (Q) in cubic feet/minute (cfm) of each slot hood can be determined by the
Q = (V
= average slot air velocity, fpm
A = area of slot, sq. ft.
This does not give the capture velocity at the site of contamination generation. The capture velocity must
be estimated using the formula:
V = Q/2.6(LX)
V = capture velocity at distance X, fpm
L = length of slot, ft.
X = distance from slot face to contaminant release, ft.
(This formula only applies for slot hoods where the aspect ratio of the slot [W/L] is 0.2 or less).
If the estimated capture velocity at the point of contaminant release is less then 50 fpm, the slot velocity
must be increased. With the data gathered above in accordance with the procedure outlined in 3.3
Performance Testing, the slot velocity required to give 50 fpm capture velocity at the point of
contaminant generation can be calculated and the system adjusted accordingly. With the required slot
velocity known for each individual slot hood, future checks of the slot hood would only have to measure
the average slot velocity to determine that it meets the minimum slot velocity set in the original
evaluation. This assumes that there have been no changes in the system or the area since the original
A sketch of the slot hood and the area surrounding it must be made, noting locations of air vents,
doorways and anything that might obstruct or deflect the air movement into the slot hood. The slot hood
should be tested with smoke to help verify the movement of air toward the slot hood and to visualize the
effects that any of the items listed above might have on the capture of the smoke by the slot hood. In
addition, tape is to be placed across the work surface indicating the point where the 50 fpm capture
velocity is determined to be.
3.3 Performance Testing
Performance testing of the slot hoods is divided into two parts. The first part is the measurement of the
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
slot velocities and a determination of the average slot velocity. The second part of the test is a visual
inspection of the smoke capturing ability of the slot hood.
3.3.1 Air Velocity Measurement
The measurement of air velocities is to be done using a calibrated thermoanemometer. Air velocity
readings should be measured at the face of the slot and taken every 6 inches along the entire length
of the slot and the average slot velocity calculated. The average slot velocity measured should be
compared with the required minimum slot velocity determined in the original evaluation. If the
measured average slot velocity is less than the minimum slot velocity for that slot hood, the hood
3.3.2 Smoke Test
Smoke is to be used to visually evaluate airflow direction and to identify any turbulence or cross
drafts in the movement of air violent enough to affect the capture of the majority of the generated
smoke. Smoke should be released for capture by the slot hood at the farthest distance from the slot
hood where contaminant release will likely occur.
3.3.3 Recording Results
After the testing of each slot hood is completed, a copy of the "Slot Hood Survey Report" is to be
completely filled out, including comments. A copy of the Report is included as Attachment 3. The
TAB will enter the results into a computer database for record keeping and performance tracking of
the slot hood.
3.4 Certification of Performance
Slot hoods that meet the performance testing criteria identified in 3.3, Performance Testing, are
considered to be acceptable for use with known low toxicity materials. A green sticker will be affixed to
the slot hood near, but not on, the work surface. The sticker will indicate that the slot hood is approved for
work, and will identify the distance from the hood where the 50 fpm capture velocity is determined to be,
the date the slot hood was tested, who tested it, and include a telephone number to call if there are any
Slot hoods failing the test criteria will have a red sticker affixed to them, which will read that the slot
hood is not suitable for work and include a telephone number to call if there are questions. Slot hoods
failing to meet the acceptable performance criteria will be identified to maintenance for repair. After
repair, the slot hood will be rechecked and, if it meets the performance testing criteria set for that slot
hood, passed.
3.5 Frequency of Performance Testing
Slot hoods at the NIH will be tested on a routine basis at least once a year. If adjustments or modifications
are made to the exhaust system that serves the slot hood, the slot hood is to be re-tested when the changes
are completed.
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
4.1 Introduction
The Office of Research Services, DOHS, established this protocol for the routine performance testing of
canopy hoods used for local exhaust ventilation. The testing of canopy hoods is divided into two parts,
preliminary evaluation and routine performance testing.
4.2 Preliminary Evaluation
A preliminary evaluation conducted according to this protocol will be performed on each canopy hood to
determine the average velocity at the face required to obtain an estimated capture velocity of at least 50
feet/minute (fpm) at the point of contaminant generation. Staff of the TAB will perform the preliminary
evaluation prior to any routine performance testing. The required average canopy face velocity to obtain
50 fpm at the point of contaminant generation (site of work) can be estimated based on the perimeter of
the work surface, the height of the canopy above the work, and the existing canopy face velocity.
The volumetric air flow (Q) in cubic feet/minute (cfm) of each canopy hood can be determined by the
Q = (V)(A)
V = average air velocity at the canopy face, fpm
A = area of canopy, square ft.
This does not give the capture velocity at the site of contamination generation. The capture velocity must
be estimated using the formula:
V' = Q/1.4(PD)
V' = capture velocity at work site, fpm
D = height above work area, ft.
P = perimeter of work area, ft.
If the estimated capture velocity at the point of contaminant release (work) is less then 50 fpm, the canopy
face velocity must be increased.
With the data gathered above, the velocity required to give 50 fpm capture velocity at the point of
contaminant generation can be calculated and the system adjusted accordingly. With the required velocity
known for each individual canopy hood, future checks of the canopy hood would only have to measure
the average face velocity of the canopy to determine that it meets the minimum velocity set in the original
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
evaluation. This assumes that there have been no changes in the system or the area since the original
A sketch of the canopy hood and the area surrounding it must be made, noting locations of air vents,
doorways and anything that might obstruct or deflect the air movement into the canopy hood. The canopy
hood should be tested with smoke to help verify the movement of air toward the canopy hood and to
visualize the effects that any of the items listed above might have on the capture of the smoke by the
canopy hood.
4.3 Performance Testing
Performance testing of the canopy hoods is divided into four parts: a) the measurement of air velocities
for calculation of the average capture velocity at the canopy; b) a visual inspection of the smoke capturing
ability of the canopy hood; c) verification of the physical operating parameters of the canopy; and d)
Recording of the results.
4.3.1 Air Velocity Measurement
The measurement of air velocities is to be done using a calibrated thermoanemometer. Air velocity
readings should be measured at the face of the canopy and taken in a grid pattern over the entire
open area of the canopy, and the average canopy capture velocity calculated. The same number of
testing points should be used as was used in the original evaluation. The average capture velocity
measured should be compared with the required minimum velocity determined in the original
evaluation. If the measured average velocity is less than the minimum velocity for that canopy
hood, the hood fails.
4.3.2 Smoke Test
Smoke is to be used to visually evaluate airflow direction and to identify any turbulence or cross
drafts in the movement of air violent enough to affect the capture of the majority of the generated
smoke. Smoke should be released for capture by the canopy hood at the work site where
contaminant release will likely occur.
4.3.3 Operating Parameter Check
Following completion of the smoke test of the canopy, the physical operating parameters of the
canopy will be checked to verify that the parameters have not been changed since the first survey.
The operating parameters to be checked are the dimensions of the canopy, perimeter of work area,
and the height of the canopy above the work area. Any alterations in these parameters are to be
noted and an re-evaluation of the canopy may be necessary.
4.3.4 Recording Results
After the testing of each canopy hood is completed, a copy of the "Canopy Hood Survey Report" is
to be completely filled out, including comments. A copy of the Report is included as Attachment 4.
The TAB will enter the results into a computer database for record keeping and performance
tracking of the canopy hood.
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
4.4 Certification of Performance
Canopy hoods that meet the performance testing criteria identified in Part 4.3, Performance Testing, are
considered to be acceptable for use with known low toxicity materials. A green sticker will be affixed to
the canopy hood. The sticker will indicate that the canopy hood is approved for work, and will identify
the date the hood was tested, who tested it, and include a telephone number to call if there are any
Canopy hoods failing the test criteria will have a red sticker affixed to them, which will read that the hood
is not suitable for work and include a telephone number to call if there are questions. Canopy hoods
failing to meet the acceptable performance criteria will be identified to building maintenance section for
repair. After repair, the hood will be rechecked and, if it meets the performance testing criteria set for that
canopy hood, passed
4.5 Frequency of Performance Testing
Canopy hoods at the NIH will be tested on a routine basis at least once a year. If adjustments or
modifications are made to the exhaust system that serves the canopy hood, the canopy hood is to be re-
tested when the changes are completed.
5.1 Introduction
The Office of Research Services, DOHS, established this protocol for the routine performance testing of
LEV (the acronym LEV would be referring to all types of local exhaust ventilation mentioned in this
protocol). LEVs currently included on the miscellaneous list are movable exhaust hoods, soldering and
welding benches, welding trunk hoods, enclosed canopies, large necropsy tables, and simple hoods. The
testing of LEV hoods is divided into two parts, preliminary evaluation and routine performance testing.
5.2 Preliminary Evaluation
A preliminary evaluation conducted according to this protocol will be performed on each LEV hood to
determine the average velocity required to obtain an adequate capture velocity at the point of contaminant
generation. Staff of the TAB will perform the preliminary evaluation prior to any routine performance
testing. The required average velocity to obtain the required fpm at the point of contaminant generation
(site of work) will be determined as per the specific LEV.
The volumetric air flow (Q) in cubic feet/minute (cfm) of each LEV can be determined by the formula:
Q = (V)(A)
V = average air velocity at the point of measurement, fpm
A = area of LEV monitored, square ft.
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
This may not give the capture velocity at the site of contamination generation. The capture velocity may
be estimated using a relevant formula. The respective formula will be adapted from the most recent
edition of the
American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Industrial
Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice.
If the estimated or measured capture velocity at the point of contaminant release (work) is less than 50
fpm, the LEV face velocity must be increased. With the data gathered above, the velocity required to give
50 fpm capture velocity at the point of contaminant generation can be calculated and the system adjusted
accordingly. With the required velocity known for each individual LEV, future checks of the LEV would
only have to measure the velocity of the LEV at the point(s) indicated to determine that it meets the
minimum velocity set in the original evaluation. This assumes that there have been no changes in the
system or the area since the original evaluation.
A sketch of the LEV and the area surrounding it must be made, noting locations of air vents, doorways
and anything that might obstruct or deflect the air movement into the LEV. The LEV should be tested
with smoke to help verify the movement of air toward the LEV and to visualize the effects that any of the
items listed above might have on smoke capture.
5.3 Performance Testing
Performance testing of the LEV is divided into four parts: a) the measurement of air velocities for
calculation of the average capture velocity at the LEV; b) a visual inspection of the smoke capturing
ability, c) verification of the physical operating parameters of the LEV; and d) recording of the results.
5.3.1 Air Velocity Measurement
The measurement of air velocities is to be done using a calibrated thermoanemometer. Air velocity
readings should be measured at the point(s) indicated for each type of LEV and taken in a grid
pattern over the entire open area of the LEV, and the average capture velocity calculated. The same
number of testing points as was used in the original evaluation should be used in this test. The
average capture velocity measured should be compared with the required minimum acceptable
velocity determined in the original evaluation. If the measured average velocity is less than the
minimum acceptable velocity for that LEV, it fails.
5.3.2 Smoke Test
Smoke is to be used to visually evaluate airflow direction and to identify any turbulence or cross
drafts in the movement of air violent enough to affect the capture of the majority of the generated
smoke. Smoke should be released for capture by the LEV at the work site where contaminant
release will likely occur.
5.3.3 Operating Parameter Check
Following completion of the smoke test of the LEV, the physical operating parameters will be
checked to verify they have not changed since the last survey. Any alterations in these parameters
are to be noted and a re-evaluation of the LEV may be necessary.
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols
5.3.4 Recording Results
After the testing of each LEV is completed, a copy of the Miscellaneous LEV Survey Report is to
be completely filled out, including comments. A copy of the Report is included as Attachment 5.
The TAB will enter the results into a computer database for record keeping and performance
tracking of the LEV.
5.4 Certification of Performance
LEVs that meet the performance testing criteria identified in 5.3, Performance Testing, are considered to
be acceptable for use with known low toxicity materials. A green sticker will be affixed to the LEV. The
sticker will indicate that the LEV is approved for work, and will identify the date the LEV was tested,
who tested it and include a telephone number to call if there are any questions.
LEVs failing the test criteria will have a red sticker affixed to them, which will read that the LEV is not
suitable for work and include a telephone number to call if there are questions. Those LEVs failing to
meet an acceptable performance criterion will be identified to building maintenance section for repair.
After repair, the LEV will be rechecked and, if it meets the performance testing criteria set for that LEV,
5.5 Frequency of Performance Testing
LEVs at the NIH will be routinely tested at least once a year. If adjustments or modifications are made to
the exhaust system that serves the LEV, the LEV must be re-tested when the changes are completed.
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols: Attachment 1
(Measure air velocity at 5 inches above table surface.)
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols: Attachment 2
(Measure air velocity at 5 inches above table surface.)
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Sink Dim. (in.) x Area (sq. ft.) Avg. fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume cfm Smoke Test 5" above table surface: Pass/Fail
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols: Attachment 3
I. Original Evaluation
Date of Original Evaluation:
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Dimensions of slot (ft) length x width
Aspect Ratio (W/L) Area (sq. ft.)
Distance to farthest point of contaminant generation (ft.) Avg. slot velocity fpm
Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume (Q) cfm Minimum Acceptable Velocity fpm
Calculated Capture Velocity Required: fpm Pass/Fail
Sketch of Slot Hood and Surrounding Area
II. Performance Testing
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Total average slot velocity fpm (Refer to Part I for minimal acceptable velocity)
Smoke Test (See taped location and/or indicated distance of contaminant generation)
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols: Attachment 4
I. Original Evaluation
Date of Original Evaluation:
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Dimensions of Canopy (ft.) length width
Perimeter of Work Area (ft.) Area of Canopy (ft.)
Height above work (ft.) Number of Grid Sampling Points
Average Velocity fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume (Q) cfm Minimum Calculated Capture Velocity Required fpm
Minimum Acceptable Face Velocity fpm
Smoke Test Comments
Sketch of Slot Hood and Surrounding Area
II. Performance Testing
Average Velocity fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
(Refer to Part 1 for minimal acceptable face velocity, dimension of canopy, perimeter of work area, and height above
work area).
Smoke Test Pass/Fail
NIH, ORS, Division of Occupational Health and Safety June 2011
Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Protocols: Attachment 5
I. Original Evaluation
Date of Original Evaluation:
Bldg/Rm ICD Telephone #
Dimensions of LEV (ft.) length width Area
Diameter of LEV opening (ft.) Area of Canopy (ft.)
Sampling Point Number of Sampling Points
Average Velocity fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
Total Volume (Q) cfm Minimum Acceptable Velocity
Minimum Capture Velocity Required fpm
Smoke Test: Adequate/Inadequate
Sketch of Miscellaneous LEV and Surrounding Area Including Location of Grid Sampling Points:
II. Performance Testing
Average Velocity fpm Hi fpm Low fpm
(Refer to Part I for minimal acceptable velocity)
Smoke Test Pass/Fail