San Francisco RNP to GLS Demonstration
18 November 2016
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 1
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Executive Summary
In August 2016, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines flew two Boeing 737-900ERs in a series of precision
approaches into San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The objective of these flights was to improve
airport efficiency at SFO with new approach procedures. One procedure features a much shorter turn to
final approach, reduces the distance flown by twenty nautical miles and time spent in the air, cuts emissions
by up to 1700 lbs per approach, avoids nearby Oakland Airspace, and improves community noise exposure
for several densely populated East Bay communities. Other procedures could reduce the ceiling and
visibility requirements for simultaneous parallel runway approaches and optimize air traffic control workload
while maintaining a high rate of arrivals in poor weather conditions.
This demonstration focused on the benefits of linking two, high precision satellite-based approach
technologies Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Landing System (GLS). The demonstration was an industry effort and brought together teams from SFO,
the FAA Northern California TRACON (NCT), Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, Jeppesen and Boeing. It
enabled stakeholders to study the benefits of the approaches, evaluate the performance of the procedures,
and understand infrastructure impacts of GLS operations to accelerate the implementation of RNP to GLS.
For SFO, RNP procedures alone can reduce community noise and reduce fuel burn and emissions by
flying shorter, more direct routes away from noise sensitive areas. GLS final precision approach segments
are in use today at several airports worldwide. While both RNP and GLS can be used separately, the
greatest operational benefits are achieved when an RNP approach terminates in a GLS final segment,
designated an RNP to GLS procedure. RNP to GLS operations offer capabilities beyond what is available
with existing airport precision approach tools invented 85 years ago. RNP to GLS procedure can reduce
the approach minima and enable more efficiency by allowing simultaneous operations in lower ceiling and
visibility conditions. In addition, the combination of a higher glideslope and touchdown points further down
the runway (e.g., displaced threshold) can increase vertical separation between two streams of traffic to
allow for more efficient simultaneous parallel operations. One of the new procedures demonstrated could
potentially remove an air traffic control sequencing constraint that requires heavy-sized aircraft to use only
one runway during some simultaneous approaches, thus reducing controller workload. RNP to GLS
procedures could be implemented to other runways, adding precision approach capability where none
exists today, further increasing airport all-weather access.
SFO is the seventh busiest airport in the United States, handling over 400,000 movements annually. To
accommodate traffic demands, SFO typically operates simultaneous departures and arrivals to runways
28L and 28R. During low visibility conditions, which occur up to 23 percent of time annually, the airport
must operate single stream arrivals which significantly increases delays and reduces airport access. There
are no precision approaches to runways 10L or 19R due to proximity of rising terrain and airport
infrastructure, respectively. Furthermore, RNP to GLS procedures can be designed to define clean, quiet,
and efficient approach profiles. These low energy approaches are designed with special attention to the
altitude profile, airspeed, descent rates, aircraft configuration (e.g., flaps and landing gear setting), and the
engine thrust level. By managing these parameters, approaches can be designed to minimize the use of
speedbrakes and level segments, both of which contribute to community noise and emissions.
This report contains a summary of SFO operations today, an overview of RNP and GLS technology, RNP
to GLS procedure design, flight demonstration coordination, environmental performance assessment and
next steps to implement RNP to GLS procedures. In the near term, the team recommends that SFO
implements RNP procedures to runways 10L and 19R to improve efficiency in the airspace. In the long
term, SFO should install a GLS ground station and implement RNP to GLS procedures to improve
simultaneous operations to runways 28L/28R, and add precision approaches to runways 10L and 19R.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 3
The authors of this report want to thank all the members of the team for making this demonstration a
Of particular note are: Glenn Morse (United), Captain Ron Renk (United), Captain Chris Osterman
(United), Captain Noah Flood (Delta), Mike Mannino (Delta) for initiating the concept of a demonstration,
Rick Cote and Don Kirby from NORCAL TRACON for their invaluable inputs to the procedures, John
Bergener, San Francisco Airport, for his coordination of all the airport activities for the portable GBAS
(PBAS) installation and temporary lighting, Roger Klinger, Terry Ashley, Brian Jones and Roger Friedman
from Boeing Flight Test for PBAS support, Darren Dresser, Kirk Vining and Mike Carriker from Boeing flight
test, Jay Rogers from Jeppesen Airspace Solutions, Gail Barker, Julie Godard and Dan McGregor from
Boeing Airport and Community Noise, Bret Jensen from Product Development Communication, Amelia
Wilson, Bill Peterson, and Doug Stoll from Boeing Product Development for organizing and coordinating
the demonstration, to Captain Bill Syblon from Boeing for his critical inputs during the procedure design
phase, as well as all other participants.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 4
Table of Contents
1 RNP to GLS Technology Overview 7
2 San Francisco Operations Today 8
2.1 Visual Operations ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Typical Landing Operations Runways 28L/28R ..................................................................... 10
2.3 Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches (SOIA) ............................................................... 12
2.4 Closely-Spaced Parallel Runway Operations (CSPO) .............................................................. 13
2.5 CAT I Arrivals to Runways 28L and 28R .................................................................................. 14
2.6 Atypical Landing Operations Landing to Runway 01L/01R, 10L/10R and 19L/19R ............... 14
3 RNP to GLS Demonstration Planning 15
3.1 Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP) Development and Testing .......................................... 15
3.2 Boeing Simulation Sessions..................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Portable GBAS Overview and Flight Check ............................................................................. 26
4 Flight Demonstration on August 27
, 2016 27
4.1 GLS P RWY 10L ...................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 GLS R RWY 19R ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Baseline Approach ILS 28R ..................................................................................................... 28
4.4 SOIA ILS RWY 28L and GLS W RWY 28R ........................................................................... 29
4.5 CSPO ILS RWY 28L and GLS V RWY 28R .......................................................................... 30
4.6 Summary of Demo Flights ....................................................................................................... 31
5 Environmental Performance Assessment 33
5.1 Fuel Burn and Carbon Emissions GLS R 19R ......................................................................... 33
5.2 Community Noise Assessment GLS R 19R ............................................................................. 35
5.3 Demonstration Flight Data ....................................................................................................... 36
6 Summary of Operational Benefits for RNP to GLS IAPs 39
7 Next Steps 42
7.1 Instrument Approach Procedure Implementation at SFO ......................................................... 42
7.2 ATC and GBAS Considerations for RNP to GLS Operational Implementation at SFO ............. 44
7.3 Future Considerations and Rulemaking ................................................................................... 45
7.4 RNP to GLS Rulemaking Guidance Material Development ................................................... 45
7.5 Boeing GLS Equipage ............................................................................................................. 46
7.6 GLS Growth ............................................................................................................................. 47
8 Acronyms 48
Appendix A 27-Aug-16 Flight Sequence 50
Appendix B Demonstration Sequence and Notes Sheet 51
Appendix C AFDS Performance GLS R 19R 57
Appendix D AFDS Performance GLS W 28R 58
Appendix E AFDS Performance GLS V 28R 59
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 5
Table of Figures
FIGURE 1: RNP TO GLS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................ 7
FIGURE 2: SFO AERIAL VIEW (SOURCE SFO) ............................................................................................. 8
FIGURE 3: SFO CEILING AND VISIBILITY ANNUAL PERCENTAGES ................................................................ 10
FIGURE 4: SOIA OVERVIEW DIAGRAM....................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 5: CSPO OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 7: GLS P RWY 10L ..................................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 8: 10L OBSTACLE FIELD (TARGETS) ........................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 9: GLS R RWY 19R .................................................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 11: 19R PROCEDURES REVISIONS TO IMPROVE ENERGY MANAGEMENT ......................................... 20
FIGURE 12: GLS W RWY 28R ................................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 13: COMPARISON OF EXISTING ILS 28R AND GLS W 28R ............................................................. 22
FIGURE 14: GLS V RWY 28R .................................................................................................................. 23
FIGURE 15: BOEING 737 NG ECAB GLS W 28R APPROACH ...................................................................... 25
FIGURE 16: PBAS ANTENNA, TRANSMITTER, GPS RECEIVERS, POWER SUPPLY ......................................... 26
FIGURE 17: PBAS LOCATION ................................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 18: 737-8 MAX AT SFO FOR GLS FLIGHT CHECK ......................................................................... 26
FIGURE 19: UNITED 2138, DELTA 9984 AND THE PBAS (GPS ANTENNA VISIBLE) ....................................... 27
FIGURE 20: SFO DURING 10L APPROACH ................................................................................................. 28
FIGURE 21: UNITED 2183 ON GLS R 19R APPROACH PRIOR TO GO-AROUND ............................................. 28
FIGURE 22: DELTA 9984 FLYING ILS 28R (FOREGROUND) AND UNITED 2183 FLYING GLS W 28R ................ 29
FIGURE 23: GLS W 28R AFDS PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................ 29
FIGURE 24: VIEW OF DELTA 9984 FROM UNITED 2183 IN THE CSPO APPROACH ........................................ 30
2000' DISPLACED THRESHOLD .......................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 28: REPRESENTATIVE ROUTES TO RUNWAY 19L/ 19R ................................................................... 33
FIGURE 29: COMMON VERTICAL DESCENT POINT FOR 19R ANALYSIS ......................................................... 34
FIGURE 30: COMMUNITY NOISE EXPOSURE FOR APPROACHES TO RUNWAY 19L/19R .................................. 35
FIGURE 31: DAL AND UAL APPROACHING 19R ON SFO NMT .................................................................... 36
FIGURE 33: DAL AND UAL CSPO APPROACH 28L/28R ON SFO NMT 12 .................................................. 38
FIGURE 34: GLS R 19R REVISED PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 35: REVISED GLS W RWY 28R SOIA PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 43
FIGURE 36: REVISED GLS V RWY 28R CSPO PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 43
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 6
Table of Tables
TABLE 2: WEATHER CONDITIONS DEFINING OPERATIONS AT SFO .............................................................. 11
TABLE 3: RNP TO GLS IAP DESIGN OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................... 15
TABLE 4: SFO STAR CONNECTIONS & TRANSITIONS................................................................................. 16
TABLE 5: VERTICAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS ILS 28L AND GLS W 28R ....................................................... 22
TABLE 6: VERTICAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS ILS 28L AND GLS V RWY 28R ............................................... 24
TABLE 7: BOEING 737 NG ECAB SIMULATION SESSION SUMMARY .............................................................. 25
TABLE 8: SUMMARY OF FLIGHT DEMO ....................................................................................................... 31
....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 7
1 RNP to GLS Technology Overview
This demonstration project focused on two technologies Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and
the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Landing System (GLS). RNP is a form of performance-
based navigation (PBN) that allows an aircraft to fly a predefined, three dimensional (3D) path. RNP differs
from area navigation (RNAV) in that the aircraft monitors its position using GPS. If the aircraft senses it is
beyond a required specification (i.e., track boundary), it alerts the pilot. RNP specification can be large or
small - from 10 to 0.1 nautical miles (nm). Smaller RNP specification enables reduced separation and more
precise procedures.
GLS enables precision approaches in all weather
conditions, a similar capability to the Instrument
Landing System (ILS). Precision approach implies
both lateral and vertical guidance. However, instead of
a ground based localizer and glideslope antennae that
comprise the ILS, GLS uses navigation satellites, such
as GPS, GLONASS, or Galileo for precision
approaches in all weather conditions. GLS has three
components; navigation satellites, aircraft avionics and
an airport ground based augmentation system (GBAS)
station. A single airport GBAS sends differential
corrections to each aircraft near the airport to enable
precision approach. GLS avionics are available for
most transport aircraft platforms today.
GLS and GBAS offer several operational benefits over ILS. In poor weather, airport efficiency suffers due
to limitations of ILS. Areas near the glideslope antenna must be protected from taxiing aircraft to prevent
interference with the ILS signals. This increases taxi time for departing aircraft. In addition, it is challenging
and sometimes impossible to site an ILS in areas with sharply rising terrain, or other infrastructure
obstacles (e.g., buildings, parking garages). Furthermore, ILS generally requires aircraft to fly long,
straight-in final approaches to allow the aircraft time to capture lateral and vertical guidance and stabilize
the approach. This longer path at a lower altitude increases fuel burn, emissions and community noise. To
maximize efficiency in all weather conditions, ILS installations are required on each runway end which can
be expensive to install and maintain. On the other hand, a single GBAS station can provide up to 48
approaches and therefore accommodate every landing runway end.
The combination of RNP and GLS as the integrated solution for approach and landing can reduce delays
while increasing efficiency. With RNP to GLS, a single, efficient path can be used in all-weather to make
traffic flow more predictable and enhance safety. RNP to GLS procedures can be tailored to meet specific
airspace constraints. The following summarizes the operational benefits of RNP to GLS procedures:
Enabling precise navigation in obstacle-rich areas in reduced visibility where ILS is not possible
Reducing track miles flown by enabling shorter final approach segments, saving fuel and emissions
Allowing flexible, curved paths to reduce community noise exposure
Increasing access during lower weather minima reducing the risk of diversion, cancellations
Implementing efficient aircraft separation and spacing (for parallel approaches)
Providing multiple glideslopes and alternate touchdown points for wake vortex mitigation
Supporting multiple GLS procedures with single GBAS
Eliminate false and mirror glideslopes and ILS beam bending
Reducing ILS critical areas
Figure 1: RNP to GLS Overview
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 8
2 San Francisco Operations Today
SFO is the 7th busiest airport in the US
and serves as a major hub for United Airlines. It is also 4
in the
US for delays according to the Comparison of Air Traffic Management-Related Operational Performance:
U.S./Europe published by the European Commission, EUROCONTROL and the FAA in 2016.
SFO has
two pairs of runways that cross, spaced just 750 feet apart as shown in Figure 2. ILS guidance is only
available to runways 28L/28R, and 19L.
Today, there are approximately 1300 daily operations at SFO. Nearly all operations occur between 0600
local and midnight. In addition to serving as a connecting hub for United Airlines, the airport supports
extensive trans-Pacific and other international aircraft. Flights are concentrated in four to five ‘banks’
through the 18 hour operating day. These banks create spikes in demand that exceed 40 arrivals and
departures per hour according to SFO’s Strategic Plan to Improve On-Time Performance
. SFO predicts
further increases in airport demand, citing a 10% growth in international traffic annually. When ceiling and
visibility weather conditions support visual operations, the airport can easily accommodate peak demand
with minimal delays by operating simultaneous arrivals and simultaneous departures. Air traffic control
(ATC) routinely pairs arrivals using visual separation with sufficient spacing between pairs to allow
simultaneous departures.
Generally, aircraft depart on runways 01L/01R and arrive on runways 28L/28R. During weather periods
that exceed a 3000 feet ceiling and five statute mile (sm) visibility, air traffic controllers sequence arrivals
to runways 28L and 28R utilizing visual separation between aircraft, which can allow a peak arrival rate of
56 per hour. Weather conditions below 3000 feet ceilings and/or five sm visibility (this is called instrument
meteorological conditions or IMC) require the use of various instrument approach procedures that limit
airport efficiency to 28 to 36 arrivals per hour.
Table 1 presents the length, width, Precision Approach Category, and annual percentage of arrivals for
each runway end. Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI) are installed on runways on runways
10L/10R, 19L/19R, and 28L/28R. There are no PAPI installed on runways 01L/01R.
Figure 2: SFO Aerial View (Source SFO)
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 9
Table 1: Runway Dimensions, Approach Capability and Landing Statistics
Precision Approach Category
and Lighting
Annual Arrivals for Each
Runway End
8650 x 200 ft.
7650 x 200 ft.
11381 x 200 ft.
11870 x 200 ft.
7650 x 200 ft.
8650 x 200 ft.
11870 x 200 ft.
11381 x 200 ft.
The marine climate in the San Francisco Bay area creates frequent and unpredictable periods of low
ceilings that prevent the use of visual separation between arrivals on runways 28L and 28R. To improve
operations in these weather conditions, the airport, FAA and the operators have developed procedures
that allow greater use of visual separation and increase the single runway arrival rate. With these new
procedures, airport arrival rates can exceed the single runway arrival rate that is normally imposed (i.e.,
when visual separation between arrivals is not possible). This included research for methods to safely
reduce legacy wake turbulence separation standards when arriving or departing the closely spaced parallel
2.1 Visual Operations
At SFO, the most favorable “visual” operating configuration occurs when winds permit landing on runways
28L/28R and departing on runways 01L/01R. Typically, tower controllers will simultaneously release two
aircraft for takeoff on runways 01L/ 01R. To ensure the departing airplanes are separated from arriving
aircraft on the crossing runways, air traffic controllers space out arriving pairs of aircraft on runway 28L/28R
to create ‘windows’ for the two departing aircraft to safely cross the intersecting runway centerlines. The
size of the ‘window’ is dictated by the time needed for the departures to fly through the runway 28L/ 28R
intersections before the lead arriving aircraft crosses the landing threshold. Note: Super heavy class
aircraft require separation of 8 nm and are not paired with any other aircraft.
In less than visual conditions, wake turbulence separation requirements for closely spaced parallel
runways can severely reduce airport throughput, particularly during periods of peak demand. Essentially,
the parallel runways must be treated as a single runway for separation purposes reducing the arrival rate
by almost 50%. Spacing on final approach is determined by the greater of the separation required for wake
turbulence or as needed to clear aircraft for takeoff on runways 1L/1R (similarly for the landing runways
19L/19R and departing runways 10L/10R). Depending on the fleet mix of the arrival stream and the
departure demand, the advertised arrival rate may be as low as 28 operations per hour. This situation
occurs quite frequently during peak morning arrival and departure banks, as morning fog, or the marine
layer, will commonly persist until 1100 or 1200 local time. It is not unusual to have daily ground stops or
ground delay programs, coupled with holding and extensive vectoring to manage the excess arrival
demand. The impacts of these delays are particularly intrusive when they occur in the morning as these
delays propagate throughout the day with little opportunity to recover. Delays frequently exceed 90
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 10
2.2 Typical Landing Operations Runways 28L/28R
As seen in Figure 3, the majority of the time, “good” weather prevails and ATC is able to utilize visual
separation to accommodate peak arrival demand. Capacity at the airport is severely limited by wake
turbulence separation requirements and procedures associated with the closely spaced parallel runways
causing significant delays and inconvenience. Often the visibility below the marine layer is good. As a
result of the unique weather characteristics at SFO, the industry and FAA developed Simultaneous Offset
Instrument Approach (SOIA) procedures to recover some of the arrival capacity lost when visual separation
is not feasible, but full IMC ATC operating procedures are not required for landing. When the ceiling and
visibility do not support SOIA operations, advances in wake turbulence research have enabled some
limited reduction in longitudinal separation for dependent approaches to parallel runways spaced less than
2500 feet apart (FAA 7110.308). Table 2 summarizes the operational approach procedures in various
weather conditions as SFO.
The next two sections provide more details on these two operations and provide the foundation for
understanding the basis and objectives of the procedures flown during the RNP to GLS Demonstration.
Figure 3 shows the annual weather percentages. Over the course of the last 20 years the FAA and airlines
have collaborated to develop two sets of rules and procedures to allow some improvements in operations
in marginal weather. Marginal weather is defined as ceiling between 1000 feet and 3000 feet with visibility
of three to five sm
Figure 3: SFO Ceiling and Visibility Annual Percentages
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 11
Table 2: Weather Conditions Defining Operations at SFO
Airports with parallel runways operate by FAA rules to prevent wake turbulence encounters from nearby
aircraft. The FAA specifies separation rules and operating procedures for visual flight rules (VFR) and
instrument flight rules (IFR).
Ceiling and Visibility
Advertised Arrival
Supporting ATC
Issuance of a
Visual Clearance
Generally 3500 feet
ceiling with 5 sm
visibility along
extended final
approach course.
(Reported weather at
SFO may not be
indicative of conditions
on the final approach
arrivals and
departures under
Visual ATC
Clearance pilot
responsibility for
wake turbulence
Runways 28L
and 28R
54 operations/hr
Marginal -Visual
At or above 1600 feet
and 4 sm
Offset Instrument
(SOIA) 28R
to Runways
36 operations/hr
Conditions (IMC)
Above CAT I minima
Approaches to
Parallel Runways
to Runways
34 operations/hr
Below CAT I
Below 200 feet and
below 0.5 sm
Single runway
28R only
has SA CAT
27 operations/hr
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 12
2.3 Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches (SOIA)
When the ceiling is at or above 1600 feet, but below conditions that support visual separation between
arrivals, SFO can operate Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches (SOIA)
to runways 28L and 28R.
SOIA operations consist of one straight-in final approach course (FAC) and one offset FAC to closely
spaced parallel runways. The procedures are designed to allow the trailing aircraft on the offset procedure
to descend clear of clouds while still protected by required separation for collision avoidance and wake
turbulence avoidance. There is a required visual segment at the end of the SOIA approach to 28R wherein
the trailing airplane must have visual reference to both the airport and the lead airplane approaching
runway 28L prior to the reaching the decision altitude (DA) or missed approach point (MAP).
SOIA consists of one lead aircraft flying a straight-in, 2.85 glideslope approach to runway 28L (depicted
with the blue dotted/dashed line in Figure 4), and a second trailing aircraft to an offset approach (depicted
in green dashed line in Figure 4). The offset approach path to 28R is constructed so that when the aircraft
arriving on the offset runway 28R approach reaches a point separated by 3000 feet from the parallel
approach path on runway 28L, it transitions to visual flight rules as it begins a gradual turn to align with the
extended centerline of runway 28R
. The visual maneuver must begin after the missed approach point and
is hand-flown with visual references only. The pilot continues the descent after visually acquiring the airport
and the lead aircraft on runway 28L and maintains wake separation.
SOIA procedures enable the airport to maintain use of both runways at a higher acceptance rate than in a
single runway operation. With SOIA, there is no restriction on which aircraft type can lead the pair meaning
air traffic controllers from NCT are not required to sort the traffic to 28L and 28R. However, there are two
significant factors that limit the benefit of the approach, both tied to the requirement for a visual segment.
First, the required ceiling must be set high enough to allow aircraft to descend on the glidepath below the
cloud layer to a point where the runway and the other aircraft are in sight before the lateral separation is
reduced to less than 3000 feet. This minimum “clear of clouds” time is a primary procedure design
parameter. Initially SOIA weather minima were set at 2100 feet, and then after several years of experience,
were reduced to 1600 feet with visibility of five sm. Second, air traffic controllers must create a stagger
between aircraft to guarantee longitudinal separation and this in turn creates a ‘wider window’ of airspace
for each arriving pair of aircraft. Typically an arrival rate of 36 per hour is quoted for SOIA, with some
arrival rates as high as 38. This can be attained only when ceilings are between 1600 feet and 3000 feet
and requires the addition of two more controller staff to monitor the non-transgression zone (NTZ).
Note the requirement for 3600 feet lateral separation is relaxed to 3000 feet for runways monitored by high update radar, called
Precision Runway Monitoring (PRM) radar
Figure 4: SOIA Overview Diagram
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 13
2.4 Closely-Spaced Parallel Runway Operations (CSPO)
In marginal weather down to CAT I minima SFO can operate in another simultaneous approach operational
concept called Simultaneous Dependent Approaches to Closely-Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPO). This
is defined by FAA Order 7110.308A and is also called 1.5-Nautical Mile Dependent Approaches to Parallel
Runways Spaced Less Than 2500 Feet Apart
. This operation increases the advertised arrival rate by 4 to
7 movements per hour above that of CAT I and allows the airport to continue to land on both runways.
While simultaneous operations can continue in marginal weather the mandatory a 1.5 nm stagger between
the aircraft landing on the parallel runways is in effect which translates to a larger spacing between
departures. The operation uses a relatively new wake turbulence rule that permits controllers to establish
pairs of aircraft separated by ‘staggered’ distances of 1.5 nm diagonally as shown in Figure 5.
In the design of the FAA Order 7110.308 procedure for SFO, the ILS glideslope on runway 28L is set at
2.85, and the glideslope for 28R is set at 3.0. These different glideslopes provide safe vertical separation
behind the wakes of the paired aircraft. The order specifies that air traffic controllers vector the pair of
aircraft onto their respective final approach courses, maintaining vertical separation of 1000 feet between
the pair until both are established on the final approach. At that point, the pair may proceed on their
respective approaches until intercepting their respective glideslopes, then continue using the final
approach course guidance down to a decision altitude of 200 feet and land if the runway is in sight.
Unlike the SOIA procedure, there is a restriction on the lead aircraft (landing on runway 28L). Under the
CSPO rules, the lead aircraft cannot be B757 or a Heavy (or wake RECAT equivalent)
. Manually sorting
the aircraft to the 28L stream increases controller workload.
The published advertised arrival rate for the CSPO is 34 operations per hour, nearly the same as SOIA.
Occasionally for short periods and with a favorable fleet mix, ATC will exceed that number. The FAA is
performing a safety analysis that could amend FAA Order 7110.308 to permit a reduction in diagonal
stagger to 1.0 nm, versus the current 1.5 nm. It is expected that this slight reduction in spacing within the
pair will further increase the published advertised arrival rate by one or two aircraft per hour. Currently,
SOIA yields more operations per hour, however it requires two additional staff to monitor the non-
transgression zone (NTZ) and is more complex for pilots and air traffic controllers. There are several
benefits to CSPO over SOIA; CSPO approaches do not require the same visual segment as the SOIA, the
weather minima can be lower for the CSPO, and CSPO does not require the additional two air traffic
controllers to monitor the NTZ of SOIA.
Heavy aircraft types of 136,000 kg (300,000 lbs) or more;
Figure 5: CSPO Overview
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 14
2.5 CAT I Arrivals to Runways 28L and 28R
CAT I is characterized by very low ceilings or fog, with less ceiling less than 200 feet and 0.5 sm visibility.
In these situations, there are CAT II procedures to runway 28L/28R, and a CAT III procedure for runway
28R. These situations require the aircraft to be capable of CAT II/III approaches and special crew training.
CAT II/III procedures can only be conducted using a single runway, which limits throughput to no more
than 27 operations per hour.
2.6 Atypical Landing Operations Landing to Runway 01L/01R, 10L/10R and 19L/19R
During winter storms exhibiting significant wind and rain with counterclockwise flow from the south and
southwest, the airport operates with arrivals on 19L/19R and departures from runways 10L/10R. Runways
19L/19R are only used for landing approximately 5% of the time. For arrivals to 19L/19R, there is only a
single ILS CAT I procedure to 19L, and two GPS RNAV approaches. When the weather is below CAT I,
arrivals are limited to a single file to the ILS on runway 19L. The long, straight ILS 19L final conflicts with
the nearby Oakland International Airport (OAK). In all cases, the arrivals are treated as equivalent to a
single runway, with less than 30 operations per hour.
In very rare situations (less than one day annually), high east winds dictate landings on runways 10L/10R.
The final approach course flies through a gap with terrain on both sides which dictates very high minima
of 1100 feet and 1200 feet MDA(H) (minimum descent altitude). There is one RNP 0.2 procedure to runway
10R which has a MDA(H) just under 400 feet. It is impossible to site an ILS to runways 10L/10R due to
their proximity to San Bruno Mountain and rising terrain close to the runway. The only approaches to these
runways are visual and only in use when the winds and weather are unfavorable for the other runways. At
SFO, most missed approaches are experienced from these runways.
Typically on very warm and clear days, a very strong high-pressure system to the east will create Santa
Ana-like winds that dictate arrivals on runways 01L/01R. Presently, there are no instrument approach
procedures published for these runways. All approaches are conducted using visual approaches that lack
lateral guidance. These challenging wind conditions cause a significant number of missed since these
runways are infrequently used and lack precision approach guidance. A special RNAV visual will be
published to runway 01R in 2017 to help reduce the number of missed approaches.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 15
3 RNP to GLS Demonstration Planning
In October 2015, the team consisting of United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines and Boeing
presented the RNP to GLS Demonstration proposal to SFO, SFO Tower, and Northern California
(NORCAL) TRACON (NCT) facilities personnel. It was crucial to engage all stakeholders from the
beginning of the demonstration planning. Stakeholders learned about RNP, GLS and GBAS, and their
operational benefits. Next, the team collaboratively designed procedures to the affected runway ends to
address specific operational constraints for SFO. Once procedure design was completed, the team
planned and coordinated the demonstration activities. Such topics included RNP to GLS instrument
approach procedures (IAPs), the required airspace coordination, procedure testing in the simulator and
PBAS deployment.
The primary goal of the demonstration project planning team was to identify applications of RNP to GLS
to improve overall operational dependability for the airport and airlines. For the airlines, operational
dependability is defined as a schedule execution metric that addresses the on-time arrival/departure
performance. For the airport, operational dependability is an efficiency measure that quantifies delays
imposed by capacity constraints. For example using only runway 28R for arrivals below CAT I minima (200
feet ceiling and 0.5 sm visibility).
The demonstration effort relied on the day-to-day operational experience of the airlines at SFO and a
complete assessment of the current air traffic operations. Since runways 28L and 28R are used for 94%
of arrivals, and the simultaneous arrival operations are most affected by marginal weather, the team
designed RNP to GLS IAPs for the SOIA and CSPO operational concepts to increase efficiency in these
weather conditions. In addition, RNP to GLS procedures for runways 10L and 19R were designed to
improve airport access by adding precision guidance to these seldom used runways.
3.1 Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP) Development and Testing
The goal of the San Francisco project was to develop concept IAPs as concept feasibility studies to
demonstrate the capabilities of RNP and GLS to alleviate certain operational constraints at airports. Table
3 summarizes the design objectives for the RNP to GLS procedures for SFO.
Table 3: SFO RNP to GLS IAP Design Objectives
Add precision approach capability where none exists today and enable improved access during
reduced weather minima.
Add precision approach capability where none exists today without conflicting with the Oakland
International Airport (KOAK) and enable improved access during reduced weather minima and
do so with a continuous descent approach reducing fuel burn, carbon emissions and noise.
Provide additional flight deck automation to enable simultaneous parallel operations and
increase efficiency for certain aircraft pairs by potentially reducing aircraft spacing.
Reduce SOIA minima through use of airplane automation to mitigate pilot manual flight to
runway alignment.
Provide a mitigation of wake effect on the CSPO by introducing incremental vertical separation
between the ILS 28L and the GLS approach to 28R.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 16
All RNP to GLS IAP designs incorporate RNAV RNP 0.15 nm intermediate segments terminating in a GLS
final. Intermediate segments serve to ensure a seamless transition between the RNP and GLS modes.
The use of RNP AR (RNP with Authorization Required
) level navigation capability also supports safety
case risk mitigation applications. In addition, the IAP designs utilize radius to fix (RF) Legs to link with the
respective final approach point (FAP) for each runway.
The team used existing precision and non-precision approach procedures as the baseline for the new RNP
to GLS procedures. Procedures were designed to interface with the existing airspace environment (e.g.,
beginning at the termination of published Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR)) and to enhance airport
operations today. The table below summarizes the STAR feeder transitions in the airspace.
Table 4: SFO STAR Connections & Transitions
Jeppesen, a wholly owned Boeing subsidiary, supplied the approach plates. Procedures were designed to
leverage the flexibility of RNP to GLS procedures including use of radius-to-fix (RF) turns, using RNP
precision and containment to move noise over less populated areas including waterways, increased
glideslope angles on final approach and displaced landing thresholds (also called alternate or secondary
touchdown points). Due to the runway configuration, unique ceiling and visibility conditions, obstacle
constraints and heavy traffic flow, each RNP to GLS
procedure had a different design objective.
One specific operational note relates to the CORKK
Transition only. Arming the localizer (LOC) and approach
(APP) prior to completion of the RF Leg was not
recommended due to possibility of capturing the LOC
To fit in the existing airspace, the transition down the bay
from CORKK was integrated into the IAP. Typical radar
vectors from CORKK (north) are shown in Figure 6.
RNP AR enables a higher level of navigation performance to better address issues of
airport access, such as obstacle-rich environments, and facilitate advances in air traffic management (ATM), requires
the operator to meet additional aircraft and aircrew requirements and obtain operational authorization from the State
regulatory authority (Source ICAO )
Today’s IAPs
STAR Connections & Transitions
Localizer Type
Directional Aid
(LDA) 28R
28R W
28R V
Southwest: SERFR STAR
North/Northwest: BDEGA TWO ARRIVAL (via CORKK)
10L P
19R R
Figure 6: Typical Radar Vectors from CORKK
(North/Northwest) for Approach to 28R/L
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 17
3.1.1 GLS P RWY 10L
Figure 7: GLS P RWY 10L
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 18
Today, there is no precision approach to runway 10L. It is not possible to site an ILS due to the proximity
to San Bruno Mountain and rising terrain close to the runway. As the final approach course passes through
this terrain, the approach minima are high. The only approaches to these runways are visual and only in
use when the winds and weather are unfavorable for other runways (less than 1% annually).
The first step to define the RNP to GLS procedure was to identify the obstacle field. The obstacle field
Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) criteria is shown in Figure 8. As a result, the existing procedure
to 10L has 1200 feet Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA(H)) which requires a 4 nm final segment. The
approach to runway 10L overlays a residential area with obstacles (including a hill, housing, light poles).
GLS 10L P is an overlay of the existing charted RNAV (GPS) 10L and is served by the same STAR
The team identified the points DTED0001
and DTED0002 (shown in yellow text in
Figure 8) to be the controlling obstacles to
be addressed in order to establish the
glideslope. The two identified obstacles are
“Adverse Assumption Obstacles” listed with
an incremental 200 feet elevation
assumption, meaning that the obstacle
shown as 748 feet is actually 548 feet.
Reassessment of these obstacles and a
surveyed data set would enable the design
of an optimal GLS glideslope.
For this demonstration procedure, a 3.25
glideslope was sufficient to clear the
obstacle field. No effort was made to define controlling obstacles in terms of a MDA(H) or minima as the
procedure was to be flown with visual reference to the runway as a prototype evaluation.
The simulation evaluation was confined to the existing transition to the GLS P 10L FAP with a 3.25
glideslope. Flight operational evaluation of the 3.25 glideslope resulted in a determination of no flight
operational issues being identified.
The overall conclusion is that a GLS final segment on runway 10L is feasible, based on re-assessment of
the two obstacles identified above. However, determination of DA(H) associated with the potential IAP
design was beyond the scope of the demonstration effort.
Figure 8: 10L Obstacle Field (TARGETS)
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 19
3.1.2 GLS R RWY 19R
Figure 9: GLS R RWY 19R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 20
The approach to 19R was designed with multiple objectives:
1) add precision approach minima for runway 19R 2) connect
the IAP to the existing STAR procedures from the
south/southeast 3) maintain adequate separation from
nearby OAK airspace and 4) demonstrate a low noise, fuel
burn, and emissions approach.
The track begins at WESLA (6000 feet and 210 knots) and
ends with a FAP 4.1 nm from the runway threshold. This
short final is due to an air traffic control constraint associated
with the Oakland runway 12 final approach. The OAK ILS
RWY 12 final approach fix is at 1800 feet which requires
1000 feet vertical separation from the 19R track. As a result,
the GLS R 19R approach has an altitude constraint of 2800
feet at COTE2.
In the first simulation session, the original procedure was deemed unacceptable from an energy
management perspective because speedbrakes and premature configuration changes were required to
control speed. In addition, the approach exhibited an excessive descent gradient to the FAP due to the 16
nm track distance. The objective of low energy approaches is to minimize the use of additional drag (e.g.,
speedbrakes, additional flaps or configuring landing gear early). Based on this finding, and in order to
provide sufficient deceleration, the track distance was extended to 21 nm. While it may seem counter
intuitive, the optimum descent path that results in a power-off, continuous descent without requiring
premature configuration changes, may require more track distance yet still reduces fuel. The resulting GLS
R RWY 19R procedure, as shown in the right on Figure 11, has improved energy management and
increased pilot acceptability.
The GLS R 19R procedure z San Francisco. Noise and Emissions analysis for the 19R GLS R approach
is discussed in Section 5.
Figure 10: Typical Radar Vectors from STLER
TWO for Approach to 19L/19R
Figure 11: 19R Procedures Revisions to Improve Energy Management
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 21
3.1.3 GLS W RWY 28R SOIA
Figure 12: GLS W RWY 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 22
The GLS W RWY 28R procedure was designed to enhance the SOIA to 28R in terms of reducing the
weather minima compared to the existing localizer type direction aid (LDA) 28R IAP of 1600 feet. The GLS
W approach began as near-parallel overlay of the existing LDA 28R ground track. However, there are two
key differences between the existing LDA procedure and the GLS W approach.
Firstly, the point NOAH 7 is laterally offset 2500 feet from the 28L localizer (LOC) course in the existing
procedure, the point DARNE which is defined as the decision point to continue the 28R LDA approach
visually is laterally offset 3000 feet from the 28L LOC course as shown in Figure 13.
Secondly, the GLS W approach design supports the use of autoflight capability through to the minimum
disconnect altitude. This procedure supports use of flight automation during the SOIA operation
maintaining both vertical and lateral guidance all the way to the runway end. Note: DARNE is shown for
reference only and is not included in the GLS W 28R design.
The design features a transition
from a Track to Fix (TF) to RF leg to
shift the track toward the runway
28R LOC intercept. The RF leg
allows the aircraft to maneuver from
an offset position to LOC alignment
without exceeding maximum bank
angles for passenger comfort (12-
15). The GLS LOC capture point
was demonstrated immediately after NOAH7 typically 1000 feet laterally from the LOC centerline. LOC
and glideslope (GS) capture was assured prior to crossing the FAP. The final GLS segment is 3.25 with
a 2000 foot displaced threshold.
The 2000 foot displaced threshold with a 3.25 glideslope for the GLS W approach yields additional vertical
separation between parallel abeam traffic (flying the 28L ILS) as summarized by Table 5.
Table 5: Vertical Component Analysis ILS 28L and GLS W 28R
Location /
Height ∆ 28L ILS and
Waypoint Descriptions
+290 feet
Transition/ Intermediate Step-Down
+240 feet
Final Approach Point
28L Threshold
+155 feet
Abeam 28L Threshold
This additional vertical separation represents a SOIA safety case enhancement for the GLS W RWY 28R
approach. The intermediate segments were designed and coded as RNP 0.15 nm performance. This value
of RNP may be applied to separation from traffic on 28L. The lateral track accuracy has been certified to
a 95% level of RNP 0.11 nm (737NG without navigation performance scales) and the actual aircraft
tracking performance meets or exceeds that specification. The accuracy of the lateral track guidance
assures the LOC capture without risk of overshoot (See Appendix D AFDS Performance GLS W 28R).
In addition, the human factors aspect of added vertical separation should be explored from a pilot workload
management perspective.
Figure 13: Comparison of Existing ILS 28R and GLS W 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 23
3.1.4 GLS V RWY 28R CSPO
Figure 14: GLS V RWY 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 24
This procedure was designed to enhance the CSPO to runways 28L and 28R by adding vertical separation
between the flight tracks for wake vortex mitigation. The GLS V approach began as an overlay of the 28R
ILS procedure to runway 28R. At the request of NCT, the transition down the bay from CORKK was
integrated into the IAP. One objective of this demonstration was to use RNP to GLS procedures to mitigate
wake turbulence by increasing the vertical separation between the aircraft flying CSPO to runways 28L
and 28R. Autoflight may be maintained throughout the procedure to minimum disconnect altitude.
Table 6: Vertical Component Analysis ILS 28L and GLS V RWY 28R
Vertical separation was enhanced by implementing a 2000 foot displaced threshold and a 3.25 glideslope
to the GLS V approach. The added vertical separation represents a safety case enhancement to be
credited to the GLS V design path attributes. As shown in Table 6, the difference in flight path construction
provides a significant geometrical height advantage between the approaches to runway 28L and 28R to
be considered with wake turbulence issues.
The objective of the GLS V approach was to gain sufficient vertical separation to mitigate the wake of a
heavy/B757 from the lead airplane on the left. FAA recommended in AC 90-23G pilots land long to avoid
wake impact of heavy traffic on the parallel runway
. This procedure provides a precision approach to a
long landing (in this report called a displaced threshold). For this analysis, consider the isolated pair of
aircraft flying CSPO approaches to 28L and 28R (750 feet runway spacing). Note that this analysis does
not address the complete 7110.308A operation as analysis trailing traffic is assumed well beyond the limits
contained in the Order. The following is one suggested approach for comparing three cases;
1. CSPO with 2.85 glideslope to 28L and a 3.0 glideslope to 28R ILS with 1.0 nm spacing for a pair
of airplanes consisting of a heavy/757 on 28R, and a large (737) on 28L
2. CSPO with 2.85 glideslope to 28L and a 3.25 glideslope with 2000 foot displaced threshold GLS
V 28R with 1.0 nm spacing. This pair of airplanes consists of a heavy/757 on 28R, and a large
(737) on 28L in the lead
3. CSPO with 2.85 glideslope to 28L and a 3.25 glideslope with 2000 foot displaced threshold GLS
V 28R with 1.0 nm spacing (this reflects the proposed rule change reducing the spacing from 1.5
nm). The pair consists of a large (737) on 28R, and a heavy/757 (737) on the 28L in the lead.
Case 1 is the baseline case of CSPO operations once the proposed rule change to FAA Order 7110.308A
is implemented. Case 2 is the baseline case for new GLS approaches to 28R. There is no change to the
sorting of the aircraft. This proposed change reduces the required diagonal spacing from 1.5 nm to 1.0 nm.
This rule is expected to be implemented in 2018. Further analysis is necessary to determine the safety
case for removal of the restriction to airplanes flying in the lead (to 28L) during CSPO operations. The
human factors aspects of added vertical separation should be explored from a pilot workload perspective.
Location / Waypoint
Height ∆ 28L ILS and GLS V RWY 28R
Decision Point Descriptions
+417 feet
GLS V Initial Fix (IF)
(Turn on at 10.5 nm)
+398 feet
28L Threshold
+155 feet
Abeam 28L Threshold
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 25
3.2 Boeing Simulation Sessions
Simulation sessions in the Boeing 737 NG Engineering Cab (also known as eCab) were completed with
airline pilots from United and Delta, Boeing pilots, NCT, airport, engineering, and procedure designers.
These sessions provided valuable information about the concept of operations including the flyability of
the RNP to GLS procedures and provided an overview of the operations to all stakeholders including the
airport and NCT.
The Boeing 737 NG eCab flight deck configuration is
the same as current production Boeing 737 NGs.
The Boeing 737 NG eCab included FMC U10.8A.
The team evaluated procedures over a range of
winds and temperatures. In addition, data from the
Boeing 737 NG eCab sessions were used for
environmental performance assessment. Aircraft
parameters including aircraft configuration, fuel flow,
net corrected engine thrust, pitch angles and
altitudes were used to complete a preliminary
assessment for community noise and fuel burn.
Quantitative and qualitative data were collected
during/after the simulations from the pilots and
observers for each session. An image from the
simulation session is shown in Figure 15.
For initial evaluation, the IAPs were coded in a navigation database (NDB) and flown in a Boeing 737 NG
eCab with Boeing pilots. After confirmation of fly-ability and aircraft systems performance was established,
airline pilot personal were invited to fly the IAP and make input into the design process. The airline flight
operational evaluation confirmed procedure design objectives were being met. Airline standard operating
procedures (SOP) were utilized without any issues. Several iterations of the IAPs were completed based
on feedback from the simulation sessions. The simulation sessions are summarized in Table 7.
Table 7: Boeing 737 NG eCab Simulation Session Summary
Procedures and Description
Comments/ Summary/ Notes
Chart Set
Concept track based on
overlays of existing IAP
28R SOIA, 28R CSPO, 19R and
No intermediate RF
Delta, United,
Chart Set
Full Jeppesen procedures
19R Drag required to maintain
speed and path
Revised SOIA track to
increase lateral separation
19R Need to add extra
track miles
Delta, Boeing
Chart Set
GLS Idents changed
GLS channel numbers added
Flew the DAL SOP
Collected data for noise and
emissions assessment
NCT, Boeing
Chart Set
Completed GLS autolands
Figure 15: Boeing 737 NG eCab GLS W 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 26
3.3 Portable GBAS Overview and Flight Check
3.3.1 Portable GBAS System Overview
Boeing provided a Portable GBAS (PBAS) to
generate the GLS approach guidance. The PBAS
transmits a GLS signal providing Type 1/2/4
messages per ICAO Annex 10 and DO-246. The
PBAS equipment consists of a broadcast antenna,
GPS reference receivers, a differential correction
processor, and an operator interface. The
equipment, displayed at Boeing Field prior to the
demonstration, is shown in Figure 16.
The PBAS location was selected such that there
was a clear line of sight to each runway end. The
location of the PBAS is shown in Figure 17.
3.3.2 Flight Check
To validate the approach procedures, and verify no
design changes were required, a flight check of the
instrument approach procedures was conducted
on August 6
, 2016. Boeing utilized a flight test
instrumented 737-8 MAX. Figure 18 shows the
aircraft on the runway in SFO.
Prior to takeoff from SFO, all four of the GLS
channels were selected to verify proper tuning.
Relevant parameters, such as distance-to-
threshold (DTT) and localizer deviations, were
evaluated from the flight deck. Autopilot coupled
GLS approaches were then conducted to runway
28R using the GLS W and GLS V procedures. The
approaches terminated with an automatic go-
around at 50 feet AGL on the first approach and a
full stop landing from 50 feet AGL on the second
approach. Both approach procedures were flown
from the beginning of the intermediate approach
segment to the GLS final.
Low ceilings to the north and west of the airport
prevented execution of the 10L and 19R approach
procedures. The overall results were excellent and
the aircraft tracked both the lateral and vertical
flight paths with sub-meter precision.
Figure 16: PBAS Antenna, Transmitter, GPS Receivers,
Power Supply
Figure 18: 737-8 MAX at SFO for GLS Flight Check
Figure 17: PBAS Location
Portable GBAS
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 27
4 Flight Demonstration on August 27
, 2016
Significant coordination and pre-planning was required for the success of this demonstration. The date and
time of the demonstration was agreed upon for several reasons:
1. Ceiling and visibility conditions were most likely (based on historical data) to be the most favorable
to all runway ends in the August/September timeframe. The team was concerned with the ceiling
and visibility during the demonstration because it was a requirement to maintain VMC.
2. Airlines would have more aircraft availability in San Francisco prior the Labor Day rush (aircraft are
moved to other locations for other routes post Labor Day).
3. Early evening was seen as the ideal time because of typically lower traffic volumes at SFO.
Since two of the four procedures were opposite the typical flow of traffic (which is landing to runway
28L/28R and taking off from runway 01L/ 01R), much care was taken to properly sequence the two
demonstration aircraft while maintaining normal traffic flow for the remainder of the Bay Area.
Both Delta Air Lines and United Airlines provided aircraft and participated in the demonstration flights.
Delta Flight 9984 was a Boeing 737-900ER and United Flight 2183 was a Boeing 737-900ER. Custom
NDBs with the demonstration RNP to GLS procedures were loaded onto the aircraft after completion of
scheduled revenue service on August 27
, 2016. The NDBs were verified in both aircraft once the pilots
arrived onboard.
The PBAS was setup in the early afternoon of August 27
, 2016 and started broadcasting immediately
(Figure 19). PBAS guidance was verified prior to departure for the demonstration flights. The pilots verified
all four GLS procedures and verified proper decoding of the approach information approach identification,
course runway and a reasonable distance to threshold on the primary flight display (PFD).
The team built the demonstration sequence to maximize the probability of VMC to complete all of the
approaches. The full flight sequence is show in Appendix A 27-Aug-16 Flight Sequence.
Figure 19: United 2138, Delta 9984 and the PBAS (GPS Antenna Visible)
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 28
4.1 GLS P RWY 10L
The first approach set in the sequence was 10L with
the United 2138 flying first, and Delta 9984 flying
. Both aircraft started the IAP at the
waypoint STINS, and shortly after engaged
localizer and glideslope around 3000 feet - 3400
feet. Due to the marine layer at around 1000 feet,
both crews leveled off, and completed go-arounds
in order to maintain VMC as seen in Figure 20.
United 2138 commenced the go-around at 2000
feet and Delta 9984 commenced the go-around at
1000 feet radio altitude (RA). Despite not being able
to complete the approach down to 100 feet RA, the
approach was deemed successful because both
crews indicated that lateral and vertical GLS
guidance appeared accurate and aligned with the
4.2 GLS R RWY 19R
The second approach in the sequence was to runway
19R. Delta 9984 was the lead airplane, and United
2138 in trail. Figure 21 shows United 2138 just prior
to go-around. Both aircraft started the IAP at the
waypoint WESLA following the charted speeds.
Localizer and glideslope engaged as planned around
3000 feet and both crews completed a go-around
from 100 feet RA. Both aircraft were able to fly the
procedure without speedbrakes and reported a
smooth transition from the RNP to GLS with a good
idle descent.
4.3 Baseline Approach ILS 28R
A baseline 3 ILS approach to runway 28R was completed to provide a comparison for pilot feedback and
reactions regarding the displaced threshold, the increased glideslope, idle power setting and flap settings.
This was a change to the sequence due to SFO gate locations, United 2138 started taxiing to runway 28R for departure before
Delta 9984 and subsequently was first to takeoff and enter the demo sequence
Figure 20: SFO during 10L Approach
Figure 21: United 2183 on GLS R 19R Approach
Prior to Go-Around
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 29
4.4 SOIA ILS RWY 28L and GLS W RWY 28R
Two pairs of SOIA approaches were completed. NCT successfully sequenced both aircraft into the pattern
to complete the simultaneous approach. The first featured United 2138 flying the GLS W approach, and
Delta 9984 was vectored to ILS 28L as shown in Figure 22. Note the large vertical separation between
Delta 9984 and United 2138. United 2138 flew the full IAP starting at the waypoint CORKK. Localizer and
glideslope engaged at the waypoint HEGOT at
approximately 5000 feet as expected.
The second SOIA approach included Delta 9984
flying the GLS W and United 2138 was vectored to
ILS 28L. Delta 9984 flew the full IAP starting at
waypoint CORKK. Localizer and glideslope was
engaged as expected inside waypoint HEGOT.
Unfortunately, United 2138 experienced a
deliberate aiming of a handheld green laser into the
flight deck, and the flight crew recovered to
complete the approach safely.
The SOIA approach features two RF turns
immediately prior to the FAP, RONS1 which is
located 2.9 nm from the displaced runway threshold. Data recorded from the aircraft were used to assess
the mode transitions: lateral from LNAV to localizer and vertical from VNAV to glideslope as shown in
Figure 23. Aircraft systems (AFDS) performance for one representative approach is shown in Appendix D
AFDS Performance GLS W 28R. The VNAV PATH (which is the RNP portion of the approach) to the
GLS glideslope transition was demonstrated to be operationally acceptable for the ambient conditions
experienced during the flight.
Figure 22: Delta 9984 flying ILS 28R (foreground) and
United 2183 flying GLS W 28R
Figure 23: GLS W 28R AFDS Performance
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 30
4.5 CSPO ILS RWY 28L and GLS V RWY 28R
Two pairs of CSPO approaches were completed. NCT
sequenced both aircraft into the pattern to allow for simultaneous
approaches to the ILS on runway 28L and the GLS V on 28R.
The first features United 2138 flying the GLS V approach, and
Delta 9984 flying the ILS. United 2138 started the approach from
CORKK at 10000 feet
. The approach was armed during the RF
turn, and localizer and glideslope engaged at CEPIN.
The second CSPO approach included Delta 9984 flying the GLS
V and United 2138 flying the ILS approach to runway 28L. Delta
9984 started the approach at CORKK at 11000 feet. Approach
was armed inside waypoint CEPIN, localizer and glideslope
engaged shortly after. In Figure 24, Delta 9984 is visible from the
starboard side of United 2138.
Delta 9984 terminated the approach in a full stop landing. United
2138 commenced a go-around due to another aircraft on the
runway. In addition, United 2138 experienced interference on the
ILS beam resulting in an aggressive pitch and level off maneuver. Aircraft data was used to assess the
mode transitions: lateral from LNAV to localizer and vertical from VNAV to glideslope See Appendix E for
plots of the airplane performance.
10000’ instead of 11000’ as charted.
Figure 24: View of Delta 9984 from
United 2183 in the CSPO Approach
Figure 25: View from Delta 9984 flight deck on GLS V 28R - Note the 4 White on the PAPI and the 2000' Displaced
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 31
4.6 Summary of Demo Flights
In summary, Delta and United completed all conditions in the demo sequence (a total of 14 approaches)
to validate the RNP to GLS procedures. Table 8 summarizes the flight.
Table 8: Summary of Flight Demo
Flight Sequence
United, Delta
Multichannel autopilot coupled
UAL go-around at 2000 feet & DAL go-around 1000 feet to
maintain VMC
Delta, United
Multichannel autopilot coupled
Successfully completed approaches to 100 feet RA go-around
“Exceeded expectations”
Multichannel autopilot coupled UAL
Successfully completed the paired approach
Multichannel autopilot coupled DAL
Successfully completed the paired approach
Multichannel autopilot coupled UAL
Successfully completed the paired approach
Noticeable vertical separation
Multichannel autopilot coupled DAL
Successfully completed the paired approach
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 32
The actual flight tracks from August 27
, 2016 are shown in Figure 26 and Figure 27. Coordination and
sequencing from NCT was phenomenal.
Figure 27: UAL 2183 Flight Track Courtesy of FlightAware
Figure 26: DAL 9984 Flight Track Courtesy of FlightAware
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 33
5 Environmental Performance Assessment
The environmental performance objectives of these RNP to GLS procedures are to increase flight
efficiency, reduce fuel burn and carbon emissions, and lessen community noise exposure. Estimates for
environmental performance were derived from engineering analyses and
Boeing 737 NG eCab sessions. The estimates were validated with analyses derived from flight parameters
recorded during the demonstration flights on August 27
, 2016.
5.1 Fuel Burn and Carbon Emissions GLS R 19R
Initial analysis was performed using computer-based performance software, Boeing Climbout Performance
Tool (BCOP), to model approach performance over a range of aircraft configurations, concept flight tracks,
thrust management profiles, weather conditions and other flight parameters.
For the analysis and route design of GLS R 19R, NCT provided approximately 260 radar vector routes into
SFO runway 19L. Two typical baseline arrival tracks were identified, as shown in Figure 28; the typical
long vector route (shown in blue) and the typical short vector route (shown in red). These two tracks were
used for comparison with newly designed GLS R 19R procedure (green). All three of the routes track close
proximity to waypoint WESLA at 6000 ft.
Figure 28: Representative Routes to Runway 19L/ 19R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 34
Figure 29 shows the vertical track comparison between the typical short and long vector radar routes to
runway 19L and the proposed (green) GLS R 19R. For fuel burn and emissions analysis, the selection of
a common point to start the analysis is necessary to adequately compare results. The waypoint WESLA
was selected as the common point to begin the analysis for fuel burn calculations. The vertical profiles for
all three routes begin at the waypoint WESLA and end at the threshold to runway 19L/19R.
The GLS R 19R route features a continuous descent profile over 20.5 nm which provides a track distance
reduction of 15.8 nm to 19.8 nm from the typical short and typical long vector routes. The estimated
operational benefits derived from the computer-based analysis were validated during the Boeing 737 NG
eCab sessions. During these simulation sessions in the Boeing 737 NG eCab, aircraft parameters including
engine operations, fuel flow, and configuration were collected. This data provides higher fidelity aircraft
performance estimates than computer based models alone, and introduces the human interface element
of the pilot.
Table 9 summarizes the difference among the three tracks. The reduction in track length improves flight
efficiency and results in a reduction of fuel burn and CO2 emissions.
Figure 29: Common Vertical Descent Point for 19R Analysis
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 35
Table 9: Distance, Fuel Burn and Emissions Comparison 19R - Simulator Performance
5.2 Community Noise Assessment GLS R 19R
The population exposure to community noise was modeled using the FAA’s Integrated Noise Model
(INM).The noise contours from INM and population data from the US Census Bureau
was integrated
using ArcGIS, a geographic information system used for mapping, and Google Earth.
The noise contours and population exposed for the three routes are compared in Figure 30. The typical
short vector route exposes 329,600 people to the 55 dBA LA
contour, and the typical long vector route
exposes 296,500 people to 55 dBA LA
contour. When the weather dictates landing on runways 19L
and 19R, aircraft are vectored over the city of Oakland exposing many to noise. To accommodate the ILS
on runway 19L, a long, straight in final segment is required. This straight final segment also causes
interference with Oakland airport. The GLS 19R route reduces the population exposed to community
noise by between 249,200-282,300 people. In addition, the flight track itself is much shorter and the final
approach overflies the water.
2010 Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) data
shows the highest noise level reached in a given time period
Arrival Route to 19R
Distance [nm]
Estimated Fuel Burn [lbs]
Emissions [lbs]
Long Vector
Short Vector
Savings with GLS R 19R
compared to the
Long Vector
19.8 nm
556 lbs fuel
1754 lbs CO
Figure 30: Community Noise Exposure for Approaches to Runway 19L/19R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 36
This reduction in community noise is due mostly to the avoidance of overflight of the densely populated
Oakland region. In addition, the required thrust throughout the profile is less due to the low energy,
continuous, near idle descent. Removing the 4000 feet level segment typical for this approach reduces the
required thrust for the approach, the fuel burn and source noise at the aircraft.
The RNP to GLS approach to runway 19R was redesigned to improve the speed and altitude profile during
descent. The objective of a low energy approach is to minimize the use of added drag (e.g., speedbrakes,
configuring the landing gear early). Adding drag to decelerate increases the required thrust to stay aloft
on speed and increases the community noise. The revised RNP to GLS procedures to 19R features an
efficiency optimized profile that utilizes a near-continuous, idle-thrust descent to landing.
5.3 Demonstration Flight Data
The final validation of benefits for this project employed airline Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA)
Quick Access Recorder (QAR) data and airport provided flight tracks to quantify the operational and
environmental benefits of RNP to GLS approach procedures.
5.3.1 Community Noise and Emissions for 19R
Data collected from the airlines were analyzed to determine the actual fuel burn during the approach to
19R was 327 lbs; the Boeing 737 NG eCab simulator performance predicted a fuel burn of 424 lbs.
Differences in fuel burn are expected between actual flights and the simulator performance due to
differences between the actual airplane and simulator configuration in flight (e.g., exact timing of flap
schedule, differences in aerodynamic models, engine wear).
The SFO Noise Monitoring system is used to help the airport and communities manage and verify the
airport noise footprint. To achieve this, the San Francisco Airport Commission has placed 29 permanent
and placed four portable noise monitor terminals (NMT) in the communities surrounding the airport. Data
from the system assists with identification of overall trends in noise levels, evaluating airline compliance
with noise abatement flight tracks and provides a data source for following up on unusual occurrences.
Using a correlation of radar tracks the airport has the capability of tracking flights and correlating them with
noise levels registered at these NMTs.
For the RNP to GLS demonstration, the SFO Noise
Abatement office correlated noise measurements with the
two airline demonstration aircraft. Of interest to this study,
both airplanes registered noise levels at NMT 25 during
the approaches to 19R. Flight Tracks for United 2138 and
Delta 9984 are shown as they initiated the GLS R 19R
track in Figure 31. Both 737-900ER aircraft were
measured at approximately 60 dBA LA
. The INM
analysis indicated the noise in this area would be less
than 55 dBA. Differences between measured noise and
analytical models can be due to differing ambient
conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, or winds) as well
as pilot actions and airplane configuration.
The noise measurement shown at NMT 25 highlights a
capability of the SFO airport to correlate flight tracks and
noise events. The major environmental benefits of the
RNP to GLS approach to 19R approach route are the
shortened ground track that avoids overflight Oakland and a continuous descent, low energy, low drag
profile. This flight path is a model for routes that can be used to reduce community noise, fuel burn and
Figure 31: DAL and UAL Approaching
19R on SFO NMT
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 37
Table 10: Fuel, Emissions, and Noise Benefits of 19R GLS R Approach Procedure
Procedure to
Runway GLS R
Delta Distance
Delta Fuel Burn
Delta CO
Emissions [lbs]
Baseline Long
Baseline Short
5.3.2 Community Noise and Emissions for 28R
All the GLS final approach segments featured a 3.25 glideslope. A higher glideslope in the final approach
segment can provide incremental fuel burn reduction over a typical 3.0 approach. During the flight
sequence, a baseline approach to the 3.0 ILS to runway 28R was completed by both Delta and United.
This baseline case was compared to the GLS V approach from an altitude of 3000 feet (near to the initial
fix for the approach). Airplane performance data comparing the two approaches is provided in Figure 32.
The top graph in the figure compares altitude versus track distance from the runway threshold. The bottom
graph compares the rotational speed of the fan as a percent (Technical term is ‘N1 #1 CMD’) which is
proportional to engine thrust versus the track distance from the runway threshold. Fuel flow rates are
integrated over the approach to determine the total fuel burned during the approach.
The baseline approach to ILS 28R has two level segments, one at 4000 feet AGL and another 2000 feet
AGL. The fuel burn reduction in the GLS V approach, and accompanying emissions reduction, is due to
the absence of level segments.
Data support an estimate of a fuel burn reduction of up to 50 lbs per approach (158 lbs carbon emissions)
for well-designed RNP to GLS procedure with a 3.25 final approach glideslope. Previous analysis
predicted fuel savings of up to 20 lbs for a 737NG. This flight represents one sample only. The data from
any single flight can be influenced by many factors including pilot throttle movement, winds, and aircraft
weights. While this value indicates a savings of 30 lbs more than an analytical estimate, it is within the
range of fuel used given the variability.
Figure 32: Altitude and Engine Throttle Setting Comparisons for Approaches to 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 38
It is important to note that simply adding a higher final approach segment to the existing lateral path by
extending the level segment is insufficient to improve efficiency. With these newly designed RNP to GLS
procedures, care was taken to modify the altitudes at existing waypoints and fixes to eliminate the need
for level segments altogether.
Flight tracks for United 2138 and Delta 9984 are shown
as they completed the SOIA paired approach to 28L/28R
in Figure 33 at NMT 12 (Foster City, CA).
NMT 12 registered the noise level as each plane flew
near the monitor. As seen in Figure 33, United 2138 was
closer to the monitor approaching ILS 28L. United 2138
registered 0.5 dBA higher than Delta 9984. This result is
as expected since Delta 9984 was further from the
monitor. The SFO Noise Abatement Office encourages
flight further away, laterally and vertically, from NMT 12
to reduce community noise for the Foster City
Figure 33: DAL and UAL CSPO Approach
28L/28R on SFO NMT 12
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 39
6 Summary of Operational Benefits for RNP to GLS IAPs
Four RNP to GLS Instrument Approach Procedures were developed to support the SFO GLS
demonstration. The enabling technologies are the 737NG’s capability for both RNP 0.11 (AR) RF turn
and GLS CAT I available on most Boeing production aircraft. Table 11 summarizes the objectives,
technical features, and the Near and Mid Term benefits to San Francisco International Airport operations.
The team believes these objectives can be achieved by building on the work done in this demonstration.
Table 11: Objectives, Enablers, and Benefits for RNP to GLS Instrument Approach Procedures
To demonstrate aircraft automation driven flight procedures that provide
accurate, precision 3D guidance on a terrain challenged approach
To enable continuation of airport operations during periods when strong
winds dictate use of runway 10L for arrival
RNP 0.15 based RNP STAR transition with 3D guidance to capture GLS
RWY 10L final approach
3.25 glideslope on final approach
Near Term
Operational Benefits
Near term possibility of an RNP AR procedure with improved minima
Long Term
Operational Benefits
Implement RNP 0.15 AR STAR transition to a GLS 10L final approach
GLS approach minima would be near to CAT I to 10L
Would enable the airport to continue to operate with fewer missed
approaches than with existing RNAV approaches to 19L/19R
To demonstrate aircraft automation driven flight procedures that provide
accurate, precision 3D guidance from downwind to decision height, and
provide a more efficient, environmentally friendly flight path that is de-
conflicted from Oakland Runway 12 approach traffic
RNP 0.15 transition with 3D guidance based on an RF leg transition from
downwind to capture GLS final approach path
Runway 19R with a GLS final approach procedure
Low energy approach with vertical profile that limits the use of added drag
3.25 glideslope on final approach
Near Term
Operational Benefits
Implement RNP 0.15 AR approach with an RF leg to Runway 19R to gain
reduced track miles, noise reduction and fuel savings
RNAV (RNP) RWY 19R minima should be near 400 feet
Long Term
Operational Benefits
Implement RNP established operations that utilize an RNP STAR from
downwind, transitioning to a GLS 19R final approach
GLS approach minima would be near to CAT I to 19R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 40
To demonstrate aircraft automation driven flight procedures that provide
accurate 3D guidance from a STAR that starts on downwind, transitions to
an offset approach path
RF guided turns to intercept the straight-in precision final approach segment
of runway 28R
Implementation supports enhanced safety case for offset parallel operations
with aircraft on runway 28L
RNP 0.15 STAR transition with 3D guidance initiated from the downwind,
over the bay
TF leg transition to the offset course, followed to a point with 2500 feet lateral
separation from the runway 28L final approach course
Two RF leg turns that provide guidance to capture the 28R straight-in final
approach course
GLS final approach path, with a 3.25 glideslope and 2000 foot displaced
touchdown point. (Approach to Runway 28L was existing ILS with a 2.85)
Near Term
Operational Benefits
Implement RNP 0.15 STAR transition / IAP to provide 3D vertical guidance
from downwind to completion of the RF leg S turns to line up with the final
course supporting visual approach segment to 28R
Use this procedure to gather data on flight track performance to develop the
safety case to reduce the ceiling for SOIA (ex: 1200 feet, from current 1600
Procedures will enable increased use of SOIA-like procedures with higher
advertised arrival rate (AAR) during weather below visual minima
Long Term
Operational Benefits
Implement RNP established operations with an RNP STAR (RF transition)
that incorporates the SOIA offset, and RNP RF transition to a GLS final
approach with 2000 foot displaced threshold and 3.25 glideslope
The combination of 3D precision guidance to touch down, and displaced
threshold and vertical separation could mitigate wake turbulence encounter
risk, and a reduction of ceiling and visibility required to conduct SOIA
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 41
To demonstrate aircraft automation driven flight procedures that provide
accurate 3D guidance from downwind to decision height/touchdown
Key enabler for more closely spaced dependent operations to parallel
runways 28R and 28L
RNP 0.15 arrival with 3D guidance based on an RF leg transition from
downwind to capture of the final approach path.
Runway 28R with a GLS final approach with a 3.25 glideslope and 2000
foot displaced threshold, and 28L ILS with a 2.85 glideslope
Near Term
Operational Benefits
Implement RNP 0.15 STAR transition in concert with CSPO 1 nm stagger
with target arrival rate increase from current 34 to 36 to potential 35 to 37 per
Long Term
Operational Benefits
With installation of a GBAS at SFO, implement RNP established
operations to a GLS 2000 foot displaced threshold and 3.25 glideslope
enabling a 0.6 nm stagger for CSPO, to gain a target arrival rate of
potentially 36 to 39 per hour
Could enable aircraft pairs allowing a heavy/B757 to lead on 28L. NextGen
controller tools that will come on-line provide for time based spacing,
enabling 0.6 nm stagger for CSPO
Note: FAA Order 7110.308A evaluation of the improved vertical separation
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 42
7 Next Steps
This project demonstrated the capability and benefits of RNP to GLS procedures and provided insights to
procedure design and best practices for RNP to GLS operations. This section discusses items to be
addressed prior to any GLS implementation and a status of GLS proliferation worldwide. As such, IAPs in
this demonstration are conceptual charts. Additional work is required to develop certified procedures
acceptable for operational service. The entire project team gained valuable insights into procedure design
and operational implementation.
7.1 Instrument Approach Procedure Implementation at SFO
7.1.1 GLS P RWY 10L
In the near term, a complete TERPS analysis of the runway 10L final approach terrain should be performed
to provide a current assessment of the obstacle field. This information would determine the appropriate
minima/decision altitude for an RNP to GLS approach to runway 10L.
7.1.2 GLS R RWY 19R
In the near term, the airport could develop an RNAV RNP
AR IAP over the GLS R track with the same vertical profile.
This would improve operational efficiency and reduce
minima compared to operations today. Implementation of
this procedure would represent the first step toward
simultaneous approaches to runways 19L and 19R. The
demonstration identified the need to revise the GLS 19R
base to final to de-conflict with the OAK RWY 12 final
approach. This can be accomplished by moving the RF leg
south by 0.5 nm. Figure 34 shows a revised GLS R 19R
procedure depicting the modified RF leg.
7.1.3 GLS W RWY 28R & GLS V RWY 28R Revised Procedures
Modifications are required to both procedures to 28R (GLS W and GLS V) to further de-conflict with the
Oakland final approach to OAK RWY 12/30. At direction from NCT, the GLS W 28R and GLS V 28R
approaches were modified to a shorter turn into final.
Figure 34: GLS R RWY 19R Revised Procedure
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 43
The original RNP to GLS procedures, as flown in the demo, conflicted with the final approach to Oakland
RWY 30. Figure 36 and 36 show the drafts of the revised procedures.
Figure 36: Revised GLS V RWY 28R CSPO Procedure
Figure 35: Revised GLS W RWY 28R SOIA Procedure
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 44
7.2 ATC and GBAS Considerations for RNP to GLS Operational Implementation at SFO
7.2.1 GBAS Acquisition and Installation
In the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Strategy 2016 document,
the FAA states GLS is a non-
federal system. It does state that the FAA has supported development of GLS equipment, standards and
implementations, and will continue to do so in the future. Currently there are certified systems providing
revenue service at Newark, and Houston, and plans for others funded by a number of airports in the
national airspace. The FAA is developing a cost-benefit analysis to determine the viability of FAA
acquisition of GBAS as a federal system. The SFO RNP to GLS demonstration has shown the potential
value of these procedures to enable improved closely spaced parallel operations at runways spaced less
than 2500 feet apart, and also how it can be used in concert with RNP for both environmental and air traffic
improvements to under-served runways. The work of this demonstration will be made available to the FAA
cost benefit analysis team.
The demonstration used a portable GBAS which is only approved for functional tests, check flights and
demonstrations. PBAS is not suitable for revenue passenger operations. A design approved GBAS would
be required for operational approval of the procedures.
7.2.2 Established on RNP (EoR) Operations
There is an opportunity for the airlines and NCT to take a proactive role in developing plans and
implementing Established on RNP (EoR) operations in the SFO Bay Area metroplex. This action is based
on the current FAA PBN Strategy 2016 document. In the document the FAA indicates it will implement
EoR at a key sites in the near term. This SFO RNP to GLS demonstration has resulted in Air Traffic/Airline
discussions regarding the potential benefits to SFO operations. As an example, utilizing the CORKK
transition to GLS V 28R in conjunction with ILS 28L may be of interest considering the vertical path
separation component introduced with the RNP to GLS design. Adoption of EoR procedures may offer
benefits for NCT, airports and the airlines based on the results of this RNP to GLS demonstration.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 45
7.3 Future Considerations and Rulemaking
7.3.1 Airport Infrastructure
One benefit of GLS is the ability to establish multiple precision approaches with different glideslope angles
and touchdown points. An ILS only provides one glideslope and one localizer per installation. This may
allow aircraft to safely avoid wake vortices from aircraft approaching the same or closely spaced parallel
runways. MITRE Corporation has reviewed and published findings regarding the potential of wake vortex
For this demonstration, runway lighting to identify the secondary touchdown point was in place to provide
a visual cue of the runway aim point for the pilots. The airport provided truck-mounted construction lights
positioned at a location 2000 feet from the runway 28R threshold. In a previous implementation of alternate
touchdown points at Frankfurt Airport, a temporary lighting was installed to identify the secondary
touchdown. The concept was called HALS / DTOP or High Approach Landing System / Dual Threshold
Operation (though it is no longer in use today)
. Standards for lighting and marking have not yet been
established for alternate touchdown points enabled by GLS.
7.3.2 Descent Rates from Increased Glideslopes
Boeing production aircraft (737 NG, 747-8, 777, 787) are certified of autoland up to 3.25. One question
that arose was the difference in descent rates with increased glideslopes. Today in the US, the majority of
precision approaches to runway ends are ILS set to a glidepath. Approaches between 2.75° and 3.5°
are considered standard for airline operations, but are uncommon except due to local constraints (e.g.,
terrain). For example, the approaches to Runway 27 at San Diego International Airport
have a glidepath
of 3.5°. Descent rates, also known as vertical speed, vary with weight, reference speeds, glideslope and
flap configuration. For the 737-900ER, a range of reference speeds is about 110 knots (Flaps 40, light
airplane) up to about 155 knots (Flaps 30, heavy airplane.) The difference between a Flap 40 and Flap 30
approach is about 7 knots, which translates to a difference of about 40 feet per minute. These factors need
diligent consideration when exercising GLS capability to support arrivals with increased glideslopes.
7.4 RNP to GLS Rulemaking Guidance Material Development
7.4.1 GBAS Standards
Global standards for GBAS are in work. Boeing and other aviation stakeholders are actively supporting
development of these standards. At ICAO, standards and recommended practices (SARPs) for GBAS
GAST D (GAST D provides CAT III minima) supporting CAT II/III operations were completed and validated
in August 2016. GAST D SARPs will be translated and presented to the ICAO Navigation Systems Panel
in December 2016, and if accepted will go to the Air Navigation Commission for State Letter. States have
two years to review and GAST D SARPs will be effective December 2018. At Radio Technical Commission
for Aeronautics (RTCA), minimum operational performance standards (MOPS) [document DO-253D
MOPS] and interface control documents (ICD) [document DO-246E ICD] are in work, and updates will be
completed in 2Q2017. At the FAA, a draft of Airworthiness Criteria AC 120-xLS expected to be released
by 1Q2017.
IAPs to RNAV (GPS) RWY 27 and LOC RWY 27
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 46
7.4.2 Procedure Design Standards
One of the primary goals of the FAA and industry Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking
Committee (PARC) Navigation Working Group is to develop criteria for RNP to xLS (xLS means ILS or
GLS) IAP designs to support FAA authorization of these procedures. The primary IAP design criteria
document is FAA Order 8260.58A (TERPS for RNAV). The current published RNP to GLS IAP design
criterion addresses both the lateral track and vertical performance requirements (non-standard day
mitigation) for general use by a wide range of fleet navigation capability.
The PARC Navigation Working Group is currently engaged in addressing the type procedure design
utilized during the SFO demonstration, RNP RF leg type linking to the GLS final approach point (FAP),
which requires a specific airplane navigation systems capability. The final criteria supporting the IAP design
as utilized at SFO RNP to GLS demonstration are expected in 2017. At the recommendation of the PARC,
the FAA will publish a revision to FAA Order 8260.58A
to describe procedure design changes required
for RNP to xLS operations in 2017. Follow on PARC activity will support development of the FAA Flight
Standards training, RNP to GLS charting guidance material and navigation database considerations.
It is anticipated that these criteria will be adopted by the FAA and presented in various ICAO venues by
FAA Flight Standards by mid-2017. Similarly, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Instrument
Flight Procedures Panel (IFPP) Pans Ops 2016
amendment included initial RNP-xLS straight in criteria.
The future ICAO Pans Ops amendment will include the RF legs and RNP AR.
7.5 Boeing GLS Equipage
On Boeing models, GLS CAT I functionality is an optional feature on the 737 NG and the 737 MAX, and is
baseline on the 747-8, 777X and 787. Retrofit solutions are under study for the 777. The fleet of Boeing
aircraft worldwide that are capable of GLS is rapidly growing; over 1500 aircraft are equipped today and
nearly half of all new deliveries are GLS equipped. All Boeing aircraft so equipped are certified for GLS
autoland capability. Boeing is pursuing GLS CAT III for potential future offerability. CAT III GBAS ground
station standards and equipment are under development.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 47
7.6 GLS Growth
Airlines, airports and air navigation service providers are exploring the applicability of RNP to GLS
operations to support their future plans to increase capacity, efficiency and enable cost effective precision
approaches. Aircraft avionics and airport equipage are reaching a tipping point as GLS CAT I capability is
becoming standard on new aircraft models. Both domestically and internationally, RNP to GLS procedures
are considered a necessary technology to support future operational needs.
Major airports in the United States including John F. Kennedy International Airport, LaGuardia Airport,
Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Hartsfield-Atlanta International Airport, and Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport are considering GLS operations in the next five years. Internationally, many nations
have proposed GLS implementation plans in the near term. China views GLS as a way to “leapfrog” ILS
at new airports. In 2015, China’s aviation authority published a Performance Based Navigation
Implementation Roadmap, which included GLS and other advanced satellite capabilities, to enhance
efficiency and airport access. GBAS and GLS trials and research in Europe, including Frankfurt, Zurich
and Toulouse, are supported in part by Single European Sky Air Traffic Management (ATM) Research
(SESAR), a public-private partnership to overhaul the air traffic in Europe. GLS studies are underway in
the UK, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden and France. In Germany, there are GBAS units operational
at Frankfurt Airport (FRA) and Bremen Airport (BRE). Bremen published the first public European RNP to
GLS procedure in early 2016. GBAS installations at Houston (IAH), Newark (EWR), Sydney (SYD), and
FRA provided valuable insights into the operational benefits of GLS. During Winter Storm Jonas, in January
2016, ILS guidance was unavailable at EWR due to snow accumulation. The GBAS continued providing
GLS service allowing United Airlines to continue landings with GLS capable aircraft.
ILS is the predominant precision approach capability at airports today. However, there are limitations to
these systems: they require periodic flight checks which can impact airport operations as each ILS
procedure must be flown in its entirety. ILS requires large, unobstructed areas to prevent signal
interference from terrain or structures, and a single ILS provides only one glideslope and touchdown point
per single runway end. On the other hand, GBAS flight checks are less invasive as they only require a
single flight check to confirm that the system is operational, and a single GBAS supports multiple
approaches with different glideslopes and touchdown points, and does not have critical areas like ILS.
Simultaneous parallel operations, like SOIA and CSPO, are key enablers to maintain capacity and
efficiency in low ceiling and visibility conditions. Wake turbulence mitigation for parallel runway operations
with different glideslopes is in place today, however the additional flexibility provided with GBAS offers
many more approach alternatives with a single facility. Maintaining wake turbulence separation criteria are
essential for safety. Lastly, it is critical that all landing aircraft be stabilized on the lateral and vertical
guidance towards an aiming point on the runway. With existing precision approach capability, meeting
stabilized approach criteria requires longer, straight-in, final segments to allow sufficient time for ILS signal
capture and stabilization.
RNP procedures alone can provide community noise and emissions reduction. By overflying unpopulated
areas, like industrial zones or natural waterways, noise is moved away from the general public. While both
RNP and GLS can be used separately, the most operational benefits are achieved when an RNP approach
terminates in a GLS final segment. With RNP to GLS approaches enabled by a GBAS, it is possible to
provide precision approach capability to runways near to natural or man-made obstruction, differing
glideslopes, and different displaced thresholds. The added flexibility from RNP to GLS procedures allows
added capability for wake turbulence mitigation. In addition aircraft require less time to meet stabilized
approach criteria which in turn allows for a shorter final segment which can reduce track miles flown, and
therefore reduce fuel burn and emissions. Airports and airlines are likely to press for increased RNP to
GLS operations. The demonstration flights by Delta and United on August 27
, 2016, highlighted the
potential of RNP to GLS capabilities.
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 48
8 Acronyms
AC Advisory Circular
AGL Above Ground Level
ATC Air Traffic Control
BCOP Boeing Climbout Performance Tool
CAT Category
CSPO Closely Spaced Parallel Operations
DA(H) Decision Altitude [precision approaches]
DAL Delta Air Lines
DTT Distance-to-Threshold
eCab Engineering Cab
EoR Established on RNP
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAC Final Approach Course
FAP Final Approach Point
FAS Final Approach Segment
FOQA Flight Operations Quality Assurance
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GLONASS Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (Russian GPS)
GLS GNSS Landing System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
IAP Instrument Approach Procedure
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICD Interface Control Document
IF Initial Fix
IFPP Instrument Flight Procedure Panel
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
INM Integrated Noise Model
LDA Localizer Type Directional Aid
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LOC Localizer
LR Line Replaceable Unit
MDA(H) Minimum Descent Altitude [Height for non-precision approaches]
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards
NDB Navigation Database
NG Next Generation
nm Nautical Miles
NMT Noise Monitor Terminals
NORCAL Northern California
NTZ Non-Transgression Zone
OAK Oakland International Airport
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PBN Performance Based Navigation
PARC Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 49
Acronyms (Continued)
PBAS Portable GBAS
PFD Primary Flight Display
PRM Precision Runway Monitor
QAR Quick Access Recorder
RA Radio Altitude
RF Radius to Fix
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP AR Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
SARP Standards and Recommended Practices
SESAR Single European Sky Air Traffic Management (ATM) Research
SFO San Francisco International Airport
sm Statute Miles
SOIA Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures
TF Track to Fix
TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control
UAL United Airlines
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VNAV Vertical Navigation
xLS GLS, ILS or Microwave Landing System (MLS)
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 50
Appendix A 27-Aug-16 Flight Sequence
Cond. No.
GLS Channel/ILS
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 51
Appendix B Demonstration Sequence and Notes Sheet
The objective of this flight is to demonstrate RNP to GLS instrument approach procedures
Planned Crew and Non-Flight Crew Personnel Onboard (#)
o DAL : 6
o UAL : 8
Call signs
o DAL : Delta 9984
o UAL : United 2138
o PBAS: Boeing PBAS
Weather Limitations
o Maintain visual clearance of traffic and obstacles for all GLS procedures
o Minimum weather requirement for RWY 28R GLS (suggested 3000 feet and 5 statute miles)
o Minimum vectoring altitudes (MVA) chart is provided for decision making reference marginal
ceiling/visibility conditions
Demo Requirements
o Install Boeing-Jeppesen provided navigation database to DAL and UAL
o PBAS broadcasting all GLS procedures
o 2way communications with PBAS and the aircraft
o Auxiliary side line lighting at the 28R 2000 feet displaced threshold point
General Notes
o Follow airline SOP (DAL and UAL)
o GLS W 28R arm approach (or LOC) inbound from HEGOT to avoid premature LOC capture
Required Data
o Check GPS DOP
o Manual Data: Subjective notes about the RNP/GLS procedures and comments from the crew,
ATC, and CT.
o Flight Recorder Data: downloaded after the flight
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 52
Install Boeing-Jeppesen provided nav database to DAL and UAL A/Ps
Deploy PBAS Team (Launch Time - 2hrs)
Communications Check
o Tower to assign VHF frequency for aircraft to aircraft communication (128.65)
o Flight Coordination Mike C.
Contact SFO Tower Supervisor 650-876-2722 - Hit 5 when it answers
Contact NCT Operations Manager 916 366 4080
Contact PBAS Crew VHF Radio (123.15)
o Recording media on
Cond. No.
Confirm database (preferably before launching the entire crew to both aircraft and PBAS); load the
approaches and confirm the fixes (altitudes and speeds)
Tune each GLS approach and verify proper decoding of approach information on PFD (Approach
ID/ course runway and reasonable distance to threshold)
20760 GLSW/ 284 RW28R xx.x
21171 G28V/284 RW28R xx.x
21582 G10L/104 RW10L xx.x
21993 G19R/194 RW19R xx.x
Confirm with the other aircraft all GLS approaches are verified operational
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 53
or ILS
Start IAP from STINS, or as instructed by ATC
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Expect Missed approach heading 340 / 3000
Start IAP from STINS, or as instructed by ATC
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Expect Missed approach heading 340 / 3000
Start IAP from WESLA / 6000 feet, or as
instructed by ATC
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Perform the GLS R RWY 19R procedure
Terminate go around 100 feet RA
Expect Missed approach to 340 / 3000 feet
*NCT wants
video from
Start IAP from WESLA / 6000 feet, or as
instructed by ATC
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Perform the GLS R RWY 19R procedure
Terminate go around 100 feet RA
Expect Missed approach to 340 / 3000 feet
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 54
or ILS
Start IAP HEMAN, or as instructed by ATC
Terminate the ILS approach with a go-around
at 100 feet RA
Expect missed approach heading 265 / 3100
Start IAP CORKK / 11000 feet or as instructed
by ATC
Verify proper GLS approach information on
Terminate the GLS W approach with a go-
around at 100 feet RA
Expect Missed Approach RW Heading / 3000
Start IAP HEMAN, or as instructed by ATC
Terminate the ILS approach with a go-around
at 100 feet RA
Expect missed approach heading 265 / 3100
Start IAP from CORKK, or as instructed by
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Perform the GLS V RWY 28R procedure
Terminate the approach with a go-around at
100 feet RA
Expect Missed Approach RW heading / 3000
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 55
or ILS
Start IAP CEPIN, or as instructed by ATC
Terminate the ILS approach with a go-around
at 100 feet RA
Expect Missed Approach RW heading / 3000
In-trail (3-4)
miles visual
Expect right
Start IAP CEPIN, or as instructed by ATC
Terminate the ILS approach with a go-around
at 100 feet RA
Expect Missed Approach RW heading / 3000
In-trail (3-4)
miles visual
Expect left
Start IAP from CORKK / 11000 feet, or as
instructed by ATC
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Terminate the GLS W approach with a go-
around at 100’RA
Expect RW heading / 3000 feet
Start IAP HEMAN, or as instructed by ATC
Terminate the ILS approach with a go-around
at 100 feet RA
Expect Missed Approach heading 265 / 3100
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 56
or ILS
Start IAP from CORKK / 11000 feet, or as
instructed ATC
Verify proper decoding of approach
information in PFD
Terminate the GLS V approach with a full
Start IAP HEMAN, or as instructed by ATC
Terminate the ILS approach with a full stop
Taxi back to respective gates/stands
Recover PBAS crew
Post Flight: Convene at designated airport location to record thoughts/impressions and address
any immediate concerns
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 57
Appendix C AFDS Performance GLS R 19R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 58
Appendix D AFDS Performance GLS W 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 59
Appendix E AFDS Performance GLS V 28R
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 60
Copyright © 2016 Boeing. All rights reserved. 61