Interim Testing Protocols for
Determining the Seismic
Performance Characteristics of
Structural and Nonstructural
FEMA 461 / June 2007
FEMA 461 / June 2007
Interim Testing Protocols for
Determining the Seismic
Performance Characteristics of
Structural and Nonstructural
Prepared by the
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
In Cooperation with the
Urbana, Illinois
Buffalo, New York
Berkeley, California
Prepared for
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Michael Mahoney, Project Officer
Washington, D.C.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Applied Technology Council (ATC), the Mid-
America Earthquake (MAE) Center, the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
(MCEER), or the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center. Additionally, neither ATC,
FEMA, MAE, MCEER, NSF, PEER, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, expressed or
implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of
any information, product, or process included in this publication. Users of information from this
publication assume all liability arising from such use.
This work was supported in part by the Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Program of the
National Science Foundation, under NSF Award Numbers EEC-9701785 (MAE Center), EEC-9701471,
(MCEER), and EEC-9701568 (PEER Center).
Cover Photo: Roof-top Air Handling Unit being tested on a shake table in the Structural Engineering and
Earthquake Simulation Laboratory at the University at Buffalo. Photo courtesy of the American Society for Heating
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers and MCEER.
FEMA 461 Foreword iii
One of the primary goals of the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is prevention or mitigation of this
country's losses from hazards that affect the built environment. To achieve
this goal, we as a nation must determine what level of performance is
expected from our buildings during a severe event, such as an earthquake. To
do this, several years ago FEMA contracted with the Applied Technology
Council (ATC) to develop next-generation performance-based seismic design
guidelines, which would allow stakeholders and their representatives to
assess the probable seismic performance of new and existing buildings, and
to be able to design or improve their structures to meet their performance
goals. These guidelines could be voluntarily used by engineers and designers
to: (1) assess and improve the performance of buildings that are currently
designed to a building code “life safety” level, which would, in all
likelihood, still suffer significant structural and nonstructural damage in a
severe event; and (2) more effectively meet the performance targets of
current building codes by providing verifiable alternatives to current
prescriptive code requirements. This program is based on a long-term plan
published as FEMA 445, which was developed with the input of the nation's
leading seismic professionals.
One of the key requirements in performance based seismic design is the
ability to test and evaluate the intended performance of the various structural
and nonstructural components that make up a building. To develop this
testing criteria, the project worked closely with the three Earthquake
Engineering Research Centers (EERC) funded by the National Science
Foundation. The three EERC’s are:
The Mid-America Earthquake Center (MAE)
The Multidisiplinary Center for Research in Earthquake Engineering
Research (MCEER)
The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)
The three EERC’s and others involved in the project have done an excellent job
developing these interim testing protocols for structural and nonstructural
components. These protocols will go a long way towards bringing consistency
to the future testing of these components, and will help the various industries by
providing a clear seismic performance target towards which they can now aim.
iv Foreword FEMA 461
It is FEMA’s hope that as performance based seismic design moves into the
mainstream, these protocols will ultimately become standardized and more
broadly used.
FEMA wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all who were involved in this
project and in the development of this publication. The result of their hard work
and dedication will play an important role in helping the nation move towards
performance-based seismic design and reducing losses suffered by our citizens
in future earthquakes.
—Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEMA 461 Preface v
In October 2001 the Applied Technology Council (ATC), with funding from
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of
Homeland Security, commenced work on a multi-year project to
development performance-based seismic design guidelines for eventual
incorporation in existing standards for the seismic design of new buildings
and the upgrade of existing buildings (ATC-58 project). The plan for
development of the guidelines is defined in the companion FEMA 445
report, Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines,
Program Plan for New and Existing Buildings, which was prepared under the
ATC-58 project and published by FEMA in 2006.
As part of the initial work on the ATC-58 project, interim recommended
protocols (documented herein) were developed for testing of structural and
nonstructural components and systems found in buildings, for the purpose of
establishing their seismic performance characteristics. The protocols were
developed through a cooperative effort of ATC and the three National
Science Foundation-funded Earthquake Engineering Research Centers
(EERCs): the Mid-America Earthquake (MAE) Center at the University of
Illinois, Urbana; the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering
Research (MCEER), University at Buffalo, The State University of New
York; and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center at
the University of California, Berkeley.
Two interim protocol types are provided in this document:
Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing, which should be used
for the determination of performance characteristics of components
whose behavior is primarily controlled by the application of seismic
forces or seismic-induced displacements (e.g., cladding panels, glazing
panels, drywall partitions, piping and ducting system connections, ducts,
and various types of anchors and braces); and
Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing, which should be used to
assess performance characteristics of components whose behavior is
affected by the dynamic response of the component itself, or whose
behavior is velocity sensitive, or sensitive to strain-rate effects (e.g.,
mechanical and electrical equipment).
vi Preface FEMA 461
The document also contains an introductory chapter that presents an
overview of performance-based seismic design (to provide context for the
recommended interim testing protocols) and discussions on a variety of
topics and issues germane to these protocols. A Commentary is provided for
each protocol (in the chapter immediately following the protocol), and an
appendix is included that describes the process used to develop nonstructural
component fragility functions based on laboratory testing.
Christopher Rojahn
ATC Executive Director
FEMA 461 Acknowledgements vii
Numerous individuals and institutions deserve credit for the development of
the interim protocols provided in this document. The need for the protocols
was first recognized by the FEMA Performance-Based Seismic Design
Project (ATC-58) Nonstructural Performance Products Team, consisting of
Robert Bachman (Team Leader), David Bonowitz, Philip Caldwell, Andre
Filiatrault, Robert Kennedy, Gary McGavin, Eduardo Miranda, and Keith
Porter. The protocol development effort was carried out by three protocol
teams: (1) the Shaking Table Testing Protocol Team, consisting of Andre
Filiatrault (Team Leader), Philip Caldwell, Peter Dusicka, Tara Hutchinson,
Ahmad Itani, Eduardo Miranda, Gokhan Pekcan, Andrei Reinhorn, Jose
Restrepo, and James Wilcoski; (2) The Racking Testing Protocol Team,
consisting of Helmut Krawinkler (Team Leader), David Bonowitz, Barry
Goodno, Steven Kuan, Joseph Maffei, Ali Memari, Jose Restrepo, and Chia-
Ming Uang; and (3) the Component Cyclic Testing Protocol Team,
consisting of Manos Maragakis (Team Leader), George Antaki, Scott
Campbell, and Robert Kennedy.
Additional guidance and input was provided by participants in the
FEMA/ATC-58 Workshop on Interim Protocols for Seismic Performance
Assessment Testing of Nonstructural Component , held on November 4-5,
2004 in the San Francisco Bay area. Participants included the individuals
cited above as well as members of the Project Team, FEMA representatives,
and invited participants: Dennis Alvarez, John Caffrey, James Carlson, Mary
Comerio, Craig Comartin (Risk Management Products Team Leader),
William Gates, Jeff Gatscher, Nathan Gould, Ronald Hamburger (Project
Technical Director), Robert Hanson (FEMA Technical Monitor), Brian
Kehoe, Charles Kircher (Risk Management Products Team Member),
Richard Lloyd, Mike Mahoney (FEMA Project Officer), Sami Masri, Kelly
Merz, Christopher Rojahn (Project Executive Director), Anshel Schiff, John
Silva, Donald Smith, Greg Soules, William Staehlin, and Chris Tokas.
Project and Workshop coordination was provided by Bernadette Hadnagy,
and editorial and publication services were provided by Gerald Brady and
Peter Mork. The affiliations of these individuals and those cited above are
provided in the list of Project Participants and the list of Workshop
Participants at the end of this document.
viii Acknowledgements FEMA 461
This work was also supported in part by the Earthquake Engineering
Research Centers Program of the National Science Foundation, under NSF
Award Numbers EEC-9701785 (MAE Center), EEC-9701471, (MCEER),
and EEC-9701568 (PEER Center).
Funding for the development of this report under the ATC-58 Performance-
Based Seismic Design Project was provided by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency through Contract EMW-2001-CO-0378. The
leadership, insight, and support provided by Michael Mahoney (FEMA
Project Officer) and the review comments by Robert Hanson (FEMA
Technical Monitor) are gratefully acknowledged.
FEMA 461 Contents ix
Foreword........................................................................................................ iii
Acknowledgements....................................................................................... vii
List of Figures.............................................................................................. xiii
List of Tables .............................................................................................. xvii
Executive Summary ..................................................................................... xix
1. Introduction and General Considerations ...........................................1
1.1 Purpose and Background .......................................................1
1.2 Performance Based Design ....................................................1
1.3 Fragility Functions.................................................................4
1.4 Relevant Damage States and Performance Levels.................8
1.5 Uncertainty Issues..................................................................9
1.6 Damage and Repair Costs....................................................10
1.7 Nonstructural Component Qualification..............................11
1.8 Protocol Types .....................................................................12
2. Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing..............................13
2.1 Scope ................................................................................13
2.2 Applicability ........................................................................14
2.3 Component Documentation .................................................15
2.3.1 Structural Components ...........................................15
2.3.2 Nonstructural Components .....................................15
2.4 Procurement, Fabrication and Inspection of Test
Specimens ............................................................................16
2.5 Extrapolation and Interpolation to Similar Components .....16
2.6 Test Facility Standards.........................................................17
2.6.1 Laboratory...............................................................17
2.6.2 Equipment...............................................................17
2.7 Test Plan and Procedures.....................................................18
2.8 Loading and Load Control...................................................20
2.8.1 Deformation-Controlled Testing.............................20
2.8.2 Force-Controlled Testing........................................21
2.8.3 Directions of Loading .............................................21
2.9 Loading Histories.................................................................21
2.9.1 Unidirectional Testing ............................................21
2.9.2 Bidirectional Testing...............................................24
2.9.3 Force-Controlled Loading.......................................24
x Contents FEMA 461
2.10 Reporting............................................................................. 26
C2. Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic
Testing.............................................................................................. 29
C2.6 Test Facility Standards
C2.6.2 Equipment .............................................................. 29
C2.7 Test Plan and Procedures .................................................... 29
C2.8 Loading and Load Control .................................................. 32
C2.9 Loading Histories ................................................................ 39
3. Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing ....................................... 53
3.1 General ................................................................................ 53
3.1.1 Scope...................................................................... 53
3.1.2 Definitions.............................................................. 53
3.2 Test Procedures ................................................................... 54
3.2.1 Types of Testing and Sequence.............................. 54
3.2.2 Pretest Inspection and Functional Verification ...... 54
3.2.3 Definition and Documentation of Functional
Performance and Anticipated Damage States ........ 55
3.2.4 System Identification Tests .................................... 55
3.2.5 Performance Evaluation Tests................................ 57
3.2.6 Failure Tests........................................................... 57
3.3 Intensities of Test Shaking .................................................. 58
3.4 Directions of Shaking.......................................................... 58
3.5 Data Acquisition System..................................................... 59
3.6 Test Plan.............................................................................. 59
3.7 Input Motions...................................................................... 59
3.8 Time Stamping and Damage State Documentation............. 61
3.9 Notch Filtering of Input Motions ........................................ 62
3.10 Testing Equipment .............................................................. 63
3.10.1 Shake Tables .......................................................... 63
3.10.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring ............................ 64
3.10.3 Data Acquisition..................................................... 66
3.10.4 Safety Procedures................................................... 66
3.11 Test Report .......................................................................... 67
3.11.1 Test Specimen Description..................................... 67
3.11.2 List of Specimens Tested ....................................... 67
3.11.3 Preliminary System Identification Tests and
Report Requirements.............................................. 68
3.11.4 Measured Fidelity Data .......................................... 68
3.11.5 Performance and Failure Test Evaluations............. 68
3.11.6 Photographs and Video Recordings ....................... 69
C3. Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing ............ 71
C3.1 General
C3.1.1 Scope...................................................................... 71
C3.2 Test Procedures
C3.2.2 Pretest Inspection and Functional Verification ...... 71
C3.2.3 Definition and Documentation of Functional
Performance and Anticipated Damage States ........ 71
C3.7 Input Motions ...................................................................... 72
FEMA 461 Contents xi
C3.9 Notch Filtering of Input Motions.........................................89
C3.10 Testing Equipment...............................................................91
C3.10.1 Shake Tables........................................................92
C3.10.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring..........................94
Appendix A: Determination of Fragility Functions Based on
Laboratory Data ...................................................................95
A.1 Purpose ................................................................................95
A.2 Background..........................................................................95
A.3 General Procedure................................................................97
Project Participants ......................................................................................105
Workshop Participants: Workshop on Interim Protocols for Seismic
Performance Assessment Testing of Nonstructural Components..........111
FEMA 461 List of Figures xiii
List of Figures
Figure 1 Hypothetical cumulative probability fragility curves ..........xx
Figure 1-1 Hypothetical probability density function fragility
Figure 1-2 Hypothetical cumulative probability fragility curves ............7
Figure 2-1 Sketch of deformation-controlled loading history ...............22
Figure 2-2 Loading history for a
= 0.048
Figure 2-3 Horizontal plane displacement orbit for drift-controlled
bidirectional tests .................................................................24
Figure 2-4 Illustration of conceptual approach for development of
force-controlled loading history...........................................25
Figure 2-5 Illustrative force loading history for case illustrated in
Figure 2-4.............................................................................25
Figure C2-1 Different sources of story drift: (a) shear drift, and
(b) rotation drift ...................................................................30
Figure C2-2 Example of instrumentation and data acquisition
system ..................................................................................34
Figure C2-3 Example racking test facility at Penn State University
with setup for testing curtain walls ......................................35
Figure C2-4 Example test setup for testing horizontally attached
cladding panels on the Penn State facility ...........................35
Figure C2-5 Example test setup for testing vertically attached
cladding panels on the Penn State Facility ..........................36
Figure C2-6 Example racking test facility at the University of
Idaho ....................................................................................36
Figure C2-7 Example test setup for testing cladding panels on the
University of Idaho facility..................................................37
Figure C2-8 ASTM Standards generic test facility and setups for
racking testing of shear-resisting wall panels ......................38
Figure C2-9 Ordered relative excursions, pre-peak plus post-peak,
T = 0.2 sec., SDOF systems .................................................42
xiv List of Figures FEMA 461
Figure C2-10 Ordered relative excursions, pre-peak plus post-peak,
T = 0.3 sec., SDOF and MDOF systems ............................. 43
Figure C2-11 Ordered relative excursions, pre-peak plus post-peak,
T = 0.5 and 0.9 sec. ............................................................. 44
Figure C2-12 Normalized response displacement histories of an
SDOF system, T = 0.3 sec................................................... 44
Figure C2-13 Ordered relative excursions, separate for pre-peak
and post-peak excursions, elastic SDOF system. ................ 47
Figure C2-14 Monotonic force-deformation test on the component ......... 49
Figure C2-15 Cyclic test on the component in deformation control:
(a) applied deformation history; and (b) measured
force history ........................................................................ 50
Figure C2-16 (a) Cumulative low-cycle fatigue damage at the end
of each test stage, and (b) force level at the end of
each test stage...................................................................... 51
Figure 3-1 Recommended longitudinal input motion ........................... 60
Figure 3-2 Recommended transverse input motion .............................. 60
Figure 3-3 Recommended vertical input motion .................................. 61
Figure 3-4 5% damped, acceleration response spectra for
recommended longitudinal, transverse and vertical
input motions....................................................................... 61
Figure C3-1 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran16 record........ 73
Figure C3-2 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran18 record........ 74
Figure C3-3 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran22 record........ 74
Figure C3-4 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran31 record........ 75
Figure C3-5 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran34 record........ 75
Figure C3-6 Response spectra for selected longitudinal records
(5% of critical damping). .................................................... 76
Figure C3-7 Spliced longitudinal record ................................................. 77
Figure C3-8 Scale used for the longitudinal record, plotted in the
frequency domain................................................................ 77
Figure C3-9 Scale used for the longitudinal record, plotted in the
time domain......................................................................... 78
FEMA 461 Contents xv
Figure C3-10 Scaled narrow-band random longitudinal record,
Figure C3-11 Response spectra for scaled narrow-band random
Figure C3-12 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran7 record ..........81
Figure C3-13 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran30 record ........81
Figure C3-14 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran55 record ........82
Figure C3-15 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran84 record ........82
Figure C3-16 Response spectra of selected transverse records
(5% of critical damping). .....................................................83
Figure C3-17 Spliced transverse record (Spliced_2). ................................83
Figure C3-18 Scale used for the transverse record, plotted in the
frequency domain ................................................................84
Figure C3-19 Scale used for the transverse record, plotted in the
time domain .........................................................................84
Figure C3-20 Scaled narrow-band random transverse record....................85
Figure C3-21 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran9 record ..........85
Figure C3-22 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran20 record ........86
Figure C3-23 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran21 record ........86
Figure C3-24 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran68 record ........87
Figure C3-25 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran90 record ........87
Figure C3-26 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran98 record ........88
Figure C3-27 Response spectra of selected vertical records
(5% of critical damping). .....................................................88
Figure C3-28 Spliced vertical record (Spliced_2)......................................89
Figure C3-29 Scale used for the vertical record, plotted in the
frequency domain ................................................................90
Figure C3-30 Scale used for the vertical record, plotted in the
time domain .........................................................................90
Figure C3-31 Scaled narrow-band random vertical record ........................91
xvi List of Figures FEMA 461
Figure A-1 Hypothetical nonstructural component fragility
function ............................................................................... 96
FEMA 461 List of Tables xvii
List of Tables
Table 2-1 Relative Loading History Deformation Amplitudes............23
Table 3-1 Time versus Center Frequency for Central Portion
of Input Motions ..................................................................63
Table C3-1 Narrow-Band Random Signal Generation Matlab
Routine Parameters ..............................................................73
Table C3-2 Narrow-Band Random Records Used for Splicing
Transverse and Vertical Records .........................................79
FEMA 461 Executive Summary xix
Executive Summary
The testing protocols provided in this document have been prepared to
support the development of seismic performance assessment procedures,
which when implemented will enable a better understanding of the probable
performance of a building and its constituent components. The protocols are
intended to serve as an interim basis for testing of building components and
systems to establish their performance capability as measured by their
fragility functions.
Fragility functions are mathematical relationships used to assess the
performance of the individual components, of systems incorporating these
components, and entire buildings containing these components, when
subjected to loading caused by earthquake ground shaking. A fragility
function indicates the probability that a component or system will experience
damage at or in excess of a specific level, given that the component or
system experiences a specific level of demand. Fragilities are expressed as
probability distributions, rather than deterministic relationships in order to
account for the uncertainties inherent in the process of predicting damage as
a function of demand. These uncertainties include such factors as the
random nature of ground shaking and the resulting response of structures,
and the inability of simple engineering demand parameters, such as
displacement and acceleration, to distinguish between this response variation
and the damage it causes.
The testing protocols are interim pending further implementation and
evaluation by researchers nationwide. They are not intended for seismic
performance qualification testing of components to satisfy the requirements
for such qualification testing under relevant building codes. However, these
loading protocols could be used for that purpose if so determined by the
Authority Having Jurisdiction as defined by the local building code.
Two interim protocol types are described in this document:
Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing; and
Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing.
The introductory section of the document (Chapter 1) provides an overview
of performance-based seismic design (to provide context for the
recommended interim testing protocols) and discussions on a variety of
topics and issues germane to these protocols: fragility functions, relevant
damage states and performance levels, uncertainty issues, damage and repair
xx Executive Summary FEMA 461
costs, and nonstructural component qualification. The document also
contains commentaries for each protocol, as well as an appendix describing
the process used to develop nonstructural component fragility functions
based on laboratory testing.
Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing
Protocol I should be used for the determination of performance
characteristics of components, the behavior of which is primarily controlled
by the application of seismic forces or seismic-induced displacements. In the
protocols, these seismic effects are replicated by slow cyclic application of
loads (or deformations) whose history (in terms of the applied load or in
terms of the deformation caused by an applied load) follows a predetermined
pattern. This protocol should not be applied to a component whose behavior
is significantly affected by its dynamic response, or whose behavior is
velocity sensitive. This includes components whose behavior is sensitive to
strain-rate effects. This protocol may be used to determine fragility data for
many structural and nonstructural components and in addition may be used to
derive constituent force-deformation properties and hysteretic data for
structural components needed for structural analysis and assessments.
Examples of structural components that may be tested in accordance with
this protocol include shear walls, beam-column assemblies and frame
assemblies. Examples of nonstructural components for which this protocol is
suitable include cladding panels, glazing panels, and drywall partitions. This
protocol may also be used to derive force-deformation properties (of a
nonstructural component) that can be used in the structural analysis of a
nonstructural system of which the nonstructural component forms a part.
Examples of nonstructural system components for which this protocol is
suitable include piping and ducting system connections, ducts, and various
types of anchors and braces.
The interim recommended testing procedures for Protocol I are described in
Chapter 2. The scope of a testing program using this protocol for the
development of fragility data is as follows:
(a) Identification of relevant damage states;
(b) Identification of a demand parameter, or set of demand parameters, that
correlates well with the damage states identified in (a); and
(c) Testing of the component in accordance with a well-defined test plan and
a loading protocol that permits the establishment of relationships
between the damage states and the associated demands.
Ideally the testing procedure involves a sufficiently large number of
components to permit the quantification of variability, or, with appropriate
FEMA 461 Executive Summary xxi
assumptions, identification of the type of probability distribution, the
quantification of a central value, and a measure of dispersion.
The protocol provides detailed guidance and information on: (1) procure-
ment, fabrication and inspection of testing specimens; (2) extrapolation and
interpolation to similar components; (3) laboratory standards, including
accreditation criterion, actuators, instruments, data acquisition systems, and
safety procedures; (4) test plan and procedures; (5) loading and load control,
including deformation-controlled testing, force-controlled testing, and
directions of loading; (6) loading histories, including unidirectional testing,
bidirectional testing, and force-controlled loading; and (7) reporting.
Commentary for selected portions of the protocol is provided in Chapter C2.
Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing
Protocol II should be used to assess performance characteristics of components
whose behavior is affected by the dynamic response of the component itself, or
whose behavior is velocity sensitive, or sensitive to strain-rate effects. This
protocol should not be used, if in addition to fragility data, hysteretic data on
force-deformation properties of a component are needed for use in structural
analysis. Examples of nonstructural components for which this protocol is
suitable include mechanical and electrical equipment.
The interim recommended testing procedures for Protocol II are described in
Chapter 3. The shake table testing protocol is appropriate for use in
establishing the fragility of components that are sensitive to the dynamic
effects of motion imparted to the component at a single point of attachment,
typically at its base.
The protocol provides detailed guidance and information on: (1) test
procedures, including types of testing and sequence, pretest inspection and
functional verification, definition and documentation of functional
performance and anticipated damage states, system identification tests,
performance valuation tests, and failure tests; (2) directions of shaking;
(3) the data acquisition system; (4) test plan; (5) input motions; (6) time
sampling and damage state documentation; (7) notch filtering of input
motions; (8) test equipment, including shake tables, instrumentation and
monitoring, data acquisition, and safety procedures; and (9) the test report,
including test specimen description, list of specimens tested, preliminary
system identification tests and report requirements, measured fidelity data,
performance and failure test evaluations, and photographs and video
recordings. Commentary for selected portions of the protocol, including
background on the generation of the recommended acceleration records, is
provided in Chapter C3.
FEMA 461 1: Introduction and General Considerations 1
Chapter 1
Introduction and General
1.1 Purpose and Background
The testing protocols provided in this document are intended to serve as an
interim basis for testing of building components and systems to establish
their performance capability as measured by their fragility functions. The
fragility functions are used to assess the performance of the individual
components, of systems incorporating these components, and entire buildings
containing these components, when subjected to loading caused by
earthquake ground shaking. This performance assessment process can be
implemented independently, to understand the probable performance of a
building and its constituent components, or as part of a broader performance-
based seismic design process. The testing protocols are not intended for
seismic performance qualification testing of components to satisfy the
requirements for such qualification testing under relevant building codes.
However, these loading protocols could be used for that purpose if so
determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction as defined by the local
building code.
In the following sections of this introduction, we provide an overview of
performance-based seismic design (to provide context for the recommended
interim testing protocols) and discuss a variety of topics and issues germane
to these protocols: fragility functions, relevant damage states and
performance levels, uncertainty issues, damage and repair costs, and
nonstructural component qualification. Chapter 1 concludes with an
introductory discussion on the applicability of the two interim protocol types
provided in this document: Interim Protocol I, Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing,
and Interim Protocol II, Shake Table Testing. Chapters 2 and 3, respectively,
describe the details of Interim Protocols I and II. Immediately following each
of these chapters is a commentary (Chapters C2 and C3) providing
supplemental background and illustrative information for selected sections of
the protocol.
2 1: Introduction and General Considerations FEMA 461
1.2 Performance Based Design
Performance-based seismic design is a process that permits design of
buildings with a realistic and reliable understanding of the risk of life,
occupancy and economic loss that may occur as a result of future
earthquakes. Basic steps in the performance-based seismic design process
include: establishment of appropriate performance objectives that define
expected building performance in future earthquakes; development of a
preliminary design, believed capable of providing the desired performance;
assessing whether the design is actually capable of providing this
performance, through evaluation of the probability of experiencing losses of
different types; and finally, adjusting the design until the performance
assessment process indicates a risk of loss that is deemed acceptable.
This process may be used to achieve the following.
Design individual facilities that are more loss-resistant than typical
buildings designed using prescriptive building code criteria.
Design individual facilities with a higher confidence that they will
actually be able to perform as intended.
Design individual facilities that are capable of meeting the performance
intent of the building codes, but at lower construction cost than would be
possible using the prescriptive criteria.
Design individual facilities that are capable of meeting the performance
intent of the prescriptive criteria, but which do not comply with all of the
limitations of the prescriptive criteria with regard to configuration,
materials and systems.
Investigate the performance of typical structures designed using the
prescriptive provisions of the building codes and develop judgments as
to the adequacy of this performance.
Formulate improvements to the prescriptive provisions contained in the
building codes so that more consistent and reliable performance is
attained by buildings designed using these prescriptive provisions.
A first generation of performance-based seismic design procedures was
developed in the mid-1990s. The primary focus of the first-generation
procedures was evaluation and upgrade of existing buildings. These first-
generation procedures are embodied in such documents as the FEMA-356
Report, Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings (ASCE, 2000) and the ATC-40 Report, Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofit of Concrete Buildings (ATC, 1996). Since the development of these
FEMA 461 1: Introduction and General Considerations 3
first-generation procedures, there has been widespread interest in improving
performance-based engineering procedures and extending their application to
the design of new buildings. To this end, recommended programs for
carrying out the development of performance-based seismic design
guidelines for new and existing buildings have been prepared for FEMA.
The first, FEMA 283, was prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research
Center, University of California (EERC, 1996) and was subsequently used by
the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center to guide much
of their work in this area. The second, FEMA 349, was prepared by the
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI, 2000), which has guided
the subsequent work funded by FEMA. Those efforts provided the stimulus
and basis for the FEMA-funded project to develop next-generation
performance-based seismic design guidelines for new and existing buildings
(internally referred to as the ATC-58 project), under which these interim
protocols were developed.
Under next-generation performance-based engineering procedures,
performance is expressed as the probable consequences of earthquake
damage including potential fatalities and serious injuries (combined as
casualties), economic costs relating both to repair or replacement of damaged
buildings, and to the duration of the interruption of occupancy or use. These
potential losses can be expressed in a variety of formats including:
intensity-based performance – the probable losses given that a specific
intensity of ground shaking is experienced by the building,
scenario-based performance – the probable losses given that a specific
earthquake event occurs, or
time-based performance – the probable losses over a period of time
considering all earthquake events that may occur and the probability of
Each of these types of losses can be expressed as a confidence level,
indicating the likelihood that the loss assessment will either under-predict or
over-predict the actual losses incurred.
The basis for these next-generation performance-based design procedures is a
framework for performance-based engineering developed by PEER. In its
simplest form, used to calculate losses conditioned upon a single intensity of
ground shaking, the framework appears mathematically as:
Expected Loss ( ) ( )=>==
systems DS
Loss DS P D DS DP z P DP z d z
4 1: Introduction and General Considerations FEMA 461
) is a mathematical function, termed a loss function, which
expresses the conditional probability, P, of loss exceeding
a given amount, given that a component or system is
damaged to a particular damage state, DS
|DP=z) is a mathematical function, termed a fragility function,
which expresses the conditional probability, P, of
experiencing a given damage state, DS
, as a function of
demand characterized by the demand parameter, DP,
P(DP=z)dz is a mathematical function, that expresses the probability,
P, of a given level of demand, DP, given the particular
intensity of ground shaking,
is a unique damage state for the component or system,
D is the amount of damage sustained by a component or
DP is a demand parameter, such as acceleration, force or
displacement that characterizes the loading on a given
component or system.
The protocols presented in this document are intended for use in the
development of fragility functions (P(D>DS
|DP=z) through testing.
Guidelines and recommended procedures for the performance-based design
process are being developed under the Performance-Based Seismic Design
Project and will be presented separately.
1.3 Fragility Functions
A fragility function is a mathematical relationship that indicates the
probability that a component or system will experience damage at or in
excess of a specific level, given that the component or system experiences a
specific level of demand, expressed herein as DP. Mathematically, this may
be represented in the form:
=≥ =
D is the damage sustained by the component,
FEMA 461 1: Introduction and General Considerations 5
DS is a specific damage state, such as initiation of cracking of a partition, a
piece of electrical equipment developing a short, or a mechanical seal
losing integrity on a pressure-containing component,
DP is a parameter used to quantify the demand on the component or system.
Typical demand parameters include enforced displacement
; interstory
drift ratio,
; acceleration, a, at point of attachment;, and response
acceleration, S
, of the component.
Fragilities are expressed as probability distributions, rather than deterministic
relationships in order to account for the uncertainties inherent in the process
of predicting damage as a function of demand. These uncertainties include
such factors as the random nature of ground motion records and the response
they will produce in structures, and the inability of simple engineering
demand parameters such as displacement and acceleration to distinguish
between this response variation and the damage it causes.
As an example, two different ground motions may each produce peak
interstory drift demands of four inches in a building. However, one of these
ground motions may cycle the building to this drift level only once and then
restore it to small oscillations about its original position, while the second
ground motion may cycle the building to this drift level several times and
leave the structure displaced nearly to this level. Clearly, the latter motion
will be more damaging for the structural and nonstructural components than
the first motion, though the value of the engineering demand parameter
(interstory drift of four inches) is the same. Such effects are not predictable.
Additional uncertainty is introduced through such factors as a lack of precise
definition of material strength, construction quality, and damping. It is
theoretically possible to reduce these latter uncertainties through further
study, including component-specific testing, but it is typically not practical to
do so. Many uncertainties can be reduced through increased quality
assurance measures.
Figure 1-1 shows a hypothetical set of fragility functions for a unitized
building cladding system consisting of glazing panels set in a panelized
framework of aluminum mullions and cross members. Damage to this
system is principally caused by in-plane shear distortion, as represented by
the interstory drift ratio parameter,
. Feasible damage states of interest
include loosening of joints in the aluminum framing such that leakage of air
and moisture can occur, cracking of the glazing, fallout of the glazing from
the framing panel, and permanent distortion of the aluminum framing. Each
of these damage states has somewhat different consequences, which may be
of interest to the performance assessment process. Loosening of the framing
6 1: Introduction and General Considerations FEMA 461
joints may require repairs that include application of sealant to the joints,
with associated repair cost. Cracking of the glazing will require replacement
of the glazing, resulting both in repair cost and potential short-term
occupancy interruption while the work is performed. In the performance-
based design process, the fragility functions are used to estimate the
probability that any of these damage states will be experienced, given that
interstory drift of a given amount is predicted to occur.
Figure 1-1 Hypothetical probability density function fragility curves
The fragility curves illustrated in Figure 1-1 are plotted in the form of
probability density functions. In such plots, at any value of the index
parameter, in this case interstory drift ratio, the area under a specific curve to
the left of that value indicates the probability that the given damage state will
have occurred. Thus, at an interstory drift ratio of 0.01, Figure 1-1 suggests
that it is highly likely that the frame joints will have loosened, there is
moderate probability that glazing will have cracked, small probability that
glazing will have fallen out and negligible probability of permanent
distortion of the framing. While such qualitative data can conveniently be
obtained from such plots, the need to calculate these areas makes it difficult
to obtain quantitative data on these probabilities from such curves. A more
convenient way to plot this same data that permits quantitative evaluation of
the probabilities of experiencing the various types of damage is in the form
of cumulative probability distributions. Figure 1-2 is a plot of this same data
in the form of cumulative probability distributions.
When plotted in the form of cumulative probability functions, the vertical
axis of a fragility plot indicates the probability that the component or system
will have experienced damage that is equal to or more severe than a given
damage state. For example, in Figure 1-2, it can be seen that at an interstory
drift ratio of 0.01, there is a 50% chance that wall damage will include
FEMA 461 1: Introduction and General Considerations 7
glazing cracks or more severe damage. When fragilities are plotted in this
form, the probability that an assembly will be in a specific damage state is
obtained by reading the difference in cumulative probability for the two
appropriate curves. For the example illustrated in Figure 1-2, at an interstory
Figure 1-2 Hypothetical cumulative probability fragility curves
drift of 0.01, there is a virtual certainty (97%) that the aluminum framing will
be loosened, or a more severe damage state will occur; a 50% chance that
glazing will crack, or a more severe state occur; a 12% chance that glazing
will actually fall out or a more severe state occur and a 2% chance that
framing will permanently distort. The probability that glazing will crack but
not fall out is obtained as the difference, at the given demand level, of the
two cumulative probabilities. Thus, at an interstory drift ratio of 0.01, this
fragility curve indicates that there is 38% chance (50% – 12%) that glazing
will crack but not fall out of the wall system.
Fragility functions are commonly represented as lognormal distributions,
characterized by a median value of the demand at which the damage state
will occur, and the standard deviation of the natural logarithm of the values
of this demand. For fragility functions, the median value is that value of the
demand parameter at which there is a 50% probability of experiencing the
particular damage. The standard deviation of the natural logarithm of the
demand values is typically represented by the parameter,
. Lognormal
distributions have the property that the mean (average value) of the
distribution is related to the median value by the relation:
is the mean (average) value of demand at which the damage will occur,
8 1: Introduction and General Considerations FEMA 461
m is the median (50%) value of demand at which the damage will occur, and
is the standard deviation of the log of the demand values at which the
damage occurs.
For small values,
is approximately equal to the coefficient of variation of
the distribution of values.
Fragility functions are commonly represented by lognormal distributions for
several reasons. First, the natural distribution of failure probabilities tend to
be somewhat skewed. For example, there is zero probability that earthquake-
induced failure of a component will occur at a zero value of demand.
Lognormal distributions conform to this natural property. Also, lognormal
distributions are mathematically convenient forms to integrate in the
framework equation (Equation 1-1) through closed-form solution.
1.4 Relevant Damage States and Performance Levels
The basic purpose of the fragility functions developed in accordance with
this protocol is to permit the estimation of three types of losses:
life loss and serious injuries (casualties),
direct economic loss resulting from repair or replacement of damaged
components, and
occupancy or service loss, resulting from inoperable components or
systems (downtime).
For the purposes of this protocol, a relevant damage state is defined as any
group of component conditions that:
result in similar consequence with regard to potential casualties, direct
economic loss, or downtime, and
are predictable on the basis of a common demand parameter.
As an example, consider a hypothetical piece of electro-mechanical
equipment that may incur a variety of types of earthquake damage that render
it inoperable, and therefore unable to provide service. These could include,
for example, arcing and burnout of an electrical component, development of
imbalance in a mechanical component, and loosening of a seal of a pressure-
containing component. Even though these types of damage are technically
different they may result in similar consequences. For example, they all may
pose no significant risk to life safety, will all cause loss of use of the
equipment, and will all require replacement of the equipment with a new
unit. Thus, in this example, the casualties, direct economic loss and
downtime consequences of each of these types of damage are identical. If all
FEMA 461 1: Introduction and General Considerations 9
of these types of damage can be predicted by the same engineering demand
parameter, say floor acceleration, then they can all be treated as a single
damage state, perhaps termed equipment malfunction.
Often, however, different types of damage to a component will result in
different consequences. For example, if the seal in the piece of equipment
could be easily replaced requiring a simple service call, while the electrical
short and mechanical imbalance requires unit replacement, then two separate
damage states would be defined – repair by service call, and unit
replacement. Finally, if the electrical short was most closely related to
imposed velocity of the unit while the mechanical imbalance was related to
unit acceleration, then three unique damage states would be defined: repair
by service call, replacement related to excessive velocity, and replacement
related to excessive acceleration.
An important step in the characterization of performance of components is
the selection of appropriate damage states for which fragilities will be
developed. Typically this will require the cooperative effort of persons
knowledgeable in the method of operation of the component, the
consequences of its failure in terms of life loss, and repair procedures.
1.5 Uncertainty Issues
Uncertainty introduces dispersion, or scatter, into the predictability of a
behavior. In the fragility curves illustrated in Figure 1-1, the damage state
associated with loosening of the aluminum framing is illustrated to have
relatively low uncertainty, characterized by a tight band of demand values at
which the damage is likely to occur, while fallout of the glazing and
permanent distortion of the framing is indicated to have high uncertainty,
evidenced by the broad range of demands at which the damage may occur.
Uncertainty of dispersion is accounted for by the parameter
in the fragility
function. If
has a small value, say on the order of 0.2, this indicates that
the behavior of the component is relatively predictable and that the damage
state will initiate within a relatively small range of demands. On the other
hand, as
becomes larger, this indicates that the onset of the damage state is
relatively unpredictable and that the damage could initiate over a broad range
of potential demand values. Typically values of
should not exceed a value
of about 0.5. In those cases where
does exceed this value this may be an
indication that the demand parameter being used to predict onset of the
damage mode is not an appropriate one.
Uncertainty, represented by the parameter
, occurs from a variety of
sources. There is natural variation resulting from randomness in material
10 1: Introduction and General Considerations FEMA 461
strengths, randomness in ground-motion characteristics, and randomness in
the adequacy with which a unit is constructed and installed. There is also
uncertainty related to the way in which the behavior of the unit is predicted
by modeling. For example, the behavior of a particular component may be
related to both the acceleration and the displacement to which the component
is subjected. However, we may decide that it is too difficult to use both
parameters simultaneously to predict behavior, and that one of these
parameters, say displacement, tends to be a more dominant predictor of the
behavior. To the extent that the behavior is actually a function of both
displacement and acceleration, we will either over-predict or under- predict
the behavior based on displacement alone.
Some sources of uncertainty can be reduced by further study or more
rigorous investigation. For example, by conducting rigorous quality
assurance measures, uncertainty related to manufacturing and installation
variability can be reduced. Similarly, by using a more accurate model to
predict behavior, for example, using both acceleration and displacement in
the above illustration, modeling uncertainty can be reduced. Other
uncertainties cannot be reduced, either because it would be impractical to do
the work necessary to gain the necessary knowledge or because we do not
have sufficient understanding of the behavior.
In the development of fragility functions, uncertainty in the form of a
can be derived by two basic means. The first is by testing a sufficient
number of specimens using varying loading protocols to permit
characterization of both the natural and modeling uncertainties. The second
is to apply expert judgment. It is seldom possible to perform sufficient
testing to allow characterization of the uncertainty by testing alone.
Therefore, values of
must typically be set on the basis of expert judgment
or a combination of test data and judgment.
It is recommended, that as a minimum, three specimens be used to provide
data on the fragility of each nonstructural component. With three specimens,
it is possible to determine a median value for fragility,
m , as well as a
coefficient of variation, which together with expert judgment can be used to
develop an appropriate value of
. Development of fragility functions from
laboratory test data is discussed in Appendix A.
1.6 Damage and Repair Costs
Component fragility functions are developed to permit the losses associated
with damage to components and to systems comprised of these components
to be estimated as part of the performance-based design process. The
FEMA 461 1: Introduction and General Considerations 11
consequences of a component damage state, in terms of, for example, loss of
service, potential casualties, and cost of repair, are determined through
application of loss functions. Loss functions indicate the conditional
probability of experiencing a given level of loss, given that a component
damage state has occurred. Loss functions typically have large associated
uncertainty because they are inherently dependent on human behavior, which
is often unpredictable. For example, the time required to repair a window in
a building depends in large measure on how rapidly the building owner
actually hires someone to make the repair. In general, a separate series of
loss functions, indicating the probable casualty impacts, repair or
replacement cost impacts, and service interruption impacts must be prepared
for each damage state. The development of loss functions is beyond the
scope of this protocol document.
1.7 Nonstructural Component Qualification
Some building codes and design specifications require that equipment and
other types of nonstructural components be certified by the supplier as
qualified to resist certain levels of ground shaking, or other seismic-induced
loading, without failure. Several guidelines have been developed by
evaluation services to guide manufacturers and suppliers on approaches to
equipment qualification.
The procedures contained in this protocol document are intended to allow
determination of the median loading at which damage of different types will
occur in nonstructural components and the dispersion associated with this
loading. This is not directly compatible with the intent of equipment
qualification, which is to demonstrate that there is a very low probability that
failure will occur at a specific level of loading. It should be noted that once a
fragility curve, characterized by a median value and dispersion, has been
developed for a nonstructural component and damage state, it should be
possible to pick that level of loading (at which there is a sufficiently low
probability of failure) on the fragility function as the loading level for which
the component is qualified. This is commonly done in the nuclear industry
for example, where equipment is considered as qualified for adequate
performance if the fragility for the equipment indicates a 95% confidence
level of less than a 5% chance of failure at the given loading.
The protocols presented herein could be used for equipment performance
qualification, although such use is beyond the intended scope of this
12 1: Introduction and General Considerations FEMA 461
1.8 Protocol Types
Two separate protocols for laboratory testing of structural and nonstructural
components are presented. These are:
Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing of Structural and Nonstructural
Components and Systems, and
Protocol II – Shake Table Testing of Structural and Nonstructural
Components and Systems.
Protocol I should be used for the determination of performance
characteristics of components, the behavior of which is primarily controlled
by the application of seismic forces or seismic-induced displacements. This
protocol may be used to determine fragility data for many structural and
nonstructural components and in addition may be used to derive constituent
force-deformation properties and hysteretic data for structural components
needed for structural analysis and assessments. Examples of structural
components that may be tested in accordance with this protocol include shear
walls, beam-column assemblies and frame assemblies. Examples of
nonstructural components for which this protocol is suitable include cladding
panels, glazing panels, and drywall partitions. This protocol may also be used
to derive force-deformation properties (of a nonstructural component) that
can be used in the structural analysis of a nonstructural system of which the
nonstructural component forms a part. Examples of nonstructural system
components for which this protocol is suitable include piping and ducting
system connections, ducts, and various types of anchors and braces.
Protocol II should be used to assess the performance characteristics of
components whose behavior is affected by the dynamic response of the
component itself, or whose behavior is velocity sensitive, or sensitive to strain-
rate effects. This protocol should not be used, if in addition to fragility data,
hysteretic data on force-deformation properties of a component are needed for
use in structural analysis. Examples of nonstructural components for which this
protocol is suitable include mechanical and electrical equipment.
The protocols are interim pending further implementation and evaluation by
researchers nationwide. Other protocols are also available for testing of
structural components, including the ATC-24 Guidelines for Cyclic Seismic
Testing of Components of Steel Structures (ATC, 1992) and the Consortium
of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE) Testing
Protocol for Wood Frame Structures (Krawinkler et al., 2001).
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 13
Chapter 2
Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static
Cyclic Testing
2.1 Scope
This Chapter presents interim recommended testing procedures, loading
histories, and documentation protocols for performance assessment of the
characteristics of building components and subsystems using quasi-static
cyclic testing. The performance characteristics are presented in the form of
fragility functions that relate the probability that a component will be
damaged to a defined damage state or more severe state, given that demand
of specified value is experienced. Demands may be expressed in terms of
any quantifiable parameter that may be predicted by structural analysis
including imposed drift, acceleration, velocity, and accumulated energy. The
scope of a testing program for the development of fragility data is as follows:
(a) Identification of relevant damage states. The term “relevant” implies
that the damage states are well defined, clearly discernible, and
associated with actions whose costs or consequences can be quantified.
Such an action could be: the application of a specific repair technique,
for example, epoxy injection of cracks in a concrete wall; the need for
replacement of the component; the creation of a life-threatening
condition, for example, rapid depressurization of a pressure-containing
vessel; or the need to declare the component incapable of fulfilling its
(b) Identification of a demand parameter, or set of demand parameters, that
correlates well with the damage states identified in (a). Typically, the
demand parameter will be either a deformation quantity such as
interstory drift ratio, (the relative horizontal displacement between two
floor levels, normalized by the story height), or the transverse force
applied to a component. Other demand parameters may be found to be
more efficient in predicting component behavior.
(c) Testing of the component in accordance with a well-defined test plan and
a loading protocol that permits the establishment of relationships
between the damage states and the associated demands. Ideally, this
implies the testing of a sufficiently large number of components to
permit the quantification of variability, or, with appropriate assumptions,
14 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
identification of the type of distribution, the quantification of a central
value and a measure of dispersion.
2.2 Applicability
This protocol applies to performance testing of building parts or components
when damage is best predicted by imposed deformation. Examples of
components that may be tested in accordance with this protocol include
partitions and their anchorages, cladding, pipes, ducts, and other equipment
that is connected to floors above and below. Examples of structural
components that may be tested in accordance with this protocol include shear
walls, beam-column assemblies, and frame assemblies.
When non-structural components are tested using this protocol the intent,
generally, is to obtain fragility data only. When structural components are
tested using this protocol, in addition to obtaining fragility data, it is also
important to obtain data on the hysteretic characteristics of the components
that can be used to form analytical models of the behavior of structures
incorporating these components.
The protocol consists of slow cyclic application of load or deformation with
a predetermined loading pattern. This protocol is not appropriate for use in
performance testing of components whose behavior is significantly affected
by the dynamic response of the component, or whose behavior is sensitive to
strain rate or velocity effects. Components sensitive to these dynamic effects
should be tested using the Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing, as
described in Chapter 3.
Two types of testing are covered by this Chapter:
Racking Testing. This type of testing is performed for components that
either are not required to participate in a building’s structural resistance
or do not provide significant strength or stiffness modification of the
building structure. These components will not typically be included in
structural analytical models used to predict building performance.
Hysteretic Testing. This type of testing is performed for components
that either are intended to provide structural resistance or significantly
alter the strength or stiffness of a building structure. These types of
components will typically be included in analytical models used to
predict structural performance.
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 15
2.3 Component Documentation
This section specifies the information that should be documented for tested
components. This information includes component description, functional
and operational information, installation requirements, and information that
can be used to extrapolate and interpolate performance characteristics for
application to similar components.
2.3.1 Structural Components
A complete description of the component to be tested shall be provided.
Information to be supplied, as applicable, includes, but is not limited to:
materials of construction including standard ASTM grades as applicable,
specimen specific strength tests, including, as applicable, yield strength,
tensile strength, and compressive strength,
assembly drawings showing specimen dimensions and connectivity, and
details of fabrication and construction.
2.3.2 Nonstructural Components
A complete description of the component to be tested shall be provided.
Information to be supplied, as applicable, includes, but is not limited to:
manufacturer information,
Model and Part Number,
fabrication information,
material type and characteristics, and
relevant drawings.
The functional and operational requirements of components before, during,
and after testing shall be specified.
Substitutions for operating requirements shall be described and justified.
Examples include using air rather than gas for pressurization, or substituting
water for hazardous liquids.
Potential safety issues arising from operation during testing must be
16 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
2.4 Procurement, Fabrication and Inspection of Test
Test specimens should replicate in-situ conditions so that material properties,
standard construction techniques, and boundary conditions encountered in
actual buildings are properly simulated. Full-size specimens should be used
whenever possible and where not possible, the scale of the specimens should
be as close to full size as feasible, in order to minimize size effects.
Whenever feasible, test specimens should be fabricated and installed by
construction workers who typically construct and install this type of
component in real buildings so that typical construction quality is exercised.
In case the specimen is fabricated and installed by lab personnel, all
applicable fabrication and installation guidelines shall be followed and
industry standard practice should be adhered to.
The fabrication and installation of the test specimen shall be fully
documented, with an itemization of all parts (and their properties) on which
the damage states depend. Before testing, the specimen shall be inspected by
an expert who is qualified to attest that the test specimen and its boundary
conditions represent average in-situ conditions.
The tested components shall be operational (if applicable) and randomly
selected from manufacturer’s or retailer’s stock and shall be representative of
those found in typical installed applications.
For manufactured components, installation instructions should be provided
by the manufacturer and adhered to. Any deviation between the tested
configuration and typical installed conditions shall be described and justified
as being functionally equivalent.
2.5 Extrapolation and Interpolation to Similar
If the fragility function derived from a testing program is to be applied to
components that vary in configuration, material properties, construction
details, or boundary conditions, then analytical means could be employed to
extrapolate from the observed fragility to different conditions (if this can be
done with adequate confidence). In this case it will be necessary to complete
supplementary testing programs that will quantify the properties of materials
and sub-components to the extent needed to permit extrapolation of fragility
results through analytical means.
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 17
If it is impossible to test a specimen close to full size, then additional tests
will be needed to quantify size effects to the extent that will permit reliable
extrapolation from reduced-scale tests to full-size behavior.
Test results may be extrapolated or interpolated to functionally similar
components provided that:
the untested components are completely described, with particular
emphasis on differences with the tested components, and
justification for the extrapolation or interpolation is provided, showing
that the performance envelope of the untested component lies between
two of the tested components, or is greater (in the sense of “better”) than
the tested component.
2.6 Test Facility Standards
This section describes basic calibration and maintenance criteria for
laboratories and equipment used for performance testing. The requirements
of Sections 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 may be relaxed if the sole purpose of testing is the
development of drift-dependent fragility data as opposed to derivation of
load-deformation response for analytical modeling.
2.6.1 Laboratory
Testing laboratories shall comply with a national or international
accreditation criterion such as the International Code Council (ICC)
Evaluation Service (ES) Acceptance Criteria for Laboratory Accreditation
(ICC, 2000) or satisfy the requirements of the Network for Earthquake
Engineering Simulations (NEES) Consortium.
2.6.2 Equipment Actuators
Actuators should be sized to provide reserve capacity for both force and
displacement beyond the maximum anticipated as necessary for the test.
Control of the actuators shall permit stopping immediately in any position
and holding that position. If a power or computer failure occurs during
testing, the actuators shall be capable of stopping immediately. Actuator
mounting shall be designed so as to create loading in the desired direction
only. During the loading cycle, minimize the off-axis forces and
displacements created by rotations of the actuator or component under test.
18 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461 Instruments
The model, type, location and orientation of instrumentation shall be
documented and uniquely identified. Instrumentation calibrations shall
conform to NIST traceable primary standards or other applicable standards.
The instruments shall be recalibrated at least once each year. These
calibrations shall be verified before each test. Data Acquisition System
Data acquisition system calibrations shall conform to NIST traceable primary
standards, or other applicable standards. The data acquisition system shall be
recalibrated at least once every year. These calibrations shall be verified
before each test. The sampling rate shall be sufficient to capture all aspects
of the load-deformation response relevant to the analytical modeling of the
component. Safety Procedures
The testing laboratory shall follow the standard safety procedures
individually developed at each test site. These procedures shall ensure the
safety of the occupants and testing systems at all times. The minimum
requirements and procedures should include but should not be limited to the
Laboratory safety procedures as mandated by the testing facility to
minimize hazard and danger to persons in the test area shall be followed.
Personal safety during all phases of testing (including during post-test
examination) shall be observed and may include hard-hat, protective
eyewear, clothing, gloves, and safety shoes as appropriate.
The testing could involve the use of hazardous materials, operations, and
equipment. This document does not address specific safety issues
associated with these uses. It is the responsibility of the laboratory
implementing this recommended test protocol to establish appropriate
safety precautions.
2.7 Test Plan and Procedures
A detailed test plan should be developed, documented and approved by
responsible personnel prior to the execution of a test program. This test plan
should address the following aspects:
identification of test specimen and its relation to the component whose
performance is to be evaluated,
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 19
preliminary identification of damage states for which fragilities are to be
number of specimens to be tested,
loading history,
design of a test set-up that permits appropriate load simulation and
proper simulation of all important boundary conditions,
identification of all important response parameters, and an
instrumentation plan for measurement of these parameters,
detailed drawings of test specimens, test setup, boundary condition
simulation, loading arrangement, and instrumentation,
identification of needs for supplementary testing, and
identification of a test schedule to ensure that the objectives of the testing
program will be achieved in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Recommendations for specimen fabrication, material testing, planning and
execution of experiments, test control, and specimen instrumentation shall be
taken from existing standards and guidelines for testing of components and
materials (see, for example, ASTM).
The component whose performance is to be evaluated needs to be isolated
from its in-situ surroundings so that it can be tested in a laboratory
environment. The lab should faithfully reproduce these in-situ conditions.
The number of test specimens is to be decided by the entity requesting the
fragility tests.
The test plan should contain clear and well-documented procedures for the
simulation of all boundary and initial conditions that may significantly affect
any of the damage states of interest. The boundary conditions comprising the
anchorage details and distribution of forces resulting from the imposed
deformations shall be equivalent to those encountered in a typical
The test plan should contain a clear and well-documented plan for the
measurement, recording, and documentation of all relevant data to be
measured or visually observed during the test. For racking testing the
primary parameter to be measured, with good accuracy, is the demand
parameter that will be used to define the fragility function (typically an
imposed deformation). For hysteretic testing all parameters of importance
for analytical modeling should be identified, including forces, moments, and
20 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
shears, and axial, shear and flexural deformations. Instrumentation
appropriate for accurate measurement of these parameters shall be provided.
2.8 Loading and Load Control
A test may be carried out under deformation control or force control (or a
combination of the two when accurate force and deformation data are
needed) within the elastic as well as the inelastic range.
2.8.1 Deformation-Controlled Testing
The deformation control parameter may be a displacement or other suitable
deformation quantity (e.g., a rotation). However, it is important that this
parameter can be correlated with a building deformation parameter, for
example, interstory drift, that can be predicted by conventional structural
analysis of a building structure. Items to consider include:
feedback control of the deformation,
appropriate control of the direction and speed, using suitable valving,
hydraulic fluid control valves, and servo valves, and
type of controller, hardware or software, considering the feedback update
rate and the recording sample rate.
The deformation increment should be sufficiently small that:
dynamic effects are negligible,
the value of the deformation parameter, at which onset of the various
damage states of interest initiate, is clearly identifiable,
thermal effects due to work-hardening are not significant, and
power requirements are not unreasonable.
The deformation increment should be sufficiently large that:
the duration of the test is not excessive,
material creep is not a significant effect (unless creep is considered to be
part of the damage states of interest), and
the number of cycles experienced by the component at the onset of
significant damage states is of the same order of magnitude as that
experienced by real components in buildings subjected to strong
earthquake motion. Particular care should be taken to avoid introduction
of low-cycle fatigue behavior that is unlikely to be experienced by real
components in buildings.
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 21
2.8.2 Force-Controlled Testing
The force-control quantity shall be a measurable and controllable quantity
that relates well to a demand quantity that can be predicted by structural
analysis of a building structure. Considerations include:
feedback control of the force,
imposed force fluctuations during load reversals due to pressure
fluctuations or mechanical inertia of the actuator,
appropriate control of the direction and speed using suitable valving,
hydraulic fluid control valves, and servo valves, and
type of controller, hardware or software, considering the feedback update
rate and the recording sample rate.
The force increment should be sufficiently small that:
dynamic effects are negligible,
the applied force initiating the various damage states of interest must be
clearly identifiable,
thermal effects due to work hardening are not significant, and
power requirements are not unreasonable.
The force increment should be sufficiently large that:
the duration of the test is not excessive, and
material creep is not a significant effect (unless creep is considered to be
part of the damage states of interest).
2.8.3 Directions of Loading
Imposed deformation or force will typically be applied in a single degree of
freedom (unidirectional loading). Bidirectional loading (loading in two
orthogonal horizontal directions) should be carried out whenever it is
anticipated that such loading has a significant effect on any of the damage
states and the associated fragility function. Written justification should be
provided if it is decided in this case to apply only unidirectional loading.
2.9 Loading Histories
2.9.1 Unidirectional Testing
This section describes a recommended loading history appropriate for
racking testing or hysteretic testing if a single specimen will be used to
22 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
quantify all damage states for which fragility functions are to be developed.
Quantification implies that at least one data point will be obtained for the
loading at which each damage state (DS
) initiates (several data points can be
obtained if multiple damage state interpretations are made by several
experts). It is highly recommended to perform an additional monotonic test
to provide a baseline for estimating the cumulative damage effect at each
damage state.
Figure 2-1 presents a conceptual diagram of the recommended loading
history. The loading history consists of repeated cycles of step-wise
increasing deformation amplitudes. Two cycles at each amplitude shall be
Figure 2-1 Sketch of deformation-controlled loading history
The loading history is defined by the following.
= the targeted smallest deformation amplitude of the loading history. It
must be safely smaller than the amplitude at which the lowest
damage state is first observed. At the lowest damage state at least six
cycles must have been executed. If no data exists regarding what
amplitude of deformation is likely to initiate damage, a
recommended value for
(in terms of story drift index,
/h) is
around 0.0015.
= the targeted maximum deformation amplitude of the loading history.
It is an estimated value of the imposed deformation at which the
most severe damage level is expected to initiate. This value must be
estimated prior to the test. (It can be estimated from a monotonic
test). If the most severe damage initiates at a drift smaller than the
target value, judgment must be used to assess whether the cumulative
damage effect at the actual initiation of damage is indeed comparable
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 23
to that which would have occurred if the specimen had sustained the
complete loading history. If the most severe damage state has not
yet occurred at the target value, the loading history should be
continued by using further increments of amplitude of 0.3
. A
recommended value for this amplitude, lacking other evidence, such
as the results of a prior monotonic test (in terms of story drift index,
/h), is 0.03.
n = the number of steps (or increments) in the loading history, generally
10 or larger.
= the amplitude of the cycles, as they increase in magnitude, i.e., the
first amplitude, a
, is
(or a value close to it), and the last planned
amplitude, a
, is
(or a value close to it). Whenever possible, the
test should be continued beyond
even if the most severe damage
state has been attained. Tests should be terminated only when the
capabilities of the test setup have been reached, e.g., the available
stroke of the loading ram has been reached, or the test specimen has
degraded so severely that no relevant additional information about
performance can be acquired.
The amplitude a
of the step i+1 (not of each cycle, since each step has two
cycles) is given by the following equation:
= (2-1)
where a
is the amplitude of the preceding step, and a
is the amplitude of the
step close to the target,
If the specimen has not reached the final damage state at
, the amplitude
shall be increased further by the constant increment 0.3
. If it is desired
that the largest amplitude, a
, be exactly equal to
, then the ratios a
shall be as shown in Table 2-1. A loading history with a
and a
(i.e., n = 10, number of cycles is 10 x 2 = 20 cycles) is shown in
Figure 2-2.
Table 2-1 Relative Loading History Deformation Amplitudes
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0.018 0.025 0.035 0.048 0.068
0.510 0.714
Note: Generally, the number of steps n should be 10 or larger.
24 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Figure 2-2 Loading history for a
= 0.048
2.9.2 Bidirectional Testing
When bidirectional testing is performed the loading path should follow the
orbital pattern shown in Figure 2-3. The amplitude of loading, a, in the
figure should follow the history described in the previous section on
unidirectional testing.
Figure 2-3 Horizontal plane displacement orbit for drift-controlled bi-
directional tests. Displacements during the first cycle, containing
seven steps (i through vii), are shown.
2.9.3 Force-Controlled Loading
Force-controlled testing should be performed if a force quantity controls
performance of the component, or if a suitable deformation parameter cannot
be found. The reference value on which to base the amplitudes of individual
cycles is the maximum force to which the component or part may be
subjected in a severe earthquake. Since the force demands will be greatly
dependent on the type of component or part and on the in-situ conditions, it
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 25
is impossible to develop a general force-based loading protocol. The
following guidelines should be employed to develop case-specific protocols.
The basic premise is that forces are consequences of deformations, and that
the deformations, in relative magnitude, have the history shown in Figure 2-1
and are given by Equation 2-1. If the force-deformation characteristics of the
force-sensitive component (or part) are known (from analytical predictions or
from a monotonic test of the subsystem of which the force-sensitive
component is part), then the cyclic loading history shown in Figure 2-1 and
the load-deformation response of the component can be combined to develop
a force history to be applied to the component. This is illustrated in Figure 2-
4, where it is assumed that the force-deformation behavior of the component
is given, and where it is also assumed that the maximum deformation in the
component can be related to the
value of Figure 2-1. With this
knowledge, the forces corresponding to all other amplitudes of the drift
loading history can be deduced graphically, and a force history can be
developed. The loading history for the case illustrated in Figure 2-4 is shown
in Figure 2-5 for illustrative purposes.
Figure 2-4 Illustration of conceptual approach for development of force-
controlled loading history
Figure 2-5 Illustrative force loading history for case illustrated in Figure 2-4
26 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
It is important to incorporate cyclic hardening in the subsystem of which the
force-sensitive component is part when developing criteria for the maximum
absolute force the force-sensitive component must sustain.
2.10 Reporting
Each test should be documented in a comprehensive test report. The test
report should include information about the testing agency/laboratory and
sponsoring agency, including location of the test site and contact
information, test date, date of report, a statement that the test has been
conducted based on this protocol (including identification of deviations from
this protocol, as appropriate), and the name of the organization reporting the
tests with names and signatures of members of the experimental team
responsible for carrying out the tests. The report should also include any
witnessing requirements such as a list of independent observers and any
required verification/certifications of all test phases. Specific information to
be contained in the report also includes:
a detailed description of the test specimens, including, for example,
manufacturer (if any component is supplied), type, material used, and
dimensions, and, furthermore, details needed for the understanding of the
design and manufacture of the specimen,
if an equipment/instrument component is being tested, a description of
the component under investigation including type,
manufacturer/fabricator, model number, specification, calibration
procedure, any available/required calibration certificates, material
information and characteristics, manufacturing information, any specific
handling requirements, functional requirements, and sketches and
pictures of the component,
a description of the physical and engineering characteristics of the
material(s) (type, grade, size, yield point, tensile and compressive
strength, density, moisture content, as applicable) of structural elements
and details (dimensions, spacing, property) of anchoring elements and
fasteners for nonstructural components,
a summary table that describes all specimen configurations and their
corresponding tests (i.e., the complete test matrix),
a conceptual plan of the test facility and a sketch of the test setup. This
sketch should include details of the attachment of the specimen to the
testing frame with an indication of the location of the measuring devices
(load cells, strain gages, deflection gages (LVDT), and any other
applicable items),
FEMA 461 2: Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 27
a description of the conditions under which the tests were carried out,
including ambient conditions (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, and
moisture content, as applicable),
a complete description of measurement methods and devices, including
direction of measurement, and technical specification of instruments used
for load and displacement/deformation/strain measurement, and
furthermore, a description of the conditions of the measurement
instruments, tolerances, and accuracy,
the following information for the data acquisition system: type,
manufacturer name and model number, system identifications, all
calibration procedures, any available/required calibration certificates, and
schematic information flow,
a description of the test specimen before the beginning of the test
(including any unusual characteristics or defects) and after each test
interval, including any modifications to the specimens during the test,
[The description should include the observed performance of the
specimen in relation to all damage states of interest and clear sketches
and written descriptions of the visible characteristics of damage patterns
and failure modes (e.g., cracking, fallout, brittle or ductile fracture,
yielding, excessive deflection or distortion). The report should include
photographs of specimens taken before, during, and after each test.
Alternatively, video taping of the testing shall be performed and included
as part of the test report. Links to download video clips of the test
should be made available.]
as applicable, the load versus time, displacement versus time and load-
displacement relationships (i.e., a complete record in the form of tables,
plots, hysteresis curves, and envelope curves) at all measurement
locations. [The report should include a summary table of load and
deformation values at all damage states of interest.]
Electronic dissemination of test procedures and results is strongly
encouraged. If the information is available for public use, a link from which
all the data as well as the test report can be downloaded shall be provided.
As much as feasible, the data format should correspond to that developed by
NEES for its data repository.
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 29
Chapter C2
Commentary on Interim Protocol I
– Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing
Chapter C2 contains commentary for Sections 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 of Interim
Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing. Commentary is not provided for
the other sections.
C2.6 Test Facility Standards
C2.6.2 Equipment
The purpose of testing goes beyond the establishment of an empirical
fragility curve. A test serves to improve understanding of behavior and, if
appropriate, to provide the basis for analytical prediction of the behavior of
the component and of the factors that contribute to damage. Since the action
on the test specimen is the load causing a predetermined deformation, it is
necessary to record the load (or loads) causing the resulting deformation(s).
Additional instrumentation should be provided as is deemed necessary to
improve understanding of behavior and to quantify parameters on which the
behavior depends. Since most components can be used in a variety of
configurations, an attempt should be made to measure all relevant parameters
on which behavior (or, specifically, damage states) depends. This may
include geometry, thickness, and method of attachment. In this manner it
should be possible to extrapolate fragility curves to different component
configurations, if the measurements provide sufficient quantitative data to
assess the effects of important parameters analytically.
Damage states, which are described in Section 1.4, can sometimes be
quantified through direct measurements, and sometimes they have to be
assessed through visual observations. A comprehensive log should be kept
of all important visual observations and should be supplemented by
frequently taken photos and other means of instantaneous or continuous
visual documentation (e.g., sketches and videos).
C2.7 Test Plan and Procedures
Reproduction of in-situ conditions is perhaps the most critical aspect of a
component testing program, as it requires isolation of a component, careful
30 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
simulation of boundary conditions, and realistic simulation of seismic
In the context of a general testing protocol it is possible to provide broad
guidelines on issues that should be considered, such as those discussed in the
The isolated component must be representative of the actual in-service
conditions the component will experience in a real building. In addition
to the requirement that the condition of manufacture/construction and
installation replicate the in-situ conditions as closely as possible, it is also
important that the relationship between the loading parameter used in the
tests and the damage states obtained from the testing program is
representative of the conditions that will exist in buildings for the range
of components for which the fragility function is to be applied.
For many components, it is anticipated that the loading parameter used in
the test will be intended to represent deformation induced in the
component due to the interstory shear drift in a real building. The term
“shear“ implies a story distortion as shown in Figure C2-1(a), and not a
story drift caused by cumulative rotation as the one shown in Figure C2-
1(b). A component mounted on a floor of a building in a story that
undergoes rotation drift, as illustrated in Figure C2-1(b) may not
experience any real deformation demand. It is important that test
boundary conditions replicate or can be converted to the mode of
deformations that will actually occur in the building.
Figure C2-1 Different sources of story drift: (a) shear drift, and
(b) rotation drift.
Any deformation can be used as a loading parameter in a test. However,
it is important that the deformation used in the test can be used to predict
damage of components in a real building based on typical response
quantities obtained from structural analysis of a building structure. The
most convenient such deformation parameter is interstory drift. If the
test specimen loading is controlled by a loading parameter other than the
story shear drift, the relationship between this loading parameter and
story shear drift should be clearly established so that the resulting
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 31
fragility functions can be transformed to a domain that is useful in
predicting building damage.
The way in which loading will be transferred between the real
component in a building and the building’s structural system must be
properly simulated in the test. For instance, a nonstructural wall tied
continuously to a framing system will behave differently from a
nonstructural wall pushed at diagonally opposite corners. Thus,
anchorage and boundary conditions must be well simulated, and the
loading applied to a test specimen must be transferred to the test
specimen as closely as possible to the way in which loading will be
applied in a real building.
Fragility functions of the type discussed in Section 1.3 define the probability
of being in or exceeding a specified damage state as a function of a relevant
demand parameter that correlates well with the observed damage and can be
predicted by structural analysis. The correlation with observed damage will
never be perfect, which necessitates the development of probabilistic fragility
functions. There are many sources of uncertainty that should be considered,
including uncertainties caused by:
1. testing a component isolated from its in-situ conditions such as electrical
conduits, piping, or supported floor slabs,
2. imperfect simulation of boundary conditions,
3. extrapolation to in-situ conditions not fully simulated in the test,
4. variability in configuration,
5. employment of a loading history that cannot precisely replicate the
loading experienced by components in a real building responding to
earthquake shaking,
6. uncertainty in the definition of the several damage states, and the input
loading at which they initiate, and
7. variability in material properties and fabrication/construction methods
and details.
The first four of the above can be reduced by careful planning of the testing
program. The fifth one is believed to be small compared to some of the
others. The last two can be considered explicitly in the testing program.
Criteria for damage states are not uniquely defined in most cases and the
decision as to what loading initiates a specific damage state requires
judgment, based mostly on experience. This uncertainty can be reduced by
the development of well-defined criteria for damage states and by the
32 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
employment of experts capable of exercising good judgment. For a single
specimen test, this uncertainty can be estimated by using a sufficiently large
number of experts performing an independent assessment. Experts making
the decision on damage states may not have to be present during the test if
thorough and complete documentation is provided through measurements,
sketches, photos, videos, and other means of observation. This encourages
the employment of an instrumentation system that permits the measurement
of physical parameters on which the damage states depend (e.g., crack width
in a partition).
Uncertainties associated with the variability in material properties and
construction methods and details can be evaluated only by testing of multiple
specimens (unless analytical means can be employed to estimate the
uncertainties from material and sub-component tests).
Thus, a testing program can range from a single-specimen, single-evaluator
program to a multi-specimen, multi-evaluator program. A thorough pilot test
on the latter is most desirable in order to gain insight into the various sources
of dispersion that define the shape of fragility functions. A single-specimen,
multi-evaluator program is desirable if the interpretation of damage states
requires much expert judgment. A single-specimen, single-evaluator
program is only recommended if the damage states can be clearly identified
and if the material/construction uncertainties are known to be small
compared with the other uncertainties enumerated above.
C2.8 Loading and Load Control
The boundary and initial conditions prior to testing a nonstructural
component or system should be equivalent to those found in a typical
application. Restraint forces due to temperature or shrinkage or other type of
volumetric change should be emulated when such conditions are found and
are significant in the application considered. Similarly, the effects of
interstory shortening or elongation, beam shortening or elongation, and
concentrated rotations should be emulated if the application considered is
significantly affected by one or several of these conditions.
Gravity loading present in the element tested should be representative of the
conditions found in the application. When testing a reduced-size component,
additional gravity loading may have to be distributed throughout the test
specimen. The arrangement of the additional loading should be reported, as
specified in Section 2.10. It should be ensured that the mechanisms required
to simulate the additional gravity loading will not cause spurious changes in
stiffness or strength.
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 33
In-situ boundary conditions that contribute to the initiation and propagation
of damage should be properly simulated. This should include anchorages to
structural or nonstructural components other than that under test, as well as
imposed force or deformation patterns that are caused by deformations in the
elements surrounding the component to be tested (e.g., deformation pattern
of structural framing elements to which a piece of cladding is anchored).
Simulation of boundary conditions also includes all relevant three-
dimensional features that may have a significant effect on damage initiation
and propagation. In particular, the effects of story deformations in two
orthogonal horizontal directions and in the vertical direction should be
considered when significant. If it is found that story deformations orthogonal
to the primary loading direction have a clear effect on damage, the
bidirectional loading option discussed in Sections 2.8.3 and 2.9.2 should be
Some component types can span upwards over more than one story. In such
cases, the testing program should either contain tests of multi-story high
specimens, or proper boundary conditions should be created to simulate
attachment to more than one story. The boundary condition that are critical
include panel-to-panel joints (adjacent panels, horizontally and vertically),
guides (with minimum friction) to restrain panels in-plane throughout
racking tests, prevention of uplift in wall systems that may otherwise uplift
when subjected to transverse load at the top, application of horizontally
distributed load at the top (this is accomplished by proper attachments to the
moving beams of the test facility), and connectors that attach the component
to the moving beams.
Examples of test setups suitable for either racking or hysteretic testing of
wall and cladding panel assemblies are provided in this commentary section.
A test facility can consist of a structural support (reaction) frame that is very
strong and stiff (compared with the test frame and specimens) and is fixed to
a strong floor, a frame that simulates the building structural system to which
the wall specimen will be attached, hydraulic actuators, load cells, LVDTs,
sliding or gliding steel members (e.g., structural tubing) to which specimens
will be attached directly or indirectly, and various linkages.
A schematic diagram of a typical stroke control and data acquisition system
for a test facility is shown in Figure C2-2. The system can consist of
computer and interface instrument, controller console, function generator,
digital oscilloscope, load cell signal conditioning, LVDT signal
34 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Figure C2-2. Example of instrumentation and data acquisition system
conditioning, and servovalve units. The test apparatus should include a
means of recording all the necessary data.
For the example test facility shown in Figures C2-3 to C2-5, each specimen
(e.g., curtain wall or cladding panel) should be centered between the sliding
steel tubes of the test facility, and the wall specimen attached at all four
corners to the facility’s sliding members (e.g., steel tubes). The sliding
members shown in these three figures are steel tubes that slide on roller
assemblies in opposite directions by means of a fulcrum and pivot arm
mechanism. The bottom sliding steel tube is displaced by a computer-
controlled electrohydraulic servoactuator having a dynamic stroke capacity
of ± 76 mm (± 3 in.). The fulcrum and pivot arm mechanism attached to the
top and bottom sliding steel tubes doubles the effective servoactuator stroke
capacity to ± 152 mm (± 6 in.).
For the example test facility shown in Figures C2-6 and C2-7, the test
specimen (e.g., precast concrete cladding panels) is attached to the
supporting frame with four connections, which can be of different types, e.g.,
flexible, bearing, or slotted. The test facility includes a support (test) frame
that is used to represent a single bay of the building and in the figure
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 35
Figure C2-3 Example racking test facility at Penn State University with setup
for testing curtain walls
Figure C2-4 Example test setup for testing horizontally attached cladding
panels on the Penn State facility.
36 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Figure C2-5 Example test setup for testing vertically attached cladding panels
on the Penn State facility
Figure C2-6 Example racking test facility at the University of Idaho
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 37
Figure C2-7 Example test setup for testing cladding panels on the University
of Idaho facility
is shown as four W8x35 steel sections with moment-resisting joints. At the
bottom of the support frame, there are four transverse guides (ball bearing)
that prevent the specimen panel from moving out-of-plane during the racking
movements. The guides may slightly add to the in-plane resistance due to
friction. In the test facility shown in Figures C2-6 and C2-7, steel tubes (8 in.
x 4 in. x 3/8 in.) connect the top of the support frame to the displacement-
controlled system with moment connections at the test frame and pin
connections at the displacement control system. The displacement control
system, which is used to apply racking movements to the specimen panel,
consists of a hydraulic actuator connected to a W6x20 steel beam suspended
from a lubricated glide system. An external reaction frame is used to support
the support frame, the specimen and racking loading equipment. The reaction
frame is very stiff relative to the internal frame to act as a stationary support
for the support frame.
The three schematic facilities shown in Figure C2-8 are generic ASTM
Standard racking test facilities that are primarily for testing panels that are
supported directly by the floor (e.g., a partition wall or an infill wall) and not
attached to the building frame as a curtain wall or a cladding panel. The
specimen in this case can be supported by a timber or steel member, which is
in turn attached rigidly to the base of the loading frame or strong floor. The
38 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Figure C2-8 ASTM Standards generic test facility and setups for racking testing of shear-resisting wall panels.
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 39
sole plate of the specimen panel should be firmly attached (e.g., bolted or
welded) to the base support member. Since the wall panel in this case will
show large shear resistance, a hold-down mechanism such as rods or gravity
loads should be provided to prevent the uplift tendency (rigid body rotation)
as the racking loads are applied to the top of the wall. Mechanisms (e.g.,
rollers, sliding plates) should be provided to allow horizontal movement of
the top of the wall panel with respect to the bottom without interference with
the hold-down mechanism. In the facilities shown in Figure C2-8, the load is
applied to the specimen top through a timber beam firmly bolted to the upper
plate or part of the panel (to simulate connection of the wall top to floor
above). Transverse guides (with minimum friction resistance) are also needed
to prevent out-of-plane movement of the panel during the racking
movements. For the tests on this type of facility, displacements should be
measured to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). The location of the dials shall be
at all points where the data can be used to characterize properly the
performance of the wall system, including the lower left, lower right, and
upper right corners of the test assembly (assuming that the hold-down rods
are on the left side). For the test setups shown in Figure C2-8, the lower left
dial measures the rigid body rotation of the panel (because the hold-down
rods could elongate and allow some rotation), the lower right dial measures
the slippage (if any), and the upper right dial measures total deformation
(including the effect of panel rigid body rotation and sliding).
C2.9 Loading Histories
Important Considerations
The following are important considerations that enter in the decision process
for developing or selecting a loading history for slow cyclic testing of
nonstructural components.
In general, there are several damage states to consider for each type of
component. The options are to quantify all of them with a single specimen or
to use separate specimens for each damage state. The usual preference is to
use a single specimen, which appears justified unless cumulative damage
becomes a dominant issue for low-damage states.
The use of a single specimen necessitates a step-wise increasing loading
history in which the loading sweeps through the full range of realistic values
that may trigger one of the damage states.
It is assumed that the fragility function is not conditioned on the structural
system in which the component is mounted or on the ground motion
experienced by the structure (i.e., the probability is assumed to be the same
40 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
regardless of the source and the history of the loading on the component). It
is well known that this assumption is incorrect but nonetheless, this
assumption has to be made in order make the problem tractable.
The only reason why a cyclic loading protocol is needed is that damage is a
cumulative process and is affected by the history of excursions (an excursion
is the path from one peak loading value to the next loading peak value) that
precede the initiating loading for a damage state that is represented by the
fragility function.
Cumulative damage depends on the number and relative amplitudes of the
excursions preceding the one at which the damage state is first observed, as
well as on the sequence in which the excursions occur, the mean effect (since
excursions are not symmetric with respect to the origin), and possibly on the
“loading” rate at which the cyclic loading history is applied to the specimen.
Mean effects and loading rate effects cannot be considered systematically in
a slow static testing program. Mean effects (the fact that individual
excursions are not symmetric with respect to the origin) are customarily
neglected, i.e., each excursion is centered with respect to the undeformed
configuration, resulting in a “symmetric” loading history. Load rate effects
are neglected in favor of a testing process in which the load application is
slow enough to permit visual observations of damage.
Sequence effects can be incorporated conservatively by assuming that all
excursions in a response history occur before the maximum one (this clearly
is not the case and leads to a severe over-estimation of cumulative damage).
An alternative is to consider only so-called “pre-peak” excursions as
described below. Both options are pursued here.
The task at hand is to develop a single loading history, which, in part by
statistical evaluation of seismic response data and in part by judgment,
represents all the cumulative damage effects at all the damage states that are
to be quantified in a test.
The alternative is to use different test specimens for each damage state and
apply to each specimen a statistically representative deformation history in
which the maximum excursion is deemed to be the excursion at which the
damage state is attained for the first time. In order to assist in estimating this
target maximum excursion for each damage state, it is most helpful to
perform first a monotonic test on a separate specimen in which the loadings
associated with the initiation of the various damage states are estimated. (The
expectation is that each loading initiating a damage state in a monotonic test
will be somewhat larger than the corresponding initiating loading from the
cyclic test. However, it also has to be considered that a monotonic test may
mask damage states occurring in a cyclically loaded specimen). Thus, if m
damage states are to be evaluated, this testing program would require m+1
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 41
test specimens to provide one data point for each damage state. This option
is not pursued further.
Basis for the Recommended Loading History
The recommended loading history is based on the following assumptions,
processes, reasoning, and observations.
The number and relative amplitude of individual excursions are based on the
response of structures to a set of 20 “ordinary” (no near-fault effect) ground
motion records. The set of records is the one used to develop the CUREE-
CalTech Woodframe Project loading protocol (Krawinkler et al., 2001).
Near-fault ground motions may cause larger demands on components but
will generate fewer response cycles, i.e., they will not control the number and
relative amplitudes of the excursions in a loading history.
This set of ground motions is used to perform response history analysis of
elastic and inelastic (with a target ductility of 3) single-degree-of-freedom
(SDOF) systems and multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) frame structures.
Systems with periods of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9 and 3.6 sec are evaluated. The
hysteretic properties of the SDOF systems and the plastic hinge moment-
rotation relationships of MDOF systems are assumed to be peak-oriented.
For each system the deformation response (displacement for SDOF systems
and story drift for MDOF systems) for each ground motion is rearranged in
excursions using the rainflow cycle counting method (ASTM, 2003). The
deformation range (peak-to-peak value) of each excursion is centered with
respect to the origin (i.e., the deformation amplitude is assumed to be half of
the range, which implies that mean effects are ignored) and is normalized
with respect to the amplitude of the largest excursion of the response. When
ordered in magnitude, this results in a string of numbers from 2.0 on
downwards, identifying the relative magnitudes of all excursions of the
For the set of 20 records, statistical measures (median and 84
percentile) of
each normalized range (the largest one, the second largest one, the third
largest one, and so on) are computed, providing statistical values of the
ranges relative to the largest one. Examples of such statistical values are
shown graphically for elastic and inelastic SDOF and MDOF systems in
Figures C2-9 to C2-12. The figures show relative ranges ranging from the
maximum to 6.67% of the maximum excursion, considering all excursions of
response histories, regardless of whether they occur before the peak response
(pre-peak excursions) or after the peak response (post-peak excursions).
42 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.2 sec, 2% Damping, Median
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.2 sec, 2% Damping, Median
(a) Elastic, 2% damping, 84
percentiles (b) Elastic, 2% damping, median values
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.2 sec, 5% Damping, 84%
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.2 sec, 5% Damping, Median
(c) Elastic, 5% damping, 84
percentiles (d) Elastic, 5% damping, median values
Figure C2-9 Ordered relative excursions, pre-peak plus post-peak, T = 0.2 sec., SDOF systems
The following are relevant observations from these figures (C2-9 through
For short-period structures the number of excursions between maximum
and 6.67% of maximum is very large. The reason is that in the process
followed here all excursions are counted, regardless of their sequence of
occurrence. Depending on the ground motion, a large or very large
portion of these excursions will occur after the peak response (see Figure
C2-12 (a) and (b)).
All elastic histories show similar tapered decays in deformation ranges.
Inelastic histories show a more rapid decay and fewer excursions.
The 84th percentile graphs result in a very large number of excursions.
The number of excursions for the median values are about 10 to 20%
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 43
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.3 sec, 5% Damping, 84%
Ordered Excursions
0 306090120150180210240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.3 sec, 5% Damping, Median
(a) Elastic SDOF, 5% damping, 84
percentiles (b) Elastic SDOF, 5% damping, medians
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, MDOF, 3 Story, T=0.3 sec, BOT
5% Damping, Median
Ordered Excursions
0 306090120150180210240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, MDOF, 3 Story, T=0.3 sec, TOP
5% Damping, Median
(c) Elastic MDOF, 5% damping, bottom story, (d) Elastic MDOF, 5% damping, top story,
median values median values
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Inelastic, SDOF, T=0.3 sec, 5% Damping,
3.0, Median
Ordered Excursions
0 306090120150180210240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Inelastic, MDOF, 3 Story, T=0.3 sec, TOP
5% Damping, μ3.0, Median
(e) Inelastic SDOF (
3), 5% damping, (f) Inelastic MDOF, 5% damping, top story,
median values median values
Figure C2-10 Ordered relative excursions, pre-peak plus post-peak, T = 0.3 sec., SDOF and MDOF systems
44 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Ordered Excursions
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.5 sec, 5% Damping, Median
Ordered Excursions
0 306090120150180210240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Inelastic, MDOF, 9 Story, T=0.9 sec, TOP
5% Damping, μ3.0, Median
(a) Elastic SDOF, T = 0.5 sec., 5% damping, (b) Inelastic 9-story MDOF, 5% damping,
median values top story, median values
Figure C2-11 Ordered relative excursions, pre-peak plus post-peak, T = 0.5 and 0.9 sec.
Elastic Response History, SDOF, T=0.3 sec.,
=5%, cm92for
0 1020304050
Time (sec.)
Elastic Response History, SDOF, T=0.3 sec.,
=5%, ld92dsp
0 1020304050
Time (sec.)
(a) Peak displacement response (b) Peak displacement response
occurs relatively late occurs relatively early
Figure C2-12 Normalized response displacement histories of an SDOF system, T = 0.3 sec.
The responses of 5% damped systems have about 15% fewer excursions
than the responses of 2% damped systems.
For short-period MDOF systems the story drift responses are well
correlated with the responses of the one-mode SDOF system. In general,
the bottom story MDOF drifts decay slightly faster than the SDOF
response, and the top story drifts decay slightly slower than the SDOF
response. In the frame structures used in this study the top stories are
flexible and weak, which in part explains the relatively slow decay.
Considering all other uncertainties and judgmental decisions, it can be
stated that the SDOF responses are adequate surrogates for the MDOF
responses (at least for structures with not very important higher mode
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 45
For long-period MDOF systems the higher mode effects become more
important and the top story shows a considerably larger number of
excursions than the SDOF system with the same first-mode period.
However, this number is smaller than that for short-period MDOF
systems, which leads to the conclusion that short-period structures
govern the response values (in terms of the number and relative
amplitude of excursions) rather than longer-period structures.
The number of excursions decreases consistently with an increase in the
period of the system, which makes the T = 0.2 system the most critical
one in terms of the number and relative amplitude of excursions.
The use of median values is appropriate because the objective of testing is to
obtain fragility curves in which the effect of record-to-record variability
should be represented as an average. (The use of the 84
percentile would
provide high values of fragilities).
The use of structures with very short periods for the development of a
generally applicable loading protocol is inappropriate. They overestimate the
number and relative amplitude of excursions for most cases, and they are not
representative for the full range of drift demands for which the performance
of most nonstructural components has to be evaluated. The following
argument supports this observation:
For SDOF systems the period T is given by
2 0.32 0.32
gK F F W
== = (C2-1)
Using an interstory drift ratio at yield (IDR
) = 0.01 and h = 144 in.,
= 1.44 in., and we obtain:
For T = 0.2 sec F
/W = 3.69
T = 0.3 sec F
/W = 1.64
This means that for short-period structures large demands on story drifts are
possible only for very flexible and very strong structures, which will respond
elastically even in a very large earthquake (probably not many of these
structures exist). For inelastic story drifts to occur, the structure would have
to be very stiff, in which case the drift demands will be very small, i.e., little
(if any) drift-sensitive damage is to be expected.
This argument can be used to “disregard” the response characteristics of very
short period structures (i.e., T = 0.2 sec).
46 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
The results from the analytical study show that, given an initiating value of
loading for a damage state, the prior history will have more and relatively
larger excursions if the response of the structure is elastic rather than inelastic
(in general, the number and relative amplitude decrease with the degree of
inelasticity). Thus, elastic response histories provide a conservative (high)
estimate of the number and relative amplitude of excursions.
The number and relative amplitudes of the excursions should represent, on
average, the history of the loading at each damage state that is to be
quantified. This is not possible because lower damage states are associated
with smaller earthquake intensities and higher damage states are associated
with larger earthquake intensities. The use of a single loading history for all
damage states is a compromise made necessary by the desire to catch all
damage states with a single specimen. The consequence of using a single
loading history for the evaluation of multiple damage states implies that for
low-level damage states (a small amount of damage) the number and
amplitude of excursions are “too small”, and for high levels of damage the
number and amplitude of excursions are “too large”.
Experimental pilot studies with a loading history that was based on pre-peak
plus post-peak excursions disclosed that the large cumulative damage caused
by the many excursions may severely distort the behavior at high-level
damage states (large damage). Since these are the damage states of greater
interest, and since low-level damage states are less affected by cumulative
damage, it was decided to develop a loading history that is based only on
pre-peak excursions and that represents, statistically, the number and
amplitude of damaging excursions associated with earthquakes causing the
highest-level damage state.
Pre-peak excursions are those excursions that occur before both the
maximum positive and maximum negative peaks in the response have been
reached. As discussed in Krawinkler et al. (2001), it is the pre-peak
excursions that cause most of the damage at high-level damage states. It is
seen from Figure C2-12 that typically the peaks occur relatively early in the
response history. Statistical data (median values) for the number and
deformation ranges of pre-peak excursions (increasing from small to large
values) and post-peak excursions (decreasing from large to small values) are
shown in Figure C2-13 for elastic SDOF systems with T = 0.3 and 0.5 sec. It
is seen that fewer than half of the total number of excursions are pre-peak
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 47
Ordered Excursions
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.3 sec, 5% Damping, Median
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
Ordered Excursions
Elastic, SDOF, T=0.5 sec, 5% Damping, Median
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Number of Excursions
Amplitude (/
(a) T = 0.3 sec. (b) T = 0.5 sec.
Figure C2-13 Ordered relative excursions, separate for pre-peak and post-peak excursions, elastic SDOF system.
Using an equation of the form given by Equation C2-1, a close match for pre-
peak excursions was obtained by using a coefficient of 1.3 and 1.6 for
T = 0.3 sec and 0.5 sec, respectively. The value of 1.4, as provided in
Equation C2-1, is a compromise between these two coefficients.
Every loading history needs reference values for the loading. For
nonstructural components with several damage states such reference values
are case specific. Any reference story drift depends on the intensity of the
ground motion and on the stiffness and strength of the structure. The drift is
expected to be relatively small for lower stories in wall structures and
relatively large for moment-resisting frames. Thus, rather than committing to
fixed values of reference drifts, it is decided to use generic reference values
, and define all cycle amplitudes in terms of a target value of
with the largest damage level. The advantage is that the user has the freedom
to choose appropriate values for
Low-Cycle Fatigue Considerations
The existence of cumulative damage is the primary reason for cyclic load
testing. Low-cycle fatigue is one type of cumulative damage, which is
usually associated with cracking or fracture in metals. Many low-cycle
fatigue models exist, the simplest one being that based on the two hypotheses
of a Manson-Coffin relationship and Miner’s rule (Krawinkler et al., 1983).
The first hypothesis postulates that for constant amplitude cycling the
number of excursions to failure, N
, and the plastic deformation range,
are related by the following equation:
= C
-c (C2-2)
In this equation C and c are structural performance parameters that have to be
determined experimentally. The equation implies that on a log-log plot the
48 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
relationship between N
is linear. The second hypothesis is Miner's
rule of linear damage accumulation, which postulates that the damage per
excursion is 1/N
, and that the damage from excursions with different plastic
deformation ranges,
, can be combined linearly. Thus the total damage
D is given by the equation
DC ( )
If this hypothesis were accurate, a total damage of D = 1.0 would constitute
failure. Because of the known shortcomings of Miner's rule (neglect of mean
deformation and sequence effects) and the scatter in the structural
performance parameters C and c, the limit value of damage that constitutes
failure cannot be expected to be exactly 1.0. Krawinkler et al. (1983)
provide an extensive discussion of many issues associated with this damage
If this simple damage model is acceptable, if D = 1.0 indeed constitutes
failure, and if the scatter in the model parameters C and c can be neglected,
then tests with at least two specimens are needed to determine C and c. Most
commonly, two constant amplitude tests (with very different amplitudes) are
performed for this purpose. In the ATC-24 Report, Guidelines for Cyclic
Seismic Testing of Components of Steel Structures (ATC, 1992), it is
recommended to perform at least three tests. In the most simple case it may
be adequate to make a reasonable assumption on the value of the exponent c,
with 2.0 being an often-used value. If this can be done, the coefficient C can
be estimated from a single specimen.
The determination of low-cycle fatigue parameters is essential if analytical
means are employed to predict performance of a component or system
affected by low-cycle fatigue. If the main objective is to estimate only the
deformation amplitude at which failure is likely to occur, then a single test
with the previously discussed loading protocol should be adequate. This can
be justified by the observation that the exponent c usually is significantly
larger than 1.0, which implies that low-cycle fatigue damage is dominated by
the largest cycles, i.e., the damage due to the many smaller cycles is not
Suggested Loading Protocol
Alternatively, the following loading protocol is suggested to evaluate failure
modes for items of systems that are deemed to be susceptible to low-cycle
fatigue failures. These items are likely to include but are not be limited to
piping and duct system connections. The following steps could be used to
obtain the fragility curve for these items:
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 49
1. Conduct a monotonic force-deformation test on the component (Figure
C2-14). Estimate the deformation at which the component undergoes
complete damage (breaks, leaks or experiences unacceptable
deformation). Call this ultimate deformation,
. The cyclic test is
started at 1/10
of the ultimate deformation,
Figure C2-14 Monotonic force-deformation test on the component
2. In the 1
stage of the cyclic test, apply 10 cycles of deformation
(Figure C2-15a). Measure the force throughout the test
(Figure C2-15b). The force level will generally reduce from one cycle to
the next due to stiffness degradation. The minimum force amplitude
during the 1
stage is called F
3. For the 2
stage of the cyclic test, increase the deformation amplitude by
20%, i.e.,
= 1.2
. Subject the component to three cycles of
deformation amplitude,
. Measure the force. The minimum force level
during the 2
stage is called F
4. For each subsequent stage, increase the deformation amplitude by 20%
and subject the component to three deformation cycles. Record the
minimum force amplitude during each stage: F
, F
, F
, and so on.
Continue the cyclic test in this manner until the component suffers
complete damage (breaks, leaks or undergoes unacceptable deformation).
The last stage during which the component does not suffer complete
damage is the n
stage. The force amplitude in the n
stage F
corresponds to the 100% (complete) damage state. The force levels for
the other damage states are established as follows.
50 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing FEMA 461
Figure C2-15 Cyclic test on the component in deformation control: (a)
applied deformation history; and (b) measured force history.
5. Obtain the normalized fatigue damage at the end of each test stage. (The
normalized fatigue damage at the end of the n
test stage is 100%.) The
normalized fatigue damage at the end of the i
test stage is:
where N
is the number of cycles in different test stages; N
= 10; N
= N
= … = N
= 3.
6. Plot D
at the end of each test stage (See Figure C2-16). Identify the
exact cycle during which the component reaches different damage states.
7. Plot the force level at the end of each test stage (Figure C2-15b). Read
the force corresponding to each damage state.
FEMA 461 C2: Commentary on Interim Protocol I – Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing 51
Figure C2-16 (a) Cumulative low-cycle fatigue damage at the end of each test
stage, and (b) force level at the end of each test stage.
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 53
Chapter 3
Interim Protocol II – Shake Table
3.1 General
3.1.1 Scope
This Chapter establishes a recommended protocol for shake table testing of
structural and nonstructural building components for the purpose of
determining fragilities for use in the seismic performance assessment
process. This shake table testing protocol is appropriate for use in
establishing the fragility of components that are sensitive to the dynamic
effects of motion imparted to the component at a single point of attachment,
typically its base.
Specimens sensitive to the relative motion of several connection levels, such
as floor-to-ceiling partitions or vertical risers of piping systems should be
tested using the protocol for quasi-static cyclic testing of structural and
nonstructural components presented in Chapter 2 of this document.
3.1.2 Definitions
The following terms have the noted meanings in this interim shake table test
Damping: An energy dissipation mechanism that reduces the amplification
and broadens the vibratory response in the region of resonance. Damping is
expressed as a percentage of critical damping, that minimum damping level
permitting a system to return to its rest position, after displacement from this
position, without overshooting.
Input Motion Response Spectrum (IMRS):
The response spectrum
generated using one of the input motions detailed in Section 3.7.
Octave: The interval between two frequencies that have a frequency ratio of
One-Third Octave: The interval between two frequencies that have a
frequency ratio of 2/3.
54 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
Test Response Spectrum: An acceleration response spectrum that is
developed from the actual acceleration time-history of the motion of the
shake table.
Triaxial Test: A dynamic test in which the test specimen is subjected to
acceleration in two principal horizontal axes and the vertical axis
simultaneously. The two horizontal components and the vertical acceleration
component are derived from three different input signals that are phase-
Uniaxial Test: A dynamic test in which the test specimen is subjected to
acceleration in one principal axis. The acceleration components are derived
from a single input signal.
3.2 Test Procedures
3.2.1 Types of Testing and Sequence
The test specimen should be subjected to a seismic fragility test program,
consisting of the following sequential test elements:
(a) Pretest elements
Pretest inspection and functional verification.
Definition and documentation of functional performance and
anticipated damage states.
(b) Testing elements
System identification tests.
Seismic performance evaluation tests.
Failure tests.
All of the elements of the test program should be described in a test plan as
described in Section 3.6. The test plan should be a complete document.
3.2.2 Pretest Inspection and Functional Verification
Upon arrival at the test facility, the test specimen should be visually
examined by the testing laboratory personnel, to verify that no damage has
occurred during shipping and handling. The facility should make adequate
arrangements in order to reproduce the operating condition of the test
specimen. Functional tests, operability tests, or both, should be performed by
the testing laboratory to verify pretest functional performance. Alternatively,
functional and operability testing could be performed at the manufacturing
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 55
facility before shipping if the laboratory is unable to reproduce the operating
conditions of the test specimen. Test description and results should be
3.2.3 Definition and Documentation of Functional Performance
and Anticipated Damage States
Prior to testing, appropriate damage states should be defined for the
component or system. Section 1.4 provides discussion of considerations
relevant to selection of appropriate damage states. A preliminary estimate
should be made of the excitation frequency and intensity expressed in peak
spectral acceleration at the particular frequency, at which each damage state
is expected to occur. Once damage states are defined, they should be
documented as they occur in the test specimen during the testing program.
3.2.4 System Identification Tests
System identification tests should be conducted in order to identify, as much
as possible, the dynamic characteristics of the test specimen and also the
evolution of these dynamic characteristics throughout the test program.
Single-axis system identification tests should be conducted in each principal
direction of the test specimen before and after each of the performance
evaluation tests and failure tests described in Sections 3.2.5 and 3.2.6,
For the purpose of identifying natural frequencies of the test specimen, at
least one of the methods of Section, or should be used
for each principal direction. The equivalent fundamental modal viscous
damping of the test specimen should be determined based on one of the
methods of Section or for each principal direction. If mode
shapes of the test specimen are to be determined, they should be established
in each principal direction by the relative intensities and phases between the
resonant peaks of the power spectral density or transmissibility plots
measured by the in-line test response monitoring sensors during the natural
frequency evaluation tests. Equivalent modal viscous damping values for
higher modes of the test specimen may be established, if needed, based on
the half-bandwidth power method applied to the power spectral or point
mobility plots obtained during the natural frequency tests. Special care
should be taken to insure sufficient accuracy in the definition of resonant
peaks in order to provide accurate damping values.
56 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461 White Noise Tests
A low-intensity 0.50-30 Hz, clipped-band, flat and acceleration-controlled
white noise should be used to excite the test specimen in each of its principal
configurations. A narrower frequency band may be used if justified by the
anticipated natural frequencies of the test specimen. The root-mean-square
intensity of the white noise signal should be limited to 0.05 ± 0.01 g. A lower
input level may be used to avoid damage to the test specimen. The natural
frequencies should be obtained from the resonant peaks of the acceleration
power spectral density plots recorded by the in-line test response monitoring
sensors. Single-Axis Acceleration-Controlled Sinusoidal Sweep Tests
Alternatively, a single-axis acceleration-controlled sinusoidal sweep from
0.50 to 30 Hz should be performed in each principal axis of the test specimen
in order to determine its natural frequencies. The sweep rate should be two
octaves per minute, or slower, to ensure adequate time to establish sufficient
steady-state response of the test specimen. The peak intensity of the sweep
should be limited to 0.1 ± 0.05 g. A lower input level may be used to avoid
damage to the test specimen. The natural frequencies should be obtained
from the peaks of the acceleration transmissibility plots recorded by the in-
line test response monitoring sensors. Resonance Tests
A low-intensity acceleration-controlled sinusoidal input at the previously
identified fundamental frequency should be used to excite the test specimen
in each of its principal configurations. The intensity of the sinusoidal input
should be established based on recorded or visual response such that no
damage to the test specimen under this resonance condition occurs. The
duration of the sinusoidal input should not exceed 20 times the previously
identified fundamental period of the test specimen. Once a steady-state
response is established, the input should be suddenly stopped and the free
vibration response decay should be recorded by in-line test response
monitoring sensors. The fundamental equivalent modal viscous damping
ratio of the test specimen should then be established by the logarithmic
decrement method applied to the free vibration response decay curves. Static Pull-Back Tests
The fundamental frequency and equivalent modal viscous damping ratio of
the test specimen can be established by the free-vibration decay measured by
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 57
the in-line test response monitoring sensors as a result of a static pull-back
test at the center of gravity of the test specimen. The intensity of the pull-
back force should be small enough to avoid damage to the test specimen.
3.2.5 Performance Evaluation Tests
The seismic performance of the test specimen should be evaluated under
simulated input motions of increasing intensities representative of the motion
at the single level of a building structure on which the test specimen is
located. The simulated input motions described in Section 3.7 should be
used. Test description and results should be documented for each intensity
level in order to be used for the seismic fragility assessment of the test
It should be anticipated that at the conclusion of the performance evaluation
tests, the test specimen will have developed damage states resulting in loss of
function or need for repair or replacement, but should not have experienced
damaged states associated with potential life safety endangerment and should
not have completely failed.
For mechanical and electrical components, it is highly desirable that the test
specimen be in operation during the performance evaluation tests. If
operation of the test specimen during testing may cause a safety hazard, the
functional operation of the test equipment should be verified between each
performance evaluation test. If the test facility is unable to reproduce the
operating conditions of the test specimen, the functional operation of the test
equipment should be verified at the manufacturing facility at the conclusion
of the performance evaluation tests.
3.2.6 Failure Tests
Higher intensities of the simulated motions used in the performance
evaluation tests should be used to induce damage states that could pose life
safety risks and damage states corresponding to incipient failure of the test
specimen. Multiple failure tests may be conducted if the test specimen is
composed of various subsystems that reach incipient failure separately at
various intensities. A failure test description and the results of such testing
should be documented for each intensity level in order to be used for the
fragility assessment. Special care should be taken to assure the safety of the
test personnel and to avoid damage to the testing equipment during the high-
level failure tests.
58 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
3.3 Intensities of Test Shaking
Unless otherwise specified for a particular type of test specimen, the input
motion parameter used to define intensity should be the peak spectral
acceleration at the appropriate natural frequency for the specimen and
damage state.
The intensities of shaking used for system identification tests should be low
enough to avoid any damage to the test specimen, as described in Section
At least three different shaking intensities should be used for the performance
evaluation tests described in Section 3.2.5. The intensities of the performance
evaluation tests should be selected to induce damage states, the associated
loss of function and repair or replacement. The intensity of the initial
performance evaluation test should be based on the intensity estimates
causing the damage states described in Section 3.2.4. In all cases, a 25%
increase in intensity should be the minimum step size between intensity
The intensity of shaking for the failure tests described in Section 3.2.6 should
induce damage states associated with potential risks to life safety or incipient
failure. If multiple failure tests are conducted, each of the shaking intensities
should induce a damage state for a particular subcomponent of the test
specimen. The intensity of the failure tests can be estimated by extrapolation
from the results of the performance evaluation tests or by other analytical
means. A 25% increase in intensity should be the minimum step size between
intensity levels.
3.4 Directions of Shaking
The system identification tests should be applied as single axis tests in each
principal direction of the test specimen. The performance evaluation and
failure tests should be applied as triaxial tests with simulated input motions
applied simultaneously in all principal axes of the test specimen.
Alternatively, biaxial (one horizontal and one vertical) performance
evaluation and failure tests can be used. Horizontal (biaxial or uniaxial)
performance evaluation and failure tests should be performed only if the
effect of vertical motion on the seismic response of the test specimen is
negligible. It may be acceptable to neglect the effect of vertical motion if the
vertical fundamental frequency of vibration of the test specimen is at least 10
times its horizontal fundamental frequency or if the vertical natural
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 59
frequency of the test specimen falls outside the frequency range of the input
motions specified in Section 3.7.
3.5 Data Acquisition System
All test data recorded should be acquired at a sampling rate of at least 10
times the highest fundamental frequency identified in any principal direction
of the test specimen with a minimum rate of 200 samples per second, or Hz.
All data should be low-pass filtered by a block-wall type filter having a
corner frequency of at least two times the highest natural frequency of
interest in any principal directional but not exceeding 30 Hz.
3.6 Test Plan
A test plan should be prepared before the beginning of the testing sequence
described in Section 3.2. The test plan should include documentation of the
the physical configuration of the test specimen including such details as
dimensions and weight distribution,
the dimensions, arrangements, and specifications of the hardware used to
connect the test specimen to the shake table,
a description of the monitoring instrumentation including an outline
drawing of the test specimen showing the locations of all sensors using
the same sensor numbering system as contained in the test report,
a description of the data acquisition parameters including sampling rates
and filtering techniques,
a test schedule outlining the order of the system identification,
performance evaluation and failure tests, including descriptions of
damage states and methods of documentation, and
other details necessary to describe the testing fully.
3.7 Input Motions
This section provides input motions for performing the performance
evaluation and failure tests described in Sections 3.2.5 and 3.2.6,
The recommended shake table motions are narrow-band random sweep
acceleration records, with scaled amplitudes depending on the sweep
frequency, producing motions that have relatively smooth response spectra
60 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
amplitudes. Each record is phase-incoherent with the others. Commentary in
Section C3.7 provides background on the generation of these records.
Figures 3-1 and 3-2 plot the horizontal acceleration records recommended for
use in the longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively. Figure 3-3
plots the recommended acceleration record for vertical excitation of the test
specimen. This vertical record is scaled to have a response spectrum that is
approximately 80 percent of those for the longitudinal and transverse
motions. Figure 3-4 plots the response spectra at 5 percent critical damping
for the recommended horizontal and vertical motions.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Acceleration (g)
Figure 3-1 Recommended longitudinal input motion
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Acceleration (g)
Figure 3-2 Recommended transverse input motion
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 61
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Acceleration (g)
Figure 3-3 Recommended vertical input motion
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Spectral Acceleration (g)
Figure 3-4 5% damped, acceleration response spectra for recommended
longitudinal, transverse and vertical input motions
3.8 Time Stamping and Damage State Documentation
The performance evaluation and failure tests should all be triaxial, as
described in Section 3.4. The motions should be applied at increasing
intensities, as described in Section 3.3.
62 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
Visual or other monitoring procedures should be implemented in order to
identify the occurrence of the anticipated damage states in the test specimen
as they occur during the performance evaluation and failure tests. When a
damage state is identified, the time of occurrence of the damage state should
be recorded in order to determine the center frequency of the motion that
caused the damage state to occur. The amplitude of motion that caused the
damage state should be defined by generating a test response spectrum of the
predominant direction of the motion that, based on observations, caused the
damage state (longitudinal, transverse or vertical). The test response
spectrum should be generated for 10 seconds of shake table motion
beginning 10 seconds prior to the maximum measured response causing the
damage state to occur. The amplitude of the peak of this test response
spectrum is designated as the amplitude causing the damage state to occur,
and the frequency at this peak is the frequency causing the damage state to
occur. Each damage state shall be documented in a plot showing the spectral
amplitude versus center frequency.
The record primarily responsible for the occurrence of the damage state
should be notch filtered with respect to frequency and time as described in
Section 3.9 below, and the testing should be continued at larger intensities in
all three directions.
3.9 Notch Filtering of Input Motions
Notch filtering of the input motions may be used to remove energy near the
excitation frequency that has already caused a damage state to occur. This
notch filtering may become necessary in order to cause other damage states
to occur at different frequencies and higher amplitudes of the input motions.
The width of the notch should be 1/3 octave. Table 3-1 shows the time and
corresponding center frequency for the central portion of the three input
records. Each data point in this table represents a 1/24 octave decrease in
frequency, and 0.417 seconds in time. The notches should be centered (to
the nearest 1/24 octave) at the excitation frequency causing the damage state.
The notch should begin at 100 percent of the full record at 1/6 octave above
the excitation frequency causing the occurrence of the damage state, then
decrease linearly in time to 0 percent in 0.417 seconds (1/24 octave lower in
frequency). The notch should be held constant at 0 percent for 2.917 seconds
(7/24 octave), then ramp up linearly in 0.417 seconds (1/24 octave) to 100
percent of the record. Additional notches should be created when other
damage states occur.
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 63
Table 3-1 Time versus Center Frequency for Central Portion of Input Motions
Octave Time (s) Center
Frequency (Hz)
Octave Time (s) Center
Frequency (Hz)
Full 10.000 16.000 20.417 7.772
10.417 15.545 20.833 7.551
10.833 15.102 21.250 7.336
11.250 14.672 21.667 7.127
11.667 14.254 22.083 6.924
12.083 13.849 22.500 6.727
12.500 13.454 22.917 6.536
12.917 13.071 1/3 23.333 6.350
1/3 13.333 12.699 23.750 6.169
13.750 12.338 24.167 5.993
14.167 11.986 24.583 5.823
14.583 11.645 25.000 5.657
15.000 11.314 25.417 5.496
15.417 10.992 25.833 5.339
15.833 10.679 26.250 5.187
16.250 10.375 1/3 26.667 5.040
1/3 16.667 10.079 27.083 4.896
17.083 9.792 27.500 4.757
17.500 9.514 27.917 4.621
17.917 9.243 28.333 4.490
18.333 8.980 28.750 4.362
18.750 8.724 29.167 4.238
19.167 8.476 29.583 4.117
19.583 8.234 Full 30.000 4.000
Full 20.000 8.000
3.10 Testing Equipment
For the purpose of executing the test sequence described in Section 3.2, it is
recommended that the testing laboratory generally complies with the
requirements of a national or international accreditation criterion such as
International Accreditation Service Report AC89, Accreditation Criteria for
Testing Laboratories (IAS, 2006), or Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers Standard No. 344-2004, Recommended Practice for Seismic
Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
(IEEE, 2004) as well as the testing requirements of the Network for
Earthquake Engineering Simulation.
3.10.1 Shake Tables
The shake table and its components should have sufficient reserve capacity
under the payload of the test specimen to simulate adequately the input
motions described in Section 3.7.
64 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
In terms of achieving the requirements of Sections 3.7 and 3.11, the
following shake table performance parameters shall be identified and
confirmed against the imposed demand due to the required test sequence and
test specimen characteristics of Section 3.2, and input motion characteristics
as described in Section 3.7.
Nominal payload at a prescribed performance level of the shake table,
typically defined by the maximum mass (kg) that can be supported when
the shake table is driven at a peak acceleration of 1 g.
Nominal maximum achievable acceleration amplitude (in g’s) at a
reduced shake table performance (when the shake table supports the
maximum test specimen mass (in kg), but the acceleration is typically
limited by the vertical actuator dynamic force capacity or the supporting
bearing system in the case of uniaxial or biaxial shake tables).
Maximum static and dynamic actuator capacities in units of force.
Peak-to-peak stroke in units of length.
Maximum achievable velocity at the payload in units of length per
Operational frequency bandwidth (minimum and maximum, in Hz) at the
maximum acceleration amplitude.
3.10.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring
Measurements should be made of all response parameters that significantly
affect the test specimen behavior and which will be used to evaluate and
quantify important dynamic characteristics and damage states. Video
recorders with time stamping capabilities should also be used to capture the
behavior of the test specimen and determine the times of occurrence of
various damage states.
If required, an extensive instrumentation design should be carried out and
included in the final test report as described in Section 3.11. Accordingly, the
model, type, location and orientation of instrumentation should be described
and uniquely identified. The location and orientation of the instrumentation
fixed to the test specimen should be reported relative to a common reference
coordinate system.
The minimum required instrumentation is limited to that which clearly
provides useful information for evaluating and quantifying the seismic
fragility of the test specimen and should be located where it will provide data
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 65
that are representative of the entire test specimen. For this purpose, the
following minimum instrumentation requirements should be implemented.
Accelerometers to measure applied acceleration levels in two principal
horizontal and one vertical axis of the shake table are required. Reference
control accelerometers should be mounted on the shake table at a
location near the base of the test specimen.
Accelerometers to measure the absolute acceleration response of the test
specimen are required. Accelerometers oriented in two principal
horizontal and one vertical axis should be used to determine the
acceleration response of the test specimen. The accelerometers should be
located at a minimum of three different locations within the test
specimen. Three locations should be identified as (i) just above the shake
table – test specimen interface (connection point), (ii) the computed (or
assumed) center of mass of the test specimen, and (iii) the top of the test
specimen. This permits the recording of the average acceleration
response in the three axes.
If significant torsional or rocking response, or both, of the test specimen
is expected, two sets of accelerometers should be located at all three
locations, such that global torsional and rocking response can be
captured effectively.
Ideally, accelerometers should be located at those points within the test
specimen that reflect the response associated with the fundamental
natural frequencies. Accordingly, precise locations of these
accelerometers may be determined based on either preliminary
computational analysis of the test specimen or low-intensity system
identification tests, as described in Section 3.2.4.
Displacement (position) transducers to measure the absolute and relative
deformation response of the test specimen are required. Displacement
transducers should be used to determine deformation response of the test
specimen. The displacement transducers should be located at the location
of each one of the accelerometers such that deformations are measured in
the same direction as the corresponding accelerometer.
Load cell washers to measure anchor forces are required. Axial load cell
washers should be used to determine anchor forces (tension and
compression) during the various stages of the test sequence.
Sensors should have a minimum operational frequency range of 0.5 to 100
Hz. Load cell washers should have a minimum capacity of three times the
tributary weight of the test specimen applied to a single washer.
66 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
Instrumentation, in addition to the minimum recommended, should be
required wherever there is a concern regarding a condition that may affect
the test specimen response. Typical reasons to require additional
instrumentation may be to check design assumptions, to provide data to
evaluate specific problems such as excessive cracking (using, for example,
strain gages), to provide data to support design of remedial modifications,
and to provide data to evaluate effectiveness of remedial work.
Instrument calibrations should conform to National Institute of Standards and
Technology traceable primary standards. The instruments shall be
recalibrated once every year and these calibrations shall be verified before
each test.
3.10.3 Data Acquisition
Data acquisition system(s) used during testing should allow continuous, real-
time recording of dynamic sensor data at predefined sampling rates (number
of samples per second, or Hz) and should support continuous recording and
storage of sensor data on digital storage device(s).
All test data recorded during the test program should be acquired at a
sampling rate and low-pass filtered according to the requirements given in
Section 3.5.
Data acquisition system calibration should conform to National Institute of
Standards and Technology traceable primary standards. The data acquisition
system should be recalibrated once every year. These calibrations should be
verified before each test.
The reference time for all test data, including from all sensors and videos,
should be common to allow for post-test analysis.
3.10.4 Safety Procedures
Testing presents several safety issues that must be considered during testing.
Rules and procedures that are intended to assure the safety of all laboratory
users, personnel, and visitors, should be provided and implemented by the
testing facility. The requirements and procedures should include but should
not be limited to:
professional laboratory safety procedures as mandated by the testing
facility to minimize hazard and danger to persons in the test area,
a minimum distance to the laboratory equipment and test specimen
before, during and after the experiments, because shake table testing may
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 67
cause a test specimen to rock and topple, and, in the extreme case, the
entire test specimen, or parts of it, may dislodge and become airborne
hazards, and
personal safety during all test procedures, including safe practices during
post-test examination: hardhats, protective eyewear, clothing, gloves and
safety shoes as appropriate.
3.11 Test Report
A test report, including the corrected (as-tested) test plan described in
Section 3.6 should be prepared. More specifically, the following items
should be included in the main body of the test report along with additional
observations and concluding remarks addressing the test objectives.
Sufficient information should be provided to allow for potential reproduction
of the test conditions and the results.
3.11.1 Test Specimen Description
The test specimen should be identified and the overall layout and general
dimensions stated. The test plan should be constructed following the
requirements of Section 3.6 and included as a part of the final test report. The
documentation of the test plan should include the test sample selection
rationale, test configuration, connection and support details and installation
procedures. Supplemental data, such as manufacturers’ specifications and
assembly instructions for the test specimen, can be included as part of an
The model, type, location and orientation of instrumentation should be
described and uniquely identified. The location and orientation of the test
specimen and its instrumentation should be made relative to a common
reference coordinate system.
3.11.2 List of Specimens Tested
The sequence of tests, including all subelements described in Section 3.2,
should be listed in the order in which testing occurred. Deviations from the
intended test procedure outlined in Section 3.6 should be highlighted and
justifications for these deviations provided. Results of the pretest inspection
and functional compliance verification described in Section 3.2 should be
included in the test report.
68 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
3.11.3 Preliminary System Identification Tests and Report
The results of the system identification tests can depend on the amplitude of
motion or displacement. The amplitude and duration of the system
identification tests should be documented by the characteristic parameter
applied, such as the maximum acceleration of sine sweep or the initial
displacement of the static pullback tests.
For each test sequence, the natural frequencies and damping values obtained
from the single-axis system identification tests as described in Section 3.2
should be reported. The appropriate plots of the acceleration power spectral
density or transmissibility should be included for the identification of the
natural frequency, and the decay curves should be included for identification
of the damping values. Documentation should include both the raw data (e.g.,
measured response during sine sweeps and from free vibration tests) as well
as the calculated values of frequencies of vibration and damping ratios.
3.11.4 Measured Fidelity Data
Comparison of the input drive signal and the resulting output should be made
for individual motion time-histories in each principal direction. The various
required horizontal and vertical input motion response spectra described in
Section 3.7 should be compared with their corresponding test response
spectra on the same plot at each intensity of shaking, as defined in Section
The input motion response spectrum should be computed based on the input
motion time histories described in Section 3.7, scaled to the intensity of
Section 3.3, and the test response spectrum should be computed based on
instrumentation located at the connection point of the test specimen. A
damping value of 5% of critical should be used for scaled input motion
response spectrum and test response spectrum, as specified in Section 3.7.
The Maximum Response Spectra (MRS) at each intensity, should meet but
not exceed by more than 30% the input motion response spectrum in the
frequency range between 0.5 and 32 Hz.
3.11.5 Performance and Failure Test Evaluations
A clear description of the intended functionality of the test specimen should
be outlined and definition of performance and anticipated damage states
should be given as described in Section 3.2.3. Upon the completion of each
shake table test, an indication of each damage state achieved should be
FEMA 461 3: Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 69
documented. Justification of interpolation between the damage states should
be included to develop appropriate fragility data. Based on the measured
data, fragility curves should be plotted according to the calculations outlined
in Section 1.3.
3.11.6 Photographs and Video Recordings
Photographs should be taken of critical components such as the overall
layout of the test specimen, joints and connections prior to test and during the
performance evaluation and failure tests. Video recordings of the time-
histories should also be taken to document the dynamic response of the test
All photographs and video recordings submitted as part of the report should
be in digital format and should be included as an appendix in the form of a
CD-ROM. The digital photographs should be taken at a sufficient resolution
for clear viewing of the subject and be electronically stored using a
nonproprietary file format. Videos taken of the test specimen should be
digitized at the highest practical resolution and stored using nonproprietary
compression methods. A description key of the electronic files should be
included as part of the appendix.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 71
Chapter C3
Commentary on Interim Protocol
II – Shake Table Testing
Chapter C3 contains commentary for sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.7, 3.9, and 3.10 of
Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing. Commentary is not provided for
the other sections.
C3.1 General
C3.1.1 Scope
Although the emphasis of this interim shake table testing protocol is on
development of data used for seismic fragility quantification, the procedures
established herein could also be used for the seismic qualification of single-
level motion-sensitive components and systems. In this case, the resulting
seismic qualification procedure should be reviewed by a panel independent
from the testing laboratory to ensure that it fulfils the seismic qualification
requirements of the specimen under test.
C3.2 Test Procedures
C3.2.2 Pretest Inspection and Functional Verification
It is highly desirable that the test specimen be operational during the pretest
inspection and also during the entire fragility test program. Several damage
states could be associated with functional operation of the test equipment and
could therefore only be captured if the test equipment were operating during
testing. Reproducing operational conditions may require the test facility to
upgrade their power supply input (e.g., higher voltage) or make special
arrangements to handle potentially hazardous materials (e.g., refrigerant or
C3.2.3 Definition and Documentation of Functional Performance
and Anticipated Damage States
Damage states should be identified as they occur in the test specimen.
Examples of damage states are:
72 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
unintended action, e.g., tripping a switch,
repair required, e.g., minor leaks,
replacement required,
short-term loss of functionality,
long-term loss of functionality, and
life safety, e.g., spill of hazardous materials, fire, or catastrophic
Clear definitions of functional performance and anticipated damage states are
necessary since a level of performance for one test specimen (e.g., an oil leak
in a rotational bearing) may correspond to a failure mode for another test
specimen (e.g., an oil leak in a transformer bushing). Identification of target
damage states corresponding to the principal performance measures, that is,
direct economic loss, occupancy or function impairment, and casualties, is
required in order to compute seismic fragility curves for the test specimen.
C3.7 Input Motions
The shake table motions used to define the fragility (or capacity) of
equipment are based on work done by the U.S. Army Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory (Wilcoski et al., 1997). The motions are
narrow-band, random, sweep records generated by a Matlab routine. For
records generated for this protocol, the band-width is 1/3 octave and the
center frequency of the records sweeps from 0.5 Hz up to 32 Hz, at a rate of
6 octaves per minute (the frequency doubles every 10 seconds), for a total
signal duration of 60 seconds.
Table C3-1 shows the variables used in the Matlab routine to generate these
records. The Matlab routine was developed to sweep up from a low
frequency to a high value, but the records needed for this protocol sweep
down in frequency, so the generated records were inverted. Table C3-1
shows that the beginning sweep rate can differ from the ending sweep rate,
implying some variation in the sweep rate, and permitting, for example, a
sweep rate that varies linearly with time and logarithmically with frequency.
The records developed here, however, used a constant sweep rate of 6
octaves per minute. The Matlab routine generates a broad-band random
signal with the lower frequency limit of 1/6 octave less (0.45 Hz) than the
lowest frequency of interest (0.5 Hz) and high frequency limit 1/6th octave
above (35.92 Hz) the highest frequency of interest (32 Hz). The routine then
sweeps high- and low-pass filters over the record, where the low-pass filter is
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 73
1/3 octave greater than the high-pass at any moment in time. The resulting
unitless records are each 60 seconds long, and they can be plotted with a dual
abscissa axis of time and center frequency. Each generated record was
inverted with respect to time, so the center frequency decreased from 32 to
0.5 Hz. Figures C3-1 through C3-5 show example records that were used in
the development of the longitudinal record.
Table C3-1 Narrow-Band Random Signal Generation Matlab
Routine Parameters
Parameter Values Used for ATC-58 Records
Sample Rate (Hz) 100
Beginning Sweep Rate
Ending Sweep Rate (octaves/min) 6
Beginning Center Frequency (Hz) 0.5
Ending Center Frequency (Hz) 32
Filter Bandwidth (octaves) 1/3
Filter Error (octaves) 0.2
0 102030405060
Time (sec.)
16 8 4 2 1 0.5
Center Frequenc
Figure C3-1 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran16 record.
74 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0 102030405060
Time (sec.)
16 8 4 2 1 0.5
Center Frequency (Hz.)
Figure C3-2 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran18 record.
0 102030405060
Time (sec.)
16 8 4 2 1 0.5
Center Frequency (Hz.)
Figure C3-3 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran22 record.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 75
0 102030405060
Time (sec.)
16 8 4 2 1 0.5
Center Fre
Figure C3-4 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran31 record.
0 102030405060
Time (sec.)
16 8 4 2 1 0.5
Center Frequency (Hz.)
Figure C3-5 Generated narrow-band random record, Ran34 record.
The records plotted in Figures C3-1 through C3-5 were selected because they
have relatively smooth response spectra. Figure C3-6 plots the response
spectra for each record, using 5% of critical damping. This shows that the
response spectra for even the selected records varies significantly. Therefore,
it was decided to splice together, in time, selected portions of all five records
76 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Spectral Acceleration (no units)
Figure C3-6 Response spectra for selected longitudinal records (5% of critical damping).
to create a spliced longitudinal record. Through this process, portions of
records in time (and frequency due to the correlation) were selected that had
fairly uniform amplitude cycles and a relatively flat response spectra, while
portions of records that had very large or small amplitudes, or response
spectra amplitudes that varied significantly were discarded. The records
were spliced by shifting portions of records slightly in time as needed to
transition smoothly from one source record to another, so that the frequency
content of the records would be preserved. As expected, the resulting record
began to look somewhat like a sine sweep record, but retained some random
content. Figure C3-7 shows that the spliced longitudinal record had more
uniform and reduced amplitudes relative to the source records in Figures
C3-1 through C3-5. Figure C3-6 also plots the response spectrum for the
spliced record, showing more uniform but reduced amplitude.
The spliced record was then scaled so that the response spectra amplitude
would be approximately 1 g between 2 and 32 Hz. Below 2 Hz, the record
was scaled so that the spectral displacement would be uniform. The scale was
defined in the frequency domain by comparing the spectrum for the spliced
record in Figure C3-6 with these goals. The same scale was then converted to
the time domain, to scale the record shown in Figure C3-7. A response
spectrum was generated from the resulting scaled record, which was again
compared with the goals and the scale was adjusted as needed, and the process
repeated until the achieved response spectra matched the goals of 1 g above 2
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 77
Hz and a uniform displacement spectra below. Figure C3-8 plots the final
scale in the frequency domain, while Figure C3-9 plots the same scale in the
time domain. Figure C3-10 plots the scaled longitudinal record (Long_3),
without the frequency scale, and Figure C3-11 plots the response spectra. The
Long_3 record name indicates the 3
scale was final.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-7 Spliced longitudinal record.
0 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Scale (g)
Figure C3-8 Scale used for the longitudinal record, plotted in the frequency
78 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Scale (g)
Figure C3-9 Scale used for the longitudinal record, plotted in the time domain.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Acceleration (g)
Figure C3-10 Scaled narrow-band random longitudinal record, Long_3.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 79
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Spectral Acceleration (g)
Longitudinal, Long_3
Vertical, Vert_3
Transversal, Trans_2
Figure C3-11 Response spectra for scaled narrow-band random records.
The same process was repeated for generating transverse and vertical
records. However, a greater number (namely, 100) of narrow-band random
records and response spectra were generated, providing a greater selection of
records from which to splice the transverse and vertical records. From these
one hundred records, records were selected that had a relatively uniform
response spectrum within selected frequency ranges. Table C3-2 lists the
records selected for the transverse and vertical motions, and shows the
frequency ranges that had relatively uniform response spectrum amplitudes.
Table C3-2 Narrow-Band Random Records Used for Splicing
Transverse and Vertical Records
Record Name Frequency Range with Uniform Spectra
Transverse Records
Ran 7 0.5 – 3 Hz; 7 – 10 Hz
Ran 30 0.5 – 1.2 Hz; 2 – 3.5 Hz; 14 – 29 Hz
Ran 55 2 – 5 Hz
Ran 84 5 – 32 Hz
Vertical Records
Ran 9 0.5 – 1.2 Hz; 3 – 5.5 Hz
Ran 20 0.5 – 1.0 Hz; 12 – 28 Hz
Ran 21 2 – 5.1 Hz
Ran 68 1.2 – 2 Hz; 4 – 9.5 Hz
Ran 90 7 – 32 Hz
Ran 98 0.5 – 1.2 Hz; 6 – 20 Hz
80 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
Figures C3-12 through C3-15 plots those records selected for the transverse
record, and Figure C3-16 plots the response spectra for them. Careful
inspection of Figure C3-16 shows that the Ran 84 record had the most
uniform response spectra of those selected for splicing the transverse record.
For this record a greater effort was made to use many of the higher amplitude
cycles of the original records, while still not using portions of the records that
were either very high or low relative to other cycles in the frequency range of
interest. Ran 84 was used for much of the transverse spliced record. Figure
C3-17 plots the spliced transverse record. This spliced record decreased in
amplitude relative to the source records, but not as dramatically as the
longitudinal record. The source records plotted in Figures C3-12 through
C3-15 show significant modulation in the amplitude of cycles, while the
spliced record in Figure C3-17 reduces this effect, by splicing portions of
source records that have similar amplitudes. Figure C3-16 plots the response
spectrum for this spliced record, showing the more uniform and slightly
reduced amplitudes. The transverse spliced record is called Spliced_2 in
both Figures C3-16 and C3-17, because the splicing process was improved
after the response spectrum of the initial spliced record revealed that
improvements could be made. This was done by observing that response
spectra of some source records better matched the spectrum of the spliced
record in particular frequency regions.
The transverse spliced record was then scaled so the response spectrum
spectral acceleration would be approximately 1 g above 2 Hz, and have a
uniform spectral displacement below 2 Hz. This scaling was accomplished
in the same way as for the longitudinal record, and Figure C3-18 and C3-19
plot the resulting scale in both the frequency and time domain, respectively.
Figure C3-20 plots the scaled transverse record, and the response spectrum is
included in Figure C3-11 (Trans_2). The Trans_2 name for this record
indicates that the 2
trial scale was the final scale used for this record.
Table C3-2 shows the narrow-band random source records that were used to
create the vertical record. These are plotted in Figures C3-21 through C3-26,
and Figure C3-27 plots their response spectra. Figure C3-28 plots the spliced
vertical record. This spliced record also reduced the modulation seen in the
source records (Figures C3-21 through C3-26) by splicing portions of source
records that have similar amplitudes. The response spectrum for the spliced
record plotted in Figure C3-27 has more uniform and reduced amplitudes
than the source records. The vertical record is called Spliced_2 in both
Figures C3-27 and C3-28, because of splicing improvements similar to that
of the transverse record.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 81
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-12 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran7 record.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-13 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran30 record.
82 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-14 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran55 record
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-15 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran84 record
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 83
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Spectral Acceleration (no units)
Figure C3-16. Response spectra of selected transverse records (5% of critical damping).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-17 Spliced transverse record (Spliced_2).
84 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
Frequency (Hz)
Scale (g)
Figure C3-18 Scale used for the transverse record, plotted in the frequency domain
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Scale (g)
Figure C3-19 Scale used for the transverse record, plotted in the time domain.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 85
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Acceleration (g)
Figure C3-20 Scaled narrow-band random transverse record.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-21 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran9 record.
86 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-22 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran20 record.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-23 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran21 record.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 87
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-24 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran68 record
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-25 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran90 record.
88 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-26 Generated narrow-band random signal, Ran98 record.
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Spectral Acceleration (no units)
Figure C3-27 Response spectra of selected vertical records (5% of critical damping).
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 89
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Amplitude (no units)
Figure C3-28 Spliced vertical record (Spliced_2).
The vertical spliced record was then scaled so the response spectrum spectral
acceleration would be approximately 0.8 g above 2 Hz, and have a uniform
spectral displacement below 2 Hz. This scaling was accomplished in the
same way as for the two horizontal records, and Figures C3-29 and C3-30
plot the resulting scale in both the frequency and time domain, respectively.
Figure C3-31 plots the scaled vertical record, and the response spectrum is
included in Figure C3-11 (Vert_3). The Vert_3 name indicates that the 3
trial scale was the final scale used for this record.
C3.9 Notch Filtering of Input Motions
It is possible that once a damage state has been caused by a particular
excitation frequency and at a given amplitude, this damage state will be
undesirably accentuated if the input motions are amplified in subsequent
tests. This situation could prevent the occurrence and identification of other
damage states. To alleviate this situation, notch filtering of the input motions
may be used to remove energy near the excitation frequency that has already
caused a damage state to occur.
Once a frequency has been removed from the input motions by notch
filtering, that frequency will have negligible effect on higher damage levels.
If different damage levels are dominated by the same frequency but by
different intensities, notch filtering will prevent the occurrence of these other
90 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Scale (g)
Figure C3-29 Scale used for the vertical record, plotted in the frequency domain
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Scale (g)
Figure C3-30 Scale used for the vertical record, plotted in the time domain.
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 91
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (sec)
Acceleration (g)
Figure C3-31 Scaled narrow-band random vertical record.
damage states. Therefore, the use of notch filtering must be assessed
carefully during the experimental program.
C3.10 Testing Equipment
Major testing equipment required to execute the test sequence described in
Section 3.2 is categorized in the following four groups.
A shake table is used to apply dynamic motion in one, two or three axes.
It includes the platen structure upon which the test specimen is mounted
and other subcomponents such as actuators, and electrical or hydraulic
power. Most of the shake tables used for fragility testing are of the type
driven by servo-hydraulic actuator systems that can deliver the best
performance requirements of large force, velocity and stroke under large
payloads (the total weight of the test specimen and other fixtures).
A control system can be either an analog or digital electronic system and
is used to control the motions of the shake table.
Instrumentation (or sensors) measure physical quantities such as
displacement, acceleration, velocity, strain, and force. Key
considerations include (a) the proper identification of sensors for the
purpose of collecting response data, and (b) sensor location, coordinate
reference system, measurement characteristics, constraints, and sensor
attachment methods.
92 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
4. Data acquisition includes equipment and appropriate software that is
used to facilitate the reading, processing and recording of sensor output.
C3.10.1 Shake Tables
Typically, performance of a shake table is limited by the actuator stroke (i.e.,
displacement) at low frequencies, actuator velocity (servo capacity) at
intermediate frequencies, and the ratio of actuator force to payload at higher
frequencies. The velocity limit is controlled primarily by the flow capacity of
the actuators’ servo-valves as well as the pump and accumulator flow
capacities. At higher frequencies, however, the shake table performance is
acceleration-limited, the achievable peak acceleration being equal to the ratio
of maximum actuator force capacity to the payload of the test specimen.
The operation of a real-time controller for a shake table system may be
challenging due to the requirements of matching the time-history, response
spectrum or power spectral density (PSD) between the target input motion
and achieved input motion. The requirements must be met by the operator of
the shake table due to the liability of an over-test, e.g., that may subsequently
damage the test specimen.
The parameters affecting control-system design include:
payload (mass of the test specimen),
test specimen resonance, response nonlinearity and force feedback,
input motion, and
mechanical and performance limits of the earthquake simulator system.
Typically, controllers used in servo-hydraulic systems have a limited
frequency bandwidth. Earthquake simulator controllers use advanced analog
or digital controllers that incorporate displacement, velocity and acceleration
signals for improved earthquake simulator response. Displacement, velocity
and acceleration signals provide the low, intermediate and high frequency
components necessary to create the desired earthquake simulator response to
meet the input motion demand. The feedback signals are used to create and
modify the drive signal for the earthquake simulator actuator(s).
Ideally, in order to achieve the required shake table response and conform to
the recommendations of this protocol, the controller must know the
feedbacks a-priori to create the proper corrected drive signal for the shake
table actuators. However, this information is typically not available unless
the test specimen is subjected to pretests of the prescribed levels of input
motion to measure the shake table feedbacks so as to then modify the
FEMA 461 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing 93
subsequent drive signal. The risk of multiple testing of the same test
specimen may, however, damage the test specimen before meeting the
There are several unique advantages of shake table testing of the type
targeted by this interim protocol. The test specimen is generally lightweight
and may therefore have low resonant feedback at the resonant frequency of
the shake table – hydraulic system assembly (i.e., there is negligible shake
table – test specimen interaction). These two advantages allow the shake
table control system to compensate to meet the target acceleration time-
history before the test specimen is placed on the shake table. If the test
specimen is lightweight (low payload) relative to the shake table system, the
shake table can be operated without the specimen in place. This allows the
shake table system to converge on the target input motion through a process
called iteration.
To iterate an input motion time-history, first a forward transfer function must
be computed. This can be done by operating the table at a low-level random
motion and computing the forward transfer function between the feedback
and the reference signals. This function represents the shake table response in
the frequency domain. Once this function is known, it can be used to amplify
or attenuate the frequency components of the input time history and create a
drive time-history. For example, if a 5 Hz, 1 g, sine wave is commanded to
the table, and the table responds with a 2 g sine wave, the transfer function at
5 Hz has a gain of 2. If the command is then modified to 5 Hz at 0.5 g, then
the table response would be 1g which is the target acceleration originally
intended. This new command is called the drive signal.
In theory, the drive signal will produce a feedback identical to the target
acceleration time-history. However, in reality, nonlinear oil flow through the
valves and actuators, and the test specimen response prevents this “first
iteration” from exactly matching the target. It is therefore necessary to take a
percentage of the error between the target and the feedback and add it to the
drive signal. In effect, the system compensates for the nonlinearity of the
shake table response. This process shall be repeated as many times as
necessary until the shake table feedback matches the target motion. It is
apparent that multiple iterations are necessary. This prevents the procedure
from being used when the test specimen is attached to the shake table system.
Real time adaptive control techniques can also be used to converge on the
target motion, but these techniques take time to “anticipate” and modify the
future drive signals. These are more complex techniques, which require
94 C3: Commentary on Interim Protocol II – Shake Table Testing FEMA 461
significant understanding on the part of the operator, and need to be used
with caution even by experienced operators.
C3.10.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring
Within the context of this interim shake table testing protocol, the purpose of
instrumentation and monitoring should be to record and monitor various
types of response characteristics and behavior of the test specimen when
subjected to the test sequence specified in Section 3.2. Hence, sufficient
response monitoring instrumentation should be used to allow recording and
determination of accelerations, velocities, absolute and relative
displacements, strains and forces. The sensors used for this purpose should
allow consistent measurement at various stages of response, such as in the
proportionality range, nonproportionality range, and during failure of the test
FEMA 461 A: Determination of Fragility Functions Based on Laboratory Data 95
Appendix A
Determination of Fragility
Functions Based on Laboratory
A.1 Purpose
This appendix describes the process used to develop nonstructural
component fragility functions based on laboratory testing. These fragility
functions will be used to assess the seismic performance of a building
containing a number of structural and nonstructural components as part of the
performance-based seismic design process.
A.2 Background
Nonstructural component seismic fragility functions are mathematical
expressions that indicate the conditional probability that a nonstructural
component will experience damage equal to or more severe than a particular
level, given that it experiences earthquake-induced demands of a particular
intensity. The intensity of earthquake shaking can be expressed in the form
of maximum imposed displacements, velocities or accelerations, or a
combination of these parameters. Fragility functions typically are expressed
in the form:
D is the damage sustained by the component.
is a specific damage state, such as initiation of cracking of a
partition, a piece of electrical equipment developing a short, or a
mechanical seal on a pressure-containing component losing integrity.
EDP is an engineering demand parameter, used to quantify the intensity of
shaking that the component or system is subjected to as described
Seismic fragility functions will typically be represented as lognormal
functions, characterized by a median value and a variance. For a given
96 A: Determination of Fragility Functions Based on Laboratory Data FEMA 461
damage state DS
, the median value of z, z
, is that value of z at which there
is a 50% probability that damage will equal or exceed the specified level.
The variance, typically represented by the parameter
, is the standard
deviation of the natural logarithm of the values of z at which the damage is
evaluated. Figure A-1 shows a representative nonstructural component
seismic fragility function. In this particular function, the median value of z
has a value of 1. The variance has a value of 0.25. As can be seen, at a
shaking intensity level z =1, there is 50% probability that the component will
be damaged to damage state DS
, or a more severe level. At a shaking
intensity level z = 0.7 there is approximately a 10% chance that the
component will be damaged to DS
, or a more severe level. At a shaking
intensity level z = 1.4, there is approximately a 90% chance that the
component will be damaged to damage state DS
, or a more severe level.
Figure A-1 Hypothetical nonstructural component fragility function
The variability exhibited by nonstructural component seismic fragility
functions can be attributed to a variety of factors, including:
random variations in the character of shaking at a given level of intensity
– for example, if shaking intensity, z, is represented by the peak
acceleration input experienced by the component, one earthquake may
provide that peak value several times during the event, while other
events, of similar intensity, may reach that peak value only one time,
random variation in the strength or displacement capacity of the unit
itself, owing to variability in the materials of its construction and the way
in which the component is manufactured, and
FEMA 461 A: Determination of Fragility Functions Based on Laboratory Data 97
random variation in the manner in which the component is installed in
the building, including, for example, the strength of anchors attaching the
component to the structure.
Nonstructural component fragility functions can be established in several
ways including:
Earthquake performance data. In this method, an attempt is made to
investigate the performance of a number of actual installations of the
component that have experienced shaking of differing intensities. If a large
number of the components have been subjected to shaking of different
intensities, it is possible to develop directly a distribution of the percentage
of components subjected to a given intensity of shaking that have been
damaged to different levels and directly construct the fragility function.
Simulation. In this method, a mathematical model of the component is
developed and a simulation is performed to predict the damage sustained by
the component when subjected to shaking. A large number of simulations
must typically be performed to explore the effect of variation of ground
motion character, manufacturing quality, and installation quality.
Laboratory testing. In this method, a representative sample of components
is subjected to laboratory testing that represents the response of the
components to actual shaking. As with simulation, ideally, a large number of
tests should be performed to permit exploration of the effect of variation of
ground motion character, manufacturing quality and installation quality on
component behavior.
This appendix describes, in a general manner, the procedures that should be
used to develop nonstructural component seismic fragility functions using
laboratory testing.
A.3 General Procedure
As indicated in Section A.2, ideally, data from a large number of tests, that
explore variability in shaking character, manufacturing quality, and
installation quality would be available. However, since testing is typically
expensive, data from only a limited number of tests will be available.
Therefore, development of nonstructural component seismic fragility
functions will require the application of some expert judgment to extrapolate
the available data.
Development of nonstructural component seismic fragility functions should
be conducted by a panel of experts. This panel should include engineers
familiar with structural reliability methods and probabilistic analysis,
98 A: Determination of Fragility Functions Based on Laboratory Data FEMA 461
earthquake engineering experts and engineers familiar with the manufacture,
installation and function of the particular component. Researchers who
performed the testing upon which the seismic fragility will be based should
be participants in the panel although these researchers should not be the sole
members of the panel.
Data available from the test should include a description of the components
tested, the test setup, the loading applied and for each test, the various
damage states observed and the loading level at which each damage state
The panel should evaluate the following factors:
the extent to which the test setup represents the actual installed condition
of the component in a building and the extent that the laboratory setup
may result in a systematic bias in the values of the loading at which the
damage occurs,
the variability of the reported values for which the damage state occurs
and apparent repeatability of results from test to test,
the insight of the researcher who performed the test, regarding the critical
parameters that control the damageability of the component, including
for example, the rigidity and strength of base anchorage or other bracing,
the combined effects of multi-axial loading, whether the component is
functioning at the time of the loading, and any other factors that appear
to affect behavior – these factors should be reported together with the
researcher’s insight as to the extent of the affect of each such parameter,
the variability in performance of similar types of components exhibiting
similar behaviors as established by other seismic fragility development
Considering these data, the panel should establish values for the median and
variance, as previously described. The median value should not be different
from the median value of the reported test data unless there is specific reason
to believe that the test setup resulted in identifiable bias in the results.
Generally, in order to establish a reliable estimate of the variance, based on
test data alone, a large number of tests (in excess of 10) will need to be
performed. Lacking such data, the variance should be established on the
basis of expert judgment considering the identified factors that affect
behavior, an evaluation of the amount of variability possible in each of these
factors, the amount that variability in each of these factors will likely affect
FEMA 461 A: Determination of Fragility Functions Based on Laboratory Data 99
the results, and an understanding of the degree of correlation, if any, between
these various factors and the performance.
When establishing these fragility parameters, the panel must bear in mind
that the intent is to establish unbiased predictions of fragility that neither
over-predict nor under-predict the probability that the component will
experience a given level of damage at a given level of shaking. The
nonstructural component seismic fragility function should account only for
the variability inherent in the behavior of the particular type of component.
Variability in other external factors that can affect the performance of the
component, but which are not directly related to the component should not be
included in the fragility variability. Examples of variability that should not
be included in nonstructural component seismic fragility functions include
the following:
uncertainty in the intensity of ground shaking,
uncertainty in the response of the supporting structure, and
uncertainty in the consequences of damage of the component.
The fragility parameters should be presented in a report, which is prepared by
the panel, and which includes the following:
a description of the component and the installation condition for which
the fragility applies,
identification of the panel members and their qualifications,
a description of the damage state(s) for which the fragilities apply,
including, in a qualitative manner, discussion of the consequences of this
damage (for example, component will not function, component will leak,
component must be repaired, or component must be replaced),
a description of the data and factors considered by the panel, and
the panel’s recommendation for the median and variance.
FEMA 461 References 101
ASCE, 2002, Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings, FEMA- 356 Report, prepared by the American Society of
Civil Engineers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C.
ATC, 1992, Guidelines for Cyclic Seismic Testing of Components of Steel
Structures, ATC-24 Report, Applied Technology Council, Redwood
City, California.
ATC, 1996, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, ATC-40
Report, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, California.
ASTM, 2003, Standard Practices for Cycle Counting on Fatigue Analysis,
ASTM-1049, American Society for Testing and Materials,
EERC, 1996, Performance-Based Seismic Design of Buildings – An Action
Plan for Future Studies, FEMA 283 Report, prepared by the Earthquake
Engineering Research Center for the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Washington, D.C.
EERI, 2000, Action Plan for Performance-Based Seismic Design, FEMA-
349 Report, prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
IAS, 2006, Accreditation Criteria for Testing Laboratories, Report AC 89,
International Accreditation Service, Whittier, California.
IEEE, 2004, Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E
Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE Standard No.
344-2004, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway,
New Jersey.
Krawinkler, H., et al., 1983, Recommendations for Experimental Studies on
the Seismic Behavior of Steel Components and Materials, John A. Blume
Center Report No. 61, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford
Krawinkler, H., Parisi, F., Ibarra, L., Ayoub, A., and Medina, R., 2001,
Development of a Testing Protocol for Wood Frame Structures, CUREE
102 References FEMA 461
Publication No. W-02, Consortium of Universities for Research in
Earthquake Engineering.
Wilcoski, J., Gambill, J.B., and Smith, S.J., 1997, CERL Equipment Fragility
and Protection Procedure (CEFAPP), USACERL Technical Report
97/58, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory,
Champaign, Illinois.
FEMA 461 Acronyms 103
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATC Applied Technology Council
CalTech California Institute of Technology
CD-ROM compact disk, read-only memory
CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
ICC International Code Council
ICC ES ICC Evaluation Service
IMRS input motion response spectrum
LVDT linear variable differential transformer
MAE Center Mid-America Earthquake Center
MCEER Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering
MDOF multi degree of freedom
MRS maximum response spectrum
NEES Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology
PEER Center Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
PSD power spectral density
SDOF single degree of freedom
FEMA 461 Project Participants 105
Project Participants
Project Management
Christopher Rojahn,
Project Executive Director
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Ronald O. Hamburger,
Project Technical Director
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 600
San Francisco, California 94105
FEMA Oversight
Mike Mahoney, Project Officer
Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, SW
Washington, DC 20472
Robert D. Hanson, Technical Monitor
(Federal Emergency Management Agency)
2926 Saklan Indian Drive
Walnut Creek, California 94595-3911
Project Management Committee
Christopher Rojahn, Chair
Ronald Hamburger, Co-Chair
Jon Heintz, Ex-officio
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
William T. Holmes,
Steering Committee Chair (ex-officio)
Rutherford & Chekene
55 Second Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, California 94105
John Gillengerten
Office of Statewide Health
Planning and Development
1600 9th St., Room 420
Sacramento, California 95814
Peter May
University of Washington
Box 353530
Seattle, Washington 98195
Jack P. Moehle
University of California Berkeley
325 Davis Hall – MC 1792
Berkeley, California 94720
Maryann T. Phipps
8331 Kent Court, Suite 100
El Cerrito, California 94530
106 Project Participants FEMA 461
Project Technical Committee
Ronald O. Hamburger, Chair
Christopher Rojahn, Ex-officio
Robert Bachman
Consulting Structural Engineer
25152 La Estrada Drive
Laguna Niguel, California 92677
Craig D. Comartin
Comartin Engineers
7683 Andrea Avenue
Stockton, California 95207-1705
Jon Heintz
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Jack P. Moehle
University of California Berkeley
325 Davis Hall – MC 1792
Berkeley, California 94720
Maryann T. Phipps
8331 Kent Court, Suite 100
El Cerrito, California 94530
Andrew S. Whittaker
University at Buffalo
Dept. of Civil Engineering
230 Ketter Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
Steering Committee
William T. Holmes, Chair
Rutherford & Chekene
55 Second Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, California 94105
Dan Abrams
Mid-America Earthquake Center
University of Illinois
2118 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab
205 N. Mathews
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Deborah B. Beck
Beck Creative Strategies LLC
531 Main Street, Suite 313
New York, New York 10044
Randall Berdine
Fannie Mae
3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-2892
Roger D. Borcherdt
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road, MS977
Menlo Park, California 94025
Michel Bruneau
MCEER, University at Buffalo
105 Red Jacket Quadrangle
Buffalo, New York 14261-0025
Terry Dooley
ACE Mentor Program
c/o Morley Builders
2901 28
Street, Suite 100
Santa Monica, California 90405
Amr Elnashai
Mid-America Earthquake Center
University of Illinois
1241 Newmark Lab
205 N. Mathews
Urbana, Illinois 61801
FEMA 461 Project Participants 107
Steering Committee (continued)
Mohammed Ettouney
Weidlinger Associates, Inc.
375 Hudson Street
New York, New York 10014-3656
Jack Hayes
NEHRP Director
National Inst. of Standards & Technology
100 Bureau Drive, MS 8610
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8610
William J. Petak
University of Southern California
School of Policy Planning and Development
MC 0626
Los Angeles, California 90089
Randy Schreitmueller
FM Global
1301 Atwood Avenue
Johnston, Rhode Island 02919
Jim W. Sealy, Architect
1320 Prudential Drive, No 101
Dallas, Texas 75235-4117
Jon Traw
Traw Associates Consulting
14435 Eastridge Drive
Whittier, California 90602-2745
Product 1 Team
Ronald L. Mayes, Team Leader
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 600
San Francisco, California 94105
Daniel Alesch
(formerly with University of Wisconsin)
909 Forest Hill Drive
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311-5927
Bruce R. Ellingwood
Georgia Institute of Technology
790 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355
James O. Malley
Degenkolb Engineers
225 Bush Street, Suite 1000
San Francisco, California 94104
Structural Performance Products Team
Andrew S. Whittaker, Team Leader
University at Buffalo
Dept. of Civil Engineering
230 Ketter Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
Gregory Deierlein
Stanford University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engrg
240 Terman Engineering Center
Stanford, California 94305-4020
Andre Filiatrault
MCEER, University at Buffalo
105 Red Jacket Quadrangle
Buffalo, New York 14261-0025
John Hooper
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, Washington 98101
Andrew T. Merovich
A. T. Merovich & Associates, Inc.
1950 Addison Street, Suite 205
Berkeley, California 94704
108 Project Participants FEMA 461
Nonstructural Performance Products Team
Robert Bachman, Team Leader
Consulting Structural Engineer
25152 La Estrada Drive
Laguna Niguel, California 92677
David Bonowitz
Office of Court Construction & Mgmt.
Judicial Council of California
Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102-3688
Philip J. Caldwell
Square D Company
1990 Sandifer Blvd.
Seneca, South Carolina 29687
Andre Filiatrault
MCEER, University at Buffalo
105 Red Jacket Quadrangle
Buffalo, New York 14261-0025
Robert P. Kennedy
RPK Structural Mechanics Consulting, Inc.
28625 Mountain Meadow Road
Escondido, California 92026
Gary McGavin
McGavin Architecture
447 LaVerne Street
Redlands, California 92373-6015
Eduardo Miranda
Stanford University
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Terman Room 293
Stanford, California 94305-3707
Keith Porter
Consulting Engineer
769 N. Michigan Avenue
Pasadena, California 91104
Shake Table Testing Protocol Team
Andre Filiatrault, Team Leader
MCEER, University at Buffalo
105 Red Jacket Quadrangle
Buffalo, New York 14261-0025
Philip J. Caldwell
Square D Company
1990 Sandifer Blvd.
Seneca, South Carolina 29687
Peter Dusicka
Portland State University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
P.O. Box 751
Portland, Oregon 97207-0751
Tara Hutchinson
University of California, San Diego
Jacobs School of Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0085
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
Ahmad Itani
University of Nevada, Reno
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Mail Stop 258
Reno, Nevada 89557-0152
Eduardo Miranda
Stanford University
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Terman Room 293
Stanford, California 94305-3707
Gokhan Pekcan
University of Nevada, Reno
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Mail Stop 258
Reno, Nevada 89557-0152
FEMA 461 Project Participants 109
Shake Table Testing Protocol Team (continued)
Andrei M. Reinhorn
University at Buffalo
Dept. of Civil Engineering
231 Ketter Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
Jose Restrepo
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gillman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
James Wilcoski
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, Illinois 61826-9005
Racking Testing Protocol Team
Helmut Krawinkler, Team Leader
Stanford University
Civil Engineering Department
Stanford, California 94305-4020
David Bonowitz
Office of Court Construction & Mgmt.
Judicial Council of California
Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102-3688
Barry J. Goodno
Georgia Institute of Technology
790 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355
Steven Kuan
Office of Housing & Construction Standards
P.O. Box 9844, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 9T2
Joseph R. Maffei
Consulting Structural Engineer
427 Thirteenth Street
Oakland, California 94612
Ali M. Memari
Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Architectural Engineering
104 Engineering Unit A
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802-1416
Jose Restrepo
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gillman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
Chia-Ming Uang
University of California, San Diego
409 University Center
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
Component Cyclic Testing Protocol Team
Manos Maragakis, Team Leader
University of Nevada, Reno
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Mail Stop 258
Reno, Nevada 89557-0152
George Antaki
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Savannah River Site, Building 730-1B/214
Aiken, South Carolina 29808
Scott Campbell
Kinetics Noise Control
6300 Frelan Place
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Robert Kennedy
RPK Structural Mechanics Consulting, Inc.
28625 Mountain Meadow Road
Escondido, California 92026
110 Project Participants FEMA 461
Component Cyclic Testing Protocol Team (continued)
Praveen Malhotra
FM Global Research
1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike
Norwood, Massachusetts 02062
Sami Masri
University of Southern California
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Los Angeles, California 90089-2531
John F. Silva
Hilti Inc.
84 Mt. Rainier Drive
San Rafael, California 94903
Risk Management Products Team
Craig D. Comartin, Team Leader
Comartin Engineers
7683 Andrea Avenue
Stockton, California 95207-1705
Brian J. Meacham, Team Associate Leader
1500 West Park Drive, Suite 180
Westborough, Massachusetts 01581
C. Allin Cornell
Stanford University
Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Terman Engineering Center
Stanford, California 94305
Gee Heckscher
Architectural Resources Group
Pier 9 The Embarcadero
San Francisco, California 94111
Charles Kircher
Kircher & Associates, Consulting Engineers
1121 San Antonio Road, Suite D-202
Palo Alto, California 94303-4311
Farzad Naeim
John A. Martin & Associates, Inc.
1212 S. Flower Street, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90015
Robert D. Weber
R.D. Weber & Associates, Inc.
9784 Ice Box Canyon Court
Las Vegas, Nevada 89117
Publication and Management Support Services
A. Gerald Brady, Editor
735 DeSoto Drive
Palo Alto, California 94303
Bernadette Hadnagy, Operations Manager
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Ste 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Peter N. Mork
I.T. Manager
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Ste 240
Redwood City, California 94065
FEMA 461 Workshop Participants 111
Workshop Participants
FEMA/ATC-58 Workshop on
Interim Protocols for Seismic Performance
Assessment Testing of Nonstructural Components
November 4-5, 2004
Doubletree Hotel, San Francisco Airport
835 Airport Blvd.
Burlingame, California
Dennis Alvarez
USG Corporation
35350 Chester Road
Avon, Ohio 44011
George Antaki
Savannah River Site, 730-1B
Aiken, South Carolina 29808
Robert Bachman
R.E. Bachman, Consulting Structural Engineer
880 Dartmouth Street
San Francisco, California 94134
John Caffrey
University of Southern California
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
KAP 268, Mail Code: 2531
Los Angeles, California 90089
Philip J. Caldwell
Square D/Schneider Electric
1990 Sandifer Blvd.
Seneca, South Carolina 29682
Scott Campbell
Kinetics Noise Control
6300 Irelan Place
Dublin, Ohio 43017
James A. Carlson
Seismic Source Company
P.O. Box 586
Springfield, Nebraska 68059
Mary Comerio
University of California, Berkeley
Dept. of Architecture, M/C 1800
Berkeley, California 94720
Craig D. Comartin
CDComartin Engineering
7683 Andrea Avenue
Stockton, California 95207-1705
Peter Dusicka
Portland State University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
P.O. Box 751
Portland, Oregon 97207-0751
Andre Filiatrault
MCEER, SUNY at Buffalo
Red Jacket Quadrangle
Buffalo, New York 14032
William E. Gates
URS Corporation
915 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700
Los Angeles, California 90017
Jeff Gatscher
Schneider Electric
1010 Airpark Center Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
Barry Goodno
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Civil Engineering
790 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355
112 Workshop Participants FEMA 461
Nathan C. Gould
ABS Consulting Inc.
1844 Lackland Hills Pkwy.
St. Louis, Missouri 63146
Bernadette Hadnagy
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Pkwy., Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Ronald Hamburger
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 600
San Francisco, California 94105
Robert Hanson
2926 Saklan Indian Drive
Walnut Creek, California 94595-3911
Brian Kehoe
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
2200 Powell Street, Suite 925
Emeryville, California 94608
Robert P. Kennedy
RPK Structural Mechanics Consulting, Inc.
28625 Mountain Meadow Road
Escondido, California 92026
Charles Kircher
Kircher & Associates
1121 San Antonio Road, Suite D-202
Palo Alto, California 94303-4311
Helmut Krawinkler
Stanford University
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Stanford, California 94305-4020
Steven Kuan
Public Works & Government Services Canada
800 Burrard Street, Room 641
Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 2V8
Richard Lloyd
Mason Industries
2101 West Crescent Avenue, Suite D
Anaheim, California 92801
Joe Maffei
Rutherford & Chekene
427 Thirteenth Street
Oakland, California 94612
Mike Mahoney
Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, SW, Room 404
Washington, DC 20472
Manos Maragakis
University of Nevada, Reno
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Mail Stop 258
Reno, Nevada 89557
Sami Masri
University of Southern California
Dept. of Civil Engineering, MC 2531
Los Angeles, California 90089-2531
Ali M. Memari
Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Architectural Engineering
104 Engineering Unit A
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802-1416
Kelly Merz
ARES Corporation
3010 Old Ranch Parkway
Seal Beach, California 90740
Eduardo Miranda
Stanford University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Terman Room 293
Stanford, California 94305-4020
FEMA 461 Workshop Participants 113
Gokhan Pekcan
University of Nevada, Reno
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Mail Stop 258
Reno, Nevada 89557
Andrei M. Reinhorn
University at Buffalo
Dept. of Civil Engineering
231 Ketter Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
Jose Restrepo
University of California at San Diego
9500 Gillman Drive, Dept. 0085
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
Christopher Rojahn
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Pkwy., Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Anshel Schiff
Precision Measurement Instruments
27750 Edgerton Road
Los Altos Hills, California 94022
John Silva
Hilti Inc.
84 Mt. Rainier Drive
San Rafael, California 94903
Don Smith
Wyle Laboratories
7800 Highway 20 West
Huntsville, Alabama 35806
Greg Soules
Chicago Bridge and Iron Co.
2103 Research Forest Drive
One CB&I Plaza
The Woodlands, Texas 77380-2624
William Staehlin
Division of the State Architect
1225 R Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Chris Tokas
1600 9th Street, Room 420
Sacramento, California 95814
Chia-Ming Uang
University of California, San Diego
Structural Engineering Department
409 University Center
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
James Wilcoski
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, Illinois 61826-9005