Confidential – contains business secrets
22 February 2023
1. Executive summary
1.1 This is Microsoft’s response to the CMA’s Notice of Possible Remedies dated 8
February 2023 (“Remedies Notice”) regarding the anticipated acquisition of Activision
Blizzard, Inc. (“Activision”) (the Merger”). For reasons that will be set out in
Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings, Microsoft strongly disagrees with the
CMA’s provisional conclusion that the Merger may result in a substantial lessening of
competition in console gaming (“Console SLC”) and cloud gaming services (“Cloud
Gaming SLC”) in the UK.
This response should be read in conjunction with
Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
1.2 Microsoft has no intention of engaging in input foreclosure or of making Call of Duty
(“CoD”) exclusive to the Xbox platform. To the contrary, since day one, Microsoft has
been focused on using this acquisition to bring more games to more people on more
platforms and devices than ever before, to bring more competition into gaming than
ever before.
Post-transaction, CoD will remain available on PlayStation, the largest
console platform globally, and PC.
Moreover, Microsoft intends to expand the reach
of CoD to new platforms and has signed binding agreements with Nintendo and Nvidia
to bring the game to an additional 150 million gamers worldwide if the Merger is
CMA’s Provisional Findings report dated 8 February 2023 (the “Provisional Findings”).
Brad Smith, Vice Chair and President of Microsoft, Brussels Press Conference, 21 February 2023 (link available
VGC, “Valve says long-term Call of Duty Steam offer not needed as ‘Xbox always follows through on its promises
07 December 2022 (link available here) and statement by Mr. S. Lynch of Valve Corporation to the European
Commission Oral Hearing in Case M.10646, 21 February 2023.
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1.3 The Merger will, therefore, result in substantial benefits to UK consumers and
developers. Microsoft estimates on a conservative basis that the benefits to UK
consumers will exceed $[] million (£[] million) in the next 10 years alone.
Globally, the benefits to consumers will, on a conservative basis, be at least $[]
billion (£[] billion) over the next decade.
A divestment of any part of Activision or
CoD would extinguish these benefits and be ineffective. A divestment would preserve
the status quo, whereby gamers on the dominant console platform, PlayStation, receive
exclusive CoD benefits, which are not available to gamers on other platforms, including
Xbox and PC.
1.4 In addition to the legally binding agreements entered into with Nintendo and Nvidia,
Microsoft is proposing a package of licensing remedies which (i) guarantee parity
between the PlayStation and Xbox platforms in respect of CoD and (ii) ensure wide
availability of CoD and other Activision titles on cloud gaming services. These
remedies protect all CoD gamers in the UK, as well as the incentives to invest and
1.5 Microsoft believes that the criteria for the CMA to consider behavioural remedies are
met in this case. First, the relevant costs of any feasible structural remedy far exceed
the scale of the adverse effects of the alleged SLCs. Second, relevant customer benefits
(“RCBs”) are likely to be substantial compared with any adverse effects of the Merger,
and these benefits would be largely preserved by behavioural remedies but not by
structural remedies. Microsoft has carefully designed its package of remedies to be
self-executing and enforceable at Microsoft’s own cost.
1.6 These remedies are under discussion with the European Commission, to the extent that
the Commission finds a significant impediment to effective competition. The demands
of comity require the CMA to consider the international dimension carefully,
particularly given that the merger situation is taking place outside of the jurisdiction
and the UK accounts for only []% of CoD revenues and []% of global CoD
monthly active users.
Microsoft, “Microsoft and NVIDIA announce expansive new gaming deal”, 21.02.2023 (link available here), Tweet
from Phil Spencer, 21.02.2023 (link available here) stating “We have signed a 10 year agreement with NVIDIA that
will allow GeForce NOW players to stream Xbox PC games as well as Activision Blizzard PC titles, including COD,
following the acquisition. We´re committed to bringing more games to more people – however they choose to play”.
Tweet from Brad Smith, 21.02.2023 (link available here) stating We’ve now signed a binding 10-year contract to
bring Xbox games to Nintendo’s gamers. This is just part of our commitment to bring Xbox games and Activision
titles like Call of Duty to more players on more platforms”.
Annex 1 – Keystone, Analysis of Relevant Customer Benefits: UK, 22 February 2023. Further details and
quantification of RCBs will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
Based on 2022 CoD monthly active users and revenues. See Meta Platforms Inc. v CMA [2022] CAT 26, 14 June
2022, paragraph 127(1).
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2. The Merger will result in relevant customer benefits
2.1 The Merger will result in benefits to customers
in the form of lower prices, higher
quality and greater choice in a number of products in the UK, as well as greater
innovation. The RCBs relate to:
(a) console and PC games;
(b) cloud gaming; and
(c) mobile gaming.
(a) Console and PC games
2.2 Currently CoD is only available on PlayStation, Xbox and Windows PC (via
and Steam).
Gamers on PlayStation have access to CoD content and timed exclusives.
As a result of the Merger, gamers on Nintendo, Xbox and PC will receive significant
benefits. In addition, there will be benefits to the gaming platforms themselves, such
as Valve (Steam) and Nintendo, which are also customers for the purposes of the RCB
2.3 The availability of CoD on Nintendo will result in a greater choice of goods and
services. CoD is currently only available on Xbox and PlayStation.
Microsoft entered
into a final agreement with Nintendo on [] February 2023 to publish Call of Duty
titles on Nintendo post-Merger.
(a) CoD titles will be available on Nintendo platforms for at least 10 years. The
agreement provides that Microsoft will develop and publish future native
console versions of CoD titles for Nintendo platforms for at least 10 years.
Microsoft will publish future CoD versions for Nintendo platforms on the same
date as the release of those versions on Xbox console platforms; and will
maintain feature and content parity to the console versions published on Xbox
console platforms, subject to Nintendo policy requirements.
(b) The benefits will accrue within a reasonable time period. Making CoD
available on Nintendo platforms will increase the choice of Nintendo Switch
Relevant customers for these purposes are direct and indirect customers (including future customers) of the merger
parties at any point in the chain of production and distribution and are therefore not limited to final consumers. CMA,
Merger Remedies (CMA 87), paragraph 3.18.
CoD:Mobile is available on mobile devices.
Relevant customers for these purposes are direct and indirect customers (including future customers) of the merger
parties at any point in the chain of production and distribution and are therefore not limited to final consumers. CMA,
Merger Remedies (CMA 87), paragraph 3.18.
With PlayStation gamers benefitting from enhanced content, interoperability and earlier releases.
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users. Some [] million Nintendo consoles are sold each year worldwide, of
which [] million are sold in the UK.
Based on third party data, Nintendo
has around []million monthly active users.
CoD includes both the free-to-play title Warzone and buy-to-play
releases. The game engine that powers Warzone is mature and has been
optimized to run on a wide range of hardware devices (ranging from the
Xbox One console released in 2015 up to the Xbox Series X). Warzone
supports PC hardware with GPU cards that were released as far back as
2015 (i.e., prior to the release of Nintendo Switch in 2017).
The Activision development team have a long history of optimizing
game performance for available hardware capabilities. The Parties are
confident that in addition to Warzone, CoD buy-to-play titles (e.g., CoD:
Modern Warfare 2) can be optimised to run on the Nintendo Switch in a
timely manner using standard techniques which have been used to bring
games such as Apex Legends, DOOM Eternal, Fortnite and Crysis 3 to
the Switch.
Activision estimates that this could be done with a period
of around [] months.
[]. []. [].
(c) The benefits will be substantial. Even taking into account any technical
limitations of the current Nintendo Switch, Microsoft estimates, on a highly
conservative basis, that the net present value of the benefits to Nintendo
customers of having access to CoD over 10 years to be at least $[] million
(£[] million).
By widening access to CoD, the Merger will have the added
benefit of increasing the pool of gamers able to play the game, improving the
cross-play functionality of the game and enabling more gamers to play with their
This efficiency will arise from [] and is, therefore, both timely and
IDG data.
Based on the active installed base of Nintendo consoles reported by Ampere Analysis.
Activision also offers a mobile experience of Warzone that runs natively on mobile phones which have much lower
performance specifications than the Nintendo Switch.
By optimising the display resolution, in-game texture resolution, reducing the rendering speed (i.e., frames per
second) and simplifying advanced rendering techniques (e.g., raytracing, shadow, lighting, and antialiasing
Statement by Mr. B. Kotick of Activision to the European Commission Oral Hearing in Case M.10646, 21 February
Annex 1 – Keystone, Analysis of Relevant Customer Benefits: UK, 22 February 2023. Further details and
quantification of RCBs will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
Response to ToH 1 Working Paper, slide 52 notes that: []. As the CMA’s guidance notes, Where there are
network effects, an increase in the number of access points to the network may result in an increase in the value of
the network to customers”. CMA, Merger Remedies (CMA 87), paragraph 3.23.
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likely. It is also clear that the benefit is merger-specific, as Activision [].
2.4 Microsoft’s plans to make Activision content available in Game Pass ‘day and
date’ will increase customer choice and lower the cost of access. As acknowledged
by the CMA, the inclusion of Activision content in Game Pass ‘day and date’ will also
benefit Xbox and PC gamers, who [] CoD gamers in the UK.
Indeed, the
Provisional Findings “acknowledge that inclusion of Activision content in Game Pass
on a ‘day and date’ basis is a potential benefit for gamers in the UK that would not
arise absent the merger. This benefit would mean that gamers could access Activision
content such as the most recent releases of CoD as part of Microsoft’s multi-game
subscription bundle where, absent the Merger, only older games might have become
(a) Activision will not place new releases in subscription services day and date.
The CMA accepts that Activision will not make its most valuable games, such
as CoD, available on subscription services on the date of release absent the
This reflects Activision’s concerns regarding the potential impact on
its B2P revenue of placing any games, especially new games and day and date
releases, on multi-game subscription services.
First, placing CoD on a multi-
game subscription [].
This risk make it practically impossible for a multi-
game subscription service to offer a [] to incentivize Activision to participate
for new releases.
Second, popular content, such as CoD may attract gamers to
a multi-game subscription, but gamers may easily switch to playing other games
in the subscription catalogue at no additional cost. By placing its game on a
multi-game subscription, Activision loses the direct relationship with gamers
and cedes control over the marketing, messaging, curating, and quality control
related to its games, []. Activision, therefore, expects to be []. During
previous negotiations, Activision indicated that it [].
The CMA accepts that
other major publishers do not make their top titles available in multi-game
subscriptions on release, given the risk of cannibalisation effects.
(b) Microsoft intends that future Activision releases will be made available on
Game Pass on the day of release.
As is acknowledged in the Provisional
Annex 1 – Keystone, Analysis of Relevant Customer Benefits: UK, 22 February 2023. Further details and
quantification will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 9.56.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.121.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.121.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.119.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.120.
FMN, paragraph 2.24.
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Findings it is likely that Microsoft will pursue a strategy of placing Activision’s
content on Game Pass on a day-and-date basis post-merger”. The Parties agree,
this is consistent with the Microsoft’s pre-merger plans and its consistent track-
record of placing its first-party content on Game Pass day and date.
accepts that this will not happen without the Merger.
(c) The efficiency is merger-specific. The source of the merger-specific benefit is
that pre-merger Activision incurs [] of bringing its titles (including CoD) to
Game Pass, but does not internalize the full benefits of this decision, which will
be to bring more users into Game Pass and increase engagement with other titles,
generating benefits for Microsoft and third-party publishers. Post-transaction
these spillovers will be internalized because the merged entity will be able to
take a more holistic view taking into account the positive effects on Game Pass
This effect is not just hypothetical, but is rather proven by the way
negotiations have unfolded in the past. The merged entity will always
find it optimal to bring a title to Game Pass if the anticipated incremental
revenues exceed the cost of cannibalized sales through other channels.
By contrast, [].
This effect is a form of “elimination of double marginalization” and is
also consistent with standard results in the economics literature which
show that negotiations over an asset will often lead to efficient trades
failing to take place because the purchaser holds out for a lower sum and
the seller for a higher one.
The Merger will cut through this dynamic
and mean that CoD will be brought to Game Pass on the day of release,
something which would not happen otherwise.
(d) The merger-specific efficiency will benefit consumers.
As the CMA
accepts, this benefit will mean that gamers can access Activision content, such
as the most recent releases of CoD, as part of Microsoft’s multi-game
subscription bundle where, absent the Merger, only older games might have
become available for short periods of time.
Contractual provisions will prevent
Microsoft placing new CoD releases on Game Pass before [].
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 9.59.
For a classic reference see Myerson, RB. Satterthwaite, MA. 1983. “Efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading”,
Journal of Economic Theory. See also, “Analysis of Incentives in Bargaining and Mediation”, at this link
Further details and quantification of efficiencies and RCBs will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the
Provisional Findings.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 9.56.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 9.57.
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other Activision games will be placed in Game Pass earlier. The benefit will
therefore accrue within a reasonable time period. Consumers have confirmed
this benefit to the CMA starting that Microsoft’s plans to add Call of Duty to
Game Pass are pro-competitive and will lower the price of accessing games for
Bringing forward release dates is a substantial benefit: a
significant proportion of sales of newly-released titles occur in the first days
after release. This shows that users strongly value being able to play games on
the day of release.
(e) The addition of Activision content to Game Pass will reduce prices[], one
of the goals and effects of the Merger is to expand Game Pass faster than in the
counterfactual without the deal.
As such, the quality-adjusted price of Game
Pass would fall post-Merger. Specifically, the addition of new content to Game
Pass is a reduction in the combined price of a bundle consisting of the pre-
existing bundle plus the new title. Prior to adding a new title, the price paid by
a consumer wanting access to both the bundle and the new title for a year is the
annual bundle price plus the purchase price of the title. After adding the title to
Game Pass at unchanged prices, the price of the combination is reduced by the
price of the new title. The benefits of this price reduction accrue to gamers who
choose to purchase the bundle and play the new title. There are several ways
gamers may realize this benefit: (i) gamers who would otherwise have
purchased both Game Pass and the title, but after purchase only Game Pass to
access the combined content, receive a price reduction benefit of the full avoided
price of the new title; (ii) gamers who would have otherwise purchased only
Game Pass and not the new title, but after the addition play the combined
content, also receive a price reduction up to the full price of the new title; (iii)
gamers who would otherwise have purchased only the new title (and forgone
the purchase of Game Pass), but after the addition of the title choose instead to
purchase only Game Pass experience a price discount for Game Pass up to the
full price of the title; and (iv) gamers who currently neither buy CoD nor Game
Pass but who choose to purchase Game Pass after addition of the title receive a
price reduction of up to the full price of the title. Microsoft conservatively
estimates the net present value of the benefit over 10 years to be around $[]
million (£[] million) for Game Pass subscribers on Xbox and around $[]
million (£[] million) for Game Pass subscribers on PC.
Microsoft/Activision Blizzard, CMA summary of responses from members of the public to the issues statement,
paragraph 5(g).
Response to ToH 1 Working Paper, slide 36 notes that: “[].
Annex 1 – Keystone, Analysis of Relevant Customer Benefits: UK, 22 February 2023. Further details and
quantification of RCBs will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
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(f) Game Pass prices will not increase as a result of the Merger, and certainly
will not increase to a point that offsets the substantial benefits of Activision
titles coming to Game Pass on a day and date basis. This is especially so
given Game Pass will continue to be constrained by B2P. The Provisional
Findings are postulating that the price of Game Pass would go up as a result of
the Merger to a degree that offset the benefits set out above. But no mechanism
is put forward to explain why this would be so. The integration of Activision
and Microsoft will result in a classic elimination of double marginalization
effect because Microsoft will be able to acquire these games at (opportunity)
cost and will have incentives to distribute them more broadly and increase the
output of Game Pass relative to its counterfactual level. In order to increase
output Microsoft will need to offer Game Pass at a lower quality-adjusted price.
This is exactly what Microsoft has done when it has added content to Game Pass
in the past with, for example, the ZeniMax transaction resulting in additional
content but no increase in Game Pass subscription prices.
This is especially so given that Game Pass users are price sensitive and an
increase in the price of Game Pass would affect all users, including those that
do not value or play CoD. Game Pass subscribers can cancel at any time after
a month of play. As CoD titles are only released once a year, any impact would
be short-lived as gamers who exhaust their enthusiasm for the new version of
CoD within a few months will churn because of the higher price. As such any
price increase would be counter-productive as it would increase subscriber
churn rates [].
This is entirely at odds with the Provisional Finding’s
assessment of Microsoft’s rationale for the Merger.
(g) Inclusion of Activision content in Game Pass will spur Sony to invest in its
subscription offering: By enabling Microsoft to compete more effectively
against Sony, the Merger can also be expected to push Sony to improve its
subscription offering, to the benefit of its more than 46 million subscribers,
which would in turn result in lower prices, higher quality and/or greater choice
for console customers. This is reflected in the consumer feedback to the CMA
which stated that “the Merger will push Sony to innovate, such as by improving
its subscription service”.
Indeed, Sony has already significantly improved
PlayStation+ in response to the announcement of the Merger (introducing new
tiers and adding additional content). Even without Sony first-party titles day
and date, Sony’s monthly prices for PlayStation+ are higher than Game Pass
See, for example, [].
Microsoft/Activision Blizzard, CMA summary of responses from members of the public to the issues statement,
paragraph 5(e).
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2.5 The Parties also note that the CMA has argued in the Mobile Ecosystems Market
that allowing developers to obtain a larger share of their revenues from app
sales would lower prices and increase incentives for investment and innovation to
increase app quality and choice.
The vertical integration of Microsoft and Activision
will mean that the commissions currently paid by Activision for sales on Xbox will be
internalized and the same logic implies that this will generate equivalent incentives
leading to analogous benefits in terms of increased innovation and choice.
2.6 The availability of existing CoD exclusive content on Xbox and PC will result in a
higher quality of goods and services. CoD is not currently available on equal terms
on PlayStation, Xbox and PC, due to the agreements which Sony has had in place since
Following the Merger, benefits which are currently only available to
PlayStation gamers would be made available to Xbox and PC gamers.
(a) Sony has CoD content and timed exclusives. One element of Sony’s
acknowledged “content leadership” is the fact that it has CoD content and timed
exclusives. These include exclusive content, such as extra tier skips on the battle
pass, the ability to access additional experience points (e.g., through playing in
party and exclusive events), combat packs, certain in-game character
customisations, discounted console bundles and exclusive early access to alpha
and beta versions of the game.
(b) Following the Merger, these benefits will be available to Xbox and PC
gamers. The majority of gamers who play CoD each month in the UK ([])
are on Xbox ([]%) and PC ([]%).
PlayStation gamers represent []%
of CoD monthly active users in the UK.
(b) Benefits to consumers and distributors of cloud gaming
2.7 Neither CoD nor other Activision games are currently available on any cloud gaming
services. Since the Provisional Findings were issued, Microsoft has entered a
CMA, Mobile Ecosystems, Market Study final report, 10 June 2022 (link available here).
See, for example, Mobile Ecosystems, Market Study final report paragraph 7.37 (“commission[s] charged to certain
app developers…may also serve to hold up or prevent some new apps or services from making it onto the platform”),
and 7.68 (“Consumers might benefit in a range of ways if the level of commission was lower. While some of the
savings might be retained by app developers as additional profit, we would expect a material proportion of the
savings to either be re-invested, passed through as a saving to consumers in the form of lower prices, or enable an
expansion in the range of available apps.”).
These include exclusive access to the online alpha version of the game and access to the beta version of the game
five days earlier than gamers on Xbox consoles or PC, game bonuses such as extra “tier skips” on the battle pass,
the ability to access additional “experience points” (e.g., through exclusive events), discounted console bundles and
certain in-game character customisations and content bundles.
Activision data for 2022. There were [] million average CoD MAU on Xbox and PC in 2021 also representing
[]% of CoD MAU in the UK.
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comprehensive agreement with Nvidia which provides for Activision content [] to
be made available on Nvidia GeForce Now (“GFN”) post-Merger (the Nvidia
The key terms of the agreement are as follows:
(a) [].
(b) [].
(c) [].
(d) [].
(e) [].
(f) [].
(g) [].
2.8 Nvidia has [].
2.9 The benefit is merger specific. The CMA provisionally considers it likely that [].
However, it has also found that strong indirect network effects mean that publishers
will not license their content to small providers given the costs involved.
has been clear that it would not enter into such a deal as [].
Even if the evidence
in the Provisional Findings shows that []. Following signing of the Nvidia
Agreement, the Merger will ensure that Activision content is available on multiple
cloud gaming providers, thereby delivering significant benefits to consumers in terms
of dynamic competition (see below).
(c) Benefits to consumers and distributors of mobile games
2.10 Microsoft will expand in mobile gaming and challenge the existing duopoly over
mobile app distribution. The Merger will also result in benefits to customers in mobile
game distribution in the form of lower prices, higher quality greater choice and greater
innovation. This includes both end consumers and developers of native mobile games,
The NVIDIA Agreements provided as Annex 2.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.237.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.65. Depending on the level of integration, there are substantial engineering costs
involved in providing access to a new cloud gaming provider, even one with a BYOG or B2P model.
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each of which are relevant customers of mobile app stores.
(a) Mobile gaming is the key strategic rationale for the deal. The key strategic
rationale for the Merger is to expand Xbox’s presence in mobile, where its
ability to reach gamers is impeded by Apple and Google’s effective duopoly in
the provision of mobile app stores. Building on Activision’s existing
communities of mobile gamers, including Call of Duty: Mobile, Warzone
Mobile and Diablo Immortal, Microsoft aims to scale the Xbox Store to create
a new mobile game distribution platform, Xbox Mobile Platform. Activision’s
attractive content and experience with player engagement and acquisition will
help to enhance the discoverability, searchability, and ease of user engagement
of the new mobile platform.
(b) A new mobile game distribution platform will benefit consumers and
developers. By creating a new mobile game distribution platform, the Merger
will deliver significant benefits to gamers and developers, which will be
provided with additional distribution options outside of the existing mobile app
stores. More than [] billion gamers played games on mobile devices in 2022,
of which [] million are in the UK.
The CMA has identified that weak
competition within and between Apple’s and Google’s mobile ecosystems is
harming consumers and many small UK businesses
, including through
acting as a brake on innovation”, imposing prices…above a competitive rate
and degraded user experiences.
By enabling Microsoft to challenge the
existing duopoly in mobile game distribution, the Merger has the potential to
create substantial benefits for UK consumers and game developers. Indeed, the
European Game Developers Federation has expressed its clear support for the
Merger, owing in part to the fact it will allow Microsoft to “challenge Apple and
Google as dominant mobile game market application stores”.
As noted above,
the CMA has argued in the Mobile Ecosystems Market Study
that allowing
developers to obtain a larger share of their revenues from app sales would lower
As set out in the CMA’s market study on mobile ecosystems, since mobile app stores “serve to connect two different
customer groups users and app developers, they are a two-sided platform”. CMA, Mobile ecosystems Market
study final report, 10.06.2022, paragraph 4.2.
As explained in the FMN, []. However, this is currently prevented by Apple’s rules while on Android devices,
Google’s rules allow Microsoft to distribute Game Pass Ultimate in the Google Play Store as a native app, but only
in a limited functionality “consumption-only” mode with all abilities for users to make in-app purchases and
monetization disabled.
Newzoo Global Games Market Data, January 2023. 37% of UK gamers played on a mobile device in 2021. See
Ofcom Online Nation report 2022, Figure 3.4, p.84 (link available here).
CMA, Mobile ecosystems – Market study final report, 10.06.2022, paragraph 1.12.
CMA, Mobile ecosystems – Market study final report, 10.06.2022, page 255.
European Games Developer Federation Observations on Microsoft / Activision Blizzard Acquisition, 23.12.2022
(link available here). The European Games Developer Federation represents over 2,500 game developer studios in
22 European countries, including the UK.
CMA, Mobile Ecosystems, Market Study final report, 10 June 2022 (link available here).
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prices and increase incentives for investment and innovation to increase app
quality and choice.
(c) The process of dynamic competition has economic value in the present.
While Microsoft’s ability to break the mobile app store duopoly is not
guaranteed, its entry attempt constitutes an RCB. The CMA accepts that the
process of dynamic competition has economic value in the present, even where
entry attempts may ultimately be unsuccessful.
This is because where
dynamic competition gives customers the chance to benefit from a wider variety
of products or a future increase in competition, this represents value to
customers even where there is some uncertainty that these products or services
will ever ultimately be made available to customers”.
Moreover, the CMA
accepts that existing providers, such as Google and Apple, may invest in order
to protect future sales from dynamic competitors, and the removal of the threat
of entry may lead to a significant reduction in innovation or efforts by other
(d) The RCBs are merger-specific. Microsoft will not establish the Xbox Mobile
Platform without the Merger, as establishing a new mobile store will require a
catalogue of attractive mobile content, as well as the capability to develop
additional mobile content. [] of Activision’s gaming community are mobile
gamers. Activision’s native mobile content will therefore create “natural
onramps” for players on to the Xbox Mobile Platform (e.g., through in-game
advertising), which it would not be possible for Microsoft to replicate absent the
Merger (i.e., given the restrictions which Google and Apple have imposed on
their mobile ecosystems). [].
The benefit will, therefore, accrue within a
reasonable time period.
3. Content licensing remedy for console
3.1 In this section, Microsoft sets out why a content licensing remedy to Sony is the most
proportionate and effective remedy available should the CMA maintain the Console
See, for example, Mobile Ecosystems, Market Study final report paragraph 7.37 (“commission[s] charged to certain
app developers…may also serve to hold up or prevent some new apps or services from making it onto the platform”),
and 7.68 (“Consumers might benefit in a range of ways if the level of commission was lower. While some of the
savings might be retained by app developers as additional profit, we would expect a material proportion of the
savings to either be re-invested, passed through as a saving to consumers in the form of lower prices, or enable an
expansion in the range of available apps.”).
Merger Assessment Guidelines (CMA129), paragraph 5.20, Completed acquisition by Facebook, Inc (now Meta
Platforms, Inc) of Giphy, Inc., Final report on the case remitted to the CMA by the Competition Appeal Tribunal,
18.10.2022 (Meta/Giphy), paragraph 7.21.
Merger Assessment Guidelines (CMA129), paragraph 5.20, Meta/Giphy, paragraph 7.22.
Merger Assessment Guidelines (CMA129), paragraph 5.23, Meta/Giphy, paragraph 7.22.
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Gaming SLC in its final report. Specifically this section:
(a) outlines Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy;
(b) explains why Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy effectively
addresses the Console Gaming SLC; and
(c) explains why Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy will preserve and
enhance RCBs.
3.2 Microsoft submits that, for the reasons set out below, its proposed remedy will not give
rise to specification, circumvention, distortion or monitoring and enforcement risks.
(a) Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy
3.3 To resolve the Console Gaming SLC, Microsoft will commit to continue licensing CoD
to Sony – including all existing and future releases on the Xbox console – for a period
of 10 years. The key elements of the proposed licensing remedy are set out below:
(a) Scope: The remedy will apply to CoD titles for consoles and associated content
(“CoD Games”). CoD Games includes all past and current CoD titles available
on PlayStation. In addition, all future CoD titles available on the Xbox console
will also be available on PlayStation. CoD Games account for more than []%
of Activision’s publishing revenue on console.
(b) Term: The remedy will apply for a period of 10 years.
(c) Console platforms: The remedy will apply to all Sony consoles (including
PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5) and any successor consoles.
(d) Parity: The remedy will provide Sony with parity on release date, content,
features, upgrades, quality and playability with the Xbox platform. Microsoft
is prepared to commit to have an Objective Third Party Assessor []. The
Objective Third Party Assessor [].
(e) Economic terms: All purchases will be subject to a revenue sharing
arrangement, with Sony retaining []% of the revenue from sales of CoD
Games, and content related to any CoD Games. [], []. Taking account of
all payments from Sony to Activision, Sony currently receives a []of []%.
CoD accounts for []% of the Activision’s 2021 share by revenue of []% in console game publishing. The
shares of supply of all other Activision console games are each less than []% and less than []% cumulatively.
Although Microsoft’s proposed remedy is limited to CoD, Microsoft has committed to honour (i) the existing
licensing agreement between Sony and Activision Blizzard post-Transaction for any non-CoD game; and (ii) its []
contractual offer to Sony to extend access to those games through [].
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As such, the proposed remedy represents a [] in Sony’s economic terms.
(f) Wholesale pricing parity: The remedy will provide that the wholesale price of
CoD Games offered to Sony (“Wholesale Price”) is [] for the equivalent
version of the game on the Xbox platform.
(g) Subscription and streaming rights: Any CoD Game in a Microsoft multi-
game subscription is eligible for inclusion in Sony’s multi-game subscription
service, at the same time and for the same duration. []. [].
(h) Terms: [].
3.4 Microsoft’s remedy will include the following mechanisms for monitoring compliance
and dispute resolution:
(a) Monitoring Trustee: A monitoring trustee will be appointed to monitor
Microsoft’s compliance with the remedy and to report to the CMA on a periodic
basis. The identity of the monitoring trustee will be agreed with the CMA. The
monitoring trustee will be remunerated by Microsoft.
(b) Objective Third Party Assessor: An Objective Third Party Assessor will be
appointed to []. The identity of the Objective Third Party Assessor will be
agreed with the CMA. Microsoft is considering potential candidates and can
propose a shortlist to the CMA in due course. The Objective Third Party
Assessor will be [].
(c) Fast-track Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Microsoft and Sony would be
required to seek to resolve any dispute through cooperation and consultation
within a reasonable period of time. If []. The arbitrator will be required to
take into account that the purpose of the remedy is to allay concerns relating to
the Merger. The CMA will be entitled to participate in all stages of the
procedure. In the event of disagreement between the parties regarding the
interpretation of the remedies, the arbitrator may seek the CMA’s interpretation
of the commitments and will be bound by the interpretation.
(c) Microsoft’s proposed remedy addresses the Console Gaming SLC and the CMA’s
concerns in the Remedies Notice
3.5 The Console Gaming SLC is based on the CMA’s concerns that Microsoft could (i)
cease to license CoD to the PlayStation platform (i.e., make it exclusive to Xbox), (ii)
make CoD available for release on the PlayStation platform at a later date compared to
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Xbox (i.e., timed exclusivity), (iii) degrade the graphical quality (e.g., resolution and
frame rate) of the CoD content available on the PlayStation platform, (iv) make features
of CoD unavailable to the PlayStation platform (i.e., content exclusivity) and/or (v)
raise the wholesale price of CoD on the PlayStation platform.
3.6 The proposed licensing remedy fully addresses each of these concerns. Moreover, the
requirement to have []. [].
3.7 In particular:
(a) CoD will not be exclusive to Xbox: As a result of the proposed remedy, CoD
will be made available to Sony []. As a result of the Nintendo Agreement,
CoD will also be available on the Nintendo platform.
(b) CoD will not be timed exclusive to Xbox: As a result of the proposed remedy,
CoD will be made available on the same date to PlayStation and Xbox gamers.
The remedy also includes subscription and streaming.
(c) There will be parity of quality and playability of CoD between PlayStation
and Xbox: As a result of the proposed remedy, Microsoft will release CoD
Games [] as having quality and playability parity on the Xbox and
PlayStation platforms.
(d) Xbox will not have content exclusivity: As a result of the proposed remedy,
Microsoft will release CoD Games [] as having parity of content, features,
upgrades (as well as quality and playability) on the Xbox and PlayStation
(e) [].
3.8 Based on existing contractual relations, the proposed remedy is capable of a full and
timely implementation. The remedy reflects the existing market characteristics given
that it ensures the continued access to a content input (i.e., CoD) that is already
available. The existing contractual relations also ensure that the parameters of the
remedy are workable, clear and not complex. As CoD has been on the PlayStation
platform for 20 years, this is not a new or untested relationship but is instead the
continuation of a long-standing commercial relationship. They can be fully
implemented with certainty.
3.9 Finally, because the commercial terms would be []. [].
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.124-7.126.
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3.10 In addition, Microsoft submits that the proposed remedy gives rise to no specification,
circumvention, distortion or monitoring and enforcement risks. In particular:
(a) No specification risk. As detailed above, Microsoft’s proposed remedy is clear
and simple being based on existing licensing terms and precisely addresses the
Console Gaming SLC as set out in the Provisional Findings. There is only []
one game franchise subject to the remedy. The proposed remedy is
comprehensive in scope, covering all existing editions of the CoD franchise
available on PlayStation, including the PS4 prior generation, as well as any
future CoD titles to be released on the Xbox console during the next 10 years.
The parity provisions also ensure that any future content, features, upgrades and
improvements are made available for the duration of the remedy on the same
terms. Parity is a well-understood legal concept, which is commonly used in
console game licensing agreements, [].
(b) No circumvention risk. Until the remedy enters into force, Sony remains
protected by its existing agreements with Activision, which consist of (i) []
and (ii) [].
Microsoft has complied with the terms of all contracts following
previous acquisitions and Sony has not alleged otherwise. Once the remedy
enters into force, Sony will be protected by (i) Microsoft’s undertakings to the
CMA, (ii) [] and (iii) [].
Under the remedy, Microsoft []. []. [].
[]. []. Minecraft has grown to become a highly popular game on
multiple gaming platforms, including PlayStation and Nintendo.
Minecraft Legends is due for release on 18 April 2023 and will be
available on the same date on Nintendo, PlayStation, Steam, Windows
and Xbox.
[]. [].
In any event Microsoft would, as part of the
remedy, [].
In terms of enforcement, [] are supplemented by the appointment of a
Monitoring Trustee who will provide regular reports to the CMA.
Microsoft is prepared to commit to have the parity of the PlayStation and
Xbox versions of CoD Games []. []. This will provide Microsoft
with a strong incentive to ensure that CoD games are developed in a way
that will ensure that that the commitments are complied with.
Minecraft, “Minecraft Legends Official Release Date - Coming to multiple platforms on April 18”, 25.01.2023 (link
available here).
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(c) No distortion risk. Offered for a 10-year term, the proposed remedy is
comprehensive in duration, ensuring that Sony has access to CoD throughout
the current console generation and upon release of the next generation (likely to
occur no earlier than []). If the game is guaranteed to be available on the next
PlayStation, which will be released within the next 10 years, there is no concern
that Sony may be disadvantaged with the introduction of a new console
(d) No monitoring and enforcement risk. Microsoft has included specific
mechanisms to allow for monitoring, audit of compliance with the parity
undertakings and dispute resolution. The remedies take place in a highly
transparent marketplace and Sony is a long-term and experienced licensee of
CoD Games and has all of the information it needs to detect potential breaches
[]. The remedy proposal is easily monitored and Microsoft will provide the
Monitoring Trustee, and the Objective Third Party Assessor with the
information required in order to certify compliance with the remedy.
(c) The proposed remedy will preserve and enhance RCBs
3.11 Microsoft’s proposed remedy will preserve the RCBs outlined above.
By ensuring
parity between Sony, as the largest console platform, and Microsoft, the proposed
remedy will ensure that CoD is, in fact, made available on equal terms(which has
not been the case for the past 20 years), benefitting Xbox and PC gamers, as well as
PlayStation gamers. Moreover, the proposed remedy will allow Sony to place CoD in
its own subscription service PlayStation Plus. Microsoft estimates the additional
benefit to customers of including CoD on PlayStation Plus would be around
$[]million (£[] million) over 10 years in the UK.
The net present value of the
benefits retained and this additional benefit is approximately $[] billion
(£[]billion) over 10 years in the UK. Globally, the lost benefits are in the region of
$[] billion (£[] billion).
3.12 The economic literature supports that behavioural remedies providing rivals’ access to
content are a way of achieving the benefits of vertical integration while protecting
against potential costs and, as such, are preferable to structural approaches. The work
of Crawford et al, in the analogous context of integration between distributors and
content producers in cable-TV, states that “Our results highlight the importance of
program access rules in determining the effects of vertical integration. In
Section 36(4) Enterprise Act 2002 and Merger Remedies Guidance, paragraph 3.10.
Benefits to customers from including CoD in the PlayStation Plus subscription service are expected to take the form
of []. In its deal model, Microsoft estimates that []% of CoD revenue on console occurs on Xbox, and []%
occurs on PlayStation, []. Therefore, if the PlayStation Plus multi-game subscription [], Microsoft expects that
Strictly Confidential
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counterfactual simulations that enforce program access rules, we find that vertical
integration leads to significant gains in both consumer and aggregate welfare.”
other words, access-based remedies are better than divestiture remedies because they
permit the achieving of the benefits of vertical integration (which a structural remedy
would destroy) while guarding against potential costs.
4. Cloud Gaming SLC
4.1 In this section, Microsoft sets out why a content licensing remedy is the most
proportionate and effective remedy available should the CMA maintain the Cloud
Gaming SLC in its final report. Specifically this section:
(a) outlines Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy; and
(b) explains why Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy effectively
addresses the Cloud Gaming SLC; and
(c) explains why Microsoft's proposed content licensing remedy will preserve and
enhance RCBs.
4.2 Microsoft submits that, for the reasons set out below, its proposed remedy will not give
rise to specification, circumvention, distortion or monitoring and enforcement risks.
(a) Microsoft’s proposed licensing remedy
4.3 Activision games are not currently available on any cloud gaming service. The CMA
provisionally considers that in the counterfactual at least some cloud gaming
providers—especially those with a buy-to-play (“B2P”) or bring-your-own-game
(“BYOG”) offering—would have Activision’s most valuable games available on their
platforms on the date of their release in the next five years.
In particular, the CMA
provisionally considers it likely, in particular, that Activision would [] in the near
future absent the Merger.
The CMA provisionally considers that the availability of
Activision content, in particular CoD and World of Warcraft (“WoW”) would be a
particularly important input to cloud gaming services.
4.4 To resolve the Cloud Gaming SLC, Microsoft will commit to license Activision games,
including CoD and WoW, [] to cloud gaming providers with a B2P or BYOG offering
for a period of 10 years.
Crawford, GS. Lee, RS. Whinston, MD. Yurukoglu, A. 2018. “The welfare effects of vertical integration in
multichannel television markets”, Econometrica.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.235.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.237.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.272.
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4.5 A summary of the key elements of the proposed licensing remedy is provided below:
(a) Scope: The remedy will apply to the Activision titles for PC and associated
content listed in the Appendix below, including all past, current and future
releases of such titles available on PC (the “PC Games”).
(b) Term: The remedy will apply for a period of 10 years.
(c) Consumer License: Microsoft will unilaterally grant a license to any consumer
who has purchased or obtained a free license to play a PC Game from an
authorized third-party PC digital storefront (“Eligible Game”) to stream the
game using a generally-recognised PC consumer cloud gaming provider to a
device they own (the Consumer License”). Microsoft will grant the Consumer
License by publishing it on Microsoft’s website. The Consumer License will be
granted for the Term.
(d) Eligible Provider License: Microsoft will grant a license to stream Eligible
Games to PC cloud gaming providers with a B2P or BYOG business model (the
Eligible Provider License”). To qualify as an eligible provider, a PC cloud
gaming provider must be a generally-recognised consumer PC cloud gaming
provider that meets the following criteria (“Eligible Provider”): (i) [];
(ii) it must comply with applicable data protection legislation and commonly
used security standards aimed at protecting gamers and games to ensure
necessary and sufficient protection of all consumers accounts used to stream
Eligible Games.
(e) Pricing: The Consumer License and the Eligible Provider License will be [].
(f) Release date parity: The remedy will provide Eligible Providers release date
parity with buy-to-play on PC. The Licenses will be granted for Eligible Games
(g) Authorized PC Digital Storefront. An Authorized PC Digital Storefront is
any third-party PC digital storefront to which Microsoft decides to distribute
Eligible Games post-Transaction. Microsoft commits to distribute Eligible
Games post-Transaction to at least one third-party PC digital storefront for the
(h) Licenses will be subject to the following limitations with regard to Eligible
ISO 27000 is a family of standards that provide a framework for policies and procedures that include all legal,
physical, and technical controls involved in an organization’s information risk management processes.
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The Provider will be responsible to adjust its service, to the extent
necessary, to allow for consumers to stream Eligible Games. Microsoft
does not expect that any technical adaptations will be needed to be made
to Eligible Games to enable streaming on the Providers’ service.
It will be the Provider’s sole responsibility to secure potential third-party
IP rights necessary to stream Eligible Games (e.g., music, voice talent).
This is in line with market practice, as cloud game streaming providers
currently need to separately obtain a license for third-party IP rights to
stream games. [].
4.6 Microsoft’s remedy will include the following mechanisms for monitoring compliance
and dispute resolution:
(a) Monitoring Trustee: A monitoring trustee will be appointed to monitor
Microsoft’s compliance with the remedy and to report to the CMA on a periodic
basis. The identity of the monitoring trustee will be agreed with the CMA. The
monitoring trustee will be remunerated by Microsoft.
(b) Dispute Resolution Mechanism: A fast-track dispute resolution to an
independent adjudicator. The identity of the adjudicator will be agreed with the
CMA. The adjudicator will be remunerated by Microsoft.
(c) Microsoft’s proposed remedy addresses the Cloud Gaming SLC and the CMA’s
concerns in the Remedies Notice
4.7 The Cloud Gaming SLC is based on the CMA’s concerns that Microsoft could for
BYOG (i) refuse to license CoD to cloud gaming services (i.e., make it exclusive to
Xbox Cloud Gaming) or (ii) make CoD available for release on cloud gaming services
at a later date compared to Xbox (i.e., timed exclusivity).
4.8 The proposed licensing remedy fully addresses each of these concerns. In particular:
(a) The PC Games will not be exclusive to Xbox Cloud Gaming. As a result of
the proposed remedy, the PC Games will be made available to other cloud
gaming providers. Microsoft’s proposed licensing remedy goes beyond what
would occur even if, quod non, the CMA’s counterfactual were to materialize
absent the Transaction. In particular, even if absent the Merger and despite
ample evidence to the contrary – Activision were to [], its games would [].
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.2.
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Microsoft’s commitments go significantly beyond this counterfactual and
enable any Eligible Provider to stream the PC Games. The PC Games will be
available to stream on rival cloud gaming services [].
(b) The PC Games will not be timed exclusive to Xbox Cloud Gaming. As a
result of the proposed remedy, the PC Games will be made available to other
cloud gaming providers at the same time as it is released for sale on PC. The
PC Games [].
4.9 In addition, Microsoft submits that the proposed remedy gives rise to no specification,
circumvention, distortion or monitoring and enforcement risks. In particular:
(a) Specification: The structure of the proposed licensing remedy is based on
industry practice, commonly used by publishers, whereby licenses are granted
to each consumer and cloud game streaming provider on PC (including the
Nvidia Agreement). The remedy is simple, clear, and does not require complex
implementation or technical adaptation, or any significant monitoring or
(b) Circumvention: Microsoft currently distributes its PC games through a number
of third-party PC digital storefronts. Microsoft will commit to distribute Eligible
Games through at least one third-party PC digital storefront throughout the term
of the remedy. This eliminates any hypothetical risk of circumvention of the
remedy, by ensuring that Microsoft distributes Eligible Games outside its owned
and operated PC digital storefronts post-Merger. In addition, Microsoft
commits to make Eligible Games available [].
(c) Distortion: Microsoft’s proposed remedy does not give rise to any risk of
market distortion. It will remain in place for a targeted period, and is based on
existing market based terms commonly used by publishers. BYOG is the most
successful business model on cloud gaming, with a number of providers
including Nvidia GeForce Now and Shadow. The BYOG business model has
the lowest barriers to entry, allowing gamers to stream games they already own.
Cloud providers do not require an extensive catalogue of content to launch, but
many cloud providers offer a range of different payment options and, as the
CMA has noted, are open to different ways of monetizing their services.
proposed remedy also addresses the B2P business model to avoid distortion.
(d) Monitoring and enforcement: Microsoft’s proposed cloud gaming remedy is
self-executing and its implementation does not require significant monitoring or
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.10.
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supervision. Nonetheless, Microsoft has included specific mechanisms to allow
for monitoring and dispute resolution. The Eligible Providers will have all of
the experience and information they need to (i) request a license and (ii) detect
potential breaches of Microsoft’s obligations and bring a dispute before the
adjudicator. Microsoft will periodically provide the Monitoring Trustee with the
information required to certify compliance with the remedy. Monitoring and
enforcement costs should be modest due to the simplicity of the remedy and its
transparency to customers.
(c) The proposed remedy is proportionate to the Cloud Gaming SLC and will
preserve and enhance RCBs
4.10 Microsoft’s proposed remedy is proportionate to the Cloud Gaming SLC and will
preserve and enhance the RCBs outlined above.
(a) The cloud gaming market is de minimis and will remain so. As explained
above, cloud gaming on PC is de minimis. Around [] users a month access
Xbox Cloud Gaming via a PC in the UK.
[] is estimated to have around
[] subscribers on PC in the UK.
The CMA has not considered UK shares
of supply, but this is an extremely small proportion of the roughly 18 million
PC gamers in the UK (i.e., less than []%). While cloud gaming may grow,
Microsoft expects that it will account for only []% of the total consumer
spend on gaming by 2025.
As such, any SLC will be limited. The proposed
licensing remedy is proportionate to the size of the SLC.
(b) The proposed licensing remedy preserves and enhances the RCBs. The
CMA considers it likely that [].
It has also found that strong indirect
network effects mean that publishers will not license their content to small
providers given the costs involved.
Activision has been clear that [].
CMA provides no evidence that Activision [].
As a result of the Nvidia
Agreement, Activision content will already be on two cloud gaming services
post-Merger. The proposed content licensing remedy creates further RCBs
Imerys Minerals Limited and Goonvean Limited, paragraph 9.110.
Section 36(4) Enterprise Act 2002 and Merger Remedies Guidance, paragraph 3.10.
Average MAU of Xbox Cloud Gaming in 2022 on PCs. [].
Based on Ampere Analysis and assuming that []% of [] subscribers are on PC. Provisional Findings, paragraph
Total consumer spend includes gross revenues from PC, console, mobile, browser and cloud game streaming. It
excludes advertising and video streaming (e.g., Twitch) revenues. Microsoft bases its estimates on a mix of internal
projections and third-party sources (IDG, Newzoo, IDC, PWC, App Annie, S&P Capital IQ, public filings).
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.237.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.65. Depending on the level of integration, there are substantial engineering costs
involved in providing access to a new cloud gaming provider, even one with a BYOG or B2P model.
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including for cloud gaming providers (as a result of the absence of a licensing
fees) and consumers (as a result of the increase in the number of cloud gaming
providers which will have access to the PC Games).
5. Divestment remedy
5.1 The CMA has identified two potential structural remedies: (i) prohibition of the Merger
or (ii) a partial divestiture of part of Activision (i.e., the business associated with CoD,
the Activision segment or the Activision and Blizzard segments).
Before turning to
the specifics of the CMA’s proposed remedies, Microsoft notes the following legal
(a) The CMA’s proposed divestment remedies would be inappropriate
5.2 In considering possible divestment remedies, it is important to recall the nature of the
relevant statutory provisions. Section 36(2) Enterprise Act 2002 provided that the
CMA is to decide whether action should be taken for the purpose of remedying,
mitigating or preventing”. Thus the language of the statute does not require full
prevention of any SLC identified and instead recognises that mitigation may be
sufficient. The requirements of section 36(2) are also qualified by section 36(3) to the
effect that the CMA “shall have regard” to achieving as comprehensive solution to the
SLC and any adverse effects arising as is reasonable and practicable”. The obligation
to have regard to a condition or requirement is not an obligation to fulfil that
requirement. Any such consideration is of a solution which is both reasonable and
5.3 In carrying out its assessment, the CMA has consistently recognised that any remedy
must be proportionate. That means that the remedy (1) must be effective to achieve the
legitimate aim in question (appropriate), (2) must be no more onerous than is required
to achieve that aim (necessary), (3) must be the least onerous, if there is a choice of
equally effective measures (minimal), and (4) in any event must not produce adverse
effects which are disproportionate to the aim pursued.
5.4 Those considerations must also take into account the potentially extra-territorial nature
or effect of any remedy. If and insofar as a remedy would necessarily affect the manner
in which the parties carry out their business outside the jurisdiction, the CMA will need
to take such ramifications into account. Whilst the remedial powers of the CMA may
have impacts overseas, the more and greater those effects, the less reasonable,
proportionate and practicable will be any remedy. This is particularly relevant in this
case, as the Merger delivers rivalry-enhancing efficiencies and substantial customer
Remedies Notice, paragraph 14.
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benefits globally and has been cleared in a number of jurisdictions. The demands of
comity require the CMA to consider the international dimension carefully, particularly
given that the merger situation is taking place outside of the jurisdiction and the UK
accounts for only []% of CoD revenues and []% of global CoD monthly active
5.5 For the reasons further outlined below, the structural remedies considered in the
Remedies Notice even if effective and practicable are not proportionate in
circumstances where, in the context of a vertical merger, behavioural remedies are
effective in remedying (and, a fortiori, significantly mitigating) any SLC and/or adverse
effects. Furthermore, the structural remedies considered would have significant extra-
territorial impacts and in any event, are each, such as to produce adverse effects on the
development of competition and innovation that they are disproportionate.
5.6 Prohibition would effectively involve the largest divestment ever required by the
CMA. A prohibition of the Merger is wholly unjustified given that the SLCs identified
by the CMA relate to only one franchise in relation to consoles and cloud gaming in the
UK. This is particularly the case given the agreement reached between Microsoft and
Nvidia, which Microsoft considers resolves the Cloud Gaming SLC completely. Nor
would such a remedy be reasonable, given its extra-territorial ambit and effect. This is
a Merger which has been found to increase competition by a number of competition
agencies worldwide and which will deliver benefits conservatively estimated at $[]
billion) to customers globally. To prohibit the deal because of the impact on Sony in
the UK (which accounts for only a small proportion of CoD revenues and gamers) is
not reasonable, given the CMA’s ability to mitigate the harm in other ways.
5.7 A CoD or Activision divestment would still effectively involve the largest
divestment ever required by the CMA. The Activision and Blizzard segments operate
on a largely independent basis both from each other and from King. As such, there is
no basis on which a prohibition of the Merger could be justified. However, even a
divestment of the CoD business or the Activision segment alone would be the largest
divestment the CMA has required under the Enterprise Act 2002. The businesses to be
divested are outside of the UK, again making the remedy aggressively extra-territorial
in nature. A divestment of part of Activision that is active globally in order to address
the UK specific issues identified is not reasonable, given the benefits which the Merger
will deliver globally.
5.8 In any event, a partial divestment would be highly uncertain and impracticable.
The value of the Activision Publishing business ([]) is around $[]. From
Based on 2022 CoD monthly active users and revenues. See Meta Platforms Inc. v CMA [2022] CAT 26, 14 June
2022, paragraph 127(1).
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Microsoft’s perspective the Activision segment accounts for []. A partial divestment
of the Activision and Blizzard segments would []. Moreover Microsoft would [].
From the CMA’s perspective, the success of a divestment process would be highly
uncertain, given the size and global nature of the business to be divested. There are
[]. []. Achieving such a divestment on the CMA’s standard 6 month timetable
would [].
5.9 A divestment would have severe adverse effects on the development of competition
because it would prevent Microsoft from achieving its key strategic objective,
namely building a mobile gaming business with sufficient scale in order to
challenge Google and Apple. A divestment of the Activision segment would include
a divestment of CoD: Mobile and CoD Warzone Mobile (“Warzone Mobile). An
additional divestment of the Blizzard segment would also include Diablo Immortal
(which is available on PC and mobile). These are among the most relevant mobile
games published by Activision. It is these games, particularly Warzone Mobile and
Diablo Immortal (rather than the King games), which would provide Microsoft with
the assets, know-how and talent to develop mobile versions of its own console games.
5.10 A carve-out of these mobile games from the divestment perimeter would not be
practicable for the reasons outlined below.
(a) CoD: Mobile was developed and is owned by TiMi Studios, a subsidiary of
Tencent. []. []. Any spinout of the game would therefore []. CoD:
Mobile is expected to be phased out over time (outside of China) with the launch
of Warzone Mobile.
(b) Warzone Mobile which is scheduled for release later in 2023, []. Warzone
Mobile [].
(c) Diablo Immortal was released in June 2022 by Blizzard on PC and mobile.
Diablo Immortal was co-developed with NetEase []. The mobile and PC
versions of the games [] and there is cross-play and cross-progression across
both versions. The mobile and PC versions of the game are tied technically and
commercially, and there are also ties to other Diablo titles in terms of art and
game mechanic similarities (although there is no cross-progression between
these titles).
(d) Hearthstone was released in March 2014 by Blizzard on PC and MacOS and
later on Android and iOS. The mobile and PC versions of the games [] and
the game features cross-platform play, allowing players on any supported device
to compete with one another.
(e) Warcraft Arclight Rumble was recently released on mobile in beta by Blizzard.
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The game was developed in-house by Blizzard and is a mobile action strategy
game set within the World of Warcraft universe, which features miniature
versions of classic World of Warcraft characters. The game is a fully mobile
companion to the series which is connected thematically to World of Warcraft,
but has separate code and content.
(b) The CMA’s proposed divestment remedy would be disproportionate
5.11 In carrying out its assessment, the CMA must select a remedy which is (1) appropriate,
(2) necessary, (3) minimal and (4) must not produce adverse effects which are
disproportionate to the aim pursued. Both a prohibition and partial divestment are
clearly disproportionate. The divestment remedies proposed eliminate substantial
RCBs. The loss of benefits is not limited to the UK. Given that the divestment remedies
proposed are extra-territorial in scope, substantial harm will be caused to consumers in
other countries (including countries where the deal has already been cleared). Finally,
a prohibition or partial divestment remedy in this case will: (i) result in costs to UK
consumers through distortions in market outcomes; (ii) be disproportionate to the size
of the Cloud Gaming SLC which the CMA has provisionally identified; and (iii) reduce
investment and innovation.
5.12 A divestment remedy will extinguish RCBs. A divestment will result in the loss of
the RCBs outlined above.
The loss of such RCBs due to the implementation of a
divestment is a material cost which the CMA must take into account in making its
remedy selection.
The net present value of such losses would be in excess of $[]
billion (approximately £[] billion) over 10 years in the UK. Globally, the lost
benefits would be in the region of $[] billion (£[] billion).
(a) Loss of exclusive CoD content to Xbox and PC gamers. Following the
Merger, benefits which are currently only available to PlayStation gamers would
be made available to Xbox and PC gamers. These benefits will be lost in the
event of a divestment. Publishing deals are negotiated on a global basis, as any
purchaser of the Activision segment would be assumed to have the same
incentives as Activision currently does. Sony, as the largest console platform,
will continue to be able to pay the divested business more for content and timed
exclusivity than Microsoft can, given its smaller scale.
(b) Loss of benefits from CoD on the Nintendo console platform. Following the
Merger, Microsoft will develop and publish future native console versions of
CoD titles for Nintendo platforms for at least 10 years. [].
This efficiency
Section 36(4) Enterprise Act 2002 and Merger Remedies Guidance, paragraph 3.10.
Further details and quantification will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
Further details and quantification will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
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will be lost in the event of a divestment, as any purchaser of the Activision
segment would be assumed to have the same incentives as Activision currently
(c) Loss of benefits from CoD and other Activision content on Game Pass.
Microsoft’s plans to make Activision content available in Game Pass ‘day and
date’ will increase customer choice and lower the cost of access. The CMA
accepts that Activision will not make its most valuable games, such as CoD,
available on subscription services on the date of release absent the Merger.
This reflects Activision’s concerns regarding the potential impact on its B2P
revenue of placing any games, especially new games and day and date releases,
on multi-game subscription services.
This efficiency will be lost in the event
of a divestment, as any purchaser of the Activision segment would be assumed
to have the same incentives as Activision currently does and would also not
internalize the broader benefits of including its titles within Game Pass.
(d) Loss of benefits from Xbox Mobile Platform. A significant portion of
Activision’s value for Microsoft’s mobile strategy comes from native mobile
versions of its popular console and PC games such as Call of Duty: Mobile,
Diablo Immortal, and the upcoming Warzone Mobile and Warcraft Arclight
Rumble, as well as the potential to develop native mobile versions of console
and PC games in future. These games are not developed by King, [].
Rather, it is the combination of Activision’s games and the mobile expertise
across the Activision business (including King) that drives Microsoft’s strategy.
The acquisition of King or King and Blizzard will not be sufficient to realise
these RCBs. While difficult to quantify, the CMA accepts that the process of
dynamic competition has economic value in the present, even where entry
attempts may ultimately be unsuccessful.
5.13 A divestment remedy will result in costs to UK customers through the same
distortions in market outcomes that the CMA is seeking to prevent.
The CMA’s
Merger Remedies Guidance views “competition as a dynamic process of rivalry
between firms seeking to win customers’ business over time”.
In a typical case,
Further details and quantification will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the Provisional Findings.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.121.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.119.
Further details and quantification of efficiencies and RCBs will be provided in Microsoft’s response to the
Provisional Findings.
While Call of Duty: Mobile, which was developed by Activision with Tencent, Warzone: Mobile, which will be
launched shortly, has [].
Merger Assessment Guidelines (CMA129), paragraph 5.20, Completed acquisition by Facebook, Inc (now Meta
Platforms, Inc) of Giphy, Inc., Final report on the case remitted to the CMA by the Competition Appeal Tribunal,
18.10.2022 (Meta/Giphy), paragraph 7.21.
CMA, Merger Remedies (CMA 87), paragraph 3.6.
CMA, Merger Remedies (CMA 87), paragraph 3.5(a).
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restoring this process of rivalry through structural remedies, such as divestitures, which
re-establish the structure of the market expected in the absence of the merger, should
be expected to address the adverse effects at source.
5.14 This is not a typical case. Instead, this is an unprecedented case where the company
allegedly at risk of foreclosure has been the market leader for more than 20 years and
is significantly larger than the merging party. Looking at the relative size of Sony and
Microsoft, the installed console base is spilt roughly []% to Sony and []% to
The CMA accepts that Sony has a significant lead over Microsoft in
content and that content is a very important factor affecting console choice.
5.15 There is a further unique aspect in this case. That is that one of the competition concerns
which the CMA is attempting to prevent already exists just directed at the smaller
player in the market, Microsoft. The CMA provisionally finds that, even where content
is available on PlayStation and Xbox, competition is only effective where CoD is
available on equal terms”.
That is not the case today, with Sony having exclusive
access to certain CoD content. The CMA’s logic implies that Xbox - as the console
with the reduced offering - exerts “a weaker competitive constraint” as a result.
5.16 There has never been a vertical merger where input foreclosure was found to give rise
to an SLC in such circumstances.
In this case, a divestment will eliminate rivalry-
enhancing efficiencies and preserve the status quo where PlayStation has double the
installed base, acknowledged content leadership and exclusive content in relation to
CoD, a game the CMA says is “capable of making a material difference to the
competitiveness of rivals’ gaming platforms”.
This is why a divestment is Sony’s
preferred outcome, as the dominant market leader globally. In considering the interests
of consumers, the CMA should treat Sony’s statements with utmost caution.
5.17 In imposing a remedy, the CMA is permitted to take reasonable and practicable action
to remedy, mitigate or prevent the SLC or any adverse effects which may be expected
to result from the SLC.
However, in choosing between two remedies which address
the SLC on grounds of proportionality, the CMA may consider whether a proposed
Generation 8 and 9 consoles based on third-party data from IDG and Omdia.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 7.48.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 7.134 and 7.136.
Provisional Findings, paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11.
The CMA has found a substantial lessening of competition on the basis of input foreclosure in only three Phase 2
cases. Intercontinental Exchange / Trayport (2017) (link available here); Tobii / Smartbox Assistive Technologies
(2019) (link available here); and Facebook (Meta Platforms) / Giphy (2021 and on remittal 2022) (link available
here). Potential input foreclosure concerns were identified in one further case abandoned following provisional
findings: Thermo Fisher Scientific / Roper Technologies (Gatan business) (2019 merger abandoned) (link available
here). Such cases are exceptional – accounting for less than 1% of the CMA’s merger decisions – and have in each
case involved the protection of substantial market power.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 40.
Enterprise Act, section 41(2).
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divestment remedy would distort competition, even if such distortion pre-dates the
Merger. There is no requirement on the CMA to ignore pre-existing distortions of
competition which harm competition and consumers. Failure to take this into account
is to ignore a relevant fact.
5.18 If the CMA upholds its provisional conclusion that making CoD partially exclusive to
Xbox would give rise to an SLC, the CMA must recognise that CoD has been partially
exclusive to PlayStation since 2015. A divestment which restores the status quo,
restores the partial exclusivity in favour of PlayStation. Based on the logic set out in
the CMA’s provisional findings, a divestment would cause harm to Xbox and PC
gamers as compared to Microsoft’s proposed licensing remedy.
(a) The contribution of CoD on Xbox is similar to PlayStation. The CMA
provisionally concludes that CoD is an “important input” to PlayStation: it is
one of the three largest franchises on PlayStation and contributed a significant
share of PlayStation’s consumer spend and gameplay time in 2021.
Parties do not agree with the CMA’s conclusion, but CoD is also one of the three
largest franchises on Xbox and contributed a similar share of Xbox’s consumer
spend ([]%) and gameplay time ([]%) in the UK.
As such, if CoD is an
“important input” for PlayStation (which is denied), the CMA has to accept that
it is also an “important input” for Xbox.
(b) Microsoft would be a weaker competitive constraint with a divestment. The
CMA also provisionally concludes that partial CoD exclusivity would
significantly weaken SIE as a competitive constraint to the Merged Entity”.
A partial exclusivity in relation to certain features of CoD would, according to
the CMA, have a similar effect on console competition to total exclusivity.
The Parties do not agree with the CMA’s conclusion, but in any event the
existing agreement with Activision gives Sony [].
(c) CoD content and timed exclusives impact Xbox more than PlayStation. The
CMA provisionally concludes that not making [Activision content] available
on equal terms, would reduce that console’s competitive offering(emphasis
Microsoft’s YouGov survey shows that the potential impact of CoD
partial exclusivity is small, but importantly the impact is greater on Xbox than
Provisional Findings, paragraph 7.209.
2021 figures based on Xbox revenue data for consumer spend and Xbox telemetry data for gametime.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 7.370.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 7.336(b) and 7.337.
Issues Statement Response, paragraph 3.42(b). [].
Provisional Findings, paragraph 9.10.
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on PlayStation.
A small percentage of gamers ([]%) who intend to
purchase PlayStation for their next main gaming console would switch to Xbox
if CoD was partially withheld from PlayStation but available on Xbox.
larger percentage ([]%) of gamers who intend to purchase an Xbox as their
next main gaming console would switch to PlayStation if CoD was partially
withheld from the Xbox but available on PlayStation. Microsoft internal
documents also show that [].
(d) A divestment preserves the status quo and harms Xbox and PC gamers. As
such, if the CMA expects that Sony will be “significantly weakened” by partial
exclusivity, the CMA must equally acknowledge that Microsoft is significantly
weakened by the status quo arrangements, which would be preserved by a
divestment. Publishing deals are negotiated on a global basis. Sony, as the larger
console platform with a larger roster of exclusive titles, will continue to be able
to pay the divested Activision business more for content and timed exclusivity
than Microsoft can, given its smaller scale globally. While these distortions exist
pre-Merger, the CMA can take them into account in considering the costs and
benefits of proposed remedies.
5.19 Microsoft’s proposed content licensing remedy ensures parity in relation to CoD and
avoid distortions in market outcomes. Moreover, as explained below, the status quo
weakens Nintendo as a competitor, whereas the Merger would enable it to offer CoD.
5.20 A divestment remedy is wholly disproportionate to the size of the Cloud Gaming
SLC. The CMA has provisionally found that the Merger may result in a SLC in the
market for the supply of cloud gaming services in the UK.
Microsoft does not agree
with this conclusion, but notes that cloud gaming in the UK is de minimis and expected
to remain so. Requiring a multi-billion dollar global divestment of Activision or
Activision and Blizzard in order to address such a tiny and uncertain SLC is wholly
(a) The cloud gaming market is de minimis and will remain so. As will be
explained in the response to the Provisional Findings, cloud gaming is not a
“product”, let alone a “market”, on console. Gamers on PlayStation, Nintendo
and Xbox can access cloud gaming as a feature of their existing console
experience. PlayStation and Nintendo are “walled gardens”, so gamers cannot
In-game aspects include: cosmetic virtual goods, power upgrades, additional playable character/vehicles, additional
maps/quests/campaigns/tracks, and XP boosts.
If the CMA were to conclude that Activision or the divested purchaser would be likely to enter into an exclusive
agreement with Microsoft, there would be no SLC.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.343.
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use these consoles to access other cloud gaming services. Cloud gaming on
console cannot be divorced from the console itself and is no more than another
parameter on which consoles compete against each other.
Around [] users
a month access Xbox Cloud Gaming via a PC in the UK.
[] is estimated
to have around [] subscribers on PC in the UK.
The CMA has not
considered UK shares of supply, but this is an extremely small proportion of the
roughly 18 million PC gamers in the UK (i.e., less than []%). While cloud
gaming may grow, Microsoft expects that it will account for only []% of the
total consumer spend on gaming by 2025.
(b) A divestment remedy will deliver minimal benefits (if any) based on the
CMA’s provisional findings. The CMA considers it likely that [].
It has
also found that strong indirect network effects mean that publishers will not
license their content to small providers given the costs involved.
has been clear that [].
There is no reason to consider that a
divestment purchaser would act differently to Activision. Even if the divestment
purchaser agreed to a deal with [], the CMA’s evidence demonstrates that a
divestment purchaser would not place Activision content on multiple cloud
gaming platforms available in the UK, given the small scale of such services
and significant costs involved. The technical work required would entail
extensive testing, software adaptation and optimization to enable a game runs
smoothly on a cloud provider’s systems all while ensuring uniformity of the
gaming experience across platforms. This investment is not justified by the size
of the commercial opportunity available.
The consumer benefit from a
divestment would, therefore, be limited. In contrast, Microsoft’s proposed
content licensing remedy ensures access to CoD on multiple cloud gaming
5.21 A divestment remedy will reduce investment and innovation. In considering
dynamic competition, the CMA must also conduct a broader cross-check on incentives
to invest and innovate in the UK, as well as the costs imposed on the Parties. As the
Competition Appeal Tribunal notes [u]nwise intervention can just as easily lessen
Around []% of the usage on console is to try a game before downloading it.
Based on Ampere Analysis and assuming that []% of [] subscribers are on PC. Provisional Findings, paragraph
Total consumer spend includes gross revenues from PC, console, mobile, browser and cloud game streaming. It
excludes advertising and video streaming (e.g., Twitch) revenues. Microsoft bases its estimates on a mix of internal
projections and third-party sources (IDG, Newzoo, IDC, PWC, App Annie, S&P Capital IQ, public filings).
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.237.
Provisional Findings, paragraph 8.65. Depending on the level of integration, there are substantial engineering costs
involved in providing access to a new cloud gaming provider, even one with a BYOG or B2P model.
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competition as an unwise failure to intervene”.
5.22 A divestment remedy will deprive Microsoft of anticipated synergies, which it planned
to invest in new products and services, as well as imposing significant costs.
Microsoft has been clear that the assets, know-how, talent and revenues acquired as part
of the Activision business (including the revenues from distributing CoD on
PlayStation) will be used to facilitate investment in developing new products and
services, particularly in mobile gaming. These assets, talent and know-how includes
CoD: Mobile, which was developed by Activision with Tencent, as well as Warzone
Mobile, which will be launched shortly and []. Without the assets, know-how, talent
and revenues from the Activision business, Microsoft will not be able to develop new
products and services in mobile. The games produced by King are not sufficient for
Microsoft to proceed with this strategy.
5.23 As the loss of these synergies will also harm customers, these are considered in the
context of the loss of RCBs above. Microsoft’s proposed content licensing remedies
address the SLCs identified by the CMA while preserving Microsoft’s ability to invest
and innovate.
6. Conclusion
6.1 Microsoft is proposing a package of licensing remedies which (i) guarantee parity
between the PlayStation and Xbox platforms in respect of CoD and (ii) ensure wide
availability of CoD and other Activision titles on cloud gaming services. These
remedies protect all CoD gamers in the UK and provide substantial benefits to
consumers and developers of roughly £[] billion ($[] billion)
in the UK and
£[] billion globally ($[] billion). These RCBs are substantial compared with any
adverse effects of the Merger, and these benefits would be largely preserved by
behavioural remedies but not by structural remedies. Microsoft therefore believes that
the criteria for the CMA to consider behavioural remedies are met in this case.
Meta Platforms Inc. v CMA [2022] CAT 26, 14 June 2022, paragraph 110.
For completeness, Microsoft notes that the benefit ranges between £[] billion and £[] billion both of which
round up to £[] billion.
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Appendix - []