FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 41
Large-Scale Asset
Purchases by the Federal
Reserve: Did They Work?
1. Introduction
n December 2008, the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) lowered the target for the federal funds rate to
a range of 0 to 25 basis points. With its traditional policy
instrument set as low as possible, the Federal Reserve faced the
challenge of how to further ease the stance of monetary policy
as the economic outlook deteriorated. The Federal Reserve
responded in part by purchasing substantial quantities of assets
with medium and long maturities in an effort to drive down
private borrowing rates, particularly at longer maturities.
These large-scale asset purchases (LSAPs) have greatly
increased the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, and
the additional assets may remain in place for years to come.
To be sure, the Federal Reserve undertook other important
initiatives to combat the financial crisis. It launched a number
of facilities to relieve financial strains at specific types of
institutions and in specific markets. In addition, in an attempt
to provide even more stimulus, it used public communications
about its policy intentions to lower market expectations of the
federal funds rate in the future. All of these strategies were
designed to ease financial conditions and to support a
sustained economic recovery. Over time, though, the credit
extended by the liquidity facilities has declined, and the
dominant component of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet
has become the assets accumulated through the LSAP
The decision to purchase large volumes of assets through
March 2010 came in two steps. In November 2008, the Federal
Reserve announced purchases of housing agency debt and
agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) of up to $600 bil-
lion. In March 2009, the FOMC decided to substantially
expand its purchases of agency-related securities and to
purchase longer term Treasury securities as well, with total
asset purchases of up to $1.75 trillion, an amount twice the
magnitude of total Federal Reserve assets prior to 2008.
FOMC stated that the increased purchases of agency-related
securities should “provide greater support to mortgage lending
and housing markets” and that purchases of longer term
Treasury securities should “help improve conditions in private
credit markets.”
In this paper, we review the Federal Reserve’s experience
with implementing the LSAPs through March 2010 and
describe some of the challenges raised by such large purchases
in a relatively short time. In addition, we discuss the economic
The Treasury Department also established a program to purchase agency
MBS beginning in September 2008. By the program’s termination at year-end
2009, it had purchased $220 billion of such securities. This program was much
smaller than the Federal Reserve’s LSAPs and no specific purchase amount
targets were announced, so it is not included in our analysis.
Joseph Gagnon, Matthew Raskin, Julie Remache, and Brian Sack
Joseph Gagnon is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International
Economics; Matthew Raskin is an economic analyst and Julie Remache an
assistant vice president in the Markets Group of the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York; Brian Sack is executive vice president and head of the Markets
Group as well as manager of the System Open Market Account for the
Federal Open Market Committee.
Correspondence: [email protected]
The authors thank Seamus Brown, Mark Cabana, Michelle Ezer, Michael
Fleming, Jeremy Forster, Joshua Frost, Allen Harvey, Spence Hilton,
Warren Hrung, Frank Keane, Karin Kimbrough, David Lucca, Brian Madigan,
Patricia Mosser, Asani Sarkar, Lisa Stowe, Richard Wagreich, Carl Walsh, and
Jonathan Wright for helpful comments; Clara Sheets for valuable research
assistance; and Carol Bertaut for guidance on the foreign official holdings
data. A variation of this paper, “The Financial-Market Effects of the Federal
Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchases,” is appearing in a special issue of the
International Journal of Central Banking. The views expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Peterson Institute,
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or the Federal Reserve System.
42 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
mechanisms through which LSAPs may be expected to
stimulate the economy and present some empirical evidence
on those effects. In particular, LSAPs reduce the supply to the
private sector of assets with long duration (and, in the case of
mortgage securities, highly negative convexity) and increase
the supply of assets (bank reserves) with zero duration and
To the extent that private investors do not view
these assets as perfect substitutes, the reduction in supply of the
riskier longer term assets reduces the risk premiums required
to hold them and thus reduces their yields. We assess the extent
to which LSAPs had the desired effects on market interest rates
using two different approaches and find that the purchases
resulted in economically meaningful and long-lasting
reductions in longer term interest rates on a range of securities,
including securities that were not included in the purchase
programs. We show that these reductions in interest rates
primarily reflect lower risk premiums rather than lower
expectations of future short-term interest rates.
We conclude
with a discussion of issues raised by these policies and potential
lessons for implementing monetary policy at the zero bound in
the future.
2. How LSAPs Affect the Economy
The primary channel through which LSAPs appear to work is
by affecting the risk premium on the asset being purchased. By
purchasing a particular asset, a central bank reduces the
amount of the security that the private sector holds, displacing
some investors and reducing the holdings of others, while
simultaneously increasing the amount of short-term, risk-free
bank reserves held by the private sector. In order for investors
to be willing to make those adjustments, the expected return on
the purchased security has to fall. Put differently, the purchases
bid up the price of the asset and hence lower its yield. This
pattern was described by Tobin (1958, 1969) and is commonly
known as the “portfolio-balance” effect.
Note that the portfolio-balance effect has nothing to do with
the expected path of short-term interest rates. Longer term
yields can be parsed into two components: the average level of
short-term risk-free interest rates expected over the term to
maturity of the asset and the risk premium. The former
Negative convexity arises from the ability of mortgage borrowers to prepay
their loans. As interest rates fall, the incentive to prepay increases, generally
resulting in an increase in prepayments to MBS holders. This effect causes the
duration of MBS to fall as interest rates decline and vice versa. Convexity is
explained in more detail in the next section.
As we discuss below, these risk premiums, or excess expected returns, arise
due to interest rate, credit, or liquidity risk, or other characteristics that make
the assets’ returns uncertain.
represents the expected return that investors could earn by
rolling over short-term risk-free investments, and the latter is
the expected additional return that investors demand for
holding the risk associated with the longer term asset. In
theory, the effects of the LSAPs on longer term interest rates
could arise by influencing either of these two components.
However, the Federal Reserve did not use LSAPs as an explicit
signal that the future path of short-term risk-free interest rates
would remain low.
In fact, at the same time that the Federal
Reserve was expanding its balance sheet through the LSAPs, it
was going to great lengths to inform investors that it would still
be able to raise short-term interest rates at the appropriate
time. Thus, any reduction in longer term yields instead has
likely come through a narrowing in risk premiums.
For Treasury securities, the most important component of
the risk premium is referred to as the “term premium,” and it
reflects the reluctance of investors to bear the interest rate risk
associated with holding an asset that has a long duration. The
term premium is the additional return investors require, over
and above the average of expected future short-term interest
rates, for accepting a fixed, long-term yield. The LSAPs have
removed a considerable amount of assets with high duration
from the markets. With less duration risk to hold in the
aggregate, the market should require a lower premium to hold
that risk. This effect may arise because those investors most
willing to bear the risk are the ones left holding it.
Or, even
if investors do not differ greatly in their attitudes toward
duration risk, they may require lower compensation for
holding duration risk when they have smaller amounts of it
in their portfolios.
In addition to the effect of removing duration and hence
shrinking the term premium across all asset classes, Federal
Reserve purchases of agency debt and agency MBS might be
expected to have an effect on the yields on those assets through
other elements of their risk premiums. For example, these
There is a large body of literature on consumer-optimizing models of
portfolio selection, which are variants of the portfolio-balance model that
impose restrictions arising from the assumed (risk-averse) utility functions of
investors. See Markowitz (1952), Sharpe (1964), and Campbell and Viceira
(2001, 2005). More recently, Vayanos and Vila (2009) have developed a
theoretical model of the term structure based on preferred habitats of investors,
which also relies on risk aversion. Andres, Lopez-Salido, and Nelson (2004)
provide an example of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with
imperfect asset substitutability based on frictions in financial markets.
Indeed, the FOMC instead directly used language in its statements to signal
that it anticipates that short-term interest rates will remain exceptionally low
for an extended period. However, as discussed below, neither the language
about future policy rates in the FOMC statements nor the LSAP announce-
ments appear to have had a substantial effect on the expected future federal
funds rate.
Indeed, in the preferred-habitat model of Modigliani and Sutch (1966),
it is possible that some agents seek to hold long-duration assets, such as for
retirement, so that the term premium can, in principle, be negative.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 43
assets may be seen as having greater credit or liquidity risk
than Treasury securities.
In addition, the purchases of MBS
reduce the amount of prepayment risk that investors have to
hold in the aggregate. Prepayment risk on MBS causes the
duration of the securities to shrink when interest rates decline
and rise when interest rates increase. These changes in duration
imply that MBS have negative convexity: compared with the
price of a noncallable bond with the same coupon and
maturity, MBS prices rise less when rates fall and decline more
when rates rise. Given this undesirable profile and the cost of
hedging against it, investors typically demand an extra return
to bear the negative convexity risk, keeping MBS rates higher
than they would otherwise be. The LSAPs removed a
considerable amount of assets with high convexity risk, which
would be expected to reduce MBS yields.
These portfolio-balance effects should not only reduce
longer term yields on the assets being purchased, but also spill
over into the yields on other assets. The reason is that investors
view different assets as substitutes and, in response to changes
in the relative rates of return, will attempt to buy more of
the assets with higher relative returns. In this case, lower
prospective returns on agency debt, agency MBS, and Treasury
securities should cause investors to seek to shift some of their
portfolios into other assets, such as corporate bonds and
equities, and thus should bid up their prices. It is through the
broad array of all asset prices that the LSAPs would be expected
to provide stimulus to economic activity. Many private
borrowers would find their longer term borrowing costs lower
than they would otherwise be, and the value of long-term assets
held by households and firms—and thus aggregate wealth—
would be higher.
The effects described so far would be caused by LSAP-
induced changes in the stock of assets held by the public.
Moreover, to the extent that investors care about expected
future returns on their assets, today’s asset prices should reflect
expectations about the future stock of assets. Thus, a credible
announcement that the Federal Reserve will purchase longer
term assets at a future date should reduce longer term interest
rates immediately. Otherwise, investors could make excess
profits by buying the assets today to sell to the Federal Reserve
in the future.
There may also be effects on the prices of longer term assets
if the presence of the Federal Reserve as a consistent and
significant buyer in the market enhances market functioning
Prior to December 2009, the Treasury had committed to sizable but limited
capital injections in the housing agencies, and thus had not issued a blanket
guarantee of agency obligations. On December 24, 2009, the Treasury removed
the limit on capital injections over the next three years, stating that it wished to
“leave no uncertainty about the Treasury’s commitment to support these
firms.” Agency debt and agency MBS are not as liquid as Treasury securities.
The direct effect of LSAPs on liquidity of these securities is considered in more
detail below.
and liquidity. The LSAP programs began at a point of
significant market strains, and the poor liquidity of some assets
weighed on their prices. By providing an ongoing source of
demand for longer term assets, the LSAPs may have allowed
dealers and other investors to take larger positions in these
securities or to make markets in them more actively, knowing
that they could sell the assets, if needed, to the Federal Reserve.
Such improved trading opportunities could reduce the
liquidity risk premiums embedded in asset prices, thereby
lowering their yields.
This liquidity (or market-functioning) channel, which is
distinct from the portfolio-balance channel, appears to have
been important in the early stages of the LSAP programs for
certain types of assets. For example, the LSAP programs began
at a point when the spreads between yields on agency-related
securities and yields on Treasury securities were well above
historical norms, even after adjusting for the convexity risk
in MBS associated with the high interest rate volatility at that
These spreads in part reflected poor liquidity and
elevated liquidity risk premiums on these securities.
The flow
of Federal Reserve purchases may have helped to restore
liquidity in these markets and reduced the liquidity risk of
holding those securities, thereby narrowing the spreads of
yields on agency debt and MBS to yields on Treasury securities
and reducing the cost of financing agency-related securities.
Another asset for which the market-functioning channel
was important in the early stages of the LSAP programs is
older Treasury securities, which had become unusually cheap
relative to more recently issued Treasury securities with
comparable maturities.
Such differences would normally
be arbitraged away, but investors and dealers were reluctant
to buy the older securities because their poor liquidity meant
that they might be difficult to sell. However, after the Federal
Reserve began buying such bonds, the yield spreads narrowed
to normal levels.
Overall, LSAPs may affect market interest rates through
a combination of portfolio-balance and market-functioning
effects. Although the effects on market functioning appear to
It is possible that the flow of purchases may affect longer term interest rates
for reasons other than the effects on market functioning and liquidity, if the
market faces other frictions.
According to Bloomberg L.P., the option-adjusted spread between the
current-coupon Fannie Mae thirty-year MBS and Treasuries averaged
146 basis points in the four weeks ending November 21, 2008. Over the
period 1996 to 2007, this spread averaged 89 basis points and exceeded
146 basis points on less than 4 percent of days.
Another contributing factor to the high yield spreads is that many financial
firms at that time faced constraints on their balance sheets, given the large
capital losses on other assets and limited access to new funds. Capital
constraints put agency-related debt at a disadvantage relative to Treasury
securities, as agency-related holdings have a 20 percent risk weighting
compared with 0 percent for Treasury securities.
See Gürkaynak and Wright (2010, p. 56).
44 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
have been important at the start of the LSAPs when financial
markets were unusually strained, the primary long-run effects
are likely associated with the portfolio-balance effect. The lack
of significant movements in interest rates around the time that
each component of the LSAP programs was wound down
suggests that market functioning was no longer impaired and
that the Federal Reserve presence in the market had little
additional effect beyond that through its portfolio holdings.
3. Implementation of LSAPs
The Federal Reserve holds assets that it has purchased in the
open market in its System Open Market Account (SOMA).
Historically, SOMA holdings have been nearly all Treasury
securities, although small amounts of agency debt were held
at times.
Purchases and sales of SOMA assets are called
outright open market operations (OMOs). Outright OMOs,
in conjunction with repurchase agreements and reverse
repurchase agreements, traditionally were used to alter the
supply of bank reserves in order to influence conditions in
the federal funds market.
Most of the higher frequency
adjustments to reserve supply were accomplished through
repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, with outright
OMOs conducted periodically to accommodate trend growth
in currency demand.
OMOs generally were designed to have a minimal effect on
the prices of the securities included in the operations. To that
end, they tended to be small in relation to the markets for
Treasury bills and Treasury coupon securities. LSAPs, however,
aimed to have a noticeable impact on the interest rates of the
assets being purchased as well as on other assets with similar
characteristics. In order to achieve this goal, the Federal
Reserve designed LSAPs to be large relative to the markets for
these assets. Between December 2008 and March 2010, the
Federal Reserve purchased more than $1.7 trillion in assets.
This represents 22 percent of the $7.7 trillion stock of longer
term agency debt, fixed-rate agency MBS, and Treasury
securities outstanding at the beginning of the LSAPs.
Agency purchases were introduced in 1971 in order to “widen the base for
System open market operations and to add breadth to the market for agency
securities.” New purchases were stopped in 1981, although some maturing
funds from agency holdings were reinvested in newly issued agency securities.
Beginning in 1997, all holdings of agency securities were allowed to mature
without replacement. The last agency holding acquired under these programs
matured in December 2003.
A repurchase agreement is similar to a collateralized loan. The borrower sells
a security to the lender and simultaneously promises to buy back the security
at a fixed price. The Federal Reserve lends funds to the market through
repurchase agreements in order to increase reserves. To withdraw funds, the
Federal Reserve engages in repurchase agreements in the opposite direction,
also known as “reverse repurchase agreements.”
way to scale the purchases is to measure the amount of
duration they removed from the market using the concept of
“ten-year equivalents,” or the amount of ten-year-par Treasury
securities that would have the same duration as the portfolio of
assets purchased. Between December 2008 and March 2010,
the Federal Reserve purchased about $850 billion in ten-year
equivalents. That represents more than 20 percent of the
$3.7 trillion outstanding stock of ten-year equivalents across
these three asset classes at the beginning of the programs.
15, 16
We believe that no investor—public or private—has ever
accumulated such a large amount of securities in such a short
period of time.
As with all OMOs, the implementation of LSAP programs
was carried out by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York under
delegated authority from the FOMC to the SOMA manager at
the New York Fed. Under this authority, the SOMA manager is
responsible for the design and execution of OMOs to achieve
the policy mandate set forth by the FOMC. Among the
challenges in implementing OMOs for the LSAP programs was
the need to communicate clearly to market participants the
Federal Reserve’s goals and strategy for LSAPs and to execute
such large purchases while maintaining healthy market
Purchases of MBS posed the greatest operational challenge,
owing to the more complex nature and heterogeneity of these
securities and to the size of the MBS purchase program.
Although the New York Fed had routinely accepted agency
MBS as collateral in repurchase agreement transactions, these
securities previously had not been purchased on an outright
basis. In order to quickly and efficiently implement the MBS
purchases and to mitigate financial and operational risk, the
New York Fed hired external investment managers to execute
these purchases.
Working closely with staff at the New York
Fed on a day-to-day basis, the investment managers executed a
certain quantity of purchases on behalf of the Federal Reserve
The outstanding stock is computed from Barclay’s Capital Indices, based
on data for November 24, 2008 (the day before the initial announcement of
LSAPs). The amount includes only fixed-rate issues with at least one year to
final maturity, and at least $250 million par amount outstanding. The measure
of agency debt outstanding includes debt issued by U.S. government agencies,
quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the
U.S. government (such as USAID securities), but the largest issues are from
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank System.
The outstanding stock of ten-year equivalents is also computed from Barclay’s
Capital Indices, based on data for November 24, 2008. Note that this measure
of duration is affected by changes in the shape of the Treasury yield curve, and
by the level of interest rates through their effect on prepayment of MBS.
Note that in these calculations, we combine the purchases of all three asset
types, as they all remove duration from the market and hence should affect risk
premiums on all assets with duration exposure. In the regression analysis in
section 4, we focus on the net public sector supply of long-term assets held
because this measure plausibly may be assumed to be exogenous with respect
to risk premiums. We thus ignore privately issued long-term assets that are
held by private investors.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 45
across a range of actively traded securities in the market each
day. Those transactions were carried out with the Federal
Reserve’s primary dealers as the counterparties.
Purchases of agency debt and Treasury securities posed less
of a challenge, as these securities were already handled by the
New York Fed in traditional OMOs. Unlike MBS purchases,
the agency and Treasury purchases were arranged as multi-
price reverse auctions conducted over the Federal Reserve’s
proprietary trading system, FedTrade.
The auctions provided
a mechanism through which primary dealer counterparties
could indicate the prices and quantities that they were willing
to sell, facilitating competition between auction participants
and enabling a market-based determination of purchases.
Overall, the New York Fed conducted sixty operations for
purchasing Treasury securities, or an average of nearly two per
week over the course of the program; for agency securities, the
number of operations through January 2010 totaled sixty-two,
or about one per week.
Each operation focused on a
particular maturity segment of securities and, to the extent
possible, was scheduled to avoid conflicting with other
operations or market events, such as Treasury debt auctions,
agency offerings, and significant planned economic news
releases. A summary of purchases was published on the New
York Fed’s website following each operation.
For each of the three types of assets included in the LSAPs,
the SOMA manager, in consultation with the FOMC, designed
a strategy for the pace and composition of purchases. The
approach for each program was similar, but not identical, as
due consideration needed to be given to the unique features of
each asset class. In general, the composition of purchases was
tilted toward longer maturity or longer duration securities in
Four investment firms were hired to provide trading and advisory services at
the start of the program: BlackRock, Goldman Sachs Asset Management,
PIMCO, and Wellington Management Company. On August 17, 2009, the
New York Fed announced that Wellington Management Company would
become the sole investment manager and that BlackRock would be retained for
analytical support services. JPMorgan was hired as the program administrative
agent and custodian.
Weekly summaries of MBS purchases can be found at http://www.newyorkfed
In these multi-price reverse auctions, participants enter prices at which they
are willing to sell selected amounts of specific securities to the New York Fed.
The offers are ranked according to their attractiveness and accepted until the
desired purchase amount is reached, much like in the case of a single-price
auction. However, in the case of these multi-price auctions, sellers whose offers
are accepted receive the price they submitted, whereas in a single-price auction
all successful offers would receive the clearing price for that security.
A tentative two-week schedule of Treasury operations was announced on
a biweekly basis, while agency operations were announced one day ahead.
Providing advance notice of auctions helped to boost participation by allowing
dealers time to assess and adjust their inventories.
Summaries of Treasury purchases are available at
markets/pomo/display/index.cfm. Summaries of agency purchases are
available at
order to enhance the portfolio-balance effect and reduce longer
term interest rates. But purchases included a range of
maturities in order to minimize any distortions in the yield
curves for these assets. Within each sector, the New York Fed
focused purchases on assets that appeared to be underpriced
relative to other assets within that sector, in some cases
reflecting reduced market liquidity, as discussed above. These
assessments were made using modeled yield curves and fair
market values for securities to be purchased.
The overall pace
of purchases had to be high enough to achieve the FOMC’s
targets within the stated time frame, but allow for some
variation from day to day based on market liquidity conditions.
Recall that purchases of agency debt and MBS began at a
time when liquidity in these markets was poor and spreads to
Treasury yields were unusually wide. In these circumstances,
LSAPs helped to improve market liquidity by providing a large
buyer for these securities on a consistent basis. Spreads of MBS
and agency yields narrowed relative to Treasury yields and
spreads between on-the-run and off-the-run Treasury
securities narrowed. Trading flows increased and market
participants reported narrower bid-ask spreads in these
markets, reflecting improved liquidity. However, as financial
conditions improved over the course of the programs, the
LSAPs became more of an impediment to market liquidity by
removing such a large amount of the available supply. Some
market analysts argued that the relatively rich pricing of agency
debt and MBS was also having a negative impact on market
liquidity because it was driving some major investors out of
these markets. However, displacing agency debt and MBS
investors to a significant extent was an unavoidable element
of the programs that was necessary for achieving their goals.
Despite periodic strains, these markets generally continued to
function with adequate liquidity, in that investors could trade
relatively large amounts of securities with little effect on
market prices.
Because the MBS purchases were arranged with primary
dealer counterparties directly, there was no auction mechanism
to provide a measure of market supply. Instead, the New York
Fed aimed to adjust the pace of purchases of each class of
MBS in response to measures of whether that class appeared
relatively cheap or expensive, driven in part by changes in
liquidity. To avoid buying at excessively high prices and to
support market functioning, the New York Fed increased
purchases when market liquidity appeared to be good and
reduced them when liquidity appeared to be poor. Different
measures of liquidity were used to make these adjustments,
For Treasury and agency debt purchases, underlying discount curves were
estimated from prices of a current cross-section of comparable securities from
the same issuer to generate a fair valuation for securities being purchased. In
the case of MBS, valuations between different securities were compared with
historical norms.
46 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
Chart 1
Distribution of Agency Debt Purchases by Maturity
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Billions of dollars
More than
ten years
More than
five years,
to ten years
More than
two years,
to five years
More than
three months,
to two years
Zero to three
Maturity bucket
Chart 2
Distribution of Mortgage-Backed Securities
Purchases by Coupon
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Billions of dollars
Coupon rate (percent)
including measures of trading volumes, relative price
valuations, bid-ask spreads, and indications of supply
imbalances. Throughout the program, the pace of daily
purchases ranged from $2 billion to $9 billion.
In terms of
composition, the Federal Reserve purchased MBS in all coupon
classes, but purchases were concentrated in the “production,”
or newly issued, thirty-year securities, which were in abundant
supply in the first few months of the program and generally had
lower coupons than existing MBS because of the prevailing low
interest rates.
It was felt that concentrating purchases on
production MBS would help to reinforce the decline in primary
mortgage rates by providing mortgage originators with a deep
and ready market for new loans.
In the case of agency debt, the New York Fed adjusted the
amount of securities purchased in each operation in response
to the total amount of propositions submitted, provided that
these propositions were at competitive prices. This strategy was
used in order to target different segments of the maturity
spectrum optimally from the perspective of market functioning
and liquidity. The program initially focused on off-the-run
securities; but as liquidity improved and yield spreads for these
securities narrowed, the New York Fed added on-the-run
securities to the eligible set of securities in September 2009
in order to mitigate market dislocations that had developed
during the program.
The program also made purchases and sales in the MBS dollar roll market to
help support financing of dealer MBS portfolios and to smooth out temporary
fluctuations in the supply of particular coupon categories of MBS. In a dollar
roll transaction, the buyer purchases MBS for the current delivery month and
simultaneously sells substantially similar MBS for a future delivery month.
MBS with low coupons have a longer duration than high-coupon securities,
in part because they tend to have a lower prepayment rate.
Concerns about market functioning and liquidity were
generally lower in the Treasury LSAP program, as that program
was much smaller in relation to the size of the market and to
the level of typical trading flows. As such, neither the pace
nor the composition of purchases was adjusted significantly
throughout the program. The amount of propositions in each
operation routinely exceeded the targeted quantity by three
times or more.
Purchases of agency debt were concentrated in medium-
term securities because of the small outstanding supply at
longer maturities (Chart 1). Purchases of agency MBS were
concentrated in newly issued, low-coupon, thirty-year
securities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Chart 2), which
were relatively more liquid and had longer durations than
other MBS. Purchases of Treasury securities were concentrated
in the two- to ten-year maturity sectors (Chart 3). Never-
theless, there were significant amounts purchased outside of
these targeted sectors, including a range of maturities of
Treasury debt and higher coupon, seasoned agency MBS, in
order to avoid substantial distortions in the yield curves and
spreads on these assets. In these circumstances, LSAPs
appeared to improve market liquidity. Spreads of agency debt
and MBS yields narrowed relative to Treasury yields, and
spreads between on-the-run and off-the-run Treasury
securities also narrowed.
The pace of purchases evolved fairly smoothly over the
course of the program. Total purchases ranged between
$50 billion and $200 billion on a monthly basis (Chart 4).
Purchases were somewhat heavier from March 2009 through
June 2009, reflecting the expansion of the LSAP programs at
that time and the large amount of MBS purchases made to
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 47
Chart 3
Distribution of Treasury Purchases by Maturity
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Billions of dollars
Treasury Inflation-
Protected Securities
Seventeen to
thirty years
Ten to
seventeen years
Seven to ten years
to seven years
Three to four-
and-a-half years
Two to
three years
One to
two years
Maturity bucket
Chart 4
Pace of Purchases by Asset Class
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Billions of dollars
Agency mortgage-
backed securities
Agency debt
offset significant origination activity. The decision to taper
purchases led to a slowing pace after mid-2009.
The Federal Reserve issued a press release shortly after the
initial announcement of each program providing further
details on the timing and overall structure of the programs.
Documents providing answers to frequently asked questions
were released at the start of each program. These documents
provided details as to the types of securities eligible for
purchase and the investment strategy that would be employed,
The decision to gradually slow the pace of Treasury purchases was
announced in the August 2009 FOMC statement. The decision to gradually
slow the pace of agency purchases was announced in the September 2009
FOMC statement.
and they were updated to reflect changes in the programs, such
as the increase in the targeted size of the agency debt and MBS
programs or the inclusion of on-the-run securities for purchase
in the agency debt program. The timely release of information
was provided in order to reduce uncertainty and speculation
about operational details. This information may also have
helped to prevent erratic trading based on differential access
to information or on rumors and misconceptions.
4. Estimates of LSAP Effects
4.1 Other Studies
According to the expectations theory of the term structure,
altering the maturity of the net supply of assets from the
government to private investors should have only minimal
effects on the term structure of interest rates. This view was
supported by the literature studying Operation Twist in the
early 1960s, which did not find robustly significant effects of a
swap between short-term and long-term Treasury securities in
the SOMA portfolio.
However, as noted by Solow and Tobin
(1987), Federal Reserve purchases during Operation Twist
were small and were soon more than offset by increased
Treasury issuance of long-term debt. Overall, there was little
movement in the average maturity of Treasury debt held by the
public and thus little hope of estimating a statistically
significant and robust effect.
Subsequent time-series studies, using longer spans of data,
generally have found a noticeable effect on the term structure
of shifts in the maturity structure of Treasury debt.
estimated size of this effect depends on the degree of theoretical
restrictions imposed on the estimating equation. Tighter
restrictions implied by simple models of household behavior
generally lead to smaller estimates, but these restrictions
typically are rejected statistically in favor of less restrictive
specifications. Other time-series studies, while not focusing on
the maturity structure of public debt, have found that increases
in the total supply of public debt tend to raise longer term
See, for example, Modigliani and Sutch (1967). The current program differs
from Operation Twist in that the reduction in long-term bonds is financed by
reserve creation rather than sales of short-term Treasury bills. However, with
interest rates on bank reserves and short-term bills roughly equal in the current
environment, the two assets should be viewed as close substitutes, and thus the
effect on the term spread should be similar.
All of the studies focused on the United States. See Friedman (1981), Frankel
(1985), Agell and Persson (1992), Kuttner (2006), and Greenwood and
Vayanos (2010). Since the original draft of this paper was written, Hamilton
and Wu (2010) have estimated the model of Vayanos and Vila (2009) and
obtained results broadly similar to ours.
48 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
interest rates.
Kozicki, Santor, and Suchanek (2010) analyze
time-series data on the size of central bank balance sheets and
find that increases in the balance sheets are associated with
declines in long-term forward interest rates. Stroebel and
Taylor (2009) find little effect of daily Federal Reserve
purchases on the spread between MBS yields and swap yields
and a moderate effect on the spread between MBS yields and
Treasury yields.
Bernanke, Reinhart, and Sack (2004) adopt an alternative
approach to time-series analysis. They examine specific news
events concerning future Treasury issuance or purchases of
longer term securities and find that longer term yields dropped
significantly on days when the market learned of future
declines in the net supply of longer term Treasury securities.
Since the original draft of this paper was written, several
studies have examined the issue of whether LSAPs can affect
longer term interest rates. D’Amico and King (2010),
Hamilton and Wu (2010), Krishnamurthy and Vissing-
Jorgensen (forthcoming), Neely (2010), and Swanson (2011)
all find evidence that LSAPs do indeed reduce longer term
interest rates.
In this paper, we employ both time-series and event-study
methodologies to gauge the overall effects of the LSAP programs.
4.2 An Event Study of Recent LSAP
In this section, we use an event-study analysis of Federal
Reserve communications to derive estimates of the effects of
LSAPs implemented between December 2008 and March 2010.
In particular, we examine changes in interest rates around
official communications regarding asset purchases, taking the
cumulative changes as a measure of the overall effects. In doing
so, we implicitly assume that: 1) our event set includes all
announcements that have affected expectations about the total
future volume of LSAPs, 2) LSAP expectations have not been
affected by anything other than these announcements, 3) we
can measure responses in windows wide enough to capture
long-run effects but not so wide that information affecting
yields through other channels is likely to have arrived, and
4) markets are efficient in the sense that all the effects on yields
occur when market participants update their expectations
and not when actual purchases take place.
The financial variables we examine are the two-year and
ten-year Treasury yields, the ten-year agency debt yield, the
current-coupon thirty-year agency MBS yield, the ten-year
Treasury term premium (based on Kim and Wright [2005]),
See Engen and Hubbard (2005), Gale and Orszag (2004), and Laubach
(2009). Warnock and Warnock (2009) also find that purchases of U.S. debt
by foreign governments tend to lower U.S. long-term interest rates.
the ten-year swap rate, and the Baa corporate bond index
Swap rates and corporate bond yields help us gauge
the extent to which news about LSAPs affected yields on assets
that were not purchased by the Federal Reserve.
We focus on a narrow set of official communications, each
of which contained new information concerning the potential
or actual expansion of the size, composition, and/or timing of
LSAPs. The eight announcements included in this “baseline”
event set are:
the initial LSAP announcement on November 25, 2008,
in which the Federal Reserve announced it would
purchase up to $100 billion in agency debt, and up to
$500 billion in agency MBS;
Chairman Bernanke’s December 1, 2008, speech, in
which he stated that in order to influence financial
conditions, the Fed “could purchase longer term
Treasury securities...insubstantial quantities”;
the December 2008 and January 2009 FOMC
statements, which indicated that the FOMC was
considering expanding purchases of agency securities
and initiating purchases of longer term Treasury
the March 2009 FOMC statement, in which the FOMC
announced the decision to purchase “up to” $300 billion
of longer term Treasury securities and to increase the
size of agency debt and agency MBS purchases to “up to”
$200 billion and $1.25 trillion, respectively;
the August 2009 FOMC statement, which dropped the
“up to” language qualifying the maximum amount of
Treasury purchases and announced a gradual slowing in
the pace of these purchases;
These are strong assumptions. The need for them arises in part because we
do not have a direct measure of expectations about the size of future LSAPs.
With such a measure, we could use announcements to identify exogenous
shocks to LSAP expectations. The corresponding yield responses could then be
used to derive statistical estimates of the effects of changes in expectations and,
from these, the total effects of LSAPs could be extrapolated. Such an approach
is typical of studies of the effects of surprise changes to the target federal funds
rate, using interest rate futures contracts to measure market expectations. A
particular challenge in isolating the effects of LSAPs is that the announcements
we identify are likely to have contained non-LSAP information relevant to
yields, including policy measures and updates to the FOMC’s economic
outlook. As a result, it is impossible to draw a response window narrow enough
to include only the effects of LSAPs.
We measure agency debt yields using Freddie Mac’s on-the-run fixed-rate
senior benchmark noncallable note; as of February 1, 2010, Fannie Mae had
not issued a ten-year note since 2007. On-the-run agency debt was not
included in LSAPs until September 2009, but the cumulative changes in the
first off-the-run yield are almost identical to the changes in the on-the-run
yield. The MBS yield is the average of the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae current-
coupon thirty-year agency MBS yields. The interest rates are from Bloomberg
L.P., except for the Baa yield, which is from Barclay’s Capital. The Kim-Wright
term premium data are made available by the Federal Reserve Board at http:// The Kim-Wright term
premium is based on implied zero-coupon yields on off-the-run securities,
whereas the Treasury yield series are for on-the-run coupon securities.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 49
the September 2009 FOMC statement, which dropped
the “up to” language qualifying the maximum amount
of agency MBS purchases and announced a gradual
slowing in the pace of agency debt and MBS purchases;
the November 2009 FOMC statement, which stated that
the FOMC would purchase “around $175 billion of
agency debt.”
Table 1
Interest Rate Changes around Baseline and Extended Event Set Announcements
Basis points
Date Event
U.S. Treasury
U.S. Treasury
Swap Baa Index
Initial large-scale-asset-
purchase announcement -2 -22 -58 -44 -17 -29 -18
Chairman speech -8 -19 -39 -15 -17 -17 -12
Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC)
Statement -9 -26 -29 -37 -12 -32 -11
FOMC statement 10 14 14 11 9 14 2
FOMC statement -22 -47 -52 -31 -40 -39 -29
4/29/2009 FOMC statement 1 10 -1 6 6 8 -3
6/24/2009 FOMC statement 10 632445
FOMC statement -2 542312
FOMC statement 1 -3 -3 -1 -1 -5 -4
FOMC statement -2 681553
12/16/2009 FOMC statement -2 1 0 -1 1 1 -1
1/27/2010 FOMC statement 11 344131
3/16/2010 FOMC statement -3 -5 -4 -4 -4 -4 -5
1/6/2009 Minutes release 0 -4 3 -17 -1 -9 -14
2/18/2009 Minutes release 9 11468916
4/8/2009 Minutes release 2 -4 -7 -9 -4 -6 -6
5/20/2009 Minutes release -5 -5 -5 -7 -4 -4 -10
7/15/2009 Minutes release 7 13 16 16 10 16 7
9/2/2009 Minutes release -1 -6 -6 -4 -7 -8 -5
10/14/2009 Minutes release 1 7 10 3 7 7 8
11/24/2009 Minutes release 0 -5 -5 -9 -5 -6 -3
1/6/2010 Minutes release -2 65467-1
2/17/2010 Minutes release 4 778685
Baseline event set -34 -91 -156 -113 -71 -101 -67
Baseline set + all FOMC -1 -55 -134 -114 -47 -75 -72
Cumulative change: 11/24/08 to 3/31/2010 -19 50 -75 -95 30 28 -489
Standard deviation of daily changes:
11/24/08 to 3/31/10 5 8 9 10 6 9 7
Sources: Bloomberg L.P.; Barclay’s Capital; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Included in the baseline event set.
Two-day change for agency mortgage-backed securities on March 18, 2009, because of a Bloomberg L.P. data error.
50 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
Chart 5
Cumulative Interest Changes on Baseline
Event Set Days
Sources: Bloomberg L.P.; Barclay’s Capital; Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Basis points
Baa index
Ten-year swap
term premium
U.S. Treasury
U.S. Treasury
We consider the response of interest rates using one-day
windows around the announcements, measured from the
closing level the day prior to the announcement to the closing
level the day of the announcement.
Selecting the window
length involves a trade-off between allowing sufficient time for
revised expectations to become fully incorporated in asset
prices and keeping the window narrow enough to make it
unlikely to contain the release of other important information.
Although event studies often examine intraday price changes in
order to avoid the pollution of measured responses by
extraneous information, we believe a wider window is suitable
in this context. Specifically, given the novelty of the LSAPs and
the diversity of beliefs about the mechanisms by which they
operate, changes may have been absorbed more slowly than for
typical monetary policy shocks (such as those to the federal
funds target rate).
Table 1 displays the changes in interest rates on each day in
the baseline event set described above as well as on days in
which the FOMC issued communications concerning the
LSAPs that provided little new information. With one minor
exception, interest rates moved in the expected direction on
each of the baseline event days. On November 25, December 1,
December 16, and March 18, FOMC communications pointed
to greater-than-expected LSAP purchases, and long-term rates
fell. On January 28, August 12, and November 4, FOMC
communications pointed to lower-than-expected LSAP
purchases, and long-term rates rose. The magnitude of the
surprise was likely rather low on these last two dates, which is
consistent with the relatively small movements in long-term
interest rates. On September 23, long-term rates fell despite
FOMC language that might have reduced expected future
LSAPs, but the decline was very small (only 1 basis point for the
term premium).
Chart 5 displays the cumulative changes in interest rates
across the eight announcements in the baseline event set. All
interest rates declined notably, with the ten-year Treasury
yield, ten-year agency debt yield, and current-coupon agency
MBS yield declining 91, 156, and 113 basis points, respectively.
The large change in the ten-year Treasury yield relative to the
two-year Treasury yield suggests that the announcements
reduced longer term rates principally by reducing the term
premium, as opposed to signaling a commitment to keep
policy rates low for an extended period of time. This inference
is confirmed by the large cumulative drop in the Kim-Wright
ten-year term premium measure. The relatively large changes
in agency debt and agency MBS yields demonstrate that the
LSAPs also helped to lower spreads of the yields on these assets
relative to those on Treasury securities. The substantial declines
We use the two-day change for the MBS yield around the March 2009 FOMC
meeting because of an error in the Bloomberg MBS yield series on March 18.
As discussed below, we also tried using two-day windows for all event days and
interest rates.
in the swap rate and the Baa corporate bond yield show that
LSAPs had widespread effects, beyond those on the securities
targeted for purchase.
Some observers, noting that the ten-year Treasury yield did
not decline on net over the course of the LSAP programs, have
argued that the LSAPs did not have a lasting effect. Chart 6
compares the net changes in interest rates on the baseline event
days with the net changes on all other days from November 24,
2008, through March 31, 2010. The ten-year Treasury yield and
swap rate increased more than 100 basis points on nonevent
days, and hence were up moderately over the entire period.
However, there were many factors at play that would have been
expected to lift Treasury yields over that period, including
a very large increase in the expected future fiscal deficit, a
significant rebound in the economic outlook, and a sharp
reversal of the flight-to-quality flows that had occurred in the
fall of 2008.
It is likely those factors, and not a reversal of the
effects of the LSAP announcements, that drove Treasury
yields higher on other days. Supporting that view, other
interest rates showed very different patterns than that of the
ten-year Treasury yield on nonevent days. The agency debt
yield rose less than the Treasury yield, the MBS yield was little
changed, and the Baa corporate bond yield dropped about
400 basis points. This combination of a rising Treasury yield
and a falling corporate bond yield is consistent with the
relaxation of the extreme financial strains and flight-to-quality
On December 10, 2008, the Blue Chip Economic Indicators survey’s average
projection of the fiscal year 2009 federal deficit was $672 billion. In January
2010, the Congressional Budget Office estimated the 2009 deficit at $1,587
billion and projected the 2010 deficit at $1,381 billion. The Conference Board’s
Index of Leading Economic Indicators rose from 99.2 in November 2008 to
109.4 in March 2010.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 51
Chart 6
Cumulative Changes since November 2008,
Event versus Nonevent Days
Sources: Bloomberg L.P.; Barclay’s Capital; Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Basis points
Baa index
Ten-year swap
term premium
U.S. Treasury
U.S. Treasury
All days:
November 24, 2008,
to March 31, 2010
Event days
Nonevent days
Chart 7
Cumulative Interest Rate Changes around
Announcement Events, Alternative Event
Study Parameters
Sources: Bloomberg L.P.; Barclay’s Capital; Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Basis points
Baa index
Ten-year swap
term premium
U.S. Treasury
U.S. Treasury
Two-day response
Baseline + all FOMC
that characterized the early part of 2009, and it highlights the
importance of focusing on event days to measure the effects
of LSAPs separately from the effects of other developments.
Finally, Chart 7 plots cumulative interest rate changes using
two modifications to our event study. In the first, we continue
to use one-day response windows, but expand the event set to
include all FOMC statements and minutes between November
2008 and January 2010 to allow for the possibility that markets
gleaned information about the future of LSAPs from these
communications. In the second, we use the same baseline event
set as above, but extend the response window to two days to
allow for lagged reactions to the news by some market
participants. Most of the measured effects of the LSAPs change
only modestly using these alternative parameterizations of the
event study. Using the expanded event set, we show that the
cumulative declines are between 10 basis points larger and
30 basis points smaller than when we use the baseline set. The
smaller declines may reflect that markets had attributed some
probability to further increases in the LSAPs and that these
expectations were adjusted downward when the FOMC did
not move in that direction on the nonbaseline event days.
However, using two-day response windows, we see that the
cumulative declines are 0 to 40 basis points larger than they are
when the one-day windows are used, suggesting that it may
have taken more than one day for the market to fully adjust
to these communications.
MBS yields in particular may have taken longer to respond fully to these
communications. Adding a third day to the windows increases the cumulative
decline of MBS yields by more than 30 basis points, whereas it has little effect
on the cumulative declines in the other yields.
To more carefully evaluate whether the effects found above
arose through the term premium, as would be expected from
the theoretical discussion in section 2, we focus on yield
movements around the two FOMC announcements that also
contained new language on the prospects for future short-term
interest rates. In particular, on December 16, 2008, the FOMC
stated its view that the federal funds rate was likely to remain at
“exceptionally low levels for some time.” On March 18, 2009,
the FOMC modified this language to “exceptionally low levels
for an extended period.” We want to make sure that the yield
movements around those dates do not reflect a decline in
expected future short-term interest rates associated with
those statements.
One way to approach this issue is to rely on the Kim-Wright
(2005) estimated term premium used above to examine the
market interest rates with maturities that are most likely to be
affected by the FOMC statements concerning the future federal
funds rate. Any movement in the expected federal funds rate at
these horizons is likely to be much greater than the average
movement in the expected federal funds rate over the next ten
years. We focus on the movement in the estimated one-year-
ahead instantaneous interest rate around the release of the
FOMC statements.
According to the Kim-Wright estimates,
the one-year-ahead expected instantaneous interest rate
dropped only 4 basis points on December 16, 2008, and rose
16 basis points the following day.
An alternative gauge of
The instantaneous interest rate is a construct of the Kim-Wright model that
is essentially equivalent to the federal funds rate.
The two-year-ahead expected instantaneous interest rate dropped 6 basis
points on December 16 and rose 4 basis points on December 17.
52 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
market expectations is the one-year-ahead forward
instantaneous interest rate, as the term premium would
presumably be limited in size at this horizon.
This rate
dropped 11 basis points on December 16, but rose 17 basis
points the following day.
On March 18, 2009, the Kim-Wright one-year-ahead
expected instantaneous interest rate dropped 4 basis points and
rose by the same amount on the following day.
The one-year-
ahead forward instantaneous rate dropped 28 basis points on
March 18, but about half of this decline was unwound over the
next few days. Overall, these observations on expected future
and forward interest rates suggest that the December 2008 and
March 2009 FOMC statements did not have large effects on
market expectations of the future path of the federal funds
rate—certainly not enough to explain the substantial decline
in longer term interest rates on those days.
In principle, the LSAP programs could have raised the
expected future path of the federal funds rate by accelerating
the expected pace of economic recovery. In this case, the LSAP
effect on the term premium would be greater than the effect on
the long-term Treasury yield. According to Table 1, however,
the LSAP effects on the ten-year Treasury yield are slightly
larger than those on the ten-year term premium, suggesting
that LSAPs did not raise the expected future federal funds rate.
Altogether then, we find that longer term interest rates
declined by up to 150 basis points around key LSAP
announcements. Moreover, the majority of the decline in the
ten-year Treasury yield around these announcements can be
attributed to declines in the term premium. Chart 7 shows that,
depending on the event set and response window used, LSAP
announcements reduced the ten-year term premium by
between 50 and 100 basis points. Little of the observed declines
in longer term yields appears to reflect declining expectations
of future short-term interest rates associated with FOMC
communications about the likely future path of the federal
funds rate.
The forward rate is the sum of the expected future instantaneous rate and the
forward term premium. It can be derived directly from the yield curve without
requiring any modeling of, or assumptions about, its components beyond
those required to fit a yield curve to observed bond yields.
The two-year-ahead expected instantaneous interest rate dropped
14 basis points on March 18 and rose 3 basis points on March 19.
It is possible that these FOMC statements affected the term premium directly
by reducing uncertainty about the path of future interest rates. Estimating this
effect is beyond the scope of this paper, but we believe such effects are likely to
have been small.
4.3 Time-Series Analysis of Longer Term
Treasury Supply
In this section, we use a different method and different data to
measure the impact of asset purchases (or sales) on the ten-year
term premium.
Specifically, we estimate statistical models
that explain the historical variation (prior to the announce-
ment of the LSAP programs) in the term premium using
factors related to: 1) the business cycle, 2) uncertainty about
economic fundamentals, and 3) the net public sector supply of
longer term dollar-denominated debt securities. Using a
variety of model specifications, we estimate the effects on the
term premium of changes in the stock of longer term debt held
by private investors. We then use these results to estimate
the (out-of-sample) impact of the Federal Reserve’s asset
purchases through March 2010, which represent a reduction in
the supply of longer term debt securities to private investors.
Following Backus and Wright (2007), we explain historical
time-variation in the term premium using an ordinary-least-
squares regression model of the form:
where is the nominal ten-year yield term premium, and
is a set of observable factors.
However, we expand on the set
of explanatory variables used by Backus and Wright, focusing
on the three types of variables noted above.
In particular, the following variables are included to capture
term premium variation related to the business cycle and
fundamental uncertainty:
Unemployment gap: measured as the difference between
the unemployment rate and the Congressional Budget
Office’s estimate of the natural rate of unemployment.
Core CPI inflation: a second measure of the macro-
economic state, the twelve-month change in core CPI,
may also proxy for inflation uncertainty.
The term premium likely captures the largest component of the LSAPs’
effects on private borrowing rates. However, as we highlighted in section 2,
LSAPs also affected other components of risk premiums. The statistical models
here do not attempt to estimate these other effects or the effects on term
premiums at different horizons.
Whereas Backus and Wright modeled the instantaneous forward term
premium ten years ahead, we focus on the ten-year yield term premium because
of our interest in the purchases’ effects on longer term interest rates.
In early analysis, we also included a measure of the on-the-run Treasury
liquidity premium as a proxy for the flight-to-quality demand for Treasuries.
However, the coefficient on this term was never significant, and excluding it
did not affect the magnitude or significance of the other coefficients. For ease
of exposition, we omit it here.
Mankiw, Reis, and Wolfers (2004) show that inflation disagreement, the
level of inflation, the absolute value of the change in inflation, and relative price
variability positively covary.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 53
Long-run inflation disagreement: measured as the
interquartile range of five- to ten-year-ahead inflation
expectations, as reported by the Michigan Survey of
Six-month realized daily volatility of the on-the-run ten-
year Treasury yield: a proxy for interest rate uncertainty.
We use this instead of option-implied volatility because
it is available over a longer period.
To capture the effects of changes in the net public sector supply
of longer term debt securities, we use the following time series,
each of which is expressed as a percentage of nominal GDP:
publicly held Treasury securities with at least one year to
maturity, including securities held by private investors as
well as those held by the Federal Reserve and by foreign
official institutions;
Treasury securities held in the Federal Reserve’s SOMA
portfolio with at least one year to maturity;
U.S. debt securities held by foreign official agencies, with
at least one year to maturity; this measure includes
Treasury securities, agency-related securities, and
corporate bonds, and is interpolated from annual stock
surveys, using monthly Treasury International Capital
(TIC) flows, by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.
An important assumption of our statistical analysis is that
these longer term debt stock variables are exogenous with
respect to the term premium. For example, this assumption
implies that the Treasury does not issue more long-term debt
when the term premium declines. To the extent that these
public sector agencies do respond to term premiums in a
manner similar to private investors, that is, by buying more
long-term debt (or selling less long-term debt) when the term
premium is high, our estimates of the effect of public sector
longer term debt supply on the term premium will be biased
downward. Overall, we believe it is reasonable to assume that
these public agencies respond very little to term premiums.
We use the Michigan survey because of its long history and relatively high
frequency (monthly), but our results are not significantly affected if we use
long-run inflation disagreement taken from the Blue Chip Economic Indicators
survey instead. The Michigan survey did not include the long-run inflation
question during some months in the 1980s. We linearly interpolate the series
when data are missing.
Realized and implied volatility are highly correlated at the monthly
frequency, and our modeling choice does not appear to substantively alter
the results.
As noted above, the SOMA held agency securities between 1971 and 2003.
However, these were a very small portion of total SOMA holdings (less than
5 percent), and information on the maturity and duration of these holdings
is not available.
See Bertaut and Tryon (2007). The data are available at http://www
However, our estimates may be viewed as somewhat
conservative owing to this potential downward bias.
The response of private investors to the net public sector
supply of assets should not be affected by the specific public
sector agency doing the purchases or sales. Thus, when the
Treasury buys back a longer term security, it should have the
same effect on longer term yields as when the Federal Reserve
buys that security or when a foreign official agency buys that
security (assuming that each is expected to hold the security on
a persistent basis and controlling for any policy signals the
purchases convey). Moreover, the term premium should be
roughly equally affected by public sector purchases of either
Treasury securities or agency-related securities with similar
durations. Accordingly, the appropriate measure of the net
supply of longer term debt securities by the public sector would
include longer term Treasury securities less the total amount of
longer term debt held by the SOMA and by foreign official
We estimate models with this measure of the net
supply of longer term debt expressed in both unadjusted terms
and as ten-year Treasury equivalents.
The duration
adjustment captures relevant variation in the composition
of the outstanding stock of debt securities.
We estimate the model on monthly data over the period
January 1985 to June 2008. This period was selected because
it is the full sample over which data on each of the variables
are available, and because it ends shortly before the initial
announcement of asset purchases in the fall of 2008. The first
two columns of Table 2 present results from a regression of the
ten-year term premium on the explanatory variables, using the
unadjusted net debt stock measure. The third and fourth
columns present results using the duration-adjusted net debt
stock. For comparison, in this and subsequent tables we
include estimates from the model without any debt supply
variable in the final columns.
We do not include privately issued debt securities held by private investors
because these securities have a net zero supply from the point of view of the
private sector, and because demand and supply for them are likely not
exogenous with respect to the term premium.
The unadjusted stock of Treasury securities with remaining maturity greater
than one year is obtained from Table FD-5 of the Treasury Bulletin. This table
excludes SOMA holdings but includes foreign official holdings, which we
subtracted using the TIC data described above. The duration-adjusted stock
of non-SOMA Treasuries comes from Barclay’s Capital and, unlike the
unadjusted measure, excludes Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).
In the duration-adjusted regressions, we use foreign holdings of long-term
Treasury securities only (that is, we do not use agency-related securities or
corporate bonds) and assume that these have the same duration as non-SOMA
Treasuries held by the public. Because we cannot isolate foreign holdings of
TIPS, the adjusted stock variable may understate holdings (by subtracting TIPS
holdings from a total stock measure that already excludes it). The effect should
be minor.
As described in section 2, the adjustment converts the amount, S, into an
amount of ten-year Treasury securities with the same portfolio duration:
ten-year equivalents = S*duration(S)/duration(10y).
54 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
The results are similar with either measure of the debt stock.
The explanatory variables are almost all significant at the
1 percent level and always have the expected sign. Specifically,
one percentage point increases in the unemployment gap, core
CPI inflation, inflation disagreement, and realized volatility
increase the term premium about 20, 30, 40, and 100 basis
points, respectively. As for the supply variables, a 1-percent-of-
GDP increase in longer term debt supply increases the ten-year
term premium by 4.4 basis points on an unadjusted basis and
by 6.4 basis points when expressed in terms of ten-year
Treasury equivalents.
Both coefficients are statistically
significant at the 1 percent level.
The $1.725 trillion in purchases by the Federal Reserve
between December 2008 and March 2010 is roughly 12 percent
of 2009 nominal GDP, which, according to the estimates in the
first column of Table 2, implies that total Federal Reserve asset
purchases reduced the term premium by 52 basis points. In
terms of ten-year equivalents, the Federal Reserve purchased a
We cannot reject the possibility that the debt stock coefficients are constant
between the first and second halves of the sample.
If the debt stock components—Treasury, SOMA, and TIC—are entered
separately into the regression, the coefficients on SOMA and TIC are a bit
larger and the coefficient on Treasury is considerably smaller than the
coefficient on the combined variable. We suspect that the smaller separate
Treasury estimate arises because shifts in the supply of long-term Treasury
securities are anticipated far in advance. In the regressions reported here, we
nevertheless impose the assumption that the effects are the same.
total of approximately $850 billion—roughly 6 percent of 2009
nominal GDP—which, according to estimates in the third
column, would imply that asset purchases reduced the term
premium by 38 basis points.
None of the variables included in the model can grow or
decline without bound, and thus there is a strong presumption
that they are stationary. However, some of them may have a
sufficiently large autocorrelation to appear nonstationary
within our twenty-three-year estimation sample. Thus, we also
use dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) based on Stock and
Watson (1993) to estimate the long-run relationship (also
known as the cointegrating vector) between the term premium
and the explanatory variables. In addition to the levels of our
explanatory variables, the contemporaneous, lead, and lagged
first differences of each are included as regressors.
The level
coefficients from the DOLS regression estimate the long-run
relationship between the variables, and the deviation of the
The following procedure was used to select the leads and lags included within
the DOLS regression. We started with a single lead and lag of the first difference
of each explanatory variable. If the lead or lag for a variable was statistically
significant at the 5 percent level (using Newey-West standard errors with
twelve lags), we added one more and removed all leads and lags that were not
significant. If the added lead or lag was still significant, we added four more.
For each specification, this was enough to make the leads and lags of the longest
length statistically insignificant. For robustness, we also estimated the model
using six leads and lags of the first differences. The coefficient estimates on
supply in the cointegrating vectors were virtually unchanged from those
derived according to the selection procedure just described.
Table 2
Ordinary-Least-Squares Regression of Ten-Year Term Premium, January 1985 to June 2008
Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error
Constant -2.182*** 0.348 -2.324*** 0.349 -1.852*** 0.334
Cyclical factors
Unemployment gap 0.180** 0.064 0.185** 0.063 0.252*** 0.070
Core CPI 0.307*** 0.056 0.298*** 0.057 0.480*** 0.062
Inflation disagreement 0.377** 0.131 0.394** 0.133 0.286* 0.123
Realized volatility 0.943*** 0.207 0.994*** 0.206 0.944*** 0.271
Unadjusted 0.044*** 0.009 ————
Duration-adjusted 0.064*** 0.014
Adjusted R
0.84 0.84 0.78
Standard error of regression 0.36 0.37 0.43
Number of observations 282 282 282
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Note: Newey-West standard errors with twelve lags.
***Statistically significant at the 1 percent level.
**Statistically significant at the 5 percent level.
***Statistically significant at the 10 percent level.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 55
term premium from this long-run relationship is referred to as
the cointegration error. Regressing the change in the term
premium on the contemporaneous change in the explanatory
variables and on the lagged level of the cointegration error
allows us to estimate the long-run adjustment speed of the
cointegrating relationship and to test the significance of the
cointegrating relationship.
The first two columns of Table 3 present results from the
DOLS model, again estimated over the period January 1985
to June 2008. The long-run effects of changes in the longer
term debt stock are almost identical to those obtained in
Table 2. Specifically, an increase in longer term debt equal
to 1 percent of GDP increases the term premium by slightly
more than 4 basis points in the unadjusted specification and
by slightly more than 6 basis points in the duration-adjusted
specification. The adjustment speed parameters of -0.15
imply that deviations in the term premium from long-run
equilibrium have a half-life of roughly five months. The
t-statistics on the adjustment speeds are -5.7 and -6.3, which
are sufficiently large to reject the hypothesis that these
variables do not have a stable long-run relationship (that is,
they are not cointegrated) at the 1 percent significance level.
Note that the adjustment speed drops substantially when
the debt stock variables are excluded (the final columns),
suggesting that the longer term debt stock is an important
part of the long-run relationship.
The preceding regressions are based on the Kim-Wright
model of the ten-year term premium, which was estimated
over a sample that does not include a major financial crisis or
monetary policy constrained by the zero bound on nominal
interest rates. As a robustness check, we also estimate a
specification that uses the ten-year Treasury yield as the
dependent variable and that includes the target federal funds
rate and the slope of the near-term Eurodollar futures curve
to proxy for the expected path of policy rates.
If we assume
that the two additional variables adequately control for
expected future policy interest rates, the estimated
coefficients on the other variables should continue to reveal
their impact on the ten-year term premium. Note that
another reason for focusing directly on the behavior of the
Specifically, we use the difference between the implied rates on Eurodollar
futures contracts settling approximately two years and one year ahead.
Table 3
Dynamic Ordinary-Least-Squares Regression of Ten-Year Term Premium, January 1985 to June 2008
Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error
Constant -2.288*** 0.388 -2.351*** 0.425 -1.879*** 0.355
Cyclical factors
Unemployment gap 0.222*** 0.062 0.219*** 0.063 0.283*** 0.071
Core CPI 0.302*** 0.065 0.281*** 0.063 0.502*** 0.067
Inflation disagreement 0.458** 0.173 0.454* 0.180 0.292 0.152
Realized volatility 0.822*** 0.221 0.901*** 0.229 0.867** 0.296
Unadjusted 0.042*** 0.008 ————
Duration-adjusted 0.062*** 0.014
Long-run properties
Adjustment parameter
-0.154*** 0.03 -0.151*** 0.024 -0.116*** 0.021
ADF test on cointegration error
-6.051*** -5.957*** -3.441**
Number of observations 282 280 282
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Note: Newey-West standard errors with twelve lags.
Estimated by regressing the change in the term premium on the contemporaneous change in each explanatory variable and on the lagged level
of the cointegration error.
Null hypothesis: no cointegrating relationship. Critical values are from Ericsson and MacKinnon (1999).
***Statistically significant at the 1 percent level.
**Statistically significant at the 5 percent level.
*Statistically significant at the 10 percent level.
56 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
ten-year yield is that the ultimate goal of LSAPs is to lower
longer term private borrowing rates, many of which are
highly correlated with ten-year Treasury yields. As the first
and third columns of Table 4 show, the estimated longer term
debt supply effects are somewhat higher in this specification
than in the term premium regressions. The estimated
coefficients of 0.07 and 0.10 on the unadjusted and duration-
adjusted debt stocks imply that LSAPs have reduced the
ten-year term premium by 82 basis points (unadjusted
model) or 58 basis points (duration-adjusted model).
Table 4
Ordinary-Least-Squares Regression of Ten-Year Treasury Yield, December 1986 to June 2008
Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error
Constant 0.297 0.432 0.103 0.443 -0.013 0.513
Rate expectations
Target fed funds 0.403*** 0.114 0.424*** 0.118 0.742*** 0.114
Eurodollar slope 0.477* 0.214 0.478* 0.225 0.602* 0.273
Cyclical factors
Unemployment gap 0.127 0.208 0.172 0.210 0.784*** 0.198
Core CPI 0.378** 0.125 0.342** 0.131 0.163 0.157
Inflation disagreement 0.210 0.165 0.215 0.170 0.111 0.187
Realized volatility 1.057*** 0.25 1.145*** 0.27 1.340*** 0.31
Unadjusted 0.069*** 0.014 ————
Duration-adjusted 0.098*** 0.023
Adjusted R
0.92 0.91 0.88
Standard error of regression 0.45 0.46 0.53
Number of observations 259 259 259
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Note: Newey-West standard errors with twelve lags.
***Statistically significant at the 1 percent level.
**Statistically significant at the 5 percent level.
*Statistically significant at the 10 percent level.
Table 5
Effect of 1-Percent-of-GDP Increase in Long-Term
Debt on Ten-Year Term Premium
Basis points
Squares Term
Premium Model
Squares Term
Premium Model
Unadjusted 4.4 4.2 6.9
6.4 6.2 9.8
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Long-run effect.
Table 6
Total Effect of Large-Scale Asset Purchases (LSAPs)
on Ten-Year Term Premium
Basis points
Squares Term
Premium Model
Squares Term
Premium Model
Unadjusted 52 50 82
95 percent CI 31-74 31-69 50-115
Duration-adjusted 38 36 58
95 percent CI 22-54 20-53 31-84
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Note: For LSAPs implemented through March 2010. Based on asset
durations as of March 2010 and the advance estimate of fourth-quarter
2009 nominal GDP.
Long-run effect.
FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2011 57
Table 5 summarizes the estimated coefficients on longer
term debt stock across our specifications while Table 6 lists
the implied effects of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases
on the ten-year term premium. Our results suggest that the
$1.725 trillion in announced purchases reduced the ten-year
term premium by between 38 and 82 basis points. This range
of point forecasts overlaps considerably with that obtained in
our event study, which is impressive given that entirely separate
data and methodologies were used to obtain the results.
5. Conclusion
With policy interest rates in many countries constrained by the
zero bound, and with short-term interest rates in Japan having
been near zero for more than a decade, expansion of the
monetary policy toolkit is an important objective. In this paper,
we examine lessons from the experience of the Federal Reserve
since late 2008 with one of the key policy tools available at the
zero bound—large-scale purchases of longer term assets.
By reducing the net supply of assets with long duration, the
Federal Reserve’s LSAP programs appear to have succeeded in
reducing the term premium. The overall size of the reduction
in the ten-year term premium associated with LSAPs through
March 2010 appears to be somewhere between 30 and 100 basis
points, with most estimates in the lower and middle thirds of
this range. In addition to reducing the term premium, the
LSAP programs had an even more powerful effect on longer
term interest rates on agency debt and agency MBS by
improving market liquidity and removing assets with high
prepayment risk from private portfolios.
Based on this evidence, we conclude that the Federal
Reserve’s LSAP programs did lower longer term private
borrowing rates, which should stimulate economic activity.
While the effects are especially noticeable in the mortgage
market, they appear to be widespread, extending, for example,
to the markets for Treasury securities, corporate bonds, and
Using a longer sample and somewhat different specification, Greenwood and
Vayanos (2010) also find a statistically significant effect of bond supply on the
bond yields. They regress the spread of the five-year Treasury yield to the one-
year Treasury yield and the spread of the twenty-year yield to the one-year yield
on the ratio of Treasury securities with maturities greater than ten years to total
Treasury securities. They do not subtract SOMA or TIC holdings. Over the
period 1952-2005, they find that a one percentage point increase in the share of
Treasury securities with maturities above ten years increases the five-year yield
spread 4 basis points and the twenty-year yield spread 8 basis points.
The event-study range is somewhat higher than the time-series range. This
difference may reflect the possibility that LSAP effects are larger when financial
conditions are strained. Alternatively, it is possible that the effect of maturity
supply on bond yields is nonlinear, so that large reductions in net supply have
a proportionally larger (or smaller) effect on yields. The LSAP programs
constituted a large shift in maturity supply by historical standards.
interest rate swaps. That conclusion is promising, as it means
that monetary policy remains potent even after the zero bound
is reached. To be sure, achieving this further stimulus was not
without its challenges, as it required a sizable expansion of the
Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, and the purchase of such a
large volume of securities in a relatively short time frame
required the surmounting of operational hurdles. However, by
restoring functioning to the mortgage market and lowering the
term premium, the programs provided considerable benefits.
Even though the LSAPs appear to have been successful, it is
worth reflecting on their structure and considering whether the
approach taken was optimal. The LSAPs, as implemented, were
discrete in nature, in that the broad characteristics of the
programs were set in two decisions upfront (in November 2008
and March 2009). The remainder of the programs involved
carrying out those decisions, with little responsiveness to
changes in the economic or financial outlook.
By stating a specific amount and a timetable for LSAPs
upfront, the FOMC appeared to commit itself to a future
course of action. This commitment was softened somewhat by
the use of the phrase “up to” before the specified purchase
amounts. However, market participants generally indicated
that they expected the full amounts to be purchased, and in the
later stages of the programs the FOMC made it clear that close
to the full amounts would be purchased. Policymakers often
prefer not to make strong commitments on future policies
because there is always a chance that future economic
conditions will call for a different policy stance than expected.
Policymakers may want to assess the benefits of this element of
commitment relative to an approach that instead allows greater
responsiveness to economic and financial conditions. Bullard
(2009) lays out the theoretical case for a policy rule for LSAPs
analogous to conventional policy rules for interest rates, but he
shows that the practical issues in designing such a rule are
substantial, particularly in light of the limited historical
experience of economies operating near the zero bound on
nominal interest rates.
Indeed, further study of both the
theoretical and empirical issues raised by LSAPs would be
helpful in order to assess whether they can be employed even
more effectively in the future.
An alternative strategy, proposed by Bernanke (2002), is to use unlimited
purchases to target near-zero yields on Treasury securities with successively
longer maturities, starting with one-year securities. This strategy entails a
completely elastic response of LSAPs to interest rates on the targeted securities,
but leaves open the question of how to relate the choice of targeted maturities
to economic conditions.
58 Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve
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