Technical White Paper
How to Secure Prinect Workflow.
Securing Prinect Workflow.
A printers responsibility.
This is a companion document to the white paper Preventing Ransomware which will outline the more
technical details in implementing some of the concepts highlighted in the first white paper. If you do not
feel comfortable implementing any of these steps in your shop, please consult with an IT Professional or
Heidelberg Professional Services to assist you. Please note that some of these suggestions may result in
temporary downtime to facilitate a reboot so they should not be implemented during normal production
hours. In addition, these suggestions are expected to be done by someone familiar with IT-related changes
and issues. As such, they do not fall under the normal product support capabilities of the Heidelberg
Technical Help Desk so you should not be calling in to get assistance modifying or troubleshooting
your environment.
Security affects everyone in your plant – from the owner to the pressman – and is critical to the success of
the printer. But security is not a revenue-generating component so investing time and money in it is often
not a high priority. Commonly, most printers will only address security issues after they have experienced
a specific incident. A lack of security is a real risk for printers just like any other business, and security is
ultimately the responsibility of the printer. Remember that security is an ongoing task and not just a
one-time activity; security is not just implemented in one place. The “eggshell theory” of relying on
the company firewall to create a “hard shell” around the plant but leaving the inside of the plant
unprotected is no longer enough.
To view or download all of our Technical White Papers visit:
How to Implement Security 4
Assigning Someone to be Responsible for Security 4
Maintaining a Change Log 4
How to Educate Employees 5
Acceptable Use Policy 5
How to Stay Secure 6
Maintaining Hardware 6
Installing the Latest Updates and Software 7
Anti-Virus Protection 7
Changing Passwords and Password Policies 8
Account Lockouts and Precautions 10
Controlling Shares 12
iDrac Accounts 14
Optional Precautions 14
Disabling Transport Security Layer 16
Final Steps 17
Tightening Your Security 17
Summary 19
*The information provided herein is being delivered to you “as is” and Heidelberg
makes no warranty as to its accuracy or use. Any use of the technical documentation
or information contained herein is at the risk of the user.
How can I implement security?
Heres how you can get started:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Getting Started
Assign Someone to be Responsible for Security
First and foremost, someone must be the “champion” of
security for your business. In one sense, every individual
is ultimately responsible for security; however, someone
must define the standards for your plant as well as be
the employees’ contact when they have issues, questions
or concerns.
Assign someone to be the lead for when you are experiencing
a security related issue, i.e., confirming a breach, mitigating
any damaging effects, restoring full production, talking
with your vendors, etc. Regardless of whether you assign a
“Chief Security Officer” and/or a “Incident Response Team,
what is important is that there is someone or some group
responsible for your security. This is a requirement to
obtain Cyber-Insurance.
Maintain a Change Log
Whenever you are making changes to your infrastructure,
servers or workstations, you should maintain a “change log”
that documents what changes are being made, why the change
is being made, who is making the change, when the change
was made, etc. This will be needed if you need technical
support from someone unfamiliar with your environment
or if you must roll back changes due to an unexpected issue.
Heidelberg’s Prinect® Workflow uses an “open systems” concept that includes Dell® PowerEdge™ servers with
Dell Precision/OptiPlex™ Workstations as the hardware platform and Microsoft® Windows™ as the Operating
System. Securing Heidelbergs Prinect Workflow includes hardening these components along with hardening
your infrastructure by following industry-accepted and vendor-recommended “Best Practices.
Security is both a science and an art: you must consider the impact on productivity and reach a balance that
makes sense for your business. Too much security can make things not function as expected; not enough
security can create vulnerabilities that can be exploited. It is strongly recommended that you have a current
backup before beginning any changes to your production equipment and avoid haphazardly making all
changes at one time. Evaluate each change individually for your plant then implement, test, and document.
How can I educate my employees?
Establish an Acceptable-Use Policy:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Acceptable-Use Policy
An “Acceptable-Use Policy” is a set of documented rules and guidelines that employees in your printing
plant must agree to as far as Computer Usage, Internet Usage and Email Usage. The intent is to protect
both your plant and your employees from the potentially costly damages that can arise from introducing
malicious software onto the Company network or jeopardizing the security and privacy of your Company's
electronic communications systems. Below is an example of an “Acceptable Use Policy” but exact wording
should be reviewed by your Legal Counsel to ensure you are protecting yourself.
Internet Usage
Company employees are expected to use the Internet
responsibly and productively. Internet access is a
privilege and is limited to job-related activities only –
personal use is not permitted. The activities below
are strictly prohibited:
Sharing confidential material, trade secrets, or
proprietary information outside of the company.
The company may block any sites and/or downloads
if they are deemed to be harmful or not productive
to business.
Social Media use outside of that required for
company business.
Sending or posting discriminatory, harrassing, or
threatening messages or images.
Downloading, copying or pirating software, music,
video and/or electronic files that are copyrighted or
without authorization is strictly prohibited.
Hacking into unauthorized websites is forbidden.
The company reserves the right to monitor all inbound
and outbound Internet traffic and may block any or all
sites and/or downloads if they are deemed to be harmful
or not productive to business.
Email Usage
The following is strictly prohibited:
Emails sent via the company email system should be
business related and not contain any content that is
deemed to be discriminatory, vulgar, or offensive.
Accessing personal email.
Sending or posting solicitations, advertisements,
or other content not related to business purposes
or activities.
Computer Usage
The following is strictly prohibited:
The installation of unwanted and/or unlicensed
software not provided by the company.
Connecting any computer devices to the company
network not provided by the company without prior
Using company computers to perpetrate any form
of criminal activity.
Heidelberg Prinect Workflow Usage
The following is strictly prohibited:
Use of Heidelberg Prinect Workflow components
for email or web surng.
Connecting USB devices, inserting CD/DVD's,
or connecting unauthorized Shares directly
to Heidelberg Prinect servers without prior
Installation of non-authorized hardware or software
on Heidelberg Prinect servers or workstations.
Establishing an “Acceptable-Use Policy” for
your printing plant is simply good business.
Establishing an “Acceptable-Use Policy” for your
printing plant is vital to your overall security.
Employees should be required to acknowledge
receipt and confirm that they understand and
agree to abide by the Policy.
They should also be made aware that any violation
of your policy could result in disciplinary and/or
legal action. This could include termination of
employment, and/or employees being held personally
liable for damages caused by any violations of
the policy depending on the scope and frequency
of the aggressions.
How can I stay secure?
1. Maintaining your hardware:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
Maintain your Dell Hardware
Dell EMC highly recommends that you sign up for Driver and Firmware
notifications visit for information.
Dell EMC classifies updates as follows:
Urgent Dell highly recommends applying these updates as soon as possible. These updates
contain changes to improve the reliability and availability of your system.
Recommended Dell recommends applying these updates during your next scheduled update
cycle. These updates contains feature enhancements or changes that will help
keep your system software current and compatible with other system modules
(firmware, BIOS, drivers and software).
Optional Dell recommends the customer review specifics about these updates to determine
if they apply to your system. The update contains changes that impact only
certain configurations or provide new features that may or may not apply to
your environment.
When an urgent firmware or driver update is released, it is highly recommended that you update it
immediately. The Dell EMC article Update Server Firmware for Optimal Performance” explains why
it is important to update Drivers and Firmware – see
The Dell EMC Server Update Utility ISO (SUU) is a local 1-to-1 utility to update BIOS, firmware, drivers and
application on PowerEdge servers to the latest version. The SUU also allows comparison between the current
versions installed on the server and the most up-to-date versions available. Select the components in need of
updating and upon confirmation, SUU will orchestrate the deployment of the selected updates.
You can download the SUU from
Enter your Service Tag and in the next window
enter the keyword “Server Update Utility.
Click the “Download” button, then run the executable
that downloads and follow the on-screen instructions.
2. Installing recent updates & software:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
Install the latest Windows Update from Microsoft
Microsoft regularly releases updates for its Windows
operating system. These updates include security updates
to keep Windows secure as new threats and vulnerabilities
are identified. At the time of the initial installation of your
Prinect Server, your Heidelberg Technician should update
Windows to the latest version. After that, it is the customer’s
responsibility to stay up-to-date moving forward. Heidelberg
recommends that you configure Windows Update Settings
to automatically download updates, but then you can choose
whether to install them. Updates for Microsoft SQL Server
must not be enabled due to possible conflicts as these will
be updated through the Prinect Maintenance Center.
If you are running an older version of Microsoft Windows
like Windows Server 2008R2 or Windows Server 2012R2,
consider upgrading to Windows Server 2016 or Windows
Server 2019. Due to security enhancements made by
Microsoft, Windows Server 2016/2019 are more secure
than Windows Server 2012R2 which in turn was more
secure than Windows Server 2008R2.
Installing Compatible Anti-Virus
Heidelberg recommends running antivirus software on all
end points in your plant, including the Prinect components.
By default, Windows Defender AV is installed and functional
on Windows Server 2016. In Windows Server 2016,
Windows Defender AV will not disable itself if you are
running another antivirus product. Using more than one
antivirus product can affect the performance of Prinect
and is not advised. Heidelberg does not sell or recommend
any specific antivirus product or manufacturer. To avoid
workflow interruption, consider configuring your virus
protection application to alert, but not quarantine, potential
infections. Alternately, it is also possible to exclude the folder
paths listed below from virus scanning until more
information is known:
Prinect Software:
C:\Program Files\Heidelberg
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Heidelberg
C:\Program Files (x86)\Heidelberg
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Heidelberg
C:\Backup Commands
Install the latest Heidelberg Software Updates
Using the Prinect Maintenance Center
The Prinect Maintenance Center will keep your Heidelberg
Prinect Workflow software up-to-date. The latest version of
Prinect provides fixes to known issues and new features in
addition to better security. For example, newer versions of
Prinect incorporate newer versions of Apache® Tomcat™,
introduce support for newer versions of Adobe® Acrobat™
and newer Operating Systems for Microsoft Windows and
Apple® Macintosh™, which are inherently more secure.
Location of Data and Configuration Files:
In addition, Microsoft has the following recommendations:
and for Microsoft SQL Server:
3. Anti-Virus Protection:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
4. Changing passwords &
enforcing password policies:
Change the Default Password
For the most part, all computer products ship from the manufacturer with a default password. It is strongly
recommended that you change the password immediately upon starting up the new computer. If you don't
change the password, then anyone with access to your systems can change its settings and potentially lock you out.
Prinect is no different than any other computer product in this regard. So, “Best Practice” is to change the default
password for the Prinect user and the administrative account for both the workflow servers and computer.
It is also recommended that you change passwords for all your infrastructure equipment as well at the time
of deployment and software installation.
Set a Password Policy
Heidelberg Prinect servers use the Microsoft defaults for Windows. The actual settings should be dened
by the individual printers that use the workflow and conform to your “Shop Standards.” To set this, use
the following procedure:
Open the Group Policy Management Editor by running the Command Prompt as “Administrator”
and entering the command gpedit.msc
Open Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Polices > Password Policy
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
Enforce Password History: This is the policy that defines how many times a user must wait before they can
re-use the same password. For example, if this is set to 4, once a user sets their password to “Pa$$w0rd” the
user won’t be able to change their password to that again until after they have changed their password 4 times.
Recommended PCI-DSSS Standard: A user’s new passwords cannot be the same as the 4 previously
used passwords.
Maximum Password Age: This is the policy that defines the period of time in days that a password can be
used before the system requires the user to change it. You can set passwords to expire after a number of days
from 1 to 999, or leave it set to 0 (which is the Windows Server 2016 default), and it will never expire. If you
set this to a value from 1 and 999 days, the corresponding minimum password age must be less than the
maximum password age.
Please note that if this policy is enabled, it can present issues with Prinect versions prior to Prinect 2016 but has
since been changed with the introduction of the Prinect Supervisor. With newer versions, you must still follow
the Heidelberg guidelines for changing “Prinect” user password. It would require a change of the Prinect
password, which means the services that use the Prinect account will fail to start. While Cockpit users
can be configured to use the OS login, a couple of services that use the Prinect account will not start until
they are updated with the new password.
Nowadays, it is considered better to have a strong password with 12 characters or more without changing it
every 90 days. While it is always a good idea to change your password from time to time, it could also cause
users to choose a simple password with a counting part within the password (xxxxxA, xxxxxB, …) or writing
down their password nearby the computer. Recommended PCI-DSSS Standard: Users should change their
passwords every 90 days.
Minimum Password Age: This is the policy that defines how long a user must use a new password after
they have changed it. If this is not configured, the user can change their password several times quickly until
they exceed the “maximum password age,” so they can once again use old favorite password. If you set the
minimum password age, this is not possible.
Minimum Password Length: This is the policy that defines the minimum number of characters that a
users password must contain. You can set a value of between 1 and 14 characters or set the number of
characters to 0 so no password is require. Recommended PCI-DSSS Standard: A password should be at
least 7 characters.
Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements: This policy decides
if passwords must follow these minimum requirements:
Be at least six characters in length
Contain characters from three of the following four categories
English uppercase letters (A through Z)
English lowercase letters (a through z)
Base 10 digit (0 through 9)
Non-alphabetic characters (!@#$%&*)
Please Note: Heidelberg does not recommend enabling the “Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements”
setting. In particular the Heidelberg Common Database does not allow the following characters in the password
so these should not be used: &|<> ^=,; and BLANK (word space).
Do not store passwords using reversible encryption – this is the default. This policy provides support for
applications that use protocols that require knowledge of the users password for authentication purposes.
This policy should never be enabled on a Prinect server.
With Prinect, you must set your Prinect user accounts to use “Password for OS Login
in the Cockpit Administration.
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
5. Account lockouts & precautions:
Configure Account Lockout Policies
Heidelberg Prinect servers use the Microsoft Windows default. These are defined by the individual
printers that use the Workflow. To set this, use the following procedure:
Open the Group Policy Management Editor by running the Command Prompt as “Administrator”
and entering the command gpedit.msc
Open Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Polices > Account Lockout Policies
Account Lockout Duration: This policy denes the number of minutes a locked-out account remains locked out
before automatically becoming unlocked. The available range is from 0 to 99,999 minutes. If you set the account
lockout duration to 0, the account will be locked out until an administrator explicitly unlocks it. If an account
lockout threshold is defined, the account lockout duration must be greater than or equal to the reset time.
Typically, when you configure an account lockout threshold those two options can be configured. Otherwise, it’s
not possible to configure account lockout duration with lockout counter after. Recommended PCI-DSSS Standard:
An account must remain locked for a minimum of 30 minutes or until the “Administrator” enables the User ID.
Account Lockout Threshold: This policy defines the number of failed log-on attempts that causes a user account
to be locked out. A locked-out account cannot be used until it is reset by an administrator or until the lockout
duration for the account has expired. You can set a value between 0 and 999 failed login attempts. If you set the
value to 0, the account will never be locked out. Recommended PCI-DSSS Standard: A user account should be
locked out after 6 failed log-in attempts. In this case, the user can only enter the password six times.
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
Reset Account Lockout Counter After: This policy defines the number of minutes that must elapse after
a failed log-on attempt before the failed log-on attempt counter is reset to zero. The available range is 1
to 99,999 minutes. If an account lockout threshold is defined, this reset time must be less than or equal
to the account lockout duration. Recommended PCI-DSSS Standard: An account must remain locked for
a minimum of 30 minutes or until the “Administrator” enables the User ID.
This also requires that you must set your Prinect user accounts to use “Password for OS Login
in the Cockpit Administration for it to work.
Limit Users from the Administrators Group in All Prinect Services:
1. Log in as an “Administrator” and open “Computer Management.
2. Expand “Local Users and Groups.
3. Under “Groups” double-click the “Administrators” and make it as empty as possible.
The recommended configuration would be as shows in the screenshots below:
Step 1: Above is for a Workgroup Server. When
joined to a Domain Server, you would have
four entries: Administator, Domain/Domain Admins,
Domain/prinect and HDService.
Step 2: Create a new group called “Prinect Operators”
on each Prinect Workow Server, and add all those
Windows users except the “Prinect” user – that will
need to be added with the Prinect system into this
new group/these new groups.
Note that as of Prinect version 2019, this group is
automatically added by the Prinect Software Installer
to the Prinect Production Manager Server and the
Prinect Portal Server. But you have to add this group
manually to other servers such as the Prinect Data
Center, Renderer, Shooter 2, etc. Any new Prinect
Cockpit user is automatically added to this “Prinect
Operators” group as long as the checkbox “Password
for OS Login” is checked. So this makes adding the
“Prinect” user to the NTFS permissions obsolete.
Please note that this applies only to the PTConfig,
PTDocs and PTJobs shares. It must be manually
configured to any other shares.
When joined to a Domain, you should create the
“Prinect Operators” group in the Microsoft Active
Directory, i.e., your Domain server.
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
6. Controlling Shares:
Secure Any Shares
Shares on a Windows server are secured by the combined Share permissions and NTFS permissions. Even a
non-Windows system must use a compatible client protocol to connect and use these shares, so it does not bypass
Share and NTFS security. NTFS permissions secure the file system, whether the user is local or remote. Share
permissions specify what remote access is granted. File shares use both technologies because they share
resources on the file system for a remote user.
Microsofts recommendations for sharing permissions on Shares is to set to “Full Control for Everyone” and control of
access rights through NTFS rights. Control over the NTFS folder permissions allows much more granular settings, and
the actual access rights that result from the sharing of Share and Folder rights are the same for Share users, local users,
and users connected through Remote Desktop, if the “Share Everyone” is set up with “Full Control.
There are two possibilities to consider: Shares created by Heidelberg and Shares you (or some other program) create.
Prinect Production Manager has several default Shares created by the Deployment Utility and the Installer Program.
The current recommendation is to set NTFS permissions for “Everyone” to “Read/Execute” and “PrinectOperators”
to “Modify” for the primary Prinect shares. For Prinect, the Share does not require “Full Control” for the “Everyone
group. Don’t forget the “Hidden Shares” – where names end with a Dollar Sign ($).
Make sure to remove the Everyone Group from these Shares and not just remove the checkmarks but click on
“Remove.” Then, add the “Prinect” user and “PrinectOperators” Group to these shares with the following permissions:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
Disable Microsoft Administrative Shares
By default, Microsoft Windows automatically creates special hidden administrative shares that
administrators, programs, and services can use to manage the computer environment or network.
These special shared resources are not visible in Windows Explorer or in “My Computer.” However,
you can view them by using the “Shared Folders” tool in “Computer Management.” Depending on the
configuration of your computer, some or all of the following special shared resources may be listed in the
“Shares” folder in “Shared Folders:”
DriveLetter$: This is a shared root partition or volume. Shared root partitions and volumes are
displayed as the drive letter name appended with the dollar sign ($). For example, when drive letters
C and D are shared, they are displayed as C$ and D$.
ADMIN$: Used during remote administration of a computer.
IPC$: Shares the named pipes that you must have for communication between programs.
This resource cannot be deleted.
PRINT$: Used during the remote administration of printers.
FAX$: Shared folder on a server that is used by fax clients during fax transmission.
Microsoft recommends that you do not modify these special shared resources; however, attacks via
the “Administrative Shares” are well documented (see Prinect does not
use these “Administrative Shares” but if you want to remove the special shared resources and prevent
them from being created automatically, you can do this by editing the registry. You must ensure that no
other programs require them to work, for example, many PC Management Tools use these.
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
8. Optional precautions:
Disable Remote Desktop Connections
By default, Microsoft enables Remote Desktop Connections
to Windows servers, so anyone that requires access within
your plant does not have to be in front of the console. This
may be desired depending on the size of your plant and the
physical location of the Prinect servers as well as the policies
defined for your plant.
When enabled, this will often be flagged by “Vulnerability
Scanners” because Microsoft uses a self-signed SSL Certificate
for encryption. An alternative is to purchase and install an
SSL Certificate from a “Certificate Authority” for Remote
Desktop. You must consider the potential impact of this
in your plant and minimize disruptions.
For Heidelberg Prinect, Remote Desktop is not required for
Prinect to run, and Heidelberg does not use TCP Port 3389
that RDP uses. Occasionally, Help Desk Support Personnel
may use Remote Desktop during a Heidelberg Assist session
to access this server from another workstation or server
where a Heidelberg Assist session was already initiated.
Thus, the Heidelberg Assist session will always have to be
initiated at the Prinect Server, or the setting will have to
be enabled temporarily. Risk is low and the effect could
be undone.
Steps to Disable Remote Desktop Connections:
Open the “System Control Panel”
Choose “Advanced Systems Settings”
Select the “Remote” tab
Click the “Radio” button for
“Don't Allow Remote Connections to this Computer”
7. iDrac Accounts:
Secure the Default iDrac Account
The iDRAC is the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller
designed to make server administrators more productive
and improve the overall availability of Dell servers. It is
important to change the default password or anyone will
be able to access the server and make changes using default
When you launch the iDRAC GUI Launcher, it will ask for
a User and Password to login. The default username is root
and the default password is calvin. This should be changed
to a different password. It does not force you to, but it is
strongly recommended that you do change it (and make
record of what you change it to).
Consider iDrac Enterprise
All Dell PowerEdge Servers sold by Heidelberg were
shipped with iDRAC Express – newer servers ship with
iDRAC Enterprise.
If you have iDRAC Express, you can add an iDRAC Enterprise
License. iDRAC Enterprise offers System Lockdown mode,
which helps prevent unintended changes after a system is
installed and configured. This can help protect the system
from unintentional or malicious changes. Lockdown mode is
applicable to both configuration and firmware updates. When
the system is locked down, any attempt to change the system
hardware configuration like BIOS and Firmware is blocked.
If any attempts are made to change the critical system settings,
an error message is displayed. So, you may want to consider
purchasing upgrade licenses for any servers running iDRAC
Express as an added protection.
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
Enable SMB Signing
SMB (Server Message Block) is the file protocol most commonly used by Windows Server. SMB Signing is
a feature through which communications using SMB can be digitally signed at the packet level. Digitally
signing the packets enables the recipient of the packets to confirm their point of origination and their
authenticity. By enabling SMB signing, all clients and servers connecting must also have SMB signing
enabled or they will not be able to establish connection. In addition, there could be some negative
performance impact. You must consider the potential impact of this in your plant and minimize disruption.
Steps to Enabling SMB Signing:
Open the “Administrative Tools Control Panel”
Open the “Local Security Policy Tool”
Click on “Local Policies”
Click on “Security Options”
Right-click the policy “Microsoft Network Server:
Digitally Sign Communications (always)” and
select “Properties”
Click the “Enable Radio” button
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Staying Secure
9. Disabling Transport Security Layer:
Disabling TLS Versions 1.0 and 1.1
TLS (Transport Security Layer) is an IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standard for a cryptographic
protocol that provides end-to-end network communication security to prevent eavesdropping, tampering
and message forgery. It is widely used for Internet communication. Vulnerability Scanners will often flag
TLS 1.0 (RFC 2246 from 1999) and TLS 1.1 (RFC 4346 from 2006) because they have been linked to Triple-DES,
SWEET32, Birthday and BEAST attacks. The latest version of TLS is Version 1.3, and it is recommended for
clients to implement this; however, you must consider the potential impact of this in your plant and
minimize disruptions. This requires using Browsers that support it and that it is implemented in
the website.
Prinect does not require the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol 1.0 or 1.1, so you can disable these
from a Heidelberg perspective. TLS 1.2 is used by the Prinect Maintenance Center therefore, should
not be disabled. TLS is an ecryption cipher built into Microsoft Windows and turned on by default.
The problem with disabling it is that if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer (which many still do),
versions 7 through 10 do not support higher versions of TLS. If a company uses one of those browser
versions, there could be an adverse effect on those companies if we disable it.
Steps to Disable TLS 1.0 for Client & Server:
Open “Regedit” (Run as Administrator)
Add the following keys:
Steps to Disable TLS 1.1 for Client & Server:
Open “Regedit” (Run as Administrator)
Add the following keys:
Final Steps.
Tightening your security:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Final Steps
Consider a Domain
Prinect will work in either a workgroup environment or a domain environment (like Microsofts Active
Directory) – just not a mixed environment. With a workgroup, you must manage all security settings at
each device across your network. This could make your environment less secure because you are more
likely to miss something. With a domain, all security settings can be managed centrally, effectively
removing the likelihood that a device will be missed. Of course, you must harden the domain servers
Please Note: A domain requires investment for the hardware and requires some skills to administrate.
Back Up Your Prinect Servers
After you have made all these changes, it is time to back up your work. Your time and efforts are
valuable, and you need to ensure that effort is protected. Select whatever backup program you prefer,
or the Windows Server Backup (built into Windows Server) – just ensure you back up the Systemstate
and retain the backup off the Prinect server itself – maybe even a duplicate off-site.
Maintaining a consistent backup is also an essential tool if a Ransomware attack succeeds.
Having a solid backup will be critical to getting back up and running again as quick as possible
saving you valuable time and money.
Document Your Work
Documentation is critical to your success. You should always document your work thoroughly
and clearly; otherwise, it could make troubleshooting more difficult and time-consuming.
Concise documentation will help with troubleshooting, audits, introducing new hardware
and software into your plant, training of users, etc.
9. Disabling Transport Security Layer:
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Final Steps
Train Your Employees
Just like with everything else, your employees must learn how to be responsible users. This takes education.
Security Awareness Training will cover:
Understanding Information Security
Ensuring data security
Ensuring physical security
“Best Practices” for safe computing including remote & mobile
What to do if there is a threat or breach
Harden Your Infrastructure
Review your Network Switches and Firewall to look for the following:
Replace “End-of-Life” products with newer, more secure products
Update the firmware to the latest version
Add a security banner if allowed
Security Banners are displayed upon login to both identify the switch as well as provide information
about security and monitoring policies. In some jurisdictions, hackers who break into your system
cannot be prosecuted unless you provide a banner that informs unauthorized users that their use
is unauthorized. In other jurisdictions, you may be forbidden to monitor the activities of even
unauthorized users unless you have taken steps to notify them of your intent. Legal notification
requirements are complex and can vary by jurisdiction. Even within jurisdictions, legal opinions
vary, and this issue should be discussed with your own legal counsel.
Disable unused features and enable security features based on vendor-recommended and industry-accepted
“Best Practices.” Features you want to enable are things like Broadcast Storm Control, DHCP Snooping,
IGMP Snooping, MLD Snooping, Dynamic ARP Inspection, and IP Source Guard. Features you want to
disable are things like IP Fingering, Proxy ARPs, PAD Services, TCP and UDP Small Servers, UDLD,
Web Servers, and Discovery Protocols.
White Paper | Prinect Workow Security | Summary
The items outlined in this white paper are suggestions based on years of frequently asked questions from
printers. You may see various recommendations from other sources, but you must decide what makes the
most sense for your plant. Each customer’s security requirements are different. Heidelberg cannot make
security decisions for our customers, nor can we enforce them.
As you define the security requirements for your plant, you should apply them to all the servers in your
plant not just the Prinect servers; however, please keep in mind the requirements of any applications you
will be running on other servers. Keeping all your servers hardened is a good strategy for helping to prevent
breaches and protect yourself from the various threats. Hardening your Prinect servers is just one of the tools
in your tool bag to remove any vulnerability that can be exploited.
Hardening your Prinect servers does not guarantee that you will never have a security incident. There are new
threats emerging daily, and there are still users who fall prey to phishing attacks, etc. By hardening your Prinect
servers, you are not eliminating the possibility of a successful attack but minimizing it. You need to make it as
difficult as possible for someone to compromise your plant.
Please direct any questions regarding this document to
Eugene F. O’Brien, Senior Technical Support Analyst at:
(770) 794-6205 or
Heidelberg USA
1000 Gutenberg Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone 800 437 7388
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trademarks of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in the U.S.
and other countries. All other trademarks are property of their
respective owners.
Subject to technical modifications and other changes.